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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Okouzlení světlem / Fascination by Light

MÁČOVÁ, Nina January 2013 (has links)
The theoretical part includes sections on various theories light and colors concepts in relation to the historical context. It also deals with topics that are directly related to light, such as shading, lighting, etc., and their symptoms in art, painting, glass, mosaic and glass windows. The practical part is trying to capitalize on the knowledge gained in the file author's books as light objects. For those is attention focused mainly on specific features of various materials and their effect on humans in conjunction with the light.

Etude comparée du droit d'auteur et des droits de la personnalité / Comparative study of author's rights and personality's rights

Pascal, Marie-Alice 17 December 2011 (has links)
La confrontation entre droit d'auteur et droits de la personnalité vise à enrichir la théorisation des droits de la personnalité, qui souffrent d'une absence de catégorisation d'ensemble et d'une inadaptation du fondement juridique qui leur est assigné. La démarche peut surprendre car, tandis que le droit d'auteur a vocation à protéger une œuvre de l'esprit et permettre son exploitation, les droits de la personnalité sont attachés à la protection de l'individu. Pourtant, en dépit de cette différence manifeste d'objet, mais également de fondement juridique, ces deux catégories de droits se rejoignent autour de la notion de personnalité. Cette notion est, en effet, centrale en droit d'auteur français car, une œuvre de l'esprit se présente comme une manifestation de la personnalité de son créateur, expliquant, de ce fait, que le droit d'auteur soit qualifié de "personnaliste". De la même manière, les droits de la personnalité sont tournés vers les manifestations de la personnalité d'un individu à travers les éléments qui le caractérisent. Et si, traditionnellement, ces droits sont consacrés à la défense de l'intégrité morale des personnes physiques, on constate qu'ils font aujourd'hui l'objet de conventions. L'influence de la prise en compte de la personnalité se retrouve ainsi, d'une manière commune, à travers les contrats d'exploitation d'une œuvre de l'esprit, comme de ceux organisant la commercialisation de l'image, du nom ou de la voix d'un individu et explique que leur régime soit souvent analogue. Le constat de l'analogie du régime d'exploitation du droit d'auteur et des droits de la personnalité invite à s'interroger sur le voisinage de leurs natures juridiques respectives et soulève la question de la nature dualiste des droits de la personnalité. / The purpose of a comparative study of author's rights and personality's rights is to improve the theorisation of personality's rights. These rights suffer from a lack of wider categorisation together with inadaptation of their legal basis. The approach taken in this study may be surprising. Indeed, the intent of author's rights is to protect works of the mind and give authors exclusive rights to use them, when personality's rights intend to protect the rights of an individual. Nonetheless, and despite the difference between their legal basis, these two categories of rights converge around the notion of personality. This notion of personality is undeniably essential in French author's law, which is based on the view that a creative work is an expression of the author's personality. Similarly, personality's rights are considered to protect the expression an individual's personality. If traditionally, the purpose of these rights is to defend the moral integrity of individuals, we noticed today that these rights are subject to contracts. The fact that the concept of personality is respectively found in agreements regarding the exploitation of works of the mind as in those regulating the commercial use of one's name, image, likeness or voice, explains that these legal concepts are often comparable. The analogy between the author's right and the personality's rights exploitation procedures raises the questions of the parallel between their respective legal nature and of the dual nature of personality rights.

Píseň jako autorské dílo a ochrana práv jejích autorů / Song as an author's work and protection of its authors

Hrdlička, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Song as an author's work and protection of its authors This diploma thesis deals with songs. Each of us listens to them on a daily basis, whether we turn on the radio or Internet TV, go shopping to the mall or directly to the live concert. All the songs have something in common - they are an author's work and we could never listen to them without their authors, who have certain rights for writing lyrics or composing music. The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe what might interest each author of the song. In addition to copyright theory, the author analyzes the song as a separate type of author's work and maps the specifics that distinguish the authors of songs from other authors. The work also focuses on the current legislation dealing with the protection of authors' rights and analyzes in detail several of them, which the author of the thesis considers the most important or overlooked. Klíčová slova: copyright, song, protection of song author's rights

Vlastní literární tvorba s komentářem / Own literary work with a commentary

Sanytráková, Lada January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Own literary work with a commentary" consists of, apart from the own literary work, a reflexion on this work, reviews (a review of a nursery school teacher, a secondary school teacher, a review of a regular reader, a review of an author of books for children), response to the reviews, partial conclusions with a feedback and the conclusion. The diploma thesis emphasizes the importance of own author's experience, mainly for the teachers who work with literature in the groups of children. It demonstrates the benefits of literary creative teacher's work for the children's reading experience. In the context, the thesis deals with the development of reading in nursery school, elementary school and family. The diploma thesis describes the features of original author's poetics. Simultaneously, based on the reviews, the author's work is included into the genre of fairy tales. Key words Own literary work, reflexion on own work, own author's experience, children's literature, reading development, author's poetics.

