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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On-chip Tracing for Bit-Flip Detection during Post-silicon Validation

Vali, Amin January 2018 (has links)
Post-silicon validation is an important step during the implementation flow of digital integrated circuits and systems. Most of the validation strategies are based on ad-hoc solutions, such as guidelines from best practices, decided on a case-by-case basis for a specific design and/or application domain. Developing systematic approaches for post-silicon validation can mitigate the productivity bottlenecks that have emerged due to both design diversification and shrinking implementation cycles. Ever since integrating on-chip memory blocks became affordable, embedded logic analysis has been used extensively for post-silicon validation. Deciding at design time which signals to be traceable at the post-silicon phase, has been posed as an algorithmic problem a decade ago. Most of the proposed solutions focus on how to restore as much data as possible within a software simulator in order to facilitate the analysis of functional bugs, assuming that there are no electrically-induced design errors, e.g., bit- flips. In this thesis, first it is shown that analyzing the logic inconsistencies from the post-silicon traces can aid with the detection of bit-flips and their root-cause analysis. Furthermore, when a bit-flip is detected, a list of suspect nets can be automatically generated. Since the rate of bit-flip detection as well the size of the list of suspects depends on the debug data that was acquired, it is necessary to select the trace signals consciously. Subsequently, new methods are presented to improve the bit-flip detectability through an algorithmic approach to selecting the on-chip trace signals. Hardware assertion checkers can also be integrated on-chip in order to detect events of interest, as defined by the user. For example, they can detect a violation of a design property that captures a relationship between internal signals that is supposed to hold indefinitely, so long as no bit-flips occur in the physical prototype. Consequently, information collected from hardware assertion checkers can also provide useful debug information during post-silicon validation. Based on this observation, the last contribution from this thesis presents a novel method to concurrently select a set of trace signals and a set of assertions to be integrated on-chip. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Aspectos da complementação de predicados factivos e assertivos em PB / Aspects of factive and assertive predicates complementation in PB

Lima, Severino Benjamim de 13 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar alguns aspectos da complementação de predicados factivos e assertivos em PB, no quadro da teoria da Ligação e Regência. Entre esses aspectos, destacamos o estatuto semântico da oração complemento, a ocorrência do subjuntivo e do infinitivo pessoal. Mostramos que, dependendo da classe a que pertence o predicado da oração matriz, o complemento oracional pode ser um pressuposto, uma asserção ou uma não-asserção. Assim, se o predicado da matriz for um factivo (lamentar, descobrir, etc.), a proposição complemento é um pressuposto (salvo em contextos bem específicos); se for um predicado assertivo (assegurar, acreditar, etc), o estatuto semântico do complemento será o de asserção, ou seja, uma proposição, afirmativa ou negativa, declarada verdadeira pelo locutor; e, finalmente, se o predicado for um não-assertivo (querer, possível, etc.), o estatuto semântico será o de não-asserção, entendida como um enunciado que por não ser nem asseverado, nem pressuposto ou implicado, é insuscetível de receber um valor de verdade. Além do mais, a pesquisa mostra que a possibilidade de ocorrência do subjuntivo em PB na oração complemento está associada à natureza não-assertiva deste, isto é, o subjuntivo somente é possível em complementos de predicados não-assertivos (querer, preferir, provável, etc). Quanto ao infinitivo pessoal no complemento, o estudo revela que sua ocorrência vai depender também da classe a que pertence o predicado da oração matriz e da possibilidade de o sujeito da oração infinitiva receber Caso nominativo. Assim, um predicado não-assertivo como querer, em hipótese alguma, permite que o seu complemento esteja na forma infinitiva pessoal (* Quero eles saírem /*quero eles terem saído), enquanto que um verbo como lamentar admite-a, sem nenhuma restrição (Lamento eles serem estúpidos/ Lamento eles terem partido). Finalmente,, lançando mão da teoria da cópia do movimento e adotando sugestão de um operador nulo no Spec de CP do complemento de um predicado factivo, explicamos por que argumentos D-linked podem ser extraídos de uma ilha factiva, enquanto adjuntos e argumentos não-D-linked não podem. / The objective of this work was the study of some aspects of the complementation of factive and assertive predicates in PB, in Government-Binding Theory. Within these aspects, it is enhanced the semantic status of the complement sentence, the occurrence of subjunctive and the inflected infinitive. It is shown that, depending on the grammatical class to which the matrix predicate belongs, the sentential complement may be a pressuposition, an assertion or a non-assertion. Therefore, if the matrix predicate is a factive (such as to regret, to find out etc.), the subordinate clause is a pressuposition (except in very specific contexts); if the matrix predicate is an assertive (to insure, to believe etc.), the semantic status should be an assertion, i. e., a statement that may be true or false; and, finally, if the predicate is a non-assertive (such as to wish, possible etc.), the semantic status will be a non-assertion, understood as a sentence that could not receive a true value. Beyond that, we will demonstrate that the possibility of occurrence of the subjunctive in PB, in the complement sentence, is associated to its non-assertive nature, i. e., the subjunctive is only possible in complement of non-assertive predicates. In relation to the inflected infinitive, the study shows that its occurrence will depend on the grammatical class to which the matrix predicate belongs, and on the possibility of the infinitival clause subject receiving nominative case. For example, a non-assertive predicate such as querer to want, in no case would allow its complement to be in the inflected infinitival form: *Quero eles saírem[third person plural] I want them leave,. On the other hand, a verb such as lamentar to regret may admit the inflected infinitival form, without any restriction: Eu lamento eles partirem{third person plural] I regret that they leave, Eu lamento eles terem[third person plural] partido I regret they have left. Finally, we propose a solution, in the Minimalism, in order to explain the asymmetry between adjuncts and arguments non-D-linked, on one side, and arguments D-linked, on the other, in relation to the possibility of extraction of the factive island, being this extraction possible to the latter, but not to the former.

