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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generation Ys drivkrafter på arbetsplatsen : En studie av intern marknadsföring från ett medarbetarperspektiv

Bäcklund, Alexander, Samuelsson, Bill, Levander, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning – ”Generation Ys drivkrafter på arbetsplatsen” Datum: 2/6-2017 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 ECTS Institution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, EST, Mälardalens Högskola Författare: Alexander Bäcklund, Bill Samuelsson och Simon Levander Titel: Generation Ys drivkrafter på arbetsplatsen Handledare: Kerstin Nilsson Nyckelord: Employer branding, Generation Y, Intern marketing, Loyalty, Social Exchange Theory. Frågeställning: Vilka incitament är det som påverkar den anställde att stanna på en arbetsplats?Matchar företagets employer branding-arbete med de anställdas motivationsfaktorer? Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen är att förklara de incitament som leder till att medarbetare väljer att stanna inom organisationen och jämföra det med företagets human resource-arbete för att behålla anställda. Metod: Undersökningen var av kvalitativ karaktär. Medarbetare samt human resource-chefer på tre företag intervjuades. Intervjumallen baserades på de valda teorierna samt den sekundära information som varit till underlag till studien. Intervjuerna analyserades genom en innehållsanalys och resultatet presenterades i de teman som varit återkommande i empirin. Slutsats: Undersökningen bekräftade den tidigare empirin om hur Generation Y som medarbetare karaktäriseras. Generationen är uppväxta med många möjligheter och är den högst utbildade generationen. Detta ger Generation Y större makt på arbetsmarknaden. Undersökningen visade att medarbetarna inom denna generation var mer drivna av kunskap än av finansiella mål. Att låta medarbetarna växa organiskt är därför ett av de viktigaste incitamenten för ökad lojalitet. Därför bör human resource-avdelningarna nischa sig mot vad Generation Y efterfrågar eftersom de är en majoritet på arbetsmarknaden.

Retain your gamblers : A study of behavioural loyalty in a market with low switching costs

Fjätström Zetterberg, Oliver, Schelin, Julia January 2017 (has links)
The iGaming industry has exploded the last decade. With more competitors on the market with low switching costs, retention of players is an issue not yet resolved. Attracting players through offers has made the iGaming industry less lucrative due to its high competition, where a “bonus war” has taken over. This survey aims to find out how iGaming companies can decrease their churn rate through CRM and loyalty programs to increase revenue and thereby creating a long-term relationship with the player. Based on theory of switching costs and loyalty programs, this thesis investigates how different factors influence customer retention. Interviews with four competing casinos were made to see how they are working progressively towards decreased churn rate. The information provided concluded that management sometimes lacked the understanding of how to utilize consumer information and way of communication to increase their revenue. Loyalty programs were used to somewhat extent and correlates partly to what Berman (2006) describes as an important strategy for customer retention in a competitive, homogenous market. Further research is recommended from a legal, ethical and marketing cost perspective. / IGaming-industrin har exploderat det senaste decenniet. Med en marknad med låga bytesbarriärer och fler konkurrerande företag än någonsin är problemet med att behålla kunder ännu inte löst. Att locka spelare genom erbjudanden har gjort iGaming-industrin mindre lukrativ på grund av den höga konkurrensen och ett "bonuskrig" har tagit över. Denna undersökning syftar till att ta reda på hur iGaming-företag kan minska antalet avhoppande spelare genom CRM och lojalitetsprogram för att öka intäkterna och därmed skapa ett långsiktigt förhållande till kunden. Baserat på teorin om byteskostnader och lojalitetsprogram undersöker denna avhandling hur olika faktorer påverkar kundretentionen. Intervjuer med fyra konkurrerande casinon gjordes för att se hur de arbetar gradvis mot en ökad behållningsgrad av kunder. Den information som tillhandahålls leder till slutsatsen att ledningen ibland saknade förståelse för hur man använder konsumentinformation och olika sätt att kommunicera för att öka sina intäkter. Lojalitetsprogram användes i viss utsträckning och överensstämmer delvis med vad Berman (2006) beskriver som en viktig strategi för kundretention på en konkurrenskraftig och homogen marknad. Ytterligare forskning rekommenderas ur ett juridiskt, etiskt och marknadsföringskostnadsperspektiv.

