Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda loyalty"" "subject:"ando loyalty""
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A relação entre a imagem do varejo de vestuário e a lealdade de consumidores da geração YDal Ponte, Virginia 11 June 2015 (has links)
Nos mercados de varejos altamente competitivos há uma constante busca pela diferenciação e lealdade dos consumidores. Contudo, a compreensão de como os atributos de imagem de loja são percebidos pelos consumidores é uma questão de suma importância. É nesse contexto dinâmico do varejo que o presente trabalho de pesquisa foi desenvolvido, tento como principal objetivo identificar a relação entre imagem de varejo de vestuário e a lealdade dos consumidores da geração Y. O estudo se inicia com uma revisão bibliográfica sobre imagem, imagem de loja, lealdade e o modelo conceitual de imagem de loja (MCIL). A pesquisa foi realizada através de levantamento de campo com aplicação de questionário estruturado e a população foi definida como sendo consumidores da geração Y – nascidos entre final dos anos 1970 até o ano 2000, cuja amostra foi constituída de 394 respondentes. Os dados foram avaliados através da análise estatística multivariada de dados, utilizando a técnica de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Como resultados foi obtida a confirmação de que a imagem de loja é composta pelos construtos atmosfera, instalações, mix de produtos (mercadoria), promoção, pessoal de vendas e serviços e o modelo teórico proposto foi considerado adequado, indicando que a lealdade é explicada por 23,8% pela imagem de loja, apresentando uma boa contribuição tanto acadêmica quanto gerencial. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2016-07-25T11:48:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-25 / In the highly competitive retail market there is a constant search for differentiation and customer loyalty. However, understanding how store image attributes are perceived by consumers is a matter of paramount importance. It is in this dynamic retail context that this research work was carried out, try as main objective to identify the relationship between retail clothing image and the loyalty of consumers of Generation Y. The study begins with a literature review of image, image store loyalty and the conceptual model of store image (MCIL). The survey was conducted through a structured questionnaire application with field survey and the population was defined as consumers of Generation Y - born between the late 1970s until 2000, whose sample consisted of 394 respondents. The data were analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis of data, using structural equation modeling technique. The results were obtained confirmation that the store image is composed of the constructs atmosphere, facilities, merchandise, promotion, sales personnel and service and the proposed theoretical model was appropriate, indicating that loyalty is explained by 23.8% by the image store and offer great contribution both academic and managerial.
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The influence of customer relationship management on customer loyalty at a South African life insurance companyMadubanya, Peter Petrus Malesela January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Administration))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology. / This thesis is prompted by the discussions around Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) in the financial industry and life insurance companies in
particular. The study seeks to gain better understanding of the influence that CRM
has on Customer Loyalty in a selected South African life insurance company. While
CRM has been approached by academics and practitioners from different
perspectives, literature seems to be viewed as inconsistent and fragmented on this
concept. The concept of CRM is a new approach by management in South Africa and
it is due to this fact that there are not sufficient studies on it.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the influence of Customer Relationship
Management on customer loyalty in Metropolitan. To achieve this purpose, a
questionnaire was distributed amongst selected Metropolitan customer service
offices nationally and a selected number of customers were approached to
participate in the study. The findings show that Customer Relationship Management has an influence on customer loyalty and that Metropolitan does employ the principles of Customer Relationship Management.
