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Vliv běhu naboso na kinetiku běhu / The influence of barefoot running on running kineticsBezemek, Denis January 2017 (has links)
Title: The influence of barefoot running on running kinetics. Objectives: The aim of this work is to assess the influence of different footwear (regular running shoes, barefoot footwear and barefoot running) on footstrike (rear-foot strike, mid-foot strike and fore-foot strike) during running and evaluate the action of reaction forces in different types of footstrike. Methods: In this study participated 11 runners (only men), who were divided in three groups based on their preferred footwear. Kinetic data (reaction forces) were collected by using a Kistler force plate, which was crossed by the participants with subjectively chosen speed. Kinematic parameters of running (speed) and video recordings of a single footstrikes were obtained by using a Qualisys system of optoelectronic stereophotogrammetry. All the measurements occurred during one day. Collected data were exported to Microsoft Excel 2013 programme, where the graphs of reaction forces were created and to Qualisys Track Manager software. Assessment was based on created graphs and video recordings. Results: The results show that runners wearing regular running shoes preferred a rear- foot strike, while among runners in barefoot footwear a fore-foot strike than mid-foot strike prevailed a bit. Among barefoot runners dominated a fore-foot...
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An Investigation of the Evolution of the Minimalist Shoe Through a Review of Research LiteratureSommarvong, Samantha L. 01 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
As an investigation of the evolution of the minimalist shoes, the purpose of this thesis was to examine popularity trends of the rise and fall of the minimalist movement. By evaluating the history and research behind the designs of the minimalist shoes, this thesis viewed the peak in popularity when minimalist shoes first made their debut. Initially, footwear sales skyrocketed upon its introduction. Its popularity grew due the prospective effects of improving athletic performance and the possibility of decreasing the prevalence of running-related injuries. To understand the sales trends of the footwear industry, various shoe examples from the different categories of footwear padding were also examined. Hence, after learning more about each type of footwear, it is crucial to understand how to transition safely and without injury. Injury prevalence has been suggested to be associated with the change in biomechanics involved with changing a runner’s footwear. Through the review of research literature on the subject, 33 sources of peerreviewed studies, found via Google Scholar or EBSCOHost using select key word searches, were taken into account. After reviewing the results and conclusions, a common finding suggest that more research is needed to come to clear consensus. There is not enough evidence to suggest that the use of minimalist shoes either lowered the risk of injury or improved performance. Hence, the decline of minimalist movement may have been due to the unfulfilled benefits that were proposed. After consumers did not reap the benefits of transitioning to minimalist shoes, sales trends continued to fall.
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Barefoot Running: Feeling the World Through Your FeetWarnock, Carly 13 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis paper explores barefoot and minimalist running in Ottawa, Ontario and Boulder, Colorado. The objective has been to answer the following questions: how can we understand barefoot and minimalist style running as cultures, how are barefoot and minimalist style running being done in different ways, how do the senses play out and create nuances between barefoot and minimalist style runners. I argue barefoot and minimalist running are distinct cultural forms. I applied an Ingoldian notion of culture that contends cultures are generative, relational, temporal and improvisational. I conducted a multi-site study and I interviewed participants, as well as conducted participant observation. My findings reveal that the different sensations experienced by the two styles of running make them meaningful in different ways. These different sensations and ways of meaning create nuances between barefoot and minimalist running and differentiate them and as a result, there are found to become different cultural forms.
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Barefoot Running: Feeling the World Through Your FeetWarnock, Carly January 2013 (has links)
This thesis paper explores barefoot and minimalist running in Ottawa, Ontario and Boulder, Colorado. The objective has been to answer the following questions: how can we understand barefoot and minimalist style running as cultures, how are barefoot and minimalist style running being done in different ways, how do the senses play out and create nuances between barefoot and minimalist style runners. I argue barefoot and minimalist running are distinct cultural forms. I applied an Ingoldian notion of culture that contends cultures are generative, relational, temporal and improvisational. I conducted a multi-site study and I interviewed participants, as well as conducted participant observation. My findings reveal that the different sensations experienced by the two styles of running make them meaningful in different ways. These different sensations and ways of meaning create nuances between barefoot and minimalist running and differentiate them and as a result, there are found to become different cultural forms.
