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A homogeneidade da rentabilidade bancária em relação a tamanho, origem de capital e operações de crédito / The banking profitability homogeneity in relation to size, kind of control and credit operationDaniel Diniz Oliveira 09 June 2008 (has links)
Nos últimos anos a sociedade brasileira tem criticado os lucros alcançados pelos bancos, por considerá-los excessivamente elevados. Tal situação tem, inclusive, incentivado medidas, por parte do governo federal, para proteger o consumidor em relação às tarifas e aos juros cobrados pelas instituições financeiras. Por sua vez, a sociedade parece enxergar o setor de forma homogênea, sem atentar para as diferenças existentes entre seus integrantes. Este estudo tem o intuito de explicitar eventuais diferenças, relativas à rentabilidade, existentes no setor, de forma a fomentar uma visão mais crítica e menos superficial do segmento bancário, podendo, eventualmente, contribuir na elaboração de políticas para o setor. Para tanto, avaliou-se a uniformidade dos resultados dos bancos em relação a origem de capital, tamanho e nível de operações de crédito, a partir de uma base de dados, que compreendeu o período entre 1996 e 2006. O intervalo de tempo total foi dividido em três partes, de 1996 a 1998, denominado 1º período; de 1999 a 2002, 2º período; e, de 2003 a 2006, 3º período. Com esta divisão é possível identificar alterações nas relações entre as categorias das variáveis de um período para outro, além de averiguar a uniformidade da rentabilidade no decorrer do tempo. A análise de correspondência (ANACOR) e a análise de homogeneidade (HOMALS) foram as técnicas estatísticas empregadas no trabalho. A hipótese geral formulada, de que os bancos apresentam rentabilidade não uniforme quando classificados por tamanho, origem de capital ou NOC, foi rejeitada. Todavia, verificou-se que a rentabilidade bancária só apresenta comportamento uniforme quando contraposta ao tamanho dos bancos, pois, quando contraposta à origem de capital, ao nível de operações de crédito e ao tempo, seu comportamento foi, em geral, não uniforme. A categoria de rentabilidade mais baixa associou-se ao 1º período, enquanto as categorias mais altas associaram-se ao 2º e 3º períodos. Os bancos privados nacionais caracterizaram-se pela associação às categorias de rentabilidade e de nível de operação de crédito mais altos; os bancos públicos apresentaram tendência de melhora de desempenho no decorrer dos períodos, afastando-se, progressivamente, da categoria de rentabilidade mais baixa; enquanto os bancos estrangeiros apresentaram comportamento volátil, associando-se à categoria de rentabilidade média no 1º período, muito alta no 2º, e baixa no 3º período. No último período, os bancos estrangeiros associaram-se à categoria de rentabilidade mais baixa, o que fornece indícios de um desempenho inferior aos bancos públicos, contradizendo a literatura pesquisada sobre o assunto. / Nowadays, the brazilian society has criticized banks profits considered excessively high. This situation has motivated government initiatives to protect the consumer from the banking charges and taxes. Besides, the society seems to face the segment in a homogeneous way, without realizing the differences among the banks. This research has the goal to identify differences, in terms of profitability, among the banks, in order to motivate a less superficial approach, and, eventually, contribute for future government initiatives related to this segment. In order to accomplish, the banking profitability homogeneity was assessed relative to the kind of control, size and level of credit operation, using a brazilian banking database between the years of 1996 and 2006. The total period was divided into three parts, namely, respectively, 1st (1996-1998), 2nd (1999-2002) and 3rd (2003-2006) periods, with the intent of identifying changes in the several categories relation from one period to another and to evaluate the homogeneity in profitability within the periods. The correspondence analysis (ANACOR) and the homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) were the statistical techniques applied in this research. The main hypothesis, that the banking profitability is not homogeneous in relation to any one of the three variable chosen, was reject. Although, it was found that the banking profitability is homogeneous just in relation to the banking size, otherwise, in general, has a non-homogeneous behavior when considering the kind of control, level of credit operation, and periods. The lowest profitable category was associated to the 1st period, while the highest profitable categories were associated to the 2nd e 3rd periods. The domestic private banks were associated with the highest profits and level of credit operation categories; the government owner banks apparently enhance their performance during the periods, getting, progressively, further away from the lowest profit category; while the foreign banks showed a volatile performance, associated with the middle profit category in the 1st period, the highest in the 2nd and the lowest in the 3rd period. In the last period, the foreign banks associated to the lowest profit category, which seems to mean a worse performance than government owned banks, this was not found before in the national literature.
