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Föräldrars upplevelse av kontakten med sitt barn : En jämförelse mellan två neonatalavdelningar i SverigeLindahl, Christina January 2013 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Syfte: Att studera föräldrars upplevelse av att kunna tolka sitt barns behov och mående samt upplevda kompetens i föräldrarollen efter att barnet har vårdats på neonatalavdelning. Metod: En jämförande kvantitativ studie med deskriptiv explorativ design som är en del av ett större projekt som genomförts vid två neonatalavdelningar i Sverige. En vecka efter barnets utskrivning från neonatalavdelningen samt vid två månaders korrigerad ålder fick barnets mamma och pappa varsin enkät, innehållande bland annat en föräldra-attitydskala, hemskickad. Insamlade data matades in i Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) och redovisades med deskriptiv (md; median och range; minimum och maximum) och jämförande statistik (Chi-2-test och Mann-Whitney U-test). Resultat: En enda signifikant skillnad kunde ses mellan de två neonatalavdelningarna och det gällde föräldrarnas upplevelse att barnet tyckte om kontakt från dem i form av deras doft. På neonatalavdelning 2 svarade föräldrarna i högre grad att detta påstående stämde en vecka efter barnets utskrivning från neonatalavdelningen. Inga andra signifikanta skillnader ses vid jämförelsen av föräldrarnas enkätsvar från de två neonatalavdelningarna. Slutsats: Den enda signifikant skillnad som kunde ses anses av flera orsaker inte vara av särskilt hög betydelse. Följaktligen kan inga väsentliga skillnader ses mellan föräldrarnas upplevelse av sitt barns behov och mående samt upplevda kompetens i föräldrarollen beroende på om barnet vårdats på en neonatalavdelning där föräldrarna fick bo med sitt barn under hela vårdtiden och tidigt involveras i sitt barns vård eller om barnets vårdats på en neonatalavdelning med mindre föräldranärvaro. / ABSTRACT Aim: Studying parents' experience of being able to interpret their child's needs and well-being, and perceived competence in parenting after the child has been cared for in the neonatal unit. Method: A comparative quantitative study with a descriptive exploratory design that is part of a larger project conducted at two neonatal units in Sweden. A week after the child's discharge from the neonatal unit and at two months' corrected age, the child’s mother and father received a questionnaire sent to their home, containing among other things a parental attitude scale. Collected data were fed into the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and presented with descriptive (md; median and range; minimum and maximum) and comparative statistics (Chi-2 test and Mann-Whitney U test). Results: Only one significant difference was seen between the two neonatal wards and it was regarding the parents' experience that the child enjoyed contact from them in terms of their fragrance. In the neonatal unit 2 parents agreed to a greater extent that this claim was true a week after the child's discharge from the neonatal unit. No other significant differences were seen when comparing the parents' questionnaire responses from the two neonatal wards. Conclusion: The only significant difference that was found was for several reasons not considered to be of very high importance. Consequently, no significant differences was found between the parents perception of their child's needs and well-being, and perceived competence in the parental role, depending on whether the child received care in a neonatal unit where the parents were allowed to stay with their child throughout the whole hospital stay and early get involved in their child's care or if the child was admitted to a neonatal unit with less opportunity for parental presence.
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Effects of Time Spent on Computer-Assisted Instruction on Attitudes of Sixth Grade Students Toward ComputersCampbell, Penny Renae 12 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were threefold: (1) to examine the effects of time spent on CAI on student attitudes, (2) to examine the effects of time spent on CAI among ability groups, and (3) to determine whether initial attitudes would be maintained throughout a school year, and if not, determine variables associated with an attitude shift.
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The Effect Of Instruction With Concrete Models On Eighth Grade StudentsBayram, Sibel 01 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of concrete models on eighth grade students&rsquo / geometry achievement and attitudes toward geometry.
The study was conducted on 106 eighth grade students in one of the private school in Ankara. The subjects of the study received instruction with concrete models, and by the traditional method. Cooperative learning method and discovery learning method were also used to provide better classroom environment and to create exciting classroom atmosphere for the use of concrete models.
The following measuring instruments were used to collect data: The Geometry Attitude Scale (GAS), Geometry Achievement Test (GAT) and open ended questions. The present study was a matching-only pre-test- post-test control group design.
The data of the present study were analyzed by Analysis of Co-Variance and by two-way Analysis of Variance. The results of the study indicated that: (1) There was a statistically significant mean difference between students received instruction with concrete models and those received instruction with traditional method in terms of the GAch / (2) there was no statistically significant mean difference between girls and boys in terms of GAch / (3) there was no statistically significant interaction between treatment and gender on GAch / (4) there was no statistically significant mean difference between students received instruction with concrete models and those received instruction with traditional method in terms of ATG / (5) there was no statistically significant mean difference between girls and boys in terms of ATG / and (6) there was no statistically significant interaction between treatment and gender on ATG.
