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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中國大陸農村民辦教師之研究 / The study of Min-Ban teacher in Mainland China

楊靜怡, Yang, Ching Yi Unknown Date (has links)
自一九七七年鄧小平提出科技人才的培養,基礎在教育以來,教育工作被視為促成中國大陸經濟發展的重要議程,也是完成社會主義現代化建設的戰略要點。而教育的發展重在建立合格、穩定的師資陣容,在此一前提下,農村地區為數眾多且學歷不合格的中小學民辦教師,則成為中國大陸提昇人力素質需求下,首要解決的問題。   一九七八年以後,中國大陸各地區根據「減少數量,提高質量」的教育方針,逐步擴展民辦教師在職培訓,減少數量並提高其政治、經濟地位。一九九五年二月二十日在廣東惠州召開的全國民辦教師工作會議上,國家教委堅持以「關、招、轉、辭、退」五字方針,解決民辦教師問題,並於公元兩千年之前讓中國大陸民辦教師成為歷史。然而,隨著九年義務教育的推展,教師需求增加;農村地區師資匱乏問題未獲妥善解決;加諸經濟改革以來,部份農村教師棄教從商等現象,均影響目前農村基礎教育的發展。因此,除了片面降低民辦教師數量外,如何運用民辦教師政策,鼓勵兩百多萬農村民辦教師繼續為農村教育奉獻心力,則更具啟發性。   本研究之目的乃在:   1.探討民辦教師的發展背景;   2.分析民辦教師主要的分佈特性;   3.瞭解中國大陸現行有關民辦教師的管理體制,以及現行政策之缺失;   4.分析中國大陸經濟改革開放後,對民辦教師教學工作與職業流動的影響。   另外,除檢討目前政策得失外,研究者也擬定若干建議。   依據研究目的,研究者採取文獻分析法與個案研究方法進行民辦教師現況與民辦教師政策問題的分析;另外,本研究也擬以「質的自然研究設計、量的資料蒐集分析、量的統計分析」之統合策略研究法,分析民辦教師區域的分佈特性。   研究結果發現,國家財政匱乏、政治因素主導教育發展、農村教師不足以及農村辦學體制的變動,乃是促成民辦教師發展的重要因素。另外,根據統計資料的分析,民辦教師數量與當地社會經濟結構、教育規模有高相關存在。換言之,社會經濟越發達,民辦教師所佔的比重越小,反之,則否。至於農村民辦教師職業流動的現象則呈現區域性的差異,一般而言,社會經濟結構越趨向高度農業化,就業結構越單一化的地區,民辦教師鮮有職業流動,而鄉鎮企業發達、或鄰近都市的農村,民辦教師職業流動現象明顯。   此外,在國家教委「關、招、轉、辭、退」的政策推行下,目前中國大陸民辦教師數量與質量獲得明顯的改善。如:民辦教師佔中小學教師總數的比例由一九七八年的59.4%,下降到一九九四年的24.3%;根據個案研究的結果發現,民辦教師學歷普遍提昇到高中以上。不過目前仍存在以下幾個問題:   1.片面禁止增聘民辦教師,卻未能解決農村教師不足的情況,導致農村代課教師數量增加,成為變相的民辦教師。   2.國家教委人事司與地方政府對「民轉公」政策宗旨認知不同,致使民轉公的選招方式備受爭議。   3.民轉公與中師招收在職民辦教師名額少,且考試競爭激烈,教師投入考試準備,怠忽教學工作。   4.已取得中專與大專本科學歷的民辦教師,為轉公辦教師仍須到師範學校學習,造成教育資源浪費。   5.民辦教師工資、福利與公辦教師相差二倍以上。   綜觀上述的問題,研究者建議:   1.按民辦教師年齡與學歷,分別考量民轉公選招的標準。   2.民轉公名額須與縣(市)地方財政負擔相配合。   3.農村教育費附加,由縣統一籌措,並用於保障與提昇民辦教師工資。   4.另外,由縣市統一規定農村民辦教師最低保障工資數。   5.以互助會的形式建立民辦教師社會福利保險制度。   儘管目前以政策性策略降低民辦教師數量的成長,但是長期以來農村地區師資嚴重短缺的問題,始終未獲得根本的解決,導致控制了農村地區民辦教師之數量,卻間接造成代課教師數量的成長。而欲解決農村民辦教師或代課教師的問題,根本之道在研擬一套舒緩農村教師緊缺的新途徑。