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The effect of minimalist shoe training on lower limb kinematics and kinetics in experienced shod runnersSchutte, Kurt Heinrich 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Limited data exists on a transition process of minimalist shoe running, warranting longitudinally designed studies. The primary aim of this study was thus to determine whether lower limb kinematics can be adapted, whether vertical average loading rate (VALR) can be attenuated, and whether lower limb joint moments can be altered by either novice or short-term (seven-week) minimalist shoe training.
Ten experimental (EXP) habitually shod male endurance runners (age 24.10 ± 1.74; weekly training mileage 29.36 ± 8.51 km; BMI: 22.83 ± 8.55 kg/m2) volunteered to participate in a seven-week minimalist shoe transition programme. Eleven age and training matched control participants (CONT) (age 24.00 ± 2.18; weekly training mileage 24.90 ± 3.30 km; BMI: 23.78 ± 6.12) continued to run in their usual running shoes during the intervention period. All participants were provided with a pair of Vibram Fivefingers ® (VF). The VF intervention started at ~ 11% to 22% and ended at ~ 52% to 132% of the participants‘ usual shod training distance, determined by subjective lower limb comfort ratings. Lower limb biomechanics for barefoot: BF, minimalist: VF, and shod: SH were recorded with an eight-camera Vicon ® motion capture system, synchronized with a Bertec ® force plate, both prior to and after the transition programme. Twelve running trials at self-selected speeds were recorded bilaterally for each shoe condition. An inverse dynamic approach was used to calculate lower extremity joint moments. Primary parameters of interest were kinematic: step frequency (steps/min), step length (m), footstrike angles (FSA, degrees), strike index (SI,%); average vertical loading rate (VALR, BW/S) and sagittal and frontal plane peak joint moments (Nm/kg.m) of the ankle, knee and hip.
At pre-testing, the results showed that for VALR, VF running was significantly higher than SH running but significantly lower than BF running (P < 0.05). Statistically significant shorter step lengths, higher step frequencies, greater plantar-flexion FSA, higher strike index, greater knee flexion FSA, and greater ankle inversion FSA were seen in BF and VF conditions compared to SH (P < 0.05). Statistically higher plantarflexion moment peak (PFM) while lower ankle dorsiflexion moment peak (DFM) and knee abduction moment peak (KAM) was found while BF and VF than SH running.
The only statistically significant effect of the VF training intervention on kinematics was that of higher step frequency for the SH condition (P < 0.05), and greater inversion FSA in the BF condition. A trend was seen for the EXP group to increase VALR (P > 0.05). Ankle PFM peak significantly increased, while knee extensor moment peak (KEM) peak significantly decreased for the EXP group only (P < 0.05).
Contrary to the initial hypothesis, novice or short-term VF training did not result in significantly attenuated VALR. However, alterations in joint moments suggest a shift in the distribution of external loads due to the VF training. Insufficient kinematic adaptation with VF training could be attributed to inability to sense higher VALR or due to greater perceived ratings of calf-Achilles discomfort, and may indicate that more than seven-weeks are required to transition and adapt to VF running. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beperkte data is beskikbaar oor die oorgangs fase van hardloop met minimalistiese skoene, langtermyn studies is dus nodig. Die primêre doel van die studie is om te bepaal of gemiddelde vertikale ladingstempo (VALR) verminder kan word en onderste-ledemaat gewrigsmomente aangepas kan word deur ‗n korttermyn oefenprogram in minimalistiese skoene.
