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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sledování vybraných mikrobiologických ukazatelů u rostlinného produktu v průběhu skladování

Gazdíková, Pavla January 2019 (has links)
The experimental part of the thesis deals with production and monitoring of microbiological indicators in acidified plant products during their storage. Four raw materials were used for production: soy, almond, cashew and poppy. In microbiological analysis, the total number the following microorganisms were monitored - lactic acid bacteria, coliform bacteria, yeast together and mold. It has been found that the number of microorganisms monitored increases with increasing shelf life. The results from the microbiological analysis pointed out that all monitored samples are harmless to health for one week of storage. From a nutritional point of view, the highest fat content was determined in the tonsil sample, the highest total nitrogen content was found in the soy sample. The almond sample received the best impression by general public. The sensory analysis performed by trained people showed no statistically significant difference between the evaluated samples (p < 0,05).

Signalizace při vývoji bakteriálních kolonií / Signalization in the ontogeny of bacterial colonies

Čepl, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
Bacterial bodies (colonies) can develop complex patterns of color and structure. These patterns may arise as a result of both colony-autonomous processes (self-patterning) and environmental influences, including those generated by neighbor bodies. We have studied the interplay of intra-colony signaling (self-patterning) and inter-colony influences in related clones of Serratia rubidaea on rich media. We show that the mutual influencing of colonies, present in a common morphospace, is communicated by at least two putative signals. A model accounting for some aspects of colony morphogenesis and inter-colony interactions is proposed. Key words bacteria; Serratia sp.; airborne signals; colony morphogenesis

Bakteriální a virová onemocnění - projekt pro 2. stupeň základních škol / Bacterial and viral diseases - project for the lower secondary schools

Krupičková, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to create a proposal of a project entitled Viral and bacterial infections which can be used for biology education at upper primary schools or at the corresponding levels of gymnasiums respectively. The demands of the society evolve dynamically. As a consequence, the needs emerge to equip pupils not only with knowledge but also to nurture the development of their practical skills and to shape their sets of values. The project method is an example of an educational method wherein the potential resides to cultivate a broad spectrum of key competencies with a view to enabling pupils to find their subsequent use in the society. In the theoretical part, the history of the project method is presented. Moreover, the various arguments in favour of and against this method are discussed. Furthermore, this part of the thesis contains characterisation of the contemporary educational system as well as the fundamental descriptions of selected viral and bacterial infections. The practical part concerns the achievement of the main goal of this thesis, that is the creation of the project proposal entitled Viral and bacterial infections. The proposed project is shaped in accordance with the requirements of the Framework Educational Programme, bearing in mind the acquisition of the key...

Vliv biologického a chemického ošetření na výskyt biogenních aminů u vojtěškových siláží

Remerová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
In the experiment, the influence of two different biological silage additives (Lactococcus lactis (NCIMB 30117), Lactobacillus plantarum (DSM 16568), Enterococcus faecium (DSM 22 502 / NCIMB 11181), the enzyme xylanase EC And chemical (43% formic acid 30% ammonium formate and 10% propionic acid and 2% benzoic acid) at a concentration of biogenic amines, nutrient content, evaluation of the quality of the fermentation process and microbiological parameters for alfalfa silage (Medicago sativa). Silage fermentation time was 90 days. Biological silage additive significantly increased incidence of putrescine (51%; P <0.05), lactic acid (11%; P <0.05), protein (11%; P <0.05). Conversely, there was a significant reduction cadaverine (29%; P <0.05), histamine (57%; P <0.05), spermidine (15%; P <0.05), spermine (55%; P <0.05), acid acid (40%; P <0.05), ethanol (55%; P <0.05) ammonia (25%; P <0.05), and ash (9%; P <0.05). In the group treated by chemical silage additive is statistically significantly increased histamine content (63%; P <0.05) and tyramine (34%; P <0.05). Decreases in the concentration of putrescine (18%; P <0.05), cadaverine (55%; P <0.05), spermidine (47%, P <0.05), spermine (45%; P <0.05), lactic acid ( 16%; P <0.05), acetic acid (46%; P <0.05) ammonia (59%, P <0.05), ash (13%, P <0.05) and fat (24%, P < 0.05). From a microbiological point of view have been affected by the lactic acid bacteria, molds, yeasts, enterobacteria and total number of microorganisms. The results show that to maintain hygiene and healthy silage is preferable to use biological and chemical silage additives. For alfalfa silage inoculant chemical has higher efficiency in maintaining health security silage compared with biological inoculant

Vliv protektivních mikrobiálních kultur na senzorickou kvalitu sýrů

Urbanová, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is aimed at lactic acid bacteria with protective effects. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the selected species of protective cultures are characterised. Next, the thesis deals with the antimicrobial and antifungal activity of protective cultures. It also provides information about specific metabolites which are produced by these cultures. Emphasis is put on the effect of protective cultures on the sensory properties of cheeses. The thesis also includes a chapter on the production of semi-hard cheeses. In the practical part of the thesis, the effect of protective cultures on the sensory quality of semi-hard cheeses is observed. The sensory analysis is performed on cheeses with protective cultures and without these cultures. Differences are observed in appearance, colour, odour, texture and taste. The sensory quality of the cheeses was monitored four months. According to the results, there were no negative effects on the sensory properties of the cheeses at the end of the monitored period.

