Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda aupply chain"" "subject:"anda aupply shain""
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Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Food Supply Chains : A Qualitative Study on the Effects of AI from the Retailers’ PerspectiveHermansson, Sofia, Lindgren, Simon January 2024 (has links)
Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked a large interest across various sectors, where it has been praised for its capabilities of transforming the way businesses operate. The food supply chain (FSC) is a particularly complex and unique supply chain due to its nature of dealing with perishable products. With sustainability becoming an increasingly important aspect for stakeholders, it stresses the importance of the FSC optimizing their operations to ensure minimal environmental impact while maximizing efficiency. Although the topic of AI is widely discussed in society, research concerning the topic remains limited. While the existing literature frequently discusses AI’s potential in broad terms, it is lacking in showcasing the practical effects it can entail within specific industries. Therefore, investigating the implications of the technology in the FSC is highly relevant from both a practical and theoretical standpoint. The study’s purpose is to contribute with insights into how the implementation of AI has affected food supply chains in Sweden. It holds an exploratory research design and an inductive research approach, taking the perspective of the inbound logistics part of the FSC. To gain a clear understanding of what practical effects AI has entailed, the study highlights both the dynamics of the FSC before implementing AI, as well as its dynamics after implementing it. This study used a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews to obtain its empirical data. The interviews were conducted with two of the large food retailers in Sweden, and a thematic analysis was then employed to identify a few key areas that the empirical findings showed. The results show that the main areas where AI has affected the FSC is in (1) time-savings, (2) inventory management, (3) waste management, and (4) internal supply chain efficiency. The common denominator between these areas was identified to be the improved forecasting ability that AI provides. Forecasts play a significant role in improving efficiency since they entail a supply chain-wide impact where both suppliers, warehouses, and ultimately the end-customer are impacted from them. However, the findings indicate that although AI is an effective tool, it remains to have certain limitations and still requires human maintenance to properly function.
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From Crisis to Control : -Managerial Competencies, Actions, and Learnings in the Event of a Supply Chain DisruptionDahlsund, Alexander, Englert, Hugo, Sandahl, William January 2024 (has links)
Background: With an increasing population and volume in global trade, pressures on supply chains have escalated immensely. Over the past five years, multiple events have caused disruptions in supply chains, affecting economies and products not arriving on time. It is essential for managers to understand why a crisis might arise and how to handle it most efficiently to minimize the impact on the organization. Purpose: Establish what managers in Sweden have learned from recent supply chain disruptions and how they are responding to the current disruption caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Method: The research was grounded on the interpretivism paradigm with convenience and purposeful sampling. Semi-structured interviews with seven participants were conducted and reviewed through thematic analysis with an inductive and deductive approach induced by exploratory research that led to qualitative data. Conclusion: The findings in this report resulted in an understanding of the mechanisms used to handle recent disruptions. The focus was on securing the flow of materials through local and multiple suppliers, as well as warehouses with safety stock. Communication, transparency and other intangible competencies were also important. During the ongoing disruption, results showed that more emphasis was placed on local and multiple suppliers, mapping, and world assessment.