Tien experimentaal (EXP) manlike uithouvermoë hardlopers (ouderdom 24.10 ± 1.74; weeklikse oefen afstand 29.36 ± 8.51; BMI: 22.83 ± 8.55) wat gewoonlik in skoene hardloop het vrywillig ingestem om aan die sewe week minimalistiese-skoen oorgangsprogram deel te neem. Elf kontrole deelnemers wat gepas is volgens ouderdom en oefening, (ouderdom 24.00 ± 2.18; weeklikse oefening 24.90 ± 3.30 km; BMI: 23.78 ± 6.12 kg/m2) het in hulle gewone oefenskoene bly hardloop. Alle deelnemers het ‗n paar Vibram Fivefingers ®-skoene ontvang. Die VF intervensie het begin met ~ 11% tot 22% en geeinde met ~ 52% tot 132% van die deelnemers gewone afstande in SH. Biomeganiese aspekte van die onderste ledemate vir kaalvoet: BF, minimalisties: VF, en skoene: SH is deur middel van ‗n agt-kamera Vicon ® bewegingsisteem gesinkroniseer met ‗n Bertec ® kragplatform, voor en na die oorgangsprogram bepaal. Twaalf hardloop-pogings teen ‘n self-bepaalde spoed is bilateraal vir elke skoenkondisie gemeet. ‗n Omgekeerde dinamiese benadering is gebruik om die gewrigsmomente van die onderste ledemate te bepaal. Die primêre parameters van belang was kinematies: treefrekwensie, treelengte, voettrefhoeke (FSA), tree-indeks (SI); gemiddelde vertikale ladingstempo (VALR), en sagittale en frontale vlak piek gewrigsmomente van die enkel, knie en heup.
By voor-toetsing, die resultate toon aan dat vir VALR, VF-hardloop betekenisvol hoër was in vergelyking met SH-hardloop, maar betekenisvol laer was in vergelyking met BF-hardloop (P < 0.05). Statisties beduidende korter tree, hoër treefrekwnesie, meer plantaarfleksie FSA, hoer ―strike index‖, meer kniefleksie FSA, en meer enkel inversie FSA is gevind in die BF en VF kondisie in vergelyking met SH (P < 0.05). Statistiese betekenisvol hoër plantaarfleksiemoment pieke (PFM), en minder enkel dorsiefleksiemoment pieke (DFM) en knie abduksiemoment pieke (KAD) was gevind by BF- en VF- hardloop in vergelyking met SH-hardloop (P < 0.05)
Die enigste statistiese betekenisvolle verskil in die kinematika van die VF intervensie was ‗n hoër tree frekwensie vir die SH kondisie (P < 0.05), en groter enkel inversie FSA in die BF kondisie. Die EXP groep neig om ‗n verhoging in VALR te hê (P > 0.05). ‗n Aansienlike verhoging is gevind in piek enkel PFM, terwyl piek knie KEM statisties wesenlik verlaag het in die EXP groep (P < 0.05).
In teenstelling met die oorspronklike hipotese het onmiddellike en 'n korttermyn VF oefenprogram nie 'n bekenisvolle effek op VALR vermindering nie. Sommige veranderings in gewrigsmomente suggereer dat 'n verplasing in die verspreiding van eksterne ladings plaasvind as gevolg van die VF oefening. Die onvoldoende kinematiese aanpassing kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan die onvermoë om hoër VALR waar te neem, of as gevolg van die hoër waargenome lesings in kuit-Achilles ongemak. Dit kan aandui da 'n VF oorgang proses van meer as sewe weke vereis word om aan te pas aan.
