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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards the development of direct methodology to enantioenriched α-alkylated aldehydes

Charlton, Andrew January 2013 (has links)
Enantiopure α-alkyl-substituted aldehydes are widely recognised as important building blocks in synthesis. Despite this, methods to prepare such substrates are limited. Strategically, asymmetric intermolecular S<sub>N</sub>2 α-alkylation represents a highly straightforward transformation, but still remains an elusive feat. This thesis describes efforts to address this challenge, with attempted access to enantioenriched α-alkyl aldehydes by way of C-alkylation of chiral, non-racemic, hindered aldenamines using simple alkyl halides. Enamines derived from four types of auxiliary (a tropane, an oxazolidine, a pyrrolidine and a homotropane) have been prepared, and their alkylation profile examined. While the desired levels of asymmetric induction were not attained, use of the tropane and homotropane auxiliaries, which differ only by a single methylene group, interestingly, gave complimentary diastereocontrol during alkylation with EtI. The observed stereoselectivity is supported by density functional studies performed for ethylation of both enamines. Additionally, in the course of preparing the homotropane a highly efficient asymmetric synthesis of a homotropinone bearing gem-α-substitution has been developed.

On design methods for mechatronics : servo motor and gearhead

Roos, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
<p>The number of electric powered sub-systems in road-vehicles is increasing fast. This development is primarily driven by the new and improved functionality that can be implemented with electro-mechanical sub-systems, but it is also necessary for the transition to electric and hybrid-electric drive trains.</p><p>An electromechanical sub-system can be implemented as a physically integrated mechatronic module: controller, power electronics, electric motor, transmission and sensors, all integrated into one component. A mechatronic module, spans, as all mechatronic systems, over several closely coupled engineering disciplines: mechanics, electronics, electro-mechanics, control theory and computer science. In order to design and optimize a mechatronic system it is therefore desirable to design the system within all domains concurrently. Optimizing each domain or component separately will not result in the optimal system design. Furthermore, the very large production volumes of automotive sub-systems increase the freedom in the mechatronics design process. Instead of being limited to the selection from off-the shelf components, application specific components may be designed.</p><p>The research presented in this thesis aims at development of an integrated design and optimization methodology for mechatronic modules. The target of the methodology is the conceptual design phase, where the number of design parameters is relatively small. So far, the focus has been on design methods for the electric motor and gearhead, two of the most important components in an actuation module. The thesis presents two methods for design and optimization of motor and gearhead in mechatronic applications. One discrete method, intended for the selection of off-the-shelf components, and one method mainly intended for high volume applications where new application specific components may be designed. Both methods can handle any type of load combination, which is important in mechatronic systems, where the load seldom can be classified as pure inertial or constant speed.</p><p>Furthermore, design models relating spur gear weight, size and inertia to output torque and gear ratio are presented. It is shown that a gearhead has significantly lower inertia and weight than a motor. The results indicate that it almost always is favorable from a weight and size perspective to use a gearhead. A direct drive configuration may only be lighter for very high speed applications. The main contribution of this thesis is however the motor/gear ratio sizing methods that can be applied to any electromechanical actuation system that requires rotational motion.</p>

Statistical estimators of the finite population parameters in the case of sample rotation / Baigtinės populiacijos parametrų statistiniai įvertiniai esant imties rotacijai