Reasonable Assertions: On Norms of Assertion and Why You Don't Need to Know What You're Talking About

McKinnon, Rachel 30 March 2012 (has links)
There’s a widespread conviction in the norms of assertion literature that an agent’s asserting something false merits criticism. As Williamson puts it, asserting something false is likened to cheating at the game of assertion. Most writers on the topic have consequently proposed factive norms of assertion – ones on which truth is a necessary condition for the proper performance of an assertion. However, I argue that this view is mistaken. I suggest that we can illuminate the error by introducing a theoretical distinction between the norm of a practice and its goal. In light of this distinction, we can see that proponents of factive norms tend to mistake the goal of a practice for the norm. In making my case, I present an analogy between the norms and goals of placing wagers and the norms and goals of assertion. One may place a bet and lose without being subject to criticism, while one may win and be worthy of criticism. Whether one wins or loses is irrelevant to the normative evaluation of a bet. What is relevant is whether the bet maximizes the bettor's expected value, which is a function of what might be lost, what might be gained, and how likely those prospects are, given the bettor's evidence. Similarly, I argue, whether one's assertion is true or false is not strictly relevant to the normative evaluation of an assertion. What is relevant is whether the speaker has adequate supporting reasons for the assertion, and that the necessary conventional and pragmatic features are present. However, context will determine what count as supportive reasons for a given proposition, what counts as relevant, and what count as conventional and pragmatic elements possessing that relevance. My proposed norm, the Supportive Reasons Norm, is thus sensitive to the context of assertion and shifts from context to context.

Reasonable Assertions: On Norms of Assertion and Why You Don't Need to Know What You're Talking About

McKinnon, Rachel 30 March 2012 (has links)
There’s a widespread conviction in the norms of assertion literature that an agent’s asserting something false merits criticism. As Williamson puts it, asserting something false is likened to cheating at the game of assertion. Most writers on the topic have consequently proposed factive norms of assertion – ones on which truth is a necessary condition for the proper performance of an assertion. However, I argue that this view is mistaken. I suggest that we can illuminate the error by introducing a theoretical distinction between the norm of a practice and its goal. In light of this distinction, we can see that proponents of factive norms tend to mistake the goal of a practice for the norm. In making my case, I present an analogy between the norms and goals of placing wagers and the norms and goals of assertion. One may place a bet and lose without being subject to criticism, while one may win and be worthy of criticism. Whether one wins or loses is irrelevant to the normative evaluation of a bet. What is relevant is whether the bet maximizes the bettor's expected value, which is a function of what might be lost, what might be gained, and how likely those prospects are, given the bettor's evidence. Similarly, I argue, whether one's assertion is true or false is not strictly relevant to the normative evaluation of an assertion. What is relevant is whether the speaker has adequate supporting reasons for the assertion, and that the necessary conventional and pragmatic features are present. However, context will determine what count as supportive reasons for a given proposition, what counts as relevant, and what count as conventional and pragmatic elements possessing that relevance. My proposed norm, the Supportive Reasons Norm, is thus sensitive to the context of assertion and shifts from context to context.


