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Understanding City As An Architectural And Non-architectural Program: Learning From AnkaraMutlu, Ozlem 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents a critical reading on the apartment blocks transformed by urban programs in Kizilay urban core. The ultimate aim is to understand the transformative relationships of city and architecture within divergent conceptual levels through an analysis of generic building and processes of building consumption.
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Designing A New Architectural Program: The Norms And Attributes Of Regional Airports / Kutahya-afyonkarahisar-usakApaydin, Asli 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Today&rsquo / s dynamics - the globalization process, economic growth together with late-capitalism, the number of population living in cities and improvements in technology, communication and electronic media - have changed the course of air transportation. As the demand for aviation has increased, the policy of &ldquo / regional air transportation system&rdquo / has begun to be extensive through the world in order to provide an integrated and sustainable air transport system. As for Turkey, together with deregulation of air transportation system in 2003, the government has started the &ldquo / Project of Regional Air Transport&rdquo / . In this respect, some new regional airports are put on the agenda, which required contemporary norms and attributes of regional airport terminals.
When regional airport terminals are examined, it is observed that they have typologies, all abstracted from their time-space frameworks. But, today&rsquo / s dynamic architecture attempts to alter this psyche of typology in order to create dynamic and indeterminate spaces in relation to instable transformations in contemporary cities.
However, through the restructuring process, in relation to the city context, the static and determinate architecture of regional airport terminal can be challenged. Namely, an architectural program can be utilized as a tool for creating a dynamic architecture. In this respect, by designing a new architectural program for Kü / tahya-Afyonkarahisar-USak Regional Airport Terminal, which is on the agenda of the government, this study firstly, examines the norms and attributes of regional airports and secondly investigates how the architectural program of regional airport terminals should be designed according to the needs of contemporary cities in the 21st century.
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Gestaltningsprogram i stadsutvecklingsprojektTornberg, Elisabeth January 2008 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis on architecture addresses how the state and municipalities use programs that deal with the design process in town planning projects. The author describes the process of creating an aesthetic design program and also studies a completed aesthetic design program. Furthermore, the author combines different findings and presents how programs develop during the planning process.</p><p> The background of the work with architectural policy programs by the state agencies can be tracked in the program <i>Shape of the Future –</i> <i>Program of Action, Design and Creative Design,</i> 1997. Municipalities have also been influenced by architectural policy programs in their work. Changes in the Plan and Built Act, 1998/1999 that concern aesthetic values have also had effect on their work.</p><p> The thesis presents four studies that comprise concept analysis, a case study of a municipal planning process, a road movie test and finally a comparison of different methods for evaluation of aesthetic design programs in road design projects. The first study presents a survey of the linguistic usage for programs that concern the design process. Examples from Sweden from the period 1999-2005 have been studied. Also, differences in the usage of the programs between the property developers and the town planning departments have been studied. The study showed that four types of programs were more commonly used: <i>achitectural programs, aesthetic design programs, architectural quality</i> <i>programs</i> and <i>urban design programs.</i> The distinctions in the programs can be used as foundation for more clear and uniform language use among the property developers and town planning departments.</p><p> The second study follows the planning process of creating an aesthetic design program for the area Kvibergs äng in Gothenburg. An example of city development, the planning process contains both house planning and traffic planning. By the study the author search to increase the comprehension of developing aesthetic design programs and the knowledge of the distribution of power in town planning projects. The case relies on multiple sources of evidence, participant observations have been a main source. The case study consists of two kinds of analysis, a process analysis account of planning process and a discourse analytic interpretation of work of the planning group. The work with the aesthetic design program and the city plan stopped before it was completed. The planning group did not succeed in creating consensus among key actors. The differences in objectives among the<i> architectural</i> <i>discourse, traffic planning discourse</i> and the <i>property developer discourse</i> are some of the reasons why the aesthetic design program has not been completed. There were differences in interests and goals among the participants in the project of city development. The claim made throughout the study is that a common goal for the planning work is significant and it is essential to create consensus among the participants. In addition, the municipalities need guidance for aesthetic design programs to be able to guarantee the architectural quality.