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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Digitalisering, kundnöjdhet och lojalitet i försäkringsbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om 12 kunders upplevelser.

Hägglund, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
I en värld som präglas av den ökade digitaliseringen står företagen inför både möjligheter och utmaningar. Försäkringsbranschen är inget undantag och även om den digitala utvecklingen inte skett lika snabbt som inom exempelvis banksektorn går den digitala utvecklingen nu snabbt i försäkringsbranschen. Denna sektor skiljer sig från många andra branscher då kunderna sällan interagerar med sin tjänsteleverantör vilket i detta fall är försäkringsbolaget. Branschen präglas även av hög konkurrens och kunderna har idag tillgång till jämförelsesidor vilket ökar deras valmöjligheter bland annat. Syftet med studien är att beskriva på vilket sätt ett urval av försäkringskunders lojalitet påverkas av digitaliseringen, samt hur deras lojalitet påverkas av kundnöjdheten. Studien genomförs genom att 12 respondenter som valts ut delar med sig av sina upplevelser genom semistrukturerade intervjuer då en kvalitativ metod används. Studiens resultat indikerar att kunderna föredrar digitala alternativ framför mänsklig kontakt när de interagerar med sina försäkringsbolag. Slutsatserna som dras i studien är att konsumenternas lojalitet anses försämras till följd av digitaliseringen. Samt att en hög kundnöjdhet inte anses leda till en hög lojalitet. Då den större delen av forskningen med koppling till digitalisering, kundnöjdhet och lojalitet som genomförts inom det finansiella området varit inriktad mot banksektorn, bidrar denna studie genom att tillämpa ovanstående faktorer inom ett relativt outforskat område, försäkringsbranschen.

Store image perceptions

Linus, Wikström January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Background The food retail business is characterized by fierce competition between a few large actors and low switching costs for consumers due to the similar offerings of the stores. In an oligopolistic market struc- ture like this it is critical for stores to create a loyal customer base in order to gain a competitive advantage. This is achieved through gen- erating customer satisfaction, which is an outcome of a positive evaluation of the store image. In the market of Jönköping there is one hypermarket, Ica Maxi, which enjoys a dominating market position over its two closest competitors, Coop Forum and City Gross, which must mean that more consumers chose to make their grocery shopping at this particular store. Therefore it is interesting to investigate the store image perceptions that the consumers of Jönköping hold of these three hypermarkets, and whether there is large difference be- tween them.  Purpose The main purpose of this thesis is to find out and measure how consumers in Jönköping perceive the store images of the three hyper- markets operating in the city, and what importance the different parts of the retail mix weighs on the consumers choice in what store to frequent. Further it aims to analyze the findings from the study in order to investigate if there are any differences in the store image perceptions, and if they might help explain a part of the dominating position Ica Maxi holds on the market.  Method Since store image is already a well defined concept within the marketing literature, it was most suitable to conduct a quantitative rather than a qualitative study. This was implemented through a questionnaire that was distributed to three separate samples, one per investigated hypermarket. The data collected was then processed mainly through One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), which allowed for comparisons between the three samples.  Conclusion The consumers of Jönköping ranked the influence of the store image dimensions on their choice of hypermarket as following; (1) mer- chandise, (2) customer service, (3) reputation, (4) location, (5) price, (6) store layout and design, and (7) advertising and promotion. The perceptions held of the stores images were different between the stores. Ica Maxi was shown to have the most positive store image, closely followed by City Gross, and Coop Forum had a significantly less favorable image than both its competitors. The difference between Ica Maxi and Coop Forum does explain why the stores have such different market shares. However, there was not a large enough difference in Ica Maxi’s and City Gross’ scores to justify the market share gap between them solely based on store image.

