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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanised Intercropping and Double Cropping in Southern Queensland

Peter Michael Masasso Unknown Date (has links)
The potential for relay intercropping and double cropping was assessed in field trials over three consecutive years at Gatton, Queensland. The rationale was to use controlled traffic technology to facilitate relay and double cropping and thus research a cropping system that could exploit late winter crop rainfall. In Field Trial I, grain sorghum and sunflower, broadacre crops already grown within the Southern and Darling Downs regions of Queensland and New South Wales were intercropped into wheat; sunflower was intercropped with wheat in Field Trial II. Sole summer plantings were made at the same time as intercrops were planted. The wheat crop was cut and stubble removed to facilitate this. Various planting dates (three for Field Trial I; four for Field Trial II) for the relayed summer crops were used to determine if an optimum planting time existed. Plant height, tiller number, light interception, grain yield, soil moisture and economic return were used as parameters to compare the intercrop with sole plantings in Field Trial I. Grain yield, soil moisture, rainfall infiltration and economic return were measured in Field Trial II. Research also involved the modification and testing of a tractor to carry out the sowing of the intercrop. In Field Trial I, light interception was shown to vary at different stages of the wheat crop and the use of these stages to determine optimum planting dates of the relay crop is suggested. In both trials, no differences were recorded in the grain yield between intercropped and sole cropped wheat treatments suggesting the trafficking of the plot did not affect the wheat. As neither sorghum or sunflower established as intercrops, competition was not a factor in affecting wheat yields. Moisture readings in both trials showed little change below a depth of 100 cm; however some treatment differences were present at shallower depths. In Field ii Trial I, sole summer sorghum, especially the first planting date, showed reduced water capture/ higher soil evaporation due to wheat removal initially and later transpiration loss due to crop growth and increased weed pressure. Sole wheat treatments showed increased moisture storage after harvest due to lack of water use by the crop and increased infiltration/reduced runoff due to stubble retention. Improved soil moisture recharge after rainfall events was apparent in double cropped treatments suggesting not only improved water utilisation but also improved capture and storage is possible within this system. Sorghum, commonly used throughout south eastern Queensland as a summer crop option, proved unsuitable for relay intercropping in Field Trial I for Planting Dates 1 and 2. Minimum soil temperatures for these plantings were marginal as they were close to the 15o Celsius level recommended for sorghum. However, even though establishment was poor for the intercropped plantings, it was higher for sole sorghum plantings. Wheat allelopathic effects may be involved. To avoid the temperature limitations of sorghum, sunflower was selected as an alternative intercrop in the later planting dates of Field Trial I and all dates for Field Trial II. Reasons for the poor establishment and yield of sunflowers in the earlier intercrop planting dates compared to sole plantings remain unknown but also may be related to allelopathic effects from intercropped wheat. Low soil temperature was not a factor affecting establishment Yields for planting dates were recorded in the intercropped sunflower treatments for Field Trial II and the optimal planting time for sunflowers in a wheat/sunflower relay intercrop was identified as when physiological maturity of the wheat had occurred. This may relate to the wheat crop stage. In Field Trial II, no significant differences in soil moisture were recorded between treatments from overall water use for the trial period. There were differences in water use between intercropped and sole cropped treatments for iii some rainfall events. Three rainfall events were chosen for closer study in each of the field trials conducted. Each event varied in the length and time as well as the duration and intensity of the rain that fell for the period. For the first rainfall period the moisture content of the first planting date of the sole summer treatment and to a lesser extent the second planting date of the same treatment increased, most likely due to wheat removal. In the third rainfall period the double cropped sunflower treatment with stubble tended to store less moisture and this may be due to the active crop growth at this time. It was evident in both field trials of the need for an effective weed control program in the intercrop plots. Weeds were controlled in wheel tracks by glyphosate sprays. Cultural methods may help but a herbicide suitable for both components of the intercrop would be very useful. A tractor was successfully modified to a 3 metre wheelspace and a clearance of 70 cm. This proved sufficient for planting the relay intercrop in Field Trial II without negatively affecting the yield of the standing crop. The row spacing of 18 cm for wheat in a 3 metre fixed bed and wheeltrack configuration assisted with guidance and interplanting of the relay crop. The relay crop was sown as single alternating rows.

