Spelling suggestions: "subject:"attributed"" "subject:"attributes""
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消費者心情對產品屬性偏好及產品態度之影響研究夏康寧, Xia,Kang-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
研究三指出不同的心情意識,可能是心情循不同路徑對態度產生影響的關鍵。研究三的結果顯示,當心情意識是屬於動機式時,人們對於自己心情的來源有所意識和歸因時,心情對於商品態度的影響,是透過認知歷程,也就是屬性重視程度的偏好與廣告訴求之搭配,來達到效果,亦即所謂的間接影響。而心情意識屬於背景式時,心情只是一種背景氛圍式的存在,人們對於自身心情沒有特別的意識與歸因,心情的歡欣與不悅便會直接反應至態度的好壞,也就是所謂的直接影響。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the effect of moods on consumers’ attitudes, purchase intention, and cognition of product attributes. This research included three studies, and all the hypotheses in the three studies were examined by experiments. In the experiments, respondents’ moods were elicited by short films or music, and the cognition of product attributes and attitudes toward the product were measured.
In study one, the relationship between consumers’ moods and their weights on product attributes were probed. The result of study one show that consumers in good mood incline to focus on the extrinsic attributes more than intrinsic attributes; the consumers in bad mood incline to pay more attention to the intrinsic attributes than extrinsic ones. For the neutral mood respondents, there is no difference between the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes in their decision weight. Therefore, this study show that moods indeed influence the cognition of product attributes.
Following study one, study two discussed the effect of consumers’ cognition that biased by moods on their attitudes toward products. The results show that when consumers in some moods and have certain tendencies to emphasize intrinsic or extrinsic product attributes, the advertisement that fits to their concerns can induce better attitude than that doesn’t fit. For example, consumers in good mood favor products appealing extrinsic attributes, such as brand and word-of-mouth. On the other hand, if happy consumers see the intrinsic attributes appealing advertisement, such as function and volume, they won’t appreciate those advertisement and products.
Study one and two discussed the process that mood influence attitude through cognition. However, according to the literature and life experience, there is another process that mood influences attitude directly and isn’t involved any cognition element. Study three tried to establish a framework to delineate these two processes. The results of study three indicated that mood awareness is the critical factor that influences whether mood influence mood directly or via cognition components. When the consumers are under motivational mood and can aware the sources of moods, the mood effect is indirect and involved cognition elements such as study one and study two. On the other hand, when consumers are under backdrop mood and doesn’t aware the source of mood, the mood can reflect to the attitude directly.
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Vad söker studenter i sitt framtida arbete? : En kvantitativ studie av högskolestudenter vid Jönköping University / What do students look for in their future employment? : A quantitative study of students enrolled at Jönköping UniversityAspler, Simon, Van Mansvelt, Lucas January 2017 (has links)
Föreliggande studie ämnade att undersöka vilka jobbattribut studenter på Jönköpings Tekniska Högskola (JTH) samt Hälsohögskolan (HH) i Jönköping värderade i valet av framtida arbetsgivare. Vidare undersöktes även huruvida kön och skola påverkade hur studenter värderade jobbattribut. Forskningsstrategin har utgått från en deduktiv ansats och grundade sig i kvantitativ design där en enkät valts som undersökningsmetod som distribuerades vid föreläsningar vid de båda högskolorna. Urvalsmetoden bestod i huvudsak av ett slumpmässigt klusterurval med inslag av ett bekvämlighetsurval vilket genererade 346 enkätsvar. Envägs ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U samt Univariat analyser utfördes för att analysera data. De fem högst värderade jobbattributen bland studenterna var arbetsuppgifter jag tycker om, trevliga kollegor, en säker och trygg anställning, bra arbetsförhållanden och möjligheten till att använda mina färdigheter. En signifikansnivå på p= .05 tillämpades och signifikanta skillnader visade sig i hur både kön och skola värderade enskilda jobbattribut. Vid kategorisering av jobbattribut visade det sig att inre jobbattribut värderades högre av studenterna än de yttre jobbattributen. Resultatet av studien bidrar med värdefull information om hur studenter i Jönköping värderar olika jobbattribut i valet av framtida arbete och kan användas av organisationer för att kunna rekrytera den målgrupp som efterfrågas. / The aim of this study was to examine what job attributes students at The School of Health and Welfare (HH) and The School of Engineering (JTH) in Jönköping preferred in the choice of their future employer. Furthermore, it was investigated whether sex and the choice of school influence students’ job attribute preferences. The study had a deductive research approach and quantitative data were collected by a delivery and collection questionnaire, which was handed out in classes at JTH and HH. The selection method consisted mainly of a random cluster sample with some elements of a convenience sample and the findings in this thesis are based on 346 students preferred job attributes conducted through a survey. One-way ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U and Univariate analysis was made to analyze collected data. The top five job attribute preferences among students was “work I like doing”, “friendly people to work with”, “a secure job”, “good working conditions”, and “opportunities to use my abilities”. A significant level at p= .05 was applied and showed significant differences in separate job attributes for both sex and school. By categorizing the job attributes the results showed that the internal job attributes was more preferred than the external job attributes. The result of this study contributes valuable information by which job attribute students prefer in their choice of their future employer and could be used by organizations to identify the target group which is inquired for.