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Does Size Matter? : Exploring the Impact of Long Supply Chains and Interorganizational Relations on Workplace Safety in the Construction IndustryKinnunen, Wilma, Mica, Langels January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to analyze how the length of the supply chain and theinterorganizational relation between the suppliers within a construction project affects theoutcome of social sustainability with a focus on workplace safety and accidents. A qualitativestudy was conducted through semi-structured interviews with nine respondents from differentparts of the supply chain. An analytical model was created based on the theoretical framework ofinterorganizational relation factors (communication, collaboration, coordination and cooperation,organizational culture, and knowledge sharing) and sustainable supply chain management tounderstand how the length and the relationships affect safety on construction projects. The thesisidentified that the multiple tiers of subcontractors, increases the complexity of implementing aneffective interorganizational relation and sustainable supply chain management. Therefore, thelength of the supply chain and the interorganizational relations influence the degree of safety.Other findings included how the changing workforce, with increased foreign workers, is a newchallenge for the industry, and the long supply chain makes the safety work more difficult. Thefindings could be of interest to actors in the construction industry since it adds aninterorganizational perspective to the long supply chain's influence on workplace safety
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[ES] La Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro se define como un conjunto de acciones que permiten a las empresas gestionar, planificar y controlar sus operaciones como una forma de facilitar la colaboración entre los miembros de la Cadena de Suministro. Para ser más eficaces y eficientes, las empresas están cada vez más dispuestas a rediseñar sus estrategias de Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro y a adoptar prácticas de gestión. Esta tesis doctoral analiza cómo se interrelacionan algunas variables relacionadas con la eficacia y la eficiencia en la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro, y el posible impacto de estas interrelaciones en los resultados empresariales. Específicamente, profundizamos en las relaciones entre Cloud Computing, Integración de la Cadena de Suministro, Flexibilidad de la Cadena de Suministro, Personalización en Masa y Lean Production (que son variables asociadas con la eficacia y eficiencia de la Cadena de Suministro) y su papel en los resultados empresariales.
En esta tesis, inicialmente consideramos dos factores importantes para conseguir eficacia y eficiencia en la Cadena de Suministro. Así, un primero factor estaría formado por la interrelación entre el uso de Cloud Computing, un nuevo paradigma en la interpretación de las Tecnologías de la información, y la Integración de la Cadena de Suministro. Bajos niveles en este factor permitirán a las empresas conseguir sus objetivos (ser eficaces) pero empleando muchos más recursos (menos eficientes) que altos valores en este factor. Un segundo factor recoge la interrelación de la Flexibilidad de la Cadena de Suministro y la Personalización en Masa. De forma similar al factor anterior, bajos niveles en este factor estarían asociados a una menor eficiencia (aun siendo eficaces), mientras que altos niveles, estaría asociados a una alta eficiencia. Ambos factores son consideradas en esta tesis, en primer lugar, de forma aislada, mediante revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura que permiten identificar qué se sabe en la literatura sobre la relación existente entre las variables que conforman cada factor. En segundo lugar, en esta tesis, se realiza un análisis explicativo en que se considera el efecto de Lean Production, y su relación con cada uno de los factores, lo que estaría asociado a unos altos niveles de eficiencia en la Cadena de Suministro, y se analiza cómo el efecto conjunto de Lean Production y cada uno de los factores (variables) consideradas afecta a los resultados de la empresa. Finalmente, en esta tesis se consideran todas las variables de forma conjunta (ambos factores y el efecto de Lean Production, actuando sobre los resultados empresariales), en un modelo holístico que utiliza la simulación para analizar el comportamiento del modelo.
El valor de esta tesis es que académicos y gerentes de negocios pueden tener evidencia de apoyo sobre el papel que juegan Cloud Computing, Integración de la Cadena de Suministro, Flexibilidad de la Cadena de Suministro, Personalización en Masa y Lean Production, vinculadas operativa y estratégicamente, y cómo esta combinación podría transformarse en un mejor desempeño empresarial. El mejor conocimiento de estas relaciones puede afectar la manera en que investigadores y directivos abordan estos recursos de gestión, siendo más conscientes del importante papel de la Cadena de Suministro en la competitividad. Este trabajo se diferencia de los aportes anteriores por proporcionar enfoques teóricos y empíricos de las posibles interrelaciones entre las variables antes mencionadas. Los resultados de este estudio, por lo tanto, podrían ser muy útiles en el diseño de futuros esfuerzos de investigación en esta área. / [CA] La Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament es defineix com un conjunt d'accions que permeten a les empreses gestionar, planificar i controlar les seues operacions com una manera de facilitar la col·laboració entre els membres de la Cadena de Subministrament. Per a ser més eficaços i eficients, les empreses estan cada vegada més disposades a redissenyar les seues estratègies de Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament i a adoptar pràctiques de gestió. Aquesta tesi doctoral analitza com s'interrelacionen algunes variables relacionades amb l'eficàcia i l'eficiència en la Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament, i el possible impacte d'aquestes interrelacions en els resultats empresarials. Específicament, aprofundim en les relacions entre Cloud Computing, Integració de la Cadena de Subministrament, Flexibilitat de la Cadena de Subministrament, Personalització en massa i Lean Production (que són variables associades amb l'eficàcia i eficiència de la Cadena de Subministrament) i el seu paper en els resultats empresarials.