Políticas públicas na construção do etnodesenvolvimento na Terra Indígena do Guarita - RS

Pörsch, Juliano January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata da temática do Etnodesenvolvimento em comunidades indígenas Kaingang, a partir de dois instrumentos de políticas públicas que são a Chamada Pública de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural e o Programa de Fomento às Atividades Produtivas do Plano Brasil Sem Miséria. Tem por objetivo analisar as contribuições ao etnodesenvolvimento destes instrumentos na Terra Indígena do Guarita - RS. As metodologias utilizadas foram levantamento bibliográfico sobre políticas públicas, os indígenas da etnia Kaingang, a Terra Indígena do Guarita, a extensão rural e o etnodesenvolvimento; pesquisa documental; pesquisa de campo visando obter informações de dois momentos específicos do desenvolvimento dos instrumentos de política pública. O primeiro momento, visava analisar a trajetória da construção da Chamada Pública de ATER, com entrevistas a mediadores em nível local/regional, estadual e nacional. Essas entrevistas serviram para traçar a trajetória da construção da Chamada Pública de ATER Indígena, utilizando para isso um roteiro semi-estruturado, acompanhado de diálogo livre com o entrevistado. Para a análise dessas informações se utilizou do Modelo dos Múltiplos Fluxos de John Kingdon. O segundo momento tratou da avaliação das políticas públicas alvo deste trabalho. Nessa etapa, ocorreram entrevistas com beneficiários indígenas na Terra Indígena do Guarita, nos municípios de Tenente Portela e Redentora, RS, e com extensionistas rurais da Unidade Indígena (UIN) de Tenente Portela. Foram utilizados roteiros semi-estruturados, sendo 15 entrevistas com indígenas Kaingang e 4 entrevistas com extensionistas da UIN, além da Coordenadora da Chamada em Porto Alegre. Referente à trajetória de construção da Chamada Pública de ATER Indígena constatamos a importância do Território da Cidadania Noroeste Colonial, da dependência de trajetória, do clima nacional e do protagonismo indígena. Com relação à avaliação das políticas aplicadas, consideramos como relevantes, as melhorias na segurança alimentar através da produção para autoconsumo e comercialização; o avanço no diálogo interétnico; a construção de cidadania pela autonomia proporcionada às famílias na gestão dos recursos, o protagonismo da mulher indígena na definição dos projetos produtivos. Consideramos da mesma forma, que essas políticas públicas ensejaram relações de reconhecimento e redistribuição, nas perspectivas apontadas por Axel Honneth e Nancy Fraser. / The present work discusses ethnodevelopment in Kaingang indigenous comunities under two instruments of public programs: Chamada Pública de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural – ATER (Public Call for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension) and Programa de Fomento às Atividades Produtivas do Plano Brasil Sem Miséria (Productive Activities Development Program, as part of Brazil without Misery Plan). The main goal is to analyze the contributions of these instruments to the ethnodevelopment of Guarita indigenous reservation, in Rio Grande do Sul. The methodologies used here were bibliographical survey on public policies, Kaingang tribe, Terra Indígena do Guarita reservation, rural extention and ethnodevelopment; documental research; field research – seeking to gather information on two specific moments. The first step was analyzing the construction of the Chamada Pública de ATER, interviewing local, regional, state and national moderators. These interviews traced the path of the construction, using a semi-structured script, flowed by opened dialogs with the interviewee. To analyze these datas, the author used John Kingdon’s Multiple Flow Model. The second step was to evaluate the public policies studied so far. In this stage, there were interviews with beneficiaries from Terra Indígena do Guarita, located in Tenente Portela and Redentora, and with rural extensionists from Tenente Portela’s Indigenous Unit (INU). Once again, it was used a semi-structured script, with wich the author interviewed 15 Kaingang natives and 4 INU extensionists, as well as the Coordenator, in Porto Alegre. Regarding the path to the construction of Chamada Pública de ATER Indígena, the author noticed the importance of the Territory of Colonial Northwest Citizenship, the dependence of trajectory, the national climate and indigenous protagonism. With regard to the evaluation of applied policies, it was considered as relevant improvements in food security through production for self-consumption and commercialization; advancement in inter-ethnic dialogue; construction of citizenship for the autonomy provided to families in the management of resources; the role of indigenous women in the definition of productive projects. The author also considered that these public policies gave rise to recognition and redistribution relations in the perspectives pointed out by Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser.

