Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alice.""
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Problematika přístupu a spokojenosti cizinců ke zdravotnímu pojištění (na příkladu České republiky) / The Issue of Satisfaction and Access of Foreigners into the Health Insurance (A Case of the Czech Republic)Kušniráková, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis The Issue of the Satisfaction and Access of Foreigners into the Health Insurance (A Case of the Czech Republic) focuses on the topic of the situation of foreigners residing in Czechia and their access into the social security system, especially into the systems of public or private health insurance systems. The thesis brings to light the system of residences and legal statuses and how they affect the range of rights that foreigners can possess, with special emphasis put on their access into the public or private health insurance systems. It also offers an analysis of both public and private health insurance systems and critically compares them.
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Norek americký (Neovison vison) - biologie invazního druhu. / American mink (Neovison vison) - biology of an invasive species.Hlaváčová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The American mink is considered to be an invasive, alien species across Europe, North Asia and also in South America and now it is perceived as a permanently growing treat for native biodiversity. Mink is an extremely adaptable predator, which achieves to adapt to almost any conditions and different food niches. The aim of this study was to contribute to cognition of biology of this species in Czechomoravian highlands condition. A telemetry study was run between 2004 and 2012 during which in total six individuals (3 males and 3 females) were being monitored on the Sázava River near Havlíčkův Brod. This study was supplemented by usage of photo traps. A couple of finding can be drawn from this study. Mainly, the records show the significant differences between sexes. Males and females differ in home range size, in day/night activity and in length of day movements. The second part of this study was focused on distinguishing tracks of three different species of mustelids: American mink, European mink and Western polecat. In total, 211 tracks obtained from these three species were measured. Seven points on a track has been identified, and the computer program Measuring tracks automatically created 131 parameters. These parameters were processed with canonical discriminant analysis. The results showed...
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Evaluating the effects of invasive alien plants on water availability and usability of lake water in Gauteng ProvinceRwizi, Lameck 08 1900 (has links)
The invasion of ecosystems by alien species is a growing threat to the delivery of ecosystem
services. This study explored the spatial distribution of water hyacinth in the Benoni Lakes
and made analysis of its impact on water availability and usability in order to understand the
evolution and its propagation rates. The study used satellite imagery for lake level modelling
using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for calculations of area covered
by weeds in each lake from 2002 to 2012.The modelling approach illustrates the potential
usefulness in projecting invasive plants under climate change and enabled the quantification
of long term changes in aquatic weeds. The results showed that aquatic infestations in lakes
may be used as powerful predictors of correlations between plant abundance and climate
change. The study therefore informs decision makers to identify areas where invasion is likely
to occur and increase surveillance for early invaders. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)
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Une analyse socio-économique de la gestion et du contrôle des plantes envahissantes dans l’archipel des Mascareignes / A socio-economic analysis of the management and control of invasive plants in the Mascarene ArchipelagoCybèle, Marie Cathleen 03 May 2018 (has links)
Les invasions biologiques font partie des changements globaux qui contribuent à la perte de biodiversité. Les plantes invasives peuvent aussi provoquer des pertes économiques, notamment d'importants coûts pour leur contrôle. Dans l'archipel des Mascareignes plusieurs programmes de gestion ont été mis en place pour contrôler les espèces invasives. La perception du public sur les espèces invasives varie fortement entre les parties prenantes. En raison d'opinions divergentes sur la gestion des invasions, les travaux de recherche et de mise en œuvre de programme de lutte ont récemment généré des conflits d'usage. Ce travail de thèse a permis de conduire une étude pluridisciplinaire sur les dimensions socio-écologiques et économiques de la gestion de Rubus alceifolius, objet d'un programme de contrôle biologique à l'île de La Réunion. Nous avons mené une analyse économique des différentes options de gestion de R. alceifolius et des coûts futurs de son invasion. Nous avons évalué l'impact de la lutte biologique sur le rétablissement des espèces indigènes dans une aire protégée. Le succès économique et écologique du programme de contrôle biologique de R. alceifolius a été démontré dans les habitats d'altitude < 800 m. Afin de comprendre la raison des conflits entre les parties prenantes nous avons parallèlement développé un travail de recherche socio-anthropologique. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence des faiblesses dans le processus de prise de décision et de mise en œuvre collective de ce programme de lutte. Ces travaux de thèse mettent en exergue le besoin crucial d'identifier et d'impliquer les parties prenantes à toutes les étapes du programme de contrôle biologique. / Biological invasions contribute to the degradation of biodiversity globally. Invasive alien plants have impacted on natural resources management and have generated substantial costs of control and economic loss. Various management options have been put in place to control the level of invasions of targeted species. The public’s perception of invasive species varies among stakeholders. Controversies and conflicts emerged as a consequence of diverging opinions on the management of invasions. We conducted an inter-disciplinary study on the socio-ecological and economic dimensions related to the management of the invasive Rubus alceifolius, following a biological control programme in Réunion Island (France). Firstly, we carried out an economic analysis of the management options for R. alceifolius with future scenario on the cost of invasion. Secondly we assessed the impact of the recovery of native species post biological control. Thirdly a socio-anthropological investigation to understand the rationale behind controversies amongst stakeholders, was investigated. Lastly, a gap-analysis of the policy framework corresponding to a biological control programme was conducted. We found that the biological control programme of R. alceifolius was successful within the elevation limit of 800 m, from both an economic and ecological perspective. Given the shortfall in the decision-making process and implementation, this study demonstrated the crucial need to identify and involve stakeholders in all stages of a biological control programme. We concluded with key recommendations for successful biological programmes.
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Contaminação biológica e o uso de animais de montaria no Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó - MG / Biological contamination and horse hiding in the Serra do Cipó National Park MGAndrade, Fabiola Saporiti Angerami de 23 February 2010 (has links)
O Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó tem passado por um importante desafio de manejo que é a definição sobre o uso de animais de montaria por parte dos visitantes. Recentemente, o Governo Brasileiro lançou um documento intitulado Diretrizes para visitação em unidades de conservação o qual dita algumas normas para essa atividade de uso público. No entanto, há questões relevantes de incoerências deste com o Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação. A presença dos animais numa unidade de conservação pode causar diversos impactos ambientais, entre eles, a entrada e dispersão de espécies exóticas causando contaminação biológica em área protegida. Os cavalos e muares utilizados pelos visitantes podem ser veículo de entrada dessas espécies exóticas, seja por meio dos pelos, das patas e também das fezes. Esta investigação teve por objetivo investigar se há relação entre o uso de animais de montaria e a contaminação biológica de gramíneas exóticas pelas fezes dos animais no Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó. Para tanto foram selecionadas duas trilhas do Parque, a do Capão dos Palmitos e a trilha da Farofa, sendo que as mesmas apresentam diferenças relevantes em termos de relevo e de histórico de uso. Com base no trabalho de Campbell e Gibson (2001) definiu-se o método. Em cada uma das trilhas procedeu-se a coleta de fezes eqüinas e de amostras de solo em dois períodos do ano (outono e verão). As amostras foram distribuídas em dois experimentos de germinação, um instalado in situ e outro no Laboratório de Biologia Reprodutiva e Genética de Espécies Arbóreas da ESALQ / USP. Outro experimento, também realizado in situ, verificou a presença de espécies de gramíneas exóticas e de plantas nativas nas áreas de abrangência das duas trilhas. Foram definidos quatro pontos para as amostragens tendo como referência o centro das trilhas, são eles: centro, borda, transição e interior. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas com uso do programa SAS versão 9.3.1. Os resultados mostraram que há maior presença de gramíneas exóticas na trilha da Farofa em relação à trilha do Capão. Na trilha da Farofa houve diferença significativa entre o ponto do centro com os demais. Na trilha do Capão não houve diferença entre os pontos avaliados. As espécies nativas foram encontradas com maior frequência na trilha do Capão. Houve diferença do ponto centro para os demais nas duas trilhas avaliadas. Os resultados obtidos pelas amostras de solos que estavam no experimento controlado em laboratório revelaram que não há diferença na germinação de sementes entre as trilhas. As amostras de fezes, no entanto, mostraram diferença entre as trilhas, sendo que há maior germinação de sementes na trilha da Farofa. Tanto para as amostras de fezes como para as de solo, houve grande diferença para a germinação entre os períodos de outono e de verão. Não houve nenhuma germinação no experimento instalado in situ. / Serra do Cipó National Park has undergone a major management challenge that is the definition of the use of horse riding by the visitors. Recently, the Brazilian Government launched a document entitled Diretrizes para visitação em unidades de conservação (Guidelines for visitation in protected areas) which dictates certain rules for recreation ecology activities. However, there are relevant issues that are incoherent with the Brazilian law for protected areas called the Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação (National System of Conservation Areas). The presence of domestic animals in protected areas can cause several environmental impacts, including the entry of alien species causing biological contamination. The horses used by visitors can be a vehicle of entry of alien species, either through the hair, the legs and also the dung. This research aimed to investigate whether there is a relation between the use of horses and biological contamination of exotic grasses by horses\' dung in the Serra do Cipó National Park. Therefore, we selected two trails of the park which present significant differences in terms of topography and land use history: the Capão dos Palmitos trail and the Farofa trail. The method was defined based on the work of Campbell and Gibson (2001). From each of the tracks were collected equine dung and soil samples in two seasons (autumn and summer). The samples were divided into two experiments, one installed in situ and another at the Laboratory of Reproductive Biology and Genetics of Tree Species of ESALQ / USP. Another experiment, also conducted in situ, verified the presence of exotic grasses and native plants in areas served by the two trails. Four points, which had as reference the center of the trails, were defined for sampling: center, edge, transition and interior. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software, version 9.3.1. The results showed that there has been an increase in the amount of exotic grasses in the trail of Farofa when compared with the path of Capão. On the trail of Farofa significant difference was found among the center point and the others. On the trail of Capão no difference among the points was assessed. The native species were found more frequently on the trail of the Capão. There was a statistical difference between the center points on both trails. The results obtained from soil samples that were in the controlled experiment in the laboratory revealed that there is no difference in germination between the trails. Dung samples, however, showed differences between the tracks, and there is a greater germination in the trail of Farofa. A significant difference in germination between the periods of autumn and summer was found both in the dung samples and in the soil samples. There was no germination in the experiment installed
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Акватични коридори биљних инвазија у Србији / Akvatični koridori biljnih invazija u Srbiji / Aquatic corridors of plant invasions in SerbiaAnđelković Ana 25 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Имајући у виду значај површинских вода у продору и ширењу страних инвазивних врста, циљеви овог рада били су да се представи актуелно стање присуства и дистрибуције акватичних инвазивних биљних врста у површинским копненим водама, анализира степен инвазије рипаријалних зона на подручју Србије, одреди везаност анализираних инвазивних<br />врста за поједине типове станишта у рипаријалу река и канала и анализира утицај различитих станишних и антропогених фактора на присуство и абунданцу 26 одабраних инвазивних таксона. Теренска истраживања вршена су у периоду од 2013. до 2016. године. За потребе овог рада анализирано је 250 локалитета, од чега 217 у рипаријалу 39 река и 33 у рипаријалу шест<br />деоница канала хидросистема Дунав-Тиса-Дунав. Уз податке о бројности и<br />покровности заступљених биљних врста, сакупљани су и подаци о типу станишта (у складу са EUNIS класификацијом), релевантним физичким и<br />хидроморфолошким карактеристикама истраживаних водотокова и доминантним антропогеним утицајима на истраживаном локалитету (у складу са стандардним протоколом RHS методе). Статистичка