The Relationship Between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty : A study comparing Generation X and Y in Sweden

Hertzberg, Jennifer, Rask, Louise, Bengtsson, Samuel January 2020 (has links)
Businesses are constantly trying to find new strategies that help them gain loyal customers, in order to avoid the considerable cost of attracting new customers. This thesis analyzes if service quality has any significant impact on brand loyalty, where customer satisfaction is used as an indicator for brand loyalty. Additionally, it tests if the factor of generations, and the generational differences has any impact on how service quality is valued by the consumer in terms of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. To answer this, an experiment in the form of two surveys was sent out and answered by 99 participants belonging to either Generation X or Generation Y, where customer satisfaction was measured as a result of either neutral or excellent service quality. The results showed and confirmed what previous studies have claimed, that service quality has a significant effect on both customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, where evidence was found that excellent service quality highly impacted the participants’ satisfaction as well as their level of loyalty towards a brand. Furthermore, the study concluded that there is no difference in how Generation X and Generation Y value service quality, despite what previous research has claimed in regard to generational differences.

The Impact of Sustainable Advertising and its Relationship to Consumer Brand Loyalty : An Empirical Study of Young Adults and their Brand Switching Behaviour on High- and Low Involvement Products

Jernberg, Alice, Eklund, Sandra, Roman, Andreea-Jessica January 2020 (has links)
Even though the majority of companies have realised the benefits of implementing sustainability practices into their business strategies today, the problem is that the marketing of these activities still has a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine if the impact of sustainable advertisements can influence the purchase decisions of young adults who show loyalty to another brand. In order to reach this purpose, qualitative research was conducted using an abductive approach through 23 semi-structured individual interviews with consumers between the ages of 19-30. This enabled us to get an in-depth understanding of their subjective consumption behaviour in comparison to sustainable advertisements. This report draws on existing literature which states that sustainability promotions positively impact the consumer decision process and that consumers’ rarely switch from a brand they are highly loyal to. The results show that sustainable advertisements' impact on young adults is dependent on the product-involvement category. In order for sustainable advertisements to have a chance to generate a switching behaviour among young adults for high-involvement products, the message must provide clear and transparent information regarding the product, because the perception of brands tends to be more valuable. However, this is not as important for low-involvement products since sustainable messages can provoke a switching behaviour based on emotional appeals. Therefore, this research contributes to companies which seek to use sustainable marketing for high- or low-involvement products.

The Role of Paid and Earned Social Media on Consumer Behavior for Apparel Brands in China’s Market

Aurimas, Mickus, Pengshuo, Zhou, Xiang, Guo January 2020 (has links)
Social media marketing is gradually replacing traditional marketing and becoming the primary marketing strategy for businesses. Paid and earned media have emerged as two major social media marketing forms that are important in business development research. China has more social media users than any other country in the world and is housing platforms such as Weibo, WeChat or Xiaohongshu, thus with an ever-increasing demand for social interaction between a company and a customer, the search for the optimal marketing strategies in a hyper-competitive apparel market in China is in effect. With there being a lack of research in the field, the main purpose of this study is to examine how paid and earned social media channels impact apparel customer behavior in China. Firstly, the study aimed to see to what degree paid and earned media influences apparel consumption, and, secondly, it intended to see how social media marketing strategy impacts consumers' views on brand loyalty, brand awareness and purchasing behavior. In order to do this, a quantitative study has been conducted - nine hypotheses were formulated after an extensive literature review, from which a research model has been derived and a questionnaire used to gather the opinions of local Chinese social media users has been employed. Convenience with a non-probability sampling method was adopted to collect quantitative data. A total sample of 400 respondents participated in an online questionnaire, ranging from the age of 18 to 34 and having a relatively high education level. The SPSS program was applied to analyze the collected data with multiple statistical analysis methods: Cronbach alpha reliability test, factor analysis, and linear regression analysis to test internal consistency - Cronbach alpha, construct validity, and the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The study revealed that both social media marketing types have a positive effect on apparel consumer behaviors, however, paid media only mostly influences brand awareness of apparel brands, and earned media is very effective when it comes to influencing purchasing behavior and brand loyalty of apparel brands. Moreover, the utmost importance of Word-of-Mouth marketing has come to light, as the need for increased social value urges Chinese to promote products by sharing.