Chadyšas, Viktoras 03 March 2010 (has links)
The dissertation analyzes how to incorporate auxiliary information into the estimation of the finite population total, distribution function and quantile in the case of sample rotation. First of all estimation of the finite population total in the case of sample rotation are considered. We focus on construction of the total estimator for rotated sampling design. Successive sampling procedure using multi-phase sampling design have been developed. The composite ratio type estimator of the total using auxiliary information and its approximate variance is constructed. A simulation study, based on the real population data, is performed and the proposed estimators are compared by a traditional estima-tor for a total. The composite estimators of finite population distribution function, constructed under sampling on two occasions, are considered. Composite regression and ratio type estimators are constructed, using values of the study variable as auxiliary information obtained on the first occasion. The optimal estimators, in the sense of minimal variance, is also obtained. A simulation study, based on the real population data, is performed and the proposed estimators are compared by a traditional estimator for a distribution function. Several quantile estimators by deriving the distribution function estimators with the use of auxiliary information are proposed. Some procedures that may be used to obtain estimates of confidence intervals for quantiles in a finite population (most of... [to full text] / Disertacijoje sudaromi baigtinės populiacijos tyrimo kintamojo sumos, pasiskirstymo funkcijos, kvantilio įvertiniai esant imties rotacijai. Pirmiausia darbe nagrinėjamas baigtinės populiacijos tyrimo kintamojo sumos vertinimas esant imties rotacijai. Sudarytas sudėtinis santykinis sumos įvertinys naudojantis papildomą informaciją žinomą iš ankstesnių imties rinkimų. Modeliavimo rezultatai rodo, kad papildomos informacijos panaudojimas iš jau išrinktos imties gali pagerinti įvertinių tikslumą. Kelių ėmimų schema gali būti taikoma siekiant pagerinti baigtinės populiacijos nepaslinktojo imties planu pagristo sumos įvertinio tikslumą. Taip pat nagrinėjami baigtinės populiacijos tyrimo kintamojo pasiskirstymo funkcijos įvertiniai esant imties rotacijai. Sudaryti keli tyrimo kintamojo baigtinėje populiacijoje pasiskirstymo funkcijos sudėtiniai įvertiniai (regresinis ir santykinis) naudojant dviejų ėmimų schemą. Pasiūlyti optimalūs sudėtiniai pasiskirstymo funkcijos įvertiniai su mažiausia dispersija. Įvertiniai lyginami tarpusavyje atliekant modeliavimą su realiais duomenimis. Baigtinės populiacijos kvantilio ivertiniai sudaromi imant sudėtiniu pasiskirstymo funkcijų įvertinių atvirkštinių funkcijų įvertinius. Taip pat sudaromi pasikliautinojo intervalo įvertiniai kvantiliams, taikant kartotinių imčių metodus. Modeliuojant duomenis lyginamas jų tikslumas, daromos išvados apie pasikliautinojo intervalo įvertinių, sudarytų skirtingais būdais, kvantiliui efektyvumą.

Bayesian stochastic differential equation modelling with application to finance

Al-Saadony, Muhannad January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, we consider some popular stochastic differential equation models used in finance, such as the Vasicek Interest Rate model, the Heston model and a new fractional Heston model. We discuss how to perform inference about unknown quantities associated with these models in the Bayesian framework. We describe sequential importance sampling, the particle filter and the auxiliary particle filter. We apply these inference methods to the Vasicek Interest Rate model and the standard stochastic volatility model, both to sample from the posterior distribution of the underlying processes and to update the posterior distribution of the parameters sequentially, as data arrive over time. We discuss the sensitivity of our results to prior assumptions. We then consider the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methodology to sample from the posterior distribution of the underlying volatility process and of the unknown model parameters in the Heston model. The particle filter and the auxiliary particle filter are also employed to perform sequential inference. Next we extend the Heston model to the fractional Heston model, by replacing the Brownian motions that drive the underlying stochastic differential equations by fractional Brownian motions, so allowing a richer dependence structure across time. Again, we use a variety of methods to perform inference. We apply our methodology to simulated and real financial data with success. We then discuss how to make forecasts using both the Heston and the fractional Heston model. We make comparisons between the models and show that using our new fractional Heston model can lead to improve forecasts for real financial data.

Response Adaptive Design using Auxiliary and Primary Outcomes

Sinks, Shuxian 18 November 2013 (has links)
Response adaptive designs intend to allocate more patients to better treatments without undermining the validity and the integrity of the trial. The immediacy of the primary response (e.g. deaths, remission) determines the efficiency of the response adaptive design, which often requires outcomes to be quickly or immediately observed. This presents difficulties for survival studies, which may require long durations to observe the primary endpoint. Therefore, we introduce auxiliary endpoints to assist the adaptation with the primary endpoint, where an auxiliary endpoint is generally defined as any measurement that is positively associated with the primary endpoint. Our proposed design (referred to as bivariate adaptive design) is based on the classical response adaptive design framework. The connection of auxiliary and primary endpoints is established through Bayesian method. We extend parameter space from one dimension to two dimensions, say primary and auxiliary efficacies, by implementing a conditional weigh function on the loss function of the design. The allocation ratio is updated at each stage by optimization of the loss function subject to the information provided for both the auxiliary and primary outcomes. We demonstrate several methods of joint modeling the auxiliary and primary outcomes. Through simulation studies, we show that the bivariate adaptive design is more effective in assigning patients to better treatments as compared with univariate optimal and balanced designs. As hoped, this joint-approach also reduces the expected number of patient failures and preserves the comparable power as compared with other designs.

