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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crystal structure, electron density and chemical bonding in inorganic compounds studied by the Electric Field Gradient

Koch, Katrin 22 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of solid state physics and chemistry is to gain deeper understanding of the basic principles of condensed matter. This ongoing process is achieved by the combination of experimental methods and theoretical models. One theoretical approach are the so-called first-principles calculations, which are based on the concept of density functional theory (DFT). In order to test the reliability of a band structure calculation, its results have to be compared with experiments. Since the electron density, the main constituent of DFT codes, cannot be directly determined experimentally with sufficient accuracy (e.g., by X-ray diffraction), other experimentally available properties are needed for the comparison with the calculation. A quantity that can be measured with high accuracy and that provides indirect information about the electron density is the electric field gradient (EFG). The EFG reflects local structural symmetry properties of the charge distribution surrounding a nucleus: the EFG is nonzero if the density deviates from cubic symmetry and therefore generates an inhomogeneous electric field at the nucleus. Since the EFG is highly sensitive to structural parameters and to disorder, it is a valuable tool to extract structural information. Furthermore, the evaluation of the EFG can provide valuable insight into the chemical bonding. Whereas the experimental determination of the quadrupole frequency and the closely related EFG has been possible for more than 70 years, reliable values for calculated EFGs could not be obtained before 1985, when an EFG module was implemented in the full-potential, linearised-augmented-plane-wave code WIEN. Since the full-potential local-orbital minimum-basis scheme FPLO is numerically very efficient and its local-orbital scheme allows an easy analysis of the different contributions to the EFG, one goal of this work was the implementation of an EFG module within the FPLO code. The newly implemented EFG module was applied to different systems: starting from simple metals, then approaching more complex systems and finally tackling strongly correlated oxides. Simultaneously, the EFGs for the studied compounds were determined experimentally by NMR spectroscopists. This close collaboration enables the comparison of the calculated EFGs with the experimental observations, which makes it possible to extract more physical and chemical information from the measured values regarding structural relaxation, distortion, the chemical bond or the relevance of electron correlation. In the last part of this work, the importance of corrections that go beyond the EFG are discussed. Such corrections arise for any multipole order of the hyperfine interactions, and are due to electron penetration into the nucleus. A correction similar to the isomer shift, coined here the "quadrupole shift" is examined in detail.

Temperaturabhängige elektronische Struktur und Magnetismus von metallischen Systemen mit lokalisierten Momenten / Anwendung auf Gadolinium

Santos, Carlos Augusto Machamba dos 01 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Correlation effects and temperature dependencies in thin ferromagnetic films / magnetism and electronic structure

