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From Neurodegeneration to Infertility and Back - Exploring Functions of Two Genes: ARMC4 and TARDBP: A DissertationCheng, Wei 10 January 2014 (has links)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is an adult-onset progressive neurodegenerative disease that causes degeneration in both upper and lower motor neurons. ALS progresses relentlessly after the onset of the disease, with most patients die within 3-5 years of diagnosis, largely due to respiratory failure. Since SOD1 became the first gene whose mutations were associated with ALS in 1993, more than 17 ALS causative genes have been identified. Among them, TAR DNA-binding protein (TARDBP) lies in the central of ALS pathology mechanism study, because TDP43 proteinopathy is observed not only in familial ALS cases carrying TARDBP mutations, but also in most of the sporadic ALS cases, which account for 90% of the whole ALS population. Several TDP43 overexpression mouse models have been successfully generated to study the gain-of-toxicity mechanism of TDP43 in ALS development, while the investigation of loss-of-function mechanism which could also contribute to ALS still awaits a proper mouse model. The major difficulty in generating TARDBP knock out mouse model lies in the fact that TARDBP is a development essential gene and complete depletion of TDP43 function causes embryonic lethality.
In chapter I, I reviewed the recent advances in ALS study. Emphasis was given to ALS mouse models, especially TARDBP ALS mouse model.
In Chapter II, I made a Tet-responsive construct that contains mCherry, a fluorescent protein, as an indicator for the expression of the artificial miRNA (amiTDP) residing in the 3’UTR of mCherry and targeting TARDBP. The construct was tested in NSC34 cells and TRE-mCherry-amiTDP43 transgenic mouse was generated with this construct. Crossing TRE-mCherry-amiTDP43 mouse with mPrp-tTA mouse, mCherry expression was successfully induced in mouse forebrain and cerebellum, but not in other tissues including spinal cord. By quantitative real-time PCR, amiTDP43 expression was confirmed to be coupled with mCherry expression. Fluorescent immunostaining revealed that mCherry was expressed in neurons, but not in astrocytes or microglia cells, and that in mCherry positive cells, TDP43 was significantly knocked down. Results from Nissl staining and GFAP immunostaining suggested that decrease of TDP43 in forebrain neuron only was not sufficient to cause neurodegeneration and neuron loss.
In chapter III, I investigated the function of Armadillo Containing Protein 4 (ARMC4), which was originally considered ALS causative gene. Our study of the function of CG5155, the possible homolog of ARMC4 in Drosophila, indicated that CG5155 is a male fertility gene that is involved in spermatogenesis. Therefore, we have named this gene Gudu. The transcript of Gudu is highly enriched in adult testes. Knockdown of Gudu by a ubiquitous driver leads to defects in the formation of the individualization complex that is required for spermatid maturation, thereby impairing spermatogenesis. Furthermore, testis-specific knockdown of Gudu by crossing the RNAi lines with Bam-Gal4 driver is sufficient to cause the infertility and defective spermatogenesis. Since Gudu is highly homologous to vertebrate ARMC4, also an Armadillo-repeat-containing protein enriched in testes, our results suggest that Gudu and ARMC4 is a subfamily of Armadillo-repeat containing proteins with an evolutionarily conserved function in spermatogenesis.
