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Correlação da algometria, escala análogo visual, escala numérica de avaliação da dor em mulheres com dor pélvica crônicaAlfonsin, Mariane Meirelles January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A Dor Pélvica Crônica (DPC) é um problema social, com alta prevalência, acometendo mulheres na idade reprodutiva. Cada vez mais salientamos a importância de investigar instrumentos apropriados para avaliação da dor, facilitando na prática clínica a escolha do melhor método que torne mais completa a avaliação de aspectos da intensidade na mensuração da dor crônica. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar diferentes instrumentos de avaliação da intensidade dolorosa, a escala numérica (EN), escala visual analógica (EVA) e a algometria de pressão, nas mulheres com DPC, a fim de identificar o instrumento que melhor expressa o quadro doloroso. Métodos: foram avaliadas pelo ginecologista oitenta mulheres encaminhadas ao ambulatório do serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), trinta e três mulheres apresentaram algum aspecto dos nossos critérios de não inclusão. Selecionamos para participar do estudo quarenta e sete pacientes com DPC, sendo que vinte pacientes apresentavam endometriose diagnosticada por videolaparoscopia e vinte e sete pacientes apresentavam outras causas ginecológicas. Utilizamos no estudo um roteiro para anamnese cujos dados relacionados com a DPC foram coletados, tais como diagnóstico, tratamento, sintomatologia e locais da dor. Escores de dor foram classificados de acordo com a intensidade, através das escalas de dor (EN e EVA), instrumentos baseados no autorrelato do indivíduo e algometria de pressão, para verificar o limiar de dor à pressão das pacientes. Na análise dos dados, a concordância entre as escalas foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e a associação entre as escalas com o algômetro foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, o nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (P<0,05). Resultados: As participantes do estudo tinham idade média de 38,3 ± 7,6 anos. Utilizamos o ICC para análise da correlação entre os instrumentos de relato da percepção dolorosa, ou seja, entre as EN e EVA, em relação à dor (0,992), na dismenorreia (1,00) e na dispareunia (0,996), e encontramos excelente concordância entre as escalas, com P<0,01. As associações da algometria com as escalas foram moderadas e inversas, apresentando diferenças estatisticamente significativas, quanto maior a pontuação nas escalas EN e EVA em relação à dispareunia, menores os valores no algômetro, exceto nos pontos LA1 e LA2 em ambos os lados. Também houve associação inversa das escalas EN e EVA na dismenorréia, no ponto LAB2 lado direito e associação inversa no ponto PS lado direito com a escala EVA de dor, com diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: As escalas são instrumentos eficientes para avaliação da dor, podendo ser utilizada tanto a EN quanto a EVA na avaliação da intensidade dolorosa. Na avaliação das mulheres com DPC devemos utilizar a algometria de pressão associada à EN ou EVA, instrumentos inversamente proporcionais, confiáveis e sensíveis, tornando menos subjetiva a avaliação da dor para melhor expressar o quadro doloroso. / Introduction: The Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) is a social problem, with high prevalence, affecting women in reproductive age. Increasingly, has been emphasised the importance of investigating appropriate instruments for evaluation of pain in clinical practice, by facilitating the choice of the best method to make more complete the evaluation in measuring intensity aspects of chronic pain. Therefore, the objective of this study is to correlate different painful intensity assessment tools, the numeric scale (NS), visual analogue scale (VAS) and algometry pressure, in women with CPP, in order to identify the instrument that best expresses the pain. Methods: were evaluated by the gynecologist eighty women referred to the Gynecology and Obstetrics service, Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre (HCPA), thirty three women had some aspect of our criteria for not inclusion. The study included forty seven patients, twenty patients had endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy and twenty seven patients had other gynecological causes. For the analyses in this study we used a road map for anamnesis whose data related to the CPP was collected, such as diagnosis, treatment, symptoms and pain locations. In addition, pain scores were classified according to intensity, through the pain scales (NS and VAS), based on self-report instruments of individual and algometry, to verify the pressure pain threshold of the patients. Statistically, the agreement between scales was assessed by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the association between the scales with the algometer were evaluated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the level of significance adopted was 5% (P<0,05). Results: Study participants had an average age of 38.3 ± 7.6 years old. In the statistical analysis, we used ICC reporting instruments of perception painful I mean, between NS and VAS regarding pain (0,992), in dysmenorrhoea (1.00) and Dyspareunia (0.996), and we found excellent correlation between scales, with P<0,01. The associations of algometria with the scales were moderate and inverses, showing differences statistically significant, the higher the score NS and VAS in relation to Dyspareunia smaller values in algometer, except in points LA1 and LA2 on both sides. Indeed, there were also inverse association of scales NS and VAS on dysmenorrhea, in point LAB2 in the right side and inverse association in point PS in the right side with scale VAS of pain, with statistically significant differences. Conclusion: the scales are effective instruments for evaluation of pain, and may be used both in NS and VAS at painful intensity evaluation. In the evaluation of women with CPP should be used the algometry pressure associated with NS or VAS, instruments inversely proportional, reliable and sensitive, making less subjective pain assessment to better express the pain.