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Evolução e desempenho dos bancos durante o plano real / The evolution in the performance of banks during the Real PlanHajj, Zaina Said El 05 April 2005 (has links)
Ao considerar o cenário atual, caracterizado pela globalização e internacionalização dos mercados, este estudo apresenta a evolução e o desempenho dos bancos, classificados em públicos, privados nacionais e estrangeiros, no Sistema Financeiro Nacional durante o Plano Real, desde 01/07/1994 a 31/12/2002. Trata-se, inicialmente, de um estudo descritivo setorial comparativo entre a participação desses três grupos de bancos e, principalmente, de um estudo empírico, por meio de análise fatorial, com indicadores contábeis dos bancos privados nacionais e dos bancos estrangeiros no país durante o período estudado. O Sistema Financeiro Nacional abordado é o relativo no período anterior à Reforma Bancária de 64 e, principalmente, ao vigente no Plano Real, com as medidas para reestruturação e fortalecimento do sistema financeiro, que contribuíram para as mudanças ocorridas no setor bancário. Destacam-se os Regimes Especiais, incluindo o RAET, o Fundo Garantidor de Crédito, o PROER, o PROES, os incentivos para as operações de reestruturação, fusões & aquisições, e a presença do capital estrangeiro no país. É analisada a evolução do número de bancos comerciais e múltiplos e de caixas econômicas em funcionamento antes do Plano Real (30/06/1994). Esses são classificados em três grupos: público, privado nacional e estrangeiro. Em seguida, são descritas as mudanças ocorridas referentes ao número de bancos desses grupos desde o início do Plano Real (01/07/1994) até 31/12/2002, com destaque para as privatizações e as transferências de controle. A pesquisa tem como propósito principal analisar os indicadores de desempenho bancário do setor privado nacional e do setor estrangeiro a fim de verificar a hipótese subjacente do estudo, ou seja, se há diferença entre as variáveis dos fatores que compõem os indicadores contábeis dos bancos privados nacionais e dos bancos estrangeiros durante o período entre 01/07/1994 a 31/12/2002. Assim, trata-se de um estudo empírico, realizado por meio de análise fatorial dos indicadores bancários, extraídos das Demonstrações Contábeis. / In view of the current market globalization and internationalization scenario, this study presents the evolution in the performance of banks, which are classified as public, Brazilian private and foreign private, in the National Financial System during the Real Plan, in the period from 07/01/1994 to 12/31/2002. Initially, a descriptive sectorial study compares the participation of these three groups of banks. Furthermore, an empirical study is carried out by means of factorial analysis, which uses accounting indicators from Brazilian private and foreign banks that were active in the country during the period under analysis. The National Financial System considered in this research refers to the period before the 1964 Bank Reform and, mainly, to the system in vigor during the Real Plan, and is characterized by its measures to restructure and strengthen the financial system, which contributed to the changes that occurred in the banking sector. Special attention is given to the Special Regimes, including the RAET (Temporary Special Administration Regime), the Credit Guarantee Fund, the PROER (Program of Incentives for the Restructuring and Strengthening of the National Financial System), the PROES (Program of Incentives for the Restructuring of the State Role in Banking Activity), the incentives for restructuring operations, mergers & acquisitions and the presence of foreign capital in Brazil. We analyze the evolution in the number of commercial and multiple banks and federal government savings banks that were active before the Real Plan (06/30/1994). These are classified in three groups: public, Brazilian private and foreign. Next, we describe the changes that occurred in the number of banks in each of these groups since the start of the Real Plan (07/01/1994) until 12/31/2002, especially privatizations and control transfers. The main aim of this study is to analyze the bank performance indicators in the Brazilian private and in the foreign sector, with a view to verifying the study premise, that is, whether there exists a difference between Brazilian private and foreign banks in the variables of factors that compose the accounting indicators during the period from 07/01/1994 to 12/31/2002. Therefore, an empirical study was carried out by means of the factorial analysis of banking indicators that were taken from the Financial Statements.
