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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formação de professores em sistema de comunicação alternativa para pessoas com transtorno do espectro autista - TEA : uma inserção das tecnologias assistivas em contextos escolares maranhenses

Monteiro, Francisca Keyle de Freitas Vale January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta a nova classificação do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), segundo Grananã, (2014), a partir da atualização do DSM - V, (Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition - Manual Estatístico e Diagnóstico de Transtornos Mentais - quinta edição). Resgatou-se historicamente a Formação de Professores e a Comunicação Alternativa, articuladas com a tecnologia assistiva no âmbito das Políticas Públicas da Educação. Tem como principais objetivos: propor e investigar uma formação de professores com recursos tecnológicos em Comunicação Alternativa, para auxiliar o professor em sua práxis docente nas salas de recursos multifuncionais – SRM de estudantes com TEA na rede municipal de ensino de São Luís – Maranhão. A pesquisa realizou-se sob a perspectiva sócio-histórica com observações, visitas em 05 (cinco) escolas e entrevistas com docentes - partícipes, aplicação de questionários, (antes, durante e depois) da formação presencial “Tech Educ Especial”, implementada em 03 (três) processos formativos, (presencial, móvel itinerante, e de consulta). A metodologia desenvolvida enquanto estudo de caso, foi a DCC, Desenvolvimento Centrado nos Contextos de uso do software e suas correlações, e base teórica relevante e multidisciplinar conforme o encontrado nos contextos escolares maranhenses e a partir da questão de pesquisa: De que maneira uma formação de professores com a utilização do Sistema de Comunicação Alternativa contribui para a práxis docente nas salas de recursos multifuncionais dos alunos com TEA – Transtorno do Espectro Autista ? Trinta (30) professores responderam os questionários aplicados, dos quais 03 (três) deles tornaram-se multcasos, pois fazem Atendimento Educacional Especializado - AEE com práticas de comunicação alternativa. Constatou-se modificações favoráveis ao desenvolvimento discente e na postura docente durante o planejamento de atividades pedagógicas, e na ação pedagógica, bem como no interesse de estudos afins, e na história sociocultural do contexto em que o professor de AEE está inserido, o que se elenca como principais contribuições da pesquisa. / This thesis presents the new classification of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (TEA), according to Grananã, (2014), from the DSM - V update (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition - Statistical Manual and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders - fifth edition). Historically, Teacher Training and Alternative Communication have been rescued, articulated with the assistive technology in the scope of Public Policies of Education. Its main object ives are: to propose and investigate a training of teachers with technological resources in Alternative Communication, to assist the teacher in his praxis teaching in the multifunctional resource rooms - SRM of students with ASD in the municipal network of education of São Luís - Maranhão. The research was carried out under a socio-historical perspective with observations, visits in 05 (five) schools and interviews with teachers -participants, questionnaires (before, during and after) of the "Tech Educ Especial" classroom training implemented in 03 (three) training processes, (face-to-face, roving, and consultation). The methodology developed as a case study was the DCC, Context-Centered Development of software use and its correlations, and a relevant theoretical and multidisciplinary basis as found in the school contexts of Maranhão and from the research question: In what way a formation Of teachers with the use of the Alternative Communication System contributes to the teaching praxis in the multifunctional resource rooms of students with ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder? Thirty (30) teachers answered the questionnaires applied, of which 03 (three) of them became mulcasos, because they make Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE) with alternative communication practices. It was observed favorable modifications to the student development and in the teaching position during the planning of pedagogic activities, and in the pedagogical action, as well as in the interest of related studies, and in the sociocultural history of the context in which the ESA teacher is inserted, which as the main contributions of the research.