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Löpa med eller utan skor: en litteraturöversikt över löpekonomi och biomekanik / Running with or without shoes: a systematic review of running economy and biomechanicsGradin, Christoffer, Jonsson, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Löpning är en populär motionsform i Sverige idag, dock är det vanligt med överbelastningsskador bland löpare och nästan 80% skadar sig på något vis varje år. Diskussion har uppstått bland löpare och forskare kring om barfotalöpning kan förändra biomekaniken och därmed ändra belastningen och minska risken för skador, samt om barfotalöpning kan leda till en förbättrad löpekonomi och påverka löparens prestationer. Syfte: Att undersöka vilken effekt barfotalöpning (inkl. minimalistskor) har på biomekanik mätt med ground reaction force (GRF) och löpekonomi mätt med syreupptagning jämfört med löpning med konventionella skor. Metod: Systematisk narrativ litteraturöversikt. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i databaserna Pubmed och Cochrane. Studier som var randomiserade kontrollerade studier (RCT) alternativt cross-over studier inkluderades. Kvalitetsgranskning av studierna genomfördes med PEDro och tillförlitligheten av resultatet bedömdes med GRADEstud. Resultat: Åtta artiklar inkluderades, tre om biomekanik och fem om löpekonomi. Inga samstämmiga resultat sågs gällande barfotalöpningens effekter på GRF, en studie påvisade en signifikant minskning medan två studier visade på en signifikant ökning av GRF. Positiva tendenser sågs i studierna om löpekonomi, varav två påvisade signifikanta förbättringar. Kvaliteten på artiklarna bedömdes som måttlig och tillförlitligheten till resultaten bedömdes vara mycket låg. Konklusion: Barfotalöpning påvisar vissa positiva effekter på löpekonomi medan effekterna på GRF är motstridiga. Tillförlitligheten av evidensen bedömdes vara mycket låg. Det behövs fler högkvalitativa studier som undersöker de långvariga och akuta effekterna av barfotalöpning på löpekonomi och biomekanik för att kunna dra slutsatser och implementera kunskapen bland fysioterapeuter som arbetar med löparskador. / Background: Running is a popular activity in Sweden today. However, injuries are common and almost 80% of runners get injured each year. Discussions about whether barefoot running could alter the biomechanics and decrease the risk of injury, and improve the running economy and increase a runner's performance, has risen amongst runners and researchers. Purpose: To examine the effects of barefoot running (minimalist footwear) on biomechanics measured with ground reaction force (GRF) and running economy measured with oxygen consumption compared to shod running. Method: A systematic review. Articles were found using the Pubmed and Chochrane database. Randomised controlled trials (RCT) or Cross-over studies were included. Assessment of study quality was measured with the PEDro-scale and the reliability of the result assessed with GRADEstud. Result: Eight articles were included, three about biomechanics and five about running economy. Inconclusive results were found on the effects of barefoot running on GRF, one study showed a significant reduction in GRF and the other two showed increase in GRF. Positive tendencies were found concerning running economy, two studies showed a significant increase. The quality of the studies were moderate and the reliability of the result were very low. Conclusion: Barefoot running showed positive findings on running economy, while the effects on GRF were inconclusive. The evidence was considered very low. There is a need for more high-quality studies examining the long-lasting and acute effects of barefoot running on running economy and biomechanics to be able to draw conclusions and implement the knowledge in clinical physiotherapy.
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Changes in Running Technique At Shod and Barefoot Running Condition : - An analysis of Muay Thai FightersSjöholm, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Background: everal studies mean that individuals accustomed to running barefoot and habitually barefoot individuals choose a fore foot or mid foot strike rather than a rear foot strike when running. This is partly to do with the proprioceptive feedback given from the soles of the feet. The common denominator of the barefoot runner and the Muay Thai fighter would be this proprioceptive feedback due to general bare foot training. A contributing factor to a non heal strike pattern could perhaps also be found in the sport specific movement pattern of Muay Thai where the athlete is trained to execute several actions from the fore foot. Aim: The first aim was to analyse differences in angles of the knee, ankle and foot at initial contact while running shod compared to barefoot in Muay Thai