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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Refining biological monitoring of hydromorphological change in river channels using benthic riverfly larvae (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera)

Doeser, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Rivers and their catchments are under mounting pressure from direct channel modification, intensification of land use, and from a legacy of decades of channelisation. Recent legislation, in the form of the EU Water Framework Directive, places a greater emphasis on the management of water bodies as holistic systems, and includes the explicit consideration of hydromorphological quality, which describes the hydrologic and geomorphic elements of river habitats. These are defined specifically as hydrological regime, river continuity and river morphology. This appreciates that sediment and flow regimes, along with the channel structure, provides the 'template' on which stream ecological structure and function is built. Invertebrate fauna contribute significantly to the biodiversity of rivers, and often form the basis of monitoring river health. However much of the fundamental ecological knowledge base on the response of invertebrates to hydromorphological change needed to make informed decisions and accurate predictions, is either lacking, inadequate or contradictory. This thesis addresses some of the key potential shortcomings in recent bio-assessment that others have alluded to, but which have rarely been explored in the context of direct channel manipulations. By using two case studies of, realignment in a natural upland catchment, and flood protection engineering in an urban stream, this study investigates the sensitivity of hydromorphological impact assessment methods that rely on biodiversity patterns of benthic riverfly (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) larva. This work employed widely used biomonitoring indices of benthic riverfly larva abundance, species richness, alpha and beta diversity, and community composition, applied over a range of spatial scales, in combination with spatially contemporaneous physical habitat data, to describe and explain community changes in response to disturbance, and patterns of natural variation. The effects of restoration were investigated using a high degree of sample replication within channels and across the wider catchment, as well as contrasting spring and autumn seasons. To assess change in a small urban channel, approaches that explicitly consider spatial elements of community data, using spatial eigenvectors analysis, were applied to spatially detrend community data and directly investigate spatial patterns. Restoration of the Rottal Burn was found to be successful in restoring habitat diversity and geomorphic processes, and in turn increasing reach scale species richness and beta diversity through the gradual arrival of rare and specialist taxa into novel habitats. Catchment scale replication revealed high variation in diversity indices of modified and undisturbed streams, and a strong temporal pattern related to antecedent flow conditions. Channels with greater habitat heterogeneity were able to maintain high gamma diversity during times of high flow stress by providing a number of low flow refuges along their length. The urban Brox Burn had surprisingly high riverfly richness and diversity driven by small scale hydraulic heterogeneity, created by bed roughness resulting in a range of microhabitats. Riverfly community responses to direct channel dredging could not be detected by measurements of average richness and diversity, however distinct changes were seen in gamma diversity, the identity of community members and their arrangement among sample patches. Impacts of sediment pollution release due to engineering were short lived and apparently had little detrimental impact on biodiversity. Strong spatial patterns of community assembly on the stream bed were uncovered, relating to longitudinal, edge and patchy patterns. Significant habitat drivers of community composition were confounded by high amounts of spatial autocorrelation, especially hydraulic variables. Due to the strongly physical and spatial nature of hydromorphological disturbance, turnover of species between sample locations at a range of scales, and the spatial arrangement of habitats and communities is of more use for detecting these types of subtle changes compared to mean richness or diversity. These findings have implications for the targeting of resources for monitoring of restoration, or engineering disturbances, in order to be sensitive to hydromorphological change. Efforts should target the main area of natural variability within the system, either replicating sampling in time or space to distinguish effects of impact. Spatial patterns, measures of beta diversity and species identity can be better exploited to identify systems with functioning geomorphological processes. Channel typologies proved misleading, and quantification of habitat and selection of control sites using multiple pre-defined criteria should be carried out. Studies of restoration operations and engineering impacts provide considerable opportunities for advancing our knowledge of the mechanisms that drive community response under a range of conditions to improve impact detection.