Adapting Teaching Methods and Approaches to Students with ASD / Anpassa undervisningsmetoder och strategier till studenter med ASD

Ekblom, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine to what extent teachers in Swedish EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classrooms need to adapt their teaching methods and strategies to best handle students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). According to Skolverket (2020), a lot of students diagnosed with ASD fail to reach the knowledge requirements for a pass in their English classes in school. The paper presents relevant research retrieved from databases ERIC and EBSCO and discusses the findings in relation to the research questions and the Swedish curriculum. The research presented show students with ASD often struggle with attention, anxiety, and primarily listening comprehension in the classroom.  Methods researchers argue counteracts the obstacles for the autistic students aim to reduce anxiety, enhance communication, and complement verbal instructions with visual support.

Acoustic Analysis of Speech of Persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

John, Jeeva 04 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Offering flexible working opportunities to people with mental disabilities: The missing link between sustainable development goals and financial implications

Warmate, Zoe, Eldaly, Mohamed K.A., Elamer, Ahmed A. 15 February 2021 (has links)
Yes / A global response to Covid‐19 pandemic has triggered issues related to stress and social restrictions; thus, mental health is seen as a particular area of concern for social well‐being for both policymakers and corporate regulators/companies. Given that mental health intersects with most, if not all, of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), this research brought to light issues surrounding employment of people with mental disabilities (PWMDs) and the financial merits of employing them. An online survey was administered to PWMDs to elicit what possible flexible opportunities could enable them to gain or stay at work. Interviews were also conducted with human resource managers and financial managers. Our results show that there are currently no flexible working opportunities available for PWMDs, which could enable them work effectively to improve both self and general economic growth.

Vzdělávání osob s poruchou autistického spektra v ČR / Education for people with autism spectrum disorder in the Czech Republic

Žilincová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the education of autistic children. It is divided into ten chapters where further presents the history of autism, autistic spectrum disorders division, the diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders, then focuses on the triad problem areas, which include communication, social behavior and imagination. Another chapter deals with the education of children with autism. The last chapter consists of methods for educating children with autism. In the practical part presents research that I conducted using a questionnaire. Furthermore, there are some interviews with experts on autism and teaching assistants.

Autismus a zoorehabilitace : zkušenosti ze specializovaných center / Autism and Zootheraphy : Experiences from Special Centers

Trešlová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out chat forms of zoorehabilitation exists and how it can help to people with autism and thein families. The work begins with a brief definitiv of autism and its history. The FIFA charter is devoted to autism spektrum disorders, its influence on social relationships, communication, imagination, games and interests. The sixth charter deals with disorders of the autism spektrum. I describe each disorder separately, its characteristics, even if there are not fixed boundaries between different disordes. The seventh charter is devoted to the diagnosis of autism spektrum disorders, chat are the metod sof diagnosis. Next charter describers chat options do parents of these childern have in education. Following charter describes Civic associations, that arise and hepl parents of childern affected by autism and ether formo f disabilities. In the tenth and in the next five chapters are described different types zoorehabilitation, its origin and use in the Czech Republic. From the seventeenth charter starts the practical part where i described free different stories of families with a child who has one of the autism spektrum disorder. Every child has a different disorder and esch reacts differently to zootherapy, whether at home or specialized facility. From case reports, it...

Inkluze žáků s poruchami autistického spektra v běžné mateřské škole v kontextu nové právní úpravy / Inclusion of pupils with autistic pectrum disorders in a common kindergartens in the context of new legislation

Růžičková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the education of children with disorders of autistic spectrum in Kindergartens. The theoretical part describes autism from the historical point of view and also the classification of disorders of the autistic spektrum and diagnostics. Educating of children with special educational needs, preschool education, appropriate support for children with disorders of autistic spectrum in preschool age, games with children with disorders of autistic spectrum, examples of used interventions in preschool age, services for children and their parents are also described in the theoretical part. The analytical part deals with forms of support of children with autistic disorders in normal Kindergarten and which methods are used in their education. The aim of this part was to find out in what form did the pedagogues got the knowledge about methods of supporting education of children with autism disorders. We did an interviews with three pedagogues to complete the survey. From our survey we found out that the padagogues mostly use the structured learning method. This method is considered as the most appropirate in domestic literature. KEY WORDS Pre-shool child, disorder of autistic spectrum, Kindergarten, invasive methods, special educational needs

