Spelling suggestions: "subject:"attribution"" "subject:"attributing""
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On semantic reference and discerning referential intentionsBernard, David Lynn, 1979- 05 January 2011 (has links)
In Speaker’s Reference and Semantic Reference, Saul Kripke posited two kinds of reference involved in every use of a designator—a semantic reference, to the object picked out by the meaning of the words used—and a speaker reference, to the object to which the speaker aimed to call attention by deploying the designator. Kripke tentatively defined the notion of the speaker’s referent as the object that (i) the speaker wishes to call attention to, on a given occasion, and (ii) that he believes fulfills the conditions for being the description’s semantic referent. Although offered as a definition, this account is best interpreted as a tentative statement of the normal success conditions of speaker reference. As such, it raises the question of how special a role semantic reference plays in successful speaker reference. This report addresses that question by evaluating Kripke’s tentative account in the light of an extended series of examples in which definite descriptions are used to speaker refer to objects other than the objects to which the descriptions uniquely semantically refer. The report concludes that words’ semantic characteristics are only one of several forms of evidence that audiences regularly rely on to discern what object a speaker intends to call attention to by a particular act of reference. / text
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Prudes versus sluts : An analysis of how attitudes are expressed through colloquial terminologyBlixt, Emely January 2018 (has links)
This paper performs a corpus-based critical discourse analysis on the terms“vamp”, “slut”, “prude” and “spinster” and how they are used in context fromthe 1920s to the 2000s. They were categorized according to what attitudeswere connected to them, positive, neutral and negative. An interest was alsotaken in what attributive adjectives were used in context with each term. Theresults showed consistent negative attitudes towards “prude” and “spinster”,while the attitudes towards “Vamp” and “slut” were mixed with negative andpositive.
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A Tourist Translation : Passives, adjectives, terminology and cultural aspects in translation from English to Swedish in the tourist brochure Dover CastleLejervall, Madeleine January 2006 (has links)
This study deals with difficulties of different nature encountered in the process of translating a tourist booklet on Dover Castle, published by English Heritage. The study focuses on grammatical aspects as the translation of the passive and attributive adjectives, and lexical aspects as the translation of terminology and cultural words and expressions. The analysis is based on Peter Newmark's translation theory and translation strategies. Passives and adjectives have been divided into groups based on the translation models and strategies used, and the focus is on changes in the grammatical structure. Most passives were rendered as passives in Swedish by the use of s-passives, which involves a change in the grammatical structure. Most adjectives in the source text were translated by the use of a corresponding adjective in the target language, with no change in the grammatical structure. However, some adjectives were translated using for example a prepositional phrase or a compound noun. The analysis on terminology and cultural aspects focuses on what translation strategies have been used and problems that may occur concerning such aspects. Most source language terms were translated by the use of corresponding target language terms found in dictionaries or parallel texts. Some of the terms were transferred into the target text in their source text form, with an added explanation. The cultural aspects consisted mainly of names, which were dealt with in different ways. Some were transferred using the source language form, and in some cases conventionalised Swedish forms were used. The main aim of the translation has been to render the text as natural as possible in Swedish, and the main aim of the analysis has been to discuss certain aspects of difficulty that occurred in the translation process.
