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Business growth plan as a factor for SMEs to access a bank loan : A Comparison between Iran and SwedenHeshmati, Yasaman January 2013 (has links)
Most of the scholars argue that the big challenge for the SMEs in order to grow is access to finance. They consider financing as the most crucial need of a growing company. Based on the previous researches, companies need to move from the internal financing to the external financing through growth. In this situation, one way for SMEs is, to take advantage of a bank loan; however, many researchers argue that accessing a bank loan is not easy for SMEs. On the other hand, in the last decade since the number of SMEs increased in many countries, tendency of the banks, regarding cooperation with SMEs; gets increased as well. Although, many of the SMEs are still not satisfied with the lending process. Thus, this study investigates if some factors can have an effect on the lending process. Since, the factors which affect the lending process are various, the purpose of this study is, to examine how having an appropriate business growth plan could be helpful in order to have access to a bank loan. There is a lack of literature regarding observation of this process in developing countries and comparing the lending process in developing countries with developed countries, this paper will examine the lending process and influence of business growth plan in one developed country (Sweden), and one developing country (Iran) and compare all the systems with each other. In order to achieve the required information, multiple case study was chosen. The main result of this study is that a business growth plan has a different effect on the lending process in each country, since it is seen as a positive sign in Iran while it has both an advantage and disadvantage in Sweden.
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Bankinės sistemos komunalinių įmokų modulio sudarymas ir tyrimas / Creation and research of banking system module for utilities' paymentsŽvirgžda, Tomas 31 August 2011 (has links)
Projekto tikslas – bankinės sistemos komunalinių įmokų modulio sudarymas Lietuvos centrinei kredito unijai (toliau CKU). Tai modulis skirtas atsiskaityti klientams už jiems suteiktas komunalines paslaugas, duomenų užfiksavimą, bei jų paskirstymą visoms įmonėms už kurias klientas atsiskaitė. Visas šis modulis yra daromas centralizuotai. Kadangi CKU teikia paslaugas kitoms unijoms, tai reiškia jog CKU priima visą atsakomybę už sistemos darbus. Sukurtas modulis veikia kaip centras, kuris surenka visus duomenis iš visos Lietuvos unijų ir klientų bei paskirsto juos įmonėms. Šis modulis yra svarbus CKU, kaip žingsnis siekiant patenkinti klientų ir kredito unijų (toliau KU) poreikius, bei konkurencingumo sustiprinimas rinkoje. Šis modulis sustiprina KU pozicijas tiek rinkoje tiek paslaugų teikimo pasiūloje. Šis projektas yra išskirtinis tuo, jog tokios sistemos Lietuvoje dar nėra kaip ir kitose pabaltijos (Lietuvos kaimynės) šalyse. Projekto privalumas yra tas jog jis gali būti lengvai pritaikytas kitos šalies ar pasaulio rinkai. Toliau šioje ataskaitoje yra atliktas kokybės tyrimas bei lyginamuoju principu palyginta liktinė sistema ir nauja sistema su sukurtu komunalinių įmokų moduliu. / Objective of the project is to build a model of banking system utility payments module to the Lithuanian Central Credit Union (hereinafter referred to CKU). This module is intended to help customers to pay for their use of public utility services, data capture, and data distribution to companies for which customers accounted. This entire module is done centrally. Since CKU provide services to other unions, which means that CKU accepts full responsibility for the system works. The module acts as a center, which collects all data from all credit union clients of over Lithuania and distributes data to all public utility services. This project is unique in the fact that such a system in Lithuania is not like the other Baltic States (Lithuania neighboring) countries. The project has the advantage that it can be easily adapted to another country or the world market. During the quality analysis of the system, it was evaluated as a good system.
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The Diffusion Of Financial Innovation In Turkey: The Case Of AtmGuner, Mine Sule 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates the indicators of the number of ATMs (automated teller machines) in the provinces of Turkey by examining two banks: T.C. Ziraat Bankasi and T. iS Bankasi. The study depends on annual panel data from 1990 to 2004 for seventy-three provinces of Turkey. The information about the number of ATMs of the two banks is gathered after a study in the archives of the banks. In this study it is concluded that the number of ATMs of T. iS Bankasi and T. C. Ziraat Bankasi in the previous year and the total number of branches of the banks in Turkey are the indicators of ATM adoption for both of the banks concerned. However, population has a negative sign for T. C. Ziraat Bankasi which is a state bank whereas it has a positive sign for T. iS Bankasi which is a quasi-private bank. The findings also indicate that the ATM number of T. iS Bankasi is more sensitive to the number of total bank branches.