Schiller, Roland 01 November 2000 (has links)
Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit theoretischen Untersuchung der elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von 4f-Systemen mit Filmgeometrie. Die vorgestellte Theorie basiert auf dem s-f-Modell, welches durch einen intra-atomaren Austausch zwischen einem System lokaler magnetischer Momente und den Leitungselektronen charakterisiert ist. Das Modell wird für den Fall des leeren Leitungsbandes untersucht. Der untersuchte Spezialfall ist anwendbar auf die Klasse der ferromagnetischen Halbleiter mit den Europiumchalkogeniden EuO und EuS als Prototypen solcher Substanzen. Für den Grenzfall ferromagnetischer Sättigung des Systems lokaler magnetischer Momente existiert eine exakte Lösung für das Problem. Für endliche Temperaturen wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die auf einer momentenerhaltenden Entkopplungsprozedur für passend definierte Green-Funktionen basiert. Die Theorie für endliche Temperaturen leitet sich dabei übergangslos aus dem exakt lösbaren Grenzfall ab. Mit Hilfe der vorgestellten Theorie wird das temperaturabhängige Quasiteilchenspektrum eines ferromagnetischen Modellfilmes berechnet. Die Rechnungen zeigen ein deutliches korrelationsinduziertes Aufspalten der Spektren, das in der Existenz eines neuen Quasiteilchens, des magnetischen Polarons, resultiert. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Berechnung der elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften eines realen ferromagnetischen Halbleiterfilms. Um den vielfachen Leitungsbändern eines realen Systems Rechnung tragen zu können, wird das ursprüngliche s-f-Modell zu einem Mehrbandmodell erweitert. Das so erweiterte s-f-Modell wird dazu benutzt, die temperaturabhängige Bandstruktur von Volumen-EuO und von EuO(100)-Filmen zu berechnen. Die T=0-Bandstrukturen, die als Input für die Modellrechnungen dienen, werden hierbei mittels einer TB-LMTO-ASA-Bandstrukturrechnung berechnet. Die spezielle Struktur der Lösung des s-f-Modells für den exakt lösbaren Grenzfall von T=0 verhindert dabei das Auftreten von Doppelzählungen relevanter Wechselwirkungen bei der Kombination von ab-initio-Rechnungen und s-f-Modellrechnungen. Die erhaltenen temperaturabhängigen Bandstrukturen geben wertvolle Einblicke in das Wechselspiel zwischen elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften in EuO-Systemen und gestatten es, verifizierbare Vorhersagen für künftige Experimente zu machen. Insbesondere wird die Existenz eines EuO(100)-Oberflächenzustandes vorhergesagt, der das Auftreten eines Oberflächen-Metall-Isolator-Übergangs induzieren kann. / This dissertation is concerned with the theoretical investigation of the electronic and magnetic properties of 4f systems with film geometry. The presented theory is based on the s-f model which features an intra-atomic exchange between a system of localized magnetic moments and the conduction electrons. The model is investigated for the special case of zero band occupation of the conduction bands which is applicable to the situation in ferromagnetic semiconductors such as the europium chalcogenides EuO and EuS. For the special case of ferromagnetic saturation of the local-moment system the problem is exactly solvable. For finite temperatures, the presented approach is based on a moment-conserving decoupling approximation for suitably defined Green functions and evolves continuously from the exact limiting case. The theory is used to calculate the temperature-dependent quasiparticle spectrum of a ferromagnetic model film. Within these calculations, one finds a marked correlation-induced splitting of the spectra resulting in the existence of a new quasiparticle, the magnetic polaron. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the calculation of the electronic and magnetic properties of a real ferromagnetic semiconductor film. The original s-f model is extended to a multi-band s-f model to account for the multiple conduction bands in a real system. Based on the resulting model, the temperature-dependent band structures of bulk EuO and EuO(100) films are calculated. Here, the T=0 band structures of the systems, which have to be taken as input for the model calculations, are calculated using the TB-LMTO-ASA band-structure technique. Due to the special form of the solution of the s-f model for the exactly solvable limiting case of T=0 the employed approach for combining the first-principles calculations with the model calculations prevents the problem of double counting of relevant interactions. The calculated temperature-dependent band structures yield a valuable insight into the temperature-dependent interplay between the magnetic and electronic properties in the EuO systems and allow to make verifiable predictions for future experiments. In particular, the existence of a EuO(100) surface state has been predicted and been shown to possibly induce a surface insulator-metal transition.

Crystal structure, electron density and chemical bonding in inorganic compounds studied by the Electric Field Gradient

Koch, Katrin 18 September 2009 (has links)
The goal of solid state physics and chemistry is to gain deeper understanding of the basic principles of condensed matter. This ongoing process is achieved by the combination of experimental methods and theoretical models. One theoretical approach are the so-called first-principles calculations, which are based on the concept of density functional theory (DFT). In order to test the reliability of a band structure calculation, its results have to be compared with experiments. Since the electron density, the main constituent of DFT codes, cannot be directly determined experimentally with sufficient accuracy (e.g., by X-ray diffraction), other experimentally available properties are needed for the comparison with the calculation. A quantity that can be measured with high accuracy and that provides indirect information about the electron density is the electric field gradient (EFG). The EFG reflects local structural symmetry properties of the charge distribution surrounding a nucleus: the EFG is nonzero if the density deviates from cubic symmetry and therefore generates an inhomogeneous electric field at the nucleus. Since the EFG is highly sensitive to structural parameters and to disorder, it is a valuable tool to extract structural information. Furthermore, the evaluation of the EFG can provide valuable insight into the chemical bonding. Whereas the experimental determination of the quadrupole frequency and the closely related EFG has been possible for more than 70 years, reliable values for calculated EFGs could not be obtained before 1985, when an EFG module was implemented in the full-potential, linearised-augmented-plane-wave code WIEN. Since the full-potential local-orbital minimum-basis scheme FPLO is numerically very efficient and its local-orbital scheme allows an easy analysis of the different contributions to the EFG, one goal of this work was the implementation of an EFG module within the FPLO code. The newly implemented EFG module was applied to different systems: starting from simple metals, then approaching more complex systems and finally tackling strongly correlated oxides. Simultaneously, the EFGs for the studied compounds were determined experimentally by NMR spectroscopists. This close collaboration enables the comparison of the calculated EFGs with the experimental observations, which makes it possible to extract more physical and chemical information from the measured values regarding structural relaxation, distortion, the chemical bond or the relevance of electron correlation. In the last part of this work, the importance of corrections that go beyond the EFG are discussed. Such corrections arise for any multipole order of the hyperfine interactions, and are due to electron penetration into the nucleus. A correction similar to the isomer shift, coined here the "quadrupole shift" is examined in detail.

