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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of marine benthic algae along a natural carbon dioxide gradient

Johnson, Vivienne R. January 2012 (has links)
Increasing atmospheric CO2 is causing unprecedented changes in seawater chemistry, yet the uncertainty of the ecological response to these projected changes, termed ‘ocean acidification’, remains considerable at present. To predict the effects of these changes, we need to improve our understanding of the responses of marine primary producers since these drive biogeochemical cycles and determine the structure and function of benthic habitats. The majority of experiments on the effects of ocean acidification on photoautrophs to date have mainly focused on oceanic microalgae, leaving benthic assemblages largely overlooked. Carbon dioxide vents are providing a means for examining and predicting the impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems. In this thesis a temperate CO2 volcanic vent gradient was used to investigate the responses of benthic microalgal assemblages (periphyton, epilithic, epipelic, epipsammic and endolithic) and macroalgae (a calcified phaeophyte, crustose coralline algae and turf algae) to increasing pCO2. The photosynthetic standing crop of microphytobenthic assemblages increased significantly with elevations in CO2 indicating that the productivity of shallow water habitats may be promoted over the course of this century. Some benthic diatoms appear to benefit in naturally CO2 enriched environments whilst benthic cyanobacteria in this study appear to be relatively insensitive to the levels of increase predicted for this century. Dramatic shifts in epilithic macroalgae assemblages were observed along the CO2 gradient and a calcified phaeophyte was revealed as an unexpected ecological winner under ocean acidification scenarios. These observations suggest that benthic algal assemblages have the potential to dramatically alter as CO2 levels continue to rise; this would have profound consequences for the structure and function of benthic ecosystems.

O papel de fatores ecológicos e históricos na composição e nos padrões morfológicos em taxocenoses de serpentes neotropicais / The role of ecological and historical factors on the composition and morphological patterns in Neotropical snake assemblages

Cavalheri, Hamanda Badona 04 September 2012 (has links)
Os processos ecológicos e biogeográficos podem influenciar a composição de espécies em comunidades. A ecologia diz respeito às interações entre espécies e o ambiente enquanto que a biogeografia está relacionada à ocupação dos ambientes pelas espécies pertencentes ao pool regional. A dispersão fornece oportunidade para que as espécies ocupem diferentes ambientes, mas o modo como as espécies interagem entre si e com o ambiente é crucial para a permanência da espécie em uma taxocenose. Dentro desse contexto, este estudo busca entender qual processo, ecológico, histórico ou ambos tem influenciado na estrutura de comunidades de serpentes neotropicais com diferentes tipos de vegetação (áreas florestadas e abertas) usando métodos filogenéticos e fenotípicos. Nós detectamos diferentes padrões de estrutura filogenética nas comunidades da Amazônia (disperso) e dos Campos Sulinos (agregado). No entanto, é possível perceber que comunidades de baixas latitudes tendem a ter estrutura dispersa e comunidades de altas latitudes tendem a ter estrutura agregada. O mesmo padrão foi observado através da análise fenotípica. Além disso, dentre os atributos mensurados o tamanho do corpo é o único que está associado com o tipo de vegetação. Este resultado pode ser uma consequência da maior proporção de espécies arborícolas em taxocenoses florestadas. Essas espécies geralmente são maiores que as terrícolas e as fossoriais. Espécies que utilizam o mesmo habitat são morfologicamente similares. A influência da biogeografia nas comunidades de serpentes é um resultado da distribuição de espécies das três principais linhagens de serpentes da região Neotropical. As espécies de Colubridae e Dipsadinae contribuem mais para a riqueza de espécies em latitudes mais baixas enquanto que Xenodontinae contribui mais nas taxocenoses de altas latitudes. Isto pode explicar o padrão filogenético disperso encontrado nas comunidades de baixa latitude porque estas comunidades são compostas principalmente por espécies de duas linhagens diferentes enquanto que as comunidades de altas latitudes são basicamente compostas por uma única linhagem (o que resultaria em um padrão filogenético agregado). Isso pode explicar também a pequena diferença morfológica entre as comunidades de latitude maior devido à inércia filogenética. Nossos resultados destacam a importância da biogeografia na estruturação de comunidades, corroborando a atual hipótese de que a biogeografia é mais importante para moldar a estrutura de comunidades do que os fatores ecológicos / Both ecological and biogeographical process can influence assemblages\' composition. Ecology may affect interactions among species and their environment while biogeography affects species\' immigration from regional species\' pool. Immigration provides an opportunity to arrive in different localities but the way in which species interact with their environment is a crucial factor in order for a species to thrive. This study aims to understand which processes, ecological, historical or both, have influenced the structure of Neotropical snakes\' assemblages in different vegetation types (forested and open areas), using a phylogenetic and phenotypic approach. We detected different patterns of phylogenetic structure in assemblages from Amazonian rainforest (evenness) and Brazilian Campos Grasslands (clustered) but it is also possible to perceive that assemblages from lower latitudes are evenly structured and assemblages from higher latitudes are clustered, the same being true when we consider their phenotypic structure. Moreover, considering all measured traits body size is the only feature related to vegetation type (open and forested areas). This result may be a consequence of the microhabitat used by a high proportion of species - since arboreal and semi-arboreal species are primarily encountered in forested areas (when compared to open areas), and these species are normally larger than terrestrial and/or fossorial species. Furthermore, species within use the same habitat have similar morphologies. The influence of biogeography in snakes\' assemblages is a result of the species\' distribution from major snakes\' lineages in Neotropics. The lineages Colubridae and Dipsadinae contribute more to assemblages\' richness at lower latitude whereas Xenodontinae contributes more at higher latitudes. This may explain the phylogenetic evenness pattern encountered in assemblages from lower latitudes, since these assemblages are composed mainly by species from two different lineages, while assemblages from higher latitudes are basically composed by one lineage. Although the difference among species\' morphology is smaller in assemblages from higher latitudes due probably to evolutionary constraints. Our results highlight the importance of biogeography in shaping assemblage structure, corroborating the current hypothesis that biogeography is more important in shaping assemblages than ecology

