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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social Jetlag, Depressive Symptoms, and Longitudinal Outcomes in College Students

Reid, Morgan P 01 January 2019 (has links)
Social jetlag refers to the chronic shift in sleep timing between work and free days and has been associated with a variety of negative physical and psychological outcomes. Existing research on social jetlag has relied heavily on cross-sectional studies, preventing researchers and practitioners from assessing the effects of social jetlag over time. The current study used longitudinal data to explore the directionality of the association between social jetlag and depressive symptoms as well as the longitudinal associations between social jetlag, academic performance, and wellbeing in college students. Gender and race were also assessed as potential moderators of these associations. Cross-lagged panel analysis using Amos for SPSS revealed that social jetlag predicted depressive symptoms both concurrently adjusting for covariates and longitudinally in unadjusted models. This finding suggests that sleep disturbances may precede mood concerns, although causality cannot be proven due to the design of the current study. PROCESS moderation analyses indicated that social jetlag did not significantly predict academic performance or wellbeing over time, and neither gender nor race moderated these associations. Future research is needed to further assess the short- and long-term outcomes of social jetlag using prospective, well-controlled studies and objective measures of sleep timing.

Magnitude of Displacement and Styles of Deformation on the Paris and Laketown Thrust Faults, Northern Utah

Kendrick, Richard D. 01 May 1994 (has links)
Surface geology is combined with abundant industry seismic-reflection and drill­-hole data in the central Bear River Range and Bear Lake Plateau to depict the forms and interactions of the Paris-Woodruff-Willard, Laketown-Meade-Home Canyon, and Crawford thrust faults. Displacement on the Paris thrust diminished to the south, and died out in splays where displacement was transferred to the Willard thrust. West of Woodruff, Utah, splays of the Laketown thrust deformed a complex footwall imbricate of the Willard thrust. To the east, a major northeast-striking Crawford thrust splay exhibits a change in slip vectors from east to southeast. Reorientation of these slip vectors is recorded by an imbricate stack of thrusts in the Willard thrust footwall to the west. The sharp bend in the surface trace of the Crawford normal fault southeast of Randolph, Utah, reflects the separation of the south-southeast-trending surface traces of the Crawford thrust and this northeast-trending splay. Cross sections indicate that the Sheep Creek thrust, a major splay off the basal decollement at the base of the Crawford thrust sheet, accommodated displacement during the transition from thrusting on the western thrust system (Paris-Woodruff-Willard, and Laketown-Meade-Home Canyon) to the structurally lower eastern thrust system (Crawford, Absaroka, and younger thrusts). The Sheep Creek thrust trends northeast and folded the Laketown thrust in the central Bear River Range. Shortening in the northeast part of the study area was accommodated by the Home Canyon thrust along a detachment in the Jurassic Twin Creek Limestone. Several splays from this thrust extensively folded the footwall of the Meade thrust and rocks of the Bear Lake Plateau, and thereby formed a series of hanging-wall anticlines that have been extensively drilled for hydrocarbons.

Instructional and improvisational models of music therapy with adolescents who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) : a comparison of the effects on motor impulsivity : a thesis presented to fulfil the requirements for the degree of Master of Music Therapy at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