обрада података вршена је у софтверу CANOCO 5.0, применом анализе главних компоненти (РСА), канонијскe коресподентнe анализе (CCA) и анализе редундантности (RDA). На територији Србије забележено је присуство осам акватичних инвазивних биљних врстаПрема броју налаза истичу се врсте Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides и Elodea nuttallii. Примарно су заступљене у текућим,<br />у односу на стајаће воде, при чему се мрежа канала ХС ДТД и речни токови који припадају сливу Дунава могу сматрати основним акватичним коридорима њиховог ширења. Од 26 таксона инвазивних биљака чије је присуство праћено и анализирано у рипаријалним подручјима, таксони са<br />највећим бројем налаза су <em> Xanthium strumarium</em> subsp. <em>italicum, Amorpha</em> <em>fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia и Echinochloa crus-galli.</em> Речни сливови Дунава, Јужне Мораве, Западне Мораве и Тимока истичу се по заступљености истраживаних таксона. На основу података о дистрибуцији, бројности и покровности анализираних таксона сливови Дунава, Колубаре и Западне Мораве издвојили су се као коридори ширења највећег броја<br />истраживаних таксона. Четири типа станишта издвојила су се према<br />заступљености инвазивних биљних врста. Таксони који су забележени у највећем броју типова станишта су: <em>Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, </em> <em>Robinia pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli </em> и <em>Xanthium strumarium subsp</em>. <em>italicum.</em> Као резултат нумеричких анализа издвојени су физички и<br />хидроморфолошки параметри истраживаних водотокова и доминантни антропогени утицаји који на истраживаном локалитетима утичу на присуство и абунданцу анализираних таксона. У условима глобалних климатских промена може се очекивати да ће се у наредном периоду под снажним притиском ширења и доминације инвазивних врста наћи сливови Саве, Велике Мораве и Јужне Мораве. У рипаријалним областима на југозападу наше земље (долине Лима, Ибра и њихових притока) као и рипаријалним зонама планинских и високопланинских области такође је очекивано да ће доћи до повећања броја присутних инвазивних врста и њиховог даљег ширења.</p> / <p>Imajući u vidu značaj površinskih voda u prodoru i širenju stranih invazivnih vrsta, ciljevi ovog rada bili su da se predstavi aktuelno stanje prisustva i distribucije akvatičnih invazivnih biljnih vrsta u površinskim kopnenim vodama, analizira stepen invazije riparijalnih zona na području Srbije, odredi vezanost analiziranih invazivnih<br />vrsta za pojedine tipove staništa u riparijalu reka i kanala i analizira uticaj različitih stanišnih i antropogenih faktora na prisustvo i abundancu 26 odabranih invazivnih taksona. Terenska istraživanja vršena su u periodu od 2013. do 2016. godine. Za potrebe ovog rada analizirano je 250 lokaliteta, od čega 217 u riparijalu 39 reka i 33 u riparijalu šest<br />deonica kanala hidrosistema Dunav-Tisa-Dunav. Uz podatke o brojnosti i<br />pokrovnosti zastupljenih biljnih vrsta, sakupljani su i podaci o tipu staništa (u skladu sa EUNIS klasifikacijom), relevantnim fizičkim i<br />hidromorfološkim karakteristikama istraživanih vodotokova i dominantnim antropogenim uticajima na istraživanom lokalitetu (u skladu sa standardnim protokolom RHS metode). Statistička obrada podataka vršena je u softveru CANOCO 5.0, primenom analize glavnih komponenti (RSA), kanonijske korespodentne analize (CCA) i analize redundantnosti (RDA). Na teritoriji Srbije zabeleženo je prisustvo osam akvatičnih invazivnih biljnih vrstaPrema broju nalaza ističu se vrste Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides i Elodea nuttallii. Primarno su zastupljene u tekućim,<br />u odnosu na stajaće vode, pri čemu se mreža kanala HS DTD i rečni tokovi koji pripadaju slivu Dunava mogu smatrati osnovnim akvatičnim koridorima njihovog širenja. Od 26 taksona invazivnih biljaka čije je prisustvo praćeno i analizirano u riparijalnim područjima, taksoni sa<br />najvećim brojem nalaza su <em> Xanthium strumarium</em> subsp. <em>italicum, Amorpha</em> <em>fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia i Echinochloa crus-galli.</em> Rečni slivovi Dunava, Južne Morave, Zapadne Morave i Timoka ističu se po zastupljenosti istraživanih taksona. Na osnovu podataka o distribuciji, brojnosti i pokrovnosti analiziranih taksona slivovi Dunava, Kolubare i Zapadne Morave izdvojili su se kao koridori širenja najvećeg broja<br />istraživanih taksona. Četiri tipa staništa izdvojila su se prema<br />zastupljenosti invazivnih biljnih vrsta. Taksoni koji su zabeleženi u najvećem broju tipova staništa su: <em>Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, </em> <em>Robinia pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli </em> i <em>Xanthium strumarium subsp</em>. <em>italicum.