Spelling suggestions: "subject:"personifiering"" "subject:"avpersonifieras""
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”En kvalitativ studie om servitrisens självkänsla och emotioner inom restaurangbranschen” / ”A qualitative study on the waitress' self-esteem and emotions in the restaurant industry”Andersson, Ida, Syamo, Fayza January 2023 (has links)
Inom restaurangbranschen finns det krav och normer för hur en servitris ska bemöta restaurangens gäster. Dessa krav ingår i arbetsrollen och påverkar servitrisens emotioner och självkänsla, vilket skapar en emotionell belastning för servitriserna. För att lindra den emotionella påfrestningen använder de sig av copingstrategier för att behålla självkänslan i balans och fortsätta arbeta inom yrket. Studiens syfte är att utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv få en djupare förståelse för hur social interaktion inom restaurangbranschen påverkar servitrisens självkänsla och emotioner. Studien använderen kvalitativ metod med 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes på respondenternas arbetsplatser. Teorierna som används fokuserar på självkänsla, emotionellt lönearbete och copingstrategier. En tematisk analys används för att identifiera mönster och teman i det insamlade materialet. Resultatet visar att servitrisens arbete skapar en emotionell belastning och påverkar självkänslan. Därför använder servitriser olika copingstrategier för att hantera den emotionella belastningen på arbetsplatsen. Några viktiga faktorer som påverkar självkänslan och emotionerna är kundbemötande, feedback från gäster och chefen samt att arbeta enligt yrkeskraven.Respondenterna hanterar de negativa emotionerna genom socialt stöd och använder sin fritid för återhämtning, för att bibehålla balansen mellan arbetslivet och fritiden. / In the restaurant industry, there are requirements and standards about how a waitress should treat the restaurant's guests. These demands are part of the work role and affect the waitress's emotions and self-esteem, which creates an emotional burden for the waitresses. To alleviate the emotional strain, they use coping strategies to keep their self-esteem in balance and continue working in the profession. The purpose of the study is based on a social psychological perspective to gain a deeper understanding of how social interaction within the restaurant industry affects the waitress's self-esteem and emotions. The study is based on a qualitative method with 10 semi-structured interviews that were conducted at the respondents' workplaces. The theories in the study focused on self-esteem, emotional labor and coping strategies. The study used a thematic analysis to identify patterns and themes in the collected material. The results showed that working as a waitress creates an emotional burden, and affects the waitress's self-esteem. Therefore, waitresses used various coping strategies to manage the emotional burden in the workplace. Some important factors that influence self-esteem and emotions are customer service, feedback from guests and the manager, and working according to professional requirements. The respondents dealt with the negative emotions with the help of social support and they recovered in their free time to find a balance between work life and free time.
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Jag lydde bara order : Byråkratins strukturella konsekvenser för tillämpningen av ett Individ- och helhetsperspektiv / I just obeyed orderFriborg, Alexandra, Hultgren, Renée January 2008 (has links)
<p><p>In this paper, we have studied the consequences of the bureaucratic or-ganizational structure for the individual- and holistic perspective pre-scribed in the Swedish legislation for social work. We have asked what consequences bureaucratic organizational structure in Max Weber’s terms can have for the individual and how it can affect the street level bureaucrats’ work performance. This is a theoretical study using and comparing earlier theoretical and empirical studies. Several organizational aspect of bureaucracy, listed and discussed in this study, makes it more difficult to implement the prescribed individual- and holistic perspective. At the same time it is demonstrated that the very same organizational features gives the street level bureaucrats the tools to an administrative fast and effective process. Bureaucracy can also create loyalty-bonds, demonstrated in this study, which render possible a structure where one closes the eyes to eventual moral dilemmas that may have negative consequences for the client.</p></p>
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Jag lydde bara order : Byråkratins strukturella konsekvenser för tillämpningen av ett Individ- och helhetsperspektiv / I just obeyed orderFriborg, Alexandra, Hultgren, Renée January 2008 (has links)
In this paper, we have studied the consequences of the bureaucratic or-ganizational structure for the individual- and holistic perspective pre-scribed in the Swedish legislation for social work. We have asked what consequences bureaucratic organizational structure in Max Weber’s terms can have for the individual and how it can affect the street level bureaucrats’ work performance. This is a theoretical study using and comparing earlier theoretical and empirical studies. Several organizational aspect of bureaucracy, listed and discussed in this study, makes it more difficult to implement the prescribed individual- and holistic perspective. At the same time it is demonstrated that the very same organizational features gives the street level bureaucrats the tools to an administrative fast and effective process. Bureaucracy can also create loyalty-bonds, demonstrated in this study, which render possible a structure where one closes the eyes to eventual moral dilemmas that may have negative consequences for the client.
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