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Grupinių ir individualių kineziterapijos procedūrų poveikis pacientų, patyrusių galvos smegenų insultą, mobilumui / The impact of group therapy versus individual physiotherapy on stroke patients' mobilityBalčiūnienė, Jolita 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: pacientų, patyrusių galvos smegenų insultą funkcinis mobilumas.
Tyrimo problema. Insultas yra trečioji pagal dažnį mirties priežastis išsivysčiusiose šalyse (Dias et al., 2007). Įvykus insultui sutrinka motorinės, sensorinės ir pažintinės funkcijos. Gali būti labai pažeista ėjimo funkcija. Eisenos atgavimas yra svarbiausias reabilitacijos tikslas (Dias et al., 2007).
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti grupinių ir individualių kineziterapijos procedūrų poveikį pacientų, patyrusių galvos smegenų insultą, mobilumui.
Tyrimo uždaviniai. 1) Įvertinti tiriamųjų pusiausvyrą pagal Berg skalę prieš ir po grupinių ir individualių kineziterapijos procedūrų taikymo; 2) Įvertinti tiriamųjų pusiausvyrą sėdint, atsistojimą iš sėdimos padėties bei ėjimą pagal judesių įvertinimo skalę prieš ir po grupinių ir individualių kineziterapijos procedūrų taikymo; 3) Įvertinti tiriamųjų ėjimą pagal testą „Stotis ir eiti“ prieš ir po grupinių ir individualių procedūrų taikymo; 4) Nustatyti koreliacinius ryšius tarp tirtų rodiklių.
Tyrimo metodika. Taikant grupinius ir individualius užsiėmimus buvo vertinama 30-ties tiriamųjų (amžius 74,4±4,3 m.) patyrusių insultą ne mažiau kaip prie 36 mėn. pusiausvyra ir ėjimas pagal Berg pusiausvyros skalę, modifikuotą judesių įvertinimo skalę bei „Stotis ir eiti“ testą prieš ir po kineziterapijos.
Rezultatai. Berg pusiausvyros skalės rezultatai individualios kineziterapijos grupėje prieš kineziterapiją buvo 39,6±5,89, po kineziterapijos – 44,5±6,0 balo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problem. Stroke is the third common cause of mortality in developed countries (Dias et al., 2007). Several disabilities occur after stroke, including loss of motor, sensory and cognitive functions. Gait in stroke patients can be greatly disrupted. Restoration of gait is a major goal in the rehabilitation of stroke patients (Dias et al., 2007).
Aim: to compare the effectiveness of group therapy and individual physiotherapy on the functional mobility in stroke patients.
Objectives. 1) to assess balance in stroke patients according Berg Balance Scale before and after group and individual physiotherapy; 2) to assess sitting balance, standing and walking in stroke according Motor Assessment Scale before and after group and individual physiotherapy; 3) to evaluate walking in stroke patients according Up & Go test before and after group and individual physiotherapy; 4) to find correlation among assessed values.
Methods. Balance and walking were assessed in 30 stroke patients (age 74.4±4.3 years) according to Berg Balance Scale, Motor Assessment Scale and Up & Go test applying group or individual physiotherapy. Time after stroke was no less than 36 months. All measures were done before and after physiotherapy.
Results. Results of Berg Balance Scale before and after individual physiotherapy were: 39.6±5.89 and 44.5±6.0 score respectively; Results of Berg Balance Scale before and after group physiotherapy were: 39.0±6.21 and – 44.6±5.99 scores respectively.