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O gerenciamento de reclamações de consumidores e seu impacto no relacionamento cliente-empresaQuartieri, Giancarlo Marcante January 2007 (has links)
O objetivo central deste trabalho é investigar os antecedentes e as consequências da satisfação do consumidor com o gerenciamento de reclamações sobre serviços de telefonia fixa. Para tanto, foi testado um modelo teórico desenvolvido por Santos (2001), que retrata os interrelacionamentos entre avaliações específicas sobre o processo de reclamação, confiança e lealdade do consumidor. Ainda, foram acrescidos os efeitos dos custos de mudança na lealdade devido à suposição de que tais barreiras à saída do cliente são relevantes no setor considerado. Foi feito um estudo de corte transversal com 200 clientes (pessoas físicas) reclamantes da GVT. Tais clientes registraram, nos últimos três meses, reclamações no Call Center da GVT, via telefone, e-mail, correio ou pessoalmente. De forma específica, a empresa pesquisada deveria concentrar seus esforços nos seguintes procedimentos: oferecer um pedido de desculpas sincero ao reclamante, explicações sobre o porquê do problema, acesso mais fácil aos canais de comunicação/reclamação e maior rapidez ao responder as reclamações dos clientes. Além disso, como já foi visto, o estudo traz os fatores que mais influenciam na satisfação dos clientes com o gerenciamento da reclamação, a confiança e a lealdade do consumidor, provendo uma informação gerencial valiosa de onde a empresa está desempenhando bem ou mal o seu papel e onde é essencial que atue melhor para manter os clientes e garantir negócios mais lucrativos no futuro. / The main objective about this work is to investigate the antecedents and consequences about the consumer satisfaction with the complaining management about fixed line. For that, it was tested a theoretical model developed by Santos (2001), that shows the inter relationship among the specific evaluations about the process of complaining, confidence and loyalty of the consumer. Further, it was added the effects of the costs of change in loyalty due the supposition that these obstacles are relevant in the considered area. It was done a study about a transversal cut with 200 clients (individual persons) complainers from GVT. Those clients registered, in the last three months, complains at the GVT Call Center, by phone, e-mail, mail or personally.In a specific way, the searched company should concentrate the efforts in the following procedures: offer sincere excuses to the complainer, try to explain the reason of the problem, provide an easier access to the communication/complaining channels and more quickness to answer the clients complaining. Besides, as it was written before, the study brings the elements that more impact the satisfaction with the complaining management, the confidence and the loyalty of the consumer, giving us a valuable management information, from where the company is performing, well or not and where it is essential that it performs well to maintain the clients and to guarantee profitable business in the future.
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Os valores pessoais dos idosos e as fases da lealdadeZeni, Rafael Rosa January 2013 (has links)
O envelhecimento da população é um fenômeno mundial. Os baixos níveis de fecundidade e o aumento da expectativa de vida provocam mudanças na estrutura etária dos países, impactando em aspectos sociais, legais e econômicos. Neste contexto, o consumidor idoso torna-se cada vez mais atrativo, caracterizado por sua disponibilidade de renda, autonomia e comportamento de consumo distinto dos estereótipos outrora a ele atribuídos. Adotando essa perspectiva, a presente pesquisa explora a relação entre Valores Pessoais e as Fases da Lealdade dos Consumidores idosos, utilizando como “pano de fundo” o comportamento de compra de automóveis. A base teórica deste estudo se apoia na Teoria Motivacional de Schwartz (1992), que apresenta Valores Pessoais como “princípios guia” dos comportamentos humanos, e no modelo de Fases da Lealdade proposto por Oliver (1997; 1999), que classifica o grau de lealdade dos consumidores sob aspecto comportamental e atitudinal. Foram entrevistados 207 consumidores com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos e 2 gestores de concessionárias. Os primeiros participaram da etapa quantitativa e responderam a uma pesquisa do tipo Survey, o que permitiu a realização de testes estatísticos bivariados e multivariados. Os últimos analisaram os achados obtidos na etapa quantitativa por meio de entrevistas em profundidade. Os resultados indicaram que a estrutura de Valores Pessoais dos idosos aproxima-se da dimensão de Autotranscedência, na qual se destacam o Universalismo e a Benevolência, o que lhes atribui comportamentos orientados ao bem estar dos outros. A fase da Lealdade encontrada em maior nível no perfil dos consumidores idosos foi a Cognitiva-Afetiva, o que revela a importância da experiência cumulativa oriunda de repetidas situações de compra e uso. O estudo do relacionamento entre os construtos evidenciou relacionamento positivo e de fraca intensidade, o que contribui para a caracterização dos Valores Pessoais como um dos preditores das Fases da Lealdade. / Aging is a worldwide phenomenon. The decreasing fertility rate and the increasing life expectancy promote changes at the population pyramids. In this context, elderly consumer becomes increasingly attractive, especially due to their disposable income, autonomy and specific consumption behavior, which put them away from the “old” stereotypes. Under this perspective, this study explores the relationship between Personal Values and Loyalty Stages, using as a “backdrop” the automotive market. The theoretical basis relies on Schwartz`s Motivational Theory (1992), which presents Personal Values as "guiding principles" to human behavior, and Loyalty Stages proposed by Oliver (1997, 1999), that classifies the degree of consumer loyalty , considering behavioral and attitudinal aspects. 207 consumers aged 60 and 2 car dealerships managers were interviewed. Consumers answered a survey that supports bivariate and multivariate statistical tests, while managers analyzed the results through in-depth interviews. Results indicated that elderly`s profile are characterized by auto-transcendence values as Universalism and Benevolence, which assigns them a “helping orientation”. The Loyalty phase found at the higher level was Cognitive-Affective, which highlights the importance of the cumulative experiences motivated from repeated purchase and use situations. The findings also indicated that there is a low level relationship between Personal Values and Consumer Loyalty, which contributes to consider Personal Values one of the predictors of Loyalty.
