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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tiggeri som fenomen och tiggare som social kategori

Johansson, Anna, Hedblom, Tobias January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Tiggeri i välfärdsstaten : en teologisk reflektion / Begging in the Welfare State : A Theological Reflection

Öijerstedt, Per January 2018 (has links)
Begging has engaged many people in Sweden in recent years and the debate has been intense, not least in media. When relatively wealthy people in the welfare state Sweden meet beggars, ethical issues arise. Poverty comes close and becomes more apparent. This paper tries to provide guidance on how each person as an individual could approach various ethical issues that begging gives rise to. The starting point is the potential donor's and not the ethical issues that the beggar wrestles with. The essence of the essay is whether to give money to beggars or not and whether the begging should be banned or not. To highlight the issues, a number of articles have been analyzed that can be considered representative of the debate in Sweden. There are opinion makers in Sweden who argue for a begging bid and who consider that they should not give money to beggars and there are those who believe that a ban is unreasonable and emphasizes the begging as a symptom of a poverty problem that is not solved by prohibition legislation. The different arguments of these opinion makers are compared and analyzed based on a theological perspective where texts from two theologians, one philosopher and a narrative text from the gospels form the starting point. The theologians / philosophers whose ethical approach the essay presents are chosen based on the fact that their thinking is close and has a strong bearing on the essay's question. In his research, Peter Singer has raised poverty alleviation as his main theme, which concerns the issue about begging whose reason is just poverty. He is not a theologian but, in my opinion, enriches the theological perspective. K E Lögstrup is a theologian and, through his ethical theory of the absolute requirement, he can provide an interesting theological perspective on the issue of begging. I will also use narrative text from the Gospel of Luke to highlight the begging issue. Luke's gospel is the book of the New Testament, which most frequently addresses the issue of poverty and the obligations of the rich. Finally, Gustavo Gutiérrez will be treated as representative of liberation theology. The begging issue is much about the power perspective and there the liberation theology has been central in showing that the way we describe reality always assumes a specific context that contains a variety of values that are often assumed to be universal. Simply an analysis of the power perspective needs to be done to make an essay about begging relevant and Gutierrez has a lot to contribute. In this essay I have argued that you do not have a duty to give to all beggars. It is reasonable to make an assessment where the gift is most useful. There may be other purposes where poverty is more acute or apparent and that better needs my gift. It is also reasonable to make an assessment if the beggar is used for criminal activities such as trafficking or prostitution. There are no simple rules for how this should be done, but I mean that it is unethical to give to beggars completely arbitrarily before creating a relationship in order to make a assessment of the individual beggar's situation. That relationship can be created with a few who may be begging in one's neighborhood. At the same time, there is the absolute requirement to take care of our fellow man, who Lögstrup has developed. Over our principles rests an untold, silent requirement that we can not bargain with. The requirement is radical but can not be converted into a universal rule. It might be about giving or not giving money or doing something radically different or not doing anything at all. Every meeting with a beggar is a unique situation that must be judged by the individual at the moment. The requirement calls for listening to God's voice aimed at love and care about the person I meet.

"Även om fattigdom inte kan förbjudas i sig" : Legitimeringar och diskurser om tiggeriförbud i en kommunalpolitisk kontext

Lindberg, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Införandet av tiggeriförbud är en stor och pågående debatt i Sverige. I Stockholm infördes tiggeriförbud i tre kommuner år 2019, Lidingö, Täby och Danderyds kommun. I uppsatsen undersöks ett kommunalpolitiskt beslut om tiggeriförbud i Lidingö kommun och reservationer mot samma beslut. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur tiggeriförbudet kan motiveras, skapa en djupare förståelse för debatten om tiggeriförbud samt besvara frågeställningarna: (1) vilka legitimeringsstrategier påfinns i materialet? (2) hur realiseras legitimeringsstrategierna? (3) vilka tiggerirelaterade diskurser går att skönja i materialet? För att besvara de två förstnämnda frågorna används legitimeringsanalys. Sedan identifieras vilka diskurser som uttrycks dels resultatet av legitimeringsanalysen, dels i texten utöver det som syns i legitimeringsanalysen. Resultatet visar på tre huvudsakliga diskurser som benämns, problemdiskursen, kriminalitetsdiskursen och en internationell och europeisk diskurs. Problemdiskursen innefattar idéföreställningar om att fenomenet tiggeri innebär en problematik. I kriminalitetsdiskursen behandlas huruvida tiggeri anses vara organiserad brottslighet eller inte och i den internationella och europeiska diskursen syns tankegångar om att tiggeriproblematiken måste lösas nationellt och inom EU. Uppsatsens huvudresultat är att den belyser hur förhållandet mellan de realiserade legitimeringsstrategierna och de rådande diskurserna kan te sig.

Tiggeri som problem : En kritisk analys av riksdagsmotioner med förslag om att förbjuda tiggeri i Sverige, 2011 - 2021 / Begging as a problem : A critical analysis of motions suggesting a national ban on begging in Sweden submitted to the Swedish parliament, 2011 - 2021

Schröder, Mimmi January 2023 (has links)
This essay investigates and analyzes political problemrepresentations of begging within motions containing proposals to ban begging nationally in Sweden. The focus is on what is presented as problematic with the phenomenon of begging and how the same is constructed linguistically to appear as such. The investigation covers a period of time over that decade, from when the first proposal was submitted to Sweden's Riksdag in 2011 up to the last one (before the 2022 election), 2021. The approach is post-structuralist critical and founded in a discrepancy between principles of social work, to word for inclusion, equality and human rights, versus the legislation which risks offending vulnerable individuals in society. A total of 13 motions are analyzed using Carol Bacchi's discourse analysis called the WPR approach ("What's the problem represented to be?"). The result contains four different discourses (language acts) politicians use to problematize begging: that of alienation, ambiguity, disturbance and chain. The essay provides and contributes with an insight and a knowledge of how begging has been presented as a problem politically in Sweden during 2011–2021. The same meanwhile a national ban on begging is under investigation within the Swedish Riksdag, at the time led by the right-wing party Moderaterna and the nationalistic one The Swedish Democrats.


Skogslund, Pia January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats har undersökts debatten kring tiggeri. Syftet med studien är att se hur de åtta riksdagspartierna arbetar med sakfrågan samt att generera mer kunskap och förståelse kring fenomenet tiggeri. I uppsatsen undersöks hur diskursen förhåller sig inom svenska staten och inom tidigare forskning. Studien använder sig av Reidar Larssons Politikska ideologier i vår tid som teroretiskt ramverk för socialismen, liberalismen och konservatismen. Forskningsdesignen som är används är beskrivande idéanalys och metoden kvalitativ analys samt kvalitativ textanalys. Materialet är hämtat från riksdagen och från partiernas hemsidor. I studiens resultat konstateras att det skiljer sig i debatten, och meningsskiljaktigheter finns, vilket framkommer av argument för ståndpunkterna mellan den traditionella socialistiska och borgerliga sidan i riksdagen. Detta syns genom vilka personer som för retoriken i debatten. Debatten har pågått i över ett sekel och intensifierats på senare tid av tiggare hitresta genom fri rörlighet. Debatten går mer åt att det handlar om problematiken i samhället. Uppsatsen kompletterar luckorna i tidigare forskning men i övrigt överensstämmer resultaten till delar med tidigare forskning om tiggeri och riksdagen. Studien utgår således ett bidrag till att stärka och skapa en grund för vidare forskning inom ämnet.

Tiggeri som störande av den allmänna ordningen : En kritisk diskursanalys av samhällsattityder bakom språkliga formuleringar i kommunala tiggeriförbud / Begging as a disruption of public order : A critical discourse analysis of societal attitudes behind written language in municipal begging bans

Isfåle, Linda, Petersson, Siri January 2020 (has links)
In order to gain an understanding of how begging is constructed as a societal problem in the local Swedish social context, the aim of this qualitative study was to investigate a number of municipal begging bans in order to make visible societal attitudes that hide behind written language of begging discourse. The data collection method was text collection, and the material was documents in the form of three municipal begging bans (in municipal regulations). The method of analysis was critical discourse analysis (CDA), a form of textual analysis, and the analytical focus was the written discourse in its social context. The municipal begging bans that were analysed testified to a very high degree linguistically about negative societal attitudes towards begging, and the conclusions that could be drawn on the basis of the results were presented in four summarising themes. These where: disruption of public order, a vulnerability that one does not want to contribute to maintaining, ”we and them” and passivity and criminality. These societal attitudes could be summarized as not our vulnerable/poor = not our problem, and were largely hidden behind references to disruption of public order in public spaces.

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