久木山, 健一, Kukiyama, Kenichi 27 December 2004 (has links)

Génération de séquences de test pour l'accélération d'assertions / Generation of test sequences for accelerating assertions

Damri, Laila 17 December 2012 (has links)
Avec la complexité croissante des systèmes sur puce, le processus de vérification devient une tâche de plus en plus cruciale à tous les niveaux du cycle de conception, et monopolise une part importante du temps de développement. Dans ce contexte, l'assertion-based verification (ABV) a considérablement gagné en popularité ces dernières années. Il s'agit de spécifier le comportement attendu du système par l'intermédiaire de propriétés logico-temporelles, et de vérifier ces propriétés par des méthodes semi-formelles ou formelles. Des langages de spécification comme PSL ou SVA (standards IEEE) sont couramment utilisés pour exprimer ces propriétés. Des techniques de vérification statiques (model checking) ou dynamiques (validation en cours de simulation) peuvent être mises en œuvre. Nous nous plaçons dans le contexte de la vérification dynamique. A partir d'assertions exprimées en PSL ou SVA, des descriptions VHDL ou Verilog synthétisables de moniteurs matériels de surveillance peuvent être produites (outil Horus). Ces composants peuvent être utilisés pendant la conception (en simulation et/ou émulation pour le débug et la validation de circuits), ou comme composants embarqués, pour la surveillance du comportement de systèmes critiques. Pour l'analyse en phase de conception, que ce soit en simulation ou en émulation, le problème de la génération des séquences de test se pose. En effet, des séquences de test générées aléatoirement peuvent conduire à un faible taux de couverture des conditions d'activation des moniteurs et, de ce fait, peuvent être peu révélatrices de la satisfaction des assertions. Les méthodes de génération de séquences de test sous contraintes n'apportent pas de réelle solution car les contraintes ne peuvent pas être liées à des conditions temporelles. De nouvelles méthodes doivent être spécifiées et implémentées, c'est ce que nous nous proposons d'étudier dans cette thèse. / With the increasing complexity of SoC, the verification process becomes a task more crucial at all levels of the design cycle, and monopolize a large share of development time. In this context, the assertion-based verification (ABV) has gained considerable popularity in recent years. This is to specify the behavior of the system through logico-temporal properties and check these properties by semiformal or formal methods. Specification languages such as PSL or SVA (IEEE) are commonly used to express these properties. Static verification techniques (model checking) or dynamic (during simulation) can be implemented. We are placed in the context of dynamic verification. Our assertions are expressed in PSL or SVA, and synthesizable descriptions VHDL or Verilog hardware surveillance monitors can be produced (Horus tool). These components can be used for design (simulation and/or emulation for circuit debug and validation) or as embedded components for monitoring the behavior of critical systems. For analysis in the design phase, either in simulation or emulation, the problem of generating test sequences arises. In effect, sequences of randomly generated test can lead to a low coverage conditions of activation monitors and, therefore, may be indicative of little satisfaction assertions. The methods of generation of test sequences under constraints do not provide real solution because the constraints can not be linked to temporal conditions. New methods must be specified and implemented, this's what we propose to study in this thesis.

Aspectos da complementação de predicados factivos e assertivos em PB / Aspects of factive and assertive predicates complementation in PB

