Spelling suggestions: "subject:"armadilha"" "subject:"armadilhas""
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Aspects of the thermal ecology of the group-living lizard, Cordylus cataphractus : a spatial and temporal analysisTruter, Johannes Christoff 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Botany and Zoology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Thermal ecology is a central theme in reptilian biology because of the thermodynamic rate
dependence of virtually all biological processes in these ectothermic animals.
Thermoregulation includes active processes (with associated energetic costs related to
altered behaviour and physiology) functioning to maintain body temperatures within a
preferred temperature range, so that the majority of physiological functions occurs optimally,
despite natural variation in the animal’s thermal habitat. The recent development of
quantitative thermal indices now allows researchers to describe the thermal habitat and
thermoregulatory functioning of an ectotherm within its environment from a cost-benefit
perspective. The use of such quantitative biophysical approaches to reptile thermal ecology
studies is however limited in the African context. Cordylus cataphractus is one of the best
studied cordylids, and exhibits various characteristics atypical for the family, such as
permanent group-living, seasonally lowered surface activity, a low resting metabolic rate and
large fat bodies. These characteristics are generally thought to be associated with groupliving
in a semi-arid habitat, yet, the possible links to thermal ecology remains unexplored.
The objectives of the current study was: firstly, to characterize the preferred
temperature range (Tp) of C. cataphractus through the use of ecologically realistic laboratory
thermal gradients; secondly, to explore seasonal and geographical variation in thermal
preference, by comparing Tp among individuals captured from a coastal and inland
population and during different seasons (autumn and spring); thirdly, to describe the thermal
habitat of a C. cataphractus population during summer, autumn, winter and spring and to
then relate these findings to the seasonal activity patterns reported in literature for the
species; fourthly, to describe the seasonal patterns of thermoregulation (during summer,
autumn, winter and spring) in a C. cataphractus population through quantitative
thermoregulatory indices; fifthly, to assess geographic variation in the thermal habitat and
associated patterns of thermoregulation in C. cataphractus among a coastal population
(western range limit) and an inland population (eastern range limit). The thermal habitat of C.
cataphractus was described by measuring operative environmental temperatures (Te) with
hollow copper lizard models placed around rocks according to the natural surface movement
patterns of the species. Variation in thermal habitat quality was subsequently calculated (de
= |Te – Tp|) and averaged. Field body temperatures (Tb) of lizards were measured with
dorsally attached miniature temperature loggers. Thermoregulatory indices were calculated
from Te, Tb and Tp, describing: thermoregulatory accuracy, the effectiveness of
thermoregulation and thermal exploitation for each population (coastal and inland) for the
respective sampling periods.
The preferred body temperature range of C. cataphractus is the lowest recorded
among cordylids to date (mean Tp = 29.8oC) and was conserved among different populations
and within these populations among seasons, despite the fact that environmental
temperatures are known to vary geographically and seasonally.
Thermal habitat quality varied significantly at micro spatial scale around rocks in the
coastal population. Since C. cataphractus males are territorial, competition for thermal
habitat quality around rocks may therefore occur. Such effects will be a function of the time
of year since the variability in thermal habitat quality among rock aspects (around rocks)
varied seasonally.
Thermal habitat quality of crevices varied among seasons and was typically higher in
the open, outside rock crevices, during the cooler winter and spring periods, whereas in
summer and autumn the crevice environments were more favourable. Thermal habitat
quality was high in crevices during autumn, suggesting that the observed repressed surface
activity of C. cataphractus described for the time is not necessarily, as previously thought,
only due to food constraints. Moreover, in contrast to earlier reports, the current results (Tb
versus Te) indicate that individuals emerged from crevices in summer.
The geographical assessment indicated that lizards from the coastal population, with
generally larger groups, thermoregulated more successfully than those from the inland population. The higher thermoregulatory success in the coastal population occurred in spite
of the fact that thermal habitat quality was significantly lower at the coastal locality. The
higher thermoregulatory success in the coastal population was likely due to reduced
predation risk associated with increased group-size. The seasonal trends in
thermoregulation at the coastal and inland population corresponded to the patterns predicted
by the cost-benefit model of thermoregulation, accuracy of thermoregulation and the
effectiveness of thermal exploitation being higher during the thermally more favourable
autumn. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uittreksel
Termiese ekologie is ‘n sentrale tema in reptiel-biologie as gevolg van die termodinamies
tempo-afhanklikheid van feitlik alle biologiese prosesse in hierdie ektotermiese diere.