Antimikrobiální vlastnosti rostlinných látek

Žižlavská, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the antimicrobial properties of herbal substances. Characteristics of these substances, including mechanism of action on microorganisms and their industrial use, is presented in the theoretical part. The aim of microbiological analysis was to determine the extent of diluted (10%) and concentrated essential oils isolated from clove (Syzygium aromaticum), cinnamon (Cinnamomum), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) against bacteria (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium) and yeast (Yarrowia lipolytica, Candida tropicalis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae). To determine them, the disc diffusion method was used. The results confirmed an antimicrobial effect of tested essential oils. Concentrated thyme essential oil had the hightest inhibitory activity on all used microbial strains.

Tekniker för avancerad rening av avloppsvatten från antibiotika och bakterier : Utvärdering med multikriterieanalys för rening av blandat avloppsvatten och svartvatten / Techniques for advanced removal of antibiotics and bacteriafrom wastewater

Hietala, Julia, Pazur, Emilia January 2024 (has links)
Den ökade utvecklingen av antibiotikaresistens utgör ett hot mot dagens samhälle och befintliga avloppsreningsverk är inte byggda för att avloppsrena vattnet från antibiotika. Men det är inte bara rening av antibiotika från avloppsvattnet som är viktig för att motverka uppkomsten av antibiotikaresistens, utan även reduktion av bakterier. Det finns ett alternativ att källsortera avloppsvatten från hushåll och behandla det separat istället för att leda det till avloppsreningsverk. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken reningsteknik som var mest lämplig att implementera för att rena avloppsvatten utifrån kriterierna rening av antibiotika, bakteriereduktion, driftkostnad, energiförbrukning, kemikalieanvändning samt behov av ytterligare yta och ombyggnation, på befintliga avloppsreningsverk och nya anläggningar där det sker källsortering. Teknikerna utvärderades genom en multikriterieanalys (MKA) baserad på en litteraturstudie för inhämtande av data och en enkät där medlemmar i SAFE-gruppen gav poäng till kriterierna utifrån hur viktiga de anser att de är. För behandling av svartvatten undersöktes ytterligare existerande behandlingsalternativ för att ta reda på hur effektiva de är på rening av läkemedelsrester och reducering av bakterier från svartvatten. Ett ytterligare syfte var att utreda vilka för- och nackdelar som fanns med att källsortera avloppsvatten, vilket gjordes genom att medlemmar i SAFE-gruppen svarade på en enkät samt genom en litteraturstudie. Urvalet av reningstekniker som undersöktes i denna studie baserades på deras rening av antibiotika för blandat avloppsvatten och dessa var ozonering, GAK (granulärt aktivt kol), UV och väteperoxid, nanofiltrering, omvänd osmos, aktivt kol och MBBR (biofilmreaktor med rörlig bädd). Den reningsteknik som var lämpligast att implementera på ett avloppsreningsverk och en ny anläggning för källsorterat avloppsvatten var ozonering som generellt presterade bra för majoriteten av kriterierna. Det fanns för- och nackdelar med att källsortera avloppsvatten. En fördel med att behandla svartvatten separat är att det innehåller majoriteten av bakterier och läkemedelsrester, däremot är en nackdel att förbehandlingen behöver vara omfattande för att reningsteknikerna som undersöktes ska åstadkomma samma reningsgrad som för blandat avloppsvatten. De reningstekniker som undersöktes i studien (ozonering, GAK, UV med väteperoxid, omvänd osmos, nanofiltrering, aktiv slambehandling och MBBR) är inte relevanta för källsortering av avloppsvatten och separat behandling av svartvatten. Istället kan i dag aktuella behandlingsalternativ som våtkompostering, rötning, alkalisk behandling och ammoniakbehandling med urea vara relevanta då de är tekniker som kan användas för behandling av svartvatten med påvisad reduktion av bakterier. / The increasing development of antibiotic resistance constitutes a threat to today’s society, and the existing wastewater treatment plants are not built to remove antibiotics from the wastewater. However, it is not only the removal of antibiotics from wastewater that is important to counteract the accelerated development of antibiotic resistance, the reduction of bacteria matters as well. An alternative to conventional waste water treatment is source separation of wastewater from households and treating blackwater separately from greywater. The purpose of this study was to investigate which treatment technique that was most suitable to implement for the removal of antibiotics as well as bacteria from wastewater on existing wastewater treatment plants and on new facilities with source-separation of wastewater based on the following criteria: removal of antibiotics, bacteria reduction, operation cost, energy consumption, use of chemicals and surface area. The techniques were evaluated by using multicriteria analysis (MCA) where performance data were derived from literature and a survey where the importance of the criteria were graded by members of the SAFE-group. For the treatment of blackwater existing treatment options were further investigated to find out how effective they are at removing pharmaceuticals and reducing bacteria from blackwater. In addition the aim was also to investigate advantages and disadvantages of source separation of wastewater and treating blackwater separately from greywater. In order to determine this, members of the SAFE-group answered a survey and a literature study was done. The selection of treatment technologies evaluated were based on antibiotic removal for mixed wastewater and included ozonation, GAC (granulated active carbon), nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, UV and hydrogen peroxide, activated sludge and MBBR (moving bed bioreactor). The removal technique that according to the MCA was most suitable to implement at a wastewater treatment plant and a new facility for source separated wastewater was ozonation. There are both advantages and disadvantages with source-separation. An advantage of treating black water separately is that it contains the majority of bacteria and pharmaceuticals residues, however a disadvantage is that the pre-treatment needs to be extensive in order for the treatment techniques that were investigated to achieve the same degree of removal as for mixed wastewater. The treatment techniques investigated in the study (ozonation, GAK, UV and hydrogen peroxide, nanofiltration, activated sludge and MBBR) are mainly applied for mixed wastewater and not as relevant for source separation of wastewater and separate treatment of blackwater. Instead, existing treatment techniques such as wet composting, anaerobic digestion, alkaline treatment and ammonia treatment with urea may be more relevant as they are techniques that are used for treating blackwater with rather good reduction of bacteria.

