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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diversidade e hábitos alimentares de peixes de riachos afluentes do rio Teles Pires, drenagem do rio Tapajós, Bacia Amazônica /

Godoi, Divina Sueide de. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco Langeani Neto / Banca: Lilian Casatti / Banca: Carlos Alberto Vicentini / Banca: Sirlei Terezinha Bennemann / Banca: Luiz Henrique Florindo / Resumo: Com o objetivo de estudar a diversidade dos peixes de dois afluentes do rio Teles Pires, foram realizadas expedições bimestrais entre outubro de 2005 e dezembro de 2006. Para amostragem da ictiofauna dos afluentes, foram cercados 75m de cada trecho com rede de arrasto; a coleta foi feita através de redes de arrasto manuais, puçás e peneiras. O esforço de coleta aplicado a cada variante metodológica foi de 40 minutos. No total foram coletados 3362 exemplares, pertencentes a 5 ordens, 26 famílias, 65 gêneros e 106 espécies. A ordem Characiformes, foi a mais representativa. As famílias mais abundantes numericamente foram Characidae e Cichlidae, em ambos os rios e períodos analisados. Para a jusante do rio Taxidermista e do rio Verde Paraíso ocorreu maior diversidade na seca, decaindo na cheia. A menor diversidade encontrada foi no período da seca à montante do rio Taxidermista. Para o rio Taxidermista, ocorreu uma pequena similaridade em todo o período de coletas, entre os dois trechos, 0,1 na cheia e 0,3 na seca. Já para o rio Verde Paraíso, houve maior similaridade entre os dois trechos, sendo que a maior foi no período da seca (0,80) e a menor na cheia (0,72). Para o Taxidermista os resultados dos cálculos da constância de ocorrência indicaram 2 espécies constantes entre os trechos a montante e a jusante no período da cheia e para o período da seca, 5. No Rio Verde Paraíso no período da cheia, 9 espécies foram consideradas constantes entre a montante e a jusante e 22 no período da seca. / Abstract: With the objective to study the diversity of fishes in two affluents from River Teles Pires there were realized bimonthly expeditions between October of 2005 and December of 2006. For samples of the ichthyofauna from the affluents, there were encompassed 75 meters from each river with dragging net; gathering was done with puca and sieves. The applied effort of gathering with each methodological variant was of 40 minutes. In total, there were collected 3362 samples, from 5 orders, 26 families, 65 genders and 106 species. The order Characiformes was the most representative. The most present in numbers were the families Characidae and Cichlidae, in both rivers and periods analyzed. For the downstream of the river Taxidermista and of the river Verde Paraíso occurred more diversity in drought, decreasing in flood. The minor diversity found was in the drought period in transom of the river Taxidermista. For river Taxidermista, occurred a small similarity in all collecting period, among the two stretch, 0,1 in flood and 0,3 in drought. For the river Verde Paraíso, there was a greater similarity among the two stretches, as for the greater in the drought period (0,80) and the smallest in flood (0,72). For the Taxidermista the results of the calculations of the constant occurrence pointed two constant species between the stretches the transom and the downstream in seasons of flood and for the drought, 5. In the river Verde Paraíso in the flood season, 9 species were considered constant between the transom and downstream and 22 in the season of drought. / Doutor

As diretrizes e o missionário: a influência dos Concílios de Lima na atuação missionária amazônica pelo informe do Padre Figueroa SJ / The rules and the missionary: the influence of the Councils of Lima in the Amazon missionary work by the Report of the Father Figueroa SJ

Marcelo Continelli 03 May 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca compreender como o Informe do Padre jesuíta Francisco de Figueroa, a respeito dos índios das Missões de Maynas, na Amazônia, se adequa às determinações impostas às atividades evangelizadoras no conjunto sul-americano pelos três primeiros Concílios de Lima, ocorridos entre 1551 e 1583. O objeto de estudo serão as relações de aproximação e de identificação das práticas missionárias no contexto da cristianização dos povos amazônicos da região de Maynas com os decretos das sessões conciliares limenses por meio da análise da situação das missões feita por Figueroa em seu relato. As fontes para este trabalho são o informe do Padre Figueroa, redigido entre os anos de 1659 a 1661 e republicado na coleção Monumenta Amazónica em 1986 e os decretos conciliares de Lima completos publicados por Rubén Vargas Ugarte em 1951 e por Francesco Leonardo Lisi em 1990, disponíveis em castelhano e latim na Biblioteca Provincial dos Redentoristas. / This study aims to understand how the Report of the Jesuit Father Francisco de Figueroa, about the Indians of the missions of Maynas, in the Amazon, suits to the determinations imposed on evangelizing activities in the South American group the first three councils of Lima, occurred between 1551 and 1583. The object of study will be the relations of approaching and identification of the missionary practices in the context of Christianization of Amazonian tribes of Maynas region with the decrees of Lima´s council sessions by analyzing the situation of the missions made by Figueroa in his report. The sources for this work are the report of Father Figueroa, written between the years 1659-1661 and republished in Monumenta Amazónica collection in 1986 and the complete conciliar decrees of Lima Councils published by Rubén Vargas Ugarte in 1951, and by Francesco Leonardo Lisi in 1990, available in Spanish and Latin in the Provincial Library of the Redemptorists.

