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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekologinio saugumo Baltijos jūros regione užtikrinimas: HELCOM vaidmens Švedijoje ir Lietuvoje palyginimas / Ecological security in the Baltic sea region: a comparison of the Helsinki Commission’s role in Lithuania and Sweden

Černiauskaitė, Inga 12 June 2009 (has links)
Svarstymai apie ekologinio saugumo sampratą bei šio sektoriaus reikšmę valstybių nacionalinių interesų kontekste prasidėjo dar praeito šimtmečio viduryje. Dėl spartaus ekonominio vystymosi kilo daugybė aplinkos saugumo problemų, tiek visame pasaulyje, tiek Baltijos jūros regione. Ekologinio saugumo problemos bei jų sprendimas savo prigimtimi peržengia nacionalinių valstybių sienas. Dėl šios priežasties pradėtos kurti tarptautinės institucijos arba režimai, atsirado poreikis tarptautiniam bendradarbiavimui. Siekiant spręsti aplinkos saugumo klausimus Baltijos jūros regiono valstybės įkūrė Helsinkio Komisiją bei aktyviai dirba šioje srityje. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra susipažinti ekologinio saugumo problematika Baltijos jūros regione, įvardijant pagrindinus tikslus bei iššūkius, bei jų įgyvendinimo galimybes ir efektyvumą. Siekiant geriau atskleisti temą darbe yra lyginami Švedijos ir Lietuvos atvejai. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai yra apibrėžti valstybių nacionalinių interesų saugumo sampratą ir plačiau apžvelgti pagrindinius ekologinio arba aplinkos saugumo apibrėžimus ir perspektyvas politikos mokslų teorijoje. Aptarti svarbiausias grėsmes ir iššūkius Baltijos jūros regiono ekologiniam saugumui, atkreipiant dėmesį į pagrindines aplinkos saugumo problemas su kuriomis susiduria Švedija ir Lietuva. Susipažinti su Helsinkio Komisijos vaidmeniu Baltijos jūros regiono ekologinio saugumo srityje. Siekiant įgyvendinti darbo tikslą bei uždavinius naudojamas aprašomasis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Ecological security problems, such as climate change and severe air and water pollution, have reached global attention over the last couple of decades. Environmental threats are usually caused not only by one state and can have impacts well beyond national borders. Hence, there is an obvious need for cross-national cooperation. The main object of this study is the challenges of ecological security in the Baltic Sea region and the efforts to meet them through cooperation within the Helsinki Commission. The Helsinki Commission is one of the main institutions seeking to ensure marine environment protection in the Baltic Sea through international cooperation between Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the wider European Union. To better understand the role and possible effects of the Helsinki Commission, a comparison between Sweden and Lithuania is being made. The main focus is on recent developments of ecological security, particularly after the adoption of the Helsinki Commission’s Baltic Sea Action Plan in 2007. The central question of this work is: what are the main ecological security problems and objectives set by the Helsinki Commission and what are the challenges for implementation in Sweden and Lithuania? Descriptive, comparative, and analytical research methods are employed in order to analyze this question. Numerous studies have revealed that pollution, caused by the agricultural sector, marine transportation and other... [to full text]

Integruotas aplinkos taršos bei biožymenų atsako vertinimas Baltijos jūroje / Integrated assessment of pollution and biomarker responses in the Baltic Sea

