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Oxidação direta do etileno glicol sobre catalisadores eletroquímicos binários à base de Pt, Pd, e Sn suportados em carbono para aplicação em células alcalinas / Direct oxidation of ethylene glycol by binary electrochemical catalysts based on Pt, Pd and Sn supported on carbon substrate for application in alkaline fuel cellsLeticia Lopes de Souza 15 June 2016 (has links)
Os catalisadores eletroquímicos binários de PtSn/C, PdSn/C e PtPd/C foram sintetizados em diferentes proporções pelo método da redução via borohidreto, posteriormente estes foram caracterizados por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, difração de raios X, espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (PtSn/C e PdSn/C) e energia dispersiva de raios X. As atividades eletroquímicas dos diferentes materiais preparados foram avaliadas por intermédio de voltametria cíclica, cronoamperometria e curvas de polarização em célula a combustível alimentada diretamente por etileno glicol em eletrólito alcalino. As curvas de densidade de potência indicaram que os catalisadores eletroquímicos contendo Sn e Pd são mais ativos para a reação de oxidação do etileno glicol, especialmente a composição 70%:30% - relação molar entre os metais suportados em carbono - dos catalisadores PtSn/C, PdSn/C e PtPd/C todos superando as medidas de potência do Pt/C. Este resultado indica que a adição de Sn e Pd favorece a oxidação do etileno glicol em meio alcalino. O melhor desempenho observado para os catalisadores eletroquímicos PtSn/C, PdSn/C e PtPd/C (70%:30%) poderia estar associado à sua maior seletividade quanto a formação de oxalato, ou seja , a formação deste produto resulta em um maior número de elétrons, por consequência em maiores valores de corrente. / Binary electrochemical catalysts PtSn/C, PdSn/C and PtPd/C were synthesized in different proportions by the method of reduction via borohydride. These were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (PtSn/C and PdSn/C) and energy dispersive X-ray. The electrochemical activities of the different materials prepared were evaluated by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and polarization curves for fuel cell powered directly by ethylene glycol in an alkaline electrolyte. Power density curves indicated that the electrochemical catalysts Sn-containing or Pd-containing are more active for ethylene glycol oxidation reaction, particularly the (70%:30%) composition of PtSn/C, PdSn/C and PtPd/C, all of them exceeding power measurements of Pt/C. These results indicate that the addition of Sn and Pd promotes the oxidation of ethylene glycol in an alkaline medium and this improved performance may be associated with a higher selectivity for the formation of oxalate that results in a larger number of electrons, consequently enhancing the current values.
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Ensaios estáticos e cinéticos para a prevenção da geração de drenagem ácida de minas na mineração de carvão com cinzas de termoelétrica e escória de aciariaMachado, Luciana Angelita January 2007 (has links)
A Drenagem Ácida de Mina (DAM) é proveniente da oxidação natural de materiais sulfetados quando em contato com o ar e com a água. Este problema atinge em alto grau a mineração de carvão. A DAM advém principalmente de depósitos de rejeitos de carvão que contém uma alta concentração de pirita (FeS2). Uma das tecnologias de prevenção da geração da DAM consiste no método de aditivos alcalinos. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar, em estudos de laboratório, o controle da DAM pela mistura de um rejeito de carvão com um resíduo industrial alcalino. O rejeito de carvão estudado foi obtido de uma mineração de carvão do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil. Os resíduos alcalinos avaliados foram cinzas leves e de fundos de termoelétricas bem como escórias de uma usina siderúrgica semi-integrada, situadas no mesmo Estado. Determinou-se o potencial de geração de acidez e o potencial de neutralização dos materiais pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases. Após, realizaram-se ensaios cinéticos em células úmidas pelo Método ASTM D 5744-96. Os resultados demonstram que o rejeito de carvão gera DAM. Contudo, os problemas ambientais podem ser em grande parte resolvidos pela mistura do rejeito com as cinzas de termoelétrica em uma proporção de 1:4 ou pela mistura do rejeito com a escória de aciaria em uma proporção de 4,8:1. Os ensaios cinéticos demonstram que, nesta condição, ocorre um aumento do pH e uma redução na liberação de acidez, metais e sulfatos na água lixiviada. Desta forma, foi demonstrada que a disposição conjunta de rejeitos de carvão com materiais alcalinos é uma alternativa viável para o controle da geração de DAM em minerações de carvão. / The Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is the result of the natural oxidation of sulphide minerals when exposed to the