</p><p> The third study describes a full scale experiment “road movie”. A film and a questionnaire were tried to evaluate the aesthetic design program for the detour past Sollefteå. The question was: Are film and questionnaire more easily available in comparison to traditional evaluation methods? Film was chosen as medium, since while driving on the road the experience is dynamic and similar to watching the movie. The film was shown to three independent groups. A total of 25 persons participated in the test. The informants were all professionals, either students or persons that worked with design tasks. The informants were asked to answer questions that concerned three kinds of evaluation criteria: research criteria, professional criteria and criteria specific for the program.</p><p> The experiment showed that the informants had a positive attitude to use film for showing completed aesthetic design and evaluating road architecture. Film was a medium that showed critical viewpoints on the aesthetic design program and on completed design measures. In the beginning the method was expensive and took a lot of time, which was compensated by the fact that it was possible to conduct anywhere and anytime. The film also gave a good general impression of the road. The method was good at putting together measures and result when appraising the aesthetic design program.</p><p> The fourth study shows a comparison of methods for evaluations that were used for completed aesthetic design programs at the Swedish Road Administration. A rich material was available to investigate the difference between film and other methods for evaluation. The evaluations carried out were: <i>Tuning at place with the aesthetic design</i> <i>program, Evaluation at place with criteria</i> and <i>Qualitative evaluation.</i> The issue investigated was: Which one of the methods of evaluation gave the best basis for assessment of the aesthetic design program and the result of the completed design measures. The study showed that used methods were suited in different situations. <i>Tuning at place with the</i> <i>aesthetic design program</i> was the fastest and cheapest method, it was only a local evaluation. With <i>Evaluation at place with criteria</i> more resources were needed, a discussion with informants was added. The method <i>Qualitative evaluation</i> was the only one of the methods that had users in the role as informants. The users provided new information through local knowledge.<i> Film </i>and <i>questionnaire</i> was the only one of the methods that gave critical comments to the aesthetic design program. The method put together program, measures and result. The method <i>Film</i> and <i>questionnaire</i> is based on criteria of research. Method and result become comparable with other evaluations that are built on theory.</p> / <p>Denna licentiatavhandling behandlar program avsedda att styra gestaltningen i stadsutvecklingsprojekt. En central frågeställning i avhandlingsarbetet har varit att undersöka hur programmen används hos statliga byggherrar och kommuner. Jag valde dels att följa ett gestaltningsprogram under själva framtagningsprocessen, dels att studera ett färdigt och genomfört gestaltningsprogram. Tillsammans ger studierna kunskap om bestaltningsprogrammets utvecklingsförlopp under planeringsprocessen från tidiga skeden till uppföljning av genomförda gestaltningsåtgärder.</p><p> Bakgrunden till de statliga myndigheternas arbeten med arkitekturpolitiska handlingsprogram kan spåras i programmet <i>Framtidsformer – Handlingsprogram för arkitektur, formgivning och</i> <i>design,</i> 1997. Även kommuner har blivit påverkade av handlingsprogrammet i sitt arbete med arkitekturprogram. De ändringar i Plan- och bygglagen, 1998/1999, som berör estetiska värden har också haft betydelse för stadsbyggnadskontorens hantering av planprojekt. </p><p>Licentiatavhandlingen innehåller fyra delstudier, de omfattar en kartläggande begreppsanalys, en fallstudie av en kommunal planprocess, ett filmförsök med utvärdering och slutligen en jämförelse av olika utvärderingsmetoder för gestaltningsprogram i vägprojekt. I den första delstudien redovisas en kartläggning av språkbruket som rör program för gestaltningsfrågor. Svenska exempel på hur programmen används som hjälpmedel i planeringsprocessen hos stat och kommuner mellan åren 1999–2005 studeras. Studien visar att fyra programtyper dominerar: <i>arkitekturprogram, gestaltningsprogram, kvalitetsprogram</i> och <i>stadsmiljöprogram.