En aquesta tesi, inicialment considerem dos factors importants per a aconseguir eficàcia i eficiència en la Cadena de Subministrament. Així, un primer factor estaria format per la interrelació entre l'ús de Cloud Computing, un nou paradigma en la interpretació de les Tecnologies de la informació, i la Integració de la Cadena de Subministrament. Baixos nivells en aquest factor permetran a les empreses aconseguir els seus objectius (ser eficaços) però emprant molts més recursos (menys eficients) que alts valors en aquest factor. Un segon factor recull la interrelació de la Flexibilitat de la Cadena de Subministrament i la Personalització en massa. De forma similar al factor anterior, baixos nivells en aquest factor estarien associats a una menor eficiència (fins i tot sent eficaces), mentre que alts nivells, estaria associats a una alta eficiència. Tots dos factors són considerades en aquesta tesi, en primer lloc, de forma aïllada, mitjançant revisions sistemàtiques de la literatura que permeten identificar què se sap en la literatura sobre la relació existent entre les variables que conformen cada factor. En segon lloc, en aquesta tesi, es realitza una anàlisi explicativa en què es considera l'efecte de Lean Production, i la seua relació amb cadascun dels factors, la qual cosa estaria associat a uns alts nivells d'eficiència en la Cadena de Subministrament, i s'analitza com l'efecte conjunt de Lean Production i cadascun dels factors (variables) considerades afecta als resultats de l'empresa. Finalment, en aquesta tesi es consideren totes les variables de forma conjunta (tots dos factors i l'efecte de Lean Production, actuant sobre els resultats empresarials), en un model holístic que utilitza la simulació per a analitzar el comportament del model.
El valor d'aquesta tesi és que acadèmics i gerents de negocis poden tindre evidència de suport sobre el paper que juguen Cloud Computing, Integració de la Cadena de Subministrament, Flexibilitat de la Cadena de Subministrament, Personalització en massa i Lean Production, vinculades operativa i estratègicament, i com aquesta combinació podria transformar-se en un millor acompliment empresarial. El millor coneixement d'aquestes relacions pot afectar la manera en què investigadors i directius aborden aquests recursos de gestió, sent més conscients de l'important paper de la Cadena de Subministrament en la competitivitat. Aquest treball es diferencia de les aportacions anteriors per proporcionar enfocaments teòrics i empírics de les possibles interrelacions entre les variables abans esmentades. Els resultats d'aquest estudi, per tant, podrien ser molt útils en el disseny de futurs esforços d'investigació en aquesta àrea. / [EN] Supply Chain Management is defined as a set of actions that allow companies to manage, plan and control their operations as a way to facilitate collaboration between Supply Chain members. To be more effective and efficient, companies are increasingly willing to redesign their Supply Chain Management strategies and adopt management practices. This doctoral thesis analyses how some variables related to effectiveness and efficiency in Supply Chain Management are interrelated, and the possible impact of these interrelations on business performance. Specifically, we delve into the relationships between Cloud Computing, Supply Chain Integration, Supply Chain Flexibility, Mass Personalization and Lean Production (which are variables associated with the effectiveness and efficiency in the Supply Chain) and their role in business performance.