Rickson, Daphne Joan Unknown Date (has links)
This study compared the impact of instructional and improvisational music therapy approaches on the level of motor impulsivity displayed by adolescent boys who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Measures included numbers of errors made on a Synchronised Tapping Task (STT); and Conners' Rating Scales (Conners, 1997). Participants (n=13), aged 11 - 16 years, were enrolled in a special residential school. A combination of a multiple contrasting treatment and an experimental control group design was used. Students were randomised to three groups; control (Group A) and two treatment groups. Students in Group B received eight sessions of improvisational music therapy followed by eight sessions of instructional music therapy, while the order was reversed for Group C.There was no statistical difference between the impacts of the contrasting music therapy approaches on the level of motor impulsivity displayed by the students as measured by the STT and the Restless-Impulsive and Hyperactive-Impulsive Conners' subscales. However all students significantly improved on the STT across each phase of treatment and improvement was slightly greater during the instructional treatment periods for both groups. During these same periods teachers reported a small decrease in restless and impulsive behaviours. The results therefore cautiously imply that the instructional approach might contribute to a reduction in motor impulsivity in the classroom.Significant improvement on STT without the corresponding improvement in motor impulsivity suggested that increased accuracy on the STT might be attributable to progress in other developmental domains. Teacher report of significant improvement for treatment groups on the DSM-IV Total Subscale adds weight to this suggestion, and implies that combined music therapy approaches might have contributed to a reduction in DSM-IV symptomology in the classroom.Rickson's (2001) tentative suggestion that creative music-making might over-arouse students with ADHD was not confirmed. Students did make more errors when tested on the STT a second time on the same day but this was regardless of whether they had been involved in instructional, improvisational or no music therapy programme. It is possible that students who have ADHD are easily aroused by the general school milieu and classroom or music room interactions with peers.

Effects of interference on GPS timing receivers and their impacts on communications networks.

Khan, Faisal, Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The rapid evolution of current and upcoming high speed and complex communications networks often necessitates flawless time synchronization among the network nodes in order to guarantee performance. GPS based synchronizers have long been used for synchronizing telecommunications equipment, currently providing an accuracy of up to 10ns. Such high accuracy demands excellent operation from GPS timing receivers. Interference is an important threat to GPS performance. Any degradation in performance, due to the introduction of interference, can cause these receivers to provide a low quality timing solution, or to lose lock with incoming GPS signals altogether. This consideration motivates the study of the performance of GPS timing receivers in the presence of harmful interference. This work is devoted to the theoretical and practical investigations of the effects of RF interference on GPS-based synchronizers and their impacts on communications networks. Contributions made during this work include: a) Identification of the processes and the parameters involved in producing a timing solution which are vulnerable to interference; b) experimentbased confirmation of a hypothesis about the effects of interference on GPS timing receivers; c) identification of the effects of degraded synchronization on the performance of communications networks, especially CDMA and GSM cellular networks, which rely upon GPS based synchronizers; and d) proposal of a method to predict and avoid communications network performance degradation.

Collision induced timing shifts in wavelength-division-multiplexed optical fiber communications systems

Docherty, Andrew, Engineering, UNSW January 2004 (has links)
Long distance repeaterless optical fiber communications systems are currently used to transmit most internet and telephone information worldwide. The growth of photonic telecommunications technology has produced systems with very high bit-rate per fiber, but this still falls short of its potential capacity. Currently systems that are able to transmit even higher bit-rates are being developed utilizing dense wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) to maximally utilize the bandwidth potential of optical fibers. One of the most important factors that limits the bit-rate achievable in a such a WDM optical communications system is the cross-talk between channels caused by pulse collisions. In this thesis a consistent mathematical theory is used to analyze the frequency and timing shifts caused collisions between two WDM channels. This theory is applied to the systems currently most promising for next-generation photonic telecommunications; the dispersion managed (DM) soliton and 'quasi-linear' systems. Self-contained formulae are obtained which accurately predict the timing shifts suffered in these systems with a wide range of parameters. These formulae require an order of magnitude less computational time that direct numerical simulations. Several mathematical techniques are introduced to obtain computationally efficient formulae for complete and incomplete collisions in both systems. For complete collisions we use the Poisson sum transform to change the calculation to a sum in the Fourier domain. For incomplete collisions we use asymptotic integration to obtain approximate formulae. For quasi-linear systems we simplify the Laplace method even further to obtain elementary formulae. We show that using a combination of these methods the timing shift for incomplete and complete collisions in a wide range of system configurations can be obtained in comparatively small computational times. We find that for systems with small DM map strength the timing shift from widely separated channels is significant. For quasi-linear systems with large DM map strength this is negligable and the timing shift decreases with the square of the channel frequency separation. We also find the timing shift from closely spaced channels is higher for quasi-linear systems than for DM soliton systems operating at the same average dispersion.