Participação social e políticas públicas de extensão rural em assentamentos de reforma agrária / Social participation and public policies of rural extension in settlements of agrarian reform

Zarnott, Alisson Vicente 31 August 2016 (has links)
Social participation is seen as the success cornerstone of the public policies, counting on the beneficiary public in its formulation, operationalization and co-management. The public policy of Rural Extension for Settlements is summed up in 2003 with the Technical, Social and Environmental Advisory Program that, in the settlements of Rio Grande do Sul, currently attends - through contracts signed with entities that provide rural extension services, defined through public calls - approximately eleven thousand families, organized in twenty Operational Nuclei. The current institutional format of the TSEA RS Program includes a State Board of TSEA, TSEA Regional Councils and evaluation and planning meetings in all the settlements. The present study investigated whether the changes that the program underwent during the contracts period (2009-2016) were derived from the process of social participation, and what other results were produced by the participation in the construction of a learning capable of subsidizing public discussions about the Program of TSEA and the other public policies of Rural Extension. The Habermasian theoretical reference on the public sphere, the theory of communicative action and deliberative democracy were used as analytical lens. Considering the criticisms of some elements of this theoretical body, the analysis with the contributions of Nancy Fraser on strong publics, weak publics and subaltern publics was complemented, allowing recognizing the multiplicity of publics, the difference of power and, nevertheless, the sphere Take the form of discussions and deliberations, contributing to the democratic construction. The research was anchored in action research and used action observation, documentary analysis and interviews. The main conclusions are that participation, role differentiation, networking and the construction of methodological tools for participation and qualification are key elements for a Pluralist Rural Extension System and a democratic Rural Extension program. Specifically on TSEA RS, participation was fundamental to achieve deliberative processes and the current design of the Program, allowing to provide references on the five dimensions analyzed: institutional design, context and institutional environment, inclusion and representativeness, deliberative process and results of participation. / A participação social é apontada como pedra angular do sucesso das políticas públicas, passando pelo envolvimento do público beneficiário na sua formulação, operacionalização e cogestão. A política pública de Extensão Rural para assentamentos é retomada em 2003 com o Programa de Assessoria Técnica, Social e Ambiental que, nos assentamentos do Rio Grande do Sul, atende, atualmente, através de contratos celebrados com entidades prestadoras de serviço de extensão rural, definidas através de chamadas públicas aproximadamente onze mil famílias, organizadas em vinte Núcleos Operacionais. O atual formato institucional do Programa de ATES RS inclui um Conselho Estadual de ATES, Conselhos Regionais de ATES e reuniões de avaliação e planejamento em todos os assentamentos. O presente trabalho investigou se as mudanças por que passou o Programa no período dos contratos (2009 - 2016) derivam do processo de participação social, e quais outros resultados foram produzidos pela participação no sentido de construir uma aprendizagem capaz de subsidiar as discussões públicas sobre o Programa de ATES e as demais políticas públicas de Extensão Rural. Como lente analítica utilizou-se o referencial teórico habermasiano sobre a esfera pública, a teoria da ação comunicativa e a democracia deliberativa. Considerando as críticas a alguns elementos desse corpo teórico complementou-se a análise com as contribuições de Nancy Fraser sobre públicos fortes, públicos fracos e contra públicos subalternos, permitindo assim reconhecer a multiplicidade de públicos, a diferença de poder e, ainda assim, a esfera pública tomar a forma de discussões e deliberações, contribuindo com a construção democrática. A pesquisa foi ancorada na pesquisa-ação e lançou mão da observação ação, da análise documental e de entrevistas. As principais conclusões são que a participação, a diferenciação de papeis, a atuação em rede e a construção de ferramentas metodológicas para participação e qualificação são elementos chave para um Sistema Pluralista de Extensão Rural e um programa de Extensão Rural democrático. Especificamente sobre a ATES RS, a participação foi fundamental para que se alcançassem processos deliberativos e o atual desenho do Programa, permitindo aportar referências sobre as cinco dimensões analisadas: desenho institucional, contexto e ambiente institucional, inclusão e representatividade, processo deliberativo e resultados da participação.