</i> Det råder inte något enhetligt språkbruk på området och studien avslutas med ett förslag till definitioner av förekommande programtyper. En klarare begreppsanvändning framstår som önskvärd.</p><p> Den andra delstudien följer tillblivelseprocessen för ett kommande gestaltningsprogram för bebyggelsen vid Kvibergs äng i Göteborg. Planprocessen innehåller både bebyggelseplanering och trafikplanering. Genom studien söker jag få en ökad förståelse för utvecklingen av gestaltningsprogram och kunskap om maktordningen inom stadsutvecklingsprojekt. Information samlade jag främst genom deltagande observation vid möten som behandlade gestaltningsprogram och intervjuer. Fallbeskrivningen redovisar dels en processanalys av planeringsprocessen, dels en diskursanalytisk tolkning av planeringsgruppens arbete. Arbetet med gestaltningsprogrammet och detaljplanen avstannade innan det var färdigt till följd av oklarheter i planeringsprocessen och politiska omprioriteringar. En bidragande orsak kan sökas i skillnaden mellan de tre diskurser som var representerade i planeringsgruppen: arkitekturdiskursen, trafikplaneringsdiskursen och byggherrediskursen. De representerade olika intressen och målbilder i stadsutvecklingsprojektet. Resultatet av studien visar att en gemensam målbild för arbetet är viktig för att skapa samsyn bland mötesdeltagarna. En vägledning för gestaltningsprogram hos kommuner behövs för att säkra de arkitektoniska kvaliteterna.</p><p> Den tredje delstudien beskriver ett fullskaleförsök, ”road movie”, där film och enkät prövades för att utvärdera genomförda gestaltningsåtgärder för förbifarten vid Sollefteå. Är film och frågeformulär ett mer lättillgängligt sätt jämfört med traditionella utvärderingar? Film valdes för att det finns en dynamik som är inbyggd i att färdas på vägen som liknar filmens möjlighet att redovisa en upplevelse av rörelse. Filmen visades för tre oberoende grupper vid olika tillfällen. Sammanlagt deltog 25 personer i försöken. Informanterna var professionella, antingen studenter eller personer som arbetade med gestaltningsfrågor. För att undersöka hur road movien uppfattades av informanterna fick de svara på frågor rörande tre typer av utvärderingskriterier: forskningskriterier, professionella kriterier och programspecifika kriterier.</p><p> Informanterna i försöket var överlag positiva till att använda sig av film, både för att visa genomförda gestaltningsåtgärder och för att utvärdera vägarkitektur. Filmen var ett medium som lockade fram kritiska synpunkter både på gestaltningsprogrammet och utförda gestaltningsåtgärder. Initialt var metoden tids- och kostnadskrävande, vilket kompenserades med att den vid tillämpning var oberoende av tid och rum. Filmen återgav ett bra helhetsperspektiv av vägen. Metodiken bidrog till att länka samman åtgärder och resultat vid bedömningen.</p><p> Den fjärde delstudien är en jämförelse av utvärderingsmetoder för genomförda gestaltningsprogram inom Vägprojekt. Det fanns ett rikt jämförelsematerial för att undersöka skillnader mellan film och övriga utvärderingsmetoder. De genomförda utvärderingarna var: <i>Avstämning på</i> <i>plats mot gestaltningsprogrammet, Utvärdering på plats med</i> <i>utvärderingskriterier</i> och <i>Kvalitativ utvärdering.</i> Den frågeställning som undersöktes var vilken av metoderna som gav det bästa underlaget för bedömning av gestaltningsprogram och bedömning av vidtagna gestaltningsåtgärder. Resultatet av jämförelsen visar att använda utvärderingsmetoder lämpade sig för olika användningsområden. <i>Avstämning på plats mot gestaltningsprogrammet </i>var den snabbaste och billigaste metoden, det blev dock endast en lokal utvärdering. <i>Utvärdering</i> <i>på plats med utvärderingskriterier</i> var mer resurskrävande, det tillkom även ett diskussionsmoment med informanterna. Metoden <i>Kvalitativ</i> <i>utvärdering</i> var den enda av metoderna som hade brukare som informatörer. Brukare tillförde ny kunskap genom sin lokalkännedom. <i>Film </i>och<i> enkät</i> var den enda av metoderna som gav kritiska kommentarer till gestaltningsprogrammet. Den bidrog till att länka samman program, åtgärder och resultat. Metoden<i> film</i> och <i>enkät</i> bygger på forskningsbaserade kriterier och härigenom blir metodik och resultat jämförbara med teoribaserade utvärderingar.</p>
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" / the Maximum Architecture Can Do" / : Architecture Versus Urbanism From Le Corbusier To Rem KoolhaasTagmat, Tugce Selin 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
As from the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a shift in the scale of architectural production as an outcome of advanced construction technologies, new range of building materials, automation of building services and progressive infrastructural networks. The increased physical capacity -the deeper and taller buildings- not only increased the scale of the
architectural practice in relation with urban planning, but also presented architecture the possibility to offer a wider social programmation for the reorganization of the urban territory. The increase in the scale of architectural production, this study would argue, has given rise to a critical tension between the fields of architecture and urbanism.