Results of Motor... [to full text]
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Fugl-Meyer skalės apatinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimo dalies pritaikomumo lietuvių kalba įvertinimas / Validation of the lithuanian version of the Fugl-Meyer assessment scale the part of the lower extremity motor performance in patients with strokeJakutavičiūtė, Sima 21 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Fugl – Meyer skalės apatinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimo dalis ir jos pritaikomumas lietuvių kalba.
Darbo problema: pasaulyje galvos smegenų insultas yra viena iš didžiausių visuomenės sveikatos problemų. Dažniausia šios ligos pasekmė – galūnių judesių valdymo sutrikimai. Apie 72 proc. patyrusiųjų GSI yra stebimi kojų judesių valdymo sutrikimai. Siekiant sumažinti galvos smegenų insulto pasekmes, svarbu tinkamai įvertinti reabilitacijos efektyvumą, apimant visas ligos paveiktas sritis. Lietuvoje patyrusiųjų galvos smegenų insultą reabilitacijos efektyvumo įvertinimui oficialiai naudojami instrumentai, kuriais vertinama kasdienė veikla ir pažintinės funkcijos, tačiau nėra oficialiai naudojamo instrumento, tinkamo motorinės funkcijos pažeidimams įvertinti. Fugl – Meyer skalės apatinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimo dalis, dėl gerų rezultatų įvertinimo kriterijų, yra plačiai naudojama pasaulyje, tačiau Lietuvoje ji nėra pritaikyta.
Darbo tikslas: pateikti lietuviškai parengtą Fugl – Meyer judesių atsigavimo po insulto skalės apatinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimo dalį ir įvertinti jos tinkamumą pritaikomumui lieuvių kalba.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Išsiaiškinti Lietuvoje pritaikytus instrumentus, skirtus patyrusiųjų galvos smegenų insultą apatinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimui ir palyginti su kitų šalių praktika.
2. Išsiaiškinti ir įgyvendinti vertinimo instrumento vertimo į gimtąją kalbą procesą.
3. Įvertinti Fugl – Meyer... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object: the Fugl-Meyer assessment scale the part of the lower extremity motor performance and it validation in lithuanian language.
Subject: A stroke is a major public health problem. The most frequent result leading stroke is the disorder of the limb motion control. About 72 percent of stroke patients have lower extremity motor function disorders. According The World Health Organization rehabilitation effectiveness assessment must include all areas affected by the disease. It is important to note that the results of stroke rehabilitation outcome measures should be systematically described and classified in an appropriate way. There are two types of instruments for rehabilitation effectiveness assessment for the patients with stroke in Lithuania. One of them assess daily living activities and the other assess psychological functions. However there are no instrument officially applied for evaluation of the motor disfunctions. According to scientific literature articles, one of the most reliable and valid scale of affected lower extremity true recovery, is Fugl – Meyer Assessment scale the part of the lower extremity motor performance.
Aim: to present the Fugl-Meyer assessment scale the part of the lower extremity motor performance and assess it validation in lithuanian language.
1. To investigate the instruments using for assessment of the lower extremity motor function in patients with stroke in Lithuania and to compare with other countries practices.
2. To... [to full text]
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Fugl-Meyer skalės viršutinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimo dalies pritaikomumo lietuvių kalba įvertinimas / Validation of the lithuanian version of the Fugl-Meyer assessment scale the part of the upper extremity motor performance in patients with strokeVaitkevičiūtė, Justa 21 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Fugl – Meyer skalės viršutinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimo dalis ir jos pritaikomumas lietuvių kalba.
Darbo problema: pasaulyje galvos smegenų insultas yra viena iš didžiausių visuomenės sveikatos problemų. Dažniausia šios ligos pasekmė – galūnių judesių valdymo sutrikimai. Po pusės metų nuo įvykusio galvos smegenų insulto net 65 proc. jį patyrusiųjų išlieka rankos parezė arba plegija. Siekiant sumažinti insulto spasekmes, svarbu tinkamai įvertinti reabilitacijos efektyvumą, apimant visas ligos paveiktas sritis. Lietuvoje patyrusiųjų galvos smegenų insultą reabilitacijos efektyvumo įvertinimui oficialiai naudojami instrumentai, kuriais vertinama kasdienė veikla ir pažintinės funkcijos, tačiau nėra oficialiai naudojamo instrumento, tinkamo motorinės funkcijos pažeidimams įvertinti. Fugl – Meyer skalės viršutinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimo dalis dėl gerų rezultatų įvertinimo kriterijų yra plačiai naudojama pasaulyje, tačiau Lietuvoje ji nėra pritaikyta.