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Logistické řízení oběhu peněz / Logistics management of money circulationMAŠKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis was to map the logistics system coins and notes circulations in the Czech Republic and design a system of logistics activities in the exchange of cash money, when Czech Republic adopts the single European currency. The secondary aim was to describe the current currency exchange preparation and propose an optimization based on currency conversions in the past and in other states. The important was to get the information by structured interviews with technical staff Czech National Bank in Prague and with former director of the Czech National Bank in the Czech Budejovice. Based on the information was described distribution chain of cash money. Part of this thesis is devoted to the current issue of the introduction of the euro in the Czech Republic. The exchange of cash money is the most visible element of currency change. Also puts the greatest demands on the logistics management. Based on the information about the euro changeover in other states have been proposed recommendations for the Czech Republic.
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[pt] A dissertação analisa como a inflação afeta a expansão do sistema
financeiro. O Brasil oferece uma oportunidade de pesquisa peculiar, pois conviveu
por muitos anos com inflação superior a 1.000% a.a. e que caiu abruptamente a
ponto de, pouco mais de um ano depois do bem-sucedido plano de estabilização,
estar próxima a 10%. O resultado principal é que com inflação elevada, os bancos
expandem agências mais interessados em captação vis-à-vis crédito. Por outro
lado, com a inflação controlada os bancos passam a ter mais interesse no crédito.
Os dados sugerem ainda que houve uma mudança no padrão de expansão das
variáveis financeiras (agência, crédito e captação) com relação às características
dos municípios como tamanho de mercado, posição geográfica, nível de
desenvolvimento e infraestrutura. Esta evidência reforça a tese de que o sistema
financeiro brasileiro passou por uma mudança estrutural com o fim da inflação. A
dissertação enfatiza a importância do ambiente institucional para o
desenvolvimento do mercado de crédito. / [en] This dissertation analyzes the effects of inflation on the expansion of the
financial system. To this end, Brazil provides a singular opportunity for research
as the country experienced inflation of more than 1,000% per year for many years
followed by an abrupt drop. Slightly more than a year after implementation of a
successful stabilization plan it was close to 10%. The main result is when inflation
is high, banks expand their branch network, more interested as they are in
capturing funds as opposed to granting credit. On the other hand, when inflation
is under control, banks begin to focus more on credit. The data also suggest that
there was a change in the growth pattern of financial variables (branch, credit, and
CD issuing) as related to characteristics of the municipalities such as market size,
geographical location, level of development, and infrastructure. This evidence
reinforces the premise that the end of inflation prompted structural change in the
Brazilian financial system. The dissertation emphasizes the importance of the
institutional environment for the development of the credit market.
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Eficiência do sistema bancário brasileiro em 2014: uma análise DEA-SBM / Efficiency of the Brazilian banking system in 2014: A DEA-SBM analysisAdriel Martins de Freitas Branco 02 June 2016 (has links)
Este estudo utilizou a técnica DEA-SBM para avaliar a eficiência dos bancos brasileiros no ano de 2014 sob a ótica das três abordagens mais recorrentes neste tipo de avaliação: a abordagem da intermediação, produção e rentabilidade. Os escores de eficiência foram avaliados por quintil e pelo teste de mediana Mann-Whitney conforme (1) a origem do capital; (2) público x privado; (3) porte dos bancos; (4) segmento de atuação dos bancos e (5) os ratings dessas instituições. Para desenvolver este estudo foram necessários realizar seis etapas metodológicas. A primeira etapa foi de levantamento das informações financeiras de cada banco, consolidadas e referentes ao ano de 2014. Na segunda etapa foram selecionadas as variáveis analisadas para cada abordagem, compondo cada um dos modelos. Na terceira etapa foram realizadas as exclusões das DMUs com variáveis negativas ou sem informações. A quarta etapa foi de classificação dos bancos. Para classificar os bancos por porte utilizou-se como critério o ativo total, dividindo-os em quartis. A quinta etapa foi de identificação dos escores de eficiência, via software PIM-DEA. Os dados foram avaliados conforme o método DEA-SBM. A sexta e última etapa foi a de análise dos resultados e ocorreu após a obtenção dos escores. Os resultados das amostram foram analisados mediante o emprego de duas técnicas. Inicialmente, aplicou-se o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para verificar se a distribuição dos escores para cada abordagem seguia uma distribuição normal. As análises permitiram extrair dez conclusões e sugerem que os bancos de capital público federal, de Micro Porte, do segmento de Varejo (com exceção para a abordagem de Intermediação) e com