The aim of this study is to understand alternative positions towards the relationship between architecture and urbanism in the production of the city through a cross-reading of the architectural-urban theories of Le Corbusier and Rem Koolhaas.
At a very preliminary investigation, the urban thinking of Le Corbusier represents the modernist ideal in architecture that is after the rational and linear architectural production of the city with all its social, cultural and economic components. The theory generated by Rem Koolhaas, on the other hand, represents the end of the modernist ideal on the city, since it refuses the possibility of imposing a rigid, definitive and stable program on the city through the mediation of architecture. What separates these two positions is the turning point in the social and cultural structure that was experienced in 1960&rsquo / s, but what makes possible a continuous reading is the both architect&rsquo / s attempt to radicalize the scale of the architectural production, with diverse approaches towards its programmation.
The study is an attempt to make this comparative analysis in order to understand what has changed from one to another in terms of their understanding of form, scale, program and context in architectural production, as well as their position towards social programmation of the urban organization.
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An Inquiry Into The Architectural Program Of The Contemporary AirportsKaya, Asli 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Architectural program of airports has evolved from being a mere transportation space into a &ldquo / city&rdquo / containing various activities along with transportation at its core. This thesis aims to discuss and criticize it, by arguing that the city and the airport are to be integrated by giving a special importance to the user (both the passenger and the inhabitant of the city). The discussion is focused on three dialectically related constituents of the program: Process, User and Product (building). Rather than the architectural design process generating the built form, process refers to the influential actors in shaping the space of airport. User refers to both the active and passive actors of the organization of space. Product denotes the space itself, transformed according to the wishes and demands of both the user and the mode of production. These constituents are accepted as significant factors in the development of the airport architectural program in a way to answer the requirements of the integration with the city.
In contemporary airports, users do not have enough rights over the space to be able to show their existence against the domination of capital' / s spaces. Therefore, this thesis proposes an alternative airport architectural program integrating the airport with the city by placing the user at the center.
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Architectural Implications Of Community Based/inclusive Rehabilitation Centers In The Light Of Universal DesignDinc Uyaroglu, Ilkay 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
With the development of the concept of disability and consequently rehabilitation concept, today& / #8217 / s achievements of rehabilitation centers are perceived different from the traditional ones. Conventional approach of rehabilitation was aiming at improving functional deficiencies of people with disabilities with the help of medical treatment. Within the last two decades depending upon the increasing in the awareness of idea of inclusivity in society there has been developed a shift from traditional medical based approach to more social based ones where rehabilitation has been perceived as a process to enhance the & / #8216 / quality of life& / #8217 / rather than a process of a medical curation of people with diverse disabilities. The new social-based rehabilitation approach refers community based rehabilitation strategy that aims to integrate various sectors of social life for the achievement of an effective rehabilitation while promoting inclusion of people with less or severe disabilities in social life.
It is stated in this thesis that the architectural program of a community-based rehabilitation centers can be elaborated with the parameters of Universal Design (UD) which not only responds to the shift in community-based rehabilitation approach while promoting inclusion in the society, but also has a potential to advance spacial formative characteristics of related centers in a more descriptive way. The ideas of equity and participation are the significant parameters of UD that are referred in the thesis in order to elaborate the supportive social services of an architectural program and to investigate spatial characteristics of community-based rehabilitation centers.
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Xxl, Metropolis As The Object Of ArchitectureAlturk, Emre 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Beginning with its historical setting, architectural discourse conceived city as its ultimate object, as the ultimate extension of the composition: the largest building. It relentlessly aimed to link its &ldquo / pure&rdquo / object&mdash / building&mdash / to the city either by locating the two within the general processes of material production or through analogies. Yet, despite such continuity, architecture&rsquo / s relationship with the city was conceived as the projection of an internal economy onto the city and remained unilateral. Architecture operated from the small scale to the large scale, radiating its &lsquo / specificity&rsquo / through the city via building.
It became obvious in the late 20th century that it was not the &lsquo / architectural specificity&rsquo / to penetrate into modern metropolis but vice versa. Being a complex agglomeration of cultural systems&mdash / including design itself&mdash / metropolitan
multiplicity resists the determination of significance of built environment through the specific codes of any institutionalized practice.