Can organic waste provide sustainable fuel and energy in Rio de Janeiro? : An Early Assessment of waste-based biogas solutions in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Lindmark, Jesper, Oscar, Lundqvist January 2019 (has links)
Sustainable waste management remains a great challenge for many cities throughout the world. Landfilling is worldwide the most common way of treating municipal solid waste (MSW) and landfilling of organic matter releases the high potent gas methane, which contributes to global warming. If the biogas instead is collected, either from landfills or produced in a more optimal and controlled environment, it can be used as a fuel to substitute fossil fuels. In this thesis, these sorts of systems are referred to as biogas solutions. In Brazil, the eight largest economy in the world and by far the largest economy in Latin America, landfilling of MSW is essentially the only way MSW is disposed of. Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city of Brazil, have had long issues with waste management, with up until 2012 deposing waste to one of the largest open landfills in the world. This study was done in collaboration with Biogas Research Center (BRC): a national biogas competence center with interests in the Brazilian biogas sector as well as contacts with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Furthermore, as Swedish organic waste management practices are globally in the front edge, the Swedish perspective of waste management combined with local knowledge, could be valuable to find more efficient means of managing residues. Before initiating an actual biogas project, it is reasonable to perform an early assessment. This thesis aimed to perform an early assessment of the biogas sector in Rio, which was carried out by utilizing a multi-criteria framework. The framework consists of four categories (potential, feasibility, economic- and environmental performance), 14 key areas and 59 sub-questions, which helped gather, structure and assess information. An eight-week field study in Rio de Janeiro was part of the study. The results show that no full separation of organic content is performed as source in Rio, which is why the study included the waste streams of mixed MSW (disposed in landfills) and partly sorted organic waste (approximately 85 % organic content; referred to as Waste with High Organic Content, WHOC). Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants was excluded from the study to enable a focus on MSW. Potential and feasibility are significantly higher for MSW compared to WHOC, although the authors argue WHOC (or even fully sorted organic waste) have substantial growth opportunities. The landfill receives approximately 1.2 million tonnes of organic wet waste per year and provides a biogas yield of 140 million Nm3 / year (50 – 55 % CH4); whereas 26 – 42 thousand tonnes of dry matter (DM) per year can be collected from WHOC, with a biogas yield potential of 6.6 – 19.5 million Nm3 / year (55 – 63 % CH4). The feasibility analysis showed that all key areas – competing applications, legislation and infrastructure – except economic instruments, are better rated for biogas production from MSW compared to WHOC. The most feasible area of use for the biogas in Rio de Janeiro was deemed to inject the gas in into the grid. The indicated environmental performance shows that injection of biogas to the gas grid reduces GHG emissions with 68 %; and for every tonne of DM digestate, approximately 8 kg phosphorous and 36 kg nitrogen can be replaced. The economic performance shows that biogas production from the landfill is more cost-efficient than from a bioreactor, however none of the biogas productions in Rio de Janeiro is profitable, which usually is expected of a waste management system. The study concludes with identifying several challenges the biogas sector in Rio will be facing: a lack of supply of biogas and no plan in action for increasing demand; economic challenges indicating need for investment support; and a lack of value chain for biofertilizers. The results of the study can hopefully provide stakeholders with a better understanding of opportunities and challenges with biogas solutions in Rio de Janeiro municipality, that ultimately can increase the chance for successful implementation in the region. / Hållbar avfallshantering är fortsatt en stor utmaning för många städer runtom i världen. Deponering är globalt sett det vanligaste sättet att göra sig av med fast kommunalt avfall och deponering av organiskt avfall avger den potenta gasen metan, som bidrar till global uppvärmning. Om biogasen istället samlas upp, antingen från deponin eller produceras i en mer optimal miljö, kan gasen istället användas som bränsle för att substituera fossila bränslen. I denna rapport kallas denna typen av system för biogaslösningar. I Brasilien, världens åttonde största ekonomin och den avsevärt största ekonomin i Latinamerika, hanteras fast kommunalt avfall i princip endast genom deponering. Rio de Janeiro, Brasiliens nästa största stad, har länge haft problem med avfallshantering, som fram tills 2012 slängde allt sitt avfall i en av världens största öppna deponier. Denna studie genomfördes i samarbete med Biogas Research Center (BRC): ett nationellt kompetenscenter inom biogas med intresse av den Brasilianska biogassektorn, samt med kontakter till det federala universitetet i Rio. Eftersom Sverige ur ett globalt perspektiv ligger i framkant vad gäller hantering av organiskt avfall, kan den svenska synvinkeln av avfallshantering kombinerat med lokal kunskap vara värdefull för att hitta effektivare avfallshanteringssystem. Innan man genomför ett skarp biogasprojekt är det klokt att göra en förstudie. Denna uppsats syftar till att genomföra en förstudie av biogassektorn i Rio de Janeiro, som uträttades med hjälp av ett multi-kriterieramverk. Ramverket består av fyra kategorier (potential, genomförbarhet, samt ekonomisk- och miljömässig prestanda), 14 nyckelområden samt 59 underfrågor. Ramverket användes för att assistera i insamlandet, strukturerandet och utvärderandet av information. En fältstudie på åtta veckor i Rio de Janeiro var en del av studien. Resultatet visar att ingen fullständig separering av organiskt avfall sker i Rio, vilket är orsaken till att studien inkluderar avfallsströmmarna blandat kommunalt avfall (som deponeras; benämns MSW) och delvis sorterat organiskt avfall (innehåller 85 % organiskt innehåll; benämns WHOC). Avloppsslam exkluderades från studien för att fokusera på fast kommunalt avfall. Potentialen och genomförbarheten är markant högre för MSW jämfört med WHOC, dock skall det understrykas att tillväxtpotentialen för WHOC är stor vilket ej framgår av siffrorna. Deponin mottager årligen nära 1.2 miljoner ton organiskt avfall (inkl. vatten) som ger en biogasutdelning på 140 miljoner Nm3 / år (50 – 55 % CH4); medan WHOC har en potential på 26 – 42 tusen ton (torrvikt) per år med en biogasutdelning på 6.6 – 19.5 miljoner Nm3 / år (55 – 63 % CH4). Genomförbarhetsanalysen för avfallsströmmarna visade att alla nyckelområden förutom ekonomiska instrument var värderade högre för MSW jämfört med WHOC. Studien visar vidare att det mest genomförbara användningsområdet för biogasen är injektion till gasnätet. Miljömässiga prestandan visar att substituering av naturgas med biogas kan sänka växthusgasutsläpp med 68 %, och för varje ton (torrvikt) av rötrester kan ca 8 kg fosfor och 36 kg kväve ersättas. Ekonomiska prestandan visar att biogasproduktion från deponi är mer kosteffektivt än i en bioreaktor, samt att ingen av biogaslösningarna är lönsamma, vilket kan väntas av en avfallshanteringslösning. Studien avslutas med att identifiera en rad utmaningar som biogassektorn i Rio ställs inför: en avsaknad på tillgång av biogas och ingen aktiv plan för att öka produktionen; ekonomiska utmaningar som indikerar ett behov av investeringsstöd; en brist på värdekedja för biogödsel. Resultatet av studien kan förhoppningsvis ge intressenter en bättre förståelse för vilka möjligheter och utmaningar som biogaslösningar ställs inför i Rio de Janeiro kommun – som i förlängningen kan öka möjligheterna för framgångsrika implementeringar av biogasprojekt i regionen.

Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje firmy / Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Development

Šafařík, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The Master's thesis theme is „Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Development“. The main aim of the thesis is to carry out a complex analysis of the problem of current situation in a company AUTOSHOP PAULUS, spol. s r.o. and its environment. Furthermore, based on results of the analysis and on the analysed state of the company, the thesis aims to draft measures leading to development of the company or to strenghtening of its position on the market and to raising its sales. The analysis of the company was based on: analysis of general and field environment, analysis of internal effects, financial analysis and SWOT analysis.

Posouzení informačního sytému a návrhy na jeho zlepšení / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Cebáková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The master's thesis describes the theory of information systems and methods of their assessment. The aim of the present work is to apply theoretical knowledge on a real company and to assess the effectiveness of their information system. The results from the analysis were used to create the new information strategy of the company and some changes have been recommended to improve the current state of the IS. Finally, the budget for the applied changes has been drawn and compared with the benefits that arise from the proposed changes.

Překážky injekčních uživatelů nelegálních návykových látek spojené s přístupem k socialním službám / Barriers to injecting drug users related to access social services

Černá, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the social stigma of injecting users of illegal addictive substances, specifically it deals with the social stigmas that may occur in connection with the use of addictive substances. Social stigma can result in barriers to the use of social services by injecting drug users. The diploma thesis deals with the obstacles that injecting users of illegal addictive substances encounter when using social services. The work tries to identify, map, and describe these obstacles. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the topic of the social environment, addictive substances, addiction, methods of working with users of addictive substances and obstacles associated with the use of social services and other services. The main chapters deal with theoretical topics related to the topic and title of the diploma thesis. The subchapters then elaborate the main topics in more detail. The empirical part of the work was realized through a qualitative survey, specifically through semi-structured interviews. The research sample was a set of contact center clients in the Ústí Region. The main goal of this work is to identify and describe the obstacles that injecting users of illegal addictive substances encounter when using social services. The other sub-objectives were as follows: to...

