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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Mendez, Marife 01 January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation the field of promotion marketing was examined by studying the impact of sale promotions on brand royalty. More specifically, for products with different levels of involvement, the study assessed how effective different nonmonetary and monetary promotions are at retaining brand loyalty. Two research questions were posed: (a) Will the effect of nonmonetary and monetary promotions on brand loyalty vary according to the extent of hedonism or utilitarian benefits for low and high involvement products? (b) Will the preference for nonmonetary or monetary promotions on brand loyalty have a greater or lesser effect for low and high involvement products? It was theorized that the effect of nonmonetary and monetary promotions on brand loyalty would vary according to the extent of hedonism or utilitarian benefits for low and high involvement products (H1a and H2a). The second set of hypotheses (H2a and H2b) posited that preference for nonmonetary promotions would have a greater on brand loyalty for both high and low involvement products. A questionnaire consisting of 36 questions provided the data that was collected from 114 subjects. Two product categories were chosen for the study: deodorant (high involvement) and laundry detergent (low involvement). For each product category, regression was used to explore the relationship between the indirect variables and the dependent variable -- brand loyalty. The results did not show support for any of the hypotheses; yet, they offer valuable information on sales promotions. Five important findings are discussed: 1. Monetary promotions are perceived to provide more utilitarian benefits. 2. Nonmonetary promotions seem to provide more utilitarian benefits than hedonic benefits. 3. "Preference for Gifts," a nonmonetary promotion, could affect negatively brand loyalty. 4. "Buy 2 get 20% off," a monetary promotion, could have a positive impact on brand loyalty. 5. Involvement has a positive relationship with brand loyalty.


ALEXANDRE YUTACA IKENAMI 19 July 2017 (has links)
[pt] O mercado de seguro de automóvel no Brasil apresenta uma concorrência agressiva, indicando que as seguradoras devem investir na fidelização de clientes para buscar sua sobrevivência. Dado isso, este estudo visa testar e analisar hipóteses que abordam a formação da lealdade do cliente no seguro de automóvel com base na análise de efeitos de antecedentes relevantes, como satisfação, custo da mudança, atratividade das alternativas e confiança. A revisão da literatura apresenta e discute modelos de lealdade de acordo com os estudos de Picón et al. (2014) e Aurier e N Goala, (2010). Por meio de uma survey, foi coletada uma amostra de 230 segurados de automóvel. A análise dos dados e o teste das hipóteses propostas foi realizada por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados indicam que satisfação, confiança, atratividade das alternativas e custos de troca impactam diretamente na lealdade do consumidor no mercado de seguro de automóvel. / [en] The car insurance market in Brazil presents aggressive competition, indicating that insurers should invest in customer loyalty to survive. Thus, this study aims to test and analyze hypotheses that address customer loyalty in the insurance market based on the analysis of relevant antecedents of loyalty, such as satisfaction, switching costs, attractiveness of the alternatives and trust. The literature review presents and discusses loyalty models according to Picón et al. (2014) and Aurier and N Goala, (2010). Through a survey, a sample of 230 automobile insurance clients was collected. The proposed model was analyzed via structural equations modeling. The results show that satisfaction, trust, attractiveness of alternatives and switching cost directly affect loyalty in the car insurance industry.

Operações de serviços, qualidade percebida e lealdade : um estudo no setor bancário