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Gerenciamento de resultados contábeis em instituições financeiras no Brasil / Banking earnings management in BrazilGoulart, André Moura Cintra 04 March 2008 (has links)
As instituições financeiras apresentam, como particularidade, a dependência de recursos de terceiros para o desenvolvimento de suas atividades, assumindo importância a realização de captações a baixos custos. Para tanto, é fundamental a manutenção de imagem de solidez financeira, eficiência de desempenho e boa reputação. Neste contexto, entende-se que a suavização de resultados (income smoothing) é prática de gerenciamento de resultados contábeis (GR) de especial interesse para os bancos. Isto decorre da relevância, no segmento bancário, de transmitir imagem de constância de resultados, evitando-se a apresentação de altas volatilidades nos lucros divulgados, as quais podem afetar negativamente a percepção dos investidores quanto aos padrões futuros de resultados e quanto aos riscos envolvidos nas operações da instituição. O presente trabalho investiga a utilização, pelas instituições financeiras (IF) em atuação no Brasil, da contabilização de operações de crédito, títulos e valores mobiliários (TVM) e derivativos para fins de GR. Questiona-se se os padrões contábeis vigentes no sistema financeiro nacional (SFN), nas três áreas mencionadas, estão sendo empregados com o propósito de suavização de resultados. Na pesquisa empírica, adotando-se as técnicas de correlação e regressão, foram avaliados dados contábeis semestrais das 50 maiores IF em atuação no Brasil, no período de junho de 2002 a dezembro de 2006, tendo em vista identificar a possível utilização da PDD (provisão para devedores duvidosos nas operações de crédito) ou de ajustes a valor de mercado de TVM ou do resultado com derivativos para a suavização de resultados. As análises são realizadas para o conjunto das 50 maiores instituições, com o objetivo de apreender o comportamento geral do SFN, não sendo propósito a identificação de comportamentos individualizados em termos de GR. Os resultados obtidos indicam o emprego das operações de crédito e derivativos na suavização de resultados contábeis e também dos ajustes positivos a valor de mercado de TVM. O efeito na suavização de resultados revelou-se mais forte no caso de operações de crédito, por meio da PDD, e derivativos, por meio do resultado com derivativos, nesta ordem de importância, tendo posição de menor relevância os ajustes a VM de TVM. Constatou-se que a PDD é o instrumento mais \"poderoso\" em termos de suavização de lucros bancários, seguido pelos derivativos; os ajustes positivos a VM de TVM também favorecem a suavização de resultados contábeis, mas desempenham papel menos relevante, não contribuindo de forma tão significativa como a PDD e o resultado com derivativos. Quanto aos derivativos, o efeito de suavização de resultados alinha-se com sua utilização como instrumento de proteção (hedge), de maneira a evitar maiores flutuações nos lucros contábeis das IF. Em suma, constatou-se o efeito de suavização no resultado contábil por meio das despesas com PDD (operações de crédito), resultado com derivativos e também, mas em menor intensidade, por meio das receitas com ajustes positivos a VM de TVM. As despesas com ajustes negativos a VM de títulos, por sua vez, não tiveram confirmada sua participação no processo de GR e de suavização dos lucros das instituições financeiras em atuação no Brasil. / Financial institutions present, as a distinctive feature, a dependence of financial resources from third parties for the development of their activities. This way, the obtaining of low cost funding becomes a major issue and in order to succeed in doing so, it is fundamental to sustain financial soundness, performance efficiency and a good reputation. In this context, income smoothing is perceived to be an earnings management (EM) practice of especial interest for banks. This derives from the fact that it is relevant - for the banking industry -, to transmit an image of constant earnings, thus preventing high volatilities in reported earnings, which could affect negatively investors\' perception concerning future levels of earnings as well as the risks taken in the operations carried out by the institution. This work investigates the employment of credit, securities and derivatives accounting by financial institutions in Brazil, for the purpose of managing results. The question is whether actual accounting standards of the Brazilian financial system (BFS) - in the three mentioned areas -, are being used so as to smooth earnings. In the empirical research, considering the period of June 2002 to December 2006, semiannual accounting data from the 50 greatest financial institutions in Brazil were analyzed so as to identify any pattern of income smoothing by means