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RACR: A Scheme Library for Reference Attribute Grammar Controlled RewritingBürger, Christoff 07 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This report presents RACR, a reference attribute grammar library for the programming language Scheme.
RACR supports incremental attribute evaluation in the presence of abstract syntax tree rewrites. It provides a set of functions that can be used to specify abstract syntax tree schemes and their attribution and construct respective trees, query their attributes and node information and annotate and rewrite them. Thereby, both, reference attribute grammars and rewriting, are seamlessly integrated, such that rewrites can reuse attributes and attribute values change depending on performed rewrites – a technique we call Reference Attribute Grammar Controlled Rewriting. To reevaluate attributes influenced by abstract syntax tree rewrites, a demand-driven, incremental evaluation strategy, which incorporates the actual execution paths selected at runtime for control-flows within attribute equations, is used. To realize this strategy, a dynamic attribute dependency graph is constructed throughout attribute evaluation – a technique we call Dynamic Attribute Dependency Analyses.
The report illustrates RACR's motivation, features, instantiation and usage. In particular its application programming interface is documented and exemplified. The report is a reference manual for RACR developers. Further, it presents RACR’s complete implementation and therefore provides a good foundation for readers interested into the details of reference attribute grammar controlled rewriting and dynamic attribute dependency analyses.
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Die C# Schnittstelle der Referenzattributgrammatik-gesteuerten Graphersetzungsbibliothek RACR: Übersicht, Anwendung und Implementierung: EntwicklerhandbuchLangner, Daniel, Bürger, Christoff 04 July 2018 (has links)
Dieser Bericht präsentiert RACR-NET, eine Schnittstelle der Referenzattributgrammatik-gesteuerten Graphersetzungsbibliothek RACR für C#.
RACR-NET ermöglicht die Nutzung der deklarativen, dynamischen Sprachspezifikations-, Instanziierungs- und Auswertungsmeachanismen der RACR Scheme-Bibliothek in der objektorientierten Programmierung. Dies umfasst insbesondere die automatische inkrementelle Auswertung attributbasierter semantischer Analysen und somit das automatische Cachen parametrisierter Funktionsmethoden. Graphersetzungen entsprechen hierbei Zustandsänderungen von Objektinstanzen und der Invalidierung abgeleiteter Berechnungen.