Termoregulering sluit aktiewe prosesse (wat lei tot energie-koste in terme van gedrag en
fisiologie) in om liggaamstemperature binne ‘n vasgestelde voorkeurtemperatuur-reeks te
handhaaf sodat fisiologiese prosesse optimaal kan geskied te midde van natuurlike variasie
in die dier se termiese omgewing. Die onlangse ontwikkeling van kwantitatiewe funksionele
termiese indekse stel navorsers nou in staat om die werklike termiese omgewing en die
funksionering van die ektoterm binne sy omgewing te beskryf en uit ‘n koste (energie)-
voordeel oogpunt te verstaan. Die gebruik van hierdie biofisiese koste-voordeel benadering
in reptiel termoreguleringstudies is egter beperk in die Afrika-konteks. Cordylus cataphractus
is een van die bes bestudeerde lede van familie Cordylidae, en vertoon verskeie eienskappe
ongewoon vir hierdie groep akkedisse, soos groeplewendheid, beperkte seisoenale aktiwiteit
buite hul skeure, ‘n relatiewe lae rustende metaboliese tempo en relatiewe groot vetliggame.
Hierdie unieke eienskappe is al deur navorsers gekoppel aan die groeplewe lewensstrategie.
Die potensiële koppeling van die termiese ekologie en die spesifieke lewensstrategie
van C. cataphractus benodig verdere studie. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was
eerstens: om die voorkeurtemperatuur-reeks (Tp) van C. cataphractus te bepaal deur van
ekologies-realistiese termiese gradiënte in die laboratorium gebruik te maak; tweedens: om
geografiese en seisoenale variasie in Tp te ondersoek deur individue te gebruik wat uit
binnelandse en kus-populasies, tydens verskillende seisoene, herfs en lente versamel is;
derdens: om die termiese omgewing, meer spesifiek die variasie in termiese kwaliteit, binne
die habitat van C. cataphractus populasie in verskillende seisoene, somer, herfs, winter en
lente, te moduleer en met die gedokumenteerde aktiwiteitspatrone in verband te bring;
vierdens: om die seisoenale temoreguleringspatrone (tydens somer, herfs, winter en lente)
van C. cataphractus populasie te beskryf; vyfdens: om geografiese variasie in die termiese
habitat en geassosieerde termoreguleringspatrone tussen kus-populasie (westelike
verspreidingsgrens) en binneland-populasie (oostelike verspreidingsgrens) te bestudeer.
Die kwaliteit van die termiese habitat van C. cataphractus is bepaal deur hol koper-modelle
van akkedisse (operatiewe temperatuur modelle (Te)) te plaas rondom rotse in
ooreenstemming met die natuurlike bewegingspatrone van die akkedisse. Die termiese
kwaliteit is gevolglik afgelei (de = |Te – Tp|) en gemiddeldes bereken. Die
liggaamstemperature (Tb) van vrylopende akkedisse in die veld is met dorsaal-gemonteerde
miniatuur temperatuur “data-loggers” gemeet. Termiese indekse (deur Te, Tb en Tp te
gebruik) is bereken om die akkuraatheid en effektiwiteit van termoregulering, sowel as
termiese benutting van die omgewing vir beide populasies (kus en binneland) tydens
verskillende seisoene te beraam.
Die voorkeurtemperatuur-reeks van C. cataphractus is die laagste gedokumenteerde
temperature vir enige lid van die familie Cordylidae tot op hede bestudeer (gemiddeld van Tp
= 29.8oC), en het ten spyte van die feit dat omgewingstemperature wissel op geografiese en
seisoenale vlakke, min gevarieer tussen die twee populasies asook tydens verskillende
seisoene binne die populasies.