Materiálové toky a environmentální dopady malého elektroodpadu / Material Flows and Environmental Impacts of s-WEEE in the Czech Republic

Polák, Miloš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a comprehensive study describing and quantifying material flows of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the Czech Republic; specifically the material flow of small waste electric and electronic equipment (s-WEEE) as well as representative substances. The studied material flows were estimated regarding aspects of the environmental impact. The End-of-Life mobile phone is seen as a typical representative of s-WEEE ; therefore material flows of mobile phones are described in this thesis as well. To put it in concrete figures, approximately 124 thousand tons of WEEE from households originated in the Czech Republic in 2010, where each inhabitant got rid off 4 pieces of WEEE in average. Further, total production calculating also consumer-like WEEE from companies and institutions was around 141 thousand tons in 2010. S-WEEE present around 15% from the total amount of WEEE originating in 2010; however it is more than 80% as regards the number of pieces. Despite of that fact the recycling potential of Au for instance is slightly higher by s-WEEE than by large WEEE (63kg/year compared to the 59kg/year respectively). As regards estimation of the total production of EoL mobile phones, around 45 thousand pieces originated in the Czech Republic between the years 1990-2000 and 6,5...

Materiálové toky a environmentální dopady malého elektroodpadu / Material Flows and Environmental Impacts of s-WEEE in the Czech Republic

Polák, Miloš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a comprehensive study describing and quantifying material flows of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the Czech Republic; specifically the material flow of small waste electric and electronic equipment (s-WEEE) as well as representative substances. The studied material flows were estimated regarding aspects of the environmental impact. The End-of-Life mobile phone is seen as a typical representative of s-WEEE ; therefore material flows of mobile phones are described in this thesis as well. To put it in concrete figures, approximately 124 thousand tons of WEEE from households originated in the Czech Republic in 2010, where each inhabitant got rid off 4 pieces of WEEE in average. Further, total production calculating also consumer-like WEEE from companies and institutions was around 141 thousand tons in 2010. S-WEEE present around 15% from the total amount of WEEE originating in 2010; however it is more than 80% as regards the number of pieces. Despite of that fact the recycling potential of Au for instance is slightly higher by s-WEEE than by large WEEE (63kg/year compared to the 59kg/year respectively). As regards estimation of the total production of EoL mobile phones, around 45 thousand pieces originated in the Czech Republic between the years 1990-2000 and 6,5...

Matematiklärares syn på muntlig matematikför elever med matematiksvårigheter : En innehållsanalytisk studie om stödjande faktorer / Mathematics teachers view on oralmathematics for students with mathematicaldifficulties : A content‐analytical study on supporting factors