Schwerpunkt dieses Berichts ist die objektorientierte Programmierschnittstelle von RACR-NET, dessen praktische Anwendung und Implementierung. Der Bericht ist ein Referenzhandbuch für RACR-NET Anwender und Entwickler.:1. Einleitung
1.1. Aufgabenstellung
1.2. Struktur der Arbeit
2. Konzeptionelle und technische Voraussetzungen
2.1. Überblick der RAG-gesteuerten Graphersetzung
2.2. Scheme
2.3. Die RACR Scheme-Bibliothek
2.4. Das .NET-Framework und die Common Language Infrastructure
2.5. IronScheme
3. RACR-NET Implementierung: Prozedurale Schnittstelle
3.1. Scheme in C#
3.2. RACR in C#
3.3. Anforderungsanalyse
3.4. Implementierung der prozeduralen Schnittstelle
4. RACR-NET Implementierung: Objektorientierte Schnittstelle
4.1. Überblick über die objektorientierte Schnittstelle
4.2. Anwendungsbeispiel
4.3. Herausforderungen bei der Implementierung
4.4. Implementierung
5. Evaluation
5.1. Testen der Schnittstelle
5.2. Performance-Messungen und -Vergleiche
6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
6.1. Eine objektorientierte Bibliothek für RAG-gesteuerte Graphersetzung
6.2. Zukünftige Arbeiten
A. Literaturverzeichnis
B. MIT Lizenz
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Un système interactif et itératif extraction de connaissances exploitant l'analyse formelle de concepts / An Interactive and Iterative Knowledge Extraction Process Using Formal Concept AnalysisTang, My Thao 30 June 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons notre méthodologie de la connaissance interactive et itérative pour une extraction des textes - le système KESAM: Un outil pour l'extraction des connaissances et le Management de l’Annotation Sémantique. Le KESAM est basé sur l'analyse formelle du concept pour l'extraction des connaissances à partir de ressources textuelles qui prend en charge l'interaction aux experts. Dans le système KESAM, l’extraction des connaissances et l'annotation sémantique sont unifiées en un seul processus pour bénéficier à la fois l'extraction des connaissances et l'annotation sémantique. Les annotations sémantiques sont utilisées pour formaliser la source de la connaissance dans les textes et garder la traçabilité entre le modèle de la connaissance et la source de la connaissance. Le modèle de connaissance est, en revanche, utilisé afin d’améliorer les annotations sémantiques. Le processus KESAM a été conçu pour préserver en permanence le lien entre les ressources (textes et annotations sémantiques) et le modèle de la connaissance. Le noyau du processus est l'Analyse Formelle de Concepts (AFC) qui construit le modèle de la connaissance, i.e. le treillis de concepts, et assure le lien entre le modèle et les annotations des connaissances. Afin d'obtenir le résultat du treillis aussi près que possible aux besoins des experts de ce domaine, nous introduisons un processus itératif qui permet une interaction des experts sur le treillis. Les experts sont invités à évaluer et à affiner le réseau; ils peuvent faire des changements dans le treillis jusqu'à ce qu'ils parviennent à un accord entre le modèle et leurs propres connaissances ou le besoin de l’application. Grâce au lien entre le modèle des connaissances et des annotations sémantiques, le modèle de la connaissance et les annotations sémantiques peuvent co-évoluer afin d'améliorer leur qualité par rapport aux exigences des experts du domaine. En outre, à l'aide de l’AFC de la construction des concepts avec les définitions des ensembles des objets et des ensembles d'attributs, le système KESAM est capable de prendre en compte les deux concepts atomiques et définis, à savoir les concepts qui sont définis par un ensemble des attributs. Afin de combler l'écart possible entre le modèle de représentation basé sur un treillis de concept et le modèle de représentation d'un expert du domaine, nous présentons ensuite une méthode formelle pour l'intégration des connaissances d’expert en treillis des concepts d'une manière telle que nous pouvons maintenir la structure des concepts du treillis. La connaissance d’expert est codée comme un ensemble de dépendance de l'attribut qui est aligné avec l'ensemble des implications fournies par le concept du treillis, ce qui conduit à des modifications dans le treillis d'origine. La méthode permet également aux experts de garder une trace des changements qui se produisent dans le treillis d'origine et la version finale contrainte, et d'accéder à la façon dont les concepts dans la pratique sont liés à des concepts émis automatiquement à partir des données. Nous pouvons construire les treillis contraints sans changer les données et fournir la trace des changements en utilisant des projections extensives sur treillis. À partir d'un treillis d'origine, deux projections différentes produisent deux treillis contraints différents, et, par conséquent, l'écart