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Estudo dos efeitos farmacolÃgicos de (O-METIL)-N-2,6-Dihidroxi-benzoil Tiramina (Riparina III) de Aniba Riparia (NEES) mez (Lauraceae) em modelos comportamentais de ansiedade e depressÃo em camundongos / Study of Pharmacological Effects of (O-Methyl)-N-2,6-dihydroxy-benzoyl-tyramine (riparin III) from Aniba riparia (Nees) Mez (Lauraceae) on behavioral models of anxiety and depression in miceCarla Thiciane Vasconcelos de Melo 11 December 2006 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / A riparina III, alcamida isolada do fruto verde de Aniba riparia, foi avaliada em modelos animais clÃssicos para screening de drogas com atividade em ansiedade, depressÃo, sedaÃÃo e convulsÃo, tais como, campo aberto, rota rod, labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE), placa perfurada, nado forÃado, suspensÃo da cauda, hipotermia induzida por apomorfina, tempo de sono induzido por pentobarbital e convulsÃo induzida por pentilenotetrazol. A riparina III foi administrada de forma aguda em todos os testes, nas doses de 25 e 50 mg/kg, atravÃs das vias oral e intraperitoneal. Os resultados mostraram que esta alcamida nÃo alterou a atividade locomotora, mas diminuiu o nÃmero de rearing e grooming, no teste do campo aberto, sugerindo um possÃvel efeito ansiolÃtico. No LCE e no teste da placa perfurada, a riparina III comprovou seu efeito ansiolÃtico, pois aumentou todos os parÃmetros analisados no LCE, como NEBA, PEBA, TPBA e PTBA, assim como o nÃmero de head dips na placa perfurada. Este efeito està possivelmente relacionado com o sistema gabaÃrgico jà que o flumazenil, antagonista dos receptores GABAA/BenzodiazepÃnico, reverteu o efeito ansiolÃtico da riparina III no LCE. A avaliaÃÃo sedativa/hipnÃtica da riparina III, no teste do tempo de sono induzido por pentobarbital, mostrou uma potencializaÃÃo do sono, que parece estar envolvido com processos farmacocinÃticos ou com mecanismos de regulaÃÃo do sono, jà que o efeito sedativo nÃo foi corroborado no campo aberto. No teste da convulsÃo induzida por pentilenotetrazol, a riparina III protegeu parcialmente os animais da convulsÃo, assim como prolongou o tempo de vida, e, em alguns casos, atà impediu a morte dos animais. Esse resultado sugere um efeito anticonvulsivante da riparina III, possivelmente relacionado com o sistema gabaÃrgico, visto que hà um envolvimento desta substÃncia com os receptores GABAA/BenzodiazepÃnico mostrado no LCE. A riparina III tambÃm parece apresentar um efeito antidepressivo, pois no teste do nado forÃado e suspensÃo da cauda, esta substÃncia diminuiu o tempo de imobilidade dos animais. Este efeito antidepressivo nÃo parece estar relacionado com o sistema noradrenÃrgico, jà que no teste da hipotermia induzida por apomorfina, a riparina III potencializou, ao invÃs de antagonizar, a hipotermia. O efeito de antagonizar a hipotermia à uma caracterÃstica de drogas antidepressivas do tipo imipramina, descartando assim, o envolvimento da riparina III com o sistema noradrenÃrgico. No entanto, o efeito antidepressivo da riparina III parece estar envolvido com o sistema dopaminÃrgico, pois, o antagonista dos receptores dopaminÃrgicos do tipo D2, sulpirida, reverteu o efeito da riparina III no nado forÃado. Por outro lado, o antagonista dopaminÃrgico do tipo D1, SCH23390, nÃo reverteu este efeito. Esse resultado sugere, entÃo, que o efeito antidepressivo desta alcamida, se dà pelo envolvimento com o sistema dopaminÃrgico, especificamente com os receptores do tipo D2. Em conclusÃo, esses efeitos mostraram que a riparina III apresenta efeito ansiolÃtico e anticonvulsivante, provavelmente relacionado com o sistema gabaÃrgico e efeito antidepressivo, provavelmente relacionado com o sistema dopaminÃrgico / Riparin III, an alkamide isolated from unripe fruit of Aniba riparia, was evaluated in animal classical models for screening of new drugs in anxiety, depression, sedation and convulsion, such as, open field, rota rod, plus maze, hole board, forced swimming, tail suspension, apomorphine-induced hypothermia, pentobarbital-induced sleeping time and pentilenotetrazole-induced seizures tests. Riparin III was administered acutely in all tests, at doses of 25 e 50 mg/kg, through oral and intraperitoneal routes. The results showed that this alkamide did not alter the locomotor activity, but decreased the number of rearing and grooming, in the open field test, suggesting a possible anxiolytic effect. In the plus maze and hole board tests, riparin III presented anxiolytic effect due to an increase in all parameters analyzed, such as, NEOA, PEOA, TPOA and PTOA, in the plus maze, and an increase in the number of head dips in the hole board test. This effect is possible related with GABAergic system, since flumazenil, an antagonist of GABAA/Benzodiazepinic receptors, reversed the anxiolytic effect of riparin III, in the plus maze test. The sedative/hypnotic evaluation of riparin III, in pentobarbital-induced sleeping time, showed a sleeping potentiation that seems to be involved with pharmacokinetic processes or sleeping regulation mechanisms, since the sedative effect of riparin III was not corroborated in the open field test. In the pentilenotetrazole-induced seizures test, riparin III partially protected the animals from seizures, increased the death time, and in some cases, even protected the animals from death. This result may suggest an anticonvulsant effect of riparin III, possible related to GABAergic system, since there