In this doctoral thesis, we initially considered two important factors to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in the Supply Chain. A first factor would be the interrelation between the use of Cloud Computing, a new paradigm in the interpretation of Information Technologies, and Supply Chain Integration. Low levels in this factor will allow companies to achieve their goals (be effective) but using many more resources (less efficient) than high values in this factor. A second factor is the interrelationship of Supply Chain Flexibility and Mass Personalization. Similar to the previous factor, low levels of this factor would be associated with lower efficiency (even if effective), while high levels would be associated with high efficiency. Both factors are considered in this thesis, in the first place, in an isolated way, by means of systematic literature reviews that allow identifying what is known in the literature about the existing relation between the variables that conform each factor. Secondly, an explanatory analysis is made in which the effect of Lean Production is considered, and its relation with each one of the factors, which would be associated with high levels of efficiency in the Supply Chain, and it is analysed how the joint effect of Lean Production and each one of the factors (variables) considered affects business performance. Finally, this thesis considers all variables together (both factors and the effect of Lean Production, acting on business performance), in a holistic model that uses simulation to analyse the model's behaviour.
The value of this doctoral thesis is that academics and business managers can have supporting evidence on the role played by Cloud Computing, Supply Chain Integration, Supply Chain Flexibility, Mass Personalization and Lean Production, operationally and strategically linked, and how this combination could be transformed into better business performance. The better knowledge of these relationships can affect the way researchers and managers approach these management resources, being more aware of the important role of the Supply Chain in competitiveness. This work differs from previous contributions in that it provides theoretical and empirical approaches to the possible interrelations between the variables mentioned above. The results of this study, therefore, could be very useful in the design of future research efforts in this area. / This doctoral thesis has been developed thanks to the support of the Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) of Brazil and the Spanish Ministry
of Economy and Competitiveness Research Project ECO2015-65874-P. / Romualdo Novais, L. (2019). CLOUD COMPUTING, SUPPLY CHAIN INTEGRATION, SUPPLY CHAIN FLEXIBILITY AND MASS PERSONALIZATION: INTERRELATIONSHIPS WITH LEAN PRODUCTION AND PERFORMANCE [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/121460
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Koordination im Supply Chain Management : die Rolle von Macht und Vertrauen /Groll, Marcus. Weber, Jürgen. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Wiss. Hochsch. für Unternehmensführung, Diss.--Vallendar, 2004.
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Le capital social de la supply chain : antécédents et impact sur la performance / The supply chain social capital : antecedents and impact on the performanceSaikouk, Tarik 11 July 2013 (has links)
Le supply chain management fait l'objet d'une attention particulière de la part des entreprises et des chercheurs notamment en sciences de gestion. Il s'articule autour de la mutualisation de ressources et des compétences de chaque membre de la supply chain et la synergie qui subsiste entre eux afin de créer collectivement une valeur supérieure à la somme des valeurs créées séparément par chacun. Cette alliance, qui nécessite la coopération collective dans la création et le partage équitable de la valeur, est caractérisée par des comportements opportunistes qui entraînent des défaillances comme l'effet Bullwhip. Ainsi, notre objectif est d'analyser ces comportements afin de comprendre leur dynamique au sein de la supply chain. A cet égard, nous nous appuyons sur la perspective des dilemmes sociaux pour proposer deux mécanismes : un mécanisme motivationnel (partage de l'identité de la supply chain) et un mécanisme structurel (investissement dans les ressources relationnelles) pour à la fois réduire et décourager l'opportunisme. Afin d'appuyer notre raisonnement, ces mécanismes sont articulés pour créer un capital social qui, en facilitant le supply chain management, permet d'améliorer la performance de la supply chain. Cela a donné lieu à la conception d'un modèle intégrateur de la dynamique sociale de la supply chain. Celui-ci a été validé auprès d'un échantillon de 130 répondants (Responsables supply chain, directeurs logistiques, etc.). Les données collectées ont été analysées tout d'abord par une analyse univariée, suivie d'une analyse en composantes principales