Mass Shootings and Gun Control: Obama’s Road to Reform

Lane, Alexander M 01 January 2013 (has links)
This work is intended to evaluate President Obama’s gun control policies by determining whether stricter federal gun control laws should apply within theUnited States. This paper examines whether setting legal standards at a national level would effectively reduce gun related violence and mass shootings on a local and state level. These include events such as Sandy Hook Elementary inNewton,Connecticut, the Virginia Polytechnic school shootings, and theAuroraTheatershooting inDenver,Colorado. Specifically, could executive orders proposed by the president, such as assault weapon bans, rigorous background checks on gun sales, submission of mental health records to the FBI Databases, and increased aid between states and mental health care institutions effectively reduce horrific incidences of gun related violence. Using gun control data from past and present as our research, we will determine whether stricter gun control policies have deterred violent crimes, murder rates, suicides and mass shootings. Since our research focuses on policy solutions as an alternative to reduce mass shootings, not the psychological make ups and environmental factors of mass shooters, we will omit America’s gun culture as a variable within our study: such as the effects violent video games and movies could have on the psyche of troubled individuals. After carefully analyzing gun date related to gun violence and crime, this work will attempt to suggest whether or not President Obama’s gun control policies will pass in Congress and which legislation will be the most effective in limiting gun violence and mass shootings.

2013 - Året det vårades för blankning : En empirisk studie av svenska finansiella instituts arbete med blankningsaffärer gentemot sina kunder

Bengtsson, Billy, Alvarado, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: 2013 – Året det vårades för blankning Datum: 2013-05-21 Uppsats nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi (61-90 hp) Författare: Erik Alvarado och Billy BengtssonHandledare: Sven-Ola CarlssonExaminator: Marita Blomkvist Nyckelord: Blankning, Förbud, Regleringar, Effektiva marknadsteorin, Behavioral finance, Strategi Syfte: Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att förstå och analysera hur mäklarna samtförvaltare på svenska finansiella institut arbetar med blankning gentemotsina kunder idag. Problemformulering: Hur arbetar mäklare och förvaltare på svenska finansiella institut medblankningsaffärer åt sina kunder?Metod: Metodvalet föll på en kvalitativ studie med en induktiv ansats. Den datasom utgör empirin har samlats in genom besöks- och telefonintervjuer. Teori: I november 2012 valde regeringen att gå EU:s linje och börja följa derasförordning angående regleringar mot blankning. Detta ställer krav på attFinansinspektionen publicerar gårdagen genomförda blankningsaffärermorgonen efter. Något som lett till en mediedebatt kring att intresset förblankning kan öka, då investerare nu kan ta rygg på andra blankare.Blankning kan vara ett populärt investeringsalternativ utifrån ett flertalstrategier medan anledningarna till att blanka kan vara många. Antingen blankar investerare utifrån rationella värderingar och tillgången på informationsom finns på en effektiv marknad. Vidare kan du utgå ifrån känsloinpulser,något som kan kopplas till behavioral finance-perspektivet. Empiri: Primärdata har samlats in från fyra svenska finansiella institut: AvanzaBank, Handelsbanken, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken och Simplicity AB. Resultat: Intresset för blankning bland de finansiella institutens kunder är relativtsvalt, något som främst beror på en lång teknisk process och höga kostnader.En slutsats som ligger helt i linje med den ledande teorin kring regleringaroch förbud mot blankning, nämligen Diamond-Verrecchia hypothesis. / Abstract Title: 2013 – Sweden, it’s time for short-selling! Date: 2013-05-21 Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration (61-90 hp) Authors: Erik Alvarado and Billy BengtssonAdvisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonExaminer: Marita Blomkvist Keywords: Short-selling, Ban, Regulations, Efficient-market hypothesis, Behavioralfinance, Strategy Purpose: Our purpose with the thesis is to understand and analyze how brokers andequity managers in Swedish financial institutions working with shortsellingtowards their customers.Research question: How do brokers and equity managers at Swedish financial institutionswork with short-selling for their customers? Methodology: The thesis is based on a qualitative methodology with an inductive approach.The primary data has been collected through face-to-face interviewsas well over telephone. Theory: Since November 2012 the Swedish government is following the currentEU regulation against short-selling. The EU regulation requires that completedshort sales are published the next day on the Swedish comparison tothe U.S: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Finansinspektionen.The new regulation his risen a debate in media, since investors now canfollow the published short sales. Short-selling can be a popular alternativefor investors, since there are many strategies that are including shortselling.However, the reasons for investors to short-sell can be many. Either the investors’ decision is rationally based on the available informationon the efficient market or they base their decisions on feeling. Financialdecision based on feelings can be explained by behavioral finance. Empiric: The primary data representing the empirical framework has been collectedfrom four Swedish financial institutions: Avanza Bank, Handelsbanken,Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken and Simplicity AB. Result: At the moment short-selling is not the most popular choice for investorswho are interested in going short. The short-selling process is at the momenttechnical difficult and costly for the investors and financial institutions.The result is in line with the leading theory of short-selling regulations,the Diamond-Verrecchia hypothesis.