Análise da expansão da fronteira agrícola e do desflorestamento no bioma Amazônia dos estados de Mato Grosso, Pará e Rondônia / Analysis of the expansion of the agricultural frontier and deforestation in the Amazon Biome in the states of Mato Grosso, Pará and Rondônia

Daniel Furlan Amaral 29 October 2018 (has links)
A geração de excedentes agrícolas sustentou o crescimento populacional dos últimos 10.000 anos. Historicamente, a relação entre produção de alimentos e número de habitantes foi vista como positiva, mesmo quando em detrimento do meio ambiente. Desde o século XIX, o questionamento sobre a disponibilidade de oferta suficiente para atender o aumento da população foi afastado com a abertura de novas terras, o desenvolvimento de técnicas e tecnologias inovadoras e a intensificação do comércio internacional. Porém, novas preocupações surgiram, notadamente a capacidade de suporte do planeta frente ao aumento da produção, seus impactos sobre a biodiversidade e as emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa. Esses elementos modificaram a percepção sobre as consequências do crescimento econômico sem a observância de condicionantes socioambientais e ensejaram negociações internacionais com o objetivo de propor soluções para esse problema. O Brasil, detentor de vastas extensões de florestas, tornou-se central nas discussões, nas quais obteve avanços com a efetiva consolidação do conceito de desenvolvimento equilibrado. Contudo, pouco se evoluiu na compensação aos países em desenvolvimento pelas externalidades geradas ao planeta pelos ativos ambientais. A despeito desse fato, houve significativas melhorias na proteção ao meio ambiente no Brasil com a aprovação de legislação restritiva à abertura de novas áreas, programas governamentais e estrutura burocrática voltada à sua implementação, além de ferramentas para o dimensionamento do uso e ocupação do solo no bioma Amazônia. A partir dessas informações, foram analisados econometricamente por painéis espaciais dois temas pertinentes à relação entre a fronteira agrícola e o desflorestamento nos municípios do bioma Amazônia dos estados de Mato Grosso, Pará e Rondônia. No primeiro, foram estimados os condicionantes dos usos da terra, no qual se concluiu que as políticas e os instrumentos públicos, eficazes na redução das taxas de desflorestamento, não atuaram de forma eficiente na intensificação e melhor aproveitamento do uso da terra, em particular das pastagens, e da melhoria das condições econômicas e sociais da região. Também se observou que a valorização dos produtos florestais tem efeitos positivos sobre as áreas de vegetação. No segundo, foi estimada a relação entre a expansão da área de soja e as ações de políticas públicas e setoriais. As conclusões são de que a redução da participação de plantios nos desflorestamentos após 2006 se deu, em primeiro lugar, pela queda das taxas de desflorestamento, a qual diminuiu a abertura de novas áreas disponíveis para a soja, e foi, em seguida, complementada pela restrição de compra pelas empresas signatárias da Moratória da Soja. Os setores público e privado, portanto, agiram em conjunto para que os cultivos de soja passassem a representar percentual pequeno das novas áreas desflorestadas. A partir desses dois estudos, conclui-se que o desenvolvimento da agricultura da região depende de políticas públicas coordenadas que promovam o uso mais intensivo das lavouras e pastagens e o fortalecimento de pagamentos por serviços ambientais para conservação e preservação dos recursos naturais. Dada a forte dependência espacial, recomenda-se que as ações sejam direcionadas de forma mais homogênea entre os municípios a fim de potencializar seus efeitos. / The generation of agricultural surpluses has sustained population growth for the last 10,000 years. Historically, the relationship between food production and the number of inhabitants was seen as positive, even when it was at the expense of the environment. Since the nineteenth century, the question of having a sufficient food supply to meet population growth has been averted by opening new lands, developing innovative techniques and technologies, and intensifying international trade. However, new concerns have emerged: notably the planet\'s capacity to support increased food production, its impacts on biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions. These elements have modified perceptions about the consequences of economic growth without observing socio-environmental constraints, and have led to international negotiations that aim to propose solutions to this problem. Brazil, which has vast tracts of forests, has become central to these discussions, in which it has made progress with the effective consolidation of the concept of balanced development. However, little progress has been made in compensating developing countries for the externalities their environmental assets generate for the planet. In spite of this fact, there were significant improvements in the protection of Brazil\'s environment, with the approval of legislation restricting the opening of new areas, government programs and bureaucratic structures for their implementation, and tools for ascertaining land use and occupation of the Amazon Biome. Based on this information, two topics pertaining to the relationship between the agricultural frontier and deforestation in the municipalities of the Amazon Biome in the states of Mato Grosso, Pará and Rondônia were econometrically analyzed by spatial panels. In the first topic, land use determinants were estimated, with the conclusion that the policies and public instruments that effectively reduced deforestation rates have not been as efficient in intensifying and improving land use, especially pastures, and in improving the region\'s social and economic conditions. Appreciation of forest products has also had a positive effect on areas of vegetation. In the second, the relationship between soybean acreage expansion and the actions of public and sector policies was estimated, concluding that the reduction in the share of plantings in deforestation rates after 2006 was primarily due to the fall in deforestation rates, which reduced the opening of new areas for soybeans, and this was complemented by the restrictions imposed on purchases by the companies signing the Soy Moratorium. The public and private sectors, therefore, acted together so that soybean crops would represent a small percentage of newly deforested areas. Based on these two studies, the conclusion is that development of agriculture in the region depends on coordinated public policies that promote a more intensive use of crops and pastures, and the strengthening of payments for environmental services related to the conservation and preservation of natural resources. Given the strong spatial dependence, actions should be directed more homogeneously among the municipalities in order to maximize their effects.