Jacobsson, Anton, Lundqvist, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Matematik har ett unikt ämnesspråk som elever behöver behärska både skriftligt som muntligt. Brister i den muntliga matematiska kommunikationsförmågan bidrar till att elever med matematiksvårigheter inte får godkänt betyg i matematik för årskurs 9. Dessa elever behöver hjälp och stöd från sin omgivning för att inte riskera att bli underkända. Denna studie har genomförts med syftet att skildra och analysera matematiklärares syn på stödjande faktorer för elever med matematiksvårigheter med fokus på den muntliga matematiska kommunikationsförmågan. Som metod har en innehållsanalytisk forskningsansats med induktiv tematiseringsmetodik använts och studien baseras på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Matematiklärares synsätt har bedömts vara möjliga att skildras och analyseras genom följande sex teman: 1. Balansen mellan muntlig och skriftlig kommunikation 2. Den muntliga kommunikationsförmågans beståndsdelar 3. Aktiviteter baserade på elevernas behov 4. Stödjande lärandemiljö för eleven 5. Elevens deltagande i matematiska diskussioner 6. Samarbete med föräldrar De intervjuade lärarna är eniga om att elever med matematiksvårigheter behöver anpassningar av innehåll och kunskapsmål för den muntliga matematiska förmågan. Det råder dock ingen enighet i lärares syn på adekvata mål och innehåll, utan detta anses vara ett resultat av en mängd faktorer såsom elevernas förkunskaper, lärares tolkning av läroplanen, den skriftliga tyngdpunkten i matematik, få bedömningsmoment för den muntliga förmågan, stress och tidsbrist samt den mindre bra tillgången på specialpedagoger. Elever med matematik‐svårigheter behöver även få stöd i det sammanhang som de befinner sig i. Detta anser lärare kan hanteras genom att antingen blanda sammanhanget med olikheter i kunskap hos elever eller se till att elever med matematiksvårigheter får samarbeta med elever de känner sig trygga med. Lärare försöker även stödja eleverna med styrning, kontroll och ordning, vilket kan förklaras av att dessa elever upplevs gå igenom tonåren. Läraren gör en subjektiv bedömning av elevernas behov av styrning och detta slår då igenom på elevernas möjligheter att få vara med och påverka i olika grad. Lärare har vidare olika förväntningar på elevernas prestationer i ett deltagande, där vissa lärare anser att eleverna ska prestera varmed vissa nöjer sig med ett deltagande. Lärare har således olika fokus för dessa elever – antingen kunskapsmål eller värdemål. Det sista temat berör lärares syn på samarbetet med föräldrarna. Vissa lärare upplevs tro att denna kontakt bidrar positivt varmed andra inte har tolkats riktigt ha samma övertygelse. / Mathematics has a unique subject language that students need to master in writing as well as verbally. Shortcomings in the oral mathematical communication capacity contribute to the fact that students with mathematical difficulties do not receive an approved grade in mathematics for grade 9. These students need help and support from their environment in order not to risk being disapproved. This study has been conducted with the purpose of portraying and analyzing mathematics teachers' views on supportive factors for students with mathematical difficulties focusing on oral mathematical communication skills. As a method, a content analytical research approach with inductive thematic methodology has been used and the study is based on five semi structured interviews. Mathematics teachers' views have been judged to be possible to be depicted and analyzed by the following six themes: 1. The balance between oral and written communication 2. The oral mathematical communications skills components 3. Activities based on the students' needs 4. Supporting learning environment for the student 5. The student's participation in mathematical discussions 6. Cooperation with the parents Teachers agree that students with mathematical difficulties need adaptations of content and knowledge objectives for oral mathematical ability. However, there is no unanimity in the teacher's view of adequate goals and content, but this is considered being the result of a variety of factors such as the student's knowledge, teacher's interpretation of the curriculum, the written focus in mathematics, the lack of adequate situations to assess oral capacity, stress and time shortages and the less good availability of special educators. Students with mathematical difficulties also need support in the context they are in. This believes teachers can be managed by either blending the context of differences in student knowledge or ensuring that students with mathematical difficulties interact with friends who they feel safe interacting with. Teachers also try to support the students with control, control and order, which can be explained by the fact that these students experience through their teens. The teacher makes a subjective assessment of the students' need for governance, and this then paves the way for the students to participate and influence in different ways. Teachers also have different expectations of student performance in a participation, where some teachers believe that the students are performing, with which some people are content with a participation. Teachers thus have different focus on these students ‐ either knowledge or value goals. The last theme concerns teachers' views on cooperation with the parents. Some teachers are interpreted believing that this contact contributes positively whereas others have not been interpreted having the same beliefs.

Experimental and Life Cycle Analysis of a Solar Thermal Adsorption Refrigeration (STAR) Using Ethanol - Activated Carbon

Karki, Bipin 31 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Propuesta de un nuevo procedimiento basado en la norma ISO 9001 para la gestión conjunta de la norma ISO 31000, la filosofía Kaizen y la herramienta Lean Manufacturing en pymes industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana.