Recherche sur do (lexique et grammaire) / Lexical and grammatical investigations into the verb do

Sharifzadeh, Saghie 24 November 2012 (has links)
Étudier le verbe do dans ses emplois lexicaux et grammaticaux, c’est s’intéresser à un élément fondamental de l’anaphore prédicative. Les linguistes sont divisés sur la catégorisation du verbe do employé en contexte anaphorique, lui attribuant un statut tantôt auxiliaire, tantôt lexical, tantôt intermédiaire entre ces catégories lorsqu’une délimitation nette entre le lexical et le grammatical semble impossible. S’appuyant sur un examen à la fois diachronique et synchronique des occurrences de do, cette thèse met en lumière les caractéristiques propres aux différentes formes du verbe, tout en révélant un sens « factitif » commun à chacune de ces formes dès lors que do est suivi de quelque complémentation (complémentation verbale dans le cas du do auxiliaire, complémentation nominale ou adverbiale dans le cas du do lexical). L’étude de corpus électroniques en anglais contemporain montre que ce sens factitif commun rend poreuse la frontière entre les emplois lexicaux et grammaticaux du verbe. Sans une analyse approfondie des occurrences de do dans des configurations variées, les différences syntaxiques entre ses formes grammaticales et lexicales se verraient ainsi éclipsées par leur unité de sens. / Studying the lexical and grammatical uses of do means engaging with a pivotal element of predicative anaphora. Linguists fail to agree on how to categorise do as used in anaphoric contexts: some take it tobe an auxiliary, others to be a lexical verb and still others to be intermediate between those two categories whenever it seems impossible to draw a clear line between lexical and grammatical instances. Based on a diachronic and synchronic survey of the uses of do, this dissertation uncovers the specific properties of the various forms of the verb and brings to light a “factitive” meaning sharedby all those forms, provided do takes some complementation (verbal in the case of auxiliary do, nominal or adverbial in the case of lexical do). Close scrutiny of electronic corpora of present-day English reveals that this factitive meaning blurs the boundary between lexical and grammatical occurrences. If it were not for an in-depth analysis of do as it occurs in various sentential contexts, the syntactic differences between its grammatical and lexical uses might be obscured by their semantic unity.

Parametrizace vzniku kaverny náhradních materiálů u normované a speciální vojenské munice / Parametrization of substitute material in caverns standard and special military munitions

Mucha, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Title of thesis: Ballistic cavity origin characterisation; auxiliary materials of a standardised or a special military ammunition. Aim of thesis: The goal of this work is to provide a regularising framework suggesting structural changes of the auxiliary materials in the impact zone of the various ammunition. Methods: A ballistic experiment based upon the piercing test of various ammunition types. For these tests different barrier materials were used (e.g. glycerine, soap, ballistic gel). A comparative study of the various physical aspects of the cavities was exercised. Several diagnostic methods such as dimensions verification, water volume measurement, projectile speed radar check, computer tomography or the high speed camera were used to determine the secondary cavity specifics. Results: This thesis identified several key parameters determining projectile behaviour in the auxiliary materials. The major determinants were: speed, position or homogeneity of the projectile on the impact. However the major parameter defining the "injury level" was the concluded that the highest Injury level has the prohibited "fragmentation effect ammunition". On the other hand it was pointed out that so called "Black Mamba" projectiles have lower injury effect, although manufactore claims otherwise. Key words:...


Brody, Parker 01 January 2014 (has links)
“No aspect of Basque linguistics has received more attention over the years than the morphology of the verb.” (Trask 1981:1) The current study examines the complex morphological agreement patterns found in the Basque auxiliary verb system as a case in point for discussion of theoretical approaches to inflectional morphology. The traditional syntax-driven treatment of these auxiliaries is contrasted with an inferential, morphology-driven analysis within the Paradigm Function Morphology framework. Additionally, a computational implementation of the current analysis using the DATR lexical knowledge representation language is discussed.