Saueressig, Márcio Vanderlei 27 August 2015 (has links)
O ambiente das operações de serviços lança desafios às organizações e a seus gestores, principalmente por envolverem o cliente no ato de consumo do serviço. Os efeitos da tecnologia e da globalização torna esta situação ainda mais desafiadora. Somado a isto, a importância de prestar serviços que vão ao encontro daquilo que o mercado deseja, como forma de fidelizar clientes num mercado cada vez mais exigente. Evidências de estudos apontam para a estratégia da lealdade como uma maneira de formar uma base de clientes sustentável, proporcionando lucros crescentes ao longo do tempo. Neste contexto, este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de verificar a interferência da qualidade percebida dos serviços, da linha de frente e retaguarda, na lealdade dos clientes pessoa jurídica (PJ) num Banco. O estudo é composto por duas etapas, uma qualitativa exploratória e outra quantitativa descritiva. A etapa qualitativa, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade teve como propósito coletar percepções de gestores e clientes do Banco que ambientou a pesquisa, que proporcionassem subsídios para o aprimoramento do instrumento de coleta aplicado na etapa quantitativa. Através de uma survey, foi aplicado um questionário com 48 questões cuja escala de qualidade de serviços SERVPERF e a escala de lealdade de Santos (2001) tiveram adicionadas 20 questões oriundas das entrevistas da etapa qualitativa. Como resultados, a etapa qualitativa contribui com uma proposta de escala adaptada para o contexto atual do setor bancário clientes PJ. Na etapa quantitativa, os fatores empatia, segurança e resposta formaram um modelo que representa 62% de poder de explicação do comportamento de lealdade dos 129 clientes que compuseram amostra. A ANOVA – Análise da Variância foi realizada para a comparação entre as médias de avaliação da qualidade e lealdade entre diferentes grupos de clientes. Os resultados permitem concluir que as respectivas médias de avaliação são mais elevadas para clientes com maior grau de relacionamento com o Banco, apresentando maiores níveis de significância para clientes que operam com crédito e clientes que afirmaram que o Banco é sua principal instituição financeira em volume de negócios. Ao final, são destacadas algumas implicações teóricas e gerenciais do trabalho, assim como limitações da pesquisa e sugestões para estudos futuros. / The environment of services operations poses challenges to organizations and their managers, mainly because they involve the customer in the acts of consumer service. The effects of technology and globalization, makes the situation even more challenging. Added to this, the importance of providing services that meet what the market wants, in order to retain customers in an increasingly demanding market. Studies evidences point to a strategy of loyalty as a way to form a sustainable customer base, providing increased profits over time. In this context, this study was conducted in order to verify the interference of the perceived quality of services, the front and back office, at the loyalty of corporate customers in a Bank. The study consists of two phases, an exploratory qualitative and other quantitative descriptive. The qualitative stage, through semi-structured and in-depth interviews aimed to collect perceptions of managers and customers of the Bank who was the environment of the research. That would provide subsidies for the improvement of the collection instrument applied to the quantitative stage. Through a survey, a questionnaire was administered to 48 questions whose range of quality services SERVPERF and the scale of loyalty to Santos (2001) had added 20 questions derived from interviews of qualitative stage. As a result, qualitative stage contributes a proposal to scale adapted to the current context of the banking industry corporate customers. In the quantitative stage, the empathy factor, security and response formed a model that represents 62% of explanatory power of the loyalty behavior of 129 customers that composed the sample. ANOVA – Analysis of Variances was performed to compare the means of assessing the quality and loyalty among different customer groups. The results show that the respective means of evaluation are higher for customers with a higher level of relationship with the Bank, with higher significance levels for customers that operate with credit and customers who said that the Bank is a leading financial institution in volume Business. Lastly, the paper highlighted some theoretical and managerial implications of the work, as well as limitations of the research and suggestions for future studies.

A relação entre a imagem do varejo de vestuário e a lealdade de consumidores da geração Y

Dal Ponte, Virginia 11 June 2015 (has links)
Nos mercados de varejos altamente competitivos há uma constante busca pela diferenciação e lealdade dos consumidores. Contudo, a compreensão de como os atributos de imagem de loja são percebidos pelos consumidores é uma questão de suma importância. É nesse contexto dinâmico do varejo que o presente trabalho de pesquisa foi desenvolvido, tento como principal objetivo identificar a relação entre imagem de varejo de vestuário e a lealdade dos consumidores da geração Y. O estudo se inicia com uma revisão bibliográfica sobre imagem, imagem de loja, lealdade e o modelo conceitual de imagem de loja (MCIL). A pesquisa foi realizada através de levantamento de campo com aplicação de questionário estruturado e a população foi definida como sendo consumidores da geração Y – nascidos entre final dos anos 1970 até o ano 2000, cuja amostra foi constituída de 394 respondentes. Os dados foram avaliados através da análise estatística multivariada de dados, utilizando a técnica de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Como resultados foi obtida a confirmação de que a imagem de loja é composta pelos construtos atmosfera, instalações, mix de produtos (mercadoria), promoção, pessoal de vendas e serviços e o modelo teórico proposto foi considerado adequado, indicando que a lealdade é explicada por 23,8% pela imagem de loja, apresentando uma boa contribuição tanto acadêmica quanto gerencial. / In the highly competitive retail market there is a constant search for differentiation and customer loyalty. However, understanding how store image attributes are perceived by consumers is a matter of paramount importance. It is in this dynamic retail context that this research work was carried out, try as main objective to identify the relationship between retail clothing image and the loyalty of consumers of Generation Y. The study begins with a literature review of image, image store loyalty and the conceptual model of store image (MCIL). The survey was conducted through a structured questionnaire application with field survey and the population was defined as consumers of Generation Y - born between the late 1970s until 2000, whose sample consisted of 394 respondents. The data were analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis of data, using structural equation modeling technique. The results were obtained confirmation that the store image is composed of the constructs atmosphere, facilities, merchandise, promotion, sales personnel and service and the proposed theoretical model was appropriate, indicating that loyalty is explained by 23.8% by the image store and offer great contribution both academic and managerial.

