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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalita života v krajích v roce 2013: jakými ekonomickými ukazateli ji hodnotit? / What economic indicators are the most appropriate measures of quality of life in Czech regions in 2013?

Holanová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis introduces comparison of economic situation and overall quality of life in regions of the Czech Republic in 2013. Based on hierarchical Quality-of-life Index (QLI), the thesis confirms stated hypothesis, which assumes that ordered lists of regions by GDP per capita and alternative, more complex QLI will differ. Aforementioned index is composed of 24 cross-section indicators, which are sorted into three particular categories. Inputs can be considered both consistent and comparable, since the analysis is based on data published by Czech statistical office, individual ministries and official specialized institutions. As the following synthesis proves, Prague region is the best ranked - especially thanks to its favorable economic and demographic conditions. The thesis therefore denies another hypothesis, which expects Prague to perform worse due to its high rate of crime and lower quality of environment than in other regions. Regression analysis implies that total GDP per capita contribution to QLI corresponds to 70 percent.

El impacto económico que genera ser anfitrión de los juegos panamericanos / The economic impact generated by hosting the Pan American Games

Espinoza Saavedra, Bruno, Grigoletto Quevedo, Angelo Giuseppe 09 September 2020 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación se basa en modelos económicos utilizados por distintos autores para medir el impacto económico que le generaría realizar juegos olímpicos al país anfitrión. Este modelo de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios es replicado en el escenario de juegos panamericanos. Los estudios existentes sugieren que juegos de esta magnitud pueden generar un aumento del empleo; sin embargo, alcanzan poco consenso sobre la magnitud o duración de ese impacto. El propósito de este estudio es determinar si el hecho de ser sede de un juego panamericano impacta positivamente en el PBI per cápita y la tasa de desempleo del país anfitrión. Para evaluar el impacto económico, las naciones anfitrionas no solo serán analizadas en sí mismas, sino que también se las comparará con las naciones que quedaron en el proceso de licitación. / The research work is based on economic models used by different authors to measure the economic impact that the Olympic Games would generate for the host country. This model of ordinary least squares is replicated in the Pan American Games stage. Existing studies suggest that the Olympics may lead to increased employment, but they reach little consensus on the size or length of that impact. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of hosting the Pan American Games through GDP and unemployment. To assess the economic impact, host nations will not only be analyzed in and of itself, but will also be compared to runner-up nations in the bidding process. / Tesis

The effects of international trade on economic growth in South Africa (2000Q1 to 2017Q2) and econometric view

Ratombo, Ndivhuho Eunice January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (M. Com. (Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / International trade has been identified by many economists to be an engine for growth and development. There has been an increase in the number of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements across the globe. Trade has gained significant attention among developed and developing countries and it hugely attributed to the impact of technology and globalisation. The study employs autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach to analyse The effects of international trade on economic growth in South Africa from (2000Q1 to 2017Q1) and economic review. The quarterly time series data from 2000Q1 to 2017Q1 is sourced from the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and Quantec Easy Data. This study is envisaged to provide a better understanding on the relationship between South African economic growth and international trade. The findings brought light on how growth can be improved in South Africa. The unit root tests indicate a mixture of I(0) and I(1) variables which implied the employment of the ARDL approach. The cointegration model emphasizes the long-run equilibrium relationship between the dependant and independent variables. The findings reveal that exchange rate and import are positively related with GDP while one export is negatively related to it. The conclusion from this work is that there is correlation between GDP and its regressors. Since the results show that South African export have negative impact on growth, it is recommended that South African government must promote trading of goods and services internally and not focus much on exporting its primary goods and services abroad because it weakens the economy. It is recommended that South Africa must produce or export according to the need of the industry, so that the country benefit in return. Lastly, it is recommended that South Africa must support local industries and firms to create more employment opportunities and start programmes that will make youth to be active in businesses and reduce over reliance to the government.

貨幣価値とエネルギー量的価値の両面から見た経済過程の分析 -日本の電力産業の構造的分析を通じてー

青木, 秀和 24 September 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 乙第13282号 / 論地環博第13号 / 新制||地環||38(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎地球環境学専攻 / (主査)准教授 森 晶寿, 教授 諸富 徹, 教授 佐野 亘 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM

Metodika hodnocení a odměňování vrcholových manažerů / Evaluation and remuneration methodology of top managers

Procházková, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the creation of a new methodology of evaluation and remuneration for top managers in the environment of the Czech manufacturing industry. Based on a literature search, individual methods of evaluation and remuneration of this selected group of employees were defined. Due to the complexity of the issues addressed, it is also necessary to focus on the company's performance, which is monitored through the EBITDA indicator. This indicator is then the main pillar for the remuneration of managers. The methodology consists of two more pillars. The first is the macroeconomic indicator of gross domestic product, the second is the qualitative factor of the ethical aspect of the manager's work. The work aims to create a remuneration methodology that will be usable for the Czech environment, will combine the manager's remuneration with his performance and the performance of the company and could lead to a reduction in the cost of representation. The key to its creation was the acquisition of primary data through questionnaire surveys and pilot studies, which were evaluated by mathematical and statistical methods. The resulting methodology is applied to a specific company within the verification of the proposed methodology.