Darbo tikslas: pateikti lietuviškai parengtą Fugl – Meyer judesių atsigavimo po insulto skalės viršutinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimo dalį ir įvertinti jos tinkamumą pritaikomumui lietuvių kalba.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1.Išsiaiškinti Lietuvoje pritaikytus instrumentus, skirtus patyrusiųjų galvos smegenų insultą viršutinės galūnės motorinės funkcijos vertinimui ir palyginti su kitų šalių praktika.
2.Išsiaiškinti ir įgyvendinti vertinimo instrumento vertimo į gimtąją kalbą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object: the Fugl-Meyer assessment scale the part of the upper extremity motor performance and it validation in lithuanian language.
Subject: A stroke is a major public health problem. The most frequent result leading stroke is the disorder of the limb motion control. After a half years after the stroke about 65 percent of the patients still have arm paresis or plegija. According The World Health Organization rehabilitation effectiveness assessment must include all areas affected by the disease. It is important to note that the results of stroke rehabilitation outcome measures should be systematically described and classified in an appropriate way. There are two types of instruments for rehabilitation effectiveness assessment for the patients with stroke in Lithuania. One of them assess daily living activities and the other assess cognitive functions. However there are no instrument officially applied for evaluation of the motor disfunctions. According to scientific literature articles, one of the most reliable and valid scale of affected upper extremity true recovery, is Fugl – Meyer assessment scale the part of the upper extremity motor performance.
Aim: to present the Fugl – Meyer assessment scale the part of the upper extremity motor performance and assess it validation in lithuanian language.
1.To investigate the instruments using for assessment of the upper extremity motor function in patients with stroke in Lithuania and to compare with other... [to full text]
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Correlação da algometria, escala análogo visual, escala numérica de avaliação da dor em mulheres com dor pélvica crônicaAlfonsin, Mariane Meirelles January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A Dor Pélvica Crônica (DPC) é um problema social, com alta prevalência, acometendo mulheres na idade reprodutiva. Cada vez mais salientamos a importância de investigar instrumentos apropriados para avaliação da dor, facilitando na prática clínica a escolha do melhor método que torne mais completa a avaliação de aspectos da intensidade na mensuração da dor crônica. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar diferentes instrumentos de avaliação da intensidade dolorosa, a escala numérica (EN), escala visual analógica (EVA) e a algometria de pressão, nas mulheres com DPC, a fim de identificar o instrumento que melhor expressa o quadro doloroso. Métodos: foram avaliadas pelo ginecologista oitenta mulheres encaminhadas ao ambulatório do serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), trinta e três mulheres apresentaram algum aspecto dos nossos critérios de não inclusão. Selecionamos para participar do estudo quarenta e sete pacientes com DPC, sendo que vinte pacientes apresentavam endometriose diagnosticada por videolaparoscopia e vinte e sete pacientes apresentavam outras causas ginecológicas. Utilizamos no estudo um roteiro para anamnese cujos dados relacionados com a DPC foram coletados, tais como diagnóstico, tratamento, sintomatologia e locais da dor. Escores de dor foram classificados de acordo com a intensidade, através das escalas de dor (EN e EVA), instrumentos baseados no autorrelato do indivíduo e algometria de pressão, para verificar o limiar de dor à pressão das pacientes. Na análise dos dados, a concordância entre as escalas foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e a associação entre as escalas com o algômetro foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, o nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (P<0,05). Resultados: As participantes do estudo tinham idade média de 38,3 ± 7,6 anos. Utilizamos o ICC para análise da correlação entre os instrumentos de relato da percepção dolorosa, ou seja, entre as EN e EVA, em relação à dor (0,992), na dismenorreia (1,00) e na dispareunia (0,996), e encontramos excelente concordância entre as escalas, com P<0,01. As associações da algometria com as escalas foram moderadas e inversas, apresentando diferenças estatisticamente significativas, quanto maior a pontuação nas escalas EN e EVA em relação à dispareunia, menores os valores no algômetro, exceto nos pontos LA1 e LA2 em ambos os lados. Também houve associação inversa das escalas EN e EVA na dismenorréia, no ponto LAB2 