Revisão taxonômica e relações filogenéticas do grupo Acanthicus (Siluriformes,Loricariidae) / Taxonomic review and phylogenetic relationships of the Acanthicus group (Siluriformes, Loricariidae)

Chamon, Carine Cavalcante 10 February 2012 (has links)
O grupo Acanthicus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) é composto por quatro gêneros: Acanthicus, Megalancistrus, Leporacanthicus e Pseudacanthicus. O monofiletismo do grupo composto por estes géneros foi previamente suportado por dados morfológicos e moleculares. Com o intuito de elucidar as relações filogenéticas entre as espécies do grupo Acanthicus foram analisados 21 representantes do grupo interno e mais 12 táxons de Ancistrini como grupos externos, com base em 121 caracteres fenotípicos de diferentes complexos anatômicos. A análise de parcimônia resultou em duas árvores igualmente parcimoniosas com 453 passos (CI= 0,32 RI= 0,66). O monofiletismo do grupo Acanthicus foi corroborado com base em 11 sinapomorfias, três destas exclusivas: crista do hiomandibular contínua a do quadrado; extremidade distal dos dentes do pré-maxilar acentuadamente curvada e quilhas na lateral do corpo bastante desenvolvidas. As relações entre os táxons do grupo Acanthicus mais Spectracanthicus resultaram na seguinte topologia: ((Spectracanthicus) (Megalancistrus, Acanthicus) (Leporacanthicus, Pseudacanthicus))). A nomenclatura genérica do grupo foi reformulada seguindo a hipótese filogenética e a revisão taxonômica resultou no reconhecimento de 18 espécies válidas no grupo Acanthicus, nove destas novas. No gênero Pseudacanthicus, P. fordii foi considerado sinônimo de P. serratus e P. histrix sinônimo de P. spinosus; ademais seis novas espécies foram descritas para as bacias dos rios Aripuanã, Tocantins, Tapajós, Curuá-Una e Xingu. Oligancistrus foi considerado sinônimo de Spectracanthicus e foram descritas três novas espécies das bacias dos rios Tapajós, Tocantins e Xingu. / The Acanthicus group (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) is currently composed of four genera: Acanthicus, Megalancistrus, Leporacanthicus e Pseudacanthicus. The monophyly of the group has been previously supported by both morphological and molecular data. To investigate the relationships among the Acanthicus group species, 21 taxa of the ingroup and 12 taxa of other Ancistrini as out-groups were studied on the basis of 121 phenotipic characters of different anatomical complexes. Parsimony analysis resulted in two most parsimonious trees with 453 steps (CI= 0,32 RI= 0,66). Monophyly of the Acanthicus group was corroborated by 11 synapomorphies, three of which exclusive: hiomandibular ridge contiguous with ridge of the quadrate, distal edge of premaxillary teeth strongly curved with well-developed keels. Relationships of the Acanthicus group plus Spectracanthicus resulted in the following topology: (Spectracanthicus ((Megalancistrus, Acanthicus) (Leporacanthicus, Pseudacanthicus))). Genus-level nomenclature of the group was reformed on the basis of the phylogenetic hypothesis and of a taxonomic revision which resulted in the recognition of 18 valid species in the Acanthicus group, nine of which new. In the genus Pseudacanthicus, P. fordii was recognized as a junior synonym of P. serratus and P. histrix of P. spinosus, with six new species from the Aripuanã, Tocantins, Tapajós, Curuá-Una and Xingu Rivers Basins. Oligancistrus was recognized as a junior synonym of Spectracanthicus and three new species were described in the latter, from the Tapajós, Tocantins and Xingu River Basins.