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Einstellungen zum Erwerb ärztlicher Gesprächskompetenz bei Leipziger MedizinstudierendenSeibt, Anne-Kathrin 10 November 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Einstellungen Leipziger Medizinstudierenden zum Erwerb ärztlicher Gesprächskompetenz mit der Communication Skills Attitude Scale (CSAS) erfasst. Dazu wurde der englischsprachige Fragebogen ins Deutsche übertragen. Insgesamt fanden sich gering ausgeprägte negative Einstellungen und moderate Werte positiver Einstellungen. Im simulierten Längsschnitt fand sich kein Anhalt für eine Dehumanisierung. Die Einstellungswerte der Leipziger Kohorte sind geschlechtsspezifisch.
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An investigation of perceived anxiety toward new software technologies among teachers in a Mississippi rural city school districtMiller, Matilda 01 May 2010 (has links)
Technological standards have existed for years encouraging the use of computer technology as a teaching tool. By increasing technology use in the classroom, educators are able to address teaching and learning opportunities for all students. The need for these opportunities is essential in the rural areas of the U. S. The purpose of this study was to determine if teachers in a rural city school district in Mississippi experience computer anxiety in using new and emerging software technologies for instructional purpose; examine the level of computer anxiety teachers experience in using computers; and explore if relationships exist in the level of computer anxiety experienced by teachers based on the following demographic variables: gender, age, years of teaching, subject area taught, and educational attainment. The population consisted of 110 teachers with a minimum of bachelor‟s degree and certified to teach in their respective areas of specialization. Findings from descriptive statistics revealed that the majority of the participants were female teachers with 43% of participants possessing either a Master‟s or Ph.D. degree. A large portion of these teachers had one year or more experience with learning about or working with computers with access to a computer at home. The means revealed that when teachers have a moderate degree of confidence, liking, and usefulness when using new and emerging software technology there is a low degree of anxiety. Pearson Correlations were used to examine the relationships between the subscales (anxiety, confidence, liking, and usefulness) and demographic variables (gender, age, years of teaching, subject area taught, and educational attainment). Results confirmed that there were significant relationships between age and anxiety, gender and confidence, gender and liking, and years of teaching and anxiety. However, there were no significant relationships between the other variables. Findings of this study have the potential to contribute to the development of a profile that could be used to identify teachers who need exposure to technological training and professional development to help reduce computer anxiety and minimize resistance to computer usage. Additionally, findings of this study can serve as a growing baseline of literature that relates to computer anxiety among teachers.
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What Influences Young Adults to Become Financially Literate : An Explorative Study On Swedish Young Adults’ Attitudes Towards MoneyAguirre, Linda January 2022 (has links)
The low financial literacy among young adults affects individuals’ financial decisions, which impact their well-being and societal welfare. To understand what influences young adults’ financial decisions, it is essential to develop knowledge in elements that give existence to financial literacy. Known factors which influence financial literacy are attitudes about money and socialization sources. The purpose of this thesis is to explore socialization sources’ influence on attitudes towards money and in which way attitudes about money influence young adults’ financial literacy. A theoretical framework regarding these constructs was developed. Based on the Money Attitude Scale (MAS) and socialization source theories, 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted, which were thematically analyzed by developing codes and themes connected to the research questions. The findings from the collected data indicate that young adults are influenced in childhood by how they were raised, their environmental values, and the society and its values that they were brought up in. Findings also indicate that young adults are influenced by trends, media, friends, and their own experiences later in life. The collected data also showed that young adults become more financially literate because of their distrust of banks, the desire to be successful and the best version of themselves, and fear of ending up in challenging financial situations. Some findings pointed to why young adults had low financial literacy, which was connected to fear of being judged, low interest in the subject and still being financially dependent on their parents. This study suggests that policymakers need to develop financial education programs that are directed to socialization sources that influence young adults’ attitudes towards money. Policymakers should also develop trends that actively influence young adults to become more financially literate. / Den låga finansiella läskunnigheten hos unga vuxna påverkar deras finansiella beslut vilket i sin tur har en påverkan på deras välmående samt välfärden i hela samhället. För att förstå vad som influerar unga vuxnas finansiella beslutsagande är det viktigt att få förståelse för faktorer som skapar finansiell läskunnighet. Attityder till pengar samt socialiserings-källor är identifierade faktorer som influerar finansiell läskunnighet. Syftet med denna avhandling är att utforska hur socialiserings-källors influerar attityder till pengar och på vilket sätt dessa attityder till pengar influerar unga vuxna att bli finansiellt läskunniga. Ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på tidigare teorier inom forskningsområdet var framtaget. Baserat på MAS samt teorier för socialiserings-källor, utfördes 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilka var tematiskt analyserade genom att utveckla koder och teman kopplade till frågeställningarna. Resultatet från insamlad data indikerade att unga vuxna är influerade från barndomen baserat på hur de var uppfostrade, omgivningens värderingar samt värderingar baserade på samhället de växt upp i. Det pekade också på att de unga vuxna blev influerade av trender, media, deras vänner samt deras egna erfarenheter senare i livet. Resultatet från insamlad data indikerar att unga vuxna blev influerade att bli mer finansiellt läskunniga för att de misstrodde banker, hade mål att vara framgångsrika, att bli den bästa versionen av dem själva samt i rädsla för att hamna i svåra situationer. Resultat förklarade också varför de unga vuxna inte är finansiellt läskunniga, vilket var sammanlänkat till rädsla att bli dömd, lågt intresse av ämnet samt att de unga vuxna fortfarande var beroende av sina föräldrar. Baserat på resultatet har denna studie dragit slutsatsen att politiska beslutfattare bör ta fram utbildningar som är riktade till socialiseringskällorna som influerar unga vuxna. Politiska beslutfattare bör också skapa trender som influerar unga vuxna att aktivt bli mer finansiellt läskunniga.
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The Effects of an Employment Tax Enforcement Regime on US Small Business and Proprietor Payment ComplianceDacal, Rafael 13 March 2017 (has links)
This study attempted to identify ways to improve voluntary compliance and minimize taxpayer burden, but also tries to understand the behavior of taxpayers’ compliance given the compliance regimen. Most explicitly, it attempted to identify ways to improve payment compliance using regimens already utilized in other parts of the tax code. The research question was whether different tax regimes, such as safe harbor, can change the behavior of employment tax payment for small business or self-employed taxpayers. The idea was to determine if a safe harbor provision can reduce the proclivity of authorized individuals to implement a payroll tax dilemma strategy and whether or regimen can reduce payment noncompliance in time of economic distress. To answer the research question, an online experiment was employed. The experimental design was an impact study. The population of interest in this study was all authorized individuals from small and self-employed firms. The sample size totaled 205, and it was based on the a-priori sample size calculation. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was chosen as the data analysis technique, but other nonparametric test and logistic regression models were used to further analyze the data. This study showed that for subjects who did not subscribed to safe harbor provision but experienced an increased probability of apprehension increased their payment compliance. Also, the availability of a safe harbor provision lead to a large numbers to a safe harbor provision subscription in order to avoid enforcement. This study was able to show that individuals were willing to improve their payment compliance rate when enforcement was increased. The General Deterrence Theory explains that increased deterrence will lead to higher compliance. The study showed a 10 percent improvement in payment compliance when safe harbor was implemented. The results from this study also suggest that provisions such as a safe harbor can be a method of reducing filing costs and audit costs and ultimately taxpayer burden. On the other hand, the results of this study were inconclusive in determining if such provisions can improve payment compliance. Nevertheless, the outcome of this study can improve timing and accuracy of employment taxes payments and it may improve the accuracy of employment tax payment.
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Avaliação das atitudes no curso de estatística: contextos universitários latino-americanos / Evaluation of attitudes in the statistics course: Latin American university contextsPereda, Ana Sofia Aparicio 04 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é fornecer uma visão geral e atualizada da pesquisa empírica e transcultural das atitudes dos estudantes universitários em relação à Estatística. A nossa enfases é a avaliação a nivel pessoal, especialmente o estudo do aspecto afetivo através das atitudes frente à Estatística para o qual fazemos uma revisão das escalas propostas assim como propomos uma escala originalmente desenvolvida para professores de escola e adaptada neste estudo. Considerando os resultados, fazemos um longo estudo das caracteristicas psicométricas desta escala em populaçoes de estudantes universitarios de diferentes especialidades e caracteristicas do Perú, Colombia, Chile e Brasil. Antes de fazer a parte avaliativa e comparativa entre os países, fazemos uma proposta metodológica das práticas de avaliação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem em cursos de Estatística para uma instituição superior considerando uma adaptação da proposta do Enfoque Ontosemiotico da cognição e Instrução Matemática (EOS) de Godino et al, 2008. Também fazemos uma aproximação na avaliação institucional dos cursos de graduação e pós graduação em Estatística desenvolvidos pelo governo federal no Brasil e as políticas de avaliação no Peru, Colômbia e Chile. Todos os capítulos são trabalhos a maneira de artigos trabalhados durante o período do doutorado. / The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive and updated overview of empirical research and cross-cultural attitudes of college students towards Statistics . Our emphasis is on the personal level evaluation, especially through study of the affective aspect of attitudes toward statistics for which we review the proposed scales well as propose a scale originally developed for school teachers and adapted in this study. Considering the results, we made a long study of the psychometric characteristics of this scale in populations of college students from different specialties and characteristics of Peru, Colombia, Chile and Brazil. Before doing the part evaluative and comparative between the countries, do a methodological proposal of the practices of evaluation of the process of educationlearning in courses of Statistics for an upper institution considering An adaptation of the proposal of the Approach Ontosemiotico of the cognition and Mathematical Instruction (EOS) of Godino et al, 2008. Also we make an approach to institutional assessment of undergraduate and graduate programs in Statistics developed by the federal government in Brazil and assessment policies in Peru, Colombia and Chile. All the chapters are works the way of articles worked during the period of the doctored.