Osobnostní práva autora uměleckého díla ve světle rekodifikace soukromého práva / Moral Rights of the Author of artwork in the Light of Civil Law Recodification

Leskovjan, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to describe and evaluate actual state of author's moral rights legislation in Czech republic especially with reference to civil law recodification. The author's moral rights represent a complex of basic juridical institutes, which is the whole copyright structure, derived from. The thesis has an ambition to contribute in a long term discussion about the future development of copyright by a relevant detail analysis, description and evaluation of basic copyright system elements related to author's moral rights. Selected method is based on systematically mapped normative linkage of author's moral rights within international treaties, constitutional law and unit acts. The thesis endeavours to point out some less obvious connections between author's moral rights and other juridical institutes to achieve as complex image of recent state of legislation as possible. Other purpose of this work is to analyse problematic or unclear relationships between copyright and new civil code legislation such as e.g. conception of a work protected by copyright in light of new definition of material and immaterial matter or shared principles of moral rights . After that the thesis offers a base for future relationships arrangement between copyrights and civil law in terms of a revision of a fundamental...

Autorské právo v profesi výkonného umělce / Impact of the authors' rights on the performing artist's profession

Sanigová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The authors' rights nowadays concern every individual. They significantly influence the performing artists, who use authors' works to make their living. This thesis analyses the specific impact of the Czech legal regulations on the professional musicians, describes the competences of the collecting societies, refers to the difficulties due to differences in the legal regulations on the international scale and defines musical theme as a new term in the legal context. The thesis proves the advantage of potential use of this term in both Czech and international courts practise.

Osobnostní práva autorská / Moral rights in copyright

Wegschmiedová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
Moral rights in copyright Abstract This thesis, after a brief introduction to the issue of copyright, defines the basic concepts relating to author's moral rights and its nature. It provides an insight into the issue from various different points of view, focusing on the natural nature of moral rights and the natural nature of an author's work, that is reflected in the copyright legislation. The thesis also offers a comparison of two major legal systems of copyright - the authors' right system and the copyright system, which demonstrate the key institutes and characterize both legal cultures through their typical features and differences. The thesis draws attention to the fact that the regulation of copyright and moral rights in particular is far from uniform in the national context and that there are significant differences not only between the different legal systems but also within those legal systems. The thesis also presents copyright and moral rights in valid Czech legislation in terms of the systemic and conceptual definition of the Czech copyright law and then discusses in detail the individual moral rights of authors. An important part of this thesis is the issue of originality as one of the conceptual features of the work. The thesis explains the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union...

Société de l'information et société de surveillance / Essays on property and freedoms in the information society

Forest, David 07 June 2011 (has links)
Les travaux présentés consistent en une collection d’études consacrées au droit del’immatériel au sens le plus large. Ils visent à mettre en perspective sur une dizained’années la réglementation et la régulation des propriétés intellectuelles dans la sociétéde l’information d’une part, des techniques de surveillance et contrôle, d’autre part.Ces travaux appellent souvent une approche interdisciplinaire qui en fait lasingularité. Il s’agit, en effet, d’associer dans une certaine mesure l’analyse du droitpositif aux sciences sociales. Cette démarche à l’interface vise à mettre en évidence lesenjeux politiques et sociaux de la réglementation-régulation pour favoriser unemeilleure compréhension de l’élaboration de la norme dans un univers dématérialiséet l’éclairer d’un nouveau reflet. La première partie concerne l’acclimatation despropriétés intellectuelles à l’environnement numérique de la société de l’information.Elle s’attache notamment à penser leur réglementation-régulation dedans-dehors dudroit en convoquant les imaginaires sociaux et les controverses autour du droitd’auteur. Les enjeux liés à sa protection conduisent à étudier ses relations avec le droitdes données personnelles. Celles-ci sont au coeur de la seconde partie qui concerne lestechniques de contrôle et surveillance dans différents contextes et sous plusieursaspects, la liberté des communications électroniques et la régulation du commerce / These essays consist of a series of studies about digital law in a broad sense. Thesestudies aim at putting in prospect over the last decade the regulation and thelegislation on intellectual properties rights in the information society on the one hand,on monitoring and control technologies, on the other hand. This work often calls foran interdisciplinary approach, which makes it particular. This is an attempt to link theanalysis of the substantive law to social sciences to a certain extent. This thoughtprocess is at a crossroads in order to highlight social and political issues of theregulation-legislation and to promote a better comprehension of the law makingprocess in a dematerialized world with a new point of view. The first part relates toadaptation of intellectual properties to the new digital area of the information society.More precisely, it sticks to think their regulation-legislation inside-outside the lawinviting social imaginary and controversies about Author’s right. The issues relating tothe protection of intellectual property leads to study its relationships to personal datarights. These rights are in the heart of the second part that relates to control andmonitoring technologies in various contexts and from several angles, freedom ofelectronic communications, regulation of the e-business, and dubious contours of thedigital identity. In particular, it questions the role and the functions of the regulator aswell as the shift of legislation towards the firm from a resolutely critical point of view.

