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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantitative Untersuchung über Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft in Österreich

Klarer, Alexander 23 July 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Gründungstrends bei neu gegründeten Vereinen in Österreich von 2006-2017. Vereine haben ihre Anfänge zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sie sind in Österreich die häufigste Rechtsform für Organisationen im Bereich der Zivilgesellschaft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden mithilfe von Text-Mining-Verfahren die Namen neu gegründeter Vereine analysiert. Anschließend werden Kategorien gebildet und anhand der vorkommenden Worthäufigkeiten Trends dargestellt. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass im gesamten Untersuchungszeitraum diverse Förderungsvereine, Vereine in den Bereichen Kunst und Kultur sowie Sparvereine zu den häufigsten Neugründungen zählten. Zudem wird ersichtlich, dass Neugründungstrends oftmals mit politischen und gesellschaftlichen Vorgängen zusammenhängen. / Series: Working Papers / Institute for Nonprofit Management

Analyse der Autopsiefälle mit kongenitalem Vitium im Kindersektionsgut der Charité von 1952 bis 1996

Rinne, Katy 01 August 2000 (has links)
ANALYSE VON 1.990 AUTOPSIEFÄLLEN MIT ANGEBORENEM HERZFEHLER IM KINDERSEKTIONSGUT DER CHARITÈ VON 1952 BIS 1996 Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf dem retrospektiven Studium der Befunde aller Kinder unter 16 Jahren, der Totgeburten und Schwangerschaftsbeendigungen, die von 1952 bis 1996 an der Charité, Medizinische Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, autopsiert wurden. Alle Berichte, in denen ein angeborener Herzfehler vorlag, wurden eingesehen. Die Zielstellung bestand darin, Veränderungen und Trends in der Häufigkeit der kongenitalen Vitien, im Sterbealter, im klinischen Verlauf (operative oder interventionelle Therapie) und in den Todesursachen, zum einen in Abhängigkeit von der Art des Herzfehlers und des weiteren vom Zeitabschnitt innerhalb der 45 Jahre, zu untersuchen. Die genannten Aspekte wurden in einer dafür erstellten Datenbank erfaßt. Insgesamt fanden sich unter den 11.261 Sektionen 1.990 Fälle mit einem angeborenen Herzfehler, dies entspricht einer Häufigkeit von 17,7%. Diese Gruppe setzte sich zusammen aus 1.774 Lebendgeborenen, 138 Totgeburten und 78 Schwangerschaftsbeendigungen. 76,7% aller Kinder verstarben im Säuglingsalter. In der zeitlichen Betrachtung variierte die Altersstruktur deutlich, beeinflußt von der Entwicklung der Interventionskardiologie und Kinderherzchirurgie an der Charité. Von den 1.774 Lebendgeborenen hatten 699 Kinder (39,4%) eine invasive Therapie (chirurgisch/ katheterinterventionell) erhalten. Innerhalb der 45 Jahre zeigte sich ein signifikanter Anstieg im Anteil der operierten Kinder. Deren Häufigkeit wiederum war deutlich abhängig vom zugrundeliegenden Herzfehler. In der detaillierten Analyse der operativen Therapie stellte sich die Wandlung der Herzchirurgie von den extrakardialen Palliationsoperationen als Ersteingriff zu den heutigen Korrekturoperationen und komplexen Palliationen dar. Von allen operierten Kindern verstarben 631 (90,3%) perioperativ. Bei den Todesursachen im natürlichen Verlauf lag in 41,6% eine dekompensierte chronische Herzinsuffizienz vor, in 26,8% eine Komplikation des Herzfehlers (thrombembolische Ereignisse, hypoxische Hirnschädigung, Endokarditis). 10% der Kinder wiesen letale extrakardiale Fehlbildungen auf. In 21,6% der Fälle stand die Todesursache nicht im Zusammenhang mit dem Herzfehler. Zusammenfassend ließ sich in dieser Arbeit klar demonstrieren, wie sehr sich die Fortschritte in der Diagnostik und Therapie der angeborenen Herzfehler auf die Befunde in einem Sektionsgut auswirken. Ausgehend davon kann deren kritische Einschätzung zur Qualitätssicherung der klinischen Entwicklungen beitragen. / ANALYSIS OF 1.990 AUTOPSY CASES WITH CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE AT THE CHARITÈ-HOSPITAL BETWEEN 1952 TO 1996 In a retrospective review we have examined the reports of all children under the age of 16 years, stillbirth and terminated pregnancies that underwent a post-mortem at the Charité Hospital between 1952 to 1996. Specifically we were interested in the cases with congenital heart malformations. We wanted to find out about changes in the frequency of congenital heart disease, the age of these patients, their clinical history (kind of interventional or surgical therapy) and the cause of death depending on the kind of cardiac defect and the time over the period of 45 years. All criterias were registered in a database and analysed for statistical significance. In the series of 11.261 autopsies we found 1.990 cases with a congenital heart malformation (medium frequency of 17,7%). The group consists of 1.774 liveborn children, 138 stillbirths and 78 cases of abortion. 76,7% of all liveborn children died within the first year. Depending on time this age differed significantly according to the innovations in cardiac surgery and interventional procedures. Of all 1.774 liveborn cases 699 children (39,4%) had an invasive (surgical/interventional) procedure. Over the time period there was a significant increase in the percentage of operated children. Their frequency again was clearly depending on the kind of cardiac defect. In the detailed analysis of the kind of therapy we could show the development of cardiac surgery from palliative extracardiac procedures at the beginning to corrective and more complex palliations nowadays. 631 (90,3%) of all operated children died perioperatively whereas the others died from left heart failure in 41,6%, in 26,8% a serious complication of the cardiac defect (arterial embolism, cerebral hypoxia, endocarditis) was the cause, in 10,0% a lethal extracardiac congenital malformation was present and in 21,6% the cause of death was not related to the cardiac defect. From the results of the study we could conclude that the criterias in a post-mortem series depend enormously on the present clinical situation concerning the kind cardiac defect and the kind of therapy according to the development of cardiac surgery and interventional procedures. There are further current studies necessary in order to evaluate recent clinical questions using autopsy results.