La germanité au prisme des troubles autistiques / Siblingship through the prism of autistic disorders

Hernandez, Mylène 24 November 2017 (has links)
Objet mineur des sciences sociales, la germanité en Europe est demeurée jusqu’à une période récente dans l’ombre de l’alliance et de la filiation. La relation de germanité est pourtant la relation de parenté a priori la plus longue à l’échelle d’une vie. Elle est également immuable et participe de la définition de la personne. Corollaire de cet apparent désintérêt : l’étude de la germanité occidentale n’est pas constituée en champ à proprement parler ; aucune unité théorico-méthodologique ne coalise les recherches existantes sur les frères et sœurs. Cette thèse poursuit donc deux objectifs indissociables : contribuer à la définition d’une anthropologie de la germanité en procédant à une analyse ethnographique de la germanité dans la France contemporaine au prisme des troubles du spectre autistique. Deux étapes préalables ont conditionné la mise en œuvre du premier objectif : (1) comprendre comment les sciences sociales – particulièrement l’anthropologie, le droit et la sociologie – se sont saisies des frères et sœurs pour (2) créer les conditions méthodologiques d’une approche anthropologique du rapport de germanité. Les deux premières parties de cette thèse traitent prioritairement de ces étapes. Le second objectif, consistant à saisir la germanité en pratique, s’est déployé à partir de l’hypothèse selon laquelle la présence au sein d’un groupe de germains d’un individu présentant des troubles autistiques offrait un prisme à travers lequel regarder les normes et pratiques contemporaines de la germanité. La troisième partie expose et met donc en regard un ensemble de cas construits au terme d’une enquête empirique mêlant pratiques d’entretien et d’observation. Contrairement à la filiation et à l’alliance, le rapport de germanité est peu déterminé par le droit. Il n’existe pas d’obligation mutuelle légale entre germains. Il est toutefois indéniable que des formes d’obligation morale s’expriment et se manifestent entre germains notamment lorsque l’un d’eux est en situation de vulnérabilité ou de dépendance. Cette thèse s’attache donc à décrire les ressors complexes de l’obligation morale à l’échelle des rapports de germanité. Elle rend compte des contradictions sur lesquelles se fonde le rapport de germanité dans la parenté française contemporaine et documente la façon dont ces contradictions trouvent à s’exprimer aux plans pratique et affectif dans l’exercice ordinaire de la germanité en présence d’un germain dépendant. / Siblingship in Europe is a minor part of social studies. Until recently, the subject was overshadowed by alliance and filiation. However, siblingship theoretically represents the lengthiest relation of kin throughout one’s life. It is also immutable and plays a part in the definition of the individual. As a corollary to this apparent indifference, the study of Western siblingship does not constitute a field per se. No unity of theory and methodology exists to bring together the existing research on brothers and sisters. This dissertation, therefore, has two inseparable objectives: to contribute to the definition of an anthropology of siblingship, with an ethnographic analysis of siblingship in contemporary France seen through the prism of autistic spectrum disorders. Two preliminary stages have influenced the implementation of the first objective: (1) understanding how social studies –especially anthropology, law and sociology– have engaged with the topic of brothers and sisters to (2) creating the methodological conditions of an anthropological approach of siblingship. The first two parts of this dissertation deal foremost with these stages. The second objective –understanding siblingship in practice– developed from this hypothesis: the presence of an individual displaying autistic disorders among a group of siblings offered a prism through which the norms and practices of contemporary siblingship could be observed. The third part presents and compares a body of case studies developed during an empirical survey involving interviews and observations. Unlike filiation and alliance, the law does not clearly outline siblingship. There are no legal mutual requirements between siblings. However, forms of moral obligations are undeniably expressed and manifested between siblings, particularly in situations of vulnerability or dependence. This dissertation undertakes a description of the intricate workings of moral obligation within siblingship. It reveals the contradictions upon which siblingship relationships are based in French contemporary kinship and documents how these contradictions are expressed in practice and in emotion in the ordinary exercise of siblingship in the presence of a dependent sibling.