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Avaliação das atitudes no curso de estatística: contextos universitários latino-americanos / Evaluation of attitudes in the statistics course: Latin American university contextsAna Sofia Aparicio Pereda 04 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é fornecer uma visão geral e atualizada da pesquisa empírica e transcultural das atitudes dos estudantes universitários em relação à Estatística. A nossa enfases é a avaliação a nivel pessoal, especialmente o estudo do aspecto afetivo através das atitudes frente à Estatística para o qual fazemos uma revisão das escalas propostas assim como propomos uma escala originalmente desenvolvida para professores de escola e adaptada neste estudo. Considerando os resultados, fazemos um longo estudo das caracteristicas psicométricas desta escala em populaçoes de estudantes universitarios de diferentes especialidades e caracteristicas do Perú, Colombia, Chile e Brasil. Antes de fazer a parte avaliativa e comparativa entre os países, fazemos uma proposta metodológica das práticas de avaliação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem em cursos de Estatística para uma instituição superior considerando uma adaptação da proposta do Enfoque Ontosemiotico da cognição e Instrução Matemática (EOS) de Godino et al, 2008. Também fazemos uma aproximação na avaliação institucional dos cursos de graduação e pós graduação em Estatística desenvolvidos pelo governo federal no Brasil e as políticas de avaliação no Peru, Colômbia e Chile. Todos os capítulos são trabalhos a maneira de artigos trabalhados durante o período do doutorado. / The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive and updated overview of empirical research and cross-cultural attitudes of college students towards Statistics . Our emphasis is on the personal level evaluation, especially through study of the affective aspect of attitudes toward statistics for which we review the proposed scales well as propose a scale originally developed for school teachers and adapted in this study. Considering the results, we made a long study of the psychometric characteristics of this scale in populations of college students from different specialties and characteristics of Peru, Colombia, Chile and Brazil. Before doing the part evaluative and comparative between the countries, do a methodological proposal of the practices of evaluation of the process of educationlearning in courses of Statistics for an upper institution considering An adaptation of the proposal of the Approach Ontosemiotico of the cognition and Mathematical Instruction (EOS) of Godino et al, 2008. Also we make an approach to institutional assessment of undergraduate and graduate programs in Statistics developed by the federal government in Brazil and assessment policies in Peru, Colombia and Chile. All the chapters are works the way of articles worked during the period of the doctored.
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Attitudes Toward Psychodiagnostic Testing and Doctoral Clinical Psychology Students' Professional Expectations and TrainingSteele, J. Richard 08 1900 (has links)
Responses of 111 doctoral clinical psychology students to Garfield and Kurtz' (1973) Testing Attitude Scale were subjected to a 2 x 2 factorial analysis. Attitudes toward psychodiagnostic testing were found to be related both to academic versus nonacademic professional expectations (academics scoring more negatively, M = 32.69, than nonacademics, M = 37.19), F (1, 107) = 5.994, p < 0.016, and to internship training exposure (non-interns scoring more negatively, M = 34.64, than interns, M = 38.80), F (1, 107) = 10.321, p< 0.002. Results paralleled previous research on academic and nonacademic working psychologists' attitudes. Similarities in students' and role models' attitudes were discussed in terms of Kelman's (1953; 1958), Festinger's (1957), and Bem's (1970) attitude theories. Results seemed to imply continued controversy over both the desirability of producing psychodiagnostically oriented clinicians, and also traditional paradigms of psychodiagnostic training.
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