Exploring brand personality congruence: measurement and application in the casual dining restaurant industry

Asperin, Amelia Estepa January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Hotel, Restaurant, Institution Management and Dietetics / Ki-Joon Back / Carol W. Shanklin / This study was designed to explore the measurement and application of brand personality congruence (BPC), defined as the gap between the customer’s own personality and a restaurant’s brand personality as perceived by the customer. The study involved two phases: Phase I primarily focused on the development of the BPC scale based on the existing Brand Personality Scale (Aaker 1997), while Phase II involved testing the relationship between BPC and brand loyalty and the mediating effects of satisfaction and trust on that relationship. Both Phases used the online survey methodology for data collection. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the dimensionality of brand personality. The five-factor solution was supported with the dimensions of sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness. Exploratory factor analysis showed that brand personality dimensions were not stable for measuring customer personality. Only characteristics most closely associated with the Big Five dimensions of agreeableness, extroversion, and conscientiousness significantly loaded on the customer personality scale. A confirmatory factor analysis of the reduced scale resulted in a 5-factor solution: successful, exciting, unique, sincere, and friendly. Because BPC was operationalized as the gap between the customer’s perceived personality and the restaurant’s brand personality as perceived by the customer, only indicators that were common between the two scales were used to establish the 17-item BPC scale consisting of the following dimensions: exciting, unique, sincere, and leader. In Phase II, second-order structural equation modeling was used to test BPC as an antecedent of the post-purchase evaluations of trust, satisfaction, and brand loyalty. Results indicated strong positive relationships, which suggested that higher congruence with the brand’s personality results in increased trust, satisfaction, and brand loyalty. BPC had the greatest direct effect on trust and also had indirect effects on satisfaction via trust and brand loyalty via trust and satisfaction. Additional analyses showed that trust and satisfaction partially mediated the relationship between BPC and brand loyalty. Trust also mediated the relationship between BPC and satisfaction. Results implied that as the restaurant brand earns a customer’s trust over time, the customer’s evaluation of overall satisfaction with the brand also increases and leads to stronger brand loyalty.

Viljan att åka tillbaka : En studie om motivation och lojalitet hos svenska repeaters

Leguisamo, Pilar, Nilsson, Elinor January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är att tillföra kunskap och förståelse för resenärers motiv till att återbesöka en destination upprepade gånger samt förstå hur de utvecklar lojalitet gentemot den platsen. Studien genomfördes utifrån en kvalitativ ansats. Nio respondenter deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer som berörde deras erfarenheter och känslor kring resvanor. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt har sammanställningar utformats utifrån den tidigare forskningen som grund för analys av empiriskt material. Push- och pull-faktorer presenteras inledningsvis, som därefter följs av en modell om lojalitetsutveckling. Som stöd tilllojalitetsutvecklingsmodellen presenteras en tillitsutvecklingsteori. Slutligen tillämpas lojalitetskategoriseringar som gör det möjligt att placera en respondents lojalitet i två olika kategoriseringar. En analys av det insamlade materialet påvisade att beroende på vilket intresse en individ har kan resemotivationen skilja sig från person till person. Mat och klimat var båda motiverande faktorer för respondenterna att åka tillbaka. Majoriteten av respondenterna ansåg även att kunskapen om destinationen motiverade dem till att fortsätta åka tillbaka då denna gav en känsla av att vara hemma på semestern samt att de kan då koppla av på en gång. Studiens resultat visade även att lokalbefolkningen hade stor påverkan när det gäller respondenternasutveckling av lojalitet gentemot destinationen.

The Beauty of Brand Loyalty : – a case study of how marketers view Millennials' brand loyalty in the beauty industry