Hur bolånerådgivare arbetar för att hålla kunder lojala : En kvalitativ studie om efterköpskänsla, återköpsbeteende och kundlojalitet / How mortgage advisors keep customers loyal : A qualitative study about post-purchase feeling, repurchase behaviour and customer loyalty

Hjerpe, Frida, Lundqvist, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Harsh competition influence the profit margins of Swedish banks, where mortgages are some of the most profitable products. Unfortunately, mortgages also happen to be the most influential products when it comes to customers’ willingness to switch banks. Currently, the four largest banks in Sweden are losing both customers and mortgage market shares to smaller firms at an increasing rate. One of the big four face greater problems acquiring new credit market shares when compared to its three competitors. In this study, actions taken in order to keep existing customers are central and the bank finding it particularly troublesome to acquire new credit market shares out of the big four is therefore examined. Through a qualitative study, mortgage advisors at the bank in question are asked to explain how they handle theoretical concepts such as post-purchase feelings, repurchase behaviour and customer loyalty in practice. Answers from the interviews are then analysed and compared to existing theory, where the results show that practice is not always executed as expected from a theoretical perspective. The purpose of the study is to better understand how the advisors work with the theoretical concepts, in order to fathom why the customers are leaving. The results show that mortgage advisors at the bank in question worked inconsistently with customer’s post purchase feelings. This was due to the advisors having free reins over how to process their own customer base with a lack of system support. Consequently, some of the advisors worked with direct post purchase activities whilst some did not get in touch with their customers at all. In addition, loyalty was an aspect that customers often thought to be of great importance for the bank. However, loyalty was not a determining factor in the calculations made by the advisors in order to present the customers with interest offers. Though it could be of some importance for the small mandate every advisor had over the final interest discount, where satisfaction with a customer could grant a more generous proposition. / Den svenska bankmarknaden kännetecknas av en hård konkurrens, där bolån är en av de mest lönsamma produkterna. Dessvärre är bolån även den produkt som har störst inflytande när det kommer till kunders benägenhet att byta bankaktör, och länge har de fyra största aktörerna på den svenska bankmarknaden tappat kunder till mindre aktörer i en allt ökande omfattning. En av dessa storbanker har även visat sig ha det mer problematiskt än sina tre likar att ta nya marknadsandelar på kreditmarknaden vilken vidare undersöks i denna studie där åtgärder utförda i syfte för att behålla kunder är centrala. Genom en kvalitativ studie har bolånerådgivare vid banken i fråga ombetts förklara hur de arbetar med de teoretiska koncepten efterköpskänsla, återköpsbeteende och kundlojalitet i praktiken. Svaren har sedan analyserats och jämförts ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv, där resultatet visar att arbetssätt och teori inte alltid överensstämmer med varandra. Syftet med denna studie är att bättre förstå hur bolånerådgivare arbetar i förhållande till teoretiska koncept, för att skapa en bättre förståelse för varför det sker ett så kontinuerligt och tilltagande kundtapp. Resultatet av studien visar att bolånerådgivarna på banken i fråga arbetade på ett inkonsekvent sätt med kundernas efterköpskänsla. Något som var till följd av att arbetssättet med den egna kundstocken var individuellt konstruerat av varje rådgivare och att en avsaknad av systemstöd förelåg. Som en konsekvens, gjorde vissa rådgivare direkta efterköpsutskick, när andra inte hörde av sig till sina kunder över huvud taget. Vidare var lojalitet en aspekt som kunderna kunde tro var av stor vikt för banken. Men i själva verket var detta inte en variabel alls i de kalkyler som rådgivarna nyttjade för att ge ett så rättvist erbjudande som möjligt. Däremot kunde lojalitet ha en liten betydelse för det mandat varje rådgivare hade över den slutliga ränterabatten, där en bra kund kunde få ett mer generöst förslag.