Severino Benjamim de Lima 13 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar alguns aspectos da complementação de predicados factivos e assertivos em PB, no quadro da teoria da Ligação e Regência. Entre esses aspectos, destacamos o estatuto semântico da oração complemento, a ocorrência do subjuntivo e do infinitivo pessoal. Mostramos que, dependendo da classe a que pertence o predicado da oração matriz, o complemento oracional pode ser um pressuposto, uma asserção ou uma não-asserção. Assim, se o predicado da matriz for um factivo (lamentar, descobrir, etc.), a proposição complemento é um pressuposto (salvo em contextos bem específicos); se for um predicado assertivo (assegurar, acreditar, etc), o estatuto semântico do complemento será o de asserção, ou seja, uma proposição, afirmativa ou negativa, declarada verdadeira pelo locutor; e, finalmente, se o predicado for um não-assertivo (querer, possível, etc.), o estatuto semântico será o de não-asserção, entendida como um enunciado que por não ser nem asseverado, nem pressuposto ou implicado, é insuscetível de receber um valor de verdade. Além do mais, a pesquisa mostra que a possibilidade de ocorrência do subjuntivo em PB na oração complemento está associada à natureza não-assertiva deste, isto é, o subjuntivo somente é possível em complementos de predicados não-assertivos (querer, preferir, provável, etc). Quanto ao infinitivo pessoal no complemento, o estudo revela que sua ocorrência vai depender também da classe a que pertence o predicado da oração matriz e da possibilidade de o sujeito da oração infinitiva receber Caso nominativo. Assim, um predicado não-assertivo como querer, em hipótese alguma, permite que o seu complemento esteja na forma infinitiva pessoal (* Quero eles saírem /*quero eles terem saído), enquanto que um verbo como lamentar admite-a, sem nenhuma restrição (Lamento eles serem estúpidos/ Lamento eles terem partido). Finalmente,, lançando mão da teoria da cópia do movimento e adotando sugestão de um operador nulo no Spec de CP do complemento de um predicado factivo, explicamos por que argumentos D-linked podem ser extraídos de uma ilha factiva, enquanto adjuntos e argumentos não-D-linked não podem. / The objective of this work was the study of some aspects of the complementation of factive and assertive predicates in PB, in Government-Binding Theory. Within these aspects, it is enhanced the semantic status of the complement sentence, the occurrence of subjunctive and the inflected infinitive. It is shown that, depending on the grammatical class to which the matrix predicate belongs, the sentential complement may be a pressuposition, an assertion or a non-assertion. Therefore, if the matrix predicate is a factive (such as to regret, to find out etc.), the subordinate clause is a pressuposition (except in very specific contexts); if the matrix predicate is an assertive (to insure, to believe etc.), the semantic status should be an assertion, i. e., a statement that may be true or false; and, finally, if the predicate is a non-assertive (such as to wish, possible etc.), the semantic status will be a non-assertion, understood as a sentence that could not receive a true value. Beyond that, we will demonstrate that the possibility of occurrence of the subjunctive in PB, in the complement sentence, is associated to its non-assertive nature, i. e., the subjunctive is only possible in complement of non-assertive predicates. In relation to the inflected infinitive, the study shows that its occurrence will depend on the grammatical class to which the matrix predicate belongs, and on the possibility of the infinitival clause subject receiving nominative case. For example, a non-assertive predicate such as querer to want, in no case would allow its complement to be in the inflected infinitival form: *Quero eles saírem[third person plural] I want them leave,. On the other hand, a verb such as lamentar to regret may admit the inflected infinitival form, without any restriction: Eu lamento eles partirem{third person plural] I regret that they leave, Eu lamento eles terem[third person plural] partido I regret they have left. Finally, we propose a solution, in the Minimalism, in order to explain the asymmetry between adjuncts and arguments non-D-linked, on one side, and arguments D-linked, on the other, in relation to the possibility of extraction of the factive island, being this extraction possible to the latter, but not to the former.

Moderní metody verifikace smíšených integrovaných obvodů / Modern methods of mixed-signal integrated circuit verification

Hradil, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá verifikací integrovaných obvodů pracujících ve smíšeném módu. Teoretická část práce obsahuje přehled moderních verifikačních metod a zaměřuje se zejména na „assertion based methodology“ . V praktické části práce jsou pak rozebrány popisné jazyky používané u této metody, a následně je vytvořen kód pro verifikaci bloku řídícího obvodu spínaných zdrojů.

Common Dimensions of Social Skills of Children and Adolescents: A Review and Analysis of the Literature

Caldarella, Paul 01 May 1995 (has links)
Previous research in the area of social skills of children and adolescents has resulted in confusion over the number and name of empirically derived dimensions. While much work has been done to derive empirically based taxonomies of child and adolescent problem behaviors, such is not the case for positive social behaviors. The present study conducted an extensive review, analysis, and synthesis of over two decades of factor analytic research on child and adolescent social skills to derive an empirically based taxonomy. Results suggest five dimensions that occurred in over one third of the studies: Peer Relations, Self-Management, Academic, Cooperation, and Assertion. The most common social skills associated with these dimensions are presented. It is advised that clinicians and researchers begin employing this taxonomy to: (a) provide a nomenclature by which to refer to the five positive social skill patterns, (b) identify dimensions on which children or adolescents may have deficits, (c) design interventions to increase the occurrence of these skills, all of which have been empirically related to important social outcomes, (d) measure the effects of interventions, and (e) aid in theory development.

Effects of Sustained Attention on the Social Skills of Assertion, Cooperation, Self Control, and Peer Competence

Burns, Amy Jean 01 January 2018 (has links)
The current study explored the relation between sustained attention and the social skills of assertion, cooperation, self-control, and peer competence and whether sex moderated this relation. Data from the National Institute of Child Health and Development – Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development were analyzed. Structural equation models were used to test the possibility of sex as a moderator for each relation. Results suggest sex moderates the relation between sustained attention and assertion skills. Additionally, results suggest sex moderates the relation between sustained attention and cooperation skills. However, results suggest sex did not moderate the relation between sustained attention and self-control and also suggest sex did not moderate the relations between sustained attention and peer competence. Such relations emphasize the importance of understanding social outcomes for children who struggle with attention and should be utilized by educators, parents, and families to ensure social success for children with attention problems.

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