combined action of water and oxygen. This problem reaches in high degree the coal mining. Sources of AMD are mainly the coal waste deposits that contain high pyrite (FeS2) concentrations. One of the technologies to prevent the AMD consists in the alkaline additive method. Thus, the aim of this work was to study, at laboratory scale, the AMD control by blending coal tailings with alkaline wastes. A coal-tailing sample was collected from a coal mine in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The alkaline wastes were bottom and fly ashes from thermoelectric plants and slags from a semi-integrated steel plant, both located in the same State. Static tests were carried out by the acid-base account method to determine the balance between the acid producing and acid consuming (neutralizing) mineral components of the sample. Later, kinetic tests were conducted in humidity cells, following the ASTM D 5744-96 method. The results showed that the coal tailing generates AMD. However, the environmental problems can be minimized by mixing the coal waste with bottom ash in 1:4 proportion or by mixing coal tailing with the metallurgical slag in a 4,8:1 proportion. The kinetic experiments proved that, in this condition, the lixiviate presents a higher pH and lower concentration of acidity, metals and sulphate. Finally, it is possible to conclude that blending coal tailings with alkaline wastes can be a viable alternative for DAM control in coal mining.
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Desenvolvimento de eletrocatalisadores de PdM (M= Ni, Cu, Ag) para reação de redução de oxigênio em meio básico na ausência e presença de álcool / Development of PdM (M = Ni, Cu, Ag) electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium in the absence and presence of alcoholIsidoro, Roberta Alvarenga 16 December 2015 (has links)
Eletrocatalisadores baseados em Pd/C, PdCu/C, PdNi/C e PdAg/C foram produzidos pelo método de micro-ondas para serem utilizados como cátodo na célula a combustível alcalina na ausência e presença de álcool. Este método se mostrou bastante efetivo para a produção dos materiais, uma vez que as partículas apresentaram boa dispersão no suporte de carbono e produziram eletrocatalisadores com tamanho de partícula em torno de 3,5 nm, de acordo com as análises de DRX e MET. A partir das voltametrias cíclicas observa-se que para os eletrocatalisadores de PdCu/C e PdNi/C quanto maior a quantidade de Cu ou Ni, respectivamente, maior a área ativa do material estudado. Análises de disco anel rotatório foram realizadas nos eletrocatalisadores demonstrando que, independente da composição estudada, a quantidade produzida de peróxido foi de no máximo 4%. Estes dados corroboram com as inclinação das retas nas análises de Koutecky-Levich, uma vez que em ambos os casos a RRO ocorre via 4 elétrons. Análises de estabilidade dos materiais demonstraram que todos eles mantiveram ou melhoraram seu desempenho diante da RRO, quando se compara os dados obtidos antes e depois de 1000 ciclos voltamétricos. Testes de tolerância ao metanol e etanol foram realizados em meia célula com todas as composições de eletrocatalisadores produzidos. Na presença tanto de metanol quanto de etanol as composições atômica de 50:50, para todos os materiais estudados, foram as que demonstraram menor influência da presença do álcool durante a varredura linear da RRO. Nas medidas realizadas em célula unitária, com relação à tolerância ao metanol durante a RRO, o eletrocatalisador que demonstrou melhor desempenho foi o PdAg/C 70:30 enquanto que na presença de etanol o eletrocatalisador que demonstrou melhor desempenho foi o PdNi/C 70:30. / Pd/C, PdCu/C, PdNi/C and PdAg/C electrocatalysts were produced by microwave method to be used as cathode in alkaline fuel cell in the absence and presence of alcohol. This method showed to be effective for the materials production, the particles exhibited good dispersion in carbon support and it produced electrocatalysts with a particle size of about 3.5 nm, according to XRD and TEM analysis. In cyclic voltammetry is observed that PdCu/C and PdNi/C electrocatalysts has higher active area with higher amount of Cu and Ni, respectively. Rotating ring disk analysis in the electrocatalysts showed that the amount of peroxide produced was at most 4%. This data is similar to Koutecky-Levich analysis, once for both the ORR occurs via 4 electrons. Materials stability analysis showed that they kept or improve performance in ORR, comparing the data before and after 1000 voltammetric cycles. Tolerance tests in methanol and ethanol were performed in a half cell in all electrocatalysts compositions. In presence of methanol and ethanol the compositions 50:50, to all materials studied, showed less influence in the presence of alcohol in ORR linear scan. In alkaline fuel cell PdAg/C 70:30 showed better performance for ORR in presence of methanol and PdNi/C 70:30 showed better performance for ORR in ethanol presence.