L'Appropriation de l'œuvre : Instances et visées de l'attribution des œuvres à leur auteur dans la France de l'Ancien Régime (1645-1777) / One's Own Book : Actors and motives of literary works attribution in Ancien Régime France from 1645 to 1777

Dubois, François-Ronan 13 October 2017 (has links)
Le système de la propriété littéraire dans la France de l’Ancien Régime est souvent examiné de manière rétrospective à l’aune du droit d’auteur contemporain : tout se passe comme si la librairie d’Ancien Régime devait être nécessairement le laboratoire d’un dispositif juridique et idéologique en pleine formation, encore mal adapté aux réalités littéraires. Cette thèse propose d’examiner la question de cette propriété à nouveaux frais, en considérant le système de librairie comme un ensemble d’acteurs, de logiques et d’outils opératoire, sur le temps long, des années 1650 jusqu’aux années 1780. À travers l’étude des logiques institutionnelles de la propriété économique et de la responsabilité juridique, des dispositifs bibliographiques des dictionnaires, des journaux et des recueils d’ana et des opérations éditoriales imaginées par les auteurs eux-mêmes, elle met en évidence les rapports de force qui agitent la librairie et le monde littéraire de l’époque. En empruntant à l’histoire littéraire, à l’histoire du droit et à l’histoire du livre, ce travail entreprend de montrer de quelle manière la propriété littéraire se construit à l’encontre des intérêts des auteurs et en faveur de la constitution d’un monde de la librairie où l’État joue de moins en moins son rôle de régulateur des pratiques. À travers le prisme de l’attribution littéraire, la démonstration est menée avec un intérêt particulier pour l’analyse précise des paratextes littéraires. / Literary property rights in early modern France are often understood through the prism of the contemporary droit d’auteur. Many studies see the early modern period as a laboratory for an on-going experiment in law and ideology, still ill-fitted to the literary practices of the authors. This thesis offers a fresh start in the examination of the question of literary property, taking the whole library system from the 1650s to the 1780s to be an effective articulation of agents, tools, and discursives practices. Through the study of institutional policies in the domain of literary property as well as judicial responsibility, through a careful reading of the bibliographical discourse with dictionaries, anas, and periodicals, and through the description of editorial endeavors undertaken by authors themselves, it shows the dynamics of the early modern library and literary world. With roots in literary history, history of law, and book history, this dissertation seeks to understand how the concept of literary property is aggregated, against the very interests of the authors, to consolidate a commercial book-trade where the State slowly delegates its regulatory powers. Through the study of literary attribution, this work follows its demonstrations with an acute interest in a close-reading of literary paratexts.

Mallarmé : littérature et philosophie au XXème siècle : évanouissement du sujet, évanescence du monde et éventail des concepts / Mallarmé : literature and philosophy in the twentieth century : fainting of the subject, evanescence of the world and range of concepts

Chokeepermal, Kendy 04 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est de mettre en exergue non seulement la réception philosophique des écrits de Mallarmé ayant eu lieu dans les années 1950, 1960 et 1970, mais aussi le facteur qui agit en eux comme un moteur de production théorique. La poétique mallarméenne est un mouvement de production de nouvelles possibilités, que nous appelons des potentialités représentationnelles, qui sont des inventions fictives du langage poétique ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles dispositions linguistiques et à de nouvelles possibilités de représentation. La poétique de Mallarmé est doublement inventive : dans le langage lui-même, et dans la réception théorique comme moteur de production. Pour rendre compte du facteur hautement productif du langage poétique mallarméen, nous introduisons la notion de virtualité dans notre étude, qui se manifeste dans une dynamique insaisissable où aucun sens unique et déterminé ne peut s’établir. Ainsi, les potentialités représentationnelles sont multiples et irréductibles à quelque unité atomique déterminée. Toute tentative de réduction qui tend à rompre le mouvement des potentialités compromet la poéticité chez Mallarmé. Nous montrons, en ce sens, que si le langage poétique mallarméen donne lieu à une production théorique à travers des lectures philosophiques, il ne se laisse pas encercler et déterminer par celles-ci, mais maintient une continuité dynamique des potentialités. / This work’s aim is to draw attention not only to the philosophical reception of Mallarmé’s writings during 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s, but also to the factor which acts as an engine of theoretical production in them. Mallarmé’s poetics is a production movement of new possibilities, which we call representational potentials, which are fictional inventions of the poetic language, opening on new linguistic layouts and on new representational possibilities. Mallarmé’s poetics is twice inventive : in the language itself, and in the theoretical reception, as an engine of production. To give account of the highly productive factor of Mallarmé’s poetics, we introduce the concept of virtuality in our study, which expresses itself in an elusive dynamic, where no unique and specific sense can establish itself. Thus, the representational potentials are multiple and irreducible to some specific atomic unity. Any reduction attempt stretching to break the movement of the potentials compromises Mallarmé’s poetics. We show, in that direction, that if the poetic language gives way to a theoretical production through the philosophical readings, it does not get surrounded, nor determined by these readings, but maintains a dynamic continuity of the potentials.

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