lado direito e associação inversa no ponto PS lado direito com a escala EVA de dor, com diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: As escalas são instrumentos eficientes para avaliação da dor, podendo ser utilizada tanto a EN quanto a EVA na avaliação da intensidade dolorosa. Na avaliação das mulheres com DPC devemos utilizar a algometria de pressão associada à EN ou EVA, instrumentos inversamente proporcionais, confiáveis e sensíveis, tornando menos subjetiva a avaliação da dor para melhor expressar o quadro doloroso. / Introduction: The Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) is a social problem, with high prevalence, affecting women in reproductive age. Increasingly, has been emphasised the importance of investigating appropriate instruments for evaluation of pain in clinical practice, by facilitating the choice of the best method to make more complete the evaluation in measuring intensity aspects of chronic pain. Therefore, the objective of this study is to correlate different painful intensity assessment tools, the numeric scale (NS), visual analogue scale (VAS) and algometry pressure, in women with CPP, in order to identify the instrument that best expresses the pain. Methods: were evaluated by the gynecologist eighty women referred to the Gynecology and Obstetrics service, Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre (HCPA), thirty three women had some aspect of our criteria for not inclusion. The study included forty seven patients, twenty patients had endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy and twenty seven patients had other gynecological causes. For the analyses in this study we used a road map for anamnesis whose data related to the CPP was collected, such as diagnosis, treatment, symptoms and pain locations. In addition, pain scores were classified according to intensity, through the pain scales (NS and VAS), based on self-report instruments of individual and algometry, to verify the pressure pain threshold of the patients. Statistically, the agreement between scales was assessed by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the association between the scales with the algometer were evaluated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the level of significance adopted was 5% (P<0,05). Results: Study participants had an average age of 38.3 ± 7.6 years old. In the statistical analysis, we used ICC reporting instruments of perception painful I mean, between NS and VAS regarding pain (0,992), in dysmenorrhoea (1.00) and Dyspareunia (0.996), and we found excellent correlation between scales, with P<0,01. The associations of algometria with the scales were moderate and inverses, showing differences statistically significant, the higher the score NS and VAS in relation to Dyspareunia smaller values in algometer, except in points LA1 and LA2 on both sides. Indeed, there were also inverse association of scales NS and VAS on dysmenorrhea, in point LAB2 in the right side and inverse association in point PS in the right side with scale VAS of pain, with statistically significant differences. Conclusion: the scales are effective instruments for evaluation of pain, and may be used both in NS and VAS at painful intensity evaluation. In the evaluation of women with CPP should be used the algometry pressure associated with NS or VAS, instruments inversely proportional, reliable and sensitive, making less subjective pain assessment to better express the pain.
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Multiple-Respondent Anecdotal Assessments for Behavior Disorders: An Analysis of Interrater Agreement and Correspondence With Functional Analysis OutcomesFahrenholz, Anney Renee 08 1900 (has links)
An analysis of interrater agreement across multiple respondents on anecdotal assessments and correspondence between functional analysis outcomes was completed. Experiment I evaluated overall agreement among multiple respondents (direct-care staff) on the hypothesized function of each residents (28 adults with mental retardation) problematic behavior using the Motivational Assessment Scale (MAS) and the Functional Analysis Screening Tool (FAST). Results of the questionnaires indicated that respondents agreed on the function of the problematic behavior for 10 of the 28 residents. Experiment II examined whether, for selected cases in which 4 out of 5 respondents agreed on the function of the problematic behavior, correspondence occurred between functional analyses and anecdotal assessments outcomes. Two of the 6 functional analyses did not evoke the problematic behavior. However, 4 functional analyses did produce corresponding outcomes suggesting that, when the functional analyses produced interpretable data, the results of the functional analyses corresponded with those of the anecdotal assessments.