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Marketingová analýza zvedení věrnostního programu pro hosty v Grand Hotelu Zvon / The marketing analysis of guest loyalty program implementation at Grand Hotel ZvonKUČERA, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dealing with a topic of hospitality, a natural part of the services sector. Under the conditions of a constant development and ever-increasing competition there is necessary for hospitality industry enterprises to impress upon their customers their unique features and quality. Customers always seek a higher quality of services provided, individualization of services, logically they always look for the highest return of their investments. One of partial aims of this diploma thesis was an analysis of preferences of guests in a context of concept and implementation of a loyalty program. Other partial aim was to analyze indoor and outdoor attributes of the hotel. Marketing and management methods of SWOT analysis, questionnaire etc. have been used to achieve these aims. The main aim of this diploma thesis was to propose an optimal structure of the loyalty program for guests. The program must respect guests{\crq} wishes and needs while remaining financially acceptable for the hotel. A questionnaire has been used to detect the preferences of guests which then formed the basis of proposed loyalty program. Setting the conditions and principles of loyalty program membership was the next step to achieve the main aim. Finally, a detailed calculation of every item and benefit used in the loyalty program was created.
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Judicialização da política : o processo político-eleitoral e fidelidade partidária no Brasil (1988-2008)Fantinel, Alexsandra Ramos January 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa busca analisar a atuação do poder judiciário, precisamente do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral em assuntos de cunho politico. Pode-se considerar que esta participação ativa dos tribunais na esfera politica esta associada ao fenômeno da judicialização da política. Trata-se do estudo especifico do caso da fidelidade partidária, o qual foi regulamentado pelo TSE e ratificado pelo STF através da Res. n. 22.610. Por isso, busca-se trazer as condicionantes da decisão que trouxe outros atributos ao judiciário, assim como regulamentou a relação entre os partidos políticos e seus parlamentares, impondo um clausula de barreira para o troca-troca de partidos. O lapso temporal refere-se aos anos de 1988 (promulgação da Constituição Federal) a 2008 (ano do julgamento do ADI 3999/08, sobre fidelidade partidária pelo STF). A metodologia utilizada no estudo tratam-se de fontes documentais, assim como sites dos Tribunais Regionais Eleitorais e do Supremo Tribunal Federal, referencial bibliográfico sobre o assunto, analise de legislação, consultas, jurisprudências, acordaos. Atraves destas fontes analisa-se o discurso de cada ministro em sua decisão sobre a fidelidade partidária, seus pros e contras. Após a ratificação e entrada em vigor da legislação politicoeleitoral que contempla aspectos sobrea perda do mandato eletivo em favor do partido político, é possível verificar o posicionamento pro-partido, assim com o consenso de fortalecimento das instituições. Por outro lado, tal veio a ferir alguns princípios constitucionais como a liberdade de expressão, assim como a tripartição de poderes, amplamente discutida pela doutrina. Alem disso, na busca de fornecer uma visão aprimorada sobre o assunto e os reflexos da resolução na legislação eleitotal, foram pesquisados cinco estados brasileiros mais populosos dentres cinco regiões do país, através das acoes sobre fidelidade partidária submetidas aos seus respectivos Tribunais Regionais Eleitorais. Assim, a discussão entre os ministros acerca do assunto tem gerado inúmeras polemicas ate hoje, diante da criação de legislação pelo judiciário, vindo com isso a atuar de forma atípica. / This research seeks to analyze the role of the judiciary, precisely the Supreme Court and the Superior Electoral Court in matters of political nature. One may consider that this active participation of courts in political sphere is associated with the phenomenon of judicialization of politics. It is the specific case study of party loyalty, which was regulated by the TSE and ratified by the Supreme Court through Res. N. 22.610. Therefore, we seek to bring the constraints of other attributes decision brought to justice, and regulated the relationship between political parties and their parliamentary, clause by imposing a barrier to bartering parties. The time period refers to the years 1988 (enactment of the Federal Constitution) to 2008 (year of the trial of ADI 3999/08 on party loyalty by the Supreme Court). The methodology used in the study treat yourself to documentary sources as well as the websites of the Regional Electoral Courts and the Supreme Court, bibliographic references on the subject, analyze legislation, consultations, case laws, judgments. Through these sources we analyze the discourse of each Minister in his decision on party loyalty, their pros and cons. After the ratification and entry into force of political and electoral legislation contemplates sobrea aspects loss of elective office on behalf of a political party, you can check the pro-party positioning, so the consensus of strengthening institutions. On the other hand, just came to hurt some constitutional principles such as freedom of expression, as well as the tripartite division of powers, widely discussed by the doctrine. Moreover, in seeking to provide an enhanced on the subject and the reflections in the resolution eleitotal legislation vision five most populous Brazilian state dentres five regions of the country, through the actions of party loyalty submitted to their respective Regional Electoral Courts were surveyed. Thus, the discussion among ministers about the issue has generated numerous controversies till today, before the creation of legislation by the judiciary, coming with it to act atypically.
