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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dödsstraff och stympning i det antika Egypten / Capital punishment and mutilation in Ancient Egypt

Lindman, Stephanie January 2017 (has links)
This essay is about capital punishment and mutilation in Ancient Egypt’s pharaonic era. The earlier research has mostly focused on the New Kingdom and later periods, in large part because the textual sources are much clearer from then on. There are however some earlier texts that seem to mention death penalty or mutilation, but correct analysis of these is debatable. Some scholars argue that death penalty certainly was used before New Kingdom, while others claim that this is not the case. These things combined contribute to the lack of knowledge of how these penalties were used. The goal of the present study is to elaborate on how and why the penalties were applied and if they were used before the New Kingdom. This is done by means of analyzing and comparing textual sources from different time periods. The material consists of inscriptions from tombs, stelae and juridical documents such as documentation from tomb robberies and the so-called Harem Conspiracy. The most important findings are that there are indicators, but no tangible evidence, for mutilation or capital punishment being used before New Kingdom. The New Kingdom material is indeed clearer and it is apparent that death penalty, in the form of impaling, was used as punishment for tomb robbery, conspiracy and rebellion against the king and theft from temple. Mutilation of the ears and the nose was used against those who abused their power or their confidence.

Skärvstenshögar och vatten : En studie av uppländska skärvstenshögars placering i landskapet

Jeppsson, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Heaps of fire cracked stones is an apparent feature of the Scandinavian Bronze Age. The heaps are built of stones cracked by fire and then placed in different constructions. The heaps are placed in different contexts in the Bronze Age landscape and for a long time, research neglected this site category owing to that the heaps were not considered important enough to dig. During the 1980s-90s the interest for the heaps of fire cracked stones increased and it became a wellresearched although debated site category. Earlier research has interpreted the heaps to be on the hillslopes in the landscape. This study’s research aims to understand the relation between shorelines and the placement of fire cracked stone heaps. This will be done through a landscape study of Uppland. The study indicates that the pattern in the distribution of heaps of fire cracked stones creates a correlation with the shoreline of the time the heaps were built, through their placement in the landscape. By creating a dynamic shoreline displacement, the essay will be able to look at the landscape in a more detailed way and will be able to investigate the relation between the heaps and the water edge. Through excluding the heaps that are under the waterline it is possible to in general determine the earliest possible production date. The fire cracked stone heaps have earlier been categorised to the Scandinavian Bronze Age but this research argues that some of the heaps should belong to the Neolithic Age as well.

Kulturlandskapet i Falbygdens neolitikum / The cultural landscape in Falbygden during the Neolithic

Petra, Gardell January 2017 (has links)
This essay will study the cultural landscape in Falbygden during the Neolithic, focusing on the limestone plateau northeast of Mösseberg. The megalithic tombs have since long characterized the landscape and therefore been important to many cultures that have inhabited the area. By constructing the landscape the social actions can be interpreted and therefore a further understanding of why the environment is shaped the way it is. This will be achieved by comparing earlier interpretations of the megalithic landscape with possible settlement locations. Three possible settlements have been located in the landscape using this technique and by applying similar techniques more extensive mapping of the Neolithic settlements can be applied in the area.

Att sälja hälsa : Hälsoanspråk i Mjölkpropagandans reklamkampanj 1920-1970

Högström, John January 2017 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att belysa förändringar i hur hälsoanspråk använts och utformats i kommersiellt syfte under 1900-talet. Förändringarna synliggörs genom att analysera problem, mål och medel i Mjölkpropagandans tidskrift utifrån teorin om styrningsrationalitet. Förändringarna i reklamverksamhet är intressanta att studera eftersom Mjölkpropagandan var en omfattande kommersiell historisk aktör, vars verksamhet sträckte sig över en längre period. Uppsatsen ingår huvudsakligen i diskussioner om hur hälsa har använts i reklam, men den bidrar också till diskussioner om hälsoupplysning och historien om mjölk och mjölkpropagandan i sig. Undersökningen visar hur hälsoanspråk anpassats i reklamen utifrån kontextuella förändringar och kritik. På så vis har mjölkens auktoritet och reklamkampanjens legitimitet bibehållits. Reklamen har gått ifrån att vara subjektiv och värderande som ett folkhälsoprojekt på 1920- och 30-talet till att vara objektiv och vägledande gentemot konsumenterna på 1960- och 70-talet. Uppsatsen visar även hur mjölken genom anpassade sätt att använda och utforma hälsoargument blivit ett etablerat behov.