O próximo do território quilombola : a cosmopolítica dos moradores de Júlio Borges

Quadros, Milena Silvester January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese trata de um estilo de criatividade política quilombola que não circunscreve sua territorialidade com base nos vínculos criados exclusivamente com a terra e com os produtos da terra. O estudo cartografa as modalidades de enfrentamento entre quilombolas, indígenas e “sem terras”, de um lado, com o Estado e seus mediadores, de outro, que decorrem de concepções divergentes acerca do território, da identidade e da composição da vida. O cenário é ambientado no contexto de implementação dos dispositivos de justiça para regularização fundiária do território habitado por famílias quilombolas que vivem na localidade de Júlio Borges, município do Salto do Jacuí, RS. Além dos quilombolas, passaram a residir no território titulado, dois coletivos distintos de indígenas Kaingang e algumas famílias que se apossaram de porções da mesma área de terras em processo de titulação. As formas de convívio entre quilombolas, indígenas e “sem terras” levam-nos a penetrar um mundo marcado pela transformação e pela diferenciação em movimentos sucessivos de devir. Este estilo de relação e de convívio, marcado pelo movimento, desenha modalidades de agenciamento político, cuja potência coloca à prova os dispositivos de organização do território de Júlio Borges operacionalizados pela Política Nacional de Titulação Territorial. A tese, ainda, lança-se à tarefa de dar credibilidade aos enunciados nativos, aos saberes e às técnicas que compõem a cosmopolítica da localidade de Júlio Borges. / This dissertation thesis discusses a style of Quilombola political creativity that does not circumscribe its territoriality based on links created exclusively with the land and the products of the earth. The study maps the modalities of confrontation between Quilombolas, indigenous people and the “landless” groups, and the state and its mediators on one side. On the other side, these confrontations arise from divergent conceptions of territory, identity and composition of life. The study took place in the context of the implementation of justice devices for the regularization of a territory inhabited by Quilombola families in the district of Júlio Borges, in the town of Salto do Jacuí, in Rio Grande do Sul. In addition to the Quilombolas, two separate groups of the Kaingang indigenous tribe and some families who took over portions of the same land undergoing a titling process took up residence in the territory. The kinds of interaction among Quilombolas, indigenous people and the "landless" showed us a world marked by transformation and the differentiation in consecutive movements of being. This way of association and interaction, that is marked by the movement, generates new forms of political mediation, and its power puts the organizational devices of the district of Júlio Borges that are operated by the National Policy on Land Titling to the test. This dissertation thesis aims at giving credibility to the indigenous voice, knowledge and political techniques that make up the cosmopolitics of the district of Júlio Borges.