afin d'épurer nos échelle de mesure. En second lieu, nous avons fait appel aux modèles d'équations structurelles PLS-PM (régressions aux moindres carrées partiels), pour estimer d'une part, la validité convergente ainsi que la validité discriminante des échelles de mesures, et d'autre part, valider nos hypothèses de recherche relatives aux antécédents et aux conséquences du capital social de la supply chain. Les résultats d'analyse nous ont permis de valider toutes les hypothèses selon lesquelles les deux mécanismes de résolution du dilemme social permettent de développer un capital social au sein de la supply chain qui, en agissant comme un lubrificateur des relations inter-organisationnelle, permet d'améliorer la performance de la supply chain. / Supply chain management is subject of particular interest to professionals and researchers especially in management science. It revolves around the sharing of resources and expertise between supply chain members, and the synergy that exists between them to collectively create value that is more than the sum of the values created separately by each member. This alliance, which requires collective cooperation in the creation and the equitable sharing of the value, is characterized by opportunistic behaviors that lead to failure, as illustrated by the Bullwhip effect. Thus, our objective is to analyze these behaviors in an attempt to understand their dynamics within the supply chain. In this regard, we rely on the perspective of social dilemmas to propose two mechanisms: a motivational mechanism (sharing the identity of the supply chain) and a structural mechanism (investment in relational resources) to discourage and reduce opportunism. To support our reasoning, these mechanisms are articulated to create social capital, facilitating supply chain management, in turn improving supply chain performance. This leads to the design of an integrative model of supply chain social dynamics. This was validated with a sample of 130 respondents (supply chain heads, logistics managers, etc.). The collected data were analyzed first by univariate analysis followed by principal component analysis to refine our scale. Second, we used PLS-PM (partial least squares regression) structural equation models to estimate, on one hand, the convergent and the discriminant validity of the measurement scales validity, and on the other hand, validate our research hypotheses on the antecedents and the consequences of social capital in the supply chain. The results of these analyses have allowed us to validate all the assumptions that the two mechanisms for resolving social dilemma help develop social capital within the supply chain, and act to lubricate inter-organizational relations, allowing improved supply chain performance.
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Supply chain performance measurement : operative und strategische Management- und Controllingansätze /Erdmann, Mark-Ken. January 2007 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss u.d.T.: Erdmann, Mark-Ken: Supply chain performance measurement unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Balanced-scorecard-Ansatzes--Zugl.: Dortmund, 2002. / Literaturverz. S. [297]-360.
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L’insertion des coopératives issues de l’agriculture familiale dans une global value chain : le cas des apiculteurs du Nordeste du Brésil / The integration of cooperatives from family farming into a global value chain : The Beekeepers of the Northwest BrazilDa Silva Duarté, Natalia 29 June 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse traite des compétences nécessaires à acquérir afin que les agricultures familiales puissent être incluses durablement dans une Global Value Chain. Nous y développons une grille de lecture de ces compétences, afin de rendre les coopératives capables de gérer leur Supply Chain Management. L’approche par compétences consiste en un apprentissage plus concret, plus actif et plus durable. Il met donc l’accent sur la capacité d’utiliser concrètement ce qui a été appris dans des tâches et situations nouvelles et complexes.Les difficultés des petits agriculteurs remontent à longtemps. Plusieurs études sont été développés pour résoudre leurs principaux problèmes. Ceux-ci comprennent la production à petite échelle, l’obtention du marché pour ces produits, la gestion de leur petite 'entreprise', l’acquisition d’un rendement financier. Le but de notre thèse n’est pas de transformer les petits agriculteurs aux grandes, cette erreur a déjà été commise précédemment par diverses politiques publiques dans les pays en développement. Notre objectif est proposer une voie dans laquelle ils peuvent, même si petite, assurer leur qualité de vie a partir de la production et de la vente de leurs produits.Cependant, nous savons qu’un petit agriculteur n’est pas en mesure d’entrer individuellement dans le marché mondial. Le marché de la consommation a besoin d’une production continue, en