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Investigação geofísica dos complexos alcalinos do sul e sudeste do Brasil / Geophysical investigation of alkalis rocks in south and southeast from BrazilRugenski, André 17 April 2006 (has links)
Os complexos alcalinos de forma geral geralmente apresentam trabalhos de cunho geológico. Raramente são apresentados estudos que englobam vários complexos alcalinos. Almeida e Ulbrich são autores que conseguiram realizar o estudo de vários complexos do ponto de vista tectônico e petrográfico. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar, do ponto de vista geofísico, vários complexos alcalinos. Como o número de complexos localizados no Brasil é enorme, houve uma dificuldade em analisar um numero muito grande, haja visto que para analisar os complexos é necessário coletar dados sobre os corpos. Nesse trabalho são apresentados dados gravimétricos e magnéticos sobre 12 complexos alcalinos. Em alguns casos não houve resposta gravimétrica de alguns complexos alcalinos, no entanto o magnético geralmente apresentou resposta, já que a maior parte desses complexos é enriquecido em minerais ferrimagnéticos. Poços de Caldas foi uma exceção não apresentando resposta magnética equivalente aos demais complexos estudados. Alguns parâmetros como massa e volume foram determinados através do modelamento 3D dos dados gravimétricos e magnéticos. A distribuição de massa para cada complexo alcalino modelado indica a tendência de alojamento de cada corpo ao longo de estruturas como falhas, zonas de charneira, arcos, entre outros. Cada complexo foi estudado independentemente formando capítulos independentes. / The alkaline complexes are show in this work, bring of geophysical analyses. Rarely are presented studies that encompass several alkaline complexes. Almeida and Ulbrich are authors who have achieved the study of various complexes of the viewpoint, and tectonic petrographic. This study aimed to analyze several complex using geophysical methods, as well as, gravity, magnetics, radiometric and remote sensor. As the number of complex located in Brazil is enormous, there a difficulty in analyzing a very large number, knowing that to analyze complexes is necessary to collect data on the bodies. In this work are presented on gravity and magnetic data 12 alkaline complexes. In some cases there was no response gravimetric some complexes alkali, but the magnetic usually presented response, since most of these complexes is enriched in minerals ferrimagnetic. Wells Caldas was an exception showing no response magnetic equivalent to the other complexes studied. Some parameters such as mass and volume were determined via 3D modeling of gravity and magnetic data. The mass distribution for each modeled alkaline complex indicates the tendency of each housing body over structures such as faults, zones hinge arches, among others. Each complex was studied independently forming chapters independente.
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Identifying Patients with Cancer at Risk of Experiencing a Fall While HospitalizedHeaton, Joann M 20 May 2008 (has links)
Inpatient falls are the most reported incidents in the acute care setting. Symptoms associated with a diagnosis of cancer and treatment may increase risk for falls. The objectives of this study were to identify the risk factors, and the most common risk factors, of adult patients with cancer who fell while hospitalized. A retrospective, matched, case-control audit of electronic medical records and occurrence reports was conducted for 30 patients who fell and 30 patients who did not fall while under the care of the inpatient oncology unit in a community hospital. Fall subjects and controls were matched by cancer diagnosis and age. Results of the study (N = 30) revealed altered cognition (p = .010), muscular weakness (p = .037), and a history of a fall in the past six months (p = .045) as statistically significant fall risk factors. The audit of the electronic medical records revealed variations in the nursing documentation of fall risk factors that could increase the chance of assessments being omitted or communicated inaccurately to other members of the care team. Additional studies are needed to examine risk factors for falls in hospitalized oncology patient populations.