Caracteriza??o de aspectos da cogni??o social, habilidades sociais e fun??es executivas de crian?as diagnosticadas com transtorno autista e transtorno de asperger

Maranh?o, Samantha Santos de Albuquerque 25 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:39:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SamanthaSAM_DISSERT.pdf: 2335718 bytes, checksum: c39ea0cf4b8a039d34d11d3360a230a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / O ano de 2013 marca o 70? anivers?rio da descri??o cl?ssica de Leo Kanner sobre o Autismo. Em 1994, na quarta edi??o do Manual Diagnostico e Estat?stico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM), o autismo foi inclu?do em uma nova classe diagn?stica denominada Transtornos Globais do Desenvolvimento (TGD), os quais incluem: o Transtorno Autista, Transtorno de Rett, Transtorno Desintegrativo da Inf?ncia, Transtorno Global do Desenvolvimento sem outra especifica??o e o Transtorno de Asperger. O DSM apresenta crit?rios bem espec?ficos que diferenciam os TGD, no entanto, estudos m?dicos discutem se o Transtorno de Asperger (TA) comp?e o Transtorno Autista, ou se ? qualitativamente distinto. Discute-se a reduzida valida??o emp?rica dos crit?rios diagn?sticos concernentes ao TA. Nessa perspectiva, o DSM ganhou uma quinta e pol?mica revis?o no ano de 2013. A pol?mica mudan?a centra-se na substitui??o de uma an?lise diagn?stica categorial para uma abordagem dimensional, a qual evidencia que a maior parte dos problemas psicopatol?gicos da inf?ncia e adolesc?ncia manifesta-se em um cont?nuo de frequ?ncia e intensidade. Diante da mudan?a na quinta edi??o do DSM, o presente estudo deparou-se com a problem?tica identificada no ?mbito cl?nico e cient?fico, qual seja, a heterogeneidade sintom?tica presente no espectro autista e, por conseguinte, as disson?ncias no estabelecimento de caracter?sticas cl?nicas e neuropsicol?gicas do espectro. Amparado pelo legado te?rico de Luria, buscou-se clarificar o perfil da cogni??o social, comportamento, s?cio afetividade e fun??es executivas em crian?as com diagn?stico de Transtorno Autista e Transtorno de Asperger, conforme crit?rios estabelecidos pelo quarta edi??o revisada do DSM. Para operacionaliza??o dos objetivos propostos, prop?s-se estudo multicasos de seis crian?as. O processo avaliativo foi composto por anamnese com os pais, entrevista com a escola e protocolo avaliativo composto por tarefas qualitativas e instrumentos psicom?tricos. A avalia??o neuropsicol?gica realizada foi guiada pela an?lise cl?nica-processual, conforme pressuposto te?rico de Luria. No tocante aos resultados, foi poss?vel identificar dificuldades nos relacionamentos sociais e no cotidiano escolar das crian?as avaliadas. De modo interdependente, falhas na teoria da mente, nas fun??es executivas e na linguagem versam como principais fragilidades neuropsicol?gicas dos grupos cl?nicos vigentes, notadamente do grupo que comp?e o Transtorno Autista. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que a cogni??o social e a habilidade social est?o altamente relacionadas. Ainda que se reconhe?am as limita??es inerentes ? proposi??o de pesquisas neuropsicol?gicas de vertente cl?nica/s?cio hist?rica, acredita-se que o desenho metodol?gico possibilitou compreender caracter?sticas neuropsicol?gicas das crian?as avaliadas, sem limitar-se ? mera descri??o. Espera-se que pais, profissionais cl?nicos e institui??es sociais, como a escola, compreendam a forma de individua??o do TGD, antes de classificarem ou proporem tratamentos as crian?as

Processus de binding actif en mémoire de travail préservé chez des adultes autistes sans déficience intellectuelle

Molderez, Sacha 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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