Análise da qualidade percebida, satisfação e lealdade do esporte extracurricular em instituições de ensino / Analysis of perceived quality, satisfaction and loyalty of extracurricular sport in educational institutions

Oliveira, Luciana Melloni Rocco de 20 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2015-07-16T15:25:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Melloni Rocco de Oliveira.pdf: 1753157 bytes, checksum: f8f74b925cdb3cd341b73ee385c989b9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-16T15:25:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Melloni Rocco de Oliveira.pdf: 1753157 bytes, checksum: f8f74b925cdb3cd341b73ee385c989b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-20 / Clearly, the Brazilian education has grown in recent years occupying mainly from the 90, an important part of the services market in relation to the national economy. According to the school census conducted by the Ministry of Education in the years 2012 and 2013, the private school has increased its enrollment by 3.5 % while the public decreased 1.9 %. With this fact increased competition among educational institutions, with a significant increase in the number of institutions over long period. It became necessary to seek alternative services and invest in diversified and complementary activities that awaken the interest of their consumers. Thus favored the growth and development of extracurricular sports that are optional and extend the semester students. Analyzing these facts, this design for the dissertation aims to understand the impacts of the perceived quality of service of this kind of sport, adherence and compliance of the same from the view of parents. The research will be conducted in four private elementary and secondary education, the southern city of São Paulo. The method is quantitative with the use of the SERVQUAL scale of perceived quality. This analysis was statistics by multiple linear regression with SPSS 22 and Excel software. The sample is non-probabilistic convenience. The results show that the consumer has a positive perception of the quality of extracurricular sport service, is pleased with it and with the institution, but it is not fair or service and not the institution. / A educação brasileira cresceu nos últimos anos ocupando, principalmente, a partir da década de 90, uma parte importante do mercado de serviços em relação à economia nacional. De acordo com o Censo Escolar realizado pelo Ministério da Educação nos anos de 2012 e 2013, a rede privada de ensino aumentou seu número de matriculas em 3,5% ao passo que a rede pública diminuiu 1,9%. Consequentemente supõe-se a existência de uma concorrência entre as instituições de ensino particular. Logo, torna-se necessário buscar alternativas de serviços e investir em atividades diversificadas e complementares que despertassem o interesse, a satisfação e a lealdade de seus consumidores. Neste contexto, o esporte extracurricular enquanto serviço agregado e oferecido por instituições particulares de ensino, ganha certo destaque, na medida que pode ser um diferencial neste segmento educacional. Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo mensurar a qualidade do serviço esportivo extracurricular oferecido por instituições de educação básica, além de avaliar a lealdade e satisfação dos seus usuários, a partir da opinião dos pais. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola particular de ensino infantil, fundamental e médio, da zona sul da cidade de São Paulo. A metodologia utilizada foi quantitativa com a utilização da Escala SERVQUAL de percepção de qualidade. A análise realizada foi estatística através de regressão linear múltipla com auxílio do software SPSS 22 e Excel. A amostra foi não probabilística por conveniência. Os resultados demonstram que o consumidor tem uma percepção positiva da qualidade do serviço do esporte extracurricular, está satisfeito com o mesmo e com a instituição, porém não é leal nem ao serviço e nem a instituição.