Composição do aerossol atmosférico na Amazônia com influência antropogênica: estudo de caso no experimento GoAmazon / Anthropogenic Influence on Atmospheric Aerosol Composition at Amazon Basin: Case Study of GoAmazon Campaign

Burger, André Araujo 08 December 2017 (has links)
Foi avaliado quantitativamente o impacto que as atividades antropogênicas da cidade de Manaus causam na composição elementar dos aerossóis na Amazônia central. Para isso, foram amostrados aerossóis em três sítios experimentais entre 2014 e 2015: 1) ZF2, sítio com floresta preservada, 2) Hotel TIWA com impacto direto de emissões de Manaus e 3) Manacapuru sítio vento abaixo da cidade de Manaus. Dos filtros coletados obteve-se a concentração de diferentes componentes do material particulado (MP): Black Carbon Equivalente (BCe), elementos traço (Na até Pb), concentração de MP e carbono elementar e orgânico (EC e OC) separados em MP Fino (MPF, diâmetro menor que 2,5µm) e MP grosso (MPG, diâmetro entre 2,5µm e 10µm). A concentração média de MPF apresentou forte sazonalidade em todos os sítios com concentrações variando de 2,3±2,7µg/m³ para 5,5±2,7µg/m³ na ZF2 e 3,7±2,0µg/m³ para 11,0±7,6µg/m³ no TIWA na estação chuvosa e seca, respectivamente. Elementos traços associados a processos industriais e/ou veiculares apresentaram concentração média de aproximadamente 2 a 6 vezes maior no sítio TIWA que na ZF2. O balanço de massa indicou que entre 50% e 80% do MPF foi de matéria orgânica (MO), 15% a 20% foi de sulfato e de 8 a 20% de BCe. Comparações entre as concentrações de MO, indicaram aerossol mais envelhecido em Manacapuru. A aplicação da Análise de Componentes Principais Absoluta (ACPA) no MPF extraiu fatores regionais em todos os sítios: queima de biomassa, poeira mineral e aerossol marinho, além de fatores como poluição industrial e veicular nos sítios afetados pela pluma de Manaus. Além desses fatores encontrados pela ACPA, o método Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) extraiu um fator biogênico no MPF e mais de um fator marinho para o MPG relacionados com o processamento do aerossol marinho. A concentração de MP extraído no TIWA para fatores diretamente relacionados com atividade antropogênica é em média de 905ng/m³ (MPF) e 1285ng/m³ (MPG). / This work quantitatively investigated the impact of anthropogenic emissions from Manaus City on the elemental composition of aerosol at Central Amazonia collecting particulate matter (PM) from 2014 to 2015 at ZF2, upwind of Manaus and TIWA and Manacapuru, downwind of Manaus. From the filters collected, different components of the PM were measured: equivalent Black Carbon (eBC), trace elements (Na to Pb), PM concentration and Elemental and Organic Carbon (EC and OC) with fine (FPM, diameter < 2.5um) and coarse (CPM, 2.5um < diameter < 10um) mode separated. At the dry season, FPM concentration was 5,5ug/m³ at ZF2 and 11,0ug/m³ at TIWA and for the CPM it was of 5,5ug/m³, 7,1ug/m³, respectively. During the wet season, reduction on the concentration of all sites at both modes was observed. Mass Balance Analysis showed that Organic Matter (OM) varied approximately from 50% to 80%, sulfate from 15% to 20% and eBC from 8% to 20% for the FPM. Comparisons between OM, obtained through spectrometry, and OC showed a more aged aerosol at Manacapuru than at TIWA. Absolute Principal Components Analysis (APCA) extracted three main factors at all sites for the FPM: biomass burning, marine aerosol and soil dust whilst PMF could also extract a biogenic factor. For the sites downwind of Manaus, factors related with anthropogenic emission were extracted. For the CPM three factors were identified at all sites: biogenic emission, soil dust and marine aerosol. PMF also found a second factor related with Cl depletion on marine aerosol. At the site TIWA both methods extracted a factor identified as pollution and PMF also found a factor related with vehicular emissions whilst at Manacapuru on APCA extracted a pollution factor. Direct anthropogenic emissions vehicular and pollution factors - at TIWA varies from 880ng/m³ (ACPA) to 930ng/m³ (PMF) in fine mode. In the coarse mode 790ng/m³ (APCA) to 1780ng/m³ (PMF).