Garnaga, Galina 02 May 2011 (has links)
Disertacijos tikslas – integruotas teršalų pasklidimo aplinkoje ir jų biologinio poveikio Baltijos jūros Lietuvos zonoje vertinimas. Darbe buvo apibendrinti ilgalaikių aplinkos taršos tyrimų Baltijos jūros Lietuvos zonoje duomenys, aprašyti teršalų pasklidimo ypatumai Klaipėdos uosto, grunto gramzdinimo jūroje, Būtingės naftos terminalo, D-6 naftos platformos ir cheminio ginklo nuskandinimo rajonuose, tirti aplinkos taršos biožymenų jūrų organizmuose iš skirtingų pietrytinės Baltijos jūros rajonų ypatumai bei atliktas eksperimentas sąryšio tarp teršalų ir biožymenų atsako moliuskų audiniuose ypatumams nustatyti. Darbas atitinka HELCOM Baltijos jūros veiksmų plano ir ES Jūrų strategijos pagrindų direktyvos iškeltus tikslus – „Baltijos jūros aplinka nepaveikta pavojingų medžiagų“ ir „teršalų koncentracijos lygis yra toks, kad nesukelia taršos poveikio“. Norint pasiekti šiuos tikslus, būtina atlikti kompleksinį Baltijos jūros aplinkos būklės vertinimą. Šiems tikslams sukurtas HELCOM Cheminės būklės vertinimo įrankis CHASE (angl. Chemical Status Assessment Tool), buvo panaudotas kompleksiškai vertinant Lietuvos Baltijos jūros rajonų aplinkos taršą. Atsiranda vis daugiau moksliniais tyrimais pagristų įrodymų, kad biologinių efektų tyrimai yra svarbūs. Šis darbas yra dar vienas biologinių efektų tyrimų svarbos įrodymas ir tokio pobūdžio tyrimų įtraukimo į valstybinės stebėsenos programą aktualumo patvirtinimas. / The aim of the study is an integrated assessment of the spread of contaminants and their biological effects in the Lithuanian zone of the Baltic Sea. Long-term monitoring data on contaminants in water, sediments and biota were summarized; the peculiarities of distribution of contaminants in the Klaipėda harbour, Būtingė oil terminal, dredged sediments dumping site, adjacent area to the Russian D-6 oil platform and chemical munitions dumpsite were described; biomarker responses in marine organisms from the different areas of the southeastern Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon were evaluated and the impact of contaminants on biomarker responses in mussels was assessed. The thesis reflects the overall goals of the hazardous substances segment of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan – to achieve a Baltic Sea with life undisturbed by hazardous substances and of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive – concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. The ongoing activities of HELCOM and EU are aimed at the integrated holistic assessments of the environmental state of the Baltic Sea. The combination of contaminant concentrations with the biological effects were used in the HELCOM Chemical Status Assessment Tool CHASE, which also has been applied for Lithuanian waters. Whereas more scientific evidences appear the biological effects become an important issue of the environmental research. This study also reflects the importance of integration of... [to full text]

Aplinkosaugos priemonių veiksmingumas Baltijos jūros Lietuvos pajūrio teritorijoje / Efficiency of Enviromental Protection Measures of Baltic Coastal Areas in Lithuania

Balsytė, Judita 16 June 2014 (has links)
Šis magistrantūros studijų baigiamasis darbas atskleidžia ir leidžia labiau įsigilinti į Lietuvos pajūrio išsaugojimą, skiriamas priemones, susipažinti su gaunamomis paramomis aplinkosaugai, sužinoti, kur jos panaudojamos bei labiau įsigilinti į pajūrio svarbą Lietuvai. Gilintasi, kokie veiksniai daro didžiausią žalą mūsų pajūriui, bei kokią iniciatyvą aplinkosaugos atžvilgiu rodo ir kaip prisideda turistai, vietos bei kiti Lietuvos gyventojai. Tiriamojoje dalyje buvo vykdomas ekspertų apklausos tyrimas vakarų Lietuvoje (Palangos, Klaipėdos, Kretingos, taip pat rajonų savivaldybių specialistų). Ekspertų pagalba vertintos pajūrio apsaugos priemonės, veiksniai, darantys žalą Lietuvos pajūriui. Atlikta norminių dokumentų analizė, išanalizuotos gaunamos lėšos ir parama Lietuvos pajūriui išsaugoti bei padaryti darbai. Atlikta stiprybių, silpnybių, galimybių ir grėsmių (SSGG) analizė, teikiami pasiūlymai kaip pagerinti ir išsaugoti stabilią teritorijų būklę. Taip pat išanalizuoti norminiai dokumentai Baltijos šalyse (Latvijoje ir Estijoje), nagrinėta, kaip saugomas pajūris ir kokią reikšmę jis turi kaimyninėse šalyse. Informacija palyginta su Lietuvos teisine sistema. Aptarta kokia pajūrio teritorijų svarba ir kaip jis saugomas Latvijoje ir Estijoje. Darbe nagrinėjama Baltijos pajūrio pakrantės aplinkosauginė situacija (tarša, atliekų rūšiavimas, ekologinės būklės gerinimas ir išsaugojimas, analizuoti teisės aktai, paramos, projektai). Aptariama Baltijos jūros pakrantės svarba... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This Master's thesis reveals and allows more insight into the Lithuanian coastal conservation measures on access to the support they received for the Environment, to find out where they are used, and more aware of the importance of coastal Lithuania. Jurisprudence which factors have the greatest damage to our beaches, as well as any environmental initiative, demonstrates and contributes to tourists, locals and residents of Lithuania. The research was carried out in the expert survey in west Lithuania (Palanga, Klaipeda in municipality, as well as areas of municipal officers). It has been questioned by experts whose opinion then analyzed and conclusions drawn about the coastal protection measures, factors which caused the Lithuanian coast. Normative document analysis was performed, analysis of received funds and support for the preservation of Lithuania seaside as well as the work performed. The survey and analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, documenting the opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis and conclusions on how to improve and change the state of preservation. Also analyze regulatory documents in the Baltic States (Latvia and Estonia) were analyzed, protected seashore and the significance of the neighborhood were researched. A comparison of the Lithuanian legal system. Comparable any seaside importance and how it is stored in Latvia and Estonia. The paper examines the Baltic seaside coastal environmental side (pollution, waste handling, treatment, preservation... [to full text]

