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Mokslo populiarinimo diskursas anglų ir lietuvių kalbomis: multimodalioji analizė / Popular Scientific Discourse in English and Lithuanian: A Multimodal PerspectiveRingailienė, Teresė 13 February 2014 (has links)
Šios disertacijos tikslas – išanalizuoti mokslo populiarinimo diskursą anglų ir lietuvių kalbomis multimodaliuoju aspektu. Multimodalioji analizė – pakankamai nauja diskurso analizės prieiga, kai analizuojama ne tik kalba, bet ir kitos raiškos priemonės (pvz., paveikslėliai, nuotraukos, diagramos). Taigi šiame tyrime analizuojami dominuojantys neverbaliniai (nejudantys paveikslėliai) ir verbaliniai elementai (autoriaus požiūrio raiška, intertekstualumas ir interdiskursyvumas).
Analizė parodė, kad nuotraukose ir paveikslėliuose vaizduojami stereotipai (pvz., stereotipiškai vaizduojamos profesijos, lytys ar nevakarietiškos kultūros). Taip pat atskleidžiama, jog vaizdinių raiškos priemonių funkcijos skiriasi: nuotraukos ir paveikslėliai ne tik informuoja, bet ir atlieka tarpasmeninę, estetinę, naratyvinę ar kitas funkcijas. Santykis tarp teksto ir vaizdo irgi nevienareikšmis: jis varijuoja nuo glaudaus, kai tekstu aprašomi vaizdiniai aspektai, iki pakankamai atsieto, kai tarp raiškos priemonių nėra aiškaus tiesioginio ryšio.
Labiausiai dominuojančių verbaliųjų bruožų analizė atskleidė, kad autoriaus požiūrio raiška mokslo populiarinimo straipsniuose anglų ir lietuvių kalba ženkliai nesiskiria. Pagrindinis skirtumas pastebimas lyginant mokslo populiarinimo ir akademinį diskursą. Anglų kalba daugiau autoriaus požiūrio bruožų vartojama akademiniame diskurse, o lietuvių kalba – jų daugiau kaip dvigubai daugiau mokslo populiarinimo diskurse. Pastebėta, jog anglų mokslo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze popular scientific discourse in English and Lithuanian from a multimodal perspective. Multimodal analysis is a comparatively new approach to discourse analysis which discusses not only language but also other modes, such as pictures, photos, videos, or graphs. Thus, the present investigation combines the analysis of non-verbal (non-moving images) and verbal elements (the author’s stance, intertextuality, and interdiscursivity), which appeared to be the most dominant modes in both languages.
The analysis has revealed that the visual mode typically shows stereotypes depicted in pictures or photos (e.g., stereotypes of professions, gender, or non-Western cultures). The present investigation also demonstrates that the functions of the visual mode are varied: pictures and photos serve not only the informative, but also interpersonal, aesthetic, narrative, and other functions. The relationship between the textual and the visual is not homogeneous as it varies from very close when the textual describes the visual to a looser one when there is no direct relationship between the modes.
The analysis of the verbal mode has revealed that the expression of the author’s stance is not very different in English and Lithuanian. The main difference can be observed when comparing popular scientific and academic discourse. In English more author’s stance features are used in academic discourse, while in Lithuanian they are used more than twice in... [to full text]
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Svět románů Daniely Hodrové / World of novels by Daniela HodrováKobrová, Ivona January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis World of novels by Daniela Hodrová is through the author's novels world to analyze her very specific poetics, which is to a large extent also influenced by a professional activities in the field of literary science. Own scientific work is based on the method of repeated readings of individual pieces of fiction, which are in fact only one part of the endless life novel. Intense reading experience is then confronted with author's theoretical works. Although the subject is based on the bachelor thesis, all the facts have been processed completely original approach. World of author's novels is analyzed through the gateway of own reader's experience and the dedication of the individual works and of the whole creation, which in this concept significantly address the loss of the family, but in the context of therapy in the form of writing novels herself can't accept, in ultimately resulting it is for her more hurtful.