The use of crowdsourcing in the development of measurement instruments

Wetherell, Emily Michelle 01 May 2019 (has links)
Crowdsourcing has gained favor among many social scientists as a method for collecting data because this method is both time- and resource-efficient. The present study uses a within-subject test-retest design to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of crowdsource samples for developing and field testing measurement instruments. As evidenced by similar patterns of psychometric characteristics across time, strong test-retest reliability, and low failure rates of attention check items, the results of this study provide evidence that Amazon Mechanical Turk might represent a fruitful platform for field testing to support the development of a variety of measures. These findings, in turn, have significant implications for resource efficiency in the fields of educational and organizational measurement.

Rhythm of the rivers : an ecosystem approach to child nutrition and health on the Amazon frontier

Murray, Tamsyn P. C., University of Western Sydney, College of Health and Science, School of Natural Sciences January 2006 (has links)
This research investigated the application of an ecosystem approach to the problem of child nutrition and health in the Ucayali region of the Peruvian Amazon. Poor health and widespread poverty in frontier communities has long been recognized as a significant issue. The annual flooding and extensive inundation of large areas of the floodplain challenges every aspect of human settlement. The overall goal of the thesis was to determine if, and to what extent, child nutrition and health is affected by seasonal ecosystem dynamics. The research investigated the interactions across three seasons- the dry season, the start of the rains, and the wet season. Based on the results of this study, the scarce resources of the government and communities can be more appropriately focused on those groups most in need, during their season of greatest need. Intervention strategies for food security will now concentrate efforts for the indigenous population during the height of floods, the period of greatest stress for these children; whereas efforts for mestizo children in the uplands and floodplain will be targeted during the onset of the rains. In contrast, health intervention will be most effective in the dry season in all populations, as this was when the incidence of diarrhoeal infections was highest, and water quality the poorest. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Easier said than done : applying the Ecohealth principles to a study of heavy metals exposure among indigenous communities of the Peruvian Amazon

Anticona, Cynthia, Coe, Anna-Britt, Bergdahl, Ingvar, San Sebastian, Miguel January 2013 (has links)
Background The renewed interest in community participation in health research is linked to its potential for bridging gaps between research and practice. Its main attributes are the generation of knowledge that can lead to socially robust, long-lasting solutions and the creation of a colearner relationship between researchers and research users. Following this philosophy, Ecohealth has evolved into a specialized framework for participatory research on the impact of pollution on ecosystems and human health. However, its principles pose considerable challenges. Its outcomes are strongly influenced by contextual factors that are impossible to control for ahead of time. This paper describes how the Ecohealth principles were applied to an epidemiological study of heavy metals exposure among indigenous communities of the Peruvian Amazon. It illustrates how knowledge generated from participatory research does not necessarily imply solving a public health problem. This study aimed to contribute to the understanding of the benefits and barriers of following the basic principles of the Ecohealth approach, and assist researchers working in similar contexts. Research process Based upon their personal experience as participant observers, the authors describe the research process; then, they discuss the most important challenges faced, their implications, and the attempted strategies for resolution. Challenges Challenges were grouped into four themes: (1) building trust; (2) one partnership, many stakeholders, multiple agendas; (3) being a researcher; and (4) communicating complex and unexpected findings. Conclusions Integrating the principles of transdisciplinarity and participation posed a series of challenges to the research process that were difficult, and sometimes impossible to overcome. However, positive outcomes from this experience were the lessons learned by the different actors. Despite the lack of immediate action, it is expected that useful interventions to prevent and control lead exposure in the Corrientes population will be implemented in the medium term. / <p>Funding for the epidemiological study described in this paper came from the Comprehensive Health Care Plan for the Corrientes Native Communities (PEPISCO) and a grant from FAS, the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (grant 2006–1512).</p>