Programas de fidelización de las aerolíneas en relación con la lealtad de clientes hombres y mujeres de 35 a 44 años de Lima Metropolitana / Frequent flyer programs in relation to the customer loyalty, in male and female customers from 35 to 44 years in Metropolitan Lima

Jauregui Euribe, Valeria 30 October 2019 (has links)
Desde el año 2017, el fenómeno de las aerolíneas de bajo coste o low cost ha venido creciendo con la entrada de la empresa Viva Air al mercado peruano. Este segmento de aerolíneas ya alcanza casi 100 millones de pasajeros al año. La popularidad de estas aerolíneas va de la mano con el bajo precio que ofrecen a los pasajeros, ya que se ha podido observar una reducción de precios en los pasajes de hasta un 50%. En consecuencia, la participación de mercado de las aerolíneas tradicionales se ha reducido en los últimos años. Por lo tanto, hay algunas que buscan imitar el modelo low cost, como también hay otras que tienen como principal objetivo enfocarse en el segmento de clientes que valora otros factores más allá del precio. El siguiente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar la relación que existe entre las estrategias de fidelización con la lealtad del segmento de clientes que se encuentra entre las edades de 35 a 44 años. Para ello, se utilizaron técnicas de recolección de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos que luego de ser analizados dan resultados que permiten un futuro análisis. / Since 2017, the phenomenon of low cost airlines has been growing with the entry of Viva Air into the Peruvian market. This segment of airlines already reaches almost 100 million passengers per year. The popularity of these airlines goes hand in hand with the low price they offer to passengers, since it has been possible to observe a reduction in ticket prices of up to 50%. Consequently, the market share of traditional airlines has declined in recent years. Therefore, there are some that seek to imitate the low cost model, as there are others whose main objective is to focus on the customer segment that values ​​other factors beyond price. The following research work aims to demonstrate the relationship between loyalty strategies and customer loyalty between 35 and 44 years old. For this, qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques were used that after being analyzed give results that allow a future analysis. / Trabajo de investigación

El valor de marca en cigarrillos y su relación con la lealtad de los consumidores de 18 a 25 años de Nivel Socioeconómico A y B en Lima Metropolitana

Samame Balarezo, Sebastián Nicolás 30 June 2019 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación es determinar si el valor de marca en cigarrillos tiene relación con la lealtad de los consumidores de 18 a 25 años de edad, de nivel socioeconómico A y B de Lima Metropolitana. Se ha estudiado este tema, ya que existe un reto para los gerentes de las compañias más importantes de cigarrillos en el país, el cuál es que estas marcas no pueden publicitar o tienen espacios muy limitads. De esta manera con este estudio se busco encontrar de que manera logran generar valor y comprabar si tiene una relación directa con la lealtad. Luego de haber realizado este estudio mixto, se llegó a la conclusión que el valor de la marca está relacionado con la lealtad de la marca. Asimismo se comprobó que las variables: Conocimiento de marca, Actitud hacia la marca y Relación con la marca tienen una influencia positiva con la lealtad de marca. Los resultados de la investigación cualitativa fueron determinantes, ya que los entrevistados nos dieron información relevante sobre los momentos de consumo, cuales eran sus sensaciones con algunas marcas de cigarrillos y que tanto valoraban que estas generen un valor de marca. Por último, los resultados de la investigación cuantitativa nos permitió tener conclusiones propias a través de los cruzes de las variables mas importantes y logramos tener conclusiones hacia el tema. / The purpose of this investigation is to determine if the brand value in cigarettes is related to the loyalty of consumers 18 to 25 years of age, socioeconomic level A and B of Metropolitan Lima. This topic has been studied, since there is a challenge for the managers of the most important cigarette companies in the country, which is that these brands cannot advertise or have very limited spaces. In this way, this study sought to find out how they can generate value and buy if it has a direct relationship with loyalty. After having done this mixed study, it was concluded that the value of the brand is related to brand loyalty. It was also found that the variables: Brand awareness, Attitude towards the brand and Relationship with the brand have a positive influence with brand loyalty. The results of the qualitative research were decisive, since the interviewees gave us relevant information about the moments of consumption, what were their feelings with some brands of cigarettes and who valued them so much that they generate a brand value. Finally, the results of the quantitative research allowed us to have our own conclusions through the crossings of the most important variables and we managed to have conclusions on the subject. / Trabajo de investigación