Acknowledging such a complex system of relationships, namely &ldquo / metropolitan non-design,&rdquo / this study offers a reassessment of &lsquo / architectural design&rsquo / within the contemporary &lsquo / metropolitan condition.&rsquo / Departing from the disjunction(s) between the significance attributed through design and its appropriation through metropolitan non-design, work at hand aims to elaborate a new mode of &lsquo / architectural intervention&rsquo / compatible with the metropolitan instability. Through a cross-examination of Rem Koolhaas&rsquo / s &lsquo / Delirious New York&rsquo / and OMA&rsquo / s &lsquo / Parc de la Villette,&rsquo / concepts such as &lsquo / program,&rsquo / &ldquo / void,&rdquo / &ldquo / Bigness&rdquo / and &lsquo / architectural scale&rsquo / will be reassessed. Moreover, the goal is to replace the conception of
architecture-metropolis relationship that is formulated through a duality with one that is conceived in terms of interacting, contiguous signifying structures.
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Apartment Block As The Object Of The Generic City:ankaraUrger, Mucip Ahmet 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Ankara has experienced a radical transformation after 1950s, in which the identity of the highly planned capital has been erased, emphasizing homogenization, blankness and similarity. The Apartment Block was the object of this condition and the subject of the transformation in the urban identity, both with its physical existence and with the mind-set it has radiated to the whole levels of the society. It has stripped out the identity of the city with its " / endless reproduction." / This transformation has led the Apartment Block to be accused of transforming Turkish cities to deformed agglomerations, deprived of aesthetics. In this sense, architectural discipline has been criticized for its impotence to respond the economical, social and cultural conditions that traverse the urban setting. This criticism has questioned the generative role of architecture in the Early Republican period as a social engineering and discouraged any relation between architecture and the city, which has manifested the reduction of the architecture to a formal discipline. Ankara, with its dazzling transformation within few decades proposed its own urbanism and its own architecture, with the mutation of the Apartment Block first to a resilient frame than to a multi-programmed infrastructure.
This study will consider this transformation as & / #8216 / another& / #8217 / manifestation of a new kind of urbanism that was mainly declared by Rem Koolhaas and OMA, claming that the resilient and neutral objects are the dominant and extensive forms of the contemporary urbanism. Hence, the study presents a cross reading of the urban development of Ankara together with Rem Koolhaas& / #8217 / book Delirious New York and his essay The Generic City in SMLXL. The utmost goal is to explore a possible " / reciprocal relation" / between architecture and the city and to explore the limits of architectural intervention in the particular case of Ankara. Such an objective inevitably requires extending the limits of architectural thinking to the city scale. Thus, Ankara goes beyond a case study in an inquiry that aims to undertand the mechanisms of the building production in the contemporary urbanism.
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Gestaltningsprogram i stadsutvecklingsprojektTornberg, Elisabeth January 2008 (has links)
This licentiate thesis on architecture addresses how the state and municipalities use programs that deal with the design process in town planning projects. The author describes the process of creating an aesthetic design program and also studies a completed aesthetic design program. Furthermore, the author combines different findings and presents how programs develop during the planning process. The background of the work with architectural policy programs by the state agencies can be tracked in the program Shape of the Future – Program of Action, Design and Creative Design, 1997. Municipalities have also been influenced by architectural policy programs in their work. Changes in the Plan and Built Act, 1998/1999 that concern aesthetic values have also had effect on their work. The thesis presents four studies that comprise concept analysis, a case study of a municipal planning process, a road movie test and finally a comparison of different methods for evaluation of aesthetic design programs in road design projects. The first study presents a survey of the linguistic usage for programs that concern the design process. Examples from Sweden from the period 1999-2005 have been studied. Also, differences in the usage of the programs between the property developers and the town planning departments have been studied. The study showed that four types of programs were more commonly used: achitectural programs, aesthetic design programs, architectural quality programs and urban design programs. The distinctions in the programs can be used