volume et en qualité. Alors, ils ont besoins de développer des actions collectives qui puisse les insérer dans ce supply chain global.Pourquoi parlons-nous de l’introduction des producteurs dans les marchés mondiaux, et non pas son introduction dans les marchés locaux ? Eh bien, notre contexte est basée sur les petits agriculteurs de régions sous-développées, ça implique que, les régions dans lesquelles ils sont incorporés n’on pas la capacité économique d’acheter leurs produits pour assurer le durabilité de leurs affaires, de sorte que le défi est d’insérer les agriculteurs dans les circuits globales.Afin que les agriculteurs peuvent avoir un paiement plus équitable pour leur production, et soit capable de 'voler de ses propres ailes', a partir d’un approche capabilités, ils devraient chercher une forme d'organisation qui permet une production avec caractéristiques et qualité similaire, assurer le processus d'emballage et de transport, en plus avoir un potentiel financier et de gestion pour mener des négociations avec les client et fournisseurs. L’option la plus discutée dans la littérature est la coopérative.A partir d’une étude de cas comparative qualitative nous analysons deux territoires dans la région Nordeste du Brésil, dont l’un réussit (le Piauí) et l’autre échoue (le Ceará). Nous élucidons que c’est entre autres la gestion du SCM, le soutien aux apiculteurs et le contrôle de qualité qui sont à l’origine du succès de la coopérative centrale du Piauí. / The difficulties of small farmers go back a long time. Several studies have been developed to solve their main problems. These include small-scale production, obtaining the market for these products, managing their small 'business', acquiring a financial return.The purpose of our thesis is not to transform small farmers to large, this mistake has already been made previously by various public policies in developing countries. Our goal is to provide a way in which they can, even if small, ensuring their quality to improve its product life cycle from production to sale in the market.However, we know that for a small farmer is not easy to enter into the world market individually. The consumer market needs continuous production, in quality and quantity. So, they need to develop collective actions that can insert them into this global supply chain.Why are we talking about the introduction of producers into the world market and not their introduction into local markets? Well, our context is based on small farmers in underdevelopment regions which do Not have the economic capacity to buy their products in the way to ensure the sustainability of their business, so the challenge is; insert farmers into global circuits.In this case, farmers will have a more equitable payment for their production and be able to 'fly on their own', from a capabilities approach, they should look for a form of organization that allows production with characteristics and quality similar, ensuring the packaging and transportation process, in addition to having financial and management potential to conduct negotiations with customers and suppliers. At that moment, we are wondering what is the apropriate legal form “Cooperative” or not.From several case studies we analyze two territories in the Northewest region of Brazil, one (Piauí) and the other (Ceará). We are clear that the management of SCM, support for beekeepers and quality control department are, among others, those that are at the origin of the success of the central cooperative of Piauí.
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Optimizing Green Supply Chain Management StrategiesDe La Grandiere, Mark Derek 01 January 2019 (has links)
Some business leaders in the manufacturing industry lack strategies to optimize green supply chain management strategies that increase profitability while reducing the carbon footprint. The lack of green supply chain strategies sub optimizes the use of resources business leaders use to meet their financial goals. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore successful green supply chain strategies leaders used to increase profitability while reducing the carbon footprint. The participants were 7 business leaders in one manufacturing organization headquartered in Massachusetts who have sophisticated green supply chain strategies in place. The natural resource-based view theory was the conceptual framework for this study. Data were collected through semistructured interviews and organizational documents. Through thematic analysis, 3 key themes emerged: environmental management strategies, profit-increasing strategies, and governance strategies. The findings of this study might be of value to business leaders to reduce costs and create sustainable, competitive supply chains using responsible methods. The implications for social change include the potential for leaders to preserve finite natural resources for future generations and reduce the carbon footprint of manufacturing organizations.
