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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of using a dialogical argumentation instructional model to teach grade 11 learners some concepts of sound by means of indigenous musical instruments

Angaama, Daniel Angwe January 2012 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / Two grade 11 classes of two high schools in Cape Town were taught some concepts of sound by means of indigenous musical instruments. The purpose was to find out the relative effects (or none) of two instructional strategies. Toulmin (1958)’s Argumentation Pattern, Ogunniyi (1997)’s Contiguity Argumentation Theory and Reiner et al. (2000)’s Substance Schema formed the theoretical framework. A pre-post-test quasi-experimental design was employed and data collated using questionnaires, a sound conceptual test, argumentation worksheets, and classroom observation schedules. One teacher taught the experimental group using dialogical argumentation while another teacher taught the comparative group using lecturedemonstration method, coupled with the use of ICTs for duration of four weeks. Data were analysed using a mixed (quantitative and qualitative) methods approach. The findings revealed that many the learners held some scientifically valid conceptions of sound prior to formal instruction. However, the learners also held many scientifically invalid conceptions in relation to the speed of sound in air, sound propagation, and sound produced by stringed instruments. The alternative conceptions of learners in the C group remained largely unchanged after instruction, while those of the E group changed appreciably, but not completely. The E group learners changed the alternative conceptions that were worked into structured argumentation activities better than those which were not. Also, the learners in both groups seemed to hold indigenous beliefs in relation to sound which did not seem to change after instruction. Most learners had a positive attitude towards the use of indigenous knowledge in the science class. No significant difference was found between male and female learners with respect to conceptual understanding of sound, indigenous beliefs, and interest in the integration of science and indigenous knowledge.

Avaliação externa baseada no pluralismo epistemológico : um estudo sobre o tema "Ser Humano" e "Saúde" no estado de Sergipe

Souza, Sanny Santos de 31 March 2016 (has links)
Science education is marked by conceptual plurality, fundamental aspect for learning activities. However, the evaluation is scarcely associated with these theoretical perspectives. Most exams verify student’s knowledge by one parameter, by an answer considered correct. This study, therefore, aims to construct and validate questions for an instrument focused in evaluating school performance for the elementary school in Sergipe over the axis of “Human Being” and “Health” inspired in the epistemological diversity of knowledge. Among the theories developed based on the theoretical perspective, alternative conceptions guide the present work. The resource being developed comprehends formation in natural sciences in elementary school, therefore applied in a sample of students of the 9o (ninth) year of state public education of Sergipe. A reference matrix was built to guide the instrument. The reference matrix considers the topics of Anatomy, Physiology, Diseases, Life Quality and Prophylactic Measurements. The goals of their descriptors were elaborated from the National Curriculum Parameters (NCP). The performance test elaborated from matrix has 10 questions, each one of them presenting four phrases. The Thurstone scale inspires the instrument. Question alternatives oscillate between scholar education and common sense, where some questions present all correct answers, and other present conceptual mistakes. The alternatives differ from scientific knowledge differently. Students respond to the question that seems more correct to them, being thus possible to estimate which knowledge is used in order to solve problems. If the knowledge is closer to the scientific or if in daily use common sense, dominate their activities. In order to ensure credibility, the test was validated qualitatively and through commented application by judges and quantitatively analyzed by descriptive statistics on Software Package for Social Science (SPSS) 18.0. / O ensino de ciências é marcado pela pluralidade conceitual, aspecto este fundamental para a aprendizagem. Entretanto, a avaliação é pouco associada à essas perspectivas teóricas. A maioria dos exames verifica o conhecimento dos alunos através de um parâmetro, de uma resposta considerada correta. Faltam testes que considerem a diversidade de saberes, sua existência e influência para a aprendizagem. Objetiva-se portanto, com este estudo, construir e validar questões para um instrumento de avaliação do desempenho escolar para o ensino fundamental em Sergipe sobre o eixo “Ser Humano” e “Saúde” inspirado na diversidade epistemológica do conhecimento. Dentre as teorias desenvolvidas com base nessa perspectiva teórica, as concepções alternativas balizam o presente trabalho. O recurso em desenvolvimento compreende a formação em ciências naturais no ensino fundamental, portanto aplicado em uma amostra de alunos do 9º (nono) ano da rede pública estadual de Sergipe. Uma matriz de referência foi construída para nortear o instrumento. A matriz de referência construída aborda os conteúdos de Anatomia, Fisiologia, Doenças, Qualidade de Vida e Medidas Profiláticas. Os objetivos dos seus descritores foram elaborados segundo os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). O teste de desempenho elaborado a partir da matriz conta com dez questões, cada questão com quatro sentenças. O instrumento é inspirado na escala de Thurstone. As alternativas das perguntas oscilam entre o conhecimento escolar e o conhecimento comum, podem ocorrer questões nas quais todas as alternativas estão corretas, outras podem conter erros conceituais. As alternativas estão a diferentes distâncias do conhecimento científico. Os alunos responderam com a resposta que lhe parece mais correta, sendo possível assim, aferir qual conhecimento é manifestado na hora de resolver problemas. Se o conhecimento dos alunos está mais próximo do senso científico, ou se no seu dia-a-dia o senso comum domina suas atividades. Para garantir sua credibilidade o teste foi validado qualitativamente por juízes e aplicação comentada e quantitativamente analisada por estatística descritiva no Software Package for Social Science (SPSS) 18.0.