Složení společenstva bakterioplanktonu v závislosti na kompozici fytoplanktonu v období jeho jarního vrcholu / Relating bacterioplankton composition to shifts in phytoplankton community dynamics during its spring bloom period

HAVLIŠOVÁ, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
Over the period of the spring phytoplankton bloom (March-May 2009), an intensive sampling program was conducted at 2 sampling depths (0.5 m and 1% PAR) located at lacustrine zone of the canyon-shaped, meso-eutrophic Římov reservoir (Czech Republic). Changes in the production and community dynamics of epilimnetic bacterioplankton, studied by means of group-specific rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes, were related to shifts in composition and activity of phytoplankton, and to remarkable changes in total protistan bacterivory. It was documented that particular groups of bacterioplankton responded differently to: (i) major shifts in phytoplankton composition and its activity and to (ii) changes in overall protozoan grazing pressure.

Mikrobiologie kozího a ovčího mléka a sýrů vyráběných na farmách

Zatloukalová, Růžena January 2014 (has links)
The thesis summarizes findings about the microbiology of goat and sheep milk and of farm produced cheese. It describes the production of selected groups of cheeses. It deals with particular microorganisms which are important with respect to technology and which are contained in primary and secondary cultures. It characterizes the undesirable microorganisms which cause contamination and it presents the possible measures to fight with them. Last but not least, there are described the legislative requirements for the farm processing of milk and cheese. The chosen groups of microorganisms were experimentally determined by cultivation methods in samples of raw goat and sheep milk and cheese. It was found out that in some months the values of CPM in milk exceeded the limit given by the Orders of the European Parliament and Counsel 853/2004. The discovered presence of enterococci, coliform bacteria, thermo-resistant aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and other undesirable microorganisms in raw milk and cheese points to the insufficient adherence of hygienic principals and technical procedure.

Využití NIR spektroskopie při kontrole jakosti šlehaného podmáslí

Fukačová, Ludmila January 2014 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis deals with the production of butter and buttermilk. In the introduction it informs us about the technology of butter production, there are also the history, the composition and the using butter and its assortment explained. During the production of butter other product -- buttermilk is formed as its secondary product. The Thesis also describes the technology of buttermilk production and its composition. It also focuses on the positive influence of acid buttermilk in case of its regular consumption. The positive influence is mainly caused by the content of benefited lactic acid bacteria. The final part of literature summary comes nearer to the importance and the use of spectroscopy which is measured in the infrared radiation area. It also clarifies the importance close infrared spectroscopy and also concerns with some problems of chemometrics. The problems explain the using of the statistic method in the evaluation of results of the measurement in this work. In the practical part of the Thesis forty samples of fermented buttermilk taken from supermarket chains were compared and evaluated. We were analyzing their pH, titratable acidity, dry matter, fat and protein. After finishing measuring these samples via spectrometer Nicolet FT NIR (spectra in the range from 4000 to 10 000 cm-1) the results were assessed via TQ Analyst software and by using paired T-test to the middle value.

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