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Konceptuell logistikmodell för planering i anläggningsbranschenJohansson, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Idag har bygg- och anläggningsbranschen låg produktivitet och icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter uppgår till 30- 35% av projektets produktionskostnad. Genom en effektiv logistikhantering ökar produktiviteten och minskar slöserier och därmed byggkostnaden. Studien fokuserar på anläggningsbranschen då det i dagsläget är brist på forskar- och grundutbildad personal inom anläggning vilket även speglar sig i antalet vetenskapliga artiklar som publicerats inom anläggning. Det finns därför ett syfte i att skapa en större teoretisk förståelse för anläggningsbranschen. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka planeringsfasen för logistik i ett anläggningsprojekt och ta fram en konceptuell logistiskmodell för ett anläggningsprojekt. I anläggningsprojekt är det ofta problem med stora projektytor och svåråtkomlig terräng men det kan även vara problem med trånga utrymmen runt projektet. Dessutom innebär projekt i anläggningsbranschen ofta omfattande hantering av massor. I fallföretaget finns det ingen tydlig logistiskmodell som efterföljs och man har svårt att se fördelarna med att använda logistik. Målet med studien är att genom den konceptuellt framtagna logistiskmodellen få ett standardiserat arbetssätt och därmed effektivisera produktionen och minska kostnaderna. Dessutom är målet att bidra till forskningen om logistik i anläggningsbranschen. Explorativt forskningssyfte har använts för att uppfylla studien syfte. Detta för att skapa en större förståelse för logistik i anläggningsbranschen. Forskningsansatsen är deduktiv i och med att logistikmodellen har utvecklats från befintlig teori, och testas empiririsk i fokusgrupper. En kvalitativ strategi har tillämpats på denna studie då fokus är på att skapa en djupare förståelse och ge möjlighet till anpassning beroende på vad som hittas i datainsamlingen. De datainsamlingsmetoder som har använts är litteraturstudie, intervjuer, fokusgrupper och kvalitativ sekundärdata. För att säkerställa studiens kvalitet användes triangulering men även granskning av handledare och personer som deltog under fokusgrupper och intervjuer. Den konceptuella logistiskmodellen består av sjutton komponenter som innehåller aktiviteter/verktyg och förutsättningar som krävs för en effektiv logistikhantering i anläggning. Med hjälp av denna modell kan företag utvärdera vilka logistiska aktiviteter som bör genomföras i ett anläggningsprojekt samt se vilka förutsättningar som krävs. I fallföretaget genomförs inte alla dessa aktiviteter och det är vissa viktiga förutsättningar som fattas. Fallföretaget rekommenderas att upprätta en utbildning om logistik, skapa en tydligare logistikorganisation och ta fram standardiserade processer för logistik. / Today the construction industry has low productivity and the waste is about 30-35% of a project's production cost. By using an efficient logistics management the productivity will increase, which will reduce the waste and production cost. This thesis focuses on the construction industry with focus on civil engineering projects. It is a lack of research that focus on civil engineering projects, which is reflected in the number of scientific articles that has been published in this area. Hence, this is a reason to research further about civil engineering projects in order to create a bigger theoretical understanding. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the planning process with focus on logistic and to develop a conceptual logistic model for civil engineering projects. In civil engineering projects, companies often have problem with large project areas and difficult terrain around the project. But there can also be problems with narrow spaces. In addition to this, civil engineering projects often have to manage a large amount of masses. The company that this thesis has been conducted at has no clear logistic model that the staff follows, and they find it difficult to see the benefits with logistic. The aim of this thesis is to develop a conceptual logistic model that generates a more standardized work method that streamline the production and reduce the costs. In addition, the goal is also to contribute to research on logistics in the construction industry that focus on civil engineering projects. To fulfill the aim of the thesis an exploratory research have been used. This to create a greater understanding of logistics in the construction industry with focus on civil engineering projects. The research approach is deductive because the logistic model has been developed from existing theory and been empirically tested by using focus groups. A qualitative strategy has been applied on this thesis since the aim is to create a deeper understanding and a qualitative strategy gives an opportunity to adjust the thesis depending on what is found in the data collection. The data has been collected through a literature study, interviews, and focus groups. Data has also been collected from qualitative secondary data. During the focus groups the conceptual logistic model, which are based on the data from theory, interviews and empirical data, was tested. In order to ensure the quality of the thesis, triangulation was used. But the thesis was also reviewed by the supervisors and the persons who participated in the focus groups as well as the interviews. The conceptual logistic model consists of seventeen components that contains activities/tools and conditions that are required for an efficient logistics management. With this model the company that the thesis has been conducted at, but also other similar companies, can see what logistics activities needs to be done but also see what conditions are required. The company where the thesis has been conducted at does not perform all of these activities and some important conditions is not fulfilled. The company is recommended to educate in logistics, make a clear logistic organization and develop standardized processes for logistics.
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