Kulle, Julia, Hellsten, Julia January 2017 (has links)
The generation of Millennials is becoming a very important segment in today's beauty market, because of their large size, purchasing power and engagement on social media. The Millennial consumers are heavy buyers of beauty products, but heavy buyers are not always loyal to the beauty brands. The concept of what is considered beautiful constantly changes, and there is an aspect of trendiness to the use of cosmetic products. Brands launch new products on a regular basis to follow fashion and because the product lifecycle often is short, and purchasing what is trendy right now might not leave much room for loyalty, as other brands or products are soon trendier. There are constricting views on whether it is possible to achieve brand loyalty among Millennials. Many question the possibility of gaining brand loyalty among this generation, others state that while they could possibly be loyal, this usually only lasts for a short period of time. Although several attempts to establish whether Millennials are in fact brand loyal have been made, few have looked at how marketers view brand loyalty when marketing to Millennials. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to add understanding of how companies in the beauty industry can work to create brand loyalty among Millennials, through a case study of the world leading beauty company, L'Oréal. This exploratory study takes on an inductive research approach, as it aims to add understanding in the field of brand loyalty among the generation Millennials. In order to answer the research questions, five semi-structured interviews were conducted on marketers who are experts in the field of marketing towards Millennials. The results of this study showed that the generation Millennials is an important target group in the beauty industry of today, due to their large size and strong power of choice. There is a congruence between the Millennial self-image and brand image, which proves the importance of a positive brand image. The findings also showed that it is important for companies to speak the language of Millennials but still keep a coherent balance among brands. Offering an experience to Millennials makes them more perceptible to brand loyalty, if the experience is positive, and co-creating brand personalities can help in this endeavor as well. Other valuable findings showed the importance of authenticity and credibility together with of a full range brand portfolio, due to lower incentives to switch between brands. This study contributes with understanding to how marketers in the beauty industry can work towards achieving brand loyalty among the generation Millennials, by giving examples of how five experienced marketers at L’Oréal works with this challenge. Furthermore, the results of this study contribute to the research gap and are applicable in the research area of brand loyalty in the beauty industry. The study uncovered that digital marketing works without paid media, but paid media without digital marketing is not an option. Therefore, one of our recommendations to companies in the beauty industry is to always use digital media while marketing towards the generation Millennials.

The art of delivering high quality communication globally : A study on Swedish small and medium e-commerce businesses

Kuusela, Elin, Söderström, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Background: E-commerce has created opportunities for companies and customers to operate online and enabled usage of online communication strategies to gain loyal customers. Small and medium e-commerce businesses have the possibility to expose wider range of products and reach customers globally despite limited resources. However, e-commerce has also brought challenges to companies, due to a new online approach, a changed customer behavior and a global competition. Previous research emphasize that the lack of physical contact with customers creates obstacles for e- commerce businesses, which might lead to perceived risks. Prior research on e- commerce businesses focuses on larger firms and no extensive research is made to understand how Swedish small and medium e-commerce businesses can optimize international communication strategies to create online trust and customer loyalty. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how Swedish small and medium businesses within the e-commerce sector manage global communication with customers despite lack of physical presence. By exploring how this distance might affect online trust and customer loyalty, the study will provide a deeper knowledge of how customer communication can improve customer relationships in an online context. Research Question: How can Swedish small and medium e-commerce businesses use customer communication strategies to generate online trust and gain loyal customers on a global market? Methodology: Abductive research approach, Qualitative research method, Exploratory research design, Semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: In order for companies to reduce customers ́ perceived risks, connected to online purchase, and to understand customer ́s behavior, despite lack of physical presence, we have gained knowledge of that small and medium e-commerce businesses should utilize interactive and customized communication strategies. These online communication strategies will create a mutual value and contribute to an increased online trust, which results in loyal customers.

Inbound marketing och dess roll i att få lojala kunder : En kvalitativ studie ur ett märkesinnehavarperspektiv

Fridvad, Selena, Ometlic, Diana January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en ökad förståelse för inbound marketing i ett business-to-business kontext och beskriva vilken roll strategin har i att få lojala kunder. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod, fallstudieansats där tre företag studerats och intervjuats. Resultatet från studien visar att inbound marketing kan ge lojala kunder om det görs på rätt sätt. Verktygen som strategin tillhandahåller kan skapa värde i företagets kundrelationer samt att de faktorer som gör en kund lojal uppfylls om verktygen i strategin tillämpas på rätt sätt. Denna studie har examinerats av Thomas Helgesson. / The aim with this study is to increase the understanding of inbound marketing in a business-to-business context and to describe the role the strategy has to provide loyal customers. This study was constructed by a qualitative method where three companies were studied and interviewed. The result of the study shows that companies that use inbound marketing increase their chances of retaining more loyal customers. The tools provided by the strategy can create valuable customer relationships. Further the tools in inbound marketing give the opportunity to fulfill the factors that makes a customer loyal, if the strategy is applied in the right way. This study has been examined by Thomas Helgesson.