Mezidruhové srovnání sociálního učení potravních averzí u sýkor / Interspecific comparison of social learning of food aversions in tits

Mitlenerová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
Social learning in animals is a frequently studied topic, including birds. Great tits belong to frequently tested passerine species in this context. For this experiment we have chosen another tit species as model birds - adult and juvenile blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and coal tits (Periparus ater). We tested an effect of social information on discrimination learning between palatable and unpalatable prey. Red and green artificial prey items resembling shieldbugs with a mealworm glued underneath were offered to birds. One variant was palatable, the other was unpalatable, soaked in bitter substance. Experimental groups were allowed to observe a pretrained tutor of the same species choosing palatable prey variant and rejecting the unpalatable one. The birds were then subjected to an individual discrimination learning task with simultaneously offered palatable and unpalatable prey items. The control group was not allowed to observe tutor and learned only individually. On the following day, all birds participated in a memory test. We tested if social information has an influence on avoidance learning in juvenile and adult birds of both species. We found that both species of tits were similarly successful in discrimination learning and there was no difference in success in performance between adult...

Effects of sex ratio on ontogeny of sexual behavior and mating competence in male guppies, poecilia reticulata

Field, Kristin L. 29 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Minimum patch size thresholds of reproductive success of songbirds

Butcher, Jerrod Anthony 15 May 2009 (has links)
Preservation of large tracts of habitat is often recommended for long-term population viability of area-sensitive species. Large tracts may not always be available. Smaller patches, though not able to contain a viable population individually, may contribute to overall regional population viability if within the small patches pairs could successfully reproduce. By definition, area-sensitive species should have a minimum patch size threshold of habitat below which they will not likely reproduce. Two potential causes for positive relationships between patch size and production are inverse relationships between patch size and brood parasitism and patch size and food availability. My objectives were (1) to determine the minimum patch size thresholds of reproductive success for golden-cheeked warblers (Dendroica chrysoparia), black-and-white warblers (Mniotilta varia), and white-eyed vireos (Vireo griseus); (2) to determine whether thresholds for occupancy, territory establishment by males, or pairing success were indicative of thresholds of reproduction; (3) to determine whether the proportion of pairs fledging brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) young was related to patch size, and (4) to determine the affects of patch size on food availability (i.e., arthropod abundance). The Vickery index of reproductive activity was used to determine reproductive activity of each male or pair and to quantify parasitism occurrences. I collected arthropods using branch clipping to assess the relationship between patch size and arthropod abundance. I found minimum patch size thresholds of reproductive success for golden-cheeked and black-and-white warblers, but not for white-eyed vireos. Minimum patch size of reproductive success was between 15 and 20.1 ha. Minimum patch size thresholds for occupancy, territory establishment by males, and pair formation were not consistent with thresholds for reproductive success. I found no relationships between patch size and cowbird parasitism or patch size and arthropod biomass. Conservation practices for target species based on thresholds of occupancy, territory establishment, or pair formation may not address issues of reproduction. The ability to identify thresholds of reproductive success for target species could be useful in conservation and management in multiple ways including setting goals for retention and restoration of a target species’ habitat patch size.