entre le modèle de représentation basée sur un treillis de réflexion et le modèle de représentation d'un expert du domaine est rempli avec des projections / In this thesis, we present a methodology for interactive and iterative extracting knowledge from texts - the KESAM system: A tool for Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Annotation Management. KESAM is based on Formal Concept Analysis for extracting knowledge from textual resources that supports expert interaction. In the KESAM system, knowledge extraction and semantic annotation are unified into one single process to benefit both knowledge extraction and semantic annotation. Semantic annotations are used for formalizing the source of knowledge in texts and keeping the traceability between the knowledge model and the source of knowledge. The knowledge model is, in return, used for improving semantic annotations. The KESAM process has been designed to permanently preserve the link between the resources (texts and semantic annotations) and the knowledge model. The core of the process is Formal Concept Analysis that builds the knowledge model, i.e. the concept lattice, and ensures the link between the knowledge model and annotations. In order to get the resulting lattice as close as possible to domain experts' requirements, we introduce an iterative process that enables expert interaction on the lattice. Experts are invited to evaluate and refine the lattice; they can make changes in the lattice until they reach an agreement between the model and their own knowledge or application's need. Thanks to the link between the knowledge model and semantic annotations, the knowledge model and semantic annotations can co-evolve in order to improve their quality with respect to domain experts' requirements. Moreover, by using FCA to build concepts with definitions of sets of objects and sets of attributes, the KESAM system is able to take into account both atomic and defined concepts, i.e. concepts that are defined by a set of attributes. In order to bridge the possible gap between the representation model based on a concept lattice and the representation model of a domain expert, we then introduce a formal method for integrating expert knowledge into concept lattices in such a way that we can maintain the lattice structure. The expert knowledge is encoded as a set of attribute dependencies which is aligned with the set of implications provided by the concept lattice, leading to modifications in the original lattice. The method also allows the experts to keep a trace of changes occurring in the original lattice and the final constrained version, and to access how concepts in practice are related to concepts automatically issued from data. The method uses extensional projections to build the constrained lattices without changing the original data and provide the trace of changes. From an original lattice, two different projections produce two different constrained lattices, and thus, the gap between the representation model based on a concept lattice and the representation model of a domain expert is filled with projections.
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Diagnosing examinees' attributes-mastery using the Bayesian inference for binomial proportion: a new method for cognitive diagnostic assessmentKim, Hyun Seok (John) 05 July 2011 (has links)
Purpose of this study was to propose a simple and effective method for cognitive diagnosis assessment (CDA) without heavy computational demand using Bayesian inference for binomial proportion (BIBP). In real data studies, BIBP was applied to a test data using two different item designs: four and ten attributes. Also, the BIBP method was compared with DINA and LCDM in the diagnosis result using the same four-attribute data set. There were slight differences in the attribute mastery probability estimate among the three model (DINA, LCDM, BIBP), which could result in different attribute mastery pattern. In Simulation studies, it was found that the general accuracy of the BIBP method in the true parameter estimation was relatively high. The DINA estimation showed slightly higher overall correct classification rate but the bigger overall biases and estimation errors than the BIBP estimation. The three simulation variables (Attribute Correlation, Attribute Difficulty, and Sample Size) showed impacts on the parameter estimations of both models. However, they affected differently the two models: Harder attributes showed the higher accuracy of attribute mastery classification in the BIBP estimation while easier attributes was associated with the higher accuracy of the DINA estimation. In conclusion, BIBP appears an effective method for CDA with the advantage of easy and fast computation and a relatively high accuracy of parameter estimation.