Measuring and Analysing Execution Time in an Automotive Real-Time Application / Exekveringstid i ett Realtidssystem för Fordon

Liljeroth, Henrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Autoliv has developed the Night Vision system, which is a safety system for use incars to improve the driver’s situational awareness during night conditions. It is areal-time system that is able to detect pedestrians in the traffic environment andissue warnings when there is a risk of collision. The timing behaviour of programsrunning on real-time systems is vital information when developing and optimisingboth hardware and software. As a part of further developing their Night Visionsystem, Autoliv wanted to examine detailed timing behaviour of a specific part ofthe Night Vision algorithm, namely the Tracking module, which tracks detectedpedestrians. Parallel to this, they also wanted a reliable method to obtain timingdata that would work for other parts of that system as well, or even other applications.</p><p>A preliminary study was conducted in order to determine the most suitable methodof obtaining the timing data desired. This resulted in a measurement-based approachusing software profiling, in which the Tracking module was measured usingvarious input data. The measurements were performed on simulated hardwareusing both a cycle accurate simulator and measurement tools from the systemCPU manufacturer, as well as tools implemented specifically to handle input andoutput data.</p><p>The measurements resulted in large amounts of data used to compile performancestatistics. Using different scenarios in the input data, we were able to obtain timingcharacteristics for several typical situations the system may encounter duringoperation. By manipulating the input data we were also able to observe generalbehaviour and achieve artificially high execution times, which serves as indicationson how the system responds to irregular and unexpected input data.</p><p>The method used for collecting timing information was well suited for this particularproject. It provided the possibility to analyse behavior in a better waythan other, more theoretical, approaches would have. The method is also easilyadaptable to other parts of the Night Vision system, or other systems, with onlyminor adjustments to measurement environment and tools.</p>