Mudança do modelo gerencial em um hospital de ensino: a reconstrução da prática de enfermagem / Change in the managerial model at a teaching hospital: the reconstruction of nursing practice

Bernardino, Elizabeth 05 March 2007 (has links)
Nos locais onde a implantação do SUS avançou para a formação de redes de atenção, os hospitais foram impulsionados à plena integração às redes municipais, o que impôs modificações conceituais e operacionais nos modelos de gerenciamento. O hospital do estudo, adotou, recentemente, um modelo gerencial baseado em “linhas de cuidado", cujo objetivo geral é a descentralização da gestão, através da construção de Unidades Funcionais (UF). A proposta de descentralização e a adoção de uma lógica de organização do trabalho, mais por “equipe" do que por “profissão", ancoram esse novo modelo, cuja operacionalização local provocou o desmantelamento do Serviço e a desarticulação/desmobilização dos trabalhadores de enfermagem. O presente estudo teve, como objetivo geral: construir as mudanças que deveriam ser implementadas na organização do trabalho em Enfermagem, tendo em vista o novo modelo de gestão adotado pelo hospital. Os objetivos específicos foram: Reconstruir os determinantes históricos implicados na instituição do modelo gerencial de enfermagem; identificar o contexto atual deste modelo, o seu significado e as possibilidades futuras; articular as estratégias de enfrentamento dessa problemática, no que se refere aos saberes e poderes e elaborar proposta e estratégias para a sua reconstrução. Esta pesquisa é do tipo estudo de caso e de abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada no referencial histórico e social. Teve como cenário, o HC/UFPR e a população foram os trabalhadores de enfermagem, que somam, aproximadamente, 1200 funcionários. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a técnica de grupo focal. O grupo foi composto por 12 sujeitos, sendo 8 enfermeiras, 2 técnicas e 2 auxiliares de Enfermagem, que aceitaram voluntariamente participar da pesquisa. As falas foram transcritas e categorizadas, usando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo, na modalidade da análise temática. Como resultado, foi possível apreender 3 categorias empíricas: os determinantes históricos implicados na instituição do modelo gerencial de enfermagem; o contexto atual deste modelo, o seu significado e as possibilidades futuras e as estratégias de enfrentamento, no que se refere aos saberes e poderes. No que concerne aos determinantes históricos, ressalta-se: o estranhamento das enfermeiras com o cenário externo e interno, o “desmanche intencional" da Enfermagem no hospital; a constituição histórica do trabalho da Enfermagem e sua posição dentro da organização, e a percepção de que as enfermeiras que assumiram cargos de confiança no novo modelo se comportam mais como gerentes do que como enfermeiras-gerentes. Na categoria que identifica a situação atual, seu significado e as possibilidades futuras, foi possível extrair a crise de identidade causada pela perda da Direção de Enfermagem, e os dois aspectos que se perceberam mais afetados: o cuidado e o poder. Na categoria estratégias de enfrentamento, foi possível apreender que as opções estratégicas para fazer o enfrentamento incluem: agregar forças, encontrar uma liderança, legitimá-la e construir um projeto próprio. Em síntese, o estudo mostra um ambiente em processo de mutação, os fatos que justificam a mudança e as contradições entre os pressupostos teóricos do modelo e sua operacionalização. Na perspectiva do gerenciamento que institui o novo, foram feitas propostas para o desenvolvimento da Enfermagem do HC/UFPR, considerando os conhecimentos e as estratégias necessárias à conquista de competências que poderão impactar em resultados nas dimensões técnica, política, comunicativa e de desenvolvimento da cidadania. Neste sentido , os maiores desafios para a Enfermagem serão: construir uma nova identidade, realizar o trabalho em equipe mantendo a unidade e a identidade profissional, adquirir visibilidade na instituição, mudar o cuidado e ampliar a gerência. Para tanto, as enfermeiras precisam superar a formação tradicional e investir na formação inovadora. A seu favor, contam com a