: Assemblages Hybrides à base de Nanotubes de Carbone : Application à la Catalyse, l'Optique et la Biologie

Mackiewicz, Nicolas 28 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Au cours de ce travail de thèse, nous avons exploré diverses propriétés des nanotubes de carbone via leurs assemblages avec des molécules d'intérêt et nous les avons mises en valeur dans des applications très variées. Dans un premier temps nous avons utilisé les nanotubes comme support pour l'élaboration d'électrodes dans les piles à combustible et plus particulièrement pour l'oxydation de l'éthanol. Nous avons développé une méthode originale et efficace visant à déposer de manière homogène des nanoparticules métalliques à la surface des nanotubes et des performances extraordinaires ont été obtenues. Nous avons également fonctionnalisé les nanotubes dans le but construire un biosenseur capable de détecter une molécule biologique. Pour cela nous avons adopté comme stratégie de greffer sur les nanotubes des molécules portant des ligands du nickel permettant ainsi l'accroche spécifique de protéine recombinantes étiquetées avec un tag histidine. Les nanotubes possèdent de propriétés électroniques que nous avons mis à profit pour construire un hybride donneur-accepteur avec un intercalant de l'ADN. Au cours de cette étude nous avons mis en œuvre différentes stratégies visant à cliver l'ADN et à mettre en évidence un transfert électronique photoinduit entre les deux entités.<br />Aussi, nous avons fonctionnalisé les nanotubes dans le but d'améliorer leurs performances pour développer de nouveaux systèmes de protection efficace de la vision. Une des approches employées repose sur la fonctionnalisation des nanotubes avec des fullerènes. Enfin, nous avons associé les nanotubes avec des séquences d'oligonucléotides capables de cibler la surface de cellules cancéreuses.

Joseph Cornell (1903-1972) et ses "muses". Etude monographique à partir des sources iconographiques et littéraires.

Lecomte, Isabelle 25 June 2010 (has links)
Joseph Cornell (1903-1972) est un artiste américain très connu dans son pays mais peu étudié en Europe. Le catalogue raisonné de son œuvre n'est toujours pas établi à ce jour. Tout au long de sa vie, ses sources d'inspiration sont intimement liées à la femme. Cette thèse souhaite aller plus loin que les études existantes: d'une part en envisageant la femme dans tous ses rôles (danseuse, diva, écrivaine, amie, starlette,...) et d'autre part, en étudiant la série qui lui est consacrée. Ce regard minutieux sur les variations au sein d'une série est l'un des points forts et totalement inédits de cette thèse. Il permet d’observer le renouvellement de l’obsession et le goût pour la collection, au sens où Baudrillard l’entend. En première partie, l'angle d'approche consiste à observer, les stratégies de l'artiste qui tente de s'approprier la femme par la mise en boîte, en bouteille, en dossier, ... En deuxième partie, nous observerons la manière dont il installe une distance qui permet à la muse de rester inaccessible – au sens romantique voire nervalien du terme. La distance peut-être d'ordre surnaturel: la femme prend alors les traits d'une fée ou d'une sylphide ; temporelle (la muse est imaginée enfant) ; spatiale (la muse prend vie sous forme de constellation). Autre stratégie d'évocation: "le portrait sans visage" où le corps de la muse est totalement absent, seul « un objet symbolique) fait référence à la femme désignée. Il peut s’agir d’une chambre ou d’une lampe de mineur pour évoquer Emily Dickinson ou une poupée pour évoquer La Belle au Bois dormant. Vers la fin des années cinquante, Cornell réalise des « boîtes-mémoriaux » en hommage à des jeunes trop tôt disparues. La troisième partie tente d’étudier comment Cornell « transcende » l’idée de mort. Enfin, en quatrième partie, nous dresserons un bref inventaire des collages des années soixante ayant comme thème central le nu féminin. Cornell quittant un matériel « nostalgique » afin de « charge d’innocence » des images qu’il considère comme érotiques. Cette étude s'appuie, entre autres, sur une vingtaine d'œuvres analysées qui n'ont jamais été publiées, une trentaine d'autres qui n'ont jamais été commentées. Plus d'un tiers des œuvres choisies bénéficient d'une recherche de sources totalement inédites, se voyant ainsi placée sous un nouveau regard interprétatif. Et enfin, les œuvres sont mises en rapport avec les sources littéraires qui les ont nourries (Aurélia de Gérard de Nerval, Le Portrait de Jennie, la poésie d’Emily Dickinson, la biographie de Marilyn Monroe ou les écrits de Mary Eddy Baker, …).

