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Ekonomická analýza vybraného podniku / Economic analysis of the companyVilímek, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this Master's thesis is to explore economic development of BENEA s.r.o. through tools of strategic and financial analysis during the period 2009 -- 2013, as much affected the financial health of the company, to find strong and weak sides of this company and to create the recommendation for the management of the company to improve the functioning. Theoretical part of the thesis contains description of chosen methods and tools of economic analysis. Selected methods are PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, horizontal and vertical analysis of balance sheet and profit and lost statement, analysis of differential indicators, financial ratios, ROE logarithmical decomposition and bankruptcy models. In the practical part there are applied methods of economic analysis during the selected period and described intercompany comparison. The Conclusion and recommendation for the future are set at the end of thesis.
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Ekonomická analýza společnosti DUDÁK - Měšťanský pivovar Strakonice, a.s. / Economic analysis of DUDAK - Municipal Brewery Strakonice, a.s.Bartík, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This Master's Thesis evaluates development of the last city-owned brewery DUDAK - Municipal Brewery Strakonice, a.s. in the Czech Republic. Analysis of economic situation of the company takes place during 2009 - 2013. Methods of financial analysis are used for exploring the brewery. The methods are horizontal and vertical analysis, analysis of differential indicators, financial ratios and bankruptcy models. Methods of strategic analysis are used to analyse the company as well. The strategic methods are PEST analysis, Porter five forces analysis and SWOT analysis. The thesis consists of two main parts. First one is methodological and the second one is practical. The first part contains the methodology of each indicator. The second part compares results with values of the sector and interprets the results. The conclusion includes the whole picture of economic situation in DUDAK - Municipal Brewery Strakonice, a.s. and identification of key information for future development of the company.
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Predpoveď finančnej tiesne podniku pomocou bankrotných a bonitných modelov / Prediction of financial distress of a company using financial standing and bankrupcy modelsSova, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
In the diploma thesis we are examining possibilities of utilization of financial standing models and bankruptcy models for the purpose of prediction of financial distress of a company. We start the analysis with a broad description of methods provided by financial analyses used for prediction of the financial distress, followed by a more particular investigation into the problematics of financial standing and bankruptcy models. In the thesis we aim to define 9 of these models including their variations followed by application onto four companies in the time scale of five years up front the incoming financial distress. Whilst applying the models we will have a closer look at the discrepancies coming from the different nature of the predictive formulas, meanwhile observing how the key changes in financial statements transfer into the scores. Moreover, we will try to point out the key elements causing deformation in the relevance of the models. In the conclusion we will summarize the findings and confront the assumptions.
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Zhodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na zlepšení / Evaluation of Company Financial Performance and Proposals of ImprovementŘíhová, Lada January 2008 (has links)
The Master´s thesis analyses financial situation of the entrepreneurial entity. It includes analysis of financial ratios and selected bankruptcy models, based on whose steps leading to assurance of stability and prosperity of entrepreneurial activities were proposed.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti výrobního podnikuNémeth, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
Rybička, J. The document template for bachelor/diploma thesis. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. Németh, V., Evaluation of the performance of the manufacturing company. Diplo-ma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019 Diploma thesis deals with the performance evaluation of manufacturing company. Diploma thesis is split in two parts – theoretical and practical part. In the theoreti-cal part there is a literature search of the issue of measuring the performance of the company and its tools which, are applied in the practical part. In the practical part is performed evaluation of company performance based on traditional financial analysis, bankruptcy and credit models and calculation of EVA indicator. Furthermore, the Balanced Scorecard method is implemented. Based on the results, the performance of the company is evaluated and at the same time measures for its increase are proposed.
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Srovnání modifikací predikčních bankrotních modelůBednář, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this theses is to compare existing bankruptcy prediction models with its new modification unique for this work, which could perform better than its competition. Proposed model is logit-based and consists of the combination of variables used in Altman´s and Ohlson´s models. The final model is estimated for medium sized companies in EU which aren´t publicly traded. This model achieved prediction accuracy of 97,1% (97.4% for healthy and 91.1% for bankrupt compa-nies) on its original dataset. As expected, when verified on new dataset, the accu-racy dropped but still reaches 97.1% (99.3% for healthy and 37.7% for bankrupt companies). The model is compared with its competition (original and modified version of Ohlson´s and partially Altman´s models) and it is shown that it has higher prediction accuracy.
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Hodnocení finanční situace podniků automobilového průmyslu s využitím pokročilých metod regresní analýzyHalmová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze the financial health of a number of Czech companies in the automotive sector. For the analysis, the logistic regression method will be applied to financial data available on the Amadeus database. Results of the regression will then be compared to those obtained using the Altman Z-score model. A second aim of the thesis is to analyze a sales time series for the Czech automotive industry using the Box-Jenkins method and to derive the impact of the recent financial crisis on the sales numbers.
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Finanční řízení společnosti Flabeg Czech s.r.o. / Financial management of the company Flabeg Czech s.r.o.Studená, Petra January 2010 (has links)
Master's thesis written on the topic Financial management of the company Flabeg Czech s.r.o. in the theoretical part describes methods which are aplicated in the practical part of the thesis. The goal of the thesis is analysis of the financial health of the company. Practical part describes the company and the branche which influencis economical activity of the company. The main part is financial analysis and the description of the company's statements in the several years. Important part of the thesis is analysis of the working capital, where are detailed analysed and described processes in the management of the receivables, inventories and short-term liabilities. To be able to propose the possible future bankruptcy, the chosen bankruptcy models were figured. At the end of the thesis is prepared financial budget for next years and description of the company's goal for next years. In the area where are discovered lacks are recommended corrective actions.
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Komplexní zhodnocení výkonnosti společnosti PBS Industry, a.s. / Complex Performance Rating of PBS Industry CompanyJežková, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
Comprehensive evaluation of performance analysis of PBS INDUSTRY, a.s. When evaluating the performance of PBS INDUSTRY, a.s. the financial statements of the company for the period of 2005 -- 2008 are used. Performance evaluation is done through traditional methods of financial analysis and modern methods of economic added value. The interpretation of analytical results and recommendations was made.
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Analýza hospodaření pivovaru / Analysis of Brewery ManagementNOVÁK, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of the management of the Dalešice brewery. The thesis is focused on the financial aspect of the company, which is analyzed by using financial analysis tools and the non-financial factors that influence the existence of the brewery. The results of the financial indicators are compared with the results of the whole brewing industry. Based on the analyzes, solutions are proposed to eliminate possible inefficiencies and recommendations for the future development of the brewery.
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