Fatores que impactam na intenção de contratar ou na lealdade do consumidor do serviço de personal trainer / Factors which impact on the hiring intention or on personal trainer service consumer loyalty

Palazzi Junior, Carlos Augusto 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-07-03T19:49:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Augusto Palazzi Junior.pdf: 1484789 bytes, checksum: ca07ecd2ab4ad55d68b682538b543193 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-03T19:49:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Augusto Palazzi Junior.pdf: 1484789 bytes, checksum: ca07ecd2ab4ad55d68b682538b543193 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / This dissertation aims to identify the factors that impact on the intention to hire or on consumer loyalty of the personal trainer service and to verify if there are differences between the variables surveyed between these two audiences. The constructs chosen through the literature, mainly international scientific articles, were: social skills, customer orientation, customer perceived expertise, personal trainer physical appearance, consumer familiarity and physical results obtained from the student, being analyzed through the conceptual framework of relationship marketing. The type of the research was confirmatory and the quantitative method, composed of a sample of 577 people obtained through an online questionnaire, and among the respondents, 245 have personal trainer and 332 do not have. In order to reach the objective of this dissertation, the closed questionnaire and the partial least square (PLS) analysis were used as data collection instrument to validate the hypotheses. As results, it was possible to perceive that there are differences between the models studied, in the intention-to-purchase model, consumers have the physical appearance of the personal trainer with greater significance when making the decision to acquire this service, followed by their familiarity by moderating the Professional knowledge, that is, the more previous knowledge of physical activity the consumer has, the more he or she will expect from the professional's expertise. In the loyalty model, it can be verified that the social skills of the personal trainer and the physical results conquered by the students through the personalized classes had greater significations, followed by the physical appearance of the professional and the familiarity moderating the expertise of the service provider. It is concluded that the personal trainer as its own manager, should use different methods and techniques to conquer different audiences. One of the main suggestions in the search intention model is that the personal trainer should show a personal physical appearance that demonstrates health care and muscular tone, as it inspires his clients, besides having superior knowledge to the consumer, since the more information the customer has, the more demanding it will be. In the loyalty model, the personal trainer should emphasize social skills, allowing a better relationship with the client, as well as reaching the expectations of the students regarding the physical results when hiring their services, not forgetting their good physical appearance and demonstrating knowledge regarding physical activity, physiology and physical exercises in relation to their students. / Essa dissertação tem como objetivo identificar os fatores que impactam na intenção de contratar ou na lealdade do consumidor do serviço de personal trainer e verificar se existe diferenças entre as variáveis pesquisadas entre esses dois públicos. Os construtos escolhidos por meio da literatura, principalmente de artigos científicos internacionais, foram: as habilidades sociais, a orientação para o cliente, a expertise percebida pelo cliente, a aparência física do personal trainer, familiaridade do consumidor e dos resultados físicos obtidos do aluno, sendo analisado por meio da estrutura conceitual do marketing de relacionamento. O tipo da pesquisa foi confirmatório e o método quantitativo, composto por uma amostra de 577 pessoas obtidos por meio de questionário online, sendo que, entre os respondentes, 245 possuem personal trainer e 332 não possuem. Para atingir o objetivo dessa dissertação, foi utilizado como instrumento para a coleta de dados o questionário fechado e a análise dos mínimos quadrados parciais PLS (partial least square) para validar as hipóteses. Como resultados, foi possível perceber que existe diferenças entre os modelos estudados; no modelo de intenção de contratar, os consumidores têm a aparência física do personal trainer com maior significância na hora de tomar a decisão em adquirir esse serviço, seguido pela sua familiaridade moderando a expertise do profissional, ou seja, quanto mais conhecimento prévio de atividade física o consumidor tiver, mais cobrará da expertise do profissional. No modelo de lealdade, pode-se verificar que as habilidades sociais do personal trainer e os resultados físicos conquistados pelos alunos por meio das aulas personalizadas tiveram maiores significâncias, seguidos pela aparência física do profissional e a familiaridade moderando a expertise do prestador de serviço. Conclui-se que o personal trainer como seu próprio gestor, deve utilizar métodos e técnicas diferentes para conquistar diferentes públicos. Uma das principais sugestões no modelo de intenção de contratar pesquisado, é que o personal trainer deve mostrar uma aparência física pessoal que demonstre cuidados com a saúde e a tonicidade muscular, pois isso inspira seus clientes, além de ter conhecimento superior ao consumidor, pois quanto mais informações o cliente tiver, mais exigente ele será. No modelo de lealdade, o personal trainer deve dar ênfase às habilidades sociais, permitindo um melhor relacionamento com o cliente, além de atingir as expectativas dos alunos em relação aos resultados físicos ao contratar seus serviços, sem esquecer da sua boa aparência física e de demonstrar conhecimento superior em relação a atividade física, fisiologia e exercícios físicos em relação aos seus alunos.