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Correlação da algometria, escala análogo visual, escala numérica de avaliação da dor em mulheres com dor pélvica crônicaAlfonsin, Mariane Meirelles January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A Dor Pélvica Crônica (DPC) é um problema social, com alta prevalência, acometendo mulheres na idade reprodutiva. Cada vez mais salientamos a importância de investigar instrumentos apropriados para avaliação da dor, facilitando na prática clínica a escolha do melhor método que torne mais completa a avaliação de aspectos da intensidade na mensuração da dor crônica. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar diferentes instrumentos de avaliação da intensidade dolorosa, a escala numérica (EN), escala visual analógica (EVA) e a algometria de pressão, nas mulheres com DPC, a fim de identificar o instrumento que melhor expressa o quadro doloroso. Métodos: foram avaliadas pelo ginecologista oitenta mulheres encaminhadas ao ambulatório do serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), trinta e três mulheres apresentaram algum aspecto dos nossos critérios de não inclusão. Selecionamos para participar do estudo quarenta e sete pacientes com DPC, sendo que vinte pacientes apresentavam endometriose diagnosticada por videolaparoscopia e vinte e sete pacientes apresentavam outras causas ginecológicas. Utilizamos no estudo um roteiro para anamnese cujos dados relacionados com a DPC foram coletados, tais como diagnóstico, tratamento, sintomatologia e locais da dor. Escores de dor foram classificados de acordo com a intensidade, através das escalas de dor (EN e EVA), instrumentos baseados no autorrelato do indivíduo e algometria de pressão, para verificar o limiar de dor à pressão das pacientes. Na análise dos dados, a concordância entre as escalas foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e a associação entre as escalas com o algômetro foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, o nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (P<0,05). Resultados: As participantes do estudo tinham idade média de 38,3 ± 7,6 anos. Utilizamos o ICC para análise da correlação entre os instrumentos de relato da percepção dolorosa, ou seja, entre as EN e EVA, em relação à dor (0,992), na dismenorreia (1,00) e na dispareunia (0,996), e encontramos excelente concordância entre as escalas, com P<0,01. As associações da algometria com as escalas foram moderadas e inversas, apresentando diferenças estatisticamente significativas, quanto maior a pontuação nas escalas EN e EVA em relação à dispareunia, menores os valores no algômetro, exceto nos pontos LA1 e LA2 em ambos os lados. Também houve associação inversa das escalas EN e EVA na dismenorréia, no ponto LAB2 lado direito e associação inversa no ponto PS lado direito com a escala EVA de dor, com diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: As escalas são instrumentos eficientes para avaliação da dor, podendo ser utilizada tanto a EN quanto a EVA na avaliação da intensidade dolorosa. Na avaliação das mulheres com DPC devemos utilizar a algometria de pressão associada à EN ou EVA, instrumentos inversamente proporcionais, confiáveis e sensíveis, tornando menos subjetiva a avaliação da dor para melhor expressar o quadro doloroso. / Introduction: The Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) is a social problem, with high prevalence, affecting women in reproductive age. Increasingly, has been emphasised the importance of investigating appropriate instruments for evaluation of pain in clinical practice, by facilitating the choice of the best method to make more complete the evaluation in measuring intensity aspects of chronic pain. Therefore, the objective of this study is to correlate different painful intensity assessment tools, the numeric scale (NS), visual analogue scale (VAS) and algometry pressure, in women with CPP, in order to identify the instrument that best expresses the pain. Methods: were evaluated by the gynecologist eighty women referred to the Gynecology and Obstetrics service, Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre (HCPA), thirty three women had some aspect of our criteria for not inclusion. The study included forty seven patients, twenty patients had endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy and twenty seven patients had other gynecological causes. For the analyses in this study we used a road map for anamnesis whose data related to the CPP was collected, such as diagnosis, treatment, symptoms and pain locations. In addition, pain scores were classified according to intensity, through the pain scales (NS and VAS), based on self-report instruments of individual and algometry, to verify the pressure pain threshold of the patients. Statistically, the agreement between scales was assessed by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the association between the scales with the algometer were evaluated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the level of significance adopted was 5% (P<0,05). Results: Study participants had an average age of 38.3 ± 7.6 years old. In the statistical analysis, we used ICC reporting instruments of perception painful I mean, between NS and VAS regarding pain (0,992), in dysmenorrhoea (1.00) and Dyspareunia (0.996), and we found excellent correlation between scales, with P<0,01. The associations of algometria with the scales were moderate and inverses, showing differences statistically significant, the higher the score NS and VAS in relation to Dyspareunia smaller values in algometer, except in points LA1 and LA2 on both sides. Indeed, there were also inverse association of scales NS and VAS on dysmenorrhea, in point LAB2 in the right side and inverse association in point PS in the right side with scale VAS of pain, with statistically significant differences. Conclusion: the scales are effective instruments for evaluation of pain, and may be used both in NS and VAS at painful intensity evaluation. In the evaluation of women with CPP should be used the algometry pressure associated with NS or VAS, instruments inversely proportional, reliable and sensitive, making less subjective pain assessment to better express the pain.