Timing, begreppets betydelse inom organisation och marknadsföring

Holmlund, Mats January 2009 (has links)
<p>Timing är ett uttryck som återfinns i vår vardag; inom musiken, sport, inlärning, undervisning, retorik, aktiehandel och så vidare. Listan kan göras lång. Som gammal köpman i modebranschen lärde jag mig att inte ens i denna bransch behöver aktörer vara först ut[1] för att lyckas bäst, utan att det mesta handlar om att agera i rätt tid. I mitt intresse för vad som är "agerande i rätt tid" har jag valt att studera begreppet timing i ett närmare perspektiv.</p><p> </p><p>Detta arbete har fokuserats på timing inom organisation och marknadsföring. Jag har tyvärr måst konstatera att timing som begrepp i organisations- och marknadsföringslitteraturen så gott som utelämnats, samtidigt som en mängd liknande uttryck används som är relaterade till tid och utnyttjande av tid. Denna studie har därför genomförts genom utforskning av ett begränsat material bestående av vetenskapliga artiklar och empiriska undersökningar där timing har fått en central del i sina respektive sammanhang. Arbetsmaterialet är huvudsakligen sekundärdata där artiklarna presenterar olika syn och resultat, kring värdemätning av olika timingsituationer. Forskarna som skrivit artiklarna har studerat olika företag, branscher eller marknader. Flertalet av författarna, tycker som jag att det är väl lite forskat kring timing och timingliknande ageranden inom organisationer och ser i hög grad sina arbeten, som något av de "första stapplande stegen", mot en början till forskning kring timing.</p><p> </p><p>Syftet med mitt arbete har varit att presentera en samlad bild av hur timing behandlas i litteraturen om organisationer och marknadsföring i olika situationer och kontexter.</p><p> </p><p>De forskare och artikelförfattare som jag jobbat med är ganska enade när det gäller uppdelning av olika timingstadier, som organisationer kan välja mellan, i sina strategier att göra entré på en ny marknad. De delar upp dessa stadier i tre delar, pionjärskap, tidiga efterföljare alternativt sena efterföljare. Gemensamma teorier har varit att entrébarriärer skapas vid pionjärers entré, för efterföljare att ta sig över eller bryta igenom och att detta är av stor betydelse för hur en ny bransch eller branschförgrening utvecklas som helhet. En annan teori som får stort stöd är, att mängden aktörer på marknaden eller mängden potentiella aktörer till nya marknader påverkar andra organisationers timing att göra entré till dessa.</p><p> </p><p>Nämnda författare i teoridelen använder sig flitigt av begreppet timing men verkar ändå inte ha något syfte att förklara själva uttryckets betydelse. Författarna talar snarare om timing i sammanhang som anpassning till tid eller tidshändelser som att vara först, före eller efter och att det kan vara bättre för vissa organisationer att välja en av dessa timingstrategier beroende på organisationens storlek och marknadsposition eller i vilken teknologisk timing företaget eller marknadsutvecklingen är i och här stannar författarna.  En av författarna kritiserar andras undersökningar, som utifrån empiriska mätningar och resultat tolkar vissa fenomen som någon form av bevis. Samma författare påvisar att branschskillnader är rådande och tycker att det med största försiktighet skall generaliseras över branschgränser gällande timing.</p><p> </p><p>Mina litteraturstudier har resulterat i att jag skapat en modell som ringar in timing som begrepp, inom såväl marknadsföring som organisation. Denna modell och uppsats hoppas jag kan användas kan användas i praktiken och vid vidare forskning i ämnet.</p><p> </p><p>[1] S.k. "first mover advantage"</p> / <p>This paper focuses on the concept of Timing and its importance in a marketing and organisational context.</p><p>My purpose has been to present an overall picture about timing by illuminating valuations in earlier research, in more everyday situations and in a linguistic sense. The issue has been to match this with today's marketing and organizational literature.</p><p>As a result of this study I have created a model which summarizes the concept of Timing. I hope this model and my study can be useful in future research and in practical use.</p>

Incremental Verification of Timing Constraints for Real-Time Systems

Andrei, Ştefan, Chin, Wei Ngan, Rinard, Martin C. 01 1900 (has links)
Testing constraints for real-time systems are usually verified through the satisfiability of propositional formulae. In this paper, we propose an alternative where the verification of timing constraints can be done by counting the number of truth assignments instead of boolean satisfiability. This number can also tell us how “far away” is a given specification from satisfying its safety assertion. Furthermore, specifications and safety assertions are often modified in an incremental fashion, where problematic bugs are fixed one at a time. To support this development, we propose an incremental algorithm for counting satisfiability. Our proposed incremental algorithm is optimal as no unnecessary nodes are created during each counting. This works for the class of path RTL. To illustrate this application, we show how incremental satisfiability counting can be applied to a well-known rail-road crossing example, particularly when its specification is still being refined. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Ultra Low Frequency Waves and their Association with Magnetic Substorms and Expansion Phase Onset

Murphy, Kyle R. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis concerns the study of Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) waves during magnetospheric substorms. A wavelet algorithm which characterises magnetic ULF waves during substorm onset is presented. The algorithm is validated by comparing the spatial and temporal location of ULF wave onset to space-based observations of the aurora. It is demonstrated that the onset of ULF wave power expands coherently away from an ionospheric epicentre during the substorm expansion phase. Further, a case study of the time-domain causality of magnetotail plasma flows and ULF wave Pi2 pulsations is presented. Although highly correlated, it is demonstrated that the plasma flows cannot directly drive the ground magnetic waveforms but may be indirectly linked via a common source. Finally, results from a statistical study of ULF wave power during onset are presented. It is concluded that there is no statistical difference between historical sub-classifications of ULF waves observed during substorms.

Comparison and impact of substrate noise due to clocked and clockless circuitry /

Le, Jim K. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 2007. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 53-54). Also available on the World Wide Web.

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