is an involvement of this substance with GABAA/Benzodiazepinic receptor, seen in plus maze test. Riparin III also presents an antidepressant effect, since in the forced swimming and tail suspension tests, this substance decreased the immobility time of the animals. This antidepressant effect does not seem to be related with noradrenergic system, since in the apomorphine-induced hypothermia test, riparin III potentiated instead of antagonizing, the hypothermia. It is known that the hypothermia-antagonized effect is a characteristic of antidepressant drugs, such as imipramine-like drugs. This way, it can be eliminated the possible involvement of riparin III with noradrenergic system. On the other hand, the antidepressant effect of riparin III seems to be related with dopaminergic system, since the antagonist of D2 dopaminergic receptor, sulpiride, reverted riparin III effect in the forced swimming test. However, the antagonist of D1 dopaminergic receptor, SCH23390, did not revert this effect. This result suggests that the antidepressant effect of this alkamide is involved with dopaminergic system, specifically with D2 dopaminergic receptor. In conclusion, these efects showed that riparin III presents anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects, probably related with GABAergic system, and presents antidepressant effect, probably related with dopaminergic system
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Study of the interaction between 3,4 methylenedioximethamphetamine and the endocannabinoid systemTouriño Raposo, Clara 17 February 2009 (has links)
La 3,4-metilendioximetamfetamina (MDMA, èxtasi) i el cannabis són dues drogues les quals es consumeixen conjuntament de manera habitual. Malgrat que tots dos compostos presenten propietats reforçant i potencial addictiu, també tenen propietats farmacològiques oposades. La MDMA es una droga psicoestimulant, la qual causa hiperlocomoció, hipertèrmia, resposted de tipus asiogènic i neurotoxicitat. Per altra banda el Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), principal compost psicoactiu del cannabis, posseeix efectes relaxants, hipolocomotors, hipotèrmics i neuroprotectors. Els efectes de la MDMA i el THC al sistema nerviós central es troben mediats per dos mecanismes notablement diferents. La MDMA augmenta els nivells extracel·lulars de dopamina i serotonina, mentre que el THC produeix l'activació del receptor cannabinoide CB1. Cal destacar a més que les interaccions entre els sistemes monoaminèrgic i endocannabinoide s'observa de manera freqüent en l'organisme.En el present estudi hem explorat la implicació del sistema endocannabinoide i la MDMA en diversos aspectes. Per una banda el receptor cannabinoide CB1 juga un important paper en els efectes hiperlocomotors i hipertèrmics, i en les respostes de tipus ansiogènic produïdes per la MDMA. Curiosament, encara que el receptor CB1 no participa en els efectes recompensants primaris de la MDMA, és imprescindible per que tinguin lloc els seus efectes reforçants. Així mateix, l'alliberació de serotonina per part de la MDMA redueix de manera dosi-depenent la simptomatologia física causada pel síndrome d'abstinència a cannabinoides precipitada per un antagonista del receptor CB1. Finalment, el tractament amb THC era capaç de prevenir la hipertèrmia, activació glial, estrès oxidatiu i pèrdua de terminals causada per la MDMA. Com a conseqüència el THC exerceix un efecte neuroprotector contra la neurotoxicitat induïda per la MDMA. / 3,4-methylenedioximethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) and cannabis are two drugs frequently consumed in combination. Despite both compounds have rewarding properties and abuse liability, they show opposite pharmacological properties. On the one hand, MDMA is a psychostimulant drug with hyperlocomotor, hyperthermic, anxiogenic-like and neurotoxic effects. On the other hand, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive compound of cannabis, has relaxant, hypolocomotor, hypothermic and neuroprotective properties. The effects of MDMA and THC in the central nervous system are mediated by two different mechanisms. MDMA enhances the extracellular levels of dopamine and serotonin, whereas THC activates the CB1 cannabinoid receptor. Likewise, interactions between the monoaminergic and the endogenous cannabinoid system have been frequently observed.In the current study, we explored the involvement of CB1 cannabinoid receptor on the hyperlocomotor, hyperthermic, anxiogenic-like, rewarding and reinforcing effects of MDMA. We also studied the effect of acute and chronic administration of MDMA on rimonabant-precipitated THC withdrawal syndrome. Furthermore, we explored the neuroprotective effects of THC on MDMA-induced neurotoxicity.As a result of this study we may conclude that endocannabinoid system and MDMA interact in a wide variety of aspects. CB1 receptor plays an important role on the hyperlocomotor, hyperthermic, and anxiogenic-like effects of MDMA. Interestingly, CB1 receptor is essential for the reinforcing but not the primary rewarding properties of MDMA. In addition, the release of serotonin by MDMA dose-dependently reduced the severity of THC withdrawal syndrome triggered by a CB1 antagonist. Finally, pretreatment with THC prevented the hyperthermia, glial activation, oxidative stress and terminal loss caused by MDMA. Consequently, THC exerts a neuroprotective effect against MDMA-induced neurotoxicity.
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