Die termiese kwaliteit het beduidend gevarieer tussen seisoene en binne die mikroruimtelike
omgewing rondom rotse in die kus-populasie. Aangesien C. cataphractus
mannetjies territoriaal is, word die aanname gemaak dat kompetisie vir ‘n ruimtelike posisie
ook ‘n termiese koste mag hê aangesien daar beduidende variasie in de om die rotse was.
Variasie in termiese kwaliteit rondom rotse was verder ook funksie van die tyd van die jaar
Die termiese kwaliteit van skeure het gevarieer tussen seisoene, en termiese
kondisies/toestande was oor die algemeen meer gunstig buite die rots-skeure tydens die
koeler winter en lente tydperke, terwyl skeure termies meer gunstig was in die somer en
herfs maande. Termiese habitat kwaliteit van skeure was besonders hoog gedurende die
herfs, en die voorspelling is dus dat die verlaagde oppervlak-aktiwiteit wat gedurende hierdie
tyd van die jaar vir C. cataphractus gedokumenteer is nie noodwendig funksie van
beperkte voedselbeskikbaarheid is nie. Teenstrydig met gepubliseerde aktiwiteitsrekords dui die resultate (Tb teenoor Te) verder daarop dat individue wel uit skeure kom tydens die warm
somer seisoen.
Die geografiese ondersoek het gewys dat akkedisse van die kus-populasie (wat
gewoonlik uit groter groepe bestaan), meer akkuraat getermoreguleer het as akkedisse van
die binneland-populasie. Die hoër akkuraatheid van termoregulering in die kus-populasie is
bewerkstellig ten spyte van die feit dat die termiese kwaliteit beduidend laer was as die van
die binneland-populasie. Die hoër termoreguleringsakkuraatheid in die kus-populasie kan
waarskynlik toegeskryf word aan laer predasie-risiko geassosieer met groter groepe. Die
seisoenale variasie-patroon van termoregulering kan verklaar word deur die koste-voordeel
model van termoregulering, waarvolgens die akkuraatheid van termoregulering sowel as
termiese benutting hoër is tydens periodes van hoë termiese kwaliteit (i.e. herfs).
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dSarm/Sarm1 Governs a Conserved Axon Death Program: A DissertationOsterloh, Jeannette M. 03 June 2013 (has links)
Axonal and synaptic degeneration is a hallmark of peripheral neuropathy, brain injury, and neurodegenerative disease. Axonal degeneration has been proposed to be mediated by an active autodestruction program, akin to apoptotic cell death; however, loss-of-function mutations capable of potently blocking axon self-destruction have not been described. Using a forward genetic screen in Drosophila, we identified that loss of the Toll receptor adaptor dSarm (sterile a/Armadillo/Toll-Interleukin receptor homology domain protein) cell-autonomously suppresses Wallerian degeneration for weeks after axotomy. Severed mouse Sarm1 null axons exhibit remarkable long-term survival both in vivo and in vitro, indicating that Sarm1 prodegenerative signaling is conserved in mammals. Our results provide direct evidence that axons actively promote their own destruction after injury and identify dSarm/Sarm1 as a member of an ancient axon death signaling pathway. This death signaling pathway can be activated without injury by loss of the N-terminal self-inhibitory domain, resulting in spontaneous neurodegeneration. To investigate the role of axon self-destruction in disease, we assessed the effects of Sarm1 loss on neurodegeneration in the SOD1-G93A model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a lethal condition resulting in progressive motor neuron death and paralysis. Loss of Sarm1 potently protects motor axons and synapses from degeneration, but only extends animal survival by 10%. Thus, there appears to be at least two driving forces in place during ALS disease progression: (1) Sarm1 mediated axon death, and (2) cell body destruction via some unknown mechanism.
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The Vital Female in the Novels of Shelby HearonParrott, Barbara Freeman 05 1900 (has links)
Shelby Hearon's four novels--Armadillo in the Grass, The Second Dune, Hannah's House, and Now and Another Time--are unified by the common elements of the vital female character and her quest for selfawareness, self-integration, and fulfillment. This study examines the four novels chronologically in order to understand the development of this character and the themes which are common to all four. The concluding chapter offers an assessment of Hearon as a novelist whose work is both universally lasting and relevant.