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Hastighetssänkning på E14 : Beslutsmodell för intressenters olika kriterierWinberg, Martin, Treffenberg, Erik January 2023 (has links)
How do different stakeholders weigh different criteria in a sociallyimportant decision? When a decision needs to be made in today'ssociety, there are many criteria that can be analyzed. These criteriacan be linked to three main areas: economy, ecology, and socialaspects. This study examines how different stakeholder groupsvalue and prioritize different criteria. The study has focused on theissue of speed limits on the E14 road, aiming to use decisionanalytic models to determine how these stakeholders valuedifferent decisions and how they weigh and prioritize differentcriteria related to this decision. To achieve this goal, interviewswere conducted with two stakeholder groups relevant to the issue,namely the Swedish Transport Administration and themunicipality and region. During the interviews, the respondentsweighed and evaluated the different criteria and how they areinfluenced by a speed reduction. The information from theinterviews was then compiled using multi-attribute value theory.The results of the study show that the two stakeholder groupsview the speed reduction from different perspectives. One groupprimarily considered the issue from a traffic safety standpoint,where economic criteria played a less significant role, while theother group highly valued both traffic safety and economic factors.The results indicate that the speed reduction has an overall positiveimpact based on the analyzed criteria. / Hur viktar sig olika intressenter olika kriterier i ett samhällsviktigtbeslut? När ett beslut i dagens samhälle behöver göras finns detmånga kriterier som det går att analysera beslutet från. Dessakriterier kan kopplas ihop till tre stycken huvudområden:ekonomi, ekologi och sociala. I denna studie studeras hur olikaintressentgrupper värderar och viktar olika kriterier. Arbetet harstuderat frågan om hastighetsbeslut på E14 där målet med studienär att genom användning av beslutsanalytiska modeller därintressenter identifieras ta reda på hur dessa intressenter värderarolika beslut och hur de viktar och värderar olika kriterier kopplattill detta beslut. För att uppnå målet har intervjuer gjorts med tvåolika intressentgrupper som är relaterade till frågan, nämligenTrafikverket och Kommun och Region. Respondenterna har iintervjuerna viktat och värderat de olika kriterierna och hur depåverkas av en hastighetssänkning. Informationen frånintervjuerna har därefter sammanställts genom att använda multiattribute value theory. Resultatet från studien visar att de två olikaintressegrupperna ser hastighetssänkningen från olika perspektiv.Den ena gruppen såg på frågan mer från etttrafiksäkerhetsperspektiv där de ekonomiska kriterierna inte hadenågon större betydande roll, medan den andra gruppen värderadeäven trafiksäkerhet högt samt även de ekonomiska. Resultatetvisar att hastighetssänkningen får totalt sett en positiv inverkanutifrån de kriterier som analyseras.
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Applications of 3D seismic attribute analysis workflows: a case study from Ness County, Kansas, USAMeek, Tyler N. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Matthew Totten / Due to their high resolution and established success rates, 3D seismic surveys have become one of the most important tools in many hydrocarbon exploration programs. Basic interpretation of seismic reflectors alone, however, may result in inaccurate predictions of subsurface geology. Historically, seismic attributes have played a particularly important role in the characterization of the lithological and petrophysical properties of hydrocarbon reservoirs in Kansas channel fill lithofacies. Integration of an analysis based on post-stack seismic attributes may drastically reduce the chances of drilling in unsuitable locations.
Previous theses have focused on establishing a suitable 3D seismic attribute analysis workflow for use in the determination of hydrocarbon production potential in areas of Ness County, Kansas, USA (Abbas, 2009; Phillip, 2011). By applying a similar workflow in the analysis of additional 3D seismic and well log data obtained from a nearby area in Ness County, and comparing those results to existing borehole and production data, this study seeks to test the hypothesis that seismic attribute analysis is a crucial component in the delineation of heterogeneous reservoir stratigraphy in Kansas lithologies. Time-structure maps, in addition to time slices of several 3D seismic attributes including amplitude attenuation, acoustic impedance, and event continuity all seem to indicate that five previously drilled dry wells within the study area were outside the boundary of a meandering, Cherokee sandstone body of potential reservoir quality.
Additionally, comparisons of the results of this research to previous studies conducted in Ness County have provided an opportunity to assess, and potentially contribute to, paleodepositional interpretations made through the utilization of a similar workflow (Raef et al., in press). The results of this study seem to support a broadly NE-SW trending meandering channel system, which is in agreement with the interpretations of Raef et al., and the findings of Ramaker (2009).
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Children's perceptions of self as related to family structure and family-conceptParish, Joycelyn Gay January 2011 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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PKI/PMI AND SMART TOKENS IN HEALTHCARE INFORMATION SYSTEMSLiu, Hailong, Qi, Wenhua, Zhang, Qishan, Wu, Jinpei 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / While healthcare industry is striving to achieve e-health systems for improvements in healthcare quality, cost, and access, privacy and security about medical records should be considered carefully. This paper makes a deep study of Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) and Privilege Management Infrastructures (PMIs) and how they can secure e-health systems. To access resources, e.g. patient records, both authentication and authorization are needed, so public key certificates and attribute certificates are both required to protect healthcare information. From a typical medical scenario, we see not only static but also dynamic permissions are required. Dynamic authorization maybe the most complex problem in e-health systems.
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