Concepções alternativas em Bioquímica reveladas em cursos a distância de formação continuada de professores / Alternative conceptions in Biochemistry revealed in teachers continuing formation distance courses

Silvia Lopes de Menezes 17 December 2008 (has links)
Dada a importância da ciência no desenvolvimento humano, a adoção da alfabetização científica como meta educacional mundial e o papel fundamental da educação formal nesse sentido, muito se tem feito para promover a educação continuada dos professores de ciências. Se se discute quais habilidades e competências são importantes para a atividade didática, o bom conhecimento do conteúdo é consenso. A análise dos registros do curso a distância Bioquímica das Drogas, planejado, ministrado, avaliado e aprimorado neste trabalho e oferecido a professores de Biologia, Química e Ciências da rede pública de ensino do Estado de São Paulo, revelou que: (1) o modelo de ensino em ambientes virtuais e de aprendizagem colaborativa pode ser adequadamente aplicado na formação continuada de professores, embora com restrições relacionadas ao letramento digital; (2) a participação de pós-graduandos na equipe didática trouxe valiosa contribuição para o projeto e para sua formação didática em EaD; (3) os professores têm diversas concepções alternativas em bioquímica, sobretudo com relação à complexidade da estrutura de proteínas e às inter-relações dos metabolismos de carboidratos, lipídeos e proteínas e (4) as intervenções didáticas realizadas foram eficientes para promover a aprendizagem de concepções científicas sobre o tema, incluindo as relacionadas às concepções alternativas detectadas. / Given the importance of Science to human development, the adoption of scientific literacy as a global educational goal, and the major role of formal education, many efforts have been made to promote continuing education of science teachers. While the discussion on which didactic skills are essential to teacher education still endures, mastering the subject matter remains a consensus. This work focuses on designing, implementing, and improving the distant education course Biochemistry of Drugs, offered to science teachers of public schools in São Paulo, Brazil. The analysis of the course records revealed that: (1) the collaborative learning model in virtual environments is adequate to teachers\' continuing education, although with some restrictions concerning digital literacy issues; (2) joining graduate students to the teaching staff contributed positively to the project itself as well as to the didactic training of the latter in distance education; (3) school teachers displayed several alternative conceptions in biochemistry, remarkably on the topics of protein structure and the correlation of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins; (4) the instruction efficiently facilitated learning of biochemical concepts, including those related to the misconceptions detected.