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A ação do marketing verde sobre o processo de fidelização de clientes : um estudo exploratórioBagatini, Carla Fernandes January 2012 (has links)
Com o passar do tempo, a crescente demanda por produtos ambientalmente mais amigáveis tem suscitado um entendimento mais avançado acerca do Marketing Verde e da forma como se delineia o consumo dentro deste campo com raízes antigas, mas ainda jovem dentro do escopo do Marketing. Nesta direção, o presente estudo consiste em uma aproximação acerca do consumo de produtos concebidos com base nos preceitos do Marketing Verde. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza exploratória que faz uso do método Laddering, baseado na Teoria das Cadeias Meios Fins, para investigar o papel do Marketing Verde no processo de Fidelização de Clientes. Sendo o processo de fidelização já bastante explorado, o presente estudo representa um avanço na medida em que propõe uma aproximação exploratória neste campo, com a finalidade de melhor entender o papel do Marketing Verde. Para tanto, foi preciso definir uma empresa que pudesse ser representativa do Marketing Verde neste estudo, o que foi realizado na primeira fase da presente pesquisa. Por meio de um levantamento com especialistas na área da sustentabilidade, e da posterior validação desta fase com base em análise documental, a empresa ou marca revelada foi a Natura, fabricante brasileira de cosméticos com engajamento em ações socioambientais. A partir desta definição, partiu-se para a aplicação do Laddering com consumidoras assíduas da Natura a fim de desvendar os Atributos, Consequências e Valores presentes no consumo desta marca. Com base nisso, pode-se perceber a forma como estes se ligam no processo de consumo da marca em questão, bem como revelar as implicações mais importantes para explicar o processo de fidelização das clientes participantes do estudo. Como resultado, constata-se o forte peso do Marketing Verde sobre o processo de fidelização destas clientes, na medida em que passa a percebido como diferencial e a ser considerado diante da escolha de uma determinada marca. No caso de produtos cosméticos, cuja finalidade básica está relacionada à obtenção de beleza e bem-estar, a constatação de que o Marketing Verde da marca estudada age tão fortemente, quanto às próprias questões relacionadas à beleza e bem-estar, sobre o processo de fidelização das clientes, significa um avanço no campo de estudo sobre lealdade. / Over time, the growing demand for environmentally friendly products has led to a more advanced understanding about Green Marketing and about the way the consumption rises within this field with ancient roots, but still young within the scope of Marketing. In this sense, the present study consists of an approximation about the consumption of products designed based on the precepts of Green Marketing. This is an exploratory study that makes use of the laddering method, based on the Means-End Chains Theory to investigate the role of Green Marketing in the process of customer loyalty. As the process of loyalty can already be considered extensively explored, this study represents advancement, in the sense it proposes an exploratory approach in this field, in order to best understand the role of Green Marketing. To that end, we have been supposed to define a company that could be representative of Green Marketing in this study, which was conducted in the first phase of this research. Through a survey with experts in the field of sustainability and further validation of this phase based on document analysis, the company or brand revealed has been Natura, Brazilian cosmetics manufacturer, because of its engage in socio-environmental actions, which can be regarded as an exponent of Green Marketing. From this definition, we advanced to the implementation of laddering with assiduous consumers of Natura, in order to uncover the attributes, consequences and values present in the consumption of this brand. On this basis, we can see how these ones link to each other in the process of consumption of the brand in question and reveal the most important implications as capable of explaining the process of customer loyalty in the study. As a result, it can be noticed the heavy importance of the Green Marketing on these customers loyalty, as it is taken into account and considered before choosing a particular brand. In the case of cosmetic products, whose basic purpose is related to the achievement of beauty and wellbeing, the discovery that the Green Marketing of the brand studied acts as strongly as the issues related to beauty and wellness on the loyalty of customers means a breakthrough in the field of study about loyalty.