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Consumption of endophyte-infected tall fescue results in a syndrome of negatively altered physiological systems, collectively known as fescue toxicosis. Another challenge to endophyte-infected tall fescue -based beef cattle operations is that the soils often are selenium (Se) poor, necessitating the need to provide supplemental Se. To test the general hypothesis that different forms of supplemental Se would ameliorate the negative effects of fescue toxicosis, predominately-Angus steers (BW = 183 ± 34 kg) were randomly selected from herds of fall-calving cows grazing an endophyte-infected tall fescue pasture and consuming vitamin-mineral mixes that contained 35 ppm Se as sodium selenite (ISe), SELPLEX (OSe), or an 1:1 blend of ISe and OSe (MIX). Steers were commonly weaned and depleted of Se for 98 d. Steers were assigned (n = 8 per treatment) to the same Se-form treatments upon which they were raised and subjected to summer-long common grazing of an endophyte-infected tall fescue pasture (0.51 ppm ergot alkaloids: ergovaline plus ergovalinine; 10.1 ha). Selenium treatments were administered by daily top-dressing 85 g of vitamin-mineral mix onto 0.23 kg soyhulls, using in-pasture Calan gates. The first project objective was to determine the effect of forms of supplemental Se on whole blood Se, serum prolactin, liver glutamine synthetase (GS) activity, carcass parameters, and growth performance (Experiment 1). In Experiment 1, whole blood Se increased for all treatments from day 0 to 22 and then did not change. Across periods, MIX and OSe steers had greater whole blood Se than ISe steer. Compared to ISe steers, MIX and OSe steers had more serum prolactin. Liver GS mRNA, protein content, and activity were greater in MIX and OSe steers than ISe steers. However, the ADG and carcass parameters were not affected by Se treatments. The second project objective was to determine the effect of forms of supplemental Se on serum clinical parameters of Experiment 1 steers (Experiment 2). In Experiment 2, across periods, MIX steers had more serum albumin than OSe, and ISe steers, respectively. Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was greater in MIX and OSe steers. In addition, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum sodium, phosphorus, and magnesium concentration were affected by Se treatments. Partial correlation analysis revealed that serum albumin, BUN, and ALP activity were correlated with whole blood Se concentration. The third project objective was to evaluate the hepatic transcriptome profiles of Experiment 1 steers using microarray and targeted RT-PCR analyses (Experiment 3). In Experiment 3, bioinformatic analysis of microarray data indicated that hepatic glutamate/glutamine, proline, arginine, and citrulline metabolism was affected by different forms of supplemental Se. The mRNA expression of critical proteins involved in glutamate/glutamine (GLS2, GLUD1, GLUL), proline (PYCR1, ALDH18A1), and urea (ARG1, ARG2, OAT, NAGS, OTC, ORNT1) metabolism were differentially expressed by Se treatments. Collectively, we conclude that consumption of 3 mg Se/d as OSe or MIX forms of Se in vitamin-mineral mixes 1) increased whole blood Se content, an indicator of greater whole-body Se assimilation; 2) increased serum prolactin, albumin, and ALP, the reduction of which are hallmarks of fescue toxicosis; and 3) altered hepatic nitrogen metabolism, as indicated by changes in key enzymes of glutamate/glutamine, proline, and urea metabolism. However, 4) these positive effects on metabolic parameters were not accompanied by increased growth performance.