Conceptual Change: The Integration of Geologic Time into the Teaching of Evolution

Ramseyer, David L 15 December 2012 (has links)
This study attempts to discern if geologic time is a threshold concept for student understanding of evolutionary theory. A threshold concept enables the learner to unpack other concepts because of its importance in thought construction. In this study three teachers and ten sections of biology were investigated from the same high school. Each teacher used the same activities, in the same sequence, and with identical evaluation methods. Students in the treatment group covered a unit on geologic time prior to completing course work on evolutionary theory. Student misconceptions in both control and treatment groups were assessed using a composite concept inventory administered post and prior to the study. Statistical analysis conducted revealed no statistical evidence to support the contention that the treatment method was more effective than traditional methods of teaching evolution. It was found that students agreed significantly more with evolution post study in both treatment and control groups.

Промене ученичких алтернативних концепција у учењу физике: Ефекти традиционалне наставе и метода активног учења / Promene učeničkih alternativnih koncepcija u učenju fizike: Efekti tradicionalne nastave i metoda aktivnog učenja / Changes of Students’ Alternative Conceptions in Physics Learning - Effects of Traditional Teaching and Active Learning Methods

Radovanović Jelena 30 January 2018 (has links)
<p>У раду је приказано истраживање реализовано са циљем проширивања знања о феномену алтернативних концепција у настави физике, са нагласком на алтернативне концепције о пливању и тоњењу тела и поређење ефеката<br />традиционалне наставе и метода активног учења на њихово превазилажење. Резултати истраживања показују широку заступљеност алтернативних концепција о пливању и тоњењу тела код испитиваних ученика седмог разреда основне школе непосредно пре реализовања наставе о сили потиска и појавама везаним за њу. Поређењем постигнућа ученика на завршном дијагностичком тесту у односу на<br />уводни утврђено је да постоје статистички значајне разлике у ефекту традиционалног модела наставе и модела наставе усмерене на активно учење о сили потиска и појавама везаним за њу на превазилажење алтернативних и усвајање научних концепата услова за пливање и тоњења тела: У контролној групи средњи нормализовани напредак износи 0.04&plusmn;0.25, а у експерименталној 0.84&plusmn;0.21. Предност применеметода активног учења над традиционалним приступом настави додатно потврђују разлике у постигнућу ученика у погледу примене и трајности усвојених знања о сили потиска и појавама везаним за њу. Основне импликације истраживања односе се на неопходност уважавања савременог конструктивистичког погледа на природу учења у наставном процесу, односно примену наставних приступа усмерених на активно учење и развој широког спектра компетенција.</p> / <p>U radu je prikazano istraživanje realizovano sa ciljem proširivanja znanja o fenomenu alternativnih koncepcija u nastavi fizike, sa naglaskom na alternativne koncepcije o plivanju i tonjenju tela i poređenje efekata<br />tradicionalne nastave i metoda aktivnog učenja na njihovo prevazilaženje. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju široku zastupljenost alternativnih koncepcija o plivanju i tonjenju tela kod ispitivanih učenika sedmog razreda osnovne škole neposredno pre realizovanja nastave o sili potiska i pojavama vezanim za nju. Poređenjem postignuća učenika na završnom dijagnostičkom testu u odnosu na<br />uvodni utvrđeno je da postoje statistički značajne razlike u efektu tradicionalnog modela nastave i modela nastave usmerene na aktivno učenje o sili potiska i pojavama vezanim za nju na prevazilaženje alternativnih i usvajanje naučnih koncepata uslova za plivanje i tonjenja tela: U kontrolnoj grupi srednji normalizovani napredak iznosi 0.04&plusmn;0.25, a u eksperimentalnoj 0.84&plusmn;0.21. Prednost primenemetoda aktivnog učenja nad tradicionalnim pristupom nastavi dodatno potvrđuju razlike u postignuću učenika u pogledu primene i trajnosti usvojenih znanja o sili potiska i pojavama vezanim za nju. Osnovne implikacije istraživanja odnose se na neophodnost uvažavanja savremenog konstruktivističkog pogleda na prirodu učenja u nastavnom procesu, odnosno primenu nastavnih pristupa usmerenih na aktivno učenje i razvoj širokog spektra kompetencija.</p> / <p>The thesis presents an investigation implemented with the goal of expanding knowledge on the phenomenon of alternative conceptions, with emphasis on alternative conceptions on floating /and sinking and on the comparison of effects of traditional teaching and active learning methods on overcoming those alternative conceptions.The results show wide presence of alternative conceptions on floating and sinking among the subject seventh grade primary school students, immediately before teaching them about buoyancy and related phenomena. By comparing students&rsquo; achievements on the final diagnostic test with the initial test results, statistically significant differences were found between the effects of traditional teaching model and the model focused on active learning about buoyancy and related phenomena on overcoming alternative and adopting scientific concepts ofconditions leading to floating and sinking: in the control group, the average normalized gain is 0.04&plusmn;0.25, and in the experimental group it is 0.84&plusmn;0.21 . The advantage that active learning methods have over traditional&nbsp; teaching approach is additionally confirmed by differences in students&rsquo; achievements with regards to the application and long-term retention of adopted knowledge on buoyancy and related phenomena. Basic implications of the research are the need to take note of modern constructivistic view on the nature of learning in the teaching process and of the application of teaching approaches aimed at active learning and the development of a wide spectrum of competences.</p>