Étude et conception d'une couche physique UWB-IR pour les réseaux BAN

Mebaley Ekome, Stéphane 06 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les réseaux à l'origine métropolitains, ont connu une tendance à rétrécir pour aujourd'hui se concentrer autour de l'être humain. Avec des équipements de plus en plus miniatures et les utilisateurs désireux de disposer en permanence des services qui leur sont accessibles à domicile, le réseau est envisagé plus petit, plus proche du corps. On assiste alors à l'émergence du réseau corporel, le Body Area Network (BAN), qui est constitué d'éléments situés sur le corps, à l'intérieur ou encore à une courte distance. Ce réseau à portée du corps génère de nouvelles problématiques, notamment celles de la puissance rayonnée par les équipements, leur taille, leur poids...Les applications et usages envisagés pour un tel réseau sont variés et couvrent plusieurs domaines d'activités, en l'occurrence le secteur du médical, du sport, et le multimédia. Ce réseau doit donc reposer sur une couche physique qui s'adapte aux contraintes de ces diverses applications, tout en favorisant des équipements de faible taille, faible complexité et de forte autonomie. La technologie Ultra Large Bande impulsionnelle (UWB-IR) est porteuse de nombreuses promesses pour satisfaire en partie les besoins des réseaux BAN, car autorisant des débits aussi bien réduits qu'élevés, et les architectures d'émission et réception utilisables pour cette technologie rendent possibles des équipements à faible complexité et faible coût, et dont la consommation énergétique est réduite.Ce travail de thèse a débuté alors qu'un processus de normalisation sur les BAN était en cours. L'objectif des travaux menés était de pouvoir contribuer en partie à ce processus de normalisation par la proposition d'une couche physique basée sur la radio impulsionnelle UWB (UWB-IR). Ainsi notre étude a porté sur le paramétrage de cette couche physique à partir de l'analyse des contraintes et requis techniques d'un réseau BAN. Les performances de cette couche physique ont ensuite été évaluées dans un contexte de canal UWB BAN et suivant le type d'architecture en réception, en particulier pour le récepteur non-cohérent. Enfin, une attention a été apportée sur la robustesse de la liaison en présence d'interférences bande étroite. Dans l'ensemble, ce travail a permis d'étudier et d'évaluer la pertinence d'une couche physique UWB-IR dans le contexte du réseau BAN

A Ban on Performance - Enhancing Drugs? Harm, Nature of Sport and Dehumanization

Bond, Ethan J 01 January 2011 (has links)
In this paper, I seek to determine whether the current ban on performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in professional sport is justified. I look at two of the most common categories of arguments in favor of the ban, which I term the Harm Category and The Nature of Sport Category, and ultimately determine that neither is strong enough to justify the current ban. I determine, however, that a third and less common category of arguments, which I term the Dehumanization Category, provides good reason to justify the ban by appealing to our intuitions about why the use of PEDs in professional sport is wrong.