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Avaliação da prevalência de patógenos zoonóticos de importância para a saúde pública em tatus de vida livre - Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil / Prevalence of zoonotic pathogens important for public health in wild armadillos, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. São PauloSouza, Danilo Kluyber de 11 August 2016 (has links)
Ao longo dos anos, a humanidade contribuiu para o surgimento de diversos patógenos, tornando-se vítimas de doenças transmitidas dos animais para o homem, as chamadas antropozoonoses. Dentre os animais, os tatus, mamíferos selvagens primitivos, apresentam características anatômicas e fisiológicas peculiares, que os tornam mais susceptíveis à diversas doenças e potenciais reservatórios de patógenos zoonóticos, relevantes para a saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de cinco patógenos zoonóticos (Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp, Mycobacterium leprae e Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) em quatro espécies de tatus; P. maximus, E. sexcinctus, D. novemcinctus e C. unicinctus do Pantanal e Cerrado do Mato-Grosso-do-Sul. Um total de 50 tatus foram analisados. Sendo, 43 amostras de soros de indivíduos de vida livre (16 Priodontes maximus; 17 Euphractus sexcinctus; 02 Dasypus novemcinctus e 08 Cabassous unicinctus) provenientes do Pantanal e 07 conjuntos de fragmentos de tecidos (pulmão, fígado e baço), de 06 E. sexcinctus e 01 (D. novemcinctus) atropelados em três rodovias do Cerrado do Mato-Grosso-do-Sul. Dos 43 indivíduos amostrados no Pantanal, 13/43 ou 30,23% apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii; 01/43 ou 2,32% anti-T. cruzi e 4/43 ou 9,30% anti-Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi. Amostras de fragmentos de orelha dos 43 indivíduos do Pantanal, e fragmentos de tecido (pulmão, fígado e baço) dos tatus do Cerrado, também foram analisadas para M. leprae e Leishmania spp através de biologia molecular, nas quais foram negativas. Dos tatus provenientes do Cerrado, analisados para P. brasiliensis, 07 ou 100% dos indivíduos foram positivos. Baseado nestes resultados, pode-se afirmar que os tatus apresentam uma relação e histórico de exposição a estes patógenos, seja através do contato com outras espécies, seres humanos ou condições ambientais onde ocorrem. Contudo, confirma-se a importância destas espécies para o entendimento dos ciclos de transmissão de patógenos e de forma estratégica, como indicadoras da saúde de um ecossistema em programas de investigação e monitoramento de doenças, especialmente as zoonoses. / Over the years mankind has contributed to the emergence of several diseases, while becoming victims of those passed among humans and other animals, known as zoonosis. Armadillos are primitive wild mammals who present peculiar anatomical and physiological characteristics which make them susceptible and potential reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens relevant to public health. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of five zoonotic pathogens (Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp., Mycobacterium leprae and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) in four armadillo species (Priodontes maximus, Euphractus sexcinctus, Dasypus novemcinctus and Cabassous unicinctus) found in Pantanal and Mato-Grosso-do-Sul tropical savanna ecoregion, the Cerrado. A total of 50 armadillos were sampled: 43 free living individuals from Pantanal (16 P. maximus; 17 E. sexcinctus; 02 D. novemcinctus and 08 C. unicinctus) and 07 individuals found dead in three different roads of the Cerrado. Of the 43 individuals sampled in Pantanal, 13 (30.23%) presented T. gondii antibodies; 01 (2.32%) showed antibodies anti-T. cruzi; and 04 (9.30%) showed anti-Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi antibodies. All 50 samples were also analyzed by molecular biology based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). None of the samples tested positive for M. leprae and Leishmania spp. And all seven or (100%) individuals from the Cerrado were tested positive for P. brasiliensis. The results suggest that the armadillos have been exposed to these pathogens, either by contact with other species, including humans or by their own environmental conditions in certain ecosystems. The armadillo species studied may have a greater susceptibility to these pathogens in the natural environment where they occur. Armadillos are key species in understanding diseases transmission cycle, especially regarding zoonotic pathogens and they can strategically act as an indicator of ecosystem health for research programs and zoonotic diseases monitoring.