nota de rating AAA foram os mais eficientes. / This study has used the DEA-SBM technique to evaluate the efficiency of Brazilian banks in 2014 from the perspective of the three most frequent approaches in this type of evaluation: intermediation, production and profitability approaches. The efficiency scores were evaluated by quintile and the median Mann-Whitney test as (1) the origin of the capital; (2) public x private; (3) size of the banks; (4) of banks operating segment and (5) the ratings of these institutions. To develop this study took hold six methodological steps. The first step was to survey the financial information of each bank, and consolidated for the year 2014. In the second stage we selected the variables for each approach, making each model. In the third step were performed exclusions of DMUs with negative variables or without information. The fourth step was the classification of banks. To sort by size banks was used as a criterion the total assets, dividing them into quartiles. The fifth step was to identify the efficiency scores, DEA via PIM Software. The data were evaluated according to the DEA-SBM method. The sixth and final step was to analyze the results and occurred after obtaining scores. The results of amostram were analyzed by the use of both techniques. Initially, we applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to verify the distribution of the median for each approach followed a normal distribution. The analysis allowed to draw conclusions and ten showed that banks federal public capital, Micro Porte, the Retail segment (except for the intermediation approach) and AAA-rated note were the most efficient.
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L'émergence du banquier itinérant, influence d'une réorganisation territoriale au sein d'une coopérative financière en termes d'isomorphisme et d'isopraxisme : l'expérience de la Nef / The emergence of the itinerant banker. Influence of a territorial reorganization within a finance cooperative in terms of isomorphism and isopraxy : The case study of the NefChauvin, Béatrice 06 October 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte concurrentiel et réglementaire croissant des banques, face à une crise financière qui interroge les usages de l’argent, peut-on faire de la banque autrement ? Nous tentons de répondre à cette question en centrant notre analyse sur le cas de La Nef, petite coopérative de finance solidaire fondée sur un projet alternatif. La Nef, d’abord institution financière et disposant aujourd’hui d’un agrément bancaire, en 20 ans a grandi et s’est professionnalisée. Sa trajectoire est marquée par des formes d’isomorphismes que nous identifions et qui provoquent une hybridation de son modèle coopératif. Nous construisons et analysons l’installation des banquiers itinérants comme innovation organisationnelle dans le but de la réaffirmation du projet coopératif. En apportant de l’hétéromorphisme et de l’hetéropraxisme dans l’organisation, ces banquiers itinérants ancrent l’organisation dans son territoire et les enjeux de son développement. Cette expérimentation constitue-t-elle un processus de reconquête coopérative, et qu’en est-il de sa diffusion ? Nous avons participé et suivi les processus à l’œuvre dans le cadre d’une recherche intervention sur 5 ans. Notre cadre d’analyse s’inscrit dans une perspective néo institutionnaliste et articule isomorphisme, proximité et traduction. Nos résultats montrent que l’implantation des banquiers itinérants redynamise le tissu coopératif et le sociétariat et amène une croissance de l’activité. Elle entraine un rééquilibrage des phénomènes d’hybridation favorable au projet social et à l’activité économique. Le déploiement des Banquiers Itinérants est à l’œuvre et méritera d’être analysé dans les formes de son développement. / In a context of increasing competition and international regulation in the banking system, and facing a financial crisis which questions the uses of money, is another way of banking possible? We try to answer this question through the analysis of the case study of the Nef, a little solidarity-based finance cooperative based on an alternative project. The Nef, at first a financial institution which later in 2014 got a banking agreement, grew up over 20 years and professionalised. We identify the various types of isomorphism which marked its trajectory and cause a hybridisation of its cooperative model. We build up and analyse the set up of itinerant bankers as an organisational innovation, in order to reaffirm the cooperative project. As they bring heteromorphism and heteropraxy into the organisation, these itinerant bankers anchor the organisation in its territory and the stakes of its development. Is this experiment a process of cooperative recovery, and will it spread ? We took part and followed the undergoing processes within a 5 year intervention research. Our analysis focuses on isomorphism, proximity and translation in a neo-institutional perspective. Our results show that itinerant bankers set up revitalise the cooperative system and shareholder relations as well as a business growth. Thus the experience show a rebalancing in hybridisation phenomena favourable to the social project and stimulating economic activity. The deployment of itinerant bankers is recent, and will deserve to be studied in its forms of development.