朱賡忠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市立國民中學自訂「教師輔導與管教學生辦法」的過程,瞭解其實施的現況,學校處理學生問題時所遭遇的困境,實施「零體罰」及「解除髮禁」所造成的衝擊,並提出改善策略與建議,俾供教育主管機關、學校行政與教師參考。 研究內容包含文獻分析與深度訪談等兩種方法。其中文獻分析的部分,首先探究輔導與管教之法規與適用及其內涵與救濟,然後以英、美為例,探究其他國家之輔導與管教辦法,對照我國過去在相關議題部分之研究文獻。至於深度訪談部分,則以教育主管單位及臺北市各型學校抽樣,選出與本研究問題之業務有直接相關的教育工作者共39人進行深入訪談,將訪談內容加以分析並提出建議。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、 各校訂定本辦法時,均能夠遵循國民教育法、行政命令等相關法規,依法定程序與精神辦理。 二、 學校學生常發生之偏差行為可分為四類,包括:學習態度不佳、生活常規不良、違規行為、違法行為等四大類型。 三、 學校在實施本辦法時所面臨的困擾,主要來自:辦法本身的不週延、學生人格特質、家庭因素或學區環境影響、家長的態度、學校行政的效能、以及教師的專業知能等。 四、 「零體罰」政策部分,教育主管單位、校長、訓導人員、輔導人員、教師、家長等,角色職責不同,其看法分歧,亟待整合。 五、 「解除髮禁」政策部分,教師期待學生自律與自愛,能自我澄清髮禁的意義與價值,不要為追求外表的特色而迷失了自我。 六、 受訪者提出多項看法,針對不同困擾的因素,提供各種改進的意見與建議,以提供各相關業務人員參考使用。 / This research focuses on the process in which junior high schools in Taipei develop individual “regulations of student guidance and discipline by teachers,” in an attempt to understand the current execution of those regulations, the predicament that the school administrators might encounter when dealing with students’ problems, and the impact of implementing “zero corporal punishment” and “lifting of the ban on hairstyle,” at the same time proposing strategies and suggestions for improvement, which may serve the educational administration, school administrators, and teachers for future reference. This study adopts two approaches—the review of literature and an in-depth interview. In terms of literature review, we first examine current regulations of guidance and discipline, also exploring their inherent compensatory mechanisms. Then, in the light of our studies on some cases of guidance and discipline methods in such western countries as Britain and the US, we re-examined research on relevant issues done by scholars in Taiwan in the past. And for the in-depth interview, we choose among education authorities and junior schools of all sizes in Taipei, and base our study on a sample of totally 39 educators directly related to our research question. An analysis of the result of the interviews is made, and suggestions offered accordingly. The main findings of this research are as follows: 1. In making the aforementioned regulations, the school administrations are able to abide by the Statute of Civil Education and related governmental codes, executing such regulations within the confines of legality and justice. 2. Common deviant behaviors among junior high students can be categorized into 4 major types—bad learning attitudes, awful daily routines, behavior against regulations, and behavior against the law. 3. The problems schools face when executing such regulations are mainly due to: the inadequacy of the regulation per se, the students’ personalities, the influence of family or learning environment, parents’ attitude, effectiveness of school administrations, and the teachers’ professional knowledge and abilities. 4. In terms of “zero corporal punishment,” there are separate roles to play for education administrators, principals, school discipline staff, school guidance staff, teachers, and parents, and their ideas about this policy differ greatly and need to be integrated. 5. As for he policies on lifting the ban on hairstyle, the teachers expect their students not only to exhibit self-discipline and self-respect, but also to appreciate the meanings and values of the ban on hairstyle instead of blindly seeking beautiful appearances while losing their selves. 6. The interviewees offer various viewpoints on how different kinds of problematic situations can be improved, thus providing related educational administrators with future references.

The Ban Dainagon ekotoba, the Kibi Daijin nittō emaki, and the Nenjū gyōji emaki a reassessment of the evidence for the work of Tokiwa Mitsunaga embodied in two Japanese narrative scroll paintings of the twelfth century, and one presumably close copy /

Glum, Peter. January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (Ph D.)--New York University, 1981. / eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (p. 447-466).