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Avaliação da prevalência de patógenos zoonóticos de importância para a saúde pública em tatus de vida livre - Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil / Prevalence of zoonotic pathogens important for public health in wild armadillos, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. São PauloDanilo Kluyber de Souza 11 August 2016 (has links)
Ao longo dos anos, a humanidade contribuiu para o surgimento de diversos patógenos, tornando-se vítimas de doenças transmitidas dos animais para o homem, as chamadas antropozoonoses. Dentre os animais, os tatus, mamíferos selvagens primitivos, apresentam características anatômicas e fisiológicas peculiares, que os tornam mais susceptíveis à diversas doenças e potenciais reservatórios de patógenos zoonóticos, relevantes para a saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de cinco patógenos zoonóticos (Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp, Mycobacterium leprae e Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) em quatro espécies de tatus; P. maximus, E. sexcinctus, D. novemcinctus e C. unicinctus do Pantanal e Cerrado do Mato-Grosso-do-Sul. Um total de 50 tatus foram analisados. Sendo, 43 amostras de soros de indivíduos de vida livre (16 Priodontes maximus; 17 Euphractus sexcinctus; 02 Dasypus novemcinctus e 08 Cabassous unicinctus) provenientes do Pantanal e 07 conjuntos de fragmentos de tecidos (pulmão, fígado e baço), de 06 E. sexcinctus e 01 (D. novemcinctus) atropelados em três rodovias do Cerrado do Mato-Grosso-do-Sul. Dos 43 indivíduos amostrados no Pantanal, 13/43 ou 30,23% apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii; 01/43 ou 2,32% anti-T. cruzi e 4/43 ou 9,30% anti-Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi. Amostras de fragmentos de orelha dos 43 indivíduos do Pantanal, e fragmentos de tecido (pulmão, fígado e baço) dos tatus do Cerrado, também foram analisadas para M. leprae e Leishmania spp através de biologia molecular, nas quais foram negativas. Dos tatus provenientes do Cerrado, analisados para P. brasiliensis, 07 ou 100% dos indivíduos foram positivos. Baseado nestes resultados, pode-se afirmar que os tatus apresentam uma relação e histórico de exposição a estes patógenos, seja através do contato com outras espécies, seres humanos ou condições ambientais onde ocorrem. Contudo, confirma-se a importância destas espécies para o entendimento dos ciclos de transmissão de patógenos e de forma estratégica, como indicadoras da saúde de um ecossistema em programas de investigação e monitoramento de doenças, especialmente as zoonoses. / Over the years mankind has contributed to the emergence of several diseases, while becoming victims of those passed among humans and other animals, known as zoonosis. Armadillos are primitive wild mammals who present peculiar anatomical and physiological characteristics which make them susceptible and potential reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens relevant to public health. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of five zoonotic pathogens (Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp., Mycobacterium leprae and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) in four armadillo species (Priodontes maximus, Euphractus sexcinctus, Dasypus novemcinctus and Cabassous unicinctus) found in Pantanal and Mato-Grosso-do-Sul tropical savanna ecoregion, the Cerrado. A total of 50 armadillos were sampled: 43 free living individuals from Pantanal (16 P. maximus; 17 E. sexcinctus; 02 D. novemcinctus and 08 C. unicinctus) and 07 individuals found dead in three different roads of the Cerrado. Of the 43 individuals sampled in Pantanal, 13 (30.23%) presented T. gondii antibodies; 01 (2.32%) showed antibodies anti-T. cruzi; and 04 (9.30%) showed anti-Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi antibodies. All 50 samples were also analyzed by molecular biology based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). None of the samples tested positive for M. leprae and Leishmania spp. And all seven or (100%) individuals from the Cerrado were tested positive for P. brasiliensis. The results suggest that the armadillos have been exposed to these pathogens, either by contact with other species, including humans or by their own environmental conditions in certain ecosystems. The armadillo species studied may have a greater susceptibility to these pathogens in the natural environment where they occur. Armadillos are key species in understanding diseases transmission cycle, especially regarding zoonotic pathogens and they can strategically act as an indicator of ecosystem health for research programs and zoonotic diseases monitoring.