as foundation for more clear and uniform language use among the property developers and town planning departments. The second study follows the planning process of creating an aesthetic design program for the area Kvibergs äng in Gothenburg. An example of city development, the planning process contains both house planning and traffic planning. By the study the author search to increase the comprehension of developing aesthetic design programs and the knowledge of the distribution of power in town planning projects. The case relies on multiple sources of evidence, participant observations have been a main source. The case study consists of two kinds of analysis, a process analysis account of planning process and a discourse analytic interpretation of work of the planning group. The work with the aesthetic design program and the city plan stopped before it was completed. The planning group did not succeed in creating consensus among key actors. The differences in objectives among the architectural discourse, traffic planning discourse and the property developer discourse are some of the reasons why the aesthetic design program has not been completed. There were differences in interests and goals among the participants in the project of city development. The claim made throughout the study is that a common goal for the planning work is significant and it is essential to create consensus among the participants. In addition, the municipalities need guidance for aesthetic design programs to be able to guarantee the architectural quality. The third study describes a full scale experiment “road movie”. A film and a questionnaire were tried to evaluate the aesthetic design program for the detour past Sollefteå. The question was: Are film and questionnaire more easily available in comparison to traditional evaluation methods? Film was chosen as medium, since while driving on the road the experience is dynamic and similar to watching the movie. The film was shown to three independent groups. A total of 25 persons participated in the test. The informants were all professionals, either students or persons that worked with design tasks. The informants were asked to answer questions that concerned three kinds of evaluation criteria: research criteria, professional criteria and criteria specific for the program. The experiment showed that the informants had a positive attitude to use film for showing completed aesthetic design and evaluating road architecture. Film was a medium that showed critical viewpoints on the aesthetic design program and on completed design measures. In the beginning the method was expensive and took a lot of time, which was compensated by the fact that it was possible to conduct anywhere and anytime. The film also gave a good general impression of the road. The method was good at putting together measures and result when appraising the aesthetic design program. The fourth study shows a comparison of methods for evaluations that were used for completed aesthetic design programs at the Swedish Road Administration. A rich material was available to investigate the difference between film and other methods for evaluation. The evaluations carried out were: Tuning at place with the aesthetic design program, Evaluation at place with criteria and Qualitative evaluation. The issue investigated was: Which one of the methods of evaluation gave the best basis for assessment of the aesthetic design program and the result of the completed design measures. The study showed that used methods were suited in different situations. Tuning at place with the aesthetic design program was the fastest and cheapest method, it was only a local evaluation. With Evaluation at place with criteria more resources were needed, a discussion with informants was added. The method Qualitative evaluation was the only one of the methods that had users in the role as informants. The users provided new information through local knowledge. Film and questionnaire was the only one of the methods that gave critical comments to the aesthetic design program. The method put together program, measures and result. The method Film and questionnaire is based on criteria of research. Method and result become comparable with other evaluations that are built on theory. / Denna licentiatavhandling behandlar program avsedda att styra gestaltningen i stadsutvecklingsprojekt. En central frågeställning i avhandlingsarbetet har varit att undersöka hur programmen används hos statliga byggherrar och kommuner. Jag valde dels att följa ett gestaltningsprogram under själva framtagningsprocessen, dels att studera ett färdigt och genomfört gestaltningsprogram. Tillsammans ger studierna kunskap om bestaltningsprogrammets utvecklingsförlopp under planeringsprocessen från tidiga skeden till uppföljning av genomförda gestaltningsåtgärder. Bakgrunden till de statliga myndigheternas arbeten med arkitekturpolitiska handlingsprogram kan spåras i programmet Framtidsformer – Handlingsprogram för arkitektur, formgivning och design, 1997. Även kommuner har blivit påverkade av