Palacios Guillem, María 23 December 2021 (has links)
[ES] Debido a la globalización y al mercado competitivo actual, a la gran variedad de productos y servicios, a los clientes cada vez más exigentes y que demandan productos de alta calidad al mejor precio y a que la tecnología está continuamente mejorando; la mayoría de las pymes industriales decidieron implementar en sus instalaciones normas y sistemas de gestión con la intención de perfeccionar sus procesos y mejorar su nivel de competitividad y así asegurar su permanencia en su sector del mercado. Esto llevó a que una gran cantidad de empresas implementaran sistemas de gestión en sus instalaciones. Lo que a su vez provocó la necesidad y urgencia de crear nuevos sistemas de gestión relacionados con diferentes aspectos que pudieran afectar al desempeño organizacional y, por tanto, a la competitividad de la empresa. Todo esto se traduce en una gran cantidad de empresas que poseen en sus instalaciones varios sistemas de gestión independientes, con los que gestionar aspectos tan diversos como la calidad, el medio ambiente o la salud y la seguridad de sus trabajadores. Sin embargo, existe la posibilidad de administrar varios sistemas de gestión como si fueran uno solo, mediante los sistemas integrados de gestión. Con estos, las empresas pueden ayudarse de las sinergias que presentan en común para obtener una gestión más eficiente y sencilla que si se administraran por separado cada sistema de gestión. No obstante, al llevar a cabo una revisión literaria completa, se apreció que ningún sistema integrado de gestión está relacionado conjuntamente con los aspectos de calidad, mejora continua, riesgos y que ayude a eliminar aquellas actividades que no aportan valor añadido a la empresa. Es por este motivo por lo que el principal objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es crear una metodología que integre las normas ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 31000:2009, Kaizen y Lean Manufacturing. Con esta metodología se intenta ofrecer ayuda a las empresas para mejorar la calidad de sus productos, afrontar los riesgos que pueden encontrarse diariamente y, al mismo tiempo, mejorar continuamente y prescindir de aquellas herramientas y actividades que no generan valor para la empresa. Para poder desarrollar dicha metodología de integración, una vez terminada la revisión literaria, se realizó un análisis empírico univariante y bivariante en el que se empleó una muestra de treinta pymes de la Comunidad Valenciana y una muestra de nueve empresas españolas ubicadas en la República Checa con dos o más sistemas de gestión implementados. De este estudio se concluye que la mayoría de las pymes examinadas han integrado sus sistemas de gestión examinando los elementos comunes de los sistemas de gestión que querían integrar y mediante su propio mapa de procesos. Esta integración tardó entre uno y dos años y en el que afrontaron barreras como "Falta de recursos humanos", "Falta de colaboración entre los departamentos" y "Empleados poco motivados". Gracias al sistema integrado de gestión, las empresas consiguieron mejorar su imagen externa, perfeccionar la calidad de sus productos y aumentar su ventaja competitiva en el mercado y su eficiencia organizacional. También se observó que la totalidad de las pymes valencianas de la muestra, antes de empezar con el proceso de integración y en un plan de integración, determinaron "los Objetivos de calidad y la planificación para lograrlos", la "Gestión de la Infraestructura" y el "Control de las no-conformidades". Mientras que las pymes españolas ubicadas en la República Checa crearon un plan de integración en el que determinaron el "Control de las no conformidades", la "Información documentada (documentación, registro)", los "Roles, responsabilidades, autoridades" de cada trabajador, la "Revisión del sistema" y las "Acciones preventivas y correctivas". / [CAT] A causa de la globalització i al mercat competitiu actual, a la gran varietat de productes i serveis, als clients cada vegada més exigents i que demanen productes d'alta qualitat al millor preu i a que la tecnologia està contínuament millorant; la majoria de les pimes industrials van decidir implementar en les seves instal·lacions normes i sistemes de gestió amb la intenció de perfeccionar els seus processos i millorar el seu nivell de competitivitat, per així assegurar la seva permanència en el seu sector del mercat. Això va fer que una gran quantitat d'empreses implementaren sistemes de gestió en les seves instal·lacions. El que al seu torn va provocar la necessitat i urgència de crear nous sistemes de gestió relacionats amb diferents aspectes que poguessen afectar a l'acompliment organitzacional i, per tant, a la competitivitat de l'empresa. Tot això es tradueix en una gran quantitat d'empreses que posseeixen diversos sistemes de gestió independents, amb els quals gestionar aspectes tan diversos com la qualitat, el medi ambient o la salut i la seguretat dels seus treballadors. No obstant això, hi ha la possibilitat d'administrar diversos sistemes de gestió com si foren un, mitjançant els sistemes integrats de gestió. Amb aquests, les empreses poden ajudar-se de les sinergies que presenten en comú per obtenir una gestió més eficient i senzilla que si s'administraren per separat cada sistema de gestió. No obstant això, en dur a terme una revisió literària completa, es va apreciar que cap sistema integrat de gestió està relacionat conjuntament amb els aspectes de qualitat, millora contínua, riscos i que ajude a eliminar aquelles activitats que no aporten valor afegit a l'empresa. És per aquest motiu pel que el principal objectiu de la present Tesi Doctoral és crear una metodologia que integre les normes ISO 9001: 2015 i ISO 31000: 2009, la filosofia Kaizen i l'eina Lean