概念改變教學策略對地球運動概念之教學效果--以國小六年級學生為例 / Teaching Strategy for Conceptual Change on the Earth's Motion: A Study of Sixth-Grade Students in Elementary School

陳玉玲, Chen, Yu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的有三:(一)探討國小六年級學生在學習「地球的運動」前所具有的另類概念類型,及與空間能力的關係;(二)探討「地球的運動」單元各主要概念是否有發展的先後順序,及「地球形狀概念與重力概念發展」模式的適當性;(三)設計整合的概念改變教學策略,探討高、低空間能力者在不同教學層次與學習方式上的概念改變立即學習效果如何。進一步探討學習效果的持續性如何。並討論影響學生概念改變的可能因素,期能提供教學者及後續研究者之參考。 為完成前述研究目的,本研究進行研究一與研究二兩個研究,所使用的研究工具包括:地球的運動開放式紙筆測驗、地球的運動封閉式紙筆測驗、空間能力測驗、深層處理學生手冊和教學活動設計、淺層處理教學活動設計等,除空間能力測驗外,皆進行預試及修正。在研究一裡,採用問卷調查法及晤談法,以地球的運動開放式紙筆測驗,選取台北市萬興和萬福國小共235名學生為對象,考驗主要概念的發展順序。並依照空間能力測驗的結果找出前後各33﹪的學生列為高低空間能力者,考驗其在科學概念上是否有所差異。本研究一的主要結論如下: 1.高空間能力者在地球形狀、重力概念、晝夜成因、四季成因的科學概念,皆優於低空間能力者。 2.「地球形狀與重力概念的發展模式」是適當的,且各主要概念間有發展的順序存在,而學生的概念是「自然-文化-發展成熟度」三者的函數。 在研究二裡,採用準實驗研究法,首先設計「地球的運動」概念改變教學策略課程,並選取台北市萬興國小及萬福國小六年級各四個班級,共128位學生為對象,進行兩週的教學實驗,隨後進行紙筆測驗立即後測,間隔四週後進行延宕後測。根據研究所獲得資料進行分析,結論如下: 1.本研究之整合概念改變教學策略,有助於學生地球的運動相關概念的改變的立即效果和延宕效果。 2.接受深層處理的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果,皆優於接受淺層處理學習的效果。 3.配對合作學習效果會因為教學層次不同而有所不同,接受深層處理來學習時,配對合作的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果會優於個別學習。但當學生接受淺層處理時,配對合作學習與個別學習的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果並無差異。 4.配對合作學習效果會因為空間能力不同而有所不同,低空間能力學生,配對合作的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果會優於個別學習。但高空間能力學生,配對合作學習與個別學習的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果並無差異。 根據研究結果,本研究提出建議,以提供教育行政單位、國小自然科教師、課程設計者以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purposes of this dissertation were: (1) to probe into the alternative conceptions of the students about earth's motion, and the relationship between these conceptions and spatial ability; (2) to identify the developmental sequence and model of the main concepts, and verify the model is adequate; (3) to design the instructional strategy of conceptual change and explore the learning effects that high- and low-spatial ability in different processing levels and learning styles. At last, the researcher identified the retention effect, and analyzed the factors that may influence on the conceptual change. For these purposes, the whole study was divided into study Ⅰ and Ⅱ. The instruments employed in this study included: The open-ended question test and the multiple-choice test of earth's motion, the spatial ability test, the curricula and student's manual for conceptual change teaching strategy. Except the spatial ability test, the item analysis and pilot study of the others were conducted to determine the reliability and validity, and promote the quality of this study. The study Ⅰ employed questionnaire survey and interview based on the open-ended question test of earth's motion. The participants were 235 sixth grade students from two elementary schools in Taipei. Through the data, the researcher