Etude expérimentale et théorique du comportement d'un tunnel renforcé par boulonnage frontal

Trompille, Virginie Wong, Henry Kwai-Kwan. January 2005 (has links)
Thèse doctorat : Génie Civil : Villeurbanne, INSA : 2003. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p. 169-174.

Modélisation et optimisation du comportement mécanique des outils d'emboutissage stratifiés précontraints par vissage

Oudjene, Mourad Batoz, Jean-Louis. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse de doctorat : Mécanique et énergétique : Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL : 2005. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr.

Approche probabiliste dans la conception des modules de puissance

Micol, Alexandre Karama, Moussa Martin, Carmen. January 2007 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Génie mécanique : Toulouse 3 : 2007. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p. 199-212.

Etude numérique et optimisation de conception des poutres mixtes acier-béton assemblées par collage

Luo, Yangjun Li, Alex Kang, Zhan January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Reproduction de : Thèse doctorat : Génie civil et mécanique : Reims : 2009. Reproduction de : Thèse doctorat : Génie civil et mécanique : Dalian University of Technology : 2009. / Thèse rédigée en anglais - Résumé en français et en anglais. Thèse soutenue en co-tutelle. Titre provenant de l'écran titre. Bibliogr. p. 121-132.

Jakten på den attraktiva regionen : En studie om samtida regionaliseringsprocesser / Becoming the Attractive Region : A Study of Contemporary Regionalization Processes

Grundel, Ida January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores different expressions of regionalism(s) and regionalization processes in a Swedish and a westernized context. The case studies in the study conducted are represented by two different kinds of regions, Värmland and The Eight Million City. Värmland is a rather typical administrative and political bordered region at the subnational level in the Midwest of Sweden. The Eight Million City in turn exemplifies an imaginary cross border region, stretching from Oslo in the north, to Gothenburg, Malmö and Copenhagen in the south, connected in a network by a larger infrastructure corridor. It is also an example of how new planning practices stretching over already institutionalized national as well as local and regional borders, can be seen as challenging earlier planning and policy structures connected to the state. It is possible to see how different kinds of strategies related to strategic spatial planning practices are used to enhance the competitiveness of each region. In both cases this produce and reproduce different perceptions about what represents and constitute a competitive region. The empirical material analyzed in the study has been generated by interviews, participant observations, and document analysis based on discourse theory and discourse analysis. Different imaginaries are institutionalized in each region by different means and practices. In Värmland new perceptions about regional citizenship, regional identity and the idea of what constitutes a modern region are being institutionalized into the regional context by building a brand for the region. In The Eight Million City the project idea is based on an enlarged labor market connecting the larger cities in the region together in a network. As well as in Värmland, the knowledge produced in the project contributes to institutionalize different perceptions of citizenship and what makes up a competitive and attractive region. / Den här avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i olika uttryck av samtida regionaliseringsprocesser och regionalism(er). Studien belyser två olika regionaliseringskontexter i form av Värmland och Åttamiljonerstaden. Två i grund och botten mycket olika regioner. Värmland utgör en subnationell administrativ region och därigenom ett exempel och ett uttryck för en decentralisering av statliga uppgifter rörande regional utveckling och tillväxt till den regionala nivån. Åttamiljonerstaden är en imaginär gränsöverskridande region som sträcker sig från Oslo i norr, över Göteborg och Malmö till Köpehamn i söder, där målet är att skapa en sammanhängande och funktionell arbetsmarknadsregion. Trots de båda regionernas olikheter, så kan de båda studerade regionerna ses som ett uttryck för en alltmer normativ policyagenda som grundas på begrepp som globalisering, internationalisering och en konkurrensutsatt marknad. Detta har lett fram till olika former av rumslig strategisk planering som ska stärka respektive regions konkurrenskraft med olika medel. I sin tur leder detta till att olika diskursiva kunskapsrationaliteter om vad som utgör den ”attraktiva regionen” i form av nya styrningsformer, regional organisering och den gode regionmedborgaren implementeras och institutionaliseras i respektive regional kontext.

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