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The pragmatics of possession : issues in the interpretation of pre-nominal possessives in EnglishKolkmann, Julia January 2016 (has links)
In everyday conversation, we frequently express relationships between two entities by using attributive possessive NPs. Structurally, these consist of a possessor referent, a possessum nominal and a possessive marker which explicates said relationship. For example, if I want to enquire about a house owned by your friend Mary which you are currently decorating, I might feasibly say "How are you getting on with Mary’s house?". My utterance of the pre-nominal possessive NP Mary’s house allows you to represent a specific referent, ensuring that we mentally converge on the same house and are able to talk about it. This study investigates English pre-nominal possessive NPs from a pragmatic point of view. It does so with the aim of providing a cognitively plausible description of their interpretationwhich simultaneously serves to understand how they function as referring expressions in communication. In particular, I discuss some of the intricacies they pose to interlocutors when itcomes to their referential interpretation. One of these concerns the fact that pre-nominal possessives are semantically compatible with numerous different interpretations, yet reference aparticular possessive relation in concrete communicative situations. Thus, given that the Englishlanguage, quite in contrast to the majority of the world’s languages, does not render thepossessive relation that holds between two entities morphosyntactically explicit, the interpretation of pre-nominal possessive NPs falls entirely within the remit of a pragmatic theory. This should explain how Mary’s house, which is compatible with interpretations such asthe house that Mary is letting, the house that Mary wishes to buy, as well as various others,comes to denote the house that Mary owns in a communicative situation like the above. Fullyinterpreting this NP, as Peters & Westerståhl (2013) suggest, involves knowing what possibleinterpretations it gives rise to, selecting the most salient one to the detriment of any others, and, finally, representing a determinate referent denoted by the NP as a whole. While the first aspect has received much attention (e.g. Barker, 1995; Vikner & Jensen, 2002), the other two have been considered by only few researchers. This study represents the first holistic account of possessive interpretations which combinesall three questions to explain the various facets of their pragmatics. On the theoretical level, itsuggests that the currently dominant stance (advocated by Vikner & Jensen, 2002), accordingto which it is the lexical semantic content of the possessum nominal which largely exhausts theinterpretation process, is in need of rethinking. Contrary to existing insights, I attribute a greaterrole to context and pragmatic reasoning both at the level of possible and at the level of salientinterpretations. On the methodological level, the study is multimethodological in its approach,complementing theoretical argument by means of a psycholinguistic production study and alarge-scale corpus study. In this respect, the present study paves the way for a description of pragmatic aspects of theEnglish grammar which have hitherto been explained in terms of more descriptive possessivetaxonomies, including ones delineating alienable vs. inalienable (e.g. Nikolaeva & Spencer,2013), prototypical vs. non-prototypical (e.g. Langacker, 1995; Rosenbach, 2002) and lexicalvs. pragmatic interpretations (Vikner & Jensen, 2002). Ultimately, I suggest that construing referential interpretation as an addressee-dependent search for relevance (e.g. Sperber & Wilson, 1986/1995) largely obviates the need for taxonomies of this kind at the descriptive level.
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Adjectif en Persan : étude morphosyntaxique et sémantique / Persian adjective : morphosyntactic and semantic studyMirmarashi, Fatemeh 21 October 2011 (has links)
Notre étude a commencé par une brève présentation de la langue persane et des parties du discours suivi par la démonstration de l'adjectif persan dans la grammaire contemporaine, notion floue dans les études antérieures. Étant donné que l'adjectif persan n'a pas de marquage flexionnel, cette étude exploratoire a pour but d’identifier des critères pertinents pour distinguer la catégorie adjectivale des autres catégories existantes (notamment nominale et verbale). Le résultat de ce travail nous a conduits à une étude morphosyntaxique et sémantique nous permettant de conclure au fait que l'adjectif persan est une sous-catégorie de la catégorie nominale. / Our study begins with a brief presentation of the Persian language and the parts of speech followed by the demonstration of the Persian adjective in the contemporary grammar and to look for this vague notion in the previous studies. Given that the Persian adjective has no inflected marking, this search aims to identifying distinctive criteria to distinguish the adjectival category from the other existing categories (in particular nominal and verbal). The results of this work conduct us towards a morphosyntactic and semantic study which allowing us to conclude that the Persian adjective is a subcategory of the nominal category.
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Une théorie de la dynamique d'attribution du statut social individuelMiljours, Jean-Christophe 16 November 2023 (has links)
L’avènement de la modernité est venu changer le processus d’attribution statutaire en laissant une plus grande marge de manœuvre à l’individu(alité). Plus exactement, à l’instar de Martuccelli (2002), nous avons remarqué qu’il se produit en société moderne une prolifération narrative, c’est-à-dire qu’Ego peut à présent recourir à une foule de topiques pour s’autoprésenter, créant ainsi une certaine variance attributive du statut. Cependant, celle-ci reste limitée en raison de contraintes et résistances se rapportant aux différentes positions statutaires, qui bien évidemment freinent son émergence (Martuccelli, 2002). Le processus identitaire donc, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, s’en trouve marqué par ce que nous appelons une dyade variance/constance relative attributive, à savoir qu’il présente des moments de changement et des temps d’invariance.
