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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Freedom of Religion and the headscarf: a perspective from international and comparative constitutional Law

Osman, Fatima 25 February 2021 (has links)
his thesis analyses whether a legislative ban on wearing a headscarf breaches the right to freedom of religion, as such right is universally understood. It describes the ambit of the right to freedom of religion by examining the theoretical justification and importance of the right and thereafter analysing how the right is recognised in international and regional treaties and domestic constitutions. It demonstrates that religious freedom comprises of the right to hold a religion and the right to manifest a religion in the form of worship, observance, practice and teaching. Religious freedom, however, is not absolute and the thesis explains in the light of international and comparative case-law that the right to freedom of religion may be limited by a law that pursues a legitimate state interest and is reasonable. In light of this theoretical framework the thesis examines the practice of Muslim women wearing a headscarf and argues that the practice constitutes a manifestation of Islamic belief protected by the right to freedom of religion. Thereafter this thesis examines French, Turkish and German prohibitions on wearing a headscarf, the effect of these laws on Muslim women and the justifications furnished for such laws. It is argued that the state interest of preserving secularism relied upon to justify a headscarf ban is not legitimate and does not justify a headscarf ban. Furthermore, even where the state has a legitimate interest in preventing the coercion of young girls, promoting the equality rights of women and maintaining safety and order, a headscarf ban does not constitute a reasonable limitation of religious freedom. Ultimately, this thesis argues that a headscarf ban exacerbates the problems it is meant to solve and constitutes an unjustifiable infringement of religious freedom.

Brukens Hus / Brukens Hus

Lundkvist, Jakob January 2018 (has links)
The project is a visitors’ centre for the Walloon milltowns in northern Uppland, Sweden.

Innovative Location Based Scheme for Internet Security Protocol. A proposed Location Based Scheme N-Kerberos Security Protocol Using Intelligent Logic of Believes, Particularly by Modified BAN Logic.

Abdelmajid, Nabih T. January 2010 (has links)
The importance of the data authentication has resulted in the science of the data protection. Interest in this knowledge has been growing due to the increase in privacy of the user's identity, especially after the widespread use of online transactions. Many security techniques are available to maintain the privacy of the user's identity. These include password, smart card or token and face recognition or finger print. But unfortunately, the possibility to duplicate the identity of a user is still possible. Recently, specialists used the user's physical location as a new factor in order to increase the strength of the verification of the user's identity. This thesis focused on the authentication-based user's location. It is based on the idea of using the Global Position System in order to verify the user identity. Improving Kerberos protocol using GPS signal is proposed in order to eliminate the effect of replay attack. This proposal does not expect a high performance from the user during the implementation of the security system. Moreover, to give users more confidence to use security protocol, it has to be evaluated before accepting it. Thus, a measurement tool used to validate protocols called BAN logic was described. In this thesis, a new form of BAN logic which aims to raise the efficiency checking process of the protocol protection strength using the GPS signal is proposed. The proposed form of Kerberos protocol has been analysed using the new form of BAN logic. The new scheme has been tested and compared with the existing techniques to demonstrate its merits and capabilities.

The French politic of the veil in relation to International law : Analyzis of the politic of the veil in France

Abdul Rasul, Akbar January 2020 (has links)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other international conventions have been ratified by many countries, yet the basic freedoms established therein continue to be taken for granted. In recent years, the Islamic veil has been widely debated as an oppressive garment against Muslim women and a threat to Western secular democracy. This debate has led countries, including France, to take legal action to ban clothing that completely covers the face. France has professed itself as a secular state for centuries following its historical revolution, with a narrative of guaranteeing equal rights and opportunity to all citizens. However, this secular orientation has, in practice, led to a law that has created and promoted juridical and institutionalized inequality. This thesis discusses the prohibition of the veil in relation to basic human rights and freedoms established by the UDHR, the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as other relevant documents that hold the central idea of protection of religious freedom and expression. These documents will be analyzed alongside John Stuart Mill’s foundational philosophy on freedom. The main findings of this study are that the issue of the veil is complex, and its story must be understood before it can be judged. Muslim women who choose to wear the veil have a right to freedom of religion given by the UDHR. France is a signatory and therefore infringing on those rights is a violation of international law. This conclusion is supported by the theoretical foundations of freedom presented by John Stuart Mill and previous research that dealt with the issue of the veil in Western societies. / <p>Presentation gjordes online på grund av Covid19.</p>

The plastic bag ban in Kenya : A study on consumer perceptions and attitudes following the plastic bag ban in Nairobi, Kenya

Luzze, Sauda January 2023 (has links)
In 2017, Kenya's government banned plastic bags, to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment. Today Kenya has one of the strictest plastic bag bans in the world.  This study examines the perception of the plastic bag ban by different income classes in Nairobi, as well as what factors influence people's support for the plastic bag ban in Nairobi.  The result indicates that the majority of respondents expressed strong support for the plastic bag ban, citing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable practices. However, a small segment of the population remained skeptical about the effectiveness and feasibility of the ban. The opinions of respondents that the ban was not strict enough is an indicator that the government still needs to do more and work towards a better environment. Factors such as age and education level emerged as influential factors in shaping individuals' perceptions. However, the relationship was not enough to influence opinion on supporting the ban.  Consumer behaviors and awareness about environmental factors were mainly significant in influencing the opinions of residents in supporting the ban. This suggests that people that have reduced their plastic bag usage and are environmentally conscious, are more likely to support the plastic bag ban.  In conclusion, the findings from this study contribute to the public’s opinion on this strict plastic bag ban, in Kenya. The results emphasize the importance of promoting awareness and education to ensure the successful implementation and acceptance of the plastic bag ban. These findings can inform policymakers, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders in designing effective strategies to address plastic waste and promote sustainable practices.

Tiggeri som problem : En kritisk analys av riksdagsmotioner med förslag om att förbjuda tiggeri i Sverige, 2011 - 2021 / Begging as a problem : A critical analysis of motions suggesting a national ban on begging in Sweden submitted to the Swedish parliament, 2011 - 2021

Schröder, Mimmi January 2023 (has links)
This essay investigates and analyzes political problemrepresentations of begging within motions containing proposals to ban begging nationally in Sweden. The focus is on what is presented as problematic with the phenomenon of begging and how the same is constructed linguistically to appear as such. The investigation covers a period of time over that decade, from when the first proposal was submitted to Sweden's Riksdag in 2011 up to the last one (before the 2022 election), 2021. The approach is post-structuralist critical and founded in a discrepancy between principles of social work, to word for inclusion, equality and human rights, versus the legislation which risks offending vulnerable individuals in society. A total of 13 motions are analyzed using Carol Bacchi's discourse analysis called the WPR approach ("What's the problem represented to be?"). The result contains four different discourses (language acts) politicians use to problematize begging: that of alienation, ambiguity, disturbance and chain. The essay provides and contributes with an insight and a knowledge of how begging has been presented as a problem politically in Sweden during 2011–2021. The same meanwhile a national ban on begging is under investigation within the Swedish Riksdag, at the time led by the right-wing party Moderaterna and the nationalistic one The Swedish Democrats.

Kvarnängens Häst- och samtalscenter / Kvarnängen Horse- and youth center

Forsberg, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
Kvarnängens Häst- och samtalscenter präglas av en öppen natur med lummig skog. Platsen för projektet är utvald eftersom den sammanfaller med ungdomars troliga rörelsemönster i området då den ligger nära kommunens enda gymnasium samt flertalet sportanläggningar. Stillasittande hos barn och unga har i flera studier visat sig försämra den psykiska ohälsan. Därför har jag skapat detta centret; för att ge målgruppen en möjlighet till både samtal och möten. Hästar som terapi har visat sig gynnsam då det gäller ungdomars psykiska hälsa. Det understryks av den kognitiva beteendeterapin som menar att vårt beteende samspelar med vår närmiljö. I terapin arbetar man med att stärka ansvarstagande, självförtroende och självkänsla samt att minska depression, ångest och beteendeproblem.  Projektets konstruktion är av gran, med ett bärande pelarsystem. Det inbyggda fackverket döljs av ett rundat innertak och den inre konstruktionen präglas av takets runda form samt av takfönster  som släpper in och filtrerar dagens ljus.  Den yttre fasaden är behandlad med ”Shou Sugi Ban”; en japansk teknik och tradition där träytan bränns/förkolnas. Tekniken grundar sig i filosofin “Wabi-Sabi”, där förändring ses som vacker och där skavankerna får ta plats; lagningen ses som positiv, och som en naturlig del av livet. / The open forestry environment surrounding Kvarnängen Horse- and youth center with its proximity to schools and sports facilities was chosen specifically for this project. In later years children and young adults have been moving towards a more sedentary lifestyle, and because of this, some believe that there has been an increase of mental illnesses. Due to this I have chosen to center my project around  this issue. Horses and riding as a form of therapy has long shown to be beneficial. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the idea that the way we act coexists with our environment; combining the two aims to strengthen the ability to take ownership, self confidence and self-esteem, but also decrease depression, anxiety and behavioral issues. The construction of the project is of pine, with columns and hidden lattice trusses concealed with a rounded interior ceiling. The rounded ceiling and skylights filter and reflect the lights and colors of the day.  The outside panel has been burned and charred with a Japanese technique “Shou Sugi Ban”. The philosophy of the technique is called “Wabi-Sabi”; where faults are seen as beautiful and the mending process as positive and  as a part of life.

Racial Threat, Criminal History, and Employment: Examining the Determinants of Ban the Box Passage

LaPlant, Eric G. 08 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Résistance et flexibilité : le changement social et le tourisme dans un village Hmong de Thaïlande

Michaud, Jean January 1994 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRA) for satellite and body area network applications / Étude et réalisation de antennes diélectriques pour les applications satellitaires et corps (BAN)

Alam, Muhammad Faiz 02 July 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on vise deux types d'applications de l’antenne à résonateur diélectrique (DRA): 1) La réalisation d’un élément rayonnant pour un réseau phasé embarqué sur un véhicule terrestre ou un avion. Cet élément de base requiert une couverture en élévation supérieure à celle des éléments imprimés pour permettre une poursuite typique comprise entre ±70°. La couverture dans un cône large est assurée avec une bonne pureté de polarisation circulaire en alimentant l’antenne à travers deux ouvertures à fente en H orthogonales parfaitement découplées en bande X. 2) La deuxième structure est destinée à la diversité d’antennes dans le contexte des réseaux corporels embarqués ou Body Area Network (BAN). L’antenne à diversité combine une antenne fente en boucle avec un DRA ce qui permet dans un espace compact de réaliser des diagrammes de type “broadside” et “endfire” respectivement. Les alimentations considérées sont de 2 types; Soit purement planaire (microruban et coplanaire) soit mixte en combinant une alimentation coaxiale et une alimentation coplanaire. Caractéristiques principales des antennes à résonateur diélectrique (DRA): Pour répondre aux attentes des utilisateurs en termes de débit, les systèmes de communication sans fils se tournent vers des fréquences de plus en plus élevées. La conséquence de cette montée en fréquence est notamment l’augmentation des pertes au niveau des éléments conducteurs et donc une diminution de l’efficacité globale des systèmes de communication. Dans ces circonstances, les DRA offre de meilleurs résultats par rapport à d'autres familles d'antennes à base d’éléments métalliques. De plus, les DRA offrent des pertes diélectriques négligeables, elles sont peu sensibles aux variations de température et s’intègrent facilement sur des technologies de fabrication planaires / Technologies such as direct broad cast satellite system (DBSS), Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications , global positioning system (GPS), high accuracy airborne navigation system and a large variety of radar systems demand for high level of antenna performance. Similar is the requirement for upcoming land based wireless systems such as cellular and indoor communication systems that is needed some more specific and additional features added to the antenna to compensate for the deficiencies encountered in system's performance. Though metallic antennas are capable enough to fulfil all the operational requirements, however at very high frequencies and under hostile temperature conditions they are constrained to face certain limitations. To avoid these constraints the performance of Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) is evaluated and their new applications are proposed. In the thesis, two types of antenna applications are sought :-First is for tracking and satellite applications that needs a larger aperture coverage in elevation plane. This coverage is realized with a good CP purity by proposing two ports dual linearly polarized DRA working at X-band. The DRA is excited by two orthogonal H-shaped aperture slots yielding two orthogonal polarizations in the broadside direction. A common impedance bandwidth of 5.9% and input port isolation of -35 dB are obtained. The broadside radiation patterns are found to be highly symmetric and stable with cross polarization levels -15dB or better over the entire matching frequency band. The maximum measured gain is found to be 2.5dBi at 8.4 GHz.- The 2nd type of antenna is a dual pattern diversity antenna to be used in the Body Area Network (BAN) context. This antenna combines a slot loop and DRA yielding broadside and end-fire radiation patterns respectively. Based upon the feeding techniques, the DG antenna is further divided into two categories one with planar feeds and the other with non-planar feeds (slot loop excited by planar CPW but DRA excited by vertical monopole) .Both types are successfully designed and measured upon body when configured into different propagation scenarios. The non-planar feeds antenna allows wider common impedance bandwidths than the planar feeds (4.95% vs 1.5%).In both cases, a maximum value of DG=9.5dB was achieved when diversity performance tests were carried out in rich fading environments. This value is close to the one (10 dB) theoretically reached in a pure Rayleigh environment and was obtained with efficiencies of 70% and 85% for the slot loop and the DRA respectively. Therefore, we conclude that these antennas could be used on the shoulders or the chest of professional clothes (firemen, policemen, soldier) where full planar integration is not a key issue but where the communication must be efficient in harsh environments and for various gestures, positions and scenarios

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