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Autorský mýtus v postmoderním románu / Writer's myth in the postmodern novelPyanzina, Vera January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis Author's Myth in the Postmodern Novel concerns the issue of myth and mythologization in modern literature. The theoretical portion of the thesis focuses on the concept of "author's myth". The conception of primitive myth is interpreted with regard to its features and functions in archaic societies. The first chapter discusses the relation of myth to literature and the characteristics of mythological aspects in contemporary literature. In terms of literary theory, it examines the issues of memory and history and its influence on the author's myth. The second, analytical part of the work, follows the application of the concept of author's myth. It specifically examines this concept in the novels "I Served the King of England" by Bohumil Hrabal, "The Erl-King" by Michel Tournier and "The Tin Drum" by Günter Grass and as well as a comparative analysis of mythological elements of these novels. Considerable attention is paid to the character of the narrator; the space, time and language of the texts; the process of remembering and the meaning of history in the selected novels.
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La licence de droit d'auteur / The license of author's right (copyright)Boisson, Alexis 09 December 2011 (has links)
Le droit d'auteur – dont l'identité reste controversée – n'échappe pas à la discussion quant à la nature et au régime des contrats qui le mettent en œuvre. D'une terminologie légale ancrée dans une certaine tradition, mais hasardeuse, on infère l'originalité de l'ensemble des contrats de la matière. Or, la spécificité n'est sur ce point qu'apparente. De l'édition littéraire aux contrats de l'audiovisuel et aux œuvres diffusées sur les réseaux, l'analyse démontre que si l'auteur peut "céder" son œuvre – ce que dit la loi – il peut aussi la louer, c'est-à-dire en concéder la licence – ce qu'elle ne dit pas. Ce constat s'appuie sur une méthode de lecture renouvelée des contrats du droit d'auteur. L'attention portée par la loi impérative à certains contrats (édition, production audiovisuelle, etc.), a pu perturber l'étude de la licence, l'acte par lequel l'auteur se borne à autoriser l'exploitation de son œuvre pour un temps. Or, si la licence apparaît dans un premier temps en contrat spécial du droit d'auteur, elle sera également amenée à devenir la composante élémentaire d'un contrat complexe organisant une exploitation. Il importe donc de distinguer ces deux objets pour mieux en apprécier ensuite les interactions. Le droit d'auteur, droit "spécial", fait ainsi la preuve de son aptitude à accueillir - autant que de raison - les mécanismes du droit des contrats, droit "commun". Cette étude a pour ambition une meilleure compréhension de cette matière complexe des contrats du droit d'auteur, sans omettre le principal objectif de notre loi : la protection de l'auteur. / In the field of the author's right (a concept with a controversial identity), the nature and regime of many contracts is a subject for debate. A traditional but somehow uncertain terminology has often led to infer the originality of most of these contracts. However, this peculiarity is only apparent. From literary publishing to audiovisual contracts through creations published on networks, not only can the author of a work "assign" it – as stated by the law – but also rent it, or in other words license it – even though the law does not state it. This observation rests on a renewed reading method applied to the author's right contracts. Focusing on some of these contracts (e. g. books publishing, audiovisual production, etc.), mandatory copyright law hindered the study of license itself, i. e. the act by which an author authorizes the exploitation of his work for a fixed time. License is a special contract in the field of author's right ; it is also a basis element in a complex agreement designed to organize an exploitation. These two objects should therefore be distinguished and their interactions thoroughly analysed. A "special" right, the author's right nevertheless proves able to host (to a certain extent) the typical process of contract right – a "common" right. The present study aims to attain a better understanding of a complex matter, the author's right contracts, not forgetting the main purpose of the law itself : the protection of the author.