handlingsprogrammet i sitt arbete med arkitekturprogram. De ändringar i Plan- och bygglagen, 1998/1999, som berör estetiska värden har också haft betydelse för stadsbyggnadskontorens hantering av planprojekt. Licentiatavhandlingen innehåller fyra delstudier, de omfattar en kartläggande begreppsanalys, en fallstudie av en kommunal planprocess, ett filmförsök med utvärdering och slutligen en jämförelse av olika utvärderingsmetoder för gestaltningsprogram i vägprojekt. I den första delstudien redovisas en kartläggning av språkbruket som rör program för gestaltningsfrågor. Svenska exempel på hur programmen används som hjälpmedel i planeringsprocessen hos stat och kommuner mellan åren 1999–2005 studeras. Studien visar att fyra programtyper dominerar: arkitekturprogram, gestaltningsprogram, kvalitetsprogram och stadsmiljöprogram. Det råder inte något enhetligt språkbruk på området och studien avslutas med ett förslag till definitioner av förekommande programtyper. En klarare begreppsanvändning framstår som önskvärd. Den andra delstudien följer tillblivelseprocessen för ett kommande gestaltningsprogram för bebyggelsen vid Kvibergs äng i Göteborg. Planprocessen innehåller både bebyggelseplanering och trafikplanering. Genom studien söker jag få en ökad förståelse för utvecklingen av gestaltningsprogram och kunskap om maktordningen inom stadsutvecklingsprojekt. Information samlade jag främst genom deltagande observation vid möten som behandlade gestaltningsprogram och intervjuer. Fallbeskrivningen redovisar dels en processanalys av planeringsprocessen, dels en diskursanalytisk tolkning av planeringsgruppens arbete. Arbetet med gestaltningsprogrammet och detaljplanen avstannade innan det var färdigt till följd av oklarheter i planeringsprocessen och politiska omprioriteringar. En bidragande orsak kan sökas i skillnaden mellan de tre diskurser som var representerade i planeringsgruppen: arkitekturdiskursen, trafikplaneringsdiskursen och byggherrediskursen. De representerade olika intressen och målbilder i stadsutvecklingsprojektet. Resultatet av studien visar att en gemensam målbild för arbetet är viktig för att skapa samsyn bland mötesdeltagarna. En vägledning för gestaltningsprogram hos kommuner behövs för att säkra de arkitektoniska kvaliteterna. Den tredje delstudien beskriver ett fullskaleförsök, ”road movie”, där film och enkät prövades för att utvärdera genomförda gestaltningsåtgärder för förbifarten vid Sollefteå. Är film och frågeformulär ett mer lättillgängligt sätt jämfört med traditionella utvärderingar? Film valdes för att det finns en dynamik som är inbyggd i att färdas på vägen som liknar filmens möjlighet att redovisa en upplevelse av rörelse. Filmen visades för tre oberoende grupper vid olika tillfällen. Sammanlagt deltog 25 personer i försöken. Informanterna var professionella, antingen studenter eller personer som arbetade med gestaltningsfrågor. För att undersöka hur road movien uppfattades av informanterna fick de svara på frågor rörande tre typer av utvärderingskriterier: forskningskriterier, professionella kriterier och programspecifika kriterier. Informanterna i försöket var överlag positiva till att använda sig av film, både för att visa genomförda gestaltningsåtgärder och för att utvärdera vägarkitektur. Filmen var ett medium som lockade fram kritiska synpunkter både på gestaltningsprogrammet och utförda gestaltningsåtgärder. Initialt var metoden tids- och kostnadskrävande, vilket kompenserades med att den vid tillämpning var oberoende av tid och rum. Filmen återgav ett bra helhetsperspektiv av vägen. Metodiken bidrog till att länka samman åtgärder och resultat vid bedömningen. Den fjärde delstudien är en jämförelse av utvärderingsmetoder för genomförda gestaltningsprogram inom Vägprojekt. Det fanns ett rikt jämförelsematerial för att undersöka skillnader mellan film och övriga utvärderingsmetoder. De genomförda utvärderingarna var: Avstämning på plats mot gestaltningsprogrammet, Utvärdering på plats med utvärderingskriterier och Kvalitativ utvärdering. Den frågeställning som undersöktes var vilken av metoderna som gav det bästa underlaget för bedömning av gestaltningsprogram och bedömning av vidtagna gestaltningsåtgärder. Resultatet av jämförelsen visar att använda utvärderingsmetoder lämpade sig för olika användningsområden. Avstämning på plats mot gestaltningsprogrammet var den snabbaste och billigaste metoden, det blev dock endast en lokal utvärdering. Utvärdering på plats med utvärderingskriterier var mer resurskrävande, det tillkom även ett diskussionsmoment med informanterna. Metoden Kvalitativ utvärdering var den enda av metoderna som hade brukare som informatörer. Brukare tillförde ny kunskap genom sin lokalkännedom. Film och enkät var den enda av metoderna som gav kritiska kommentarer till gestaltningsprogrammet. Den bidrog till att länka samman program, åtgärder och resultat. Metoden film och enkät bygger på forskningsbaserade kriterier och härigenom blir metodik och resultat jämförbara med teoribaserade utvärderingar. / QC 20101125
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