of loan & loss provision, unrealized gains or losses on securities or net gains (or losses) on derivatives. The analyses were conducted for the 50 greatest financial institutions taken as a whole, so as to grasp the general behavior of the Brazilian financial system. This way, individual behavior of any particular institution in terms of EM is not the purpose of this work. The results obtained in this work hints at the employment of credit and derivatives accounting as well as unrealized gains on securities in order to smooth earnings. The income smoothing effect proved to be more prominent in the case of loan & loss provisions derived from credit operations. Derivatives accounting were found to be next in importance, being unrealized gains on securities the less relevant source of smoothing. As for derivatives, the income smoothing effect is in accordance with their use as an instrument of hedging: they prevent great fluctuations (in terms of earnings) from happening. In short, this work indicates that the income smoothing is brought into effect by loan & loss provisions, gains (losses) on derivatives as well as via unrealized gains on securities (to a lesser degree). The unrealized losses on securities, however, had neither a role in the process of EM nor were they items that could account for income smoothing of financial institutions in Brazil, according to the estimates obtained from the correlation and regression analysis.
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Discretions over security investments in U.S. banking industry. / Discretions over security investments in United States banking industry / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortiumJanuary 2011 (has links)
As long as one security is classified into AFS category, I document that banks strategically time the recognitions of gains and losses on AFS securities to smooth earnings, to meet earnings targets, to reduce regulatory costs, or to facilitate seasonal equity offering. These evidences collaborate with my previous results that banks prefer classifying credit risky securities into AFS rather than into trading category. / Finally, I investigate market reactions to fair value changes on AFS securities and to trading revenues from trading assets. I show that trading revenues are more persistent, with greater value relevance, and drive more significant stock returns. This evidence indicates that artificially classifying securities which are held for trading purpose into AFS category may have negative impacts on firm values. / Given the investment decisions made by the managers, the second issue studied in this thesis is the financial reporting decisions made by banks. To elaborate, banks have discretions to classify the debt securities into available-for-sale (AFS) category vs. trading category depending on the purpose of the holding, while the classification decisions have very different impacts on firms' income statement. Therefore, I study how accounting treatments of AFS and trading category and their different impacts on firms' income statements affect reporting decisions. I find banks inclined to classify credit-riskier securities into AFS rather than into trading category, when banks have weak interest revenues, have high level of income-increasing discretional accruals, have concentrated assets, or have high level of risky assets. But I do not find classification decision is related to bank's capital adequacy ratio. / Keywords: Bank holding companies; debt security investments; managerial compensation; trading assets; available-for-sale; SFAS 115; gains trading. / This study examines U.S. banks' investment behaviors as well as their financial reporting decisions on debt security investments. Particularly, I focus on two separate but related issues. The first issue examined is whether and how managerial incentives, influenced by the compensation contracts, affect managers' investment decisions on debt securities in the U.S. banking industry. Using a sample composed of top 1,000 bank holding companies from 2001 to 2009, I find that managers, when their wealth is more sensitive to stock return volatility, tend to structure the firms' debt investments with a higher proportion of credit risky securities. Provided that price of credit risky debt securities slumped during the recent financial crisis, that empirical evidence is consistent with the view that managerial compensation may induce excess risk-taking in the U.S. banking industry. The finding is relevant to both researchers and practitioners when they consider restructuring bankers' compensation. / Zhou, Chunquan. / Advisers: Woody Y. W. Wu; Danqing Young. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-08(E), Section: A. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-83). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.