Manufacturing. Amb aquesta metodologia es pretén ajudar a les empreses a millorar la qualitat dels seus productes, afrontar els riscos que poden trobar-se diàriament i, a la vegada, millorar contínuament i prescindir d'aquelles eines i activitats que no generen valor per a l'empresa. Per poder desenvolupar aquesta metodologia d'integració, una vegada acabada la revisió literària, s'ha realitzat una anàlisi empírica univariant i bivariant en la que s'utilitza una mostra de trenta pimes de la Comunitat Valenciana i una mostra de nou pimes espanyoles situades a la República Txeca amb dos o més sistemes de gestió implementats. D'aquests anàlisis es conclou que la majoria de les pimes estudiades han integrat els seus sistemes de gestió analitzant els elements comuns dels sistemes de gestió que volien integrar i mitjançant el seu propi mapa de processos. Aquest procés d'integració va durar entre un i dos anys i en el que van afrontar barreres com "Falta de recursos humans", "Falta de col·laboració entre els departaments" i "Empleats poc motivats". Però gràcies al sistema integrat de gestió, les empreses van aconseguir millorar la seua imatge externa, perfeccionar la qualitat dels seus productes i augmentar el seu avantatge competitiu en el mercat i la seua eficiència organitzacional. També s'ha observat que, abans de començar amb el procés d'integració i en un pla d'integració, la majoria de les pimes valencianes de la mostra van determinar "els objectius de qualitat i la planificació per a aconseguir-los", la "Gestió de la Infraestructura" i el "Control de les no-conformitats". Mentre que les pimes espanyoles situades a la República Txeca van crear un pla d'integració en el que van determinar el "Control de les no conformitats", la "Informació documentada (documentació, registre)", els "Rols, responsabilitats, autoritats" de cada treballador, la "Revisió del sistema" i les "Accions preventives i correctives". / [EN] Due to globalisation and the current competitive market, the wide variety of products and services, customers are increasingly demanding and ask for high-quality products at the best price and technology is continuously improving; most industrial SMEs decided to implement management standards and systems in their facilities to improve processes and their level of competitiveness, to ensure their permanence in their market sector. This led many companies to implement management systems in their facilities. Which in turn, caused the need and urgency to create new management systems related to different aspects that could affect organisational performance and, therefore, the company competitiveness. All this means that many companies have several independent management systems to manage aspects as diverse as quality, the environment, or the health and safety of its workers. However, there is a possibility of running several management systems as if they were only one, through integrated management systems. With them, companies can benefit from the common synergies presented by the systems to obtain more efficient and simple management than if they ran each management system separately. Nevertheless, after conducting a complete literary review, it was found that no integrated management system is related to aspects of quality, continuous improvement, risks and, simultaneously, helps eliminate those activities that do not add value to the company. This reason motivates that the principal purpose of this essay is to design a method that integrates the ISO 9001:2015 standard, the Lean Manufacturing tool, the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement, and the ISO 31000:2009 standard. This methodology can help companies to improve the quality of their products and face the risks that can be found daily and, at the same time, continuously improve and disregard those tools and activities that do not generate value for the company. To develop the integration methodology after the literary review is conducted did a univariate and bivariate empirical analysis was done using a sample of thirty SMEs from the Valencian Community and a sample of nine Spanish companies located in the Czech Republic, in all cases implementing two or more management systems. The conclusion from this study is that most of the SMEs in the sample have integrated their management systems analysing the common elements of the management systems that they wanted to integrate and through their own process map. This process of integration lasted between one and two years and in which they encountered barriers such as "Lack of human resources", "Lack of collaboration between the departments" and "Employees with little motivation". Thanks to the integrated management system, the companies managed to improve their external image, the quality of their products and increase their competitive advantage in the market, and their organizational efficiency. It was also observed that, before starting the process of integration and in an integration plan, most of the Valencian SMEs from the sample determined "the objectives of quality and the planning to achieve them", "Infrastructure Management" and "Control of non-conformities". While the Spanish SMEs located in the Czech Republic created an integration plan in which they determined the "Control of non-conformities", the "Documented information (documentation, registration)", the "Roles, responsibilities, authorities" of each worker, the "System Review" and the "Preventive and Corrective Actions". / Palacios Guillem, M. (2021). Propuesta de un nuevo procedimiento basado en la norma ISO 9001 para la gestión conjunta de la norma ISO 31000, la filosofía Kaizen y la herramienta Lean Manufacturing en pymes industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/178979

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