experiência e o conhecimento adquiridos ao longo de muitos anos, que as qualificam a fazer, se assim o desejarem, uma mudança bem sucedida / Wherever the National Health System was implemented as a caring network hospitals were pushed towards a full integration into municipal health networks, something which demanded conceptual and operational changes in managerial models. The hospital in the study has recently adopted a managerial model which follow “caring guidelines " whose general goal is management decentralization by building Functional Units (FU). The proposed decentralization process and the adoption of its new logic in work organization is centered on the “team" rather than on the “occupation". However, its local implementation has caused service failure and motivated breakdown and takeover by nursing professionals. The present study aimed at finding out what changes should be implemented in the professional nursing organization according to the current managerial model adopted by the hospital. Specific goals were as follows: to rebuild the historical background underlying the implementation of the managerial nursing model; to identify the current context of such a model, its meaning as well as future outlook; to think up strategies to cope with this problem concerning knowledge and competency and to work out a new proposal and strategies to rebuild this system. This research is a case study. Our qualitative analysis takes into account historical and social backgrounds. The setting was Hospital das Clinicas at the Federal University of the state of Paraná, Brazil. Our participants were chosen from the nursing staff of the hospital, which totals 1200 nursing professionals. We used a Focus Group technique to collect data. The group was comprised of 12 subjects: 2 nurses, 2 nursing technicians and 2 nursing assistants who had volunteered for the research. The accounts were transcribed and classified according to a content analysis within a theme analysis approach. Three (3) empirical categories were created: the historical background underlying the implementation of the managerial nursing model; the current context of such a model, its meaning and future outlook as well as the coping strategies concerning knowledge and competency. Concerning the historical background, we can highlight the following elements: the nursing professionals’ uneasiness towards the inner and outer scenarios, the intentional breakdown of nursing services at the hospital; the historical organization of nursing and its position in the institution; and the impression that nurses holding trustworthy positions in the new managerial model acted more like managers rather than nursing managers. In our analysis of the present situation, its meaning and future outlook, it was possible to discern the identity crisis brought about by the elimination of the Nursing Director position, and two aspects of the service which were most affected: care and power. In our analysis of the coping strategies, it was possible to identify the following strategic coping options used by the nursing staff: the joining of forces, the identification and legitimation of leadership, and the building of a project of their own. In short, the study discloses a changing environment and the facts supporting its change as well as the contradictions between the theoretical assumptions of the new model and its operationalization. As for the new managerial perspective, proposals were elaborated aiming at improving nursing service at Hospital das Clinicas at the Federal University of the state of Paraná, Brazil, keeping in mind the knowledge and the related strategies to reach the competency that may bring about positive results to technical, political, and communicative development in the exercise of citizenship. Thus, the hardest challenges for nursing will be: building up a new identity, carrying out team work - while keeping professional unit and identity- improving their visibility in the institution, changing care and extending management. Therefore, nurses need to do away with the traditional model and invest in an innovative model. Long-term gathered experience and knowledge favor them in order to foster, if they wish, a successful change