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Autorská obrazová kniha pro děti / Author children's picture bookBímová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
Bímová, Š.: Author children's picture book. [Diploma thesis] Prague 2015 - Charles University - Faculty of education, 91 s. How was perceived book in the history and today? Selection of several authors I am try to explain past and present trends in the children and children's authors book. Didactic part is mainly focuse on the status of the book in the context with art lessons and not only in the motivation part of the lesson, but also in topic of lesson. Both principles are use in the didactic project, which was built on the theoretical content of the work. Everything closes the practical part, which was applied as a result of a reaction to previous two parts. KEYWORDS author's book, children's book, book illustration, fantasy, material, imagination
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Symbol, znak. Citace a používání uměleckého díla jako tvůrčí princip / Symbol, sign. Citations and use of work of art as a creative principleFricová, Soňa January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to a postmodern use of symbol and sign. It is based on set definitions of major terms in the fine art and maps the space between a word and a picture as well as impersonal understanding of computer-generated codes. Didactic part enables to work with symbol and sign in art education. An analytical and syntactical thinking, the knowledge of the art history and the ability of intellectual fabrication are the basic ideas of the thesis. Art works, that use multilevel symbol expressions and are formally based on a postmodern thinking, are introduced in a practical part of the thesis.
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Aktuální vývoj evropské legislativy v oblasti autorských práv / Current development of the European legislation regarding copyrightKocarová, Klára January 2018 (has links)
This thesis "Current development of the European legislation regarding copyright" deals with the current EU proposals on the modernization of copyright. For the purposes of this work, I have determined as "current" the proposals and documents published between 2015 and 2017 due to the consistency of the pursued objectives and the close interrelation between relevant EU documents. The main target of this work is to present key documents, whether accepted or proposed, to update European copyright for the needs of the digital world. This work is divided into eight chapters representing not only the proposals but also the environment into which they will be incorporated. For this reason, the first three chapters briefly address the introduction of the basic concept of copyright, as well as the harmonization of rights in the EU and the existing legislative framework in Europe (including international treaties and EU measures). In the following chapter, I introduce digitization and the internet as important factors, which affected copyright to such an extent that it appears in some ways to be completely incompatible with modern age. The fifth chapter highlights the main target of the ongoing adaptation of copyright law, which is the creation of a single digital market within the EU. The core parts of...
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Autorská kniha na téma voda / Author's book on the theme of waterHromířová, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with an author's book. The thesis describes sorts of artistically made books and a development of the author's book. It has also the intention to present several Czech and foreign authors whose creation is related to the author's book. The author researches, which artists work with a topic of water and nature in their author's books. She is concerned with various types of visual expression of water in wide area of fine art in 20th and 21st century. The author also dealt with the topic of water in her own author's book called Otava. Illustrations show specific features of this river and also the general features of water. Apart from that, the author points out the life of people and animals around the river. A didactic project is made up of tasks, which should lead pupils to look at water in an artistic, social and environmental context.
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A gestão do património artístico em Portugal, no século XX-do regime jurídico à realidade práticaAmador, José Maria da Rocha Machado January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Otázky bez odpovědi, odpovědi bez otázek / Questions without answer, answers without questionsVYHNALÍK HRUŠKOVÁ, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This diploma work consists of two parts ? theoretical and practical. The theoretical part concerns on questions which accompany man since his childhood till the end of his life. It looks for answers for questions from different points of view. It looks at the problems from religious, scientific and historical points of view. It connects questions in the historical context. It gives ideas how to make these questions accessible for children. It uses digital photos for displaying the pictures which are further adjusted by using the computer graphics. It thinks over the texts and visual works dealing with the questions which accompany a man and with looking for answers. It focuses mainly on questions about life, the meaning of life, death, life after death, violence and the end of the world. It explains the term ? artist?s book?, it is concerned with the history of this visual media and main representatives dealing with making of artists? books. The aim of this work is to make an author?s book which would be stimulation for thinking of the questions and looking for the answers for them. This book would be created with the help of graphic techniques and on the basis of theoretical knowledge and comparing different points of view.
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