Minimum patch size thresholds of reproductive success of songbirds

Butcher, Jerrod Anthony 15 May 2009 (has links)
Preservation of large tracts of habitat is often recommended for long-term population viability of area-sensitive species. Large tracts may not always be available. Smaller patches, though not able to contain a viable population individually, may contribute to overall regional population viability if within the small patches pairs could successfully reproduce. By definition, area-sensitive species should have a minimum patch size threshold of habitat below which they will not likely reproduce. Two potential causes for positive relationships between patch size and production are inverse relationships between patch size and brood parasitism and patch size and food availability. My objectives were (1) to determine the minimum patch size thresholds of reproductive success for golden-cheeked warblers (Dendroica chrysoparia), black-and-white warblers (Mniotilta varia), and white-eyed vireos (Vireo griseus); (2) to determine whether thresholds for occupancy, territory establishment by males, or pairing success were indicative of thresholds of reproduction; (3) to determine whether the proportion of pairs fledging brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) young was related to patch size, and (4) to determine the affects of patch size on food availability (i.e., arthropod abundance). The Vickery index of reproductive activity was used to determine reproductive activity of each male or pair and to quantify parasitism occurrences. I collected arthropods using branch clipping to assess the relationship between patch size and arthropod abundance. I found minimum patch size thresholds of reproductive success for golden-cheeked and black-and-white warblers, but not for white-eyed vireos. Minimum patch size of reproductive success was between 15 and 20.1 ha. Minimum patch size thresholds for occupancy, territory establishment by males, and pair formation were not consistent with thresholds for reproductive success. I found no relationships between patch size and cowbird parasitism or patch size and arthropod biomass. Conservation practices for target species based on thresholds of occupancy, territory establishment, or pair formation may not address issues of reproduction. The ability to identify thresholds of reproductive success for target species could be useful in conservation and management in multiple ways including setting goals for retention and restoration of a target species’ habitat patch size.

Aprendizado agroecológico na reforma agrária em Sergipe : práticas camponesas e interlocução com a ATER no assentamento Paulo Freire II

Souza, Fernanda Amorim 25 February 2014 (has links)
The Rural Extension and Technical Assistance Service (ATER) in Brazil has its history linked to the process of updating of agriculture and it is co-responsible for the economic, social and environmental consequences of the deployment of this model. However, about one decade ago, the ATER has got through deep reflections about its social role, during the discussion for creating the new Technical Assistance National Policy and Rural Extension (PNATER). Such moment shows a disruption discourse with the history of ATER in the way it is practiced in our country, bringing up agroecology as theoretical-methodological orientation for the extensionist action. The general purpose of this research is to understand, based on experience of settlement Paulo Freire II, Estancia, Sergipe, the complexity of the realizeation of the ATER.s work with regards to the construction of agroecology, considering its intention expressed in the normative speech, such as going beyond the conventional paradigm of Rural Extension. The research carried out in the settlement Paulo Freire II showed over the workers practices a kind of search for alternatives to conventional agriculture, conducted for by different motivations and so reflecting an opportunity for advancement of agro-ecological learning. Although the targets set in the public notices to promote agroecology through ATER look timid, an ongoing process has been revealed to incorporate it to the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension agenda, within the Agrarian Reform Program. The Public Calls of SR-23 from INCRA, had some inspiration on PNATER, and it may be seen a gradual progress trying to work on this issue more efficiently. The last public notice to hiring the company that performs that service in the settlements reflects this advancement with the implementation of a staff of technicians developing the peasant to peasant methods and represents the main affirmation of agroecology construction within the Agrarian Reform in Sergipe. / O serviço de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (ATER) no Brasil tem sua história atrelada à modernização da agricultura e é co-responsável pelas consequências, tanto econômicas quanto sociais e ambientais da implantação desse modelo. No entanto, há cerca de uma década, a ATER passou por uma profunda reflexão sobre o seu papel social, durante a discussão para criação da nova Política Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (PNATER). Este momento apresenta um discurso de ruptura com a história da ATER praticada em nosso país, trazendo a agroecologia como orientação teórico-metodológica para a ação extensionista. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é compreender, a partir da experiência do assentamento Paulo Freire II Estância SE, a complexidade de realização do trabalho da ATER no que diz respeito à construção da agroecologia, levando-se em conta a intenção expressa nos discursos normativos em transpor o paradigma convencional da extensão rural. A pesquisa evidenciou nas práticas dos agricultores do assentamenteo Paulo Freire II uma busca por alternativas à agricultura convencional, guiada pelas mais diversas motivações, refletindo uma oportunidade para o avanço do aprendizado agroecológico. Revelou-se um processo em curso que procura incorporar a Agroecologia à pauta da assistência técnica e extensão rural na reforma agrária. As Chamadas Públicas da SR-23 do INCRA tiveram alguma inspiração na PNATER e percebe-se um avanço gradual que busca trabalhar a temática de forma mais efetiva. O último edital para contratação da empresa que executa o serviço nos assentamentos reflete esse avanço com a definição de um coletivo de técnicos que está ajustando a metodologia Camponês a Camponês e representa a principal afirmação de construção da agroecologia na reforma agrária em Sergipe.

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