National and State Trends in BMI Percentile, Obesity, and Overweight Rates Among Youth using YRBSS Data

Morrell, Casey, Quinn, Megan A., Dula, Mark, Choksi, Charvi, Zheng, Shimin 06 April 2016 (has links)
Adolescent obesity is an area of growing public health concern. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducts surveys through their Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) every two years to monitor a variety of health risk factors and behaviors among high school and middle school students. The YRBSS compiles information about obesity and BMI percentile, among many other factors. We accessed a combined dataset available on the YRBSS website which includes all data collected from high school students’ surveys from 1991 to 2013. Due to updating of questionnaires and adding of variables over the years, some variables only appear in the most recent years, limiting trend analysis to the timeframe in which the variable of interest was included. We analyzed the linear and quadratic trends in BMI percentile, obesity, and overweight rates in the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) from 1999 to 2013 and in the Tennessee YRBS from 2003 to 2013. Each variable was stratified by age and race to observe differences among groups. National trends show an increase in average BMI percentiles overall from 1999 to 2007, a decrease between 2007 and 2009, then another increase between 2009 and 2013. Tennessee trends show a dramatic increase in average BMI percentile overall from 2003 to 2007, then a decrease between 2007 and 2013. Since 2005, Tennessee has maintained a higher average BMI percentile (64.23, 66.37, 65.00, 64.96, 64.23) than the national average (63.47, 64.23, 62.81, 63.00, 63.51) for each recorded year, however, the decreasing trends in Tennessee and increasing trends in the nation have brought the average BMI percentiles of each to comparable rates. There is literature to support the variation of BMI among young, middle-aged, and elderly individuals. However, there is currently little evidence of differences in BMI percentiles, obesity, or overweight rates between different age groups of high school students. We expect to see little, if any, differences across different age groups of high school students in this study both nationally and at the state level. Racial and ethnic disparities exist for a variety of health conditions and outcomes. Many conditions, including obesity, disproportionately affect minority populations. We expect to see differences in BMI percentiles, obesity, and overweight rates across different races at both nationally and at the state level.