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Modelling the relationship between brand experience dimensions and the antecedents of happiness within the context of dining servicesAl Mandil, Karam January 2016 (has links)
Existing studies on happiness in consumer research argued that brands should contribute to consumers’ happiness through experiences, yet they have failed to discuss how individual brand experience dimensions could contribute to consumer happiness, leading to increased brand loyalty and price premium. Bridging brand experience and consumers’ orientation to happiness literature together, this thesis theoretically argues and empirically proves that brand experience could influence brand loyalty and price premium through the mediating effect of consumer happiness. Survey data collected from 1086 participants based on their restaurant dining experiences in the UK show that each brand experience dimension affects consumer behaviour outcomes differently. Relational brand experience contributes the most to happiness, brand loyalty and price premium, followed by emotional brand experience. The findings support the mediating role of happiness and its orientations between brand experience dimensions and consumer behaviour outcomes. Further, the result validates the three different orientations to happiness in a consumption context, and demonstrates that pleasure is the dominant route to happiness, compared to meaning and engagement. The thesis aids new light to existing understanding on brand experience and happiness. Marketers are recommended to focus their effort on delivering certain brand experience dimensions more effectively. For restaurant brand managers, relational and emotional brand experience dimensions are considered most important to acquire customers brand loyalty and price premium.
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Serious Running: Factors that lead to awareness, attraction, attachment and loyalty to long distance runningJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Commitment to an activity is widely studied in leisure research. Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP) describes characteristics a committed activity participant possesses. The Psychological Continuum Model (PCM) describes the psychological process a person goes through to become committed to a leisure activity. Awareness, attraction, attachment and loyalty make of the four stages of PCM. Both perspectives have been used to describe committed leisure activity participants and commitment to organized recreational events. Research on leisure activity has yet to determine how the individual becomes loyal. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the process in which recreation activity participates becomes loyal and to identify who can be labels as serious within the PCM Framework. Data was obtained from an online electronic survey distributed to participants of four U.S. marathon and half marathon events. A total of 579 responses were used in the final analysis. Path analysis determined the process in which a runner becomes committed. MANOVA is used to determine difference between leisure groups in the four stages of PCM. Results indicate that activity participants need to go through all four stages of PCM before becoming loyal. As knowledge increases, individuals are more motivated to participate. When the activity satisfies motives and becomes a reflection of their identity, feelings become stronger which results in loyalty. Socialization is instrumental to the progression through the PCM Framework. Additionally, attachment is the "bottleneck" in which all loyal activity participants my pass through. Differences exist between serious leisure groups in the attachment and loyalty stages. Those that are `less serious' are not as committed to the activity as their counterparts. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Community Resources and Development 2014
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Lealdade de clientes nas relações de consumo de telefonia celular pós-paga / Consumer\'s loyalty in mobile post paid relationsPatricia Angelo de Castro Cotti 27 September 2011 (has links)
Em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo como o de telefonia celular pós-paga as organizações modernas estão em constante busca por lucratividade e crescimento contínuo. Nesse sentido, a retenção dos clientes atuais e a busca por fidelidade tornam-se pauta de discussões acadêmicas e empresariais. No estudo dessa fidelidade, a academia se divide em duas correntes: a primeira defensora da satisfação como antecessor necessário da lealdade e a segunda, da lealdade como elemento independente da satisfação. O presente trabalho buscou aclarar esses conceitos, com definição dos termos e principais pensamentos. Por meio de pesquisa realizada junto aos consumidores de telefonia celular pós-paga, verificou-se a avaliação desse público quanto à satisfação, vínculo, imagem da operadora, bem como a manutenção ou não desse relacionamento. / In a competitive market as the mobile post paid, the modern companies are in a constant search for profitability and growth. In that sense, the consumer retention and the study of loyalty become topics into the agendas of the academics and the business discussions. Through the study of the consumer´s loyalty the academics are divided in two different ideas: the first one defends the satisfaction as a prior to the loyalty and, for the defenders of the second idea, the loyalty is an independent element from the satisfaction. The current paper tried to dig into these concepts, with the definition of the main terms and thoughts. By researches made with the mobile post paid consumers, the evaluation of topics such as satisfaction, link, image and the capacity to keep the relationship.
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