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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise do suporte ventilatório mecânico durante anestesia e sua correlação com as complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias: um estudo observacional / Analysis of the mechanical ventilatory support in anesthesia and its correlation with the postoperative pulmonary complications: an observational study

Adriana Sayuri Hirota 23 March 2005 (has links)
Introdução: A formação de atelectasia durante a indução anestésica pode ser um dos fatores responsáveis pela ocorrência de complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias (CPP). A aplicação de pressão positiva expiratória ao final da expiração (PEEP), uso criterioso de altas frações inspiradas de oxigênio e a utilização de manobras de recrutamento alveolar no período intra-operatório são recursos utilizados para a prevenção de atelectasia em procedimentos anestésicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o modelo de ventilação mecânica adotado em procedimentos anestésicos de longa duração e suas correlações com as complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias. Métodos: Foram avaliadas em estudo observacional as cirurgias com mais de cinco horas de duração. No início do procedimento anestésico, na sala de cirurgia e após o seu término, na unidade de terapia intensiva, os parâmetros ventilatórios utilizados foram anotados e correlacionados com os achados das radiografias torácicas e saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2) em ar ambiente. Resultados: Cento e vinte e um pacientes foram observados. O tempo total de anestesia 499,4 ± 159,8 minutos. O volume corrente (VC) determinado no período intraoperatório foi 8,09 ± 2,15 mL/kg e a PEEP utilizada de 3,05 ± 2,31 cmH2O. Houve diferença para a mediana da SpO2 em ar ambiente (96% [95-97] vs 95% [92-96], p <0,001) comparando os períodos pré e pós-operatório. A freqüência de pacientes que apresentaram atelectasia nas radiografias de tórax do período pós-operatório (38,8%) foi significantemente maior que a do período pré-operatório (0%), x2=32,259. Não foi encontrado correlação entre os achados e o tempo de anestesia (p=0,708); a PEEP intra-operatória (p=0,296); tempo de permanência com suporte ventilatório mecânico no pósoperatório (p = 0,146) e tabagismo (p = 0,563). Conclusões: No período intra-operatório o PEEP utilizado em procedimentos de longa duração é baixo. Ocorre queda na SpO2 e aumento na incidência de atelectasia no período pós-operatório em comparação com o pré-operatório. São necessários outros estudos para melhor avaliação dos fatores responsáveis / Introduction: The formation of the atelectasis during the induction of the anesthesia can be one of the factors involved in the occurrence of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). The application of the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), low inpiratory concentrations of oxygen and the alveolar recruitment maneuvers perform in the intraoperative period are approaches used in the prevention of atelectasis in the anesthesia procedures. The objective of this study was to evaluate, in prospective observational study, the pattern of mechanical ventilatory assistence during longer anesthesia procedures and its correlations with the PPCs. Methods: The surgeries procedures longer than five hours have been evaluated in observational study. At the beginning of the anesthesia procedure, in the operatory room and after its terminus, in the intensive care unit, the mechanical ventilation parameters were determined and correlated with the findings in the chest x-rays and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) in room air. Results: One hundred twenty one patients have been observed. The total time of anesthesia was 499,4 ± 159,8 minutes. The tidal volume (VT) in the intraoperative period was 8,09 ± 2,15 mL/kg and the PEEP used was 3,05 ± 2,31 cmH2O. There was a difference for the median of the SpO2 in room air (96% [95-97] vs 95% [92-96], p <0,001) comparing the pre and postoperative periods. The frequency of patients who had presented atelectasis in the chest x-rays of the postoperative period (38,8%) was significantly higher than the preoperative period (0%), x2=32,259. No correlation was found among these findings and the anesthesia time (p=0,708); the intraoperative PEEP used (p=0,296); time with mechanical ventilatory support in the postoperative period (p = 0,146) and smoking habits (p = 0,563). Conclusions: In the intraoperative period, the PEEP is low in longer procedures. The SpO2 decreases and the incidence of the atelectasis increases in the postoperative period, when compared with the preoperative one. Other researches are required for better evaluation of the factors related for the development of the PPCs

Uticaj kaudalnog bloka na nivo perioperativnog stresa kod dece tokom uroloških operacija / Effect of caudal block on perioperative stress level in children during urological operations