Aktiekursförändringar och sökfrekvens på internet

Gill, Peter January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze if there is a correlation between stock prices and the amount of searches of the companies names on Google. The theories used in the study were Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Regressions analysis is used as the statistical method to see if there is a significant correlation between the stock prices and the amout of searches of the company name on Google. The data used were the rate of return of three companies (ABB, Oriflame and Sandvik) on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market, the rate of return of the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market index (OMX Stockholm_PI) and the Google search frequency from Google Trends on each company. The result showed no significance and the conclusion of the thesis is that there is no significant correlation between the three studied companies and their search frequency on the search engine Google.</p> / <p><strong>Syfte</strong>: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka ifall det finns ett samband mellan företags aktiekurser och sökfrekvens på företagets namn på söktjänsten Google.</p><p><strong>Data: </strong>Daglig avkastning på ABB:s, Oriflames och Sandviks aktier, Aktieindex samt Googels sökfrekvens.</p><p><strong>Teorier: </strong>Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Effektiva marknadshypotesen (EMH)</p><p><strong>Slutsats: </strong>Det råder inget signifikant samband mellan de undersökta företagens aktiekurser och deras företagsnamns sökfrekvens på söktjänsten Google.</p>

Aktiekursförändringar och sökfrekvens på internet

Gill, Peter January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze if there is a correlation between stock prices and the amount of searches of the companies names on Google. The theories used in the study were Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Regressions analysis is used as the statistical method to see if there is a significant correlation between the stock prices and the amout of searches of the company name on Google. The data used were the rate of return of three companies (ABB, Oriflame and Sandvik) on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market, the rate of return of the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market index (OMX Stockholm_PI) and the Google search frequency from Google Trends on each company. The result showed no significance and the conclusion of the thesis is that there is no significant correlation between the three studied companies and their search frequency on the search engine Google. / Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka ifall det finns ett samband mellan företags aktiekurser och sökfrekvens på företagets namn på söktjänsten Google. Data: Daglig avkastning på ABB:s, Oriflames och Sandviks aktier, Aktieindex samt Googels sökfrekvens. Teorier: Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Effektiva marknadshypotesen (EMH) Slutsats: Det råder inget signifikant samband mellan de undersökta företagens aktiekurser och deras företagsnamns sökfrekvens på söktjänsten Google.

Mudança do modelo gerencial em um hospital de ensino: a reconstrução da prática de enfermagem / Change in the managerial model at a teaching hospital: the reconstruction of nursing practice