La présente recherche entend donc contribuer à la discussion théorique du statut social en prolongeant l’œuvre de Martuccelli (2002; 2005). Plus précisément, nous souhaitons proposer une articulation des diverses composantes de cette dyade variance/constance relative attributive que sous-entend la question suivante : comment comprendre la dynamique d’attribution statutaire (inter)individuelle dans la société québécoise contemporaine traversée par l’individualisme ? À cette interrogation se greffent deux sous-questions. Primo, quelles sont les différentes dimensions de la dynamique attributive ? Secundo, comment s’articulent-elles les unes aux autres ?
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Dinaminė geografinių ir atributinių duomenų sąsaja Oracle DBVS pagrindu / Dynamic linking of geographical and attributive data using Oracle DBMSRacibara, Giedrius 04 March 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe apžvelgiama esamų GIS sprendimų privalumai ir trūkumai, tiriamos skaitmeninių žemėlapių įmonių taikomosiose programose panaudojimo galimybės. Analizuojama Oracle DBVS programinė įranga, siekiant įrodyti, kad ji turi reikiamas funkcijas erdvinių duomenų valdymui. Apibendrinus analizės rezultatus, pasiūlomas naujas GIS sprandimas, kuris leidžia atvaizduoti įmonės aprašomuosius duomenis skaitmeniniame žemėlapyje dinamišku būdu, nežinant jų struktūros ir minimizuojant programavimo darbus. Dinamiškos GIS koncepcijai realizuoti suprojektuojama nauja dinamiškos GIS architektūra ir suprogramuojamas trūkstamas duomenų integravimo komponentas. Dinamiškam duomenų susiejimui užtikrinti, duomenų integravimo komponento veikimas pagrindžiamas veiklos taisyklių koncepcija. Dinamiškam erdvinių ir aprašomųjų duomenų susiejimui pademonstruoti, dinamiškos GIS architektūra realizuojama naudojant oracle programinę įrangą, duomenų integravimo komponentas sukonfigūruojamas mapViewer naudojimui. Dinamiškos GIS testavimui sukurta testavimo sąsaja, kuri leidžia tiesiai internetiniame puslapyje rašyti veiklos taisykles ir matyti rezutatus žemėlapyje. Į oracle duomenų bazę importuoti egzistuojsntys erdviniai duomenys ir testavimo tikslais dalis duomenų buvo sukurti rankiniu būdu. / This work reviews advantages and weaknesses of existing GIS solutions, explores usage of digital maps for rendering specific enterprise data in digital maps. Oracle DBMS software was also analyzed to prove that it has all necessary components for spatial data manipulation. After summarizing analysis results we offer new GIS solution, which allows rendering enterprise data on the map in dynamic way without knowing enterprise data structure and minimizing programmer work. To implement a dynamic GIS conception a new dynamic GIS architecture and the missing component design for representing business data in a map are created. To ensure dynamic integration and simple usage of component, dynamic integration component functionality is based on business rules conception. To demonstrate dynamic enterprise and spatial data integration on the map, dynamic GIS architecture was implemented using Oracle software by configuring data integration component to use Oracle mapViewer. For dynamic GIS testing, test interface was created with an ability to write business rules directly in web page and see the integration results. Existing spatial data was imported into Oracle DB and some spatial data for testing purposes was created manually.