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Génétique humaine des formes cliniques de la lèpre / Human genetics of clinical forms of leprosyGaschignard, Jean 27 March 2015 (has links)
La lèpre est une maladie tropicale négligée qui atteint près de 200 000 personnes chaque année et dont l’agent causal est Mycobacterium leprae. La susceptibilité génétique de l’hôte à la maladie est bien établie, et a permis de comprendre certains mécanismes de la physiopathologie de la maladie. Il existe par ailleurs une grande variabilité inter-individuelle des manifestions cliniquesde la maladie, qui s’étendent d’un pôle dit tuberculoïde à un pôle dit lépromateux. Nous avons cherché à identifier les facteurs de susceptibilité génétique à cette polarisation de la maladie. Nous avons tout d’abord décrit que le sexe et l’âge sont des facteurs non-génétiques associés à ce phénotype.Notre travail s’est ensuite appuyé sur les outils classiques de l’épidémiologie génétique, c’est à dire les études de liaison et d’association, pour identifier des variants génétiques qui influencent la polarisation de la lèpre. Nous avons utilisé une puce à ADN pangénomique avec plus de 500 000 marqueurs pour génotyper un échantillon de familles vietnamiennes comprenant 939 malades, dont 692 enfants. Nous avons identifié une liaison de la région 19p12 avec la polarisation de la lèpre. L’étude d’association n’a pas permis d’identifier de signal significatif à l’échelle du génome. Nous avons développé un nouveau test d’association pour des données familiales qui a permis d’améliorer les résultats sans atteindre la significativité. Notre travail sera prolongé par des études d’association dans deux populations cas-témoins du Vietnam et du Brésil. Nous chercherons à identifier les marqueurs causaux au sein de la région de liaison 19p12 d’une part, et à découvrir de nouveaux variants d’autre part. L’identification de marqueurs associés à la polarisation de la lèpre permettra de mieux prévoir l’évolution de la maladie et de proposer des traitements plus ciblés selon le risque génétique individuel. / Leprosy is a neglected tropical disease that affects nearly 200,000 people each year and caused byMycobacterium leprae. Genetic host susceptibility to the disease is well established, and helped to understand some of the mechanisms of the disease’s physiopathology. There is also a wide inter-individual variability of the clinical manifestations of the disease, which runs from a so-said tuberculoid to a so-said lepromatous pole. We sought to identify genetic susceptibility factors for this polarization of the disease. We initially described gender and age as non-genetic factors associated with this phenotype. We then based our analysis on the classical tools from thefield of genetic epidemiology, namely linkage and association studies, to identify genetic variants that influence leprosy polarization. We used a DNA-microarray with 500,000 markers spanning over the whole genome to genotype a sample of Vietnamese families including 939 patients, of which 692 were children. We have found a region linked to leprosy polarization on chromosome 19p12. The association study could not identify a significant signal across the genome. We developed a new test for association designed for familial data that improved the results without reaching significance. Our work will be pursued by association studies in two case-control populations from Vietnam and Brazil. We will try to identify the causal markers within the 19p12 linkage region on the one hand, and to discover new variants on theother hand. The identification of markers associated with leprosy polarization could help us to better predict the evolution of the disease, and to offer more targeted treatments to patients, based on their individual genetic risk.
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The ARMC5-Cullin3-RBX1 forms an RPB1-specific ubiquitin ligase essential for RNA polymerase II homeostasisLao, Linjiang 02 1900 (has links)
ARMC5 est une protéine qui contient sept motifs Armadillo répétitifs organisés en tandem et un domaine BTB. Nous avons observé que cette protéine était fortement exprimée dans les organes lymphoïdes, les glandes surrénales et le cerveau. Les souris avec une délétion d’Armc5 (souris KO) étaient de petite taille, et présentaient une diminution de la prolifération et la différenciation des lymphocytes T. L’absence d’ARMC5 entraînait une déficience de la réponse immunitaire médiée par les lymphocytes CD4+ et CD8+ dans les modèles expérimentaux d’encéphalomyélite auto-immune et d’infection au virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire, respectivement. Par la suite, plusieurs études ont révélé que la mutation ARMC5 était associée à l’hyperplasie macronodulaire bilatérale primitive des surrénales (HMBPS), qui représente une cause rare du syndrome de Cushing. Nous avons ensuite confirmé que l’hyperplasie des glandes surrénales s’était développée chez les souris KO âgées, et qu’elle s’accompagnait d’une légère augmentation des taux sériques de glucocorticoïdes.