investigated the developmental sequence of children's conceptual knowledge about the earth's motion. All students were classified as being of high- or low-ability group according to their performance on the spatial ability test. High- and Low-ability students scored upper and lower 33﹪ score of all students separately. Then the researcher examined the difference between high- and low-ability group on the performance of the open-ended question test. The main conclusions of study Ⅰ were as follows: 1. A t-test on the pretest indicated significant discrepancy for ability. In all concepts that included earth's shape, gravity concept, the causes of day/night and seasons, high- ability students outscored low-ability students. 2.The developmental model of earth's shape and gravity concept was adequate. There were developmental sequences among the main concepts. Student's conceptions are the function of physico-cultural and their developmental maturity. The study Ⅱ employed quasi-experimental design. At first, the researcher designed the teaching curricula of conceptual change. Then the researcher experimented on 8 classes of 128 students from two elementary schools in Taipei. Four intact classes were randomly assigned to different experimental groups in each school. Four groups were administered the pretest two weeks before the experimental treatment. After two weeks' instruction, all subjects accepted the posttest and delayed-test of earth's motion after 4 weeks. The results were as follows: 1.The instructional strategy of conceptual change that the researcher integrated had immediate and delayed effects. 2.Students learning by deep processing performed significantly better than the learning by superficial processing on the posttest and delayed-test. 3.The learning effect of cooperative dyads depended on the levels of processing. Students learning by deep processing environment, cooperative learning group did perform better than individual learning group on the posttest and delayed-test. Conversely, the result indicated no significant difference on the posttest and delayed-test between cooperative and individual learning. 4.The learning effect of cooperative dyads depended on the levels of spatial ability. Low-ability students with cooperative learning did perform better than those with individual learning on posttest and delayed-test. The performance of high-ability students showed no significant difference on posttest and delayed-test. Based on the results, these suggestions are proposed for educational administration institution, elementary teachers for science education, curricula designer, and future researchers.

Dificuldades de aprendizagem sobre conceitos de gen?tica no ensino fundamental / Difficulties when learning genetics in elementary school