Civilized people in uncivilized places : rubber, race, and civilization during the Amazonian rubber boom

Ruiz, Jean L. 23 May 2006
Imperial Europes relationship with the tropical world was characterized by intrigue and fascination combined with a fear of difference. This combined intrigue and fear developed over time into a set of stereotypes and myths about the tropics, which by the 19th century had solidified into a powerful discourse historian David Arnold calls tropicality. As Europes interaction with the tropical world increased and its need for tropical resources grew, tropicality became a powerful tool for legitimizing European interference in and exploitation of the tropics. Embedded in the language of science and the promise of progress, it reaffirmed European superiority and its necessary role as the bearer of civilization for the tropical world. <p>Perhaps the most powerful characteristic of tropicality was its inherent ambivalence. The Amazon basin has been a particularly important source for the creation and maintenance of these stereotypes about the tropical world. Reinvented by Alexander von Humboldt as an exotic paradise at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Amazon basin continued throughout the century to inspire commentary, exploration, and exploitation from abroad. As contact with the Amazon increased, ideas about the tropics began to change. What once was thought of as a pristine paradise became perceived as sinister, diseased, and savage. By the end of the nineteenth century, the tropical world, its people and nature, was considered to be an obstacle to civilization, and its very ability to become civilized began to be questioned.<p>Rubber, an increasingly important and lucrative imperial resource at the end of the nineteenth century, brought people from around the world to the Amazon basin. This resulted in the creation of a contact zone of different peoples, cultures, and idea, which was important for the moulding and maintenance of tropical stereotypes and myths. This was especially the case in the Putumayo, a border zone between modern day Colombia and Peru, where the brutal treatment of workers and the promise of civilization clashed. Through an exploration of travel diaries, newspapers, parliamentary papers, and other works about the tropics and rubber, this thesis argues that the manner in which rubber and its environment were depicted legitimized its control and exploitation from the outside. Couched in the rhetoric of civilization, tropicality helped justify the exploitation of rubber, the environment in which it grew, and the peoples that lived there.

Civilized people in uncivilized places : rubber, race, and civilization during the Amazonian rubber boom

Ruiz, Jean L. 23 May 2006 (has links)
Imperial Europes relationship with the tropical world was characterized by intrigue and fascination combined with a fear of difference. This combined intrigue and fear developed over time into a set of stereotypes and myths about the tropics, which by the 19th century had solidified into a powerful discourse historian David Arnold calls tropicality. As Europes interaction with the tropical world increased and its need for tropical resources grew, tropicality became a powerful tool for legitimizing European interference in and exploitation of the tropics. Embedded in the language of science and the promise of progress, it reaffirmed European superiority and its necessary role as the bearer of civilization for the tropical world. <p>Perhaps the most powerful characteristic of tropicality was its inherent ambivalence. The Amazon basin has been a particularly important source for the creation and maintenance of these stereotypes about the tropical world. Reinvented by Alexander von Humboldt as an exotic paradise at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Amazon basin continued throughout the century to inspire commentary, exploration, and exploitation from abroad. As contact with the Amazon increased, ideas about the tropics began to change. What once was thought of as a pristine paradise became perceived as sinister, diseased, and savage. By the end of the nineteenth century, the tropical world, its people and nature, was considered to be an obstacle to civilization, and its very ability to become civilized began to be questioned.<p>Rubber, an increasingly important and lucrative imperial resource at the end of the nineteenth century, brought people from around the world to the Amazon basin. This resulted in the creation of a contact zone of different peoples, cultures, and idea, which was important for the moulding and maintenance of tropical stereotypes and myths. This was especially the case in the Putumayo, a border zone between modern day Colombia and Peru, where the brutal treatment of workers and the promise of civilization clashed. Through an exploration of travel diaries, newspapers, parliamentary papers, and other works about the tropics and rubber, this thesis argues that the manner in which rubber and its environment were depicted legitimized its control and exploitation from the outside. Couched in the rhetoric of civilization, tropicality helped justify the exploitation of rubber, the environment in which it grew, and the peoples that lived there.

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