Untersuchung der elektronischen Struktur quasi-zweidimensionaler Einlagerungsverbindungen

Danzenbächer, Steffen 13 November 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung ausgewählter niederdimensionaler Schichtgittersysteme, wobei das Hauptinteresse in der Erforschung der elektronischen Struktur im Zusammenhang mit Interkalationsexperimenten liegt. Einkristalline Graphit-, TiSe2- und TaSe2-Proben wurden vor und nach der Interkalation mit winkelaufgelöster Photoemission, Fermi- und Isoenergieflächenmessungen und Elektronenbeugung (LEED) analysiert. Als Interkalationsmaterialien wurden U, Eu, Gd und Cs verwendet. Die experimentellen Daten wurden mit Ergebnissen von LDA-LCAO-Bandstrukturrechnungen und Simulationen im Rahmen eines Single-Impurity-Anderson-Modells verglichen. Neben dem Einfluß unterschiedlicher Valenzelektronen der interkalierten Atome auf den Einlagerungsprozeß werden Fragen zum Lokalisierungsverhalten von 4f- und 5f-Zuständen und zu den Veränderungen in der Dimensionalität der Verbindungen durch die Einlagerung diskutiert. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit befaßt sich mit Untersuchungen zur temperaturabhängigen Ausbildung von Ladungsdichtewellen in 1T-TaSe2. / Subject of the present thesis are investigations of selected low-dimensional layered lattice systems, with the principal goal to study the electronic structure in relation to intercalation experiments. Single-crystalline graphite-, TiSe2 - and TaSe2- samples were analyzed by angle-resolved photoemission, Fermi- and isoenergy-surface measurements, and low energy electron diffraction experiments before and after intercalation. U, Eu, Gd, and Cs were used as materials for the intercalation process. The experimental results were compared with theoretical LDA-LCAO band-structure calculations and with simulations in the framework of a single-impurity Anderson model. In addition to the influence of different numbers of valence electrons from intercalated atoms, questions concerning the localization of 4f and 5f states and changes in the dimensionality of the compounds due to the intercalation process are discussed. Investigations of the temperature dependent formation of charge density waves in 1T-TaSe2 complete this work.

Untersuchung der elektronischen Struktur quasi-zweidimensionaler Einlagerungsverbindungen

Danzenbächer, Steffen 29 November 2001 (has links)
Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung ausgewählter niederdimensionaler Schichtgittersysteme, wobei das Hauptinteresse in der Erforschung der elektronischen Struktur im Zusammenhang mit Interkalationsexperimenten liegt. Einkristalline Graphit-, TiSe2- und TaSe2-Proben wurden vor und nach der Interkalation mit winkelaufgelöster Photoemission, Fermi- und Isoenergieflächenmessungen und Elektronenbeugung (LEED) analysiert. Als Interkalationsmaterialien wurden U, Eu, Gd und Cs verwendet. Die experimentellen Daten wurden mit Ergebnissen von LDA-LCAO-Bandstrukturrechnungen und Simulationen im Rahmen eines Single-Impurity-Anderson-Modells verglichen. Neben dem Einfluß unterschiedlicher Valenzelektronen der interkalierten Atome auf den Einlagerungsprozeß werden Fragen zum Lokalisierungsverhalten von 4f- und 5f-Zuständen und zu den Veränderungen in der Dimensionalität der Verbindungen durch die Einlagerung diskutiert. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit befaßt sich mit Untersuchungen zur temperaturabhängigen Ausbildung von Ladungsdichtewellen in 1T-TaSe2. / Subject of the present thesis are investigations of selected low-dimensional layered lattice systems, with the principal goal to study the electronic structure in relation to intercalation experiments. Single-crystalline graphite-, TiSe2 - and TaSe2- samples were analyzed by angle-resolved photoemission, Fermi- and isoenergy-surface measurements, and low energy electron diffraction experiments before and after intercalation. U, Eu, Gd, and Cs were used as materials for the intercalation process. The experimental results were compared with theoretical LDA-LCAO band-structure calculations and with simulations in the framework of a single-impurity Anderson model. In addition to the influence of different numbers of valence electrons from intercalated atoms, questions concerning the localization of 4f and 5f states and changes in the dimensionality of the compounds due to the intercalation process are discussed. Investigations of the temperature dependent formation of charge density waves in 1T-TaSe2 complete this work.

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