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Correspondence between Multiple-Respondent Anecdotal Assessments and Functional Analysis: Analyses of Rank-Order, Magnitude-of-Difference, and Overall OutcomesArnalds, Holmfridur Osk 05 1900 (has links)
We administered the Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS) and the Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF) to five raters and compared the results with functional analysis outcomes for 12 cases in which agreement was obtained for at least four out of five raters on either anecdotal assessment. The scores for functional categories on the MAS and QABF were ranked by averaging the scores for the raters who agreed on the primary maintaining variable. Functional analysis results were ranked by examining average responding across all conditions. A comparison showed correspondence between the highest category and the highest functional analysis condition for 10 out of 11 cases for the MAS and all 10 cases for the QABF. Correspondence for the category and condition ranked second was found for 2 out of 11 cases for the MAS and 2 out of 10 cases for the QABF. The magnitude of difference between categories on the MAS/QABF did not appear to predict the amount of difference in responding in the corresponding functional analyses.
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Vývoj písemného projevu u žáků od 1. do 5. ročníku základní školy / Handwriting development from 1st to 5th grade of elementary schoolKučerová, Olga January 2018 (has links)
TITLE Handwriting development from 1st to 5th grade of elementary school Author: Mgr. et Mgr. Olga Kučerová Department: Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education Charles University Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. PaedDr. Anna Kucharská, Ph. D. ABSTRACT This dissertation project describes the development phases of the handwriting skills from 1st to 5th grade. The aim of this project is to describe the procedure of dynamic handwriting acquisition concerning two different alphabetic scripts used in Czech elementary schools. These include the traditional cursive script and alternative script that is Comenia Script. We focus on two different styles of penmanship, which are being taught in Czech elementary schools - cursive writing and manuscript writing. Our research sample includes two groups. The first group comprises writers who employ the cursive handwriting style of penmanship, whereas the second group considers the Comenia Script writer i.e. the manuscript style. The research consists of two parts - the theoretical and practical part. The theory defines the basic concepts related to handwriting skills and handwriting development. A substantial part focuses on both styles of penmanship - traditional cursive writing and Comenia Script. We depict their formal characteristics, circumstances of origin and the...
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Étude des altérations du comportement auditif chez l'enfant avec autisme : mise au point d'un nouvel instrument d'évaluation, l'échelle EACAA-E (Échelle Altérations Comportement Auditif Autisme Enfant) / Study of alterations of the auditory behavior in children with autism : development of a new assessment tool, the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C)Filipova, Marina 30 November 2016 (has links)
L'autisme est un trouble envahissant du développement qui affecte toutes les fonctions sensorielles, perceptives, cognitives, communicatives, émotionnelles et relationnelles de l'enfant. S'appuyant sur la triade symptomatique autistique (altération qualitative des interactions sociales, altération qualitative de la communication et de l'imagination, caractère restreint, répétitif et stéréotypé des comportements, des centres d'intérêts et des activités), la définition de l'autisme de l'enfant a longtemps exclu les particularités sensorielles dont attestent pourtant à la fois les personnes avec autisme et les études scientifiques. Le DSM-5 a aujourd'hui réparé cet oubli. Actuellement si ces dysfonctionnements auditifs peuvent être identifiés par le clinicien à l'aide d'outils diagnostiques ou comportementaux validés, à notre connaissance, il n'existe pas d'outil spécifique pour les évaluer. Le premier objectif de cette recherche est d'élaborer une échelle d'Évaluation des Altérations du Comportement Auditif Autisme - Enfant (EACAA-E) utilisable par les cliniciens dans des situations d'examen de l'enfant avec TSA et qui présentent les qualités métrologiques nécessaires pour un usage en pratique clinique et en recherche. Le second objectif est de montrer que les altérations du comportement auditif chez des enfants avec TSA seraient une composante particulière de l'autisme, puis qu'indépendantes du degré de sévérité de l'autisme et du degré de sévérité du retard mental. Cinquante enfants et adolescents avec troubles du spectre de l'autisme et d'âge réel compris entre 2 ans et 18 ans sont recrutés dans des services de soins médico-psychologiques (Pédopsychiatrie, CAMSP) et inclus dans la recherche après consentement de la famille. Le diagnostic d'autisme est effectué à partir des critères du DSM 5 (rétrospectivement pour certains d'entre eux pour qui avait été utilisé initialement le DSM-IV-TR) et l'évaluation quantitative diagnostique est effectuée à l'aide de la CARS, de l'ADOS et de l'ADI-R. Le développement intellectuel et psychologique et le degré de sévérité du retard mental sont évalués à l'aide