A Framework to Simulate and Improve Terahertz Quantum Well Photodetectors

Ferre, Simon 13 August 2013 (has links)
A wide range of applications have been recognized for terahertz radiations. In fact, medical imaging, homeland security screening, very high-speed wireless telecommunications systems and even drug and gas detection are boosting the development of terahertz emitters and receivers. The work of this thesis is among the efforts in that regard. Actual terahertz detectors are suffering many drawbacks, they are bulky, very slow, not very sensitive or operates at non-practical temperatures. Combined with the complexity to realize terahertz emitters, it explains the difficulties of terahertz radiations to ensure market penetration with practicable civil applications. In that regard, we aim to better understand and improve a specific terahertz photodetector: the Terahertz Quantum Well Photodetector. Those devices working principle relies on a photocurrent created by the excitation of electrons from ground states of quantum wells to the continuum under terahertz impinging light. The intensity of the photocurrent is depending on the intensity of the radiation received by the device. The device active region is made of a multiple quantum wells GaAs/AlGaAs system. By changing the design of the device, that is the thicknesses of each layer, the aluminum fraction of the doping concentration, we can modify its performances. Documented and commented Matlab functions and routines have been implemented in order to simulate a given structure and scripts have been written to find the optimum parameters for a target absorption frequency. Our model has been verified by comparison with experimental data reported in the literature. Based on our model, we systematically study the impact of the active region and contact parameters on the device performances. In addition, innovative designs are proposed in order to reduce the undesirable dark current and thus increase the detectivity. They benefits from many-body effects, effects that are usually a constraint on the design. To our knowledge this is the first time those effects are used to realize innovative designs and increase the performances of quantum well infrared photodetectors. Finally we expose other designs that have been tested in the infrared domain with QWIP and adapt them to the terahertz range. In particular, we propose a quantum cascade photodetector, a double barrier bound-to-miniband and a phonon-assisted band to miniband structures.

Surface Coatings as Xenon Diffusion Barriers for Improved Detection of Clandestine Nuclear Explosions

Bläckberg, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates surface coatings as xenon diffusion barriers on plastic scintillators. The motivation for the work is improved radioxenon detection systems, used within the verification regime of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). One type of radioxenon detection systems used in this context is the Swedish SAUNA system. This system uses a cylindrical plastic scintillator cell to measure the beta decay from radioxenon isotopes. The detector cell also acts as a container for the xenon sample during the measurement. One problem with this setup is that part of the xenon sample diffuses into the plastic scintillator material during the measurement, resulting in residual activity left in the detector during subsequent measurements. This residual activity is here referred to as the memory effect. It is here proposed, and demonstrated, that it is possible to coat the plastic scintillator material with a transparent oxide coating, working as a xenon diffusion barrier. It is found that a 425 nm Al2O3 coating, deposited with Atomic Layer Deposition, reduces the memory effect by a factor of 1000, compared an uncoated detector. Furthermore, simulations show that the coating might also improve the light collection in the detector. Finally, the energy resolution of a coated detector is studied, and no degradation is observed. The focus of the thesis is measurements of the diffusion barrier properties of Al2O3 films of different thicknesses deposited on plastic scintillators, as well as an evaluation of the expected effect of a coating on the energy resolution of the detector. The latter is studied through light transport simulations. As a final step, a complete coated plastic scintillator cell is evaluated in terms of memory effect, efficiency and energy resolution. In addition, the xenon diffusion process in the plastic material is studied, and molecular dynamics simulations of the Xe-Al2O3 system are performed in order to investigate the reason for the need for a rather thick coating to significantly reduce the memory effect.

Mass Shootings and Gun Control: Obama’s Road to Reform

Lane, Alexander M 01 January 2013 (has links)
This work is intended to evaluate President Obama’s gun control policies by determining whether stricter federal gun control laws should apply within theUnited States. This paper examines whether setting legal standards at a national level would effectively reduce gun related violence and mass shootings on a local and state level. These include events such as Sandy Hook Elementary inNewton,Connecticut, the Virginia Polytechnic school shootings, and theAuroraTheatershooting inDenver,Colorado. Specifically, could executive orders proposed by the president, such as assault weapon bans, rigorous background checks on gun sales, submission of mental health records to the FBI Databases, and increased aid between states and mental health care institutions effectively reduce horrific incidences of gun related violence. Using gun control data from past and present as our research, we will determine whether stricter gun control policies have deterred violent crimes, murder rates, suicides and mass shootings. Since our research focuses on policy solutions as an alternative to reduce mass shootings, not the psychological make ups and environmental factors of mass shooters, we will omit America’s gun culture as a variable within our study: such as the effects violent video games and movies could have on the psyche of troubled individuals. After carefully analyzing gun date related to gun violence and crime, this work will attempt to suggest whether or not President Obama’s gun control policies will pass in Congress and which legislation will be the most effective in limiting gun violence and mass shootings.

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