Wind and atmospheric stability characteristics over the Baltic Sea

Svensson, Nina January 2016 (has links)
In recent years there has been an increase in offshore wind energy, which poses the need for accurate wind speed estimates in the marine environment, especially in coastal areas where most wind turbines will be placed. This thesis is focused on the Baltic Sea, which is a small, semi-enclosed sea where land-sea interaction play an important role in explaining the wind patterns. Mesoscale model simulations can be used to study the marine environment, where observations are often scarce. In this thesis the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is used. In the first study simulations show that stable stratification over sea is very common in spring and summer and is associated with an increase in low-level jet occurrence and increased wind shear below 200 m, at heights where wind turbines are erected. The model performance in stable conditions is evaluated against aircraft measurements using several boundary layer parametrization schemes, and it is shown that the low-level jet height and strength is not accurately captured with any of the parametrizations. In the second study the advection of land features is investigated. From simulations, aircraft observations and satellite images it is shown that boundary layer rolls are created in the convective boundary layer over land, and advected several tens of kilometres out over sea surface, despite the stable stratification, where convective turbulence dissipates quickly. The occurrence of boundary layer rolls gives rise to horizontal wind speed variations of several meters per second over distances of kilometres, which can increase the uncertainty of short term wind speed forecasts in coastal areas with offshore flow. It is shown that mesoscale processes in and above the marine boundary layer are important in modifying the wind field in distances of at least 100 km from the coast and that models still need to be improved in order to capture these conditions. / Under de senaste decennierna har vindkraftsutbyggnaden ökat till havs, vilket innebär att det krävs tillförlitliga vindhastighetsuppskattningar över hav, särskilt i kustområden, där de flesta vindturbinerna kommer att placeras. Den här avhandlingen kommer att fokusera på Östersjön, vilket är ett relativt litet hav omgivet av landmassor, där land-hav-interaktion har en stor påverkan på vindmönstren över havet. Mesoskaliga modeller kan användas för att studera den lägre delen av den marina atmosfären. I den här avhandlingen används modellen "Weather Research and Forecasting" (WRF). I den första studien visar simuleringar att stabila förhållanden över havet är vanligt förekommande under sommar och vår, och sker i samband med en ökad förekomst av vindmaxima på låg höjd och ökad vindskjuvning under 200 m - alltså på höjder där vindkraftverk förekommer. Modellen, med flertalet gränskiktsparametriseringar, utvärderas för stabila fall mot flygplansmätningar, och resultaten visar att styrkan och höjden för vindmaxima är antingen över- eller underskattade oavsett parametrisering. I den andra studien undersöks advektiva fenomen. Simuleringar, flyplansobservationer och satellitbilder visar att avlånga rullvirvlar uppstår i det konvektiva gränsskiktet över land och advekteras flera tiotals kilometer över hav ut från kusten. Detta trots stabila förhållanden över havet, där den konvektiva turbulensen snabbt dör ut. Rullvirvlarna ger upphov till variationer i horisontell vindhastighet på flera meter per sekund över avstånd på några kilometer, vilket kan öka osäkerheten hos korttidsprognoser för vind när det är blåser från land. Sammanfattningsvis har det har visats att mesoskaliga processer i och ovanför det marina gränsskiktet har en stor inverkan på vindfältet åtminstone 100 km från kusten, och modeller behöver fortfarande förbättras för att kunna fånga dessa företeelser. / StandUp for Wind

Population genetic patterns in continuous environments in relation to conservation management