Elizabeth Bernardino 05 March 2007 (has links)
Nos locais onde a implantação do SUS avançou para a formação de redes de atenção, os hospitais foram impulsionados à plena integração às redes municipais, o que impôs modificações conceituais e operacionais nos modelos de gerenciamento. O hospital do estudo, adotou, recentemente, um modelo gerencial baseado em “linhas de cuidado”, cujo objetivo geral é a descentralização da gestão, através da construção de Unidades Funcionais (UF). A proposta de descentralização e a adoção de uma lógica de organização do trabalho, mais por “equipe” do que por “profissão”, ancoram esse novo modelo, cuja operacionalização local provocou o desmantelamento do Serviço e a desarticulação/desmobilização dos trabalhadores de enfermagem. O presente estudo teve, como objetivo geral: construir as mudanças que deveriam ser implementadas na organização do trabalho em Enfermagem, tendo em vista o novo modelo de gestão adotado pelo hospital. Os objetivos específicos foram: Reconstruir os determinantes históricos implicados na instituição do modelo gerencial de enfermagem; identificar o contexto atual deste modelo, o seu significado e as possibilidades futuras; articular as estratégias de enfrentamento dessa problemática, no que se refere aos saberes e poderes e elaborar proposta e estratégias para a sua reconstrução. Esta pesquisa é do tipo estudo de caso e de abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada no referencial histórico e social. Teve como cenário, o HC/UFPR e a população foram os trabalhadores de enfermagem, que somam, aproximadamente, 1200 funcionários. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a técnica de grupo focal. O grupo foi composto por 12 sujeitos, sendo 8 enfermeiras, 2 técnicas e 2 auxiliares de Enfermagem, que aceitaram voluntariamente participar da pesquisa. As falas foram transcritas e categorizadas, usando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo, na modalidade da análise temática. Como resultado, foi possível apreender 3 categorias empíricas: os determinantes históricos implicados na instituição do modelo gerencial de enfermagem; o contexto atual deste modelo, o seu significado e as possibilidades futuras e as estratégias de enfrentamento, no que se refere aos saberes e poderes. No que concerne aos determinantes históricos, ressalta-se: o estranhamento das enfermeiras com o cenário externo e interno, o “desmanche intencional” da Enfermagem no hospital; a constituição histórica do trabalho da Enfermagem e sua posição dentro da organização, e a percepção de que as enfermeiras que assumiram cargos de confiança no novo modelo se comportam mais como gerentes do que como enfermeiras-gerentes. Na categoria que identifica a situação atual, seu significado e as possibilidades futuras, foi possível extrair a crise de identidade causada pela perda da Direção de Enfermagem, e os dois aspectos que se perceberam mais afetados: o cuidado e o poder. Na categoria estratégias de enfrentamento, foi possível apreender que as opções estratégicas para fazer o enfrentamento incluem: agregar forças, encontrar uma liderança, legitimá-la e construir um projeto próprio. Em síntese, o estudo mostra um ambiente em processo de mutação, os fatos que justificam a mudança e as contradições entre os pressupostos teóricos do modelo e sua operacionalização. Na perspectiva do gerenciamento que institui o novo, foram feitas propostas para o desenvolvimento da Enfermagem do HC/UFPR, considerando os conhecimentos e as estratégias necessárias à conquista de competências que poderão impactar em resultados nas dimensões técnica, política, comunicativa e de desenvolvimento da cidadania. Neste sentido , os maiores desafios para a Enfermagem serão: construir uma nova identidade, realizar o trabalho em equipe mantendo a unidade e a identidade profissional, adquirir visibilidade na instituição, mudar o cuidado e ampliar a gerência. Para tanto, as enfermeiras precisam superar a formação tradicional e investir na formação inovadora. A seu favor, contam com a experiência e o conhecimento adquiridos ao longo de muitos anos, que as qualificam a fazer, se assim o desejarem, uma mudança bem sucedida / Wherever the National Health System was implemented as a caring network hospitals were pushed towards a full integration into municipal health networks, something which demanded conceptual and operational changes in managerial models. The hospital in the study has recently adopted a managerial model which follow “caring guidelines ” whose general goal is management decentralization by building Functional Units (FU). The proposed decentralization process and the adoption of its new logic in work organization is centered on the “team” rather than on the “occupation”. However, its local implementation has caused service failure and motivated breakdown and takeover by nursing professionals. The present study aimed at finding out what changes should be implemented in the professional nursing organization according to the current managerial model adopted by the hospital. Specific goals were as follows: to rebuild the historical background underlying the implementation of the managerial nursing model; to identify the current context of such a model, its meaning as well as future outlook; to think up strategies to cope with this problem concerning knowledge and competency and to work out a new proposal and strategies to rebuild this system. This research is a case study. Our qualitative analysis takes into account historical and social backgrounds. The setting was Hospital das Clinicas at the Federal University of the state of Paraná, Brazil. Our participants were chosen from the nursing staff of the hospital, which totals 1200 nursing professionals. We used a Focus Group technique to collect data. The group was comprised of 12 subjects: 2 nurses, 2 nursing technicians and 2 nursing assistants who had volunteered for the research. The accounts were transcribed and classified according to a content analysis within a theme analysis approach. Three (3) empirical categories were created: the historical background underlying the implementation of the managerial nursing model; the current context of such a model, its meaning and future outlook as well as the coping strategies concerning knowledge and competency. Concerning the historical background, we can highlight the following elements: the nursing professionals’ uneasiness towards the inner and outer scenarios, the intentional breakdown of nursing services at the hospital; the historical organization of nursing and its position in the institution; and the impression that nurses holding trustworthy positions in the new managerial model acted more like managers rather than nursing managers. In our analysis of the present situation, its meaning and future outlook, it was possible to discern the identity crisis brought about by the elimination of the Nursing Director position, and two aspects of the service which were most affected: care and power. In our analysis of the coping strategies, it was possible to identify the following strategic coping options used by the nursing staff: the joining of forces, the identification and legitimation of leadership, and the building of a project of their own. In short, the study discloses a changing environment and the facts supporting its change as well as the contradictions between the theoretical assumptions of the new model and its operationalization. As for the new managerial perspective, proposals were elaborated aiming at improving nursing service at Hospital das Clinicas at the Federal University of the state of Paraná, Brazil, keeping in mind the knowledge and the related strategies to reach the competency that may bring about positive results to technical, political, and communicative development in the exercise of citizenship. Thus, the hardest challenges for nursing will be: building up a new identity, carrying out team work - while keeping professional unit and identity- improving their visibility in the institution, changing care and extending management. Therefore, nurses need to do away with the traditional model and invest in an innovative model. Long-term gathered experience and knowledge favor them in order to foster, if they wish, a successful change