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The single source chemical vapour deposition of alkaline earth metal oxide thin filmsHill, Matthew Roland, Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
Metal oxide thin films are dynamic materials that have revolutionised the nature of semiconductor and electronic thin film devices. Recently, progress has stagnated in some aspects due to the increasingly complex deposition apparatus required, and the dearth of suitable precursor complexes of certain ???difficult??? metals. This thesis seeks to address both of these issues. The application of a precursor complex, Mg6(O2CNEt2)12 to the SSCVD of MgO thin films delivered the highest quality films ever reported with this technique. The resultant films were found to be of purely (111) orientation. Due to the nature of the precursor, the chemical reactions occurring at the surface during SSCVD growth result in a high growth rate, low flux environment and films of (111) orientation have been achieved without the amorphous underlayer. This finding has important implications for buffer layers in perovskite thin film devices. The unprecedented precursor chemistry has been used as a basis for the extremely high quality material produced, along with the unusual, yet beneficial structural morphology it possesses. A new range of barium complexes with single encapsulating ligands have been prepared for use in chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of BaTiO3 thin films. A novel pathway to an unprecedented class of barium carbamates is reported, and also new dianionic bis ??-ketoesterates and their barium, strontium, and calcium analogues were synthesised. High resolution mass spectrometry showed the barium bis ??-ketoesterate derivatives to be monomeric, and preliminary testing indicated some volatility in these species. Insights were gained into the likely successful pathways to building a volatile heterobimetallic precursor complex containing an alkaline earth metal. The knowledge of intimate mixing in heterobimetallic precursor complexes was extended by some novel chemistry to develop the first mixed Zn/Mg carbamato cluster complexes. These complexes were found to be excellent SSCVD precursors for ZnxMg1-xO thin films. Thin films were deposited with these precursors and exhibited a single preferred orientation, with a constant amount of magnesium throughout the bulk of the films. Investigation of the light emission properties of the films revealed significant improvements in the structural order commensurate with the incorporation of magnesium, and the formation of the ZnxMg1-xO alloy.
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Quality characteristics of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Surimi and Kamaboko and the role of Sarcaoplasmic ProteinsJafarpour Khozaghi, Seyed Ali, ali.jafarpour@rmit.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
This study was carried out to determine the characteristics of common carp surimi. In Australia, common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is an environmental pest, strongly coloured (dark-muscle fish), large (2-3 kg), low cost (AUD 2.5/kg) and not highly valued as it is every where else. Surimi could add value to carp, but the colour would have to be modified as surimi manufacturers prefer white coloured flesh. So, firstly the efficiency of Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2; 1-3% v/v) solution at alkaline side of pH (7.0-11.5) on whitening of light fillets of common carp was examined. The whiteness (L*-3b*) of surimi produced from treated (3% H2O2, pH 8.2) common carp light fillets was significantly (p less than 0.05) greater than that of threadfin bream surimi and was not significantly different to that of Alaska pollock. Based on a temperature sweep test, a similar pattern in G of tested surimi was observed which started at ca. 47?C and was completed at ca. 73-74?C. However, thread fin bream kamaboko showed better texture profile characteristics (hardness and gel strength) than that of the other kamaboko tested. To improve the quality of common carp surimi and kamaboko, alternative methods were applied such as modified conventional method (MCM), alkaline-aided method (AAM) and pH modified method (PMM) and the resultant surimi and kamaboko were compared with those produced by the traditional method (TM). In MCM each washing cycle was followed by a centrifugation step for a more effective dewatering and removal of sarcoplasmic proteins (Sp-P). Kamaboko prepared from MCM was whiter and had significantly (p less than 0.05) improved textural characteristics (hardness and gel strength) than that from TM, AAM and PMM. Furthermore, SEM of surimi and kamaboko showed higher number of polygonal structure/mm2 in the gel matrix of MCM kamaboko, as a result of more cross-linking of the myofibrillar proteins, than that recorded for TM, AAM and PMM samples tested. Finally, this study examined the effect of adding common carp sarcoplasmic proteins (Sp-P) on the gel characteristics of threadfin bream surimi and kamaboko. Based on the temperature sweep test, the depths of the valley in the G thermograph of the gels decreased as the concentration of added Sp-P increased from 5% to 35%. Storage modulus (G) of the gels showed greater elasticity in the samples with added Sp-P compared with the control samples without added Sp-P. Furthermore, the breaking force and breaking distance and consequently gel strength of the resultant kamaboko were improved, significantly (p less than 0.05) with added Sp-P. Thus, added Sp-P did not interfere with the gelling of myofibrillar proteins during sol-gel transition phase and was associated with textural quality enhancement for the resultant kamaboko. However, the addition of freeze-dried Sp-P from the dark muscle of the carp decreased the whiteness of the resultant surimi. Furthermore, the gel strength could not be associated with either the number of polygonal structures/mm2 or the area of the polygonal structures.