The Effects of Online and Offline Customer Experiences on Customer Loyalty in Chinese Fresh E-commerce

Ye, Zhiqiu, Chen, Xinyi January 2020 (has links)
With the gradual upgrade of fresh food consumption in China, the integration of online platforms and retail entities has brought more convenient and diverse fresh food consumption experiences to customers. This thesis is to explore how the customers loyalty in Chinese fresh e-commerce are affected by online and offline customer experience. This paper draws on strategic experience modules and situation experience theory and proposes three influencing factors respectively according to the two situations of online and offline. Specifically, this thesis analyzes the impact of the aesthetic experience, online service experience, and virtual community sense experience, environmental experience, service staff experience and community sense experience on customer loyalty. As a leader of fresh e-commerce, Hema Fresh has achieved great success especially during this epidemic and has been recognized by Chinese customers. This study collects 298 online questionnaires from Hema Fresh’s customers in China and uses SPSS for regression analysis to test these six factors. Empirical results show that enhancing customer aesthetic experience, online service experience, environmental experience and community sense experience can improve customer loyalty of fresh e-commerce in China, but our results do not show that virtual community sense experience and service staff experience can enhance customer loyalty. Meanwhile, this study finds that the effects of online and offline situations on customer loyalty of fresh e-commerce are different. By providing the experience and background of Chinese fresh e-commerce, it enriches the research on fresh e-commerce. Also, this study explores different types of customer experience impact on customer loyalty from the online and offline situations of customer consumption, contributing to the research on customer experience and provides implications for Chinese fresh e- commerce to improve customer loyalty.

Евалуација ефеката иновативности у функцији унапређења квалитета и лојалности гостију у ресторатерству Војводине / Evaluacija efekata inovativnosti u funkciji unapređenja kvaliteta i lojalnosti gostiju u restoraterstvu Vojvodine / Evaluation of innovation effects aimed at the improvement of quality and guest loyalty in restaurant industry in Vojvodina