de tests appropriés (PEP 3, EDEI-R, BECS). L'échelle l'EACAA-E est une échelle originale qui a fait l'objet d'une première étude (Master recherche) et d'une première analyse psychométrique (Filipova et al. 2014) qui a abouti à sa forme définitive : l'échelle comporte 24 items couvrant 7 dimensions de la sensorialité auditive (bizarrerie, fascination, paradoxe, inconfort, hypoesthésie, hyperesthésie, difficulté). La cotation des items (de 0 à 4) permet de calculer un score global et un score par dimension. L'observation des comportements auditifs de l'enfant est réalisée au cours d'un examen psychologique du développement de la cognition et de la communication. Cet examen peut être enregistré. La cotation des items de comportements de l'échelle est réalisée à la fin de la séance par l'examinateur. Une double cotation inter et intra-cotateur est effectuée à partir du document vidéoscopique de l'examen. Les analyses psychométriques indiquent une bonne homogénéité de l'échelle et une bonne fidélité inter et intra-cotateur. L'étude antérieure préliminaire avait aussi montré que l'échelle EACAA-E est sensible aux changements induits par une prise en charge intégrative incluant la T.E.D (Filipova et al. 2014). Ces résultats attestent les qualités métrologiques de l'échelle. Par ailleurs, le score global est corrélé négativement au quotient de développement global, indiquant l'existence d'un lien entre la sévérité du retard mental et l'intensité des altérations du comportement auditif. Par contre, les scores à l'EACAA-E semblent indépendants de la sévérité globale de l'autisme, telle qu'évaluée quantitativement par la CARS. L'EACAA-E apparaît donc comme une échelle clinique francophone pertinente pour l'évaluation des altérations des comportements auditifs chez les enfants présentant un TSA. / Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that affects all sensory, perceptual, cognitive, communicative, emotional and relationship to the child. Based on the autistic triad of symptoms (qualitative impairment in social interaction, qualitative impairments in communication and imagination, restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities), the definition of child's autism has long ruled the sensory characteristics which nevertheless attest to both people with autism and scientific studies. The DSM-5 has now fixed this oversight. Currently if auditory dysfunction can be identified by the clinician using validated diagnostic or behavioral tools, to our knowledge, there is no specific tool to evaluate them. The first objective of this research is to develop the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) for use by clinicians in children's exam situations with ASD and having the metrological required for use in clinical practice and research. The second objective is to show that alterations of the auditory behavior in children with ASD would be a particular component of autism, as independent of the degree of severity of autism and the degree of severity of mental retardation. Participant. Fifty children and adolescents with disorders of the autism spectrum and actual age between 2 and 18 years were recruited from medical and psychological care (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, CAMSP) and included in the search after family consent. The diagnosis of autism is made from DSM 5 (retrospectively for some of them who had initially used the DSM-IV-TR) and diagnostic quantitative evaluation is performed using the CARS, the ADOS and ADI-R. The intellectual and psychological development and severity of mental retardation are evaluated using appropriate tests (PEP 3, EDEI-R, SCEB). Measurement'method. The Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) is an original scale which was the subject of a first study (Master's degree) and a first psychometric analysis (2014 Filipova et al.) Which resulted in its final form: the scale includes 24 items covering seven dimensions of auditory sensory (oddity, fascinating, paradoxical, discomfort, hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, difficulty). The listing of items (0 to 4) calculates an overall score and a score by dimension. The observation of the child's auditory behavior is made during a psychological examination of the development of cognition and communication. This examination can be registered. Trading on the scale behavior of items is performed at the end of the session by the examiner. A double rating by inter and intra-rater is carried out from the document videoscopic examination. Psychometric analysis indicates good homogeneity of the scale and good reliability inter and intra-rater. Preliminary earlier study also showed that ABAA-C scale is sensitive to changes induced by integrative care including T.E.D (Filipova et al. 2014). These results demonstrate the metrological qualities of the scale. Moreover, the overall score is negatively correlated to the overall development quotient, indicating the existence of a link between the severity of mental retardation and intensity alterations of the auditory behavior. By against and scores to the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) appear to be independent of the overall severity of autism, as assessed quantitatively by CARS. The Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) appears as a relevant francophone clinical scale for assessing alterations in auditory behavior in children with ASD.
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