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The single source chemical vapour deposition of alkaline earth metal oxide thin filmsHill, Matthew Roland, Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
Metal oxide thin films are dynamic materials that have revolutionised the nature of semiconductor and electronic thin film devices. Recently, progress has stagnated in some aspects due to the increasingly complex deposition apparatus required, and the dearth of suitable precursor complexes of certain ???difficult??? metals. This thesis seeks to address both of these issues. The application of a precursor complex, Mg6(O2CNEt2)12 to the SSCVD of MgO thin films delivered the highest quality films ever reported with this technique. The resultant films were found to be of purely (111) orientation. Due to the nature of the precursor, the chemical reactions occurring at the surface during SSCVD growth result in a high growth rate, low flux environment and films of (111) orientation have been achieved without the amorphous underlayer. This finding has important implications for buffer layers in perovskite thin film devices. The unprecedented precursor chemistry has been used as a basis for the extremely high quality material produced, along with the unusual, yet beneficial structural morphology it possesses. A new range of barium complexes with single encapsulating ligands have been prepared for use in chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of BaTiO3 thin films. A novel pathway to an unprecedented class of barium carbamates is reported, and also new dianionic bis ??-ketoesterates and their barium, strontium, and calcium analogues were synthesised. High resolution mass spectrometry showed the barium bis ??-ketoesterate derivatives to be monomeric, and preliminary testing indicated some volatility in these species. Insights were gained into the likely successful pathways to building a volatile heterobimetallic precursor complex containing an alkaline earth metal. The knowledge of intimate mixing in heterobimetallic precursor complexes was extended by some novel chemistry to develop the first mixed Zn/Mg carbamato cluster complexes. These complexes were found to be excellent SSCVD precursors for ZnxMg1-xO thin films. Thin films were deposited with these precursors and exhibited a single preferred orientation, with a constant amount of magnesium throughout the bulk of the films. Investigation of the light emission properties of the films revealed significant improvements in the structural order commensurate with the incorporation of magnesium, and the formation of the ZnxMg1-xO alloy.
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The single source chemical vapour deposition of alkaline earth metal oxide thin filmsHill, Matthew Roland, Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
Metal oxide thin films are dynamic materials that have revolutionised the nature of semiconductor and electronic thin film devices. Recently, progress has stagnated in some aspects due to the increasingly complex deposition apparatus required, and the dearth of suitable precursor complexes of certain ???difficult??? metals. This thesis seeks to address both of these issues. The application of a precursor complex, Mg6(O2CNEt2)12 to the SSCVD of MgO thin films delivered the highest quality films ever reported with this technique. The resultant films were found to be of purely (111) orientation. Due to the nature of the precursor, the chemical reactions occurring at the surface during SSCVD growth result in a high growth rate, low flux environment and films of (111) orientation have been achieved without the amorphous underlayer. This finding has important implications for buffer layers in perovskite thin film devices. The unprecedented precursor chemistry has been used as a basis for the extremely high quality material produced, along with the unusual, yet beneficial structural morphology it possesses. A new range of barium complexes with single encapsulating ligands have been prepared for use in chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of BaTiO3 thin films. A novel pathway to an unprecedented class of barium carbamates is reported, and also new dianionic bis ??-ketoesterates and their barium, strontium, and calcium analogues were synthesised. High resolution mass spectrometry showed the barium bis ??-ketoesterate derivatives to be monomeric, and preliminary testing indicated some volatility in these species. Insights were gained into the likely successful pathways to building a volatile heterobimetallic precursor complex containing an alkaline earth metal. The knowledge of intimate mixing in heterobimetallic precursor complexes was extended by some novel chemistry to develop the first mixed Zn/Mg carbamato cluster complexes. These complexes were found to be excellent SSCVD precursors for ZnxMg1-xO thin films. Thin films were deposited with these precursors and exhibited a single preferred orientation, with a constant amount of magnesium throughout the bulk of the films. Investigation of the light emission properties of the films revealed significant improvements in the structural order commensurate with the incorporation of magnesium, and the formation of the ZnxMg1-xO alloy.
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