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La place de l’adjectif épithète dans deux romans du XIXe siècle : El Señor de Bembibre d’Enrique Gil y Carrasco et Los Pazos de Ulloa d’Emilia Pardo Bazán / The place of the attributive adjective in two 19th century novels : El Señor de Bembibre written by Enrique Gil y Carrasco and Los Pazos de Ulloa written by Emilia Pardo BazánHopp, Christelle 15 September 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche consiste à démontrer que la place de l’adjectif dépend de contraintes syntaxiques, mais également de contraintes sémantiques et pragmatiques.L’analyse comparative entre un roman romantique et un roman naturaliste vise à montrer l’importance de la place de l’adjectif épithète au sein du texte, car ce phénomène permet à chaque écrivain de produire certains effets sur les lecteurs qui dépendent des intentions recherchées et par conséquent de l’œuvre étudiée.L'objectif de notre thèse consiste avant tout à montrer que l’adjectif, selon la place qu’il occupe, va permettre non seulement d’apporter différents types de précisions sur le référent désigné par le substantif, mais aussi de transmettre le point de vue du locuteur et de persuader le récepteur.Si bien que ce phénomène permet de montrer que chaque discours littéraire est unique et d’en expliquer le pourquoi. / This research project consisted of showing that the place of the adjective depends not only on syntax but also on semantic and pragmatic constraints.A comparative analysis between a romance novel and a naturalist novel aims to show the importance of the place of the attributive adjective within a text, as this phenomenon allows each writer to produce certain effects on their readers which depend on the intention sought and, consequently, on the work studied.The objective of this thesis consists above all in showing that the adjective, depending on the place that it has, will not only allow for different types of precisions to be brought to the referent as designated by the substantive, but moreover to fulfil a macro-speech-act which constitutes a discourse act and also to transmit the speaker’s point of view and to convince the receiver. This phenomenon allows us to show that each literary discourse is unique and to explain the reasons for this.
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Atributivní a predikativní funkce adjektiv v češtině / Attributive and Predicative Functions of Czech AdjectivesManukjanová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the distinction of attributive and predicative adjectives in contemporary Czech. Although this distinction is very important for defining adjectives as a word class in many languages, there was only little attention paid to it in Czech so far. This thesis is based on the work of František Čermák Lexikon a sémantika (2010). It is strongly inspired by english tradition of linguistics, which is also a reason, why he introduces a new term predicative adjectives in Czech. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part contains theoretical description of predicative and attributive function of adjectives. It is based on information contained in czech and foreign grammarbooks, handbooks or research papers. The goal is to summarize these separate information. The theoretical part deals with the basic characteristic of both types of adjectives, it focuses also on description of their semantics, word form and valency, which depends on it. This part contains definitions of some questionable points or inaccuracies of these descriptions too. The second part of this thesis is given to corpus research. The questionable points or inaccuracies of the descriptions defined in the first part of this thesis are examined on the material of Czech national corpus, concretely the corpus SYN2010....
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Особенности перевода терминологических словосочетаний с английского языка на русский в текстах инструкций : магистерская диссертация / Peciliarities of terminological phrases translation from English into Russian in the texts of instruction manualsАлеева, Э. М., Aleeva, E. M. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена сопоставительному анализу терминологических словосочетаний на английском и русском языке, представляющих собой двухкомпонентные цепочки слов. Исследование проводилось на материале инструкций. Материал исследования составляет 152 термина на английском языке и 173 термина на русском языке. В ходе исследования рассмотрена специфика употребления терминов, а также теория словосочетания. Было определено, при помощи каких моделей построены англоязычные термины и их переводные соответствия; выявлены особенности использования структурных моделей при переводе словосочетаний. Результаты исследования можно использовать как материал для практических занятий по теории и практике перевода, для спецкурсов по научно-техническому переводу и др. / The master's thesis is devoted to the comparative analysis of terminological phrases in English and in Russian, which grammatically are two-component word chains. The study was carried out on the material of instruction manuals. The material of the study consists of 152 terms in English and 173 terms in Russian. In the course of the study, the peculiarities of the use of terms as well as the theory of phrases are considered. It was determined which models were used to build English-language terms and their translational correspondences; the peculiarities of the use of the structural models in the translation of phrases were identified. The results of the study can be used as a material for practical classes on the theory and practice of translation, for special courses on scientific and technical translation, etc.
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