Estrategias del audio branding presente en la publicidad de la marca APU que permite crear familiaridad hacia la marca en el mercado de cementos / Audio branding strategies present in the advertising of the APU brand that allows creating brand familiarity in the cement market

Mayhua Lora, Mariana Lourdes 15 August 2020 (has links)
Durante los años, las marcas han logrado tener valor para los consumidores proporcionando un desarrollo de relaciones positivas y de fidelidad entre ambos. Es por ello, que diversas marcas utilizan el audio branding dentro del marco publicitario. El audio branding es el desarrollo y gestión de la marca por medio del uso de los elementos auditivos. Dichos elementos van dentro de la estructura comunicativa de la marca. En el Perú, existen tres marcas de cemento destacables: Cemento Sol, Cemento APU y Cemento Inka. La publicidad de cada una de ellas ha ido cambiando con el transcurso del tiempo, ya no muestran la típica publicidad de cementos donde mencionan solamente las características del producto y ciertas técnicas publicitarias. Ahora, agregan una nueva herramienta publicitaria la cual es, el audio branding dándole otra forma de ver la publicidad en el mercado de cemento en el Perú. El tema que analizaremos para este trabajo de investigación son las estrategias del audio branding presente en la publicidad de la marca APU que permite crear familiaridad hacia la marca en el mercado de cementos. Teniendo como objetivo general identificar las estrategias del audio branding aplicadas en la marca de Cementos Apu que generan una familiaridad de marca en consumidores de 25 - 35 años del nivel socioeconómico C y D, caso “Tan fuerte como Tú”. Por tal motivo, la metodología empleada para este trabajo de investigación es estudio de caso con carácter cualitativo. / Over the years, brands have achieved value for consumers by developing positive relationships and loyalty between them. That is why various brands use audio branding within the advertising framework. Audio branding is the development and management of the brand using auditory elements. These elements go within the communicative structure of the brand. In Peru, there are three notable cement brands: Cemento Sol, Cemento APU, and Cemento Inka. The advertising of each of them has changed over time, they no longer show the typical cement advertising where they only mention the characteristics of the product and certain advertising techniques. Now, they add a new advertising tool which is audio branding, giving you another way of seeing advertising in the cement market in Peru. The topic that we will analyze for this research work is the audio branding strategies present in the advertising of the APU brand that allows creating brand familiarity. With the general objective of identifying the audio branding strategies applied in the Cementos Apu brand that generate brand familiarity in consumers aged 25 - 35 years of socioeconomic level C and D, the case “As strong as You.” For this reason, the methodology used for this research work is a qualitative case study. / Trabajo de investigación

El Newsjacking en Facebook para generar recordación en la marca Entel en el 2017 en Millennials. Caso de estudio: Campaña “Disculpas Ilimitadas” con el Cóndor Mendoza de Entel Perú / Newsjacking on Facebook to generate brand recall for Entel in 2017 in Millennials. Case study: Campaign "Unlimited Apologies" with the Condor Mendoza of Entel Peru