Comme ARMC5 ne présentait pas d’activité enzymatique, il était probable qu’elle faisait appel à d’autres protéines pour exercer sa fonction. Nous avons identifié plusieurs protéines qui se liaient à ARMC5, et plus particulièrement le complexe ARMC5/Cullin3 qui formait une ubiquitine ligase (E3) spécifique de la sous-unité RPB1 de l’ARN polymérase II. ARMC5 contrôlait le processus d’ubiquitination de RPB1 qui, par conséquent, s’accumulait dans plusieurs organes majeurs : les glandes surrénales, les ganglions lymphatiques, le cerveau, les poumons, le foie, etc. chez la souris KO. Ces résultats démontrent un rôle clé de l’ubiquitine ligase dans la dégradation de la protéine RPB1. Une accumulation similaire a également été observée dans les tissus hyperplasiques des surrénales provenant de patients atteints d’HMBPS et porteurs de la mutation ARMC5, ce qui souligne la pertinence clinique de nos résultats de recherche fondamentale dans les maladies humaines. Un défaut de dégradation de RPB1 augmentait le pool d’ARN polymérase II. Par ailleurs, nous avons identifié un groupe de gènes fortement surexprimés dans les glandes surrénales déficientes en ARMC5, parmi lesquels figurent les gènes effecteurs qui seraient impliqués dans l’hyperplasie des surrénales chez les souris KO et l’HMBPS chez les patients porteurs de la mutation ARMC5.
Finalement, nous avons montré que la délétion ou la mutation d’Armc5 augmentait considérablement le risque des anomalies du tube neural chez les souris et les humains. Chez les patients souffrant de myéloméningocèle, nous avons constaté neuf différentes mutations faux-sens délétères, dont une diminuait l’interaction entre ARMC5 et RPB1. L’augmentation du pool d’ARN polymérase II dans les cellules précurseurs neurales (CPN), causée par la délétion ARMC5, influençait un groupe particulier de gènes, dont certains (p. ex. Folh1) seraient susceptibles de participer au développement du tube neural.
En résumé, l’association ARMC5 et Cullin3 forme un complexe E3 qui cible RPB1 provoquant son ubiquitination et sa dégradation. En absence d’un tel mécanisme, on observe une perturbation de l’homéostasie de l’ARN polymérase II, qui mène à une diminution de la réponse immunitaire médiée par lymphocytes T, le développement d’HMBPS et un risque accru d’anomalies du tube neural. / ARMC5 protein contains seven tandem Armadillo repeats and one BTB domain. We observed that Armc5 was highly expressed in the lymphatic organs, adrenal glands, and brain. Armc5 knockout (KO) mice were small in size and exhibited compromised T cell proliferation and differentiation. The absence of ARMC5 resulted in an impairment of the CD4 + cell- and CD8 + cell-mediated immune response in the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection model, respectively. Subsequently, several studies revealed that ARMC5 mutations were related to primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (PBMAH), which is a rare cause of Cushing’s syndrome. We then confirmed that adrenal gland hyperplasia was indeed developed in aged Armc5 KO mice with mildly increased serum glucocorticoid levels.
Since ARMC5 did not exhibit enzymatic activity, its function likely depends on the interaction with other proteins. We identified several proteins that binds to ARMC5, most notably ARMC5 binding to Cullin3, forming a ubiquitin ligase (E3) specific for RNA polymerase II subunit I (RPB1). ARMC5 regulated the ubiquitination of RPB1, and its deletion resulted in RPB1 accumulation in major organs (e.g., adrenal glands, lymph nodes, brain, lung, and liver), indicating the critical role of this E3 in RPB1 degradation. A similar accumulation was also found in hyperplasia tissues from adrenal glands of PBMAH patients carrying ARMC5 mutations, underscoring the clinical relevance of our basic research findings in human disease. Defective degradation of RPB1 led to an enlarged RNA polymerase II (Pol II) pool. In addition, we have identified a group of genes strongly upregulated in KO adrenal glands, including the effector genes which would be involved in adrenal gland hyperplasia in Armc5 KO mice and PBMAH patients carrying ARMC5 mutation.
Finally, we have shown that deleting or mutating Armc5 significantly augments the risk of neural tube defects in mice and humans. In patients with myelomeningocele, we found nine deleterious missense mutations in ARMC5, one of which weakened the interaction between ARMC5 and RPB1. The enlarged Pol II pool in Armc5 KO neural precursor cells (NPCs) influenced a particular group of genes, some of which (e.g., Folh1) are thought to be involved in the development of the neural tube.