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La transformation du sytème bancaire dans l'Union européenne : une approche en terme de réseaux / Transformation of the banking system in the european Union : a network approachMirchev, Lyubomir 05 November 2013 (has links)
Ces dernières années, l’intégration des marchés financiers s’est accrue dans le monde entier. Ces marchés dépassent désormais les frontières nationales. A l’ordre du jour, la création d’instruments financiers adéquats et une démarche nouvelle, destinée à améliorer la sécurité et la stabilité du secteur financier de l’UE. L’objet de cette thèse est d’appréhender les principaux problèmes posés par la constitution et le développement du marché bancaire européen, et d’identifier les défis engendrés par les nouvelles réalités qui lui sont associées. Ce travail examine la transformation du marché bancaire européen, impacté par la crise, en mettant l’accent sur sa fonction de coordination dans l’économie. L’objectif de la thèse est d’analyser la transformation du système bancaire, d’une structure à effets différés, - c’est à dire telle que les mesures de régulation et les interventions en réponse à un problème sont différées dans le temps -, en un système opérationnel d’autorégulation fonctionnant en temps réel. Cette transformation améliorerait radicalement la stabilité et l’efficacité du système dans son ensemble. Cet objectif général conduit aux étapes suivantes : analyser le marché bancaire à travers une analyse du réseau pour mettre en évidence certaines spécificités des liens institutionnels, et contribuer ainsi à l’analyse de la transformation du secteur bancaire ; identifier les architectures de régulation et de contrôle du système bancaire pour mieux identifier sa structure actuelle de gestion et de contrôle ; appréhender le système bancaire comme une infrastructure critique relevant d’une approche en termes de réseau, et analyser ses propriétés de stabilité et d’efficacité dans le domaine financier (bancaire), d’un point de vue national et international. L’apport principal de la thèse est de fournir un modèle de surveillance en termes de réseaux, ce qui constitue un nouveau type d’architecture de contrôle du réseau financier. Ce modèle fournit une alternative aux modèles de contrôle actuels, dans l’objectif d’appréhender la structure contemporaine des marchés financiers. / In recent years, financial markets worldwide became highly integrated, overcoming national borders. The problem of developing adequate tools and comprehensive approaches for achieving higher security and stability in the EU financial sector is on the agenda. Key issues and challenges for the formation and development of the single European financial market, driven by the new realities, are considered in this thesis. The goal of this thesis is to propose and develop analyses able to contribute to the transformation of the banking system from a structure with delayed-in-time management, in which the impact of the regulatory measures and interventions in response to a particular problem is delayed in the time, into an operational self-regulating system (system of systems) operating in near real-time. This transformation would allow sharp increase in stability and operability of the system. The so defined goal implies the following more specific objectives: to analyze the banking market through the network perspective in order to reveal some aspects of the system, not typical to the particular institutions, regarded as separate entities; to analyze the regulatory and supervisory architectures for discovering the current control structure of the banking system; to explore and develop the architecture of the banking system as a separate critical infrastructure, which could enable the application of network-centric approach as an opportunity for achieving stability and efficiency (operability) in the financial sector, directly related to national and international security. The main proposition of the thesis is the creation of a new type of network supervisory architecture as an alternative to the current supervisory models in order to respond to the modern structure of the financial markets.
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Bankovní systém Čínské lidové republiky / The Banking system of People's Republic of ChinaNedvědová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the development of China's financial system, with a particular focus on the banking sector. At the beginning of the work is briefly summarized the current development of China's economy, since the behaviors and positions of banks in the PRC are closely linked with the state of the economy and the state as such. Presents the basic elements of the Chinese banking system, constitutes the basic legislation and some banking institutions. It also discusses the banking system as a whole and finally discusses its greatest specifics, non performing loans and shadow banking.
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Analýza dopadů globální finanční krize na bankovní systém Běloruska / Analysis of the impact of the global financial crisis on the banking system of BelarusPelaheika, Iryna January 2010 (has links)
In my thesis I define the main consequences that recent global financial crisis left on Belorussian banking system. In order to achieve my goal, as the first step I introduce the country's banking system, where I describe the main construction elements of Belorussian banking system, present its basic qualitative and quantitative characteristics. In the second chapter first I am going to present the basic information about financial crisis and its development from the international point of view. Then I focus on Belarus and its specifics. The third chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the specific impact of the crisis process and taken measures on Belorussian banks. Finally I evaluate found specifics of Belorussian approach to financial crisis as well as specific effects on Belorussian banks.
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