Cirne, Adriana Damasceno Pereira Pinto 16 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:05:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdrianaDPP_DISSERT.pdf: 4427297 bytes, checksum: 037d5aa21cfd42503fde44bd8506ef46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / As concep??es alternativas s?o ideias dos estudantes sobre conhecimentos espec?ficos, constituindo-se em uma causa importante que pode levar a erros conceituais, dificultando a aprendizagem significativa de conceitos cient?ficos, especialmente aqueles com alto grau de abstra??o, como biologia celular e gen?tica. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar as dificuldades de aprendizagem de estudantes de ensino fundamental sobre conceitos de gen?tica, em uma escola da rede p?blica no Estado do RN. Para identifica??o das concep??es alternativas sobre c?lula, cromossomos, genes, DNA e hereditariedade, foram utilizados desenhos e question?rio, contendo quest?es abertas e fechadas. Realizou-se uma an?lise dos limites e potencialidades dos question?rios e desenhos como instrumento diagn?stico de concep??es alternativas. Usou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, com breve ?nfase quantitativa. Foram categorizados cinco n?veis de entendimento conceitual: sem compreens?o (SC); compreens?o parcial (CP); compreens?o coerente (CC); compreens?o incoerente (CI); compreens?o parcial e incoerente (CP/CI). As concep??es alternativas evidenciadas foram caracterizadas pela falta de entendimento em torno dos n?veis de organiza??o celular, identifica??o e localiza??o das partes constituintes da c?lula e do material gen?tico, e incompreens?o do fen?meno da hereditariedade. As concep??es alternativas apontam para origem sensorial, cultural e escolar, principalmente dos livros did?ticos, evidenciadas pela express?o de obst?culos verbais e conhecimento pragm?tico. Observou-se maior lacuna no conhecimento sobre o material gen?tico (cromossomo) do que sobre as c?lulas. A partir da avalia??o dos limites e possibilidades dos instrumentos usados, indicou-se o uso associado de quest?es abertas, desenhos e entrevistas, para identificar, com mais precis?o, as concep??es alternativas em estudantes. Como forma de superar as dificuldades de aprendizagem de conceitos sobre gen?tica, diagnosticadas a partir da identifica??o das concep??es alternativas dos estudantes, foi proposta uma unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa (UEPS), visando a contribuir com o planejamento da a??o pedag?gica do professor que busca minimizar as dificuldades de ensino e aprendizagem em torno do tema. Evidencia-se que o conhecimento sobre as concep??es alternativas dos estudantes se constitui um elemento essencial para orientar o planejamento e a pr?tica pedag?gica do professor, buscando evitar a perman?ncia das concep??es alternativas nos n?veis subsequentes de ensino

Pre-service science teachers’ conceptual and procedural difficulties in solving mathematical problems in physical science

Iwuanyanwu, Paul Nnanyereugo January 2014 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Students frequently leave first-year physical science classes with a dual set of physical laws in mind- the equations to be applied to qualitative problems and the entrenched set of concepts, many erroneous, to be applied to qualitative, descriptive, or explanatory problems. It is in this sense that the emphasis of this study is on ‘change’ rather than acquisition. Thus, a blend of theoretical framework was considered according to the aim of the study. Of immediate relevance in this regard within the “constructivist paradigm” are: Posner, Strike, Hewson and Gertzog’s (1982) conceptual change theory and the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Moreover, the very shift or restructuring of existing knowledge, concepts or schemata is what distinguishes conceptual change from other types of learning, and provides students with a more fruitful conceptual framework to solve problems, explain phenomena, and function in the world (Biemans & Simons, 1999; Davis, 2011). A quasi-experimental design was adopted to explore pre-service teachers’ conceptual and procedural difficulties in solving mathematical problems in physical science. Sixteen second and third year pre-service teachers in one of the historically black universities in the Western Cape, South Africa, participated in the study. Two inseparable concepts of basic mechanics, work-energy concepts were taught and used for data collection. Data were collected using questionnaires, Physical Science Achievement Test (PSAT), Multiple Reflective Questions (MRQ) and an interview. An explicit problem solving strategy (IDEAL strategy versus maths-in-science instructional model) was taught in the intervention sessions for duration of three weeks to the experimental group (E-group). IDEAL strategy placed emphasis on drill and practice heuristics that helped the pre-service teachers’ (E-group) understanding of problem-solving. Reinforcing heuristics of this IDEAL strategy include breaking a complex problem into sub-problems. Defining and representing problem (e.g. devising a plan-using Free-Body-Diagram) was part of the exploring possible strategies of the IDEAL. More details on IDEAL strategy are discussed in Chapter 3. The same work-energy concepts were taught to the control group (C-group) using lecture-demonstration method. A technique (i.e. revised taxonomy table for knowledge and cognitive process dimension) was used to categorize and analyse the level of difficulties for each item tested (e.g. D1 = minor difficulty, D2 = major difficulty, and D3 = atypical difficulty