</em> Kao rezultat numeričkih analiza izdvojeni su fizički i<br />hidromorfološki parametri istraživanih vodotokova i dominantni antropogeni uticaji koji na istraživanom lokalitetima utiču na prisustvo i abundancu analiziranih taksona. U uslovima globalnih klimatskih promena može se očekivati da će se u narednom periodu pod snažnim pritiskom širenja i dominacije invazivnih vrsta naći slivovi Save, Velike Morave i Južne Morave. U riparijalnim oblastima na jugozapadu naše zemlje (doline Lima, Ibra i njihovih pritoka) kao i riparijalnim zonama planinskih i visokoplaninskih oblasti takođe je očekivano da će doći do povećanja broja prisutnih invazivnih vrsta i njihovog daljeg širenja.</p> / <p>Bearing in mind the significance of inland surface waters for the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS), the aims of this research were to present the contemporary records of aquatic invasive plant species in surface waters, analyse the level of invasion of riparian areas in Serbia, determine the habitat preferences of the analysed IAS and determine the effects of different habitat characteristics and anthropogenic influences on the presence and bundance of the 26 analysed invasive plants. Field research was conducted during the 2013-2016 period. A total of 250 field sites were analysed as part of this research, 217 in the riparian zones of 39 rivers and 33 in the riparian zones of six canal sections of the hydrosystem Danube-Tisa-Danube (HS DTD). In addition to data on the cover and abundance of the analysed plant species, data on habitat type (following the EUNIS classification), relevant physical and hydromorhological parameters of the studied watercourses and dominant anthropogenic influences an analysed field sites were recorded (following the standard RHS protocol). Statistical data analysis was done in CANOCO 5.0 software, using the principal component analysis (PCA), canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA). Eight aquatic invasive plant species were recorded for the territory of Serbia. Species with the highest number of records were: Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides and Elodea nuttallii. They are primarily present in running, in comparison with standing waters, and the canal network of the HS DTD and rivers of the Danube catchment area are considered to be their main aquatic corridor of spread. Of the 26 invasive plant taxa whose presence was recorded and analysed in the riparian areas of Serbia,Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum, Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia and Echinochloa crus- galli were taxa with the highest number of records.Catchment areas of the Danube, Južna Morava, Zapadna Morava and Timok rivers were characterised by the highest levels of invasion. Based on their distribution data, cover and abundance of the analysed taxa, catchment areas of the Danube, Kolubara and Zapadna Morava rivers are highlighted as the main corridors of spread for the majority of the studied IAS. Four habitat types stand out by the number of analysed IAS. Taxa which were recorded in the highest number of habitat types are: Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli and Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum. A number of physical and hydromorphological parameters and dominant anthropogenic influences of the studied field sites were shown to affect the presence and abundance of the studied invasive plants. The catchment areas of the Sava, Velika Morava and Južna Morava rivers are excpected to be under a strong pressure of the spread and dominance of IAS unnder the conditions of global climate changes. Riparian areas in the southwestern parts of Serbia (valleys of Lim and Ibar rivers and their tributaries) and riparian zones in the mountain and high- mountain areas are also expected to experience an increase in the number of invasive species and their spread rates.</p>
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Cultivating indifference : an anthropological analysis of Australia's policy of mandatory detention, its rhetoric, practices and bureaucratic enactmentMalavaux, Claire January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is based on a particular domain of anthropological inquiry, the anthropology of policy, which proposes that policy be contemplated as an ethnographic object itself. The policy I consider is Australia's refugee policy, which advocates the mandatory detention of
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Determinants of the introduction, naturalisation, and spread of Trifolium species in New ZealandGravuer, Kelly January 2004 (has links)