Marina Pandurov 10 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Hirur&scaron;ka inetrvencija aktivira odgovor organizma na stres, pokreću se neuroendokrine promene u organizmu, &scaron;to rezultira neželjenom hemodinamskom nestabilno&scaron;ću, promenama metabolizma, endokrinog i imunog sistema. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj kaudalnog bloka na nivo perioperativnog stresa i njegova efikasnot u zbrinjavanju intra- i postoperativnog bola. Ovo prospektivno, randomizirano kliničko ispitivanje obuhvatalo je 80 dečaka, uzrasta 2-5godina, kojima su bile indikovane urolo&scaron;ke operacije. Jedna grupa (n = 38) je primila op&scaron;tu anesteziju, a druga (n = 38) op&scaron;tu anesteziju sa kaudalnim blokom. Mereni su intraoperativno hemodinamski parametri u 8 merenja, ukupna potro&scaron;nja svih datih lekova i intenzitet bola u 3 navrata postoperativno. Uzorci krvi uzeti su pre uvoda u anesteziju i nakon buđenja pacijenta, i ispitivan je nivo glukoze, kortizola, leukocita, leukocitarne formule, pH i laktata. Deca koja su primila kaudalni blok imala su, postoperativno, značajno niži nivo glukoze u serumu (p &lt;0,01), koncentracije kortizola (p &lt;0,01), leukocita i neutrofila (p &lt;0,01), laktata i acidoze, a takođe su imali i niže ocene bola u sve tri momenta merenja (p&lt;0,01). Intraoperativno utvrđena je veća hemodinamska stabilnost i manja potro&scaron;nja analgetika perioperativno. Takođe, u toj grupi nije bilo komplikacija. Kombinacija kaudalnog bloka sa op&scaron;tom anestezijom je bezbedna metoda, koja dovodi do manjeg stresa, veće hemodinamske stabilnosti, nižih ocena bola i manje potro&scaron;nje<br />lekova.</p> / <p>Surgery generates a neuroendocrine stress response, resulting in undesirable haemodynamic instability, alterations in metabolic response and malfunctioning of the immune system. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of caudal blocks in intra- and postoperative pain management and in reducing the stress response in children during the same periods. This prospective, randomized clinical trial included 80 patients scheduled for elective urological operations. One group (n = 38) received general anaesthesia and the other (n = 38) received general anaesthesia with a caudal block. Haemodynamic paramethers, drug consumption and pain intensity were measured. Blood samples for serum glucose, cortisol level, leukocytes, pH and lactate level were taken before anaesthesia induction and after awakening the patient. Children who received a caudal block had, postoperativly, significantly lower serum glucose (p &lt; 0.01), cortisol concentrations (p &lt; 0.01), leukocytes (p&lt;0,01), lower lactate level and acidosis,also pain scores were lower at all 3 measurments (p&lt;0,01). Intraoperativly greater haemodynamic stability and lower drug consumption were noticed. Also, there were no side effects or complications identified in that group. The combination of caudal block with general anaesthesia is a safe method that leads to less stress, greater haemodynamic stability, lower pain scores and lower consumption of medication.</p>

A eficiência da anestesia neuroaxial comparada à anestesia geral para a revascularização dos membros inferiores em idosos: revisão sistemática com metanálise de ensaios clínicos aleatórios / The efficiency of the neuraxial anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia for lower-limbs revascularization in elderly: systematic review with meta-analyse of the randomized controlled trial.

Barbosa, Fabiano Timbó 15 August 2008 (has links)
Context. One of the most controversial subjects in anaesthesia today is whether or not neuraxial anaesthesia is more efficient to general anaesthesia in high-risk patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. The cumulative results showed that the incidence of postoperative cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is similar, regardless of type of the anaesthesia. So, is relevant to answer the search question: what is the efficiency of the neuraxial anaesthesia compared with general anaesthesia for lower-limbs revascularization in elderly? Objective. It is to determine the efficiency of the neuraxial anaestheisa versus general anaesthesia for lower-limbs revascularization in elderly. Hypothesis. The hypothesis is that the neuraxial anaestesia is more efficient (OR 0.67) than general anaesthesia for lower-limbs revascularization in elderly. Design. Systematic review with meta-analyse of the original articles of the randomized controlled trials. Setting. Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, AL. Sample. Original articles of the randomized controlled trials that compared two anaesthetic technique (neuraxial anaesthesia vs. general anaesthesia) in elderly submitted to lower-limbs revascularization surgery. The information was accessed from EMBASE, LILACS, MEDLINE, CINHAL and ISI WEB OF SCIENCE. Main outcomes. Primary outcomes: Mortality, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, paralysis and postoperative lower limb amputation rate. Secondary outcomes: Duration of hospital stay, postoperative cognitive dysfunction, postoperative wound infection, other postoperative infections, neuraxial haematoma and complications in the anaesthetic recovery room. Complementary data: internal validity, external validity and statistical analyze. Statistical methods. For data analysis the odds ratio were used in the randon effect model with corresponding 95% confidence interval. / Contexto. A controvérsia atual é saber se a anestesia neuroaxial é mais eficiente do que a anestesia geral em pacientes de alto risco submetidos à cirurgia não cardíaca. Os resultados acumulados mostram que a incidência pós-operatória de mortalidade e morbidade cardiovascular é similar independentemente da técnica anestésica. Assim, é relevante responder a pergunta de pesquisa: qual a eficiência da anestesia neuroaxial comparada à anestesia geral para a revascularização dos membros inferiores em idosos? Objetivo. Determinar a eficiência da anestesia neuroaxial comparada à anestesia geral para a revascularização dos membros inferiores em idosos. Hipótese. A hipótese é que a anestesia neuroaxial é mais eficiente (OR 0,67) quando comparada à anestesia geral para a revascularização de membros inferiores em idosos. Tipo de estudo. Revisão sistemática com metanálise de artigos originais de ensaios clínicos aleatórios. Local. Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, AL. Amostra. Artigos originais de ensaios clínicos aleatórios que comparam duas técnicas anestésicas (anestesia neuroaxial vs. anestesia geral) em idosos submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização dos membros inferiores. Fontes de informação utilizadas: EMBASE, LILACS, MEDLINE, CINHAL e ISI WEB OF SCIENCE. Variáveis. Variáveis primárias: Mortalidade, infarto cerebral, infarto cardíaco, paralisia muscular e taxa pós-operatória de amputação de membro inferior. Variáveis secundárias: Tempo de duração da internação hospitalar, disfunção cognitiva pós-operatória, infecção pós-operatória, outras infecções pósoperatórias, hematoma neuroaxial e complicações na sala de recuperação pósanestésica. Dados complementares: itens da validade interna, itens da validade externa e análise estatística. Método estatístico. A metanálise foi apresentada com o cálculo das variáveis realizado pela odds ratio no modelo de efeito randômico, com respectivo intervalo de confiança de 95%.