Wennerström, Lovisa January 2016 (has links)
Genetic variation is a prerequisite for the viability and evolution of species. Information on population genetic patterns on spatial and temporal scales is therefore important for effective management and for protection of biodiversity. However, incorporation of genetics into management has been difficult, even though the need has been stressed for decades. In this thesis population genetic patterns in continuous environments are described, compared among species, and related to conservation management. The model systems are moose (Alces alces) in Sweden and multiple species in the Baltic Sea, with particular focus on the Northern pike (Esox lucius). The spatial scope of the studies is large, and much focus is dedicated towards comprehensive sampling over large geographic areas. The moose population in Sweden is shown to be divided into two major subpopulations, a northern and a southern one. Both subpopulations show genetic signals of major population bottlenecks, which coincide with known population reductions due to high hunting pressure (Paper I). The Northern pike in the Baltic Sea shows relatively weak, but temporally stable population genetic structure. An isolation by distance pattern suggests that gene flow primarily takes place among neighboring populations, either over shortest waterway distance or along the mainland coast, with island populations acting as stepping stones (Paper III). In a comparative study of seven Baltic Sea species no shared genetic patterns were found, either in terms of genetic divergence among or genetic diversity within geographic regions. These results complicate the incorporation of genetic data into management, because it suggests that no generalization can be made among species in the Baltic Sea, but that species-specific management is needed (Paper II). Over the last 50 years, 61 species in the Baltic Sea have been studied with respect to spatial genetic patterns. For over 20 of these species information of direct relevance for management is available. Relevant information is synthesized into management recommendations (Paper IV). This thesis provides vital information on spatial and temporal genetic structure for a number of ecologically and socio-economically important species. It shows that such information is important to consider species by species and that both local and metapopulation approaches are needed to effectively manage genetic diversity in e.g. moose and pike. Further, it identifies for which organisms in the Baltic Sea genetic information exists, how it can be used, and where important information is lacking. In order to successfully make use of genetic data in management, effective communication channels between academia and policy-makers are needed. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Det baltiska problemet : En undersökning av Sveriges erkännanden och relationer till Estland och Lettland år 1918-1925

Langetz, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
This paper examines what happened when Sweden recognized Estonia and Latvia as sovereign states. The recognising process was part of what during the time was called "the Baltic problem". The Baltic problem was the new situation that arose around the Baltic Sea after World War I in 1918, where several new states were added. Sweden's geostrategic position was considerably better but the time after the war was a turbulent period in Sweden. Sweden needed to take into account how the victorious powers Britain and France acted in international politics. In this situation Sweden was faced with the decision to recognize the new states. This paper used the theoretical perspectives of "realism" and "idealism". Realism says that states do not respect international law, unless it is in the state's self-interest. Instead realism empathizes that the realpolitik and power politics are the main instruments of the state to achieve security. Idealism emphasizes that states will gladly take into account international law because it is morally right and also emphasizes the democratic institutions and economic cooperation to create an interdependency between states and thus achieve security. Sweden takes into account international law in the sense that Sweden wants to admit the two states when they meet the constitutional criteria. However, Sweden chose to not recognize any of the states before Britain and France had recognized them. Sweden's cautious behaviour towards the recognition and the negative attitude towards closer cooperation on security issues provide support to the realism as the theory that best explains Sweden's actions in their relationship with the newly proclaimed states of Estonia and Latvia.

Cyanobacterial Nitrogen Fixation in the Baltic Sea : With focus on Aphanizomenon sp.