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A study of the financial disclosure requirement change by banks in Hong Kong.January 1997 (has links)
by Fung Pak-Wai Patrick. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 45-47). / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS --- p.v / LIST OF TABLES --- p.vi / ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --- p.vii / CHAPTER / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter II. --- BANKING STRUCTURE AND THE DISCLOSURE CHANGE --- p.4 / Pre-1994 disclosure requirement --- p.5 / Reasons for Change --- p.9 / New Disclosure Requirement --- p.11 / Comparison with the disclosure requirement of IAS 30 --- p.13 / Chapter III. --- EMPIRICAL LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.18 / Chapter IV. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.21 / The Sample --- p.21 / The Data --- p.22 / The Models --- p.23 / Chapter V. --- FINDINGS --- p.26 / Comparison of Predicted with Actual Returns During the Issuance Period --- p.26 / Disaggregation of the Sample: Significance Tests --- p.30 / Interpretation of Results --- p.32 / Chapter VI. --- CONCLUSIONS --- p.33 / APPENDIX --- p.34 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.45
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Evolução e desempenho dos bancos durante o plano real / The evolution in the performance of banks during the Real PlanZaina Said El Hajj 05 April 2005 (has links)
Ao considerar o cenário atual, caracterizado pela globalização e internacionalização dos mercados, este estudo apresenta a evolução e o desempenho dos bancos, classificados em públicos, privados nacionais e estrangeiros, no Sistema Financeiro Nacional durante o Plano Real, desde 01/07/1994 a 31/12/2002. Trata-se, inicialmente, de um estudo descritivo setorial comparativo entre a participação desses três grupos de bancos e, principalmente, de um estudo empírico, por meio de análise fatorial, com indicadores contábeis dos bancos privados nacionais e dos bancos estrangeiros no país durante o período estudado. O Sistema Financeiro Nacional abordado é o relativo no período anterior à Reforma Bancária de 64 e, principalmente, ao vigente no Plano Real, com as medidas para reestruturação e fortalecimento do sistema financeiro, que contribuíram para as mudanças ocorridas no setor bancário. Destacam-se os Regimes Especiais, incluindo o RAET, o Fundo Garantidor de Crédito, o PROER, o PROES, os incentivos para as operações de reestruturação, fusões & aquisições, e a presença do capital estrangeiro no país. É analisada a evolução do número de bancos comerciais e múltiplos e de caixas econômicas em funcionamento antes do Plano Real (30/06/1994). Esses são classificados em três grupos: público, privado nacional e estrangeiro. Em seguida, são descritas as mudanças ocorridas referentes ao número de bancos desses grupos desde o início do Plano Real (01/07/1994) até 31/12/2002, com destaque para as privatizações e as transferências de controle. A pesquisa tem como propósito principal analisar os indicadores de desempenho bancário do setor privado nacional e do setor estrangeiro a fim de verificar a hipótese subjacente do estudo, ou seja, se há diferença entre as variáveis dos fatores que compõem os indicadores contábeis dos bancos privados nacionais e dos bancos estrangeiros durante o período entre 01/07/1994 a 31/12/2002. Assim, trata-se de um estudo empírico, realizado por meio de análise fatorial dos indicadores bancários, extraídos das Demonstrações Contábeis. / In view of the current market globalization and internationalization scenario, this study presents the evolution in the performance of banks, which are classified as public, Brazilian private and foreign private, in the National Financial System during the Real Plan, in the period from 07/01/1994 to 12/31/2002. Initially, a descriptive sectorial study compares the participation of these three groups of banks. Furthermore, an empirical study is carried out by means of factorial analysis, which uses accounting indicators from Brazilian private and foreign banks that were active in the country during the period under analysis. The National Financial System considered in this research refers to the period before the 1964 Bank Reform and, mainly, to the system in vigor during the Real Plan, and is characterized by its measures to restructure and strengthen the financial system, which contributed to the changes that occurred in the banking sector. Special attention is given to the Special Regimes, including the RAET (Temporary Special Administration Regime), the Credit Guarantee Fund, the PROER (Program of Incentives for the Restructuring and Strengthening of the National Financial System), the PROES (Program of Incentives for the Restructuring of the State Role in Banking Activity), the incentives for restructuring operations, mergers & acquisitions and the presence of foreign capital in Brazil. We analyze the evolution in the number of commercial and multiple banks and federal government savings banks that were active before the Real Plan (06/30/1994). These are classified in three groups: public, Brazilian private and foreign. Next, we describe the changes that occurred in the number of banks in each of these groups since the start of the Real Plan (07/01/1994) until 12/31/2002, especially privatizations and control transfers. The main aim of this study is to analyze the bank performance indicators in the Brazilian private and in the foreign sector, with a view to verifying the study premise, that is, whether there exists a difference between Brazilian private and foreign banks in the variables of factors that compose the accounting indicators during the period from 07/01/1994 to 12/31/2002. Therefore, an empirical study was carried out by means of the factorial analysis of banking indicators that were taken from the Financial Statements.