fighters accustomed to training barefoot. A second aim was to investigate if there was a difference in running technique regarding foot strike pattern when running shod compared to bare foot. The foot strike pattern is defined as heal strike, mid foot strike or forefoot strike. Method: Seventeen Muay Thai fighters (13 male 4 female) volunteered to participate in the test of the cross- sectional experimental study. The study took place at PT-Studion Halmstad. The participants performed 2x3minutes of running shod and barefoot respectively at a subjective speed equal to a 12 on the Borg scale. Both conditions were video recorded from a sagittal plane using an iPhone 6. The dominant leg defined as the non-weight bearing leg at the preferred boxing stance was analysed. Data was collected two-dimensionally of the angels of the knee, ankle and foot position to horizontal. Foot strike pattern was also determined. Landmarks were marked to ease the analysis. T-tests of paired samples were used to examine whether there were any differences between the angle of the knee, ankle and foot at barefoot and shod conditions. The significance level for this study was set to be statistically significant if p ≤ 0.05. Foot strike frequency distributions were compared between shod and barefoot runners using chi-square (X2) analysis. Result: A significant difference at the angle of the foot (p=0,034) at initial contact with the ground while running between shod (12 ± 9) and barefoot (17 ± 9) was found. No significant difference in the angle of the knee (p=0,076) or ankle (p=0,081) was found. Changes in foot strike pattern were observed. At shod condition 88% used a rear foot strike, 6% used a mid foot strike and 6% used a forefoot strike. At barefoot condition 41% used a rear foot strike, 0% used a mid foot strike and 59% a fore foot strike. Conclusion: This study shows that the there is a significant difference in foot strike pattern when running shod and barefoot which confirms previous studies. The test group have in common that they train Muay Thai although; their sport specific training doesn’t appear to in this case have any impact on the foot strike pattern. / Bakgrund: Flera studier menar att individer vana att springa barfota samt individer som lever barfota väljer en framfota insättning vid löpning snarare än en hälisättning. Detta har delvis att göra med den proprioceptiva återkopplingen från fotsulan. Den gemensamma nämnaren mellan barfotalöparen och Muay Thai atleten skulle kunna vara denna feedback beroende av barfotaträning. En bidragande faktor till en icke hälisättning skulle kunna förklaras av det idrottsspecifika rörelsemönstret i Muay Thai där flera moment utförs stående på den främre delen av foten. Syfte: Ett syfte var att analysera skillnader i knä, ankel och fotvinklar vid initial kontakt i löpsteget vid skodd och barfota löpning av i Muay Thai-fighters vana vid träning barfota. Ett andra syfte var att undersöka eventuella skillnader i fotisättning vid barfotalöpning samt löpning med skor. Fotisättning definieras som framfot, mellan fot eller bakre/häl-isättning. Metod: Sjutton (17) Muay Thai atleter (13manliga 4kvinnliga) ställde frivilligt upp att delta i tvärsnittsstudien. Studien ägde rum på PT-Studion Halmstad. Testpersoner utförde 2x3minuter av löpning med och utan skor vid en subjektiv hastighet lika med en 12 på Borg skalan. Båda förhållandena filmades i sagitalplan med iPhone 6. Det dominanta benet definierat som det icke viktbärande benet vid den föredragna boxningspositionen analyserades. Tvådimensionell analys av förändringar i fotisättning, vinklar i knäled, ankelled och fotens position till det horisontella samt fotisättning dokumenterades. Landmärken markerades för att underlätta analysen. T-test användes för att undersöka om det fanns några skillnader i vinkeln av knäled, fotled och ankel vid löpning med skor och barfota. Signifikansnivån för denna studie bestämdes vara statistiskt signifikant om p <0,05. Frekvensen av fotisättningen fördelning jämfördes via chi-square (X2) analys. Resultat: En signifikant skillnad (p=0,034) i fotvinkeln vid initial kontakt med marken under löpning med skor (12 ± 9) och barfota (17 ± 9) hittades, men inga signifikanta skillnader i knäets vinkel ((p=0,076) eller ankel (p=0,081) hittades. Med skor vald 88 % en hälisättning, 6 % en mittfotsisättning och 6 % en främre fotisättning. Vid löpning barfota valde 41 % en hälisättning, 0 % en mittfotsisättning och 59 % en främre fotisättning. Slutsats: Studien visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i fotisättningen mellan löpning barfota och med skor vilket bekräftar tidigare studier. Testgruppen har gemensamt att de tränar thaiboxning, dock kan inte den sportspecifika träningen förklara det valda fotisättningsmönstret.
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