Two conceptual approaches which offer promise for improved understanding of biological invasions are conceptualizing the invasion process as a series of distinct stages and explicitly incorporating human actions into analyses. This study explores the utility of these approaches for understanding the invasion of Trifolium (true clover) species in New Zealand. From the published literature, I collected a range of Trifolium species attributes, including aspects of global transport and use by humans, opportunistic association with humans in New Zealand, native range attributes, habitat characteristics, and biological traits. I also searched historical records to estimate the extent to which each species had been planted in New Zealand, a search facilitated by the enormous importance of Trifolium in New Zealand's pastoral agriculture system. Regression analysis and structural equation modelling were then used to relate these variables to success at each invasion stage. Fifty-four of the 228 species in the genus Trifolium were intentionally introduced to New Zealand. Species introduced for commercial agriculture were characterised by a large number of economic uses and presence in Britain, while species introduced for horticulture or experimental agriculture were characterised by a large native range area. Nine of these 54 intentionally introduced species subsequently naturalised in New Zealand. The species that successfully naturalised were those that had been planted extensively by humans and that were well-matched to the New Zealand climate. A further 16 species (from the pool of 174 species that were never intentionally introduced) arrived and naturalised in New Zealand without any recorded intentional aid of humans. Several attributes appeared to assist species in unintentional introduction-naturalisation, including a good match to the New Zealand climate, a large native range area, presence in human-influenced habitats, a widespread distribution in Britain, and self-pollination capability. The 25 total naturalised species varied greatly in their current distributions and in the rates at which they had spread to achieve those distributions. Species that had spread quickly and are currently more widespread had been frequent contaminants in the pasture seed supply and have a long flowering period in New Zealand. Other biological traits and native range attributes played supporting roles in the spread process. Attributes facilitating success clearly varied among invasion stages. Humans played a dominant role at all stages of this invasion, although biological traits had increasing importance as a species moved through the invasion sequence. My findings suggest that incorporation of human actions and the stage-based framework provide valuable insight into the invasion process. I discuss potential avenues by which these approaches might be integrated into predictive invasion models.
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Cultivating indifference : an anthropological analysis of Australia's policy of mandatory detention, its rhetoric, practices and bureaucratic enactmentMalavaux, Claire January 2007 (has links)
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Modelling the proximal source of intercepted exotic insectsGuichard, Sylvain January 2009 (has links)
Biological invasions are major threats to any nation’s economy and biodiversity. To detect new biological incursions of some species biosecurity agencies deploy pheromone sentinel traps for targeted species at high risk sites such as airports, seaports and transitional facilities. A good example is the gypsy moth surveillance program in New Zealand. Following the detection of an incursion by an unwanted organism, ground-based searches to locate the source can be very expensive, but are essential to identify the introduction pathway and to increase the chances of success eradicating the unwanted organism. In such circumstances, the possibility of better targeting the search for the source of the incursion using a modelling approach is worthy of investigation A stochastic mechanistic model to hindcast moth flight from a recapture location to the release location was developed based on insect behaviour in response to wind and pheromones. The model was composed of two main processes, 1) downwind dispersal, assumed to result from an appetitive behaviour, indicated by an analysis of a previous mark-release-recapture experiment on painted apple moth (Teia anartoides, Walker) and, 2) anemotaxic dispersal inspired by pheromone anemotaxis theory but up-scaled from a fine-scaled behaviour model to a 2 m scale. A genetic algorithm was used to fit some model parameters. A specialised fitness function was developed to allow the genetic algorithm to identify parameters that resulted in models that reflected both the spread and density patterns in the trapping data. The resulting function allowed the stochastic model results to be compared with the inherently stochastic trapping data. The resulting individual based model simulates the spatio-temporal dispersal pattern of painted apple moth recorded during a previous mark-release-recapture experiment. While the proposed model is shown to have limitations with respect to accuracy and precision it is also demonstrated to greatly improve biosecurity incursion response capability, by more efficient targeting of search effort for the proximal source of an incursion.
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