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Mutational Analysis of FERM Domain Proteins CG34347 and Cdep in DrosophilaMilic, Milos 02 August 2012 (has links)
Crumbs is a transmembrane protein and apical determinant in Drosophila epithelial cells. Its cytoplasmic tail contains a PDZ and a FERM domain-binding site through which Crumbs interacts with the FERM proteins Yurt, Moesin and Expanded. Recent evidence suggests that Crumbs can also interact with the uncharacterised FERM proteins CG34347 and Cdep. The main objective of my thesis was to generate mutations in CG34347 and Cdep to facilitate the functional analysis of these genes.
I generated a mutation for Cdep that remains to be characterised and two mutant lines for CG34347; one lacking the first exon and one lacking the entire gene, using a FRT-based recombination strategy. Both CG34347 mutants cause severe ovarian defects. The most consistent defect is a multilayering of the interfollicular stalk. These defects are also observed when Notch, Hippo, Wingless and Hedgehog signalling pathways are overactive in ovaries suggesting that CG34347 participates in one of those pathways.
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Mutational Analysis of FERM Domain Proteins CG34347 and Cdep in DrosophilaMilic, Milos 02 August 2012 (has links)
Crumbs is a transmembrane protein and apical determinant in Drosophila epithelial cells. Its cytoplasmic tail contains a PDZ and a FERM domain-binding site through which Crumbs interacts with the FERM proteins Yurt, Moesin and Expanded. Recent evidence suggests that Crumbs can also interact with the uncharacterised FERM proteins CG34347 and Cdep. The main objective of my thesis was to generate mutations in CG34347 and Cdep to facilitate the functional analysis of these genes.
I generated a mutation for Cdep that remains to be characterised and two mutant lines for CG34347; one lacking the first exon and one lacking the entire gene, using a FRT-based recombination strategy. Both CG34347 mutants cause severe ovarian defects. The most consistent defect is a multilayering of the interfollicular stalk. These defects are also observed when Notch, Hippo, Wingless and Hedgehog signalling pathways are overactive in ovaries suggesting that CG34347 participates in one of those pathways.
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Detecção sorológica da leptospirose, toxoplasmose e leishmaniose em tatus-peba (Euphractus sexcinctus) de vida livre / Detection of anti-leptospira spp., anti-toxoplasma gondii and anti-leishmania infantum antibodies in free range six-banded armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus)Fernandes, Werona de Oliveira Barbosa 30 October 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T20:31:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-10-30 / The increasing contact between humans and domestic animals with wild animals has contributed to spread infectious agents, thus increasing the risk of transmission of zoonosis. Therefore, this present study aimed to detect, using different serological techniques, the presence of anti-Leptospira spp., anti-Toxoplasma gondii and anti-Leishmania infantum in six-banded armadillos. For this, was used 33 species of wildlife armadillos Euphractus sexcinctus of both sexes and various ages from the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Of the 33 animals subjected to serological analysis, 2/33 (6.06%) were positive for leptospirosis, where serovars reagents were Canicola and Andamana, and both with titration of 200. For the toxoplasmosis research it was noted that 2/33 (6.06%) had antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, and all of them having the title equal to 400. In relation to leishmaniasis, 3/33 (9.09%) animals were reactive to Leishmania infantum antigen, which had the title of 320. This was the first evidence of Leishmania infantum in six-banded armadillo already described. From the present study, we can confirm the real possibility of these animals act as carriers agent with zoonotic potential / O aumento do contato entre a população humana e doméstica com os animais silvestres tem contribuído para disseminar agentes infeciosos na vida selvagem, aumentando assim, os riscos de transmissão das zoonoses. O número de enfermidades já relatadas nas diferentes espécies de tatus é muito alta. Acredita-se, portanto, que o E. sexcinctus possa atuar como reservatório de uma série de doenças, muitas delas ainda não confirmadas para espécie. Isso ocorre por esta espécie apresentar diversas características compatíveis com a manutenção dos agentes na natureza, tais como, suas características fisiológicas, ampla distribuição, partilhar suas tocas com outras espécies e manter contato direto com o homem e animais domésticos. Com isso, este estudo objetivou detectar, a partir de diferentes técnicas sorológicas, a presença de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp., anti-Toxoplasma gondii e anti-Leishmania infantum nos tatus-peba, de vida livre. Para tanto, foram utilizados 33 tatus da espécie Euphractus sexcinctus, de ambos os sexos e variadas idades provenientes da cidade de Mossoró-RN. Dos 33 animais submetidos as análises sorológicas, 2/33 (6,06%) foram positivos para leptospirose. Um deles reagiu para o sorovar Canicola (200) e outro para o sorovar Andamana (200). Para a pesquisa de toxoplasmose, 2/33 (6,06%) apresentaram anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii, todas apresentando título igual a 400. Em relação a leishmaniose, 3/33 (9,09%) animais foram reativos para o antígeno L. infantum, todos apresentando título de 320. Esta foi a primeira evidência de anticorpos anti-Leishmania infantum em Euphractus sexcinctus já descrita. A partir do presente estudo, foi possível confirmar a real possibilidade destes aninais atuarem como portadores de agentes com potencial zoonótico
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Avaliação da preferência alimentar e desempenho de tatus Dasypus novemcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) em cativeiroTesta, Carolyne Assis Eigenheer Pinke January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Alessandra Melchert / Resumo: O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a preferência alimentar e as dietas oferecidas a tatus de nove bandas mantidos sob cuidados humanos, enfatizando a ação das dietas sobre o desempenho, avaliação clínica e metabolismo animal, assim como o aproveitamento dos nutrientes de cada dieta. Foram utilizados para a avaliação da preferência alimentar 10 tatus de nove bandas (D. novemcinctus) adultos, sendo oito machos e duas fêmeas; seis tatus de nove bandas (D. novemcinctus) adultos, sendo cinco machos e uma fêmea, para o ensaio de digestibilidade; e oito tatus de nove bandas (D. novemcinctus) adultos machos para a avaliação clínica e metabólica. Para o teste de preferência alimentar foram testadas quatro dietas que diferiram quanto ao seu teor de proteínas e inclusão de frutos em sua composição. Para o ensaio de digestibilidade e avaliação clínica e metabólica foram testadas duas dietas com ou sem inclusão de frutos em sua composição. O teste de preferência alimentar foi conduzido utilizando a observação em três pontos: frequência de consumo, ingestão alimentar e razão da ingestão. O ensaio de digestibilidade foi realizado após 70 dias de tratamento. A avaliação clínica e metabólica ocorreu antes e ao final de 90 dias de fornecimento de cada uma das dietas, sendo que 60 dias antes do fornecimento de cada dieta foi realizado um período preparatório. Durante o período preparatório os animais receberam uma dieta constituída por ração canina e carne, para que ao início dos tratamentos ap... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aims of the study was to evaluate the dietary preference and the diets offered to the nine-banded armadillos kept under human care, emphasizing the action of the diets on the animal performance, as well as the use of the nutrients of each diet. Ten adult nine-banded armadillos (D. novemcinctus) were used for the evaluation of the food preference, being eight males and two females; and six adults nine-banded armadillos (D. novemcinctus), being five males and one female, for digestibility assay. and eight males adults nine-banded armadillos (D. novemcinctus) for clinical and metabolic evaluation. Food preference test, tested four diets that differed in their protein content and fruit inclusion in their composition. For the digestibility assay and clinical and metabolic evaluation were tested two diets with or without fruit inclusion in its composition. The food preference test was conducted using three-point observation: consumption frequency, food intake and intake ratio. The digestibility assay was performed after 70 days of treatment. Clinical and metabolic evaluation occurred before and the end of 90 days of supply of each diet, and 60 days before the supply of each diet a preparatory period was performed. During the preparatory period, the animals received a diet consisting of dog food and meat, so that at the beginning of the treatments presented similar body and metabolic conditions. The diet with the highest protein inclusion, obtained the highest preference in all ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Ambassador Animal Welfare: Using Behavioral and Physiological Indicators to Assess the Well-Being of Animals Used for Education Programs in Zoos.Baird, Bonnie Ann, Baird 31 May 2018 (has links)
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