In summary, ARMC5 and CUL3 form an E3 complex, which targets RPB1 causing its ubiquitination and degradation. In the absence of such a mechanism, there is a disturbance of RNA polymerase II homeostasis, which leads to a decrease in the T cell-mediated immune response, the development of PBMAH and an increased risk of neural tube defects.
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Inhibiting Axon Degeneration in a Mouse Model of Acute Brain Injury Through Deletion of Sarm1Henninger, Nils 24 May 2017 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Annually, 150 to 200/1,000,000 people become disabled as a result of brain trauma. Axonal degeneration is a critical, early event following TBI of all severities but whether axon degeneration is a driver of TBI remains unclear. Molecular pathways underlying the pathology of TBI have not been defined and there is no efficacious treatment for TBI.
Despite this significant societal impact, surprisingly little is known about the molecular mechanisms that actively drive axon degeneration in any context and particularly following TBI. Although severe brain injury may cause immediate disruption of axons (primary axotomy), it is now recognized that the most frequent form of traumatic axonal injury (TAI) is mediated by a cascade of events that ultimately result in secondary axonal disconnection (secondary axotomy) within hours to days.
Proposed mechanisms include immediate post-traumatic cytoskeletal destabilization as a direct result of mechanical breakage of microtubules, as well as catastrophic local calcium dysregulation resulting in microtubule depolymerization, impaired axonal transport, unmitigated accumulation of cargoes, local axonal swelling, and finally disconnection. The portion of the axon that is distal to the axotomy site remains initially morphologically intact. However, it undergoes sudden rapid fragmentation along its full distal length ~72 h after the original axotomy, a process termed Wallerian degeneration.
Remarkably, mice mutant for the Wallerian degeneration slow (Wlds) protein exhibit ~tenfold (for 2–3 weeks) suppressed Wallerian degeneration. Yet, pharmacological replication of the Wlds mechanism has proven difficult. Further, no one has studied whether Wlds protects from TAI. Lastly, owing to Wlds presumed gain-of-function and its absence in wild-type animals, direct evidence in support of a putative endogenous axon death signaling pathway is lacking, which is critical to identify original treatment targets and the development of viable therapeutic approaches.
Novel insight into the pathophysiology of Wallerian degeneration was gained by the discovery that mutant Drosophila flies lacking dSarm (sterile a/Armadillo/Toll-Interleukin receptor homology domain protein) cell-autonomously recapitulated the Wlds phenotype. The pro-degenerative function of the dSarm gene (and its mouse homolog Sarm1) is widespread in mammals as shown by in vitro protection of superior cervical ganglion, dorsal root ganglion, and cortical neuron axons, as well as remarkable in-vivo long-term survival (>2 weeks) of transected sciatic mouse Sarm1 null axons. Although the molecular mechanism of function remains to be clarified, its discovery provides direct evidence that Sarm1 is the first endogenous gene required for Wallerian degeneration, driving a highly conserved genetic axon death program.
The central goals of this thesis were to determine (1) whether post-traumatic axonal integrity is preserved in mice lacking Sarm1, and (2) whether loss of Sarm1 is associated with improved functional outcome after TBI. I show that mice lacking the mouse Toll receptor adaptor Sarm1 gene demonstrate multiple improved TBI-associated phenotypes after injury in a closed-head mild TBI model. Sarm1-/- mice developed fewer beta amyloid precursor protein (βAPP) aggregates in axons of the corpus callosum after TBI as compared to Sarm1+/+ mice. Furthermore, mice lacking Sarm1 had reduced plasma concentrations of the phosphorylated axonal neurofilament subunit H, indicating that axonal integrity is maintained after TBI. Strikingly, whereas wild type mice exhibited a number of behavioral deficits after TBI, I observed a strong, early preservation of neurological function in Sarm1-/- animals. Finally, using in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, I found tissue signatures consistent with substantially preserved neuronal energy metabolism in Sarm1-/- mice compared to controls immediately following TBI. My results indicate that the Sarm1-mediated prodegenerative pathway promotes pathogenesis in TBI and suggest that anti-Sarm1 therapeutics are a viable approach for preserving neurological function after TBI.
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