Pre-service science teachers’ conceptual and procedural difficulties in solving mathematical problems in physical science

Iwuanyanwu, Paul Nnanyereugo January 2014 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Students frequently leave first-year physical science classes with a dual set of physical laws in mind- the equations to be applied to qualitative problems and the entrenched set of concepts, many erroneous, to be applied to qualitative, descriptive, or explanatory problems. It is in this sense that the emphasis of this study is on ‘change’ rather than acquisition. Thus, a blend of theoretical framework was considered according to the aim of the study. Of immediate relevance in this regard within the “constructivist paradigm” are: Posner, Strike, Hewson and Gertzog’s (1982) conceptual change theory and the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Moreover, the very shift or restructuring of existing knowledge, concepts or schemata is what distinguishes conceptual change from other types of learning, and provides students with a more fruitful conceptual framework to solve problems, explain phenomena, and function in the world (Biemans & Simons, 1999; Davis, 2011). A quasi-experimental design was adopted to explore pre-service teachers’ conceptual and procedural difficulties in solving mathematical problems in physical science. Sixteen second and third year pre-service teachers in one of the historically black universities in the Western Cape, South Africa, participated in the study. Two inseparable concepts of basic mechanics, work-energy concepts were taught and used for data collection. Data were collected using questionnaires, Physical Science Achievement Test (PSAT), Multiple Reflective Questions (MRQ) and an interview. An explicit problem solving strategy (IDEAL strategy versus maths-in-science instructional model) was taught in the intervention sessions for duration of three weeks to the experimental group (E-group). IDEAL strategy placed emphasis on drill and practice heuristics that helped the pre-service teachers’ (E-group) understanding of problem-solving. Reinforcing heuristics of this IDEAL strategy include breaking a complex problem into sub-problems. Defining and representing problem (e.g. devising a plan-using Free-Body-Diagram) was part of the exploring possible strategies of the IDEAL. More details on IDEAL strategy are discussed in Chapter 3. The same work-energy concepts were taught to the control group (C-group) using lecture-demonstration method

Jonbindning i svenska läromedel : Hur begreppet presenteras i läromedel och hur de kan påverka alternativa föreställningar

Ragagnin, Gianna January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med det här arbetet är att få en ökad insikt om hur begreppet jonbindning presenteras isvenska läromedel för gymnasieskolan. Läromedel som analyserats är läroböcker och didaktiskavideoklipp. Studien omfattar en undersökning om vilka element i läromedel förhåller sig till envetenskaplig representation och vilket innehåll som istället är känt i ämnesdidaktisk litteratur för attskapa alternativ förstärka missuppfattningar kring jonbindning. I studien analyseras dessutomskillnaderna mellan innehållet i böcker och videoklipp. Detta genomfördes genom en komparativinnehållsanalys.De flesta läromedel visar att den centrala idén är elektronövergången mellan en metall och enickemetall, ofta kopplat till visuella representationer av jonpar. Den här representationen kan bidratill missuppfattningen att jonföreningars består av diskreta molekylära enheter. I hälften avläromedel beskrivs otydligt att den elektrostatiska interaktionen är den drivande kraften ijonbindning. Läroböckerna har en mer homogen utformning och bättre grafiska lösningar, medanvideoklipps kvalitet och innehåll är mer varierad.Vissa videoklipp visar att det är möjligt att förklara jonbindningen utan att användaelektronövergången och bildning av jonpar. Man kan spekulera om lärarna som producerade demest didaktiska videoklippen har då varit medvetna om den vanligaste problematiken som orsakarmissuppfattningar om jonbindningen.

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