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Gerenciamento de resultados contábeis em instituições financeiras no Brasil / Banking earnings management in BrazilAndré Moura Cintra Goulart 04 March 2008 (has links)
As instituições financeiras apresentam, como particularidade, a dependência de recursos de terceiros para o desenvolvimento de suas atividades, assumindo importância a realização de captações a baixos custos. Para tanto, é fundamental a manutenção de imagem de solidez financeira, eficiência de desempenho e boa reputação. Neste contexto, entende-se que a suavização de resultados (income smoothing) é prática de gerenciamento de resultados contábeis (GR) de especial interesse para os bancos. Isto decorre da relevância, no segmento bancário, de transmitir imagem de constância de resultados, evitando-se a apresentação de altas volatilidades nos lucros divulgados, as quais podem afetar negativamente a percepção dos investidores quanto aos padrões futuros de resultados e quanto aos riscos envolvidos nas operações da instituição. O presente trabalho investiga a utilização, pelas instituições financeiras (IF) em atuação no Brasil, da contabilização de operações de crédito, títulos e valores mobiliários (TVM) e derivativos para fins de GR. Questiona-se se os padrões contábeis vigentes no sistema financeiro nacional (SFN), nas três áreas mencionadas, estão sendo empregados com o propósito de suavização de resultados. Na pesquisa empírica, adotando-se as técnicas de correlação e regressão, foram avaliados dados contábeis semestrais das 50 maiores IF em atuação no Brasil, no período de junho de 2002 a dezembro de 2006, tendo em vista identificar a possível utilização da PDD (provisão para devedores duvidosos nas operações de crédito) ou de ajustes a valor de mercado de TVM ou do resultado com derivativos para a suavização de resultados. As análises são realizadas para o conjunto das 50 maiores instituições, com o objetivo de apreender o comportamento geral do SFN, não sendo propósito a identificação de comportamentos individualizados em termos de GR. Os resultados obtidos indicam o emprego das operações de crédito e derivativos na suavização de resultados contábeis e também dos ajustes positivos a valor de mercado de TVM. O efeito na suavização de resultados revelou-se mais forte no caso de operações de crédito, por meio da PDD, e derivativos, por meio do resultado com derivativos, nesta ordem de importância, tendo posição de menor relevância os ajustes a VM de TVM. Constatou-se que a PDD é o instrumento mais \"poderoso\" em termos de suavização de lucros bancários, seguido pelos derivativos; os ajustes positivos a VM de TVM também favorecem a suavização de resultados contábeis, mas desempenham papel menos relevante, não contribuindo de forma tão significativa como a PDD e o resultado com derivativos. Quanto aos derivativos, o efeito de suavização de resultados alinha-se com sua utilização como instrumento de proteção (hedge), de maneira a evitar maiores flutuações nos lucros contábeis das IF. Em suma, constatou-se o efeito de suavização no resultado contábil por meio das despesas com PDD (operações de crédito), resultado com derivativos e também, mas em menor intensidade, por meio das receitas com ajustes positivos a VM de TVM. As despesas com ajustes negativos a VM de títulos, por sua vez, não tiveram confirmada sua participação no processo de GR e de suavização dos lucros das instituições financeiras em atuação no Brasil. / Financial institutions present, as a distinctive feature, a dependence of financial resources from third parties for the development of their activities. This way, the obtaining of low cost funding becomes a major issue and in order to succeed in doing so, it is fundamental to sustain financial soundness, performance efficiency and a good reputation. In this context, income smoothing is perceived to be an earnings management (EM) practice of especial interest for banks. This derives from the fact that it is relevant - for the banking industry -, to transmit an image of constant earnings, thus preventing high volatilities in reported earnings, which could affect negatively investors\' perception concerning future levels of earnings as well as the risks taken in the operations carried out by the institution. This work investigates the employment of credit, securities and derivatives accounting by financial institutions in Brazil, for the purpose of managing results. The question is whether actual accounting standards of the Brazilian financial system (BFS) - in the three mentioned areas -, are being used so as to smooth earnings. In the empirical research, considering the period of June 2002 