Synergetika a samoorganizace v ekonomice / Synergetics and Self-organization in the Economy

Balúch, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis focuses at analysis and research of synergy and self-organization in economics. The motivation for the thesis was joining Czech Republic and other nine countries to the European Union on May 1st, 2004. The primary aim was to analyse the problem and on a model example,assuming "ceteris paribus", confirm or refute the thought, that joining the European Union has positive synergic effect for newcomers. The second meaning of synergy is solved as a sub-problem in the master thesis, where the use of synergy in logistics was analysed and opportunities improving the current situation were suggested.

Transmission des chocs spéculatifs et effets asymétriques / Speculative shock transmission and asymmetric effecs

Lecumberry, Julien 08 September 2014 (has links)
Fin 2008, la faillite de Lehmann Brother fait basculer les économies développées dans une crise économique qui se propagea brutalement à l'ensemble du monde. Connu sous le nom de Grande Récession, cet épisode a depuis contribué à raviver les inquiétudes relatives aux déséquilibres sur les marchés financiers. S'inscrivant dans ce contexte, cette thèse tente d'apporter un éclairage nouveau aux effets macroéconomiques de déséquilibres sur un marché particulier : le marché des actions. Après avoir répondu à l'étape préliminaire consistant à définir la composante spéculative, nous explorons ses canaux de transmission et tentons de mettre en lumière la présence d'effets asymétriques. De façon générale, deux questions fondamentales sont ainsi posées. Premièrement, nous cherchons à déterminer si la présence de déséquilibres sur le marché des actions est susceptible de déstabiliser l'activité économique. Deuxièmement, nous testons l'apport informationnel de la composante spéculative pour la prévision des conditions économiques futures. Nos travaux empiriques attestent finalement que les mouvements spéculatifs impactent significativement l'activité économique et montrent que ces répercussions sont en moyenne néfastes pour la sphère réelle. Les effets bénéfiques et négatifs ne se compensent pas. Ce dernier résultat est en partie confirmé par l'analyse du pouvoir prédictif de la composante spéculative. / Fall 2008, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brother led a part of world to a severe economic crisis. Also known as "Great Recession", this episode contributed to ravive apprehension about financial imbalances. In this context, we attempt to analyze the macroeconomic effects of the non-fundamental component of stock price. Overall, the thesis focuses on two questions. First, we investigate the macroeconomic effects of this component and pay a particular attention to asymmetry. Second, we examine whether share price misalignments contain leading information about gross domestic product (GDP). In order to deal with these issues, we first have to define the non-fundamental component of stock prices. Using recent econometric methodologies, we explicitly show that the speculative component has significant effects on real economy. Furthermore, the impact of a negative shock is larger that of a positive shock. Volatility of stock prices is found to be an explanation for this asymmetry. Our results also suggest that the speculative component is useful for predicting GDP.

Inclusive development in landlocked states / Inkluderande utveckling i inlandsstater

Latif, Philip January 2020 (has links)
We estimate the effects of the landlocked dummy on inclusive improvements in living standards using the recently developed Inclusive Development Index (IDI). Utilizing cross-country regression models from recent literature, contributions of income, institutional quality, trade and relevant controls are used to examine the effects of the landlocked trap on inclusive development. Our findings indicate that institutions and geographical conditions have statistically significant effects on the IDI score, while we find no such effects from sea port access or trade. We relate these findings to recent literature and its relevance to poverty reduction in LLDCs. / Vi uppskattar effekterna av inlandstatsdummyn på inkluderande förbättringar avlevnadsstandarder genom det nyligen utvecklade inkluderande utvecklingsindexet IDI, Inclusive Development Index. Med hjälp av tvärsnittsregressionsmodeller från aktuell litteratur, använder vi oss av inkomst, institutionell kvalitet, handel och relevanta kontroller för att undersöka inlandsstatsfällans effekter på inkluderande utveckling. Våra resultat antyder att institutioner och geografiska förhållanden har statistiskt signifikanta effekter på ens IDI betyg, medan vi inte kan påvisa någon sådan effekt för varken hamnsstadsåtkomst eller handel. Vi knyter an dessa resultat till aktuell litteratur och dess relevans till fattigdomsbekämpning i kustlösa utvecklingsländer.