LUCIANA GANDARELA CHAMARELLI 05 September 2013 (has links)
[pt] Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980 com a pressão da demanda, a urgência do seu atendimento, a omissão da legislação educacional vigente e a difusão da ideologia da educação como compensação de carências levaram a criação de formas alternativas de atendimento onde inexistiam critérios básicos relativos à infraestrutura e à escolaridade das pessoas que lidavam diretamente com as crianças, em geral mulheres, sem formação específica, chamadas de crecheiras, pajens, babás, auxiliares, etc. Entretanto, mesmo com as conquistas legais determinadas pela Constituição de 1988 e pela LDB de 1996 é encontrado nas creches e préescolas de alguns municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro atuando ora como docente ora como apoio as atividades do professor um profissional, denominado muitas vezes de auxiliar. A situação desses trabalhadores é pouco estudada, por isso se faz relevante pela necessidade e urgência de se pensar e prezar pela qualidade na Educação Infantil. Diante disso, este estudo se propõe conhecer e analisar a situação dos auxiliares de Educação Infantil nos municípios e de que forma se configuram as políticas municipais para esses profissionais a partir dos responsáveis pela Educação Infantil nas secretarias dos municípios investigados pela pesquisa institucional Educação Infantil e Formação dos Profissionais no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: concepções e ações, realizada entre 2009-2011 pelo grupo de pesquisa Infância, Cultura e Formação (INFOC). Inicialmente é apresentada uma arquitetura histórica da Educação Infantil no Brasil, dialogando com as publicações acadêmicas, pesquisas e políticas públicas nacionais e municipais para compreender o aparecimento do auxiliar nos municípios. Em seguida são abordados os referenciais teórico-metodológicos da dissertação, além do campo empírico da pesquisa. E por último são apresentadas as análises das políticas públicas para os auxiliar através dos discursos dos responsáveis pela Educação Infantil nos municípios investigados. / [en] In the 1970s and 1980s with the pressure of demand, the urgency of their care, the omission of effective educational legislation and dissemination of the ideology of education as compensation shortages led to the creation of alternative service which did not exist on the basic criteria infrastructure and the education of the people who worked directly with children, women in general, without specific training, crecheiras calls, pages, nannies, assistants, etc. However, even with certain legal victories by the 1988 Constitution and the 1996 LDB is found in daycare and pre-schools in some municipalities of the State of Rio de Janeiro acting either as teachers or as supporting the activities of teacher a professional, called many Auxiliary times. The situation of these workers are poorly studied, so it is relevant for the necessity and urgency of thinking and appreciate the quality in early childhood education. Thus, this study aims to understand and analyze the situation of kindergarten aides in the municipalities and how to configure municipal policies for these professionals from kindergarten responsible for the departments of the municipalities investigated by the institutional research Child Education and Training Professionals in the State of Rio de Janeiro: conceptions and actions conducted from 2009-2011 by the research group Childhood, Culture and Education (INFOC). Initially presents a historical architecture of early childhood education in Brazil, dialoguing with the academic publications, research and national and local public policies to understand the appearance of assisting municipalities. then examines the theoretical and methodological dissertation, beyond the realm of empirical research. Finally we present the analysis of public policies to assist them through the speeches of those responsible for Early Childhood Education in the municipalities investigated.

O processo de formação e dispersão de pelotões em rodovias de pista simples / The platoon formation and dispersion process in the two-lane roads

Mon-Ma, Marcia Lika 12 December 2002 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta um estudo do processo de formação de pelotões em rodovias de pista simples brasileiras e a dispersão desses pelotões nas faixas adicionais de subida. Este estudo foi realizado usando-se dados empíricos coletados na SP 255, uma rodovia de pista simples do estado de São Paulo. Um dos trechos estudados possuía faixas adicionais nos aclives e o outro era sem faixas adicionais. Para caracterizar a formação de pelotões, três aspectos foram estudados: a porcentagem de veículos em pelotões, o tamanho médio dos pelotões e a recomposição dos pelotões após o término de uma faixa adicional. Modelos matemáticos foram adaptados para representar o processo de formação de pelotões em rodovias brasileiras. Visando fornecer subsídios para futuros projetos de faixas adicionais, a dispersão dos pelotões nas faixas adicionais de subida foi analisada considerando-se as seguintes medidas de desempenho: taxa de ultrapassagem, velocidade média da corrente, porcentagem de veículos em pelotões e comprimento de faixa para a dispersão dos pelotões. Os resultados do estudo da dispersão dos pelotões mostram que as faixas adicionais melhoram o nível de serviço não apenas na direção onde são implantadas, mas também na direção do tráfego oposto uma vez que cerca de 70 a 75% do fluxo no sentido analisado divergem para as faixas adicionais, proporcionando uma porcentagem maior de gaps adequados para a dispersão dos pelotões do fluxo oposto. / This master thesis presents a study of the platoon formation process in the Brazilian two-lane roads and the dispersion of these platoons in the passing lanes. This study was developed using empirical data collected in the SP 255, a two-lane road of the state of São Paulo. One of the segments studied had passing lanes on upgrades and another was without passing lanes. In order to characterize the platoon formation, three aspects were studied: the percent of vehicle in platoon, the mean platoon size and the platoon recomposition after the end of a passing lane. Mathematical models were adapted to represent the platoon formation in the Brazilian roads. Aiming to aid future auxiliary lanes projects, the platoon dispersion in the climbing lanes was analyzed considering the following service measures: overtaking rate, mean speed, percent of vehicle traveling in platoons and lane length used to disperse the platoons. The results of the platoons dispersion study show that the auxiliary lanes improve the level of service not only in the direction of they are constructed, but also in the opposing flow. It\'s verified that around 70 to 75% of the flow in the analyzed direction diverge to auxiliary lanes, providing a greater percentage of gaps suitable to platoon dispersion in the opposing flow.

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