Spokojenost a loajalita zaměstnanců v marketingové agentuře / Employee's satisfaction and loyalty in the marketing agency

Kotek, Martin January 2017 (has links)
1 Abstract: This paper brings a specific look into the world of marketing agencies working in market research through the job satisfaction and employee loyalty constructs. In the theoretical framework is presented conceptual and definitional problem of job satisfaction, which is consequently supplied by other theories like work engagement, work commitment or employee loyalty. Author's goal is to describe these theoretical concepts as interdependent, but simultaneously able to work separately and with support of other factors, which lead to their increasing or decreasing. In the empirical part of the framework are information used in praxis through the concrete marketing agency working in market research. Work environment is presented like dynamical example of modern company with explanation how works these aspects of job satisfaction and loyalty right there. Empirical research is realized with help of well-known methodological instruments used for measurement of these constructs to analyse and describe work environment of this company with a goal to identify the level of different aspects of job satisfaction and employee loyalty. Keywords: Job satisfaction, employee loyalty, work motivation, marketing agency

The mediating role of mobile technology in the linkage between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

Chihombori, Rumbidzai Anna January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this study was to critically investigate the mediating role that the use of mobile technology plays in the linkage between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in a semi-urban environment. The research problem focused on the application of mobile technology in the linkage between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the clothing industry in King Williams Town. In accomplishing this objective, this research study hypothesised that mobile technology plays a mediating role in the linkage between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of customers of clothing retailers in South Africa. Multiple regression was conducted to test for the first hypothesis. The first secondary objective aimed at establishing if there is disconfirmation between customer expectations and the performance of clothing retail outlets in King Williams Town. In exploring this objective, it was hypothesised that there is negative disconfirmation between customer expectations and performance. A paired sample test was conducted to test for this hypothesis. In addition, the influence of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty was explored. To accomplish these, it was hypothesised that both service quality and customer satisfaction have an influence on customer loyalty. Pearson’s Correlation and the Chi-Square Test were applied to test the influence of service quality and Customer satisfaction on Customer loyalty. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical software. Regression analysis, chi-square tests, Paired sample tests and correlation reports were used to analyse data inferentially. Reliability and validity of the research was also tested using Cronchbach’s alpha test. The results show that mobile phones have become a basic necessity for customers and that mobile technology plays a mediating role in the linkage between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; however, the mediation is partial. The results also show that there is positive disconfirmation between customer expectations and retailer performance; that both service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive correlation with customer loyalty and that mobile technology enhances customer loyalty. Finally, the results show that the total service experience of customers is favourable vii because the five components of service quality were rendered at a high level of service quality. The study offers several managerial recommendations. Firstly, retail managers should make strategic investments in mobile technology and use this technology to the full to reap the benefits of technologically advanced mobile communication. Secondly, managers should be creative in their use of this mobile technology to enhance customer satisfaction and, hence, customer loyalty. Thirdly, managers should prioritise the improvement of all five components of service quality in order to enhance customer loyalty. Finally, managers should provide a customer-centred service experience that exceeds customer expectations for service quality and mobile communication, one that maximises customer satisfaction and loyalty. The implementation of these recommendations could result in clothing retailers providing a customer-focused service experience in all five aspects of service quality. To successfully implement these recommendations, clothing retailers should: ensure that expectations created, could be accomplished or exceeded to build and enhance customer satisfaction; create expectations that are realistic to avoid negative disconfirmation and hence customer dissatisfaction; implement innovative and creative mobile communication strategies to build and enhance customer loyalty; and finally, improve loyalty programmes to enlarge the customer base.

Faktory ovlivňující vztah pracovníka k organizaci / Factors influencing relationship of an employee to an organization

Řádková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
Attachment of an employee to an organization is explored through concept of an organizational commitment. One of the results of an organizational commitment is a turnover, which is in a light of the current situation on the labor market up-to-date topic. Goal of the theoretical part of this thesis is an overview of approaches to organizational commitment and summary of factors, that have been according to many studies considered to be antecedents of organizational commitment. Following these findings, empirical part of this thesis sets the goal to summarize the results of qualitative and quantitative research which objective was to conduct a survey about extent and type of commitment to the organization and related factors. As research methods were chosen semi-structured interviews, TCM Employee commitment survey and survey examining related factors. Based on correlation analysis positive and negative factors related to organizational commitment were identified. Results also suggests that commitment does not correlate with any of demographic variables except of sex. From variables connected to work of employee for organization only length of employment did significantly correlate with affective commitment. Results of this research provide overall view on the organizational commitment at the branch...

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