Gagić Snježana 19 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Да би се обезбедио жељени квалитет неопходно је константно радити на&nbsp; унапређењу и идентификацији фактора који га детерминишу.&nbsp; Веома је важно&nbsp; утврдити шта представља вредност за госте и спровести потребне мере како би се&nbsp; постигли жељени пословни резултати. Како би се дошло до правог&nbsp; одговора&nbsp; неопходно је имати сазнање о томе шта гост очекује, које су његове потребе, каква&nbsp; понуда је у складу са савременим прехрамбеним трендовима, који је пожељан ниво&nbsp; услуге и на који начин успоставити комуникацију са садашњим и потенцијалним&nbsp; гостима.</p><p>Основни циљ дисертације је био да се&nbsp; идентификују повезаности и узрочни односи&nbsp; између иновативног понашања ресторатера, опаженог квалитета и лојалности&nbsp; гостију.&nbsp;</p><p>Да би се дошло до постављеног циља утврђено је у којој мери су војвођански&nbsp; ресторани иновативни, измерен је&nbsp; квалитет производа, услуге, атмосфере&nbsp; и&nbsp; посебних елемената, а затим се испитала&nbsp; и лојалност гостију. Сагледан је и утицај&nbsp; образовне и квалификационе структуре запослених на степен иновативности и&nbsp; квалитет ресторатерских производа и услуга.</p><p>На основу кабинетског и теренског истраживања, уз примену утврђене научне&nbsp; методологије и коришћењем домаће и иностране литературе дошло се до закључака који су потврдили основну, полазну хипотезу да постоји позитивна корелација&nbsp;између иновативности ресторатера, опаженог квалитета и лојалности гостију. Резултати су потврдили да је зависност између квалификационе и образовне структуре запослених и степена иновативности ресторатера врло значајна, да је веома важно запошљавати квалификовану радну снагу јер се то позитивно одражава на иновационо понашање, али и на квалитет истраживаних елемената.</p> / <p>Da bi se obezbedio željeni kvalitet neophodno je konstantno raditi na&nbsp; unapređenju i identifikaciji faktora koji ga determinišu.&nbsp; Veoma je važno&nbsp; utvrditi šta predstavlja vrednost za goste i sprovesti potrebne mere kako bi se&nbsp; postigli željeni poslovni rezultati. Kako bi se došlo do pravog&nbsp; odgovora&nbsp; neophodno je imati saznanje o tome šta gost očekuje, koje su njegove potrebe, kakva&nbsp; ponuda je u skladu sa savremenim prehrambenim trendovima, koji je poželjan nivo&nbsp; usluge i na koji način uspostaviti komunikaciju sa sadašnjim i potencijalnim&nbsp; gostima.</p><p>Osnovni cilj disertacije je bio da se&nbsp; identifikuju povezanosti i uzročni odnosi&nbsp; između inovativnog ponašanja restoratera, opaženog kvaliteta i lojalnosti&nbsp; gostiju.&nbsp;</p><p>Da bi se došlo do postavljenog cilja utvrđeno je u kojoj meri su vojvođanski&nbsp; restorani inovativni, izmeren je&nbsp; kvalitet proizvoda, usluge, atmosfere&nbsp; i&nbsp; posebnih elemenata, a zatim se ispitala&nbsp; i lojalnost gostiju. Sagledan je i uticaj&nbsp; obrazovne i kvalifikacione strukture zaposlenih na stepen inovativnosti i&nbsp; kvalitet restoraterskih proizvoda i usluga.</p><p>Na osnovu kabinetskog i terenskog istraživanja, uz primenu utvrđene naučne&nbsp; metodologije i korišćenjem domaće i inostrane literature došlo se do zaključaka koji su potvrdili osnovnu, polaznu hipotezu da postoji pozitivna korelacija&nbsp;između inovativnosti restoratera, opaženog kvaliteta i lojalnosti gostiju. Rezultati su potvrdili da je zavisnost između kvalifikacione i obrazovne strukture zaposlenih i stepena inovativnosti restoratera vrlo značajna, da je veoma važno zapošljavati kvalifikovanu radnu snagu jer se to pozitivno odražava na inovaciono ponašanje, ali i na kvalitet istraživanih elemenata.</p> / <p>In order to ensure desired quality, it is necessary to constantly work on the i improvement and identification of the factors which determine it. It is very important to identify what represents a value for guests and implement necessary measures in order&nbsp; to achieve the desired business results. To find the right solution it is necessary to have insights into what a guest expects, what their needs are, what kind of offer is in accordance with modern food trends, what the desired level of service is and how to establish communication&nbsp; with current and potential guests.</p><p>The basic aim of the thesis was to identify relationships and causal relations between&nbsp;innovative behaviour of restaurateurs, observed quality and guest loyalty. The sample&nbsp;consisted of 600 guests from thirty restaurants&nbsp; selected in 19 towns in Vojvodina. The&nbsp;innovation level was defined on the basis of the designed instrument for &nbsp;measuring&nbsp;innovation in the field of products and services, marketing, processes, and socially responsible behavior. For the purpose of achieving the set goal, with the use of selected statistical methods, it was established to what extent restaurants in Vojvodina were innovative, the quality of products, services, atmosphere, and special elements was measured, and guest loyalty was examined. The&nbsp; influence of education and qualification structure of employees on the level of innovation and quality of restaurant products and services was also taken into account.</p><p>On the basis of theoretical and field research, with the use of the defined scientific methodology and local and foreign literature, the conclusions were drawn, which confirmed the basic initial hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between the innovativeness of restaurateurs, observed quality and guest loyalty. The results confirmed that the dependence of qualification and educational structure of employees and the innovation level of restaurateurs is very significant. It is very important to hire qualified work force, because this has positive effects on innovative behaviour as well as on the quality of the examined elements.</p>

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