Mesure de la déformation pleurale régionale durant la ventilation mécanique par élastographie ultrasonore : une étude preuve de concept

Girard, Martin 08 1900 (has links)
La ventilation mécanique est une thérapie fréquente au bloc opératoire et aux soins intensifs. Lorsque mésadaptée, celle-ci est responsable de la survenue de lésions pulmonaires (ventilator- induced lung injury ou VILI) qui ont été associées à un mauvais devenir clinique. Le principal mécanisme supputé du VILI est la déformation pulmonaire excessive. Peu de techniques validées et simple d’utilisation permettent la mesure de la déformation pulmonaire au chevet. Nous proposons l’élastographie ultrasonore comme nouvel outil permettant de mesurer la déformation pleurale régionale. Une étude randomisée en chassé-croisé à simple aveugle a été réalisée chez 10 patients intubés et ventilés dans le cadre d’une chirurgie élective sous anesthésie générale. Quatre volumes courants ont été étudiés en ordre aléatoire : 6, 8, 10 et 12 cc.kg-1 de poids prédit. Pour chaque volume, la plèvre sera imagée à 4 emplacements anatomiques. L’élastographie ultrasonore sera utilisée pour calculer les différentes composantes de translation, de déformation et de cisaillement. Ces différents paramètres d’élastographie ont été étudiés pour identifier ceux possédant les meilleurs effets dose-réponse à l’aide de modèles linéaires mixtes. La qualité de l’ajustement des modèles a été vérifiée à l’aide du coefficient de détermination. Les reproductibilités intra-observateur, inter-observateur et test-retest ont été calculées à l’aide des coefficients de corrélation intra-classe (ICC). L’analyse a été possible dans 90,7% des séquences échographiques. La déformation latérale absolu, le cisaillement latéral absolu et la déformation de Von Mises ont varié significativement avec le volume courant et présentaient les meilleurs effets dose-réponse ainsi que la meilleure qualité d’ajustement. Les estimés ponctuels de la reproductibilité intra-observateur étaient excellents pour les trois paramètres (ICC 0,94, 0,94, 0,93, respectivement). Les estimés ponctuels des reproductibilités inter-observateur (ICC 0,84, 0,83, 0,77, respectivement) et test-retest (ICC 0,85, 0,82, 0,76, respectivement) étaient bons. L’élastographie ultrasonore semble faisable et reproductible dans ce contexte clinique. Elle pourrait éventuellement servir à personnaliser la ventilation mécanique de patients. / Mechanical ventilation is a common therapy in operating rooms and intensive care units. When ill-adapted, it can lead to ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), which in turn is associated with poor outcomes. Excessive regional pulmonary strain is thought to be a major mechanism responsible for VILI. Scarce bedside methods exist to measure regional pulmonary strain. We propose a novel way to measure regional pleural strain using ultrasound elastography. We conducted a single blind randomized crossover pilot study in 10 patients requiring general anesthesia. After induction, patients were received tidal volumes of 6, 8, 10 and 12 mL.kg-1 in random order, while pleural ultrasound cineloops were acquired at 4 standardized locations. Ultrasound radiofrequency speckle tracking allowed computing various pleural translation, strain and shear components. These were screened to identify those with the best dose-response with tidal volumes using linear mixed effect models. Goodness-of-fit was assessed by the coefficient of determination. Intraobserver, interobserver and test-retest reliability were calculated using intraclass correlation coefficients. Analysis was possible in 90.7% of ultrasound cineloops. Lateral absolute shear, lateral absolute strain and Von Mises strain varied significantly with tidal volume and offered the best dose-responses and data modelling fits. Point estimates for intraobserver reliability measures were excellent for all 3 parameters (0.94, 0.94 and 0.93, respectively). Point estimates for interobserver (0.84, 0.83 and 0.77, respectively) and test-retest (0.85, 0.82 and 0.76, respectively) reliability measures were good. Thus, strain imaging is feasible and reproducible, and may eventually guide mechanical ventilation strategies in larger cohorts of patients.

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