Vývoj přímých zahraničních investic Visegrádské čtyřky po východním rozšíření EU - trendy v teritoriální a komoditní struktuře / Development of Foreign Direct Investment in Visegrad Countries after Eastern Enlargement of the EU - geographical and structural trends

Blažejovská, Martina January 2008 (has links)
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are regarded as the most effective form of international capital flows. The term FDI is often used in conjunction with globalisation, liberalisation and internacionalisation of the world economy. This paper deals with analysis of development of FDI in Visegrad countries (V4) after eastern enlargement of the EU, especially development of geographical and structural trends. The main analysis comes out of an analysis of business environment in individual Visegrad countries. Last but not least, the paper deals with FDI effects concerning not only positive aspects of FDI but also negative aspects connected with the FDI inflows in V4 which are arising currently as a consequence of global financial and economic crisis.

Rôle de la vapeur d'eau dans le cycle hydrologique en Arctique / The role of water vapor on the hydrologic cycle in the polar regions

Alraddawi, Dunya 19 December 2017 (has links)
La vapeur d'eau atmosphérique joue un rôle clé dans le budget radiatif en Arctique, le cycle hydrologique et donc le climat. Mais sa mesure avec une précision reste un défi. La vapeur d'eau en Arctique se caractérise par une variabilité spatiale et temporelle qui n'est pas complètement comprise. Sa colonne atmosphérique total intégrée (TCWV) est étudiée dans cette thèse. Trois méthodes de mesures de la TCWV à distance sont testées et validées pour la région polaire. Cela inclut les mesures de TCWV aux bandes NIR/VIS/IR par les capteurs MODIS, SCIAMACHY, et AIRS embarqués sur satellites. Le cycle saisonnier de la TCWV à 19 stations polaires de référence est examiné suite à l'effet de la latitude, de la longitude en plus de l'effet continental/océanique. Les mesures utilisées ont été validées aux trois stations polaires via la comparaison à une base de données référentielle de TCWV convertis de retards de signaux GPS basés au sol. Les incertitudes et limites de mesures satellitaires sont évaluées par saison et par mois. Particulièrement, nous avons étudié l’effet de la présence de nuages sur les mesures des TCWV par satellites. Dans le NIR et dans le VIS, les mesures subissent une sensibilité accrues à la présence de nuages aux latitudes hautes en été. En plus, l’estimation de l’albédo est toujours un défi aux modèles d’inversion de la TCWV, surtout en présence de neige en régions cultivées. Suite aux résultats de la validation, la distribution et les tendances saisonnières de la TCWV au-dessus de toute l'Arctique ont été évalués via MODIS. Les tendances et anomalies accrues sont discutées principalement en réponse aux changements observés en Arctique au cours des 2001-2015 années, celles qui concernent la végétation, la couverture de neige, et la glace de mer. Les tendances accrues de la TCWV peuvent être liées à l’augmentation locale de surfaces vertes relative à la neige pendant les saisons transitoires. Des tendances augmentées de la TCWV étaient observables par MODIS, forcé par le réchauffement estival local pendant les vagues de chaleurs au temps de ciels clairs. Un déclin dramatique de la glace de mer près des côtes Sibériennes et de la cote du Beaufort a entraîné une augmentation locale observée de la TCWV en début d’automne. Une phase de réchauffement au niveau de l’archipel du Svalbard, persistant en toutes saisons sauf l’été, a entrainé également des quantités supplémentaires de la TCWV. La détection et justification de tendances est une tache toujours loin d’être accomplie. Les mesures en Arctique sont toujours en question, les mesures de la TCWV au-dessus de surfaces vertes en hiver, ou à travers du ciel nuageux en été sont des défis majeurs. / Atmospheric water vapour plays a key role in the Arctic radiation budget, hydrological cycle and hence climate, but its measurement with high accuracy remains an important challenge. Arctic water vapor is