Svedén, Jennie B. January 2016 (has links)
Cyanobacteria are widely distributed in marine, freshwater and terrestrial habitats. Some cyanobacterial genera can convert di-nitrogen gas (N2) to bioavailable ammonium, i.e. perform nitrogen (N) fixation, and are therefore of profound significance for N cycling. N fixation by summer blooms of cyanobacteria is one of the largest sources of new N for the Baltic Sea. This thesis investigated N fixation by cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea and explored the fate of fixed N at different spatial and temporal scales. In Paper I, we measured cell-specific N fixation by Aphanizomenon sp. at 10 ºC, early in the season. Fixation rates were high and comparable to those in late summer, indicating that Aphanizomenon sp. is an important contributor to N fixation already in its early growth season. In Paper II, we studied fixation and release of N by Aphanizomenon sp. and found that about half of the fixed N was rapidly released and transferred to other species, including autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria, diatoms and copepods. In Paper III, we followed the development of a cyanobacterial bloom and related changes in dissolved and particulate N pools in the upper mixed surface layer. The bloom-associated total N (TN) increase was mainly due to higher particulate organic N (PON) concentrations, but also to increases in dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). About half the PON-increase could be explained by the sum of N-fixing cyanobacteria, other phytoplankton (&gt;2µm) and zooplankton, indicating that production was stimulated by the N fixation. In Paper IV, we used a growth model based on measured photosynthesis–irradiance relationships to explore the production potential of Aphanizomenon sp. The model included data on irradiance, biomass, temperature and light attenuation (1999–2013). Until the bloom peak, the modelled production matched the measured biomass, indicating low production losses. Over the whole season, the modelled production could explain a substantial part of the summer TN increase, assuming that plausible losses (such as grazing or cell lysis) are retained within the upper mixed layer. Complementing the other data, we also investigated the nutrient content (Paper I) and varying cell width (Paper IV) of Aphanizomenon sp. By a combination of approaches, this thesis has contributed new information on cyanobacterial N fixation rates, the transfer of fixed N to other organisms in the food web and shown the potential for fixed N to stimulate summer primary and secondary production in the Baltic Sea. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Vergleich beobachteter und aus parametrisierten Beziehungen berechneter Windreibungskoeffizienten während eines Sturmes an der Ostseeküste

Raabe, Armin, Friedrich, Katja, Fritsch, Holger 09 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Beobachtete und über parametns1erte Beziehungen berechnete Windreibungs-koeffizienten werden für die Zeit eines Sturms, der in der Zeit zwischen dem 08.07.96 und 11.07.96 an der Ostseeküste tobte, verglichen. Die innerhalb der ufernahen Zone aus Windprofildaten ermittelten Reibungskoeffizienten lassen sich mit weniger als 20% Fehler auch über vorliegende parametrisierten Beziehungen aus einer standardisierten Windgeschwindigkeitsmessung berechnen. / A comparison between observed and calculated wind drag coefficients were investigated during a storm with wind speeds up to 20 m/s at the Baltic Sea coast between 3th July, 1996 and 1 lth July, 1996. The drag coefficient which was determined from observed wind speeds from wind profile measurements can also be predicted on behalf of parameterised relations with a random error less then 20%.

How the Swedish banks took over the financial system in the Baltic States : A study about what factors impacted the internationalization process of Swedish banks to the Baltic States

Gharib, Ireen, Murseli, Shkodran January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to gain deeper knowledge on what factors impacted the internationalization process of Swedish banks. By distinguishing the factors the goal is to increase the understanding and awareness of the effect of these factors can have on foreign banks or financial institutions when internationalizing to a transition economy. To be able to create a wider perspective the study has been conducted through a qualitative method and an abductive research approach. We have been able to collect primary data by conducting interviews with the banks that have been a part of this multiple case study. In order to develop an understanding and to be able to fulfil our purpose with the thesis the main research question is formulated as follows: What factors have impacted the internationalization of Swedish banks to the Baltic market?   The theoretical review includes previous research and theories related to internationalization, business environment and factors that can impact the internationalization process. The methodology chapter explains the approach, method and design we have used. The empirical data and the theoretical framework are discussed in order to find out what drove the banks to the internationalization.   The analysis will describe how the banks have internationalized, why the banks chose one specific market in the beginning and the reason to why the internationalization occurred in the first place.   The conclusion shows that the most important factor of the internationalization to the Baltic countries was because of the change in the governmental and economical structure. The factors that affect the choice of country is also significant, with the reason to see which country was most developed during the time the Swedish banks entered the market.

Microbial Ecosystem Functions Along the Steep Oxygen Gradient of the Landsort Deep, Baltic Sea