Barrientos Mendoza, Alisson Daniela 27 August 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo se centra en analizar el uso de la técnica del Newsjacking en Facebook para generar recordación en la marca Entel en el 2017 en el público millennial. El caso que se analizará es la campaña “Disculpas Ilimitadas” con “El Cóndor” Mendoza de Entel Perú lanzada a inicios del año 2017. El Newsjacking es una técnica muy usada por distintas marcas que hace uso de una noticia para conectar rápidamente con la audiencia consiguiendo una rápida interacción de los usuarios en las redes sociales. La importancia del desarrollo de la presente investigación se puede percibir en los aportes que tiene con respecto al uso de la técnica Newsjacking y la recordación de marca, ya que el caso de estudio no se basó en el uso de una noticia reciente, sino en un evento que sucedió en el 2005 y la campaña empleo la noticia 12 años después, convirtiéndose en una de las más exitosas en la historia de la marca. En primer lugar, la presente investigación tiene una gran relevancia en el ámbito publicitario, ya que se centra en estudiar la recordación de marca con el uso del Newsjacking. En segundo lugar, desde una perspectiva científica o académica, la relevancia se centra en que, a nivel nacional e internacional, las investigaciones son recientes. Existen investigaciones académicas sobre el uso de esta técnica relacionadas al marketing de contenido en redes sociales. Sin embargo, le otorgan un mayor enfoque al Real Time Marketing como una estrategia para lograr objetivos a corto plazo, ya que se hace uso de un evento reciente y la acción debe ser rápida mientras todavía esté en coyuntura. El objetivo es analizar cómo el uso del Newsjacking en Facebook genera recordación en la marca Entel en el año 2017 en millennials. Para esto, se empleó como metodología una investigación cualitativa utilizando como herramientas las entrevistas a profundidad debido a la coyuntura actual que atraviesa el país y el mundo por el Covid-19 y el decreto del Estado Peruano al ordenar cuarentena obligatoria a nivel nacional. Por ello, se considera más pertinente realizar entrevistas a profundidad. Por un lado, el público primario lo conforman millennials que hayan visualizado la campaña “Disculpas Ilimitadas” por Facebook en el año 2017. El público objetivo secundario lo conforman dos grupos: profesionales que trabajaron con la marca Entel en el 2017 y/o participaron en la realización de la campaña “Disculpas Ilimitadas”; asimismo, profesionales que trabajan en agencias digitales y/o con conocimientos sobre el Newsjacking. / This work focuses on analyzing the use of the Newsjacking technique on Facebook to generate remembrance of the Entel brand in 2017 among the millennial public. The case that will be analyzed is the campaign "Unlimited Apologies" with "El Cóndor" Mendoza from Entel Peru launched in early 2017. Newsjacking is a technique widely used by different brands that makes use of a news story to quickly connect with the audience achieving rapid user interaction on social networks. The importance of the development of this research can be seen in the contributions it has regarding the use of the Newsjacking technique and brand recall, since the case study was not based on the use of a recent news item, but on a event that happened in 2005 and the campaign used the news 12 years later, making it one of the most successful in the history of the brand. First of all, this research is highly relevant in the advertising field, as it focuses on studying brand awareness with the use of Newsjacking. Secondly, from a scientific or academic perspective, the relevance centers on the fact that, at the national and international level, the research is recent. There is academic research on the use of this technique related to content marketing on social networks. However, they give Real Time Marketing a greater focus as a strategy to achieve short-term goals, since a recent event is used and the action must be quick while it is still at the juncture. The objective is to analyze how the use of Newsjacking on Facebook generates recognition in the Entel brand in 2017 in millennials. For this, qualitative research was used as a methodology using in-depth interviews as tools due to the current situation that the country and the world are going through due to Covid-19 and the decree of the Peruvian State to order mandatory quarantine at the national level. For this reason, it is considered more pertinent to carry out in-depth interviews. On the one hand, the primary audience is made up of millennials who have viewed the campaign “Unlimited Apologies” on Facebook in 2017. The secondary target audience is made up of two groups: professionals who worked with the Entel brand in 2017 and / or participated in the realization of the campaign "Unlimited Apologies"; also, professionals who work in digital agencies and / or with knowledge about Newsjacking. / Trabajo de investigación

Communications effect on employee anxiety and loyalty during a merger

La Beur, Howard Edward 01 January 2001 (has links)
Only in about 35 percent of mergers do companies meet their pre-merger goals. One cause of these failures is attributed to the unstable work environment created by a pending merger. Previous research has focused on post-merger attitudes of employees. The purpose of the current study was to explore communication processes in announcing a merger. Scenarios were used to simulate merger announcements.

The study of customer share marketing

Sethapan, Wathanee 01 January 2004 (has links)
This project will describe the nature of customer share marketing, its advantages and disadvantages. The project discusses how the marketing theme is graduating customers from market share marketing to customer share marketing and the use of customer share marketing to retain and grow existing customers.

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