characterized by a spatial and temporal variability which is not completely understood yet. Its mass integrated in the atmospheric column (TCWV) is studied in this thesis. TCWV seasonal cycle at 18 polar stations is examined following the effect of latitude, longitude in addition to the continental effect. The measurements used in this thesis were validated at three polar stations, the satellites measurements of TCWV in the NIR/VIS/IR bands by MODIS/ SCIAMACHY/ AIRS sensors are compared to those obtained from ground based GPS signals delay. Their uncertainties and limitations are evaluated in season and month scales especially their sensitivities to the clouds presence. In NIR and VIS, the measurements undergo increased sensitivity to the presence of clouds at high latitudes in summer. In addition, albedo estimation is still a challenge to their TCWV inversion models, especially where canopies are snow-covered. Following the validation results, the distribution and seasonal trends of the TCWV over the entire Arctic was assessed via MODIS. Trends and anomalies are discussed mainly in response to changes in the Arctic vegetation, snow cover, and sea ice during 2001-2015. Increased trends in TCWV may be related to local increase of vegetated areas coincidently to snow cover decrease during transient seasons. Increased trends in TCWV were observed by MODIS, forced by local summer warming from many warm waves. A dramatic decline in sea ice near the Siberian and Beaufort coasts led to an observed local increase in TCWV in early fall. A warm-up phase in the Svalbard archipelago, persisting in all seasons except summer, also resulted in additional quantities of TCWV. The detection and justification of trends is a task still far from being accomplished. Arctic TCWV measurements are in question, TCWV measurements over green areas in winter, or through cloudy skies in summer are the major challenges.

Capturing health in the elderly population : Complex health problems, mortality, and allocation of home-help services

Meinow, Bettina January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates health trends among very old people and the allocation of public home-help services. A further aim is to examine methodological issues in mortality analysis. Three data sources are used: (1) The Tierp study of community-dwelling persons (n=421, ages 75+), (2) the SWEOLD nationally representative samples (n=537 in 1992 and n=561 in 2002, ages 77+), and 3) SNAC-K comprised of home-help recipients in a district of Stockholm (n=1108, ages 65+).</p><p>Study I suggests that the length of the follow-up period may explain some of the differences found in predictor strength when comparing mortality studies. Predictors that can change rapidly (e.g., health) were found to be strongest for the short term, with a lower average mortality risk for longer follow-ups. Stable variables (e.g., gender) were less affected by length of follow-up.</p><p>Studies II and III present a measure of complex health problems based on serious problems in at least two of three health domains. These were diseases/symptoms, mobility, and cognition/communication. Prevalence of complex health problems increased significantly between 1992 and 2002. Older age, female gender, and lower education increased the odds of having complex problems. Complex problems strongly predicted 4-year mortality. Controlled for age, gender, health, and education, mortality decreased by 20% between 1992 and 2002. Men with complex problems accounted for this decrease. Thus, in 2002 the gender difference in mortality risk was almost eliminated among the most vulnerable adults.</p><p>Study IV revealed that physical and cognitive limitations, higher age, and living alone were significantly related to home-help allocation, with physical and cognitive limitations dominating. Psychiatric symptoms did not affect the assessment.</p><p>The increased prevalence of complex health problems and increased survival among people with complex needs have important implications concerning the need for collaboration among service providers.</p>

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