Thureborn, Petter January 2016 (has links)
Through complex metabolic interactions aquatic microbial life is essential as a driver of ecosystem functions and hence a prerequisite for sustaining plant and animal life in the sea and on Earth. Despite its ecological importance, infor­mation on the complexity of microbial functions and how these are related to environmental conditions is limited. Due to climate change and eutrophication, marine areas facing oxygen depletion are increasing and predicted to continue to do so in the future. Vertically steep oxygen gradients are particularly pronoun­ced in the Baltic Sea. In this thesis, therefore, the ecosystem functions of micro­bial communities were investigated, using metagenomics, to understand how they were distributed along the steep oxygen gradient at the Landsort Deep, the deepest point of the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, microbial communities from the Lands­ort Deep transect were compared to microbial communities of other marine environments to establish whether the environment at this site resulted in a characteristic community. To reveal what microbial community functions and taxa were active in the anoxic sediment a metatranscriptomic approach was used. Results showed a marked effect of the coupled environmental parameters dissolved oxygen, salinity and temperature on distribution of taxa and par­ti­cularly community functions. Microbial communities showed functional capa­cities consistent with a copiotrophic life-style dependent on organic ma­terial sinking through the water column. The eutrophic condition with high organic load was further reflected in the metatranscriptome of the anoxic sedi­ment com­munity, which indicated active carbon mineralisation through ana­erobic hetero­trophic-autotrophic community synergism. New putative linkages between nitro­gen and- sulphur metabolisms were identified at anoxic depths. Further­more, viable Cyanobacteria in the anoxic sediment was evident from the tran­script analyses as another reflection of marine snow. High abundance and expres­­sion of integron integrases were identified as a charac­teristic feature of the Lands­ort Deep communities, and may provide these communities with a mech­an­ism for short-term-adaptation to environmental change. In summary, this thesis clearly documents what impact eutrophication and oxygen depletion have on microbial community functions. Furthermore, it specifically advances the mechanistic insight into microbial processes in anoxic deep-water sediment at both genomic and transcriptional level. Given the predicted progress of oxygen depletion in marine and brackish environments, this work advances information necessary to estimate effects on marine and in particular brackish ecosystem functions where anoxic conditions prevail. / Mikroorganismer är essentiella för fungerande ekosystemfunktioner i akvatiska miljöer och därmed en förutsättning för övrigt växt- och djurliv på vår planet. Trots deras ekologiska nyckelroll är kunskapen om mikroorganismernas funk­tion och komplexitet samt hur dessa är relaterade till miljön begränsad. På grund av eutrofiering och klimatförändringar har marina områden som lider av syrebrist ökat och en ytterligare utbredning av marina och bräckta områden med syrebrist är predicerad i framtiden. Stora områden av Östersjön kännetecknas av vertikala syregradienter med syresatt ytvatten och anoxiskt bottenvatten. I denna avhandling undersöktes därför med metagenomik hur mikrobiella ekosystems funktioner var utbredda längs den vertikala syregradienten i Östersjöns djupaste del, Landsortsdjupet. Dessutom jämfördes de mikrobiella samhällena från Lands­­­ortsdjupet med mikrobiella samhällen från andra marina miljöer för att utröna om den karakteristiska miljön i Landsortsdjupet återspeglade de mikro­biella samhällen som lever där. För att undersöka vilka mikroorganismer samt vilka mikrobiella ekosystemfunktioner som var aktiva i det anoxiska sedimentet i Lands­ortsdjupet användes metatranskriptomik. Resultaten visade en stark kor­re­lation mellan miljöparametrarna syrehalt, salinitet och temperatur och för­del­ningen av mikrobiell taxa och i synnerhet mikrobiell funktion längs Lands­orts­djupets transekt. De mikrobiella samhällena uppvisade en funktionell kapa­citet förenlig med en livsstrategi beroende av organiskt material som sjunker genom vattenkolonnen som en konsekvens av eutrofiering. Eutrofa förhållanden med hög halt av organiskt material var även återspeglad i metatranskriptomet från det anoxiska sedimentet, som indikerade aktiv mineralisering av organiskt kol genom anaerob heterotrof-autotrof synergism. Nya möjliga kopplingar mellan kväve- och svavelmetabolism identifierades i det anoxiska vattnet. Vidare visade resultat från metatranskriptom-analys att livsdugliga cyanobakterier var abun­danta i det mörka och anoxiska sedimentet, vilket även detta kan vara en konse­kvens av sjunkande organiskt material. Hög abundans och hög transkribering av integrongener kunde identifieras som ett karakteristiskt kännetecken hos de mikro­biella samhällena i Landsortsdjupet vilket skulle kunna förse dem med en me­kanism för anpassning till miljöförändringar. Sammanfattningsvis dokumen­terar denna avhandling tydligt vilken påverkan eutrofiering och syrebrist har på mikrobiella funktioner. Dessutom för den specifikt kunskapen om mikrobiella processer i anoxiska djupvattensediment framåt på både genom- och transkrip­tions­nivå. Mot bakgrund av en predicerad ökning av syrebristen i marina mil­jöer, bidrar denna avhandling med information som är viktig för att kunna förutse vilka effekter anoxiska förhållanden kan komma att få på ekosystemfunktioner i marina miljöer och i brackvattenmiljöer i synnerhet.

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