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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of AI on Online Customer Experience and Consumer Behaviour. An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Online Customer Experience and Consumer Behaviour in a Digital Marketing and Online Retail Context

Kronemann, Bianca January 2022 (has links)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is adopted fast and wide across consumer industries and digital marketing. This new technology has the potential to enhance online customer experience and outcomes of customer experience. However, research relating to the impact of AI is still developing and empirical evidence sparse. Taking a consumercentred approach and by adopting Social Response Theory as theoretical lens, this research addresses an overall research question pertaining to the implications of online customer experience with AI on consumer behaviour. A quantitative research strategy with positivist approach is adopted to gather a large sample (n= 489) of online consumers who have previously interacted with AI-enabled technology. The collected data is analysed statistically utilising Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Empirical findings show strong positive effects of anthropomorphism of AI, para-social interaction with AI, and performance expectancy of AI on all three customer experience dimensions of informativeness, entertainment and social presence. Additionally, there is strong statistical support for the positive effect of informativeness and social presence on continued purchase intentions (β= .379 and β= .315), while the effects of entertainment are less strong. The mediating effects of customer experience have been assessed, highlighting social presence as most important mediator. This research contributes to knowledge by extending previous customer experience theory and quantifying the influence of online customer experience with AI on purchase intentions and eWOM. The theoretical insights also translate into direct implications for marketing practice relating to the design, integration, and implementation of more consumer- and outcome-oriented AI applications. / Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences studentship

Addressing Semantic Interoperability and Text Annotations. Concerns in Electronic Health Records using Word Embedding, Ontology and Analogy

Naveed, Arjmand January 2021 (has links)
Electronic Health Record (EHR) creates a huge number of databases which are being updated dynamically. Major goal of interoperability in healthcare is to facilitate the seamless exchange of healthcare related data and an environment to supports interoperability and secure transfer of data. The health care organisations face difficulties in exchanging patient’s health care information and laboratory reports etc. due to a lack of semantic interoperability. Hence, there is a need of semantic web technologies for addressing healthcare interoperability problems by enabling various healthcare standards from various healthcare entities (doctors, clinics, hospitals etc.) to exchange data and its semantics which can be understood by both machines and humans. Thus, a framework with a similarity analyser has been proposed in the thesis that dealt with semantic interoperability. While dealing with semantic interoperability, another consideration was the use of word embedding and ontology for knowledge discovery. In medical domain, the main challenge for medical information extraction system is to find the required information by considering explicit and implicit clinical context with high degree of precision and accuracy. For semantic similarity of medical text at different levels (conceptual, sentence and document level), different methods and techniques have been widely presented, but I made sure that the semantic content of a text that is presented includes the correct meaning of words and sentences. A comparative analysis of approaches included ontology followed by word embedding or vice-versa have been applied to explore the methodology to define which approach gives better results for gaining higher semantic similarity. Selecting the Kidney Cancer dataset as a use case, I concluded that both approaches work better in different circumstances. However, the approach in which ontology is followed by word embedding to enrich data first has shown better results. Apart from enriching the EHR, extracting relevant information is also challenging. To solve this challenge, the concept of analogy has been applied to explain similarities between two different contents as analogies play a significant role in understanding new concepts. The concept of analogy helps healthcare professionals to communicate with patients effectively and help them understand their disease and treatment. So, I utilised analogies in this thesis to support the extraction of relevant information from the medical text. Since accessing EHR has been challenging, tweets text is used as an alternative for EHR as social media has appeared as a relevant data source in recent years. An algorithm has been proposed to analyse medical tweets based on analogous words. The results have been used to validate the proposed methods. Two experts from medical domain have given their views on the proposed methods in comparison with the similar method named as SemDeep. The quantitative and qualitative results have shown that the proposed analogy-based method bring diversity and are helpful in analysing the specific disease or in text classification.

How is children’s learning experience affected by instructions being given by a human-looking AI instructor instead of a human instructor? / Hur påverkas barns lärandeupplevelse av instruktioner som ges av en mänsklig AI-instruktör istället för en människa?

Tällberg, Kajsa, Morelius, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Our society is becoming more and more digital and the outbreak of COVID-19 has stressed this process even more. Thus, the need for online teaching and learning has increased and many new advancements in technology have been made. These advancements have enabled the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and recent years have consequently witnessed increased attention to the use of AI for educational experiences, not least in K-12 schools. However, today little is known about how students perceive AI-based teaching which makes this area interesting to explore further. This study investigated childrens’ perception and learning experience of videos of a human-looking AI instructor, in comparison to videos of a human instructor. If there would appear to be no negative effects on childrens’ learning experience of an AI instructor, this could be used as a basis for developing the growing field of online education applications for children. The study has undertaken a case study approach. Data were collected through user tests and interviews with six children. The respondents were given video instructions by an AI generated instructor and a human instructor in order to evaluate how their perceived learning experience differs between these two. Primary findings indicate that the respondents notice only small differences between the two instructors. However, the answers from the respondents were very diverse, indicating that some respondents preferred the AI instructor while some preferred the human instructor. A lot of interesting findings, such as that children do not seem to be very observant with small malfunctions, are being discussed, indicating that children's learning experience might at least not be negatively affected by an human-looking AI instructor instead of a human instructor. / Vårt samhälle blir allt mer digitaliserat och utbrottet av COVID-19 har påskyndat denna utveckling ännu mer. Således har behovet av onlineundervisning ökat, och likaså har många nya framsteg inom tekniken gjorts. Dessa framsteg har sedan möjliggjort användningen av artificiell intelligens (AI), och följaktligen har man på senare år sett en ökad uppmärksamhet kring användningen av AI inom utbildning, särskilt i grundskolor. Idag är det dock relativt outforskat hur elever uppfattar AI-baserad undervisning vilket gör detta område intressant att utforska vidare I denna studie undersöks barns uppfattning och lärandeupplevelse av videor med en AI-instruktör med mänskligt utseende i jämförelse med videor med en riktig mänsklig instruktör. Om det inte verkar finnas några negativa effekter på barns lärandeupplevelse av en AI-instruktör kan detta användas som en grund för att utveckla det växande området för onlineutbildning applikationer för barn. Studien genomfördes genom en fallstudie. Data samlades in genom användartester och intervjuer med sex barn. Respondenterna fick videoinstruktioner av en AI-genererad instruktör och en mänsklig instruktör för att utvärdera hur deras upplevda lärandeupplevelse skiljer sig mellan dessa två. Resultatet visade på att deltagarna märkte även små skillnader mellan de två instruktörerna. Svaren från deltagarna varierade dock mycket och antyder att vissa deltagare föredrog AI-instruktören medan andra föredrog mänskliga instruktören. Många intressanta insikter diskuteras i denna studie, t.ex., att barn tenderar att inte vara så observanta på små felfunktioner, vilket indikerar på att barns lärandeupplevelse åtminstone inte verkar påverkas negativt av en AI-instruktör med mänskligt utseende istället för en människa.

Förklarbar AI och transparens i AI system för SMEs / Explainable AI and transparency in AI systems for SMEs

Malmfors, Hilda, Beronius, Herman January 2024 (has links)
The study examines how explainable AI (XAI), and transparency can increase trust and facilitate the adoption of AI technologies within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These businesses face significant challenges in integrating AI due to limited technical expertise and resources. The purpose of the study is to explore how XAI could bridge the gap between complex AI models and human understanding, thereby enhancing trust and operational efficiency.   The research methodology includes a case study with a literature review and expert interviews. The literature review provides background and context for the research question, while the expert interviews gather insights from employees in various roles and with different levels of experience within the participating SMEs. This approach offers a comprehensive understanding of the current state of AI adoption and the perceived importance of XAI and transparency.   The results indicate a significant knowledge gap among SME employees regarding AI technologies, with many expressing a lack of familiarity and trust. However, there is strong consensus on the importance of transparency and explainability in AI systems. Participants noted that XAI could significantly improve trust and acceptance of AI technologies by making AI decisions more understandable and transparent. Specific benefits identified include better decision support, increased operational efficiency, and enhanced customer confidence.   The study concludes that XAI and transparency are crucial for building trust and facilitating the adoption of AI technologies in SMEs. By making AI systems more comprehensible, XAI addresses the challenges posed by limited technical expertise and promotes broader acceptance of AI. The research emphasizes the need for continuous education and clear communication strategies to improve AI understanding among stakeholders within SMEs.   To enhance transparency and user trust in AI systems, SMEs should prioritize the integration of XAI frameworks. It is essential to develop user-centered tools that provide clear explanations of AI decisions and to invest in ongoing education and training programs. Additionally, a company culture that values transparency and ethical AI practices would further support the successful adoption of AI technologies. The study contributes to the ongoing discourse on AI adoption in SMEs by providing empirical evidence on the role of XAI in building trust and improving transparency. It offers practical recommendations for SMEs to effectively leverage AI technologies while ensuring ethical and transparent AI practices in line with regulatory requirements and societal expectations. / Studien undersöker hur förklarbar AI (XAI) och transparens kan öka förtroendet och underlätta införandet av AI-teknologier inom små och medelstora företag (SME). Dessa företag står inför betydande utmaningar vid integrationen av AI på grund av begränsad teknisk expertis och resurser. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur XAI kan överbrygga klyftan mellan komplexa AI-modeller och mänsklig förståelse, vilket i sin tur främjar förtroende och operationell effektivitet.   Forskningsmetodiken inkluderar en fallstudie med en litteraturöversikt och expertintervjuer. Litteraturöversikten ger bakgrund och kontext till forskningsfrågan, medan expertintervjuerna samlar insikter från anställda i olika roller och med olika erfarenhetsnivåer i de deltagande SMEs. Detta tillvägagångssätt gav en omfattande förståelse av det nuvarande tillståndet för AI adoption och den upplevda vikten av XAI och transparens.   Resultaten visar på en betydande kunskapslucka bland SME-anställda när det gäller AI teknologier, med många som uttrycker en brist på bekantskap och förtroende. Det råder dock stark enighet om vikten av transparens och förklarbarhet i AI-system. Deltagarna angav att XAI avsevärt kunde förbättra förtroendet och acceptansen av AI-teknologier genom att göra AI beslut mer förståeliga och transparenta. Specifika fördelar som identifierades inkluderar bättre beslutsstöd, ökad operationell effektivitet och ökat kundförtroende.   Studien drar slutsatsen att XAI och transparens är avgörande för att skapa förtroende och underlätta införandet av AI-teknologier i SME. Genom att göra AI-system mer förståeliga adresserar XAI utmaningarna med begränsad teknisk expertis och främjar en bredare acceptans av AI. Forskningen understryker behovet av kontinuerlig utbildning och tydliga kommunikationsstrategier för att förbättra AI-förståelsen bland intressenter inom SME.   För att öka transparensen och användarförtroendet i AI-system bör SME prioritera integrationen av XAI-ramverk. Det är viktigt att utveckla användarcentrerade verktyg som ger tydliga förklaringar av AI-beslut och att investera i kontinuerliga utbildnings- och träningsprogram. Dessutom kommer en organisationskultur som värderar transparens och etiska AI-praktiker ytterligare stödja det framgångsrika införandet av AI-teknologier. Studien bidrar till den pågående diskursen om AI-adoption i SME genom att tillhandahålla empiriska bevis på rollenav XAI i att bygga förtroende och förbättra transparens. Den erbjuder praktiska rekommendationer för SME att effektivt utnyttja AI-teknologier, och säkerställa etiska och transparenta AI-praktiker som är i linje med regulatoriska krav och samhälleliga förväntningar.

Swedish Digital Marketers Utilization of AI Tools : A Qualitative Study on how AI Tools are Used and What the Limitations are for Swedish Digital Marketers.

Kurman, Rasmus, Blom, Benjamin January 2024 (has links)
This study examined how Swedish digital marketers use AI and its impact on their workflow, as well as the limitations of adopting AI for digital marketing. Semi-structured interviews were performed with Swedish digital marketing professionals, and a thematic analysis was conducted to identify themes and patterns that appeared in the data collection.  The software used by participants varied, but all seven utilized ChatGPT. Five used Google Ads and Google Analytics, three used Adobe software (including Adobe Firefly and Photoshop), and two used Midjourney. Other software was also used independently by participants. The findings indicate that AI has enhanced perceived productivity and proved valuable to marketers. Those who employed AI technology reported more effective work sessions and shorter work completion times. However, the study also identified significant limitations of AI in digital marketing. These limitations include AI's inability to match human creativity, which limits the development of creative brand storylines, campaign designs, and content production. Additionally, issues with the tone and accuracy of generative AI content highlight the need to maintain authenticity and reliability in marketing communications. Marketers expressed concerns about the accuracy and quality of AI-generated information and sought clearer guidelines and regulations regarding the use of AI tools.

Natural language processing (NLP) in Artificial Intelligence (AI): a functional linguistic perspective

Panesar, Kulvinder 07 October 2020 (has links)
Yes / This chapter encapsulates the multi-disciplinary nature that facilitates NLP in AI and reports on a linguistically orientated conversational software agent (CSA) (Panesar 2017) framework sensitive to natural language processing (NLP), language in the agent environment. We present a novel computational approach of using the functional linguistic theory of Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) as the linguistic engine. Viewing language as action, utterances change the state of the world, and hence speakers and hearer’s mental state change as a result of these utterances. The plan-based method of discourse management (DM) using the BDI model architecture is deployed, to support a greater complexity of conversation. This CSA investigates the integration, intersection and interface of the language, knowledge, speech act constructions (SAC) as a grammatical object, and the sub-model of BDI and DM for NLP. We present an investigation into the intersection and interface between our linguistic and knowledge (belief base) models for both dialogue management and planning. The architecture has three-phase models: (1) a linguistic model based on RRG; (2) Agent Cognitive Model (ACM) with (a) knowledge representation model employing conceptual graphs (CGs) serialised to Resource Description Framework (RDF); (b) a planning model underpinned by BDI concepts and intentionality and rational interaction; and (3) a dialogue model employing common ground. Use of RRG as a linguistic engine for the CSA was successful. We identify the complexity of the semantic gap of internal representations with details of a conceptual bridging solution.

A State-of-the-Art Artificial intelligence model for Infectious Disease Outbreak Prediction. Infectious disease outbreak have been predicted in England and Wales using Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, and Fast Fourier Transform for COVID-19.

Fayad, Moataz B.M. January 2023 (has links)
The pandemic produced by the COVID-19 virus has resulted in an estimated 6.4 million deaths worldwide and a rise in unemployment rates, notably in the UK. Healthcare monitoring systems encounter several obstacles when regulating and anticipating epidemics. The study aims to present the AF-HIDOP model, an artificial neural network Fast Fourier Transform hybrid technique, for the early identification and prediction of the risk of Covid-19 spreading within a specific time and region. The model consists of the following five stages: 1) Data collection and preprocessing from reliable sources; 2) Optimal machine learning algorithm selection, with the Random Forest tree (RF) classifier achieving 94.4% accuracy; 3) Dimensionality reduction utilising principal components analysis (PCA) to optimise the impact of the data volume; 4) Predicting case numbers utilising an artificial neural network model, with 52% accuracy; 5) Enhancing accuracy by incorporating Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) feature extraction and ANN, resulting in 91% accuracy for multi-level spread risk classification. The AF-HIDOP model provides prediction accuracy ranging from moderate to high, addressing issues in healthcare-based datasets and costs of computing, and may have potential uses in monitoring and managing infectious disease epidemics.

Deep Learning for the Automation of Embryo Selection in an In Vitro Fertilization Laboratory

Paya Bosch, Elena 19 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] La aplicación de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en reproducción asistida aborda el complejo panorama de la infertilidad, una patología prevalente que afecta a un porcentaje significativo de la población en edad reproductiva. Los avances en medicina reproductiva, marcados por hitos como la fecundación in vitro (FIV) y la microinyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides (ICSI), han dado lugar al desarrollo de técnicas de reproducción asistida (TRA). Aunque la transferencia múltiple de embriones (MET) se ha empleado tradicionalmente para aumentar las posibilidades de embarazo, conlleva riesgos. Por ello, las técnicas de selección embrionaria han despertado un creciente interés. La introducción de incubadores con tecnología time-lapse permitió analizar embriones sin alterar las condiciones de cultivo y supuso la introducción de los primeros algoritmos de selección embrionaria. En consecuencia, desarrollar e incluir enfoques de IA es el reto actual. Esta tesis aborda retos del mundo real en el campo de la embriología mediante la aplicación de métodos de aprendizaje profundo. El objetivo final es diseñar, desarrollar y validar herramientas que apoyen la rutina diaria en un laboratorio de FIV, mejorando en última instancia las tasas de éxito en las clínicas de reproducción asistida. La complejidad de las tareas resueltas aumenta sistemáticamente, proporcionando un conocimiento consistente basado en la embriología. Los objetivos específicos consisten en resolver tareas concretas con diferentes metodologías y explorar técnicas novedosas de IA. Las tareas incluyen la fecundación, la viabilidad, la calidad y la predicción de euploides. Los enfoques técnicos abarcan la automatización, segmentación, aprendizaje contrastivo supervisado y técnicas de transferencia inductiva. Los resultados contribuyen al campo de la embriología, mostrando aplicaciones potenciales de metodologías innovadoras de IA. Los objetivos futuros introducen una integración coherente en los laboratorios de embriología, teniendo en cuenta las condiciones clínicas reales, contribuir a mejorar las tasas de éxito en las clínicas de reproducción asistida, y explorar en mayor profundidad técnicas no-invasivas para el análisis genético. / [CA] L'aplicació de la intel·ligència artificial (IA) en reproducció assistida aborda el complex panorama de la infertilitat, una patologia prevalent que afecta un percentatge significatiu de la població en edat reproductiva. Els avanços en medicina reproductiva, marcats per fites com la fecundació in vitro (FIV) i la microinjecció intracitoplasmàtica d'espermatozoides (ICSI), han donat lloc al desenvolupament de tècniques de reproducció assistida (TRA). Encara que la transferència múltiple d'embrions (MET) s'ha emprat tradicionalment per a augmentar les possibilitats d'embaràs, comporta riscos. Per això, les tècniques de selecció embrionària han despertat un creixent interés. La introducció d'incubadors amb tecnologia time-lapse va permetre analitzar embrions sense alterar les condicions de cultiu i va suposar la introducció dels primers algorismes de selecció embrionària. En conseqüència, desenvolupar i incloure enfocaments de IA és el repte actual. Esta tesi aborda reptes del món real en el camp de l'embriologia mitjançant l'aplicació de mètodes d'aprenentatge profund. L'objectiu final és dissenyar, desenvolupar i validar eines que donen suport a la rutina diària en un laboratori de FIV, millorant en última instància les taxes d'èxit en les clíniques de reproducció assistida. La complexitat de les tasques resoltes augmenta sistemàticament, proporcionant un coneixement consistent basat en l'embriologia. Els objectius específics consistixen a resoldre tasques concretes amb diferents metodologies i explorar tècniques noves de IA. Les tasques inclouen la fecundació, la viabilitat, la qualitat i la predicció d'euploides. Els enfocaments tècnics inclouen automatització, segmentació, aprenentatge contrastiu supervisat i tècniques de transferència inductiva. Els resultats contribuïxen al camp de l'embriologia, mostrant aplicacions potencials de metodologies innovadores de IA. Els objectius futurs introduïxen una integració coherent en els laboratoris d'embriologia, tenint en compte les condicions clíniques reals, contribuir a millorar les taxes d'èxit en les clíniques de reproducció assistida, i explorar en major profunditat tècniques no-invasives per a l'anàlisi genètica / [EN] The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in assisted reproduction addresses the complex landscape of infertility, a prevalent condition affecting a significant percentage of the reproductive-age population. Advances in reproductive medicine, marked by milestones such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm microinjection (ICSI), have led to the development of assisted reproduction techniques (ART). While multiple embryo transfer (MET) has traditionally been employed to increase pregnancy chances, it carries risks. Therefore, embryo selection techniques have suffered a rapid increase in interest. The introduction of incubators with time-lapse technology allowed embryo analysis without disturbing culture conditions and involved the introduction of the first embryo selection algorithms. Consequently, developing and including AI approaches is the current challenge. This thesis addresses real-world challenges in the embryology field by applying deep learning methods. The final goal is to design, develop, and validate tools that support the daily routine in an IVF laboratory, ultimately improving success rates in assisted reproductive clinics. The complexity of the solved tasks increases systematically, providing consistent knowledge based on embryology. Specific goals involve solving concrete tasks with different methodologies and exploring novel AI techniques. The tasks include fecundation, viability, quality, and prediction of euploid embryos. The technical approaches encompass automation, segmentation, supervised contrastive learning, and inductive transfer techniques. The findings contribute to the field of embryology, showcasing potential applications of innovative AI methodologies. Future goals introduce consistent integration into embryology laboratories, taking into account real clinical conditions, contributing to improved success rates in assisted reproduction clinics, and further exploring non-invasive techniques for genetic analysis. / Paya Bosch, E. (2024). Deep Learning for the Automation of Embryo Selection in an In Vitro Fertilization Laboratory [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206839

An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing User Adoption of AI-Enabled Chatbots for the Healthcare Disease Diagnosis

Saram, Tharindu January 2024 (has links)
In healthcare, the rising demand for medical services, compounded by a shortage of professionals, presents significant challenges. To address these issues, the healthcare industry has turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance various services such as disease diagnosis, medical imaging interpretation, clinical laboratory tasks, screenings, and health communications. By offering real-time, human-like interactions, AI-driven chatbots facilitate access to healthcare information and services, aiding symptom analysis and providing preliminary disease information before professional consultations. This initiative aims not only to reduce healthcare costs but also to enhance patient access to medical data. Despite their growing popularity, AI-enabled chatbots or conversational agents chatbots in the healthcare disease diagnosis domain continue to encounter obstacles such as a limited user adoption and integration into healthcare systems. This study addresses a gap in the existing literature on the adoption of AI enabled healthcare disease diagnosis chatbots by analysing the elements that influence users' behavioural intention to utilize AI-enabled disease diagnosis chatbots. Employing the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) as a theoretical framework, this quantitative study began with exploratory research to define its scope and context, followed by a survey of 130 participants. The study utilized multiple linear regression and Pearson correlation analysis to evaluate the data. The outcomes suggest that performance expectancy, habits, social influence, and trust significantly associated with the individuals’ behavioural intentions to use AI-enabled chatbots for disease diagnosis. The results of this study reveal that performance expectancy, habits, social influence, and trust significant association with intention to use AI-enabled chatbots for disease diagnosis. The outcomes of this study contribute to existing knowledge in information systems, particularly identifying key factors that boost user adoption of AI-enabled chatbot applications for disease diagnosis. These insights can guide system designers, developers, marketers, and promotors involved in developing, revamping, and promoting chatbot applications, considering the influential factors discovered in this research, thereby increasing the usage of chatbot apps. Furthermore, the research model developed here could serve as a valuable model for future studies on disease diagnostic chatbot applications.

AI–Driven Operational Efficiency & AI Adoption in Real Estate in Sweden / AI–driven operationell effektivitet och AI adoptering inom fastighetsbranschen i Sverige

Tayefeh, Sam, Niklasson, Anton January 2024 (has links)
Artificial intelligence (AI) has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, influencing the majority of industry sectors worldwide with its automation, generative, and analytical abilities. However, the real estate industry has been slow to adapt compared to others. This cautious approach is due to worries about costs, integrating new systems, and keeping data secure. As a result, real estate firms often take their time to adapt to these changes in a rapidly evolving market.  This study investigates the challenges and opportunities for the use of AI in Sweden’s real estate market. It is a qualitative research based on existing literature and interviews with representatives from 11 well-known Swedish companies connected to the real estate industry in different ways. The collected data provides an overview of the present level of AI application, outlining both the challenges that the industry faces and the opportunity for technological adaptation. The study dives deeper into these integration problems, highlighting important roadblocks such as cultural skepticism, reluctance to change, and worries about data protection. These issues highlight the complexity of incorporating new technologies into traditional real estate procedures, emphasizing the need for a nuanced approach to technology adoption.  Several strategic recommendations are made, including encouraging strategic collaborations, instituting strong data security measures, and undertaking ongoing training programs to improve workforce proficiency. These measures are intended to make AI integration more seamless and to fully realize its potential in the industry. Overall, the thesis argues that AI can improve the operational efficiency of Sweden’s real estate market. However, attaining its full potential necessitates overcoming the hurdles by strategic interventions and cultural changes. / Artificiell intelligens (AI) har blivit mycket populärt de senaste åren och påverkar de flesta branscher globalt med sina automatiserings-, generativa och analytiska förmågor. Fastighetsbranschen har dock varit långsam med att anpassa sig jämfört med andra. Denna försiktiga inställning beror på oro för kostnader, integrering av nya system och datasäkerhet. Som ett resultat tar fastighetsföretag ofta lång tid på sig att anpassa sig till dessa förändringar i en snabbt föränderlig marknad.  Denna studie undersöker utmaningarna och möjligheterna för användning av AI på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Studien är en kvalitativ forskning baserad på befintlig litteratur och intervjuer med representanter från elva välkända svenska företag kopplade till fastighetsbranschen på olika sätt. Den data som samlats in ger en översikt över den nuvarande nivån av AI-tillämpning och beskriver både de utmaningar som branschen står inför och de möjligheter som finns för teknologisk anpassning. Studien fördjupar sig i dessa integrationsproblem och lyfter fram hinder som kulturell skepsis, mot-vilja mot förändring och oro över dataskydd. Dessa hinder belyser komplexiteten i att införliva ny teknik i traditionella fastighetsprocesser, vilket betonar behovet av ett nyanserat förhållningssätt till teknikanvändning. Flera strategiska rekommendationer ges, inklusive att uppmuntra strategiska samarbeten, införa starka dataskyddsåtgärder och genomföra pågående utbildningsprogram för att förbättra arbetskraftens kompetens. Dessa åtgärder syftar till att göra AI-integration mer smidig och att fullt ut realisera dess potential i branschen. Sammanfattningsvis landar studien i att AI kan förbättra den operativa effektiviteten på Sveriges fastighetsmarknad. Att uppnå dess fulla potential kräver dock att man övervinner de nämnda hindren genom strategiska insatser och kulturella förändringar.

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