En studie om ESG-betygets effekt på avkastning / A Study Regarding the Effect of the ESG-score on Stock Returns

Bring, Viktor, Jobe, Malcolm January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den ökade populariteten av ESG som investeringsgrund har gett upphov till en intressant diskussion kring huruvida ESG-betyg har en effekt på avkastning eller inte. En del forskning tar ståndpunkten att en hållbar profil med fokus på ESG påverkar avkastning positivt. De som associerar sig med denna ståndpunkt belyser att investerare kan influera arbete mot en hållbar framtid utan att det ska ge en negativ effekt i önskade avkastningskrav. Däremot finns en motpol i en del av forskningen som hävdar att ESG berör avkastning negativt. Därtill hävdar vissa studier att det finns en diskrepans mellan sektorer på marknaden gällande eventualiteten av ESG:s effekt på riskfyllda tillgångar. Därav är ämnet av intresse med anledning av den motstridiga forskningen angående effekten ESG-betyget har på avkastning.  Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att historiskt analysera ESG-betygets eventuella effekt på avkastningen för bolag noterade på OMX Stockholm Large Cap, för att utreda om ESG-betyg kan vara en drivande faktor. Studien har som delsyfte att undersöka om det råder några skillnader i hur ESG-betyget påverkar avkastning i olika sektorer. Metod: Studien har antagit en deduktiv ansats med en kvantitativ metod för att uppfylla syftet. Med grund i dessa metodval analyseras urvalet genom teoretiskt grundade variabler. Studien använder balanserad paneldata som karaktäriseras som kort panel. Resultat: Observerade resultat av rapporten understryker att ESG-betyg återger en försumbar effekt på avkastningen i samtliga regressioner. Koefficienterna för ESG-betygen är dock statistiskt icke-signifikanta. Således kan inte författarna fastställa ESG-betygets inverkan på avkastning för bolagen i urvalet. Däremot finns det tidigare forskning på området som finner liknande resultat som denna studie. / Background: The rising popularity of ESG investing has provided for an interesting deliberation whether the ratio influences stock returns or not. There are those who assert that emphasizing upon ESG yields higher stock returns for investors. Hence, reiterating that investors can contribute to a sustainable future without interfering with desired capital gains. However, there is research that indicates that the incorporation of ESG impedes potential stock returns. Furthermore, previous studies have indicated that there is a potential disparity between sectors of the market, meaning that ESG might have a varied effect. The topic is henceforth of interest due to the contradicting results regarding the effects of ESG on stock returns.  Aim: This study aims to analyze and clarify whether ESG-score is a determining factor in the return of stocks listed on OMX Stockholm Large Cap during the time period 2011-2019. The report will also investigate if there is a difference in its possible impact acrossvarious industries.  Methodology: The study has utilized a deductive and quantitative approach to effectuate the aim of the report. Furthermore, the report has used a balanced panel data with a short panel. Results: The results of the report emphasize that the ESG-score has a negligible effect on stock returns across all industries. However, the coefficients for the ESG-score are statistically insignificant, which means that no conclusion can be established regarding its effect on the selection of stocks listed on OMX Stockholm Large Cap. Nonetheless, there is previous research that supports the findings of the report.

Financial Globalization and Macroeconomic Volatility: an Empirical Study of the Effects of Foreign Bank Presence on the Volatility of Consumption and Growth

Casula, Chiara January 2012 (has links)
Financial integration has been at the centre of a wide debate, especially with respect to its effects on stability, inequality and welfare. This thesis presents an empirical investigation on the relationship between financial integration and macroeconomic volatility. The present study takes advantage of the publication of a new database on integration in the banking industry, and estimates its effects on the volatility of output and consumption, on a set of 136 countries over the years 1996 to 2009, using regions and country fixed effects. The analysis focuses on the effect of foreign bank presence on macroeconomic volatility, and as a further application, on the effect of foreign bank assets on macroeconomic volatility. Furthermore, the present study will determine whether the findings change for Central and Eastern European Countries and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The main finding is that foreign bank presence is significantly related to the volatility of output, but it is not related to the volatility of private consumption growth. The original contribution of this paper is to empirically analyse data on foreign bank presence as proxies for financial integration, and to relate them to the volatility of output and consumption.

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