Det lokala kornet som matarv : En studie i kornets förändrade roll i området Höga Kusten genom ett tvärvetenskapligt arbete / Our food heritage: : An study of the local barley in the High Coast of Sweden, with an interdisciplinary approach

Dyrén, Johanna, Karlgren Björkland, My January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka kornets roll som råvara och livsmedel i Höga Kusten ur ett gastronomiskt, agrarhistoriskt och arkeologiskt perspektiv som underlag till framtida forskning. Ett tvärvetenskapligt ramverk som innefattat de tre nämnda ämnena har använts. Metoder som använts i studien har varit en semistrukturerad intervju, ett antal e-intervjuer med lokala aktörer i Höga kusten samt en systematisk litteraturgenomgång. Kornets rolls förutsättningar i Höga Kusten som ett traditionellt livsmedel samt Höga Kustens terroir har undersökts, beskrivits och definierats. Detta med hjälp av begreppen Höga Kusten, kulinarisk region, terroir, gastronomi, historia och arkeologi. Resultatet av studien har visat att kornet som råvara har haft en historisk roll i Höga Kusten som traditionellt livsmedel från när den först påträffades på järnålder fram till idag. Dock har denna roll förändrats under årens lopp och gått från att ha varit en basvara till att falla i glömska. Idag säljs fortfarande produkter med korn, men inte med ett lokalt odlat korn. Höga Kustens naturförutsättningar med dess höga berg, djupa dalar, dess jordarter, många soltimmar och det karga klimatet, i uppsatsen benämnda som begreppet terroir, har haft en betydande påverkan för kornets förutsättningar att odlas och förädlas i regionen. Nyckelorden för studien har varit gastronomi, historia, arkeologi, klimat, terroir och tvärvetenskap. / For this study we have investigated the barley grain, and its importance in the High Coast of Sweden. In this region the traditional food products are flatbread, porridge and “palt”, that traditionally contain barley. The locals have an ambition to promote the High Cost as an gastronomical region, but we believe more knowledge supporting this food heritage is needed. We have chosen to work in an interdisciplinary way, combining the disciplines of gastronomy, agricultural history and archaeology. This comparative research has in turn provided us with a broad history of barley, from the first permanent settlements in the High Coast during the Iron Age, to present day. Due to the lack of definitive description of what classifies as a local product we conclude that more research is needed in this area.

FILADE TÄNDER I ljuset av sina sammanhang : En studie av individer med modifierade tänder i Skandinavien under yngre järnålder / FILED TEETH, In light of their context. : A study of individuals with modified teeth in Scandinavia during early Iron Age.

Radon, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis investigates the phenomenon of men with filed (modified) teeth in Scandinavia during late Iron Age. More than 100 buried men with filed teeth have up till now been discovered. Of these, 92 are included in my analysis. Burials containing men with filed teeth have been discovered on Gotland, in Skåne, Uppland, Västergötland and Öland in Sweden, on Fyn in Denmark and in one mass grave in Dorset, England. Most of the men derive from burials on Gotland.   The men with filed teeth have hitherto mostly been studied from an osteoarchaeological approach. Instead, this study regards the burial contexts in which they were found. In order to study this, I have compiled a data base in which available information about these men and their burial contexts have been gathered. The term ¨burial context¨ in this essay refers to the grave finds and the aspects of the burial itself, as well as the landscape in which it is situated.   The aim of the study is to try to determine what unites, and separates, the men with filed teeth; what can be said about the dating of their occurrence, the men’s origin/provenance and what social status and occupation they may have held.

Togan och kvinnligt förfall : En studie om togan som sexuell symbol under senrepublikens och kejsartidens Rom / The Toga and Female Indecency : A study of the toga as a sexual symbol during the late republic and imperial Rome

Upphoff, Emmy January 2019 (has links)
During the second century BCE the Roman norms regarding female clothing changed. From being a garment worn by both men and women, the toga hereafter came to be a symbol for female indecency. The following study aims to understand why the toga came to symbolize this and does that by analyzing and discussing both ancient and modern sources. The study have been thematically divided, with chapters discussing different parts of the Roman society which all give some insight as to why the toga came to represent female indecency. A chapter discussing the ancient Roman female and male norms regarding clothes and status is followed up by a chapter analyzing how the ancient sources depicts situations in which women wear the toga. Lastly, chapters discussing the Roman view on women in prostitution and adulteresses, other situations in which women wore the toga and whether or not the female toga was an actual garment or a epithet will be included as well.  The discussion and analysis have all come to the following conclusion: the toga was used as a way for the Roman society to make the adulteress or the woman in prostitution less feminine. By associating a certain (female) behavior with a masculine garment, in a society obsessed with femininity and masculinity, the faulty behavior could be punished. Adulteresses and women in prostitution did not abide by what the ideal sexual behavior was for women, and therefore those women would not be considered feminine. Further studies are required to be able to distinguish whether this was limited to the Roman capital or if the toga as a symbol for female indecency could be found elsewhere in the empire.

Haze in Beijing (2008-2018) Control Measures, Thinking and Living in Haze

YANG, XIPENG January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyses the formation of haze by taking the case of severer haze in Beijing in the winter of 2015, which was caused by the collective effect of human activities, topography and meteorological. Among these causes, anthropogenic emissions contributed most, such as coal-fired emissions and vehicle emissions. The haze not only brings direct harm to health, but also slowly changes the way people live in the haze. Beijing has issued the Clean Air Action Plan to mitigate haze. Additionally, a series of stringent control measures were adopted during Beijing Olympics and APEC summit. These measures, such as vehicle emissions reduction and coal-free programme effectively reduced the PM concentration but failed to reduce GHG emissions. Hence, the causes for the lack of sustainability of air pollution control measures are included in thesis.

Seaweed is Sexy : The consumption and utilisation of seaweed throughout British history and the marketing that surrounds it

Rees, Rhianna January 2019 (has links)
Damp, rotting, smelly, rising from the depths, washed up on shorelines. Seaweed (or Macroalgae) has transitioned over time in its position and uses within the British Isles; as discussed in the thesis it has undergone an evolution from its historical use as a source of food in times of desperation, to the superfood it is lauded as today. Other applications, from medicinal to agricultural, have contributed to a narrative of seaweed’s identity over the centuries, to the appeal of seaweed as a food source in the present day. There is an increased interest in seaweed, especially for culinary purposes, in the British Isles. Research by chefs, cookbooks and innovative product ranges also frame the current attitudes in the use of seaweed in common everyday foods. The case study shows the challenges and opportunities in the current revitalised seaweed market, identifying marketing analysis approaches useful for changing the attitudes toward seaweed in the British Isles. Based on interviews with companies marketing seaweed, and a focus on Seagreens®, I draw on advertising theory and consultancy tools (such as SWOT, AGCC, ELM and DAGMAR) to analyse the current seaweed market defining what I call a ‘consumer triad’ of potential consumers. Findings indicate many possibilities for future USP endorsements depending on the target market, from health-orientated to sustainably farmed. Seaweed interest appears to be more knowledge than consumer driven, so the question instead surrounds the prospect of knowledge sharing in an integrated online manner. Meanwhile, challenges in farming, labelling and conservation within the EU hamper advancements in the field, with the balance shifting to invested interest in Blue Economy models and IMTA systems.

The Lives of the People from Banken 1. : A study based on muscular development and other activity markers. / Hur människorna från Banken 1 levde. : En studie baserad på muskelutveckling och andra aktivitetsspår.

Carrasco Gamboa, Pamela January 2019 (has links)
Tre skelett från en kyrkogård daterad till Gotlands sen-vikingatid till tidig medeltid har analyserats avseende aktivitetsspår. Metoden som användes innebar observation av muskelutvecklingen tillsammans med förändringar i entesiterna som är fästen för muskler och ligament. Hittills har forskningen ägnat sig åt att studera dessa förändringar på ett kvantitativt sätt, genom att tilldela poäng till de olika förändringarna enligt hur utvecklade de är och sedan skapa en statistik. Men dessa metoder har fortfarande många begränsningar, eftersom det är väldigt få av dessa entesiter som har studerats. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka vilka muskler var utvecklade och utröna hur dessa rörde sig tillsammans för att återskapa ett rörelsemönster som kan hjälpa att skapa en teori om vilka aktiviteter individerna sysslade med (arbetsuppgifter, fritidssysslor, m.m.). Analysen har gjorts med hjälp av litteratur om aktivitetsspår, paleopatologi, fysioterapi och med referensmaterialet från Osteologilaboratoriet vid Uppsala Universitet, Campus Gotland.

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