to December 2006, semiannual accounting data from the 50 greatest financial institutions in Brazil were analyzed so as to identify any pattern of income smoothing by means of loan & loss provision, unrealized gains or losses on securities or net gains (or losses) on derivatives. The analyses were conducted for the 50 greatest financial institutions taken as a whole, so as to grasp the general behavior of the Brazilian financial system. This way, individual behavior of any particular institution in terms of EM is not the purpose of this work. The results obtained in this work hints at the employment of credit and derivatives accounting as well as unrealized gains on securities in order to smooth earnings. The income smoothing effect proved to be more prominent in the case of loan & loss provisions derived from credit operations. Derivatives accounting were found to be next in importance, being unrealized gains on securities the less relevant source of smoothing. As for derivatives, the income smoothing effect is in accordance with their use as an instrument of hedging: they prevent great fluctuations (in terms of earnings) from happening. In short, this work indicates that the income smoothing is brought into effect by loan & loss provisions, gains (losses) on derivatives as well as via unrealized gains on securities (to a lesser degree). The unrealized losses on securities, however, had neither a role in the process of EM nor were they items that could account for income smoothing of financial institutions in Brazil, according to the estimates obtained from the correlation and regression analysis.
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Essays on the economics of banking and the prudential regulation of banksVan Roy, Patrick 23 May 2006 (has links)
This thesis consists of four independent chapters on bank capital regulation and the issue of unsolicited ratings.<p><p>The first chapter is introductory and reviews the motivation for regulating banks and credit rating agencies while providing a detailed overview of the thesis.<p><p>The second chapter uses a simultaneous equations model to analyze how banks from six G10 countries adjusted their capital to assets ratios and risk-weighted assets to assets ratio between 1988 and 1995, i.e. just after passage of the 1988 Basel Accord. The results suggest that regulatory pressure brought about by the 1988 capital standards had little effect on both ratios for weakly capitalized banks, except in the US. In addition, the relation between the capital to assets ratios and the risk-weighted assets to assets ratio appears to depend not only on the level of capitalization of banks, but also on the countries or groups of countries considered.<p><p>The third chapter provides Monte Carlo estimates of the amount of regulatory capital that EMU banks must hold for their corporate, bank, and sovereign exposures both under Basel I and the standardized approach to credit risk in Basel II. In the latter case, Monte Carlo estimates are presented for different combinations of external credit assessment institutions (ECAIs) that banks may choose to risk weight their exposures. Three main results emerge from the analysis. First, although the use of different ECAIs leads to significant differences in minimum capital requirements, these differences never exceed, on average, 10% of EMU banks’ capital requirements for corporate, bank, and sovereign exposures. Second, the standardized approach to credit risk provides a small regulatory capital incentive for banks to use several ECAIs to risk weight their exposures. Third, the minimum capital requirements for the corporate, bank, and sovereign exposures of EMU banks will be higher in Basel II than in Basel I. I also show that the incentive for banks to engage in regulatory arbitrage in the standardized approach to credit risk is limited.<p><p>The fourth and final chapter analyses the effect of soliciting a rating on the rating outcome of banks. Using a sample of Asian banks rated by Fitch Ratings, I find evidence that unsolicited ratings tend to be lower than solicited ones, after accounting for differences in observed bank characteristics. This downward bias does not seem to be explained by the fact that better-quality banks self-select into the solicited group. Rather, unsolicited ratings appear to be lower because they are based on public information. As a result, they tend to be more conservative than solicited ratings, which incorporate both public and non-public information.<p> / Doctorat en sciences économiques, Orientation économie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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