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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of peace movements on a society immersed in conflict : an analysis of the framing processes of the Basque peace movement

Anton, Egoitz Gago January 2011 (has links)
The Basque conflict has waged since the 1950s in its current form. However, with the arrival of democracy 36 years ago, the Basque Country has been the scene of an intense peace mobilization, dominated by two peace organizations: Gesto por la Paz, a group of community organizations that mobilize to publicly reject political violence, and Lokarri/Elkarri, an organization that includes a conflict resolution proposal based on dialogue between conflicting parties. While there is some literature on these organizations, none has analysed their extraordinary impact on Basque society. This research explores how the Basque peace movement has impacted on the social and political culture of the Basque conflict. It seeks to understand the nature of this impact and to determine the channels and methods by which it was achieved, using frame analysis. Three interlinked questions serve to guide the research, asking first if there is a Basque Peace Frame and if it could be considered a master frame, how this Basque Peace Frame has evolved, and, finally, how the Basque Peace Frame has impacted on other Basque Civil Society Organizations related to the conflict. This qualitative research spans the period between the March 2006 declaration of ceasefire by ETA and the end of fieldwork for this research in September 2008. The research includes 18 in depth interviews, written media, and analysis of seven notable Basque social organizations related to the conflict, in addition to the two peace organizations mentioned above. The research found the impact of the Basque peace movement in the Basque Country is significant and rich. The Basque Peace Frame developed based on the rejection of the use of violence as a political tool and identifies that violence as the main barrier to achieving an inclusive conflict resolution. The Basque peace movement organizations developed a specific kind of mobilization to enforce the Basque Peace Frame based on silent and symbolic acts. The objective was to counter the former dynamics of mobilization that were contentious and directed to promote Basque national rights. The Basque Peace Frame proposed a change in the way the political collective identity was constructed in the Basque Country, showing that an association between nationalism and violence is not obligatory. The Basque Peace Frame has evolved and spread between social organizations in the Basque Country, using sympathetic identity networks as the main channel of frame diffusion. Even organizations that did not reject the use of contentious methods of protest are now questioning the use of violence, signifying exciting prospects for the future of non-violent political action in the Basque Country.

Les chapelles rurales de Gascogne et du Pays Basque du XVIème siècle au XVIIIème siècle : signes d’une culture religieuse identitaire et relais d’un catholicisme actif dans les campagnes / The rural chapels in gascony and in the Basque country in the 16th and 17th centuries

Gaye, Stéphanie 20 June 2011 (has links)
La répartition des chapelles rurales en Gascogne et au Pays Basque qui semble « statique » révèle dans le courant des XVIème et XVIIème siècles, une mainmise de plus en plus étroite de l’Eglise tridentine. Ce phénomène s’intensifie dans les courants des XVIIème et XVIIIème siècles, avec la construction de nouvelles chapelles majoritairement vouées au culte de Marie. L’Eglise adapte un système préexistant et le perfectionne. Elle réinvestit la culture religieuse locale, dont les chapelles rurales sont un fondement et un support de l’identité gasconne et basque. Elle favorise les pèlerinages et les processions dans ces chapelles vouées au culte de Notre Dame, sapant l’influence de certaines chapelles rurales, qui constituent pour certaines, des cadres de pratiques « superstitieuses » et « profanes », à la limite de la religion légale. Elle crée, ainsi un réseau hiérarchisé, fer de lance de la réforme tridentine. Les confréries, un clergé dévoué et dans certains cas, la présence d’un ordre religieux (couvents, monastères…) encadrent les fidèles.Les chapelles rurales constituent des relais d’une « re-catholicisation ». En effet, un vaste mouvement d’acculturation des populations rurales semble mis en place par l’Eglise tridentine. Enfin, en tant que vecteur de cette « re-catholicisation » des populations rurales, les chapelles s’intègrent dans une volonté de lutter contre le protestantisme dont la forme dans le Sud-ouest est le calvinisme. Certains sanctuaires créent de véritables zones d’influence délimitant l’aire culturelle de Gascogne et du Pays Basque. / The spreading of the rural chapels in Gascony and in the Basque Country which seems « static » reveals a growing takeover by the tridentine Church in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 17th and 18th centuries, this phenomenon is intensified by new chapels mainly devoted to Mary. The Church adapts a pre-existing system and improves it. It reinvests the local religious culture founded on rural chapels which are deeply part of the Gascon and Basque identity. In these chapels devoted to Our Lady, pilgrimages and processions are furthered, undermining the influence of some rural chapels, some of which shelter “superstitious” and “secular” practices at the limit of the legal religion. Thus it creates a hierarchic organization which constitutes the spearhead of the tridentine reform. The faithful are guided by the brotherhoods, a devoted clergy and sometimes a religious order (convents, monasteries …). The rural chapels take over the “re-catholicization”. A wide movement of the rural populations’ cultural integration actually seems to be set up by the Tridentine Church. Finally, as a “re-catholicization” medium of the rural populations, the chapels integrate into a will to fight against Protestantism known as the Calvinism in South-Western France. Some sanctuaries create a real zone of influence delimiting the cultural area of Gascony and the Basque Country.

L'implication des enfants et des jeunes gens dans la sorcellerie à travers les traités, les procès et les documents officiels : Navarre et Pays Basque espagnols, XVIe siècle et début du XVIIe siècle / The involvement of children and young people in witchcraft as depicted in minutes of trials and treatises : in the Basque-Navarre regions at the end of the 15th century and beginning of the 17th century

Biegun, Clarisse 14 March 2014 (has links)
Mon travail de doctorat porte sur l’implication des enfants et des jeunes gens dans les phénomènes de sorcellerie qui se sont déroulés au Pays Basque de la fin du XVe siècle au début du XVIIe siècle. Mon corpus d'analyse comporte des traités de l'époque, des minutes de procès inquisitoriaux, ainsi que des documents officiels provenant des autorités. A travers l'examen en archives des différentes pièces, j'ai cherché à savoir qui étaient ces enfants et ces jeunes gens, à connaître leur âge, leur condition sociale et leur profil psychologique. D'autres questions ont surgi au cours de ma recherche : combien y a-t-il eu d'enfants concernés en fonction des années et du contexte socio-économique ? Quelle a été la place des rêves et de l’imagination dans ces phénomènes de sorcellerie ? Quelles ont été les répercussions des procès sur l'ensemble de la société ? J'ai pu mettre au jour le rôle joué par ces enfants et ces jeunes gens dans la progression, la propagation, l’expression et la matérialisation des actes tenant à la sorcellerie. Dans un deuxième temps, je me suis intéressée plus particulièrement à un évènement majeur de cette histoire : la chasse aux sorcières de Zugarramurdi qui a conduit à l’autodafé de Logroño en 1610. Je tente grâce aux documents d’époque, qu’il s’agisse de procès, de traités, de documents officiels en tous genres, de faire surgir un profil type de ces enfants et de ces jeunes gens et de proposer des faits une interprétation globale. Mon hypothèse de départ est que certains ont revêtu un habit de victime, d’autres de bourreau, et certains des deux à la fois dans un jeu subtil. J’essaie également de déterminer quelle fut la réaction et la réponse des autorités, des élites et du peuple face à cette dynamique de peur du diable et de châtiment alimentée en grande partie par les enfants eux-mêmes. Enfin, je m’emploie à déterminer la spécificité de la Péninsule Ibérique en matière de sorcellerie et à montrer que l’autodafé de Logroño de 1610 a marqué une évolution décisive dans la prise en compte de ces phénomènes de sorcellerie — notamment à travers l'écriture de traités sur la question novateurs —, ce qui signale un changement des mentalités de l’époque. / My PHD thesis tackles children’s and young people’s involvement in the witchcraft phenomena which happened in the Basque Country at the end of the 15th Century and at the beginning of the 17th century. My corpus of analysis is composed of treatises written at that time, of minutes from inquisitorial trials, as well as of official documents issued by authorities. By examining the different texts in the archives, I endeavoured to find out who these children and young people were, their age, their social statuses and their psychological profiles. More questions arose during my research: how many children were involved depending on the years and on the socio-economical context? What part did dreams and imagination play in those witchcraft phenomena? What were the repercussions of the trials for the whole society? I managed to bring to light the role played by these children and these young people in the progression, the spreading, the expression and the materialization of the acts relating to witchcraft. Secondly, I particularly turned my attention to a major event of this period that is Zugarramurdi witch hunt, which led to Logroño auto-da-fé in 1610. Thanks to the documents written at that period – trial minutes, treatises, and various official documents alike – I tried to discover the typical profile of those children and those young people and to suggest a global interpretation for the facts. My premise is that some of the children and young people played the part of victims, others of torturers, and some of both in a subtle way. I also attempted to establish what were the responses and reaction of the authorities, the elite and the people in that climate of Fear of the Devil and that of Punishment, a fear which was mainly fed by children themselves. Finally, I applied myself to determining the specificity of the Iberian Peninsula in terms of witchcraft and to showing that the Logroño auto-da-fé of 1610 marked a decisive evolution in the way people perceived those phenomena of witchcraft, which can be notably noticed in the innovative treatises that were written after that date. This new vision indicates a change in mentalities at that period.

Egiazko Misterioa Euskararen: La Politique Linguistique, les Methodes Educatives, et la Revitalisation de la Langue Basque en France et en Espagne du Vingtieme Siecle Jusquau Present

Cooper-Finger, Rose 01 January 2014 (has links)
The Basque people and their language have been politically oppressed for centuries. I examine the history of the Basque language and how its oppression and revitalization have been shaped by the language policies of France and Spain, the two countries spanned by the Basque country. I focus my research and predictions on the French Basque Country, which is currently subject to a more oppressive language policy than Spanish Basque Country. The number of Basque-speaking bilinguals in the French Basque Country is decreasing and attitudes regarding instruction of the language have become more apathetic. I explore governmental, community, and combined efforts to preserve and encourage use of the language and draw several conclusions about viable future revitalization efforts.

Algo a fazer : oicogênese e arquitetura no Vale de Araotz (País Basco)

Lopez Guereñu, Ion Fernández de Las Heras 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Aelson Maciera (aelsoncm@terra.com.br) on 2017-04-18T17:52:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissIFHLG.pdf: 10702734 bytes, checksum: 3f11ee4ccb548f09f8f86d111f9afc4f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-04-24T14:07:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissIFHLG.pdf: 10702734 bytes, checksum: 3f11ee4ccb548f09f8f86d111f9afc4f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-04-24T14:07:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissIFHLG.pdf: 10702734 bytes, checksum: 3f11ee4ccb548f09f8f86d111f9afc4f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-24T14:14:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissIFHLG.pdf: 10702734 bytes, checksum: 3f11ee4ccb548f09f8f86d111f9afc4f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / The object of this investigation is the production of the house in the Basque countryside, the baserri, in the context of the Valley of Araotz (Municipality of Oñati, Guipuzcoa, Basque Country). The study is clearly separated into two parts. On the first one, I deal with the historic formation of the baserri as an object of inquiry and in relation to the genesis of two systems of knowledge that produced, through a complex conceptual and theoretical machinery, its own defining outlines: the family-baserri and the architecture-baserri. On the second part, I try to analyze the particular assemblages which mediated, produced and/or built certain houses in the Valley of Araotz during the period of my fieldwork. This way, the aim consists on describing a particular oikogenesis without structuring it from the classifying outlines introduced by the disciplinary logical sets analyzed on the first part, and at the same time having the possibility to find these same classifiers at work and being able to deal with them as proper ethnographic data. Thus, I describe how the production of houses in Araotz is not limited to a definite series of categories anticipated by an efficient cause and that works as an analytical explanation; on the contrary, the singular acts that make baserri are interdependent and contemporary to the production of a diverse series of aspects, such as family, neighborhood, names, heritage, form and materiality of constructions, landscape and territory, animal husbandry, etc. In addition, it is necessary to state that the “pure” delimitation of these aspects is a mere abstraction and that in Araotz not a few times are these found intertwined to the architectural typologies, the anthropological family types, the valuation of material heritage or simply to the nation-state. In Araotz, not only the family is created through the construction of the house, but even the architecture and the anthropology of kinship are inferred and recreated while house and family are made. / Esta pesquisa tem por objeto a produção da casa do meio rural basco, o baserri, no âmbito do Vale de Araotz (Município de Oñati, Guipúscoa, País Basco). O estudo está claramente dividido em duas partes. Na primeira parte trato da formação histórica do baserri enquanto objeto de conhecimento e em relação à gênese de dois sistemas de saber que produziram, mediante uma complexa bricolagem conceitual e teórica, seus próprios recortes definitórios da suposta natureza do fenômeno: o baserri-família e o baserri-arquitetura. Na segunda parte procuro analisar os agenciamentos particulares que mediaram, produziram e construíram determinadas casas do Vale de Araotz no período do meu trabalho de campo. Assim, o objetivo consiste em descrever uma oicogênese particular sem estrutura-la desde os cortes classificatórios introduzidos pelos pacotes lógicos disciplinares analisados na primeira parte, e simultaneamente ter a possibilidade de encontrar esses mesmos classificadores em pleno exercício para poder tratá-los como dados propriamente etnográficos. Desse modo, descrevo como a produção das casas em Araotz não se limita a uma série definida de instâncias previstas por uma causa eficiente que faz as vezes de explicação analítica; ao contrário, os atos singulares que fazem baserri são interdependentes e contemporâneos à produção de um heterogeneidade de aspectos, como a família, a vizinhança, os nomes, a herança, a forma e materialidade das construções, a paisagem e o território, a cria de animais, etc. Cabe dizer que a delimitação “pura” desses aspectos é uma mera abstração, e que em Araotz não são poucas às vezes que eles se encontram emaranhados às tipologias arquitetônicas, aos modelos antropológicos de família, às valorizações do patrimônio cultural ou, simplesmente, ao Estado-nação. Em Araotz, não se trata unicamente de que a família se faz com a construção da casa, mas de que a própria antropologia do parentesco e a arquitetura inferem e se refazem enquanto se faz casa e família. / FAPESP: 2014/19818-6

Tradice bertsolaritza v kontextu jazykové revitalizace a politiky v současném Baskicku / Bertsolaritza tradition in the context of language revival and politics in contemporary Basque Country

Chochola, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with bertsolaritza - Basque poetic improvization - in its relation to language revival and politics in contemporary Basque country. In terms of methodology, this paper is based on anthropological fieldwork combined with the study of secondary data. Theoretical framework uses concepts of ethnicity and nationalism, anthropology of art, theory of poetry and performance as well as concepts of political anthropology. The issue is built on three fields: history of basque nationalism, language revival and bertsolaritza. Bertsolaritza is depicted as an artistic activity that participates on the construction of collective identity of euskaldunak (speakers of Basque). The core analysis is focused on 2013 Championship (Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusia) in improvised poetry and its link to the basque political discourse 2011-2013. Bertsolaritza is to be understood as an expression of sociopolitical reflections within the frame of izquierda abertzale (nationalist left) as well as an open artistic reflection of a variