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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Millennial-scale variations of the intermediate water circulation in the Indian Ocean since the last glacial period inferred from assemblages and geochemistry of benthic foraminifera. / Variations à l’échelle millénaire de la circulation intermédiaire dans l’océan Indien depuis la dernière période glaciaire reconstruites d’après les assemblages et la géochimie des foraminifères benthiques.

Ma, Ruifang 10 July 2019 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de reconstituer l'évolution de la circulation intermédiaire depuis la dernière période glaciaire à partir de carottes de sédiments marins prélevées dans le golfe du Bengale GB, la Mer d’Arabie MA et l’océan Indien équatorial oriental OIEO. La stratégie scientifique mise en œuvre inclut l’étude des assemblages et de la géochimie des foraminifères benthiques, afin de reconstruire les changements de source et de ventilation des masses d’eau. Les résultats obtenus dans le GB ont permis de restituer les changements hydrologiques à profondeur intermédiaire à haute résolution temporelle au cours des derniers 40 ka. Les enregistrements témoignent de changements dans la source des masses d’eau, entre l’Océan austral avec les eaux antarctiques intermédiaires AAIW et les eaux Nord Atlantique NADW, à l’échelle glaciaire-interglaciaire mais aussi lors des événements millénaires. Ce travail a aussi permis de fournir les premiers enregistrements à haute résolution temporelle des rapports élémentaires des foraminifères benthiques (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca et Li/Ca) dans le GB et en MA. Ces résultats permettent notamment de mieux contraindre la pénétration des AAIW vers le nord depuis la dernière période glaciaire. La reconstruction de la concentration en ion carbonate permet également de discuter des relations entre les variations de la circulation intermédiaire et les changements profonds du cycle du Carbone à l’échelle globale, notamment via les échanges se produisant dans l’Océan Austral. Nous avons également fourni dans ce travail les premiers enregistrements de Cd/Ca et de Ba/Ca continus et à haute résolution dans le nord de l’océan Indien, pour reconstituer les modifications passées de la teneur en éléments nutritifs. Les enregistrements géochimiques dans l’OIEO témoignent de profonds changements des propriétés des masses d'eau intermédiaires, associées aux changements de circulation. / The main objective of this study was to reconstruct the evolution of the intermediate water circulation since the last glacial period by the investigation of marine cores collected from the Bay of Bengal (BoB), Arabian Sea (AS) and Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO). The scientific strategy involves benthic foraminiferal assemblages and geochemical proxies to better constrain past changes in the source and ventilation of water masses. Records from the BoB allowed reconstructing hydrological changes at intermediate depth over the last 40 cal kyr. The records highlight changes in the source of water masses, with a balance between the contribution of southern Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) versus North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) at glacial-interglacial timescale as well as during millennial events. This work also provided the first high-resolution benthic foraminifera elemental ratio records (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca and Li/Ca) from the BoB and the AS. These records especially help to better constrain the northward penetration of AAIW over the last glacial period. The reconstruction of the carbonate ion concentration allowed to discuss the relationships between the intermediate water circulation and deep changes in the global Carbon cycle, with a special interest for the Southern Ocean. This work also provides the first continuous and high-resolution benthic Cd/Ca and Ba/Ca records in the northern Indian Ocean, could reconstruct past changes in the nutrient content. Geochemical records from the EEIO exhibit strong changes in the chemical properties of the intermediate water masses, related to global circulation changes in the area.

Scale-Dependent Environmental Influences on Linked Mussel-Fish Assemblages in Big Darby Creek, OH

Bey, Clarissa Rachel January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Lithologic heterogeneity of the Eagle Ford Formation, South Texas

Ergene, Suzan Muge 04 September 2014 (has links)
Grain assemblages in organic-rich mudrocks of the Eagle Ford Formation of South Texas are assessed to determine the relative contributions of intra- and extrabasinal sediment sources, with the ultimate goal of producing data of relevance to prediction of diagenetic pathways. Integrated light microscopy, BSE imaging, and X-ray mapping reveal a mixed grain assemblage of calcareous allochems, biosiliceous grains (radiolaria), quartz, feldspar, lithics, and clay minerals. Dominant fossils are pelagic and benthic foraminifers and thin-walled and prismatic mollusks; echinoderms, calcispheres, and oysters are present. Early-formed authigenic minerals, including calcite, kaolinite, dolomite, albite, pyrite, quartz, and Ca-phosphate, some reworked, add to the overall lithologic heterogeneity. Point counting of images produced using energy-dispersive X-ray mapping in the SEM provides observations at a scale appropriate to classifying the mudrocks based on the composition of the grain assemblage, although grains and other crystals of clay-size cannot be fully characterized even with the SEM. Each sample is plotted on a triangle, whose vertices correspond to terrigenous and volcanic grains (extrabasinal components), calcareous allochems, and biosiliceous grains. As a subequal mix of grains of intrabasinal and extrabasinal origins the detrital grain assemblage of the Eagle Ford, presents a formidable challenge to the task of lithologic classification of this unit, as neither conventional limestone nor sandstone classifications can be readily applied. The abundant marine skeletal debris in the Eagle Ford is accompanied by abundant calcite cementation and the dissolution and replacement of biosiliceous debris is accompanied by authigenic quartz, suggesting that mudrock grain classification has potential for yielding diagenetic predictions. / text

Ruine des structures aéronautiques rivetées aux chargements de type explosion ou pression dynamique

Langrand, Bertrand 07 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le contexte des travaux concerne la vulnérabilité des structures aéronautiques face aux explosions. Reprenant le scénario de la ruine d'un fuselage lors d'un attentat à la bombe, trois axes de recherches concourent à la problématique posée dans le mémoire. Le premier est lié au chargement dynamique résultant de l'explosion d'un engin dans le fuselage de l'appareil. Le deuxième et le troisième concernent les assemblages, dont on cherche à caractériser et modéliser le comportement et la rupture sous chargements dynamiques. Concernant le chargement structural de type pression dynamique, une recherche appliquée vise à valider des méthodes d'interaction couplées fluide/structure pour mesurer l'onde de souffle, à développer d'autres méthodes d'interaction découplées fluide/structure pour permettre l'analyse de structures complètes et complexes, et à développer une méthode numérique pour le couplage d'une structure immergée dans un fluide. Dans le domaine de la caractérisation des assemblages pour le calcul des structures, la recherche expérimentale et numérique consiste à développer de nouvelles méthodes expérimentales fondées sur des essais normalisés permettant d'analyser le comportement et la rupture des fixations en modes pures et mixtes de traction/cisaillement pour des vitesses de déplacement quasi-statique et dynamique, et une méthode numérique alternative dite plan d'expérience numérique (ou 'virtual testing') pour étudier un assemblage depuis le procédé de rivetage, jusqu'à sa tenue dynamique. Enfin, une recherche fondamentale vise à améliorer la modélisation des assemblages en calcul de structures. Pour les fixations, un modèle au comportement non-linéaire reposant sur une formulation hybride est développé. Pour les tôles perforées, un modèle et un critère de rupture sont présentés, une approche multi-échelle et un élément fini hybride sont développés.

Contribution à la recherche de spécifications pour la gestion des variations géométriques au plus tôt dans le cycle de conception

Costadoat, Renaud 08 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés proposent une méthode appelée GeoSpecif. L'objectif de cette méthode est de proposer une assistance à la recherche de spécifications géométriques. Cette méthode doit, de plus, s'intégrer au cycle de conception. Ces travaux sur la spécification sont basés sur deux outils : le Torseur des Petits Déplacements, pour la simulation, le langage GeoSpelling, pour l'expression de la spécification. Le produit est modélisé par deux vues, une première géométrique (correspondant aux pièces) et une seconde architecturale (correspondant à l'assemblage). La méthode peut être décomposée en plusieurs étapes : éprouver le mécanisme nominal afin de vérifier la robustesse de la conception, générer une architecture avec défauts afin de trouver des solutions pour gérer les mécanismes hyperstatiques, mettre en place une spécification, sur les éléments influents, exprimée dans le langage GeoSpelling. Un mécanisme industriel a servi d'application à ces résultats, il s'agit d'un manchon d'hélicoptère Eurocopter®. La méthode permet ainsi de passer d'une simulation des variations géométriques des pièces grâce à l'outil Torseur des Petits Déplacements à une spécification exprimée dans le langage GeoSpelling. Elle peut être appliquée sur toute sorte de mécanisme hyperstatique, sans changer son comportement, grâce à l'introduction des interfaces à l'issue de la définition de la séquence de mise en position. Elle propose une assistance au concepteur à toutes les étapes de la conception. La spécification qui résulte de la simulation est, grâce à cette méthode, plus proche du besoin fonctionnel des pièces.

Tolérancement flexible d'assemblages de grandes structures aéronautiques / Flexible tolerancing of large aeronautical structures assemblies

Stricher, Alain 08 February 2013 (has links)
Comme son nom l'indique, le tolérancement flexible a pour objectif de tenir compte de la souplesse des pièces dans un processus de tolérancement. Il permet d'évaluer les défauts géométriques admissibles par des critères aussi bien géométriques que mécaniques. Ces travaux abordent en premier lieu l'élaboration de modèles adéquats permettant de prédire le comportement mécanique d'un assemblage de grandes pièces relativement souples lorsqu'elles sont sujettes à des défauts géométriques issues du procédé de fabrication. Une méthode a alors été proposée pour y implémenter des variations géométriques aléatoires réalistes vis-à-vis de ces hypothétiques défauts géométriques. Pour simuler les opérations d'assemblage, le phénomène de contact unilatéral et les variations de rigidité dues aux variabilités géométriques ont été prises en compte. En fonction de ces hypothèses, les stratégies d'analyse de tolérance avec Monte Carlo ou la méthode des coefficients d'influence ont été comparées afin de choisir celle minimisant les coûts de calcul tout en conservant la justesse des résultats. Finalement, ces travaux s'achèvent sur une étude de cas industriel : un treillis supportant des équipements sous le plancher du fuselage d'un Airbus A350. / As indicated by its name, the purpose of flexible tolerancing is to take into account the flexibility of the parts in a tolerancing process. It allows to evaluate the permissibles geometrical defects by both geometrical and mechanical criteria. These works deal first with the elaboration of a model able to predict the mechanical behaviour of an assembly of larges and flexibles parts which are suject to geometrical defects induced by their manufacturing process. A method has thus been suggested in order to implement geometrical variations which are realistic according to these hypothetical geometrical defects. To simulate the assembling process, the unilateral contact phenomenon and the stiffness variations induced by the geometrical variability have been taken into account. Depending on these assumptions, some strategies of tolerance analysis with Monte Carlo or the method of influence coefficients have been compared in order to choose the one minimizing the computational costs while maintaining the accuracy of the results. Finally, these works are completed with an industrial study case: a truss supporting equipments and hanging under the fuselage floor of an Airbus A350.

Srovnání přirozených a člověkem ovlivněných společenstev měkkýšů obce Krasíkov a jeho využití při výuce biologie / Comparison of Natural and Human-influenced Malacocenoses of the Krasíkov Village

Šiřinová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to compare natural and human-influenced malacocenoses in the vicinity of the villages Krasíkov and Domaslav in the district of Tachov, Czech Republic. Inventory research was conducted between 2012 and 2013. A total of 36 gastropod species were found, and a total of 1088 snail shells were collected. On some of the surveyed sites (the farm Krasíkov, Domaslav, the pond near Ovčí vrch) the influence of anthropic stress is evident. Four species found during this study are also listed in the Red List of Threatened Species of the Czech Republic (Aegopinella nitidula, Balea perversa, Ena montana, Vertigo pusilla). Based on the results of the research, two variants of the didactic use of a such malacological research were created in the teaching of natural science and biology. Keywords: Mollusca, Gastropoda, malacocenosis, species diversity, ecology of mollusk assemblages, Krasíkov.

“A house recommended”: the sensory archaeology of sexuality, embodiment, and creation of space in a mid-nineteenth-century brothel in Boston, Massachusetts

Luiz, Jade Whitney 15 November 2018 (has links)
Few verifiable first-hand accounts of the lives of past sex workers exist. What, then, were their daily lives like? Can archaeology assist us in understanding the daily lived experiences of sex workers, brothel managers, and visitors to the brothel? Despite excellent research in this subject, archaeologists have yet to adequately address the daily lived experiences within sites of prostitution. Using artifacts collected from the privy feature of the 27/29 Endicott Street house lot in Boston’s North End neighborhood, this dissertation examines the relationships among embodiment (or the exterior and interior experiences of the body), sensual experience, and identity through analysis of “assemblages of practice,” or artifacts used together to accomplish specific projects in everyday life (e.g., personal grooming, presentation of self, dining, place-making). Employing theories of embodiment and an archaeology of the senses, my study of the Endicott Street collection contributes a new methodological and theoretical framework for studying the archaeology of prostitution across time, space, and culture. Through the analysis of household artifacts such as teawares and lighting, geographic location in the city, and historical crime reports, I determined that the brothel environment was constructed both to avoid police notice and to provide an atmosphere of genteel anonymity to its customers. Likewise, the embodied experiences of women working here were as much a part of the brothel’s economy as were services offered in addition to sex. Artifact and documentary evidence suggests that the closing of the brothel and the filling of the brothel privy appear to signify the end of financial prosperity at the property. Ultimately, this dissertation finds that the practice of nineteenth-century sex work involved a careful construction of fantasy for brothel customers, and that this fantasy had the potential to provide financial stability and security for the madam of the establishment, if not for the women working as prostitutes.

A ictiofauna do estuário do rio Itanhaém, SP, Brasil: dinâmica espaço-temporal e aspectos biológicos das espécies principais / Itanhaém River Estuary, SP, Brazil: Spatial and seasonal changes in fish assemblages and biological aspects of the principal species

Louro, Monica Ponz 03 September 2007 (has links)
O Rio Itanhaém, localizado na planície costeira de Itanhaém faz parte de importante bacia hidrográfica do sul do Estado de São Paulo. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: identificar a composição e abundância da fauna de peixes deste estuário, verificando suas variações espaço-temporais em relação às variáveis ambientais, bem como caracterizar os estratos populacionais das principais espécies ali presentes quanto a sua estrutura e alimentação. Entre maio/2002 e abril/2003 foram realizados doze arrastos mensais, de 10 minutos de duração, com a utilização de rede de pesca de portas para arrastos de fundo em três diferentes áreas no interior do estuário de Rio Itanhaém (A3, A2, A1) e um arrasto na região marinha adjacente à boca do rio (EXT). Nas áreas internas do rio, foram obtidos dados ambientais sobre profundidade, temperatura, transparência e salinidade da água e colhidas amostras d?água e de sedimento para obtenção de dados sobre oxigênio dissolvido, pH, matéria orgânica e composição do sedimento. Após a identificação das espécies, de cada exemplar de peixe foram obtidos dados sobre comprimento, massa corpórea, sexo e estádio de maturidade gonadal, e reservado seu estômago para estudos sobre alimentação. A fauna foi estudada através das variações espaço-temporais da abundância em número e em massa, de índices ecológicos de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener (H?), eqüitatividade de Pielou (J?), riqueza de espécies (S) e riqueza de Margalef (d) e análises de classificação (TWINSPAN) e de ordenação (MDS). Para evidenciar quais dados ambientais explicariam as variações espaço-temporais da fauna, foi aplicado o método estatístico BIO-ENV. As espécies principais do estuário foram identificadas através de um indicador de importância relativa baseado nos valores de freqüências de ocorrência, numérica e em massa. Cinco espécies foram analisadas com relação à distribuição de comprimento, proporção sexual e entre indivíduos em diferentes estádios de maturidade gonadal, e com relação à composição de suas dietas. O estuário sofre influência da ação da maré durante os meses de inverno e primavera, com salinidade alta e temperaturas variáveis, e é regido pelo fluxo de água doce do rio durante verão/outono, com o aumento das chuvas. Foram coletadas 53 espécies de peixes caracteristicamente marinhas, totalizando 13.802 exemplares e uma massa total de 210.662,2g. Nenhuma espécie de água doce foi registrada. Oito espécies compuseram 86% da captura em número e 87,4% em massa, porém a dominância do bagre Genidens genidens foi evidente. Com relação aos índices ecológicos, diferenças significativas foram encontradas apenas para os valores de riqueza e riqueza de Margalef, com maiores valores obtidos para a área EXT e A2. A análise de classificação TWINSPAN identificou dois grupos de amostras e dois de espécies que se formaram pelas diferenças espaciais entre a fauna da área marinha externa ao estuário (EXT) e as áreas internas (A1, A2 e A3). A análise sobre ordenação MDS evidenciou três grupos de amostras diferentes: G1 ? amostras da área mais interna (A3) e da intermedária (A2) na época de verão/outono; G2 ? amostras da área mais próxima ao mar (A1) e as de inverno/primavera da área intermediária A2; e G3 ? poucas amostras marcadas pela dominância do linguado Achirus linaetus na proximidade do mar. Os valores de correlações entre variáveis ambientais e a fauna foram baixos, porém o conjunto de variáveis: temperatura e pH de superfície, porcentagem de areia no sedimento, foi aquele que melhor explicou as variações na fauna. As espécies principais no estuário foram Genidens genidens, G. barbus, Bairdiella ronchus, Achirus lineatus e Trinectes paulistanus. Enquanto Bairdiella ronchus e Achirus lineatus mostraram formas adultas no interior do estuário, os bagres Genidens genidens, G. barbus, mais abundantes, e Trinectes paulistanus foram representados por formas juvenis que utilizam o local como área de crescimento/alimentação. Com relação à alimentação, as espécies se alimentam de organismos bentônicos predominantemente. Os linguados Achirus lineatus e Trinectes paulistanus se caracterizaram como consumidores de poliquetos, Genidens barbus e Bairdiella ronchus foram agrupados por similaridade de suas dietas baseadas no consumo de camarões e teleósteos e o bagre dominante Genidens genidens mostrou se alimentar de uma variedade maior de invertebrados bentônicos, principalmente Tanaidacea. As espécies que competiriam pelos mesmos recursos se distribuem em áreas diferentes do estuário, mostrando que a alimentação pode explicar as diferenças espaciais evidenciadas nas análises sobre a fauna. / The changes of the composition and the distribution of the fishes along the Itanhaém River Estuary were investigated, between May 2002 and April 2003. Biologic aspects of principal species were also included. The month sampling of the fishes was performed using otter trawls in three different areas in the estuary (A1, A2 and A3). Samples were also collected from another location in adjacent marine area (EXT area). The duration of the fishing trawls was of 10 minutes. Temperature data, salinity, pH, water transparency, dissolved oxygen were obtained. Simultaneously, surface sediment sample was taken for evaluation of organic matter, and the grain size. All fish collected were identified to species, counted and measured for total length and wet mass (g). The analyses of the structure of the fauna involved the occurrence of species, the abundance in number and capture weight. The following indexes of community structure were also obtained: the species richness, the species richness of Margalef, diversity of Shannon-Wiener, and the evenness of Pielou. The TWINSPAN analysis (Two Way Indicator Species Analysis) and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS) were used to identify species groups and/or sampling groups. The BIO-ENV routine was used to relate the biological patterns to the environmental pattern. Values of salinity were higher in winter and spring, and were lower in summer and autumn, because the estuary receives relatively high inputs of freshwater of the rain. A total of 13802 specimens of teleostean fishes were collected, weighing 210.662,2g, belonging to 53 species. The ichthyofauna was composed of marine and estuarine-related species. Eight species constituted 86% of the capture in number and 87,4% in weight. The results showed that only the species richness and species richness of margalef differed significantly among seasonal samples. The TWINSPAN analysis separated two samples groups and two species groups those were formed because the distinct pattern of EXT area. The MDS ordination plot three spatial groups of samples: G1- was formed by samples from the internal area (A3) with the summer/autumn samples from A2 area; G2 ? was formed by the samples from A1 area with the winter/spring samples from A2 area. The third group (G3) was formed by samples with the dominance of Achirus lineatus. The factors, environmental pH, temperature and sand, seem to have an influence in the structure of the fauna patterns. The most important species were Genidens genidens, G. barbus, Bairdiella ronchus, Achirus lineatus e Trinectes paulistanus. Among them, only Bairdiella ronchus and Achirus lineatus were represented by adult specimens. Genidens Genidens, G. barbus and Trinectes paulistanus were represented by high proportions of juvenile individuals in the estuary. Diets of those five species were investigated based on the stomach contents. Achirus lineatus and Trinectes paulistanus fed mainly on Polychaeta; Genidens barbus and Bairdiella ronchus ingested Dendrobranchiata and Teleostei, and a great number of benthic invertebrates composed the diet of Genidens genidens. They presented partial diet overlap, and to avoid this, they occupied different areas.

Fish utilisation of saltmarshes and managed realignment areas in SE England

Fonseca, Leila January 2009 (has links)
Saltmarshes in SE England are eroding rapidly and one potential impact is the loss of habitat for fishes. Saltmarshes have been created by setting back the existing line of flood defence through managed realignment. The use by fishes of natural and managed realignment habitats at Tollesbury, Abbotts Hall and Orplands was examined (2005-07). Three seasonal groups were apparent in the fish assemblages of the managed realignment sites: February-April (Pomatoschistus microps and Sprattus sprattus), May-September (Dicentrarchus labrax and Atherina presbyter) and October-January (Liza aurata and Liza ramada). The sites were used mainly by 0- and 1-group fishes and adult P. microps. The mean abundance (July - August 2007) was 558 0.1 ha' (range 76 - 2699 0.1 ha'). In summer, small (< 30 mm) zooplanktivorous D. labrax fed successfully at all sites. Larger (30-59 mm) D. labrax consumed more macroinvertebrates in the Tollesbury managed realignment and two established marshes than at Abbotts Hall and Orplands. By autumn there were no site-specific differences in gut fullness of D. labrax. Stable isotope ratio analysis and gut contents analysis revealed that small (< 50 mm) D. labrax, S. sprattus and A. presbyter assimilated zooplankton which eat detritus, resuspended microphytobenthos and some phytoplankton. L. aurata assimilated zooplankton and microphytobenthos. P. microps (20-50 mm) and A. presbyter (80-99 mm) assimilated benthic meiofauna. Larger (50-230 mm) D. labrax assimilated macroinvertebrates which eat microphytobenthos, Ulva spp., C3 plants and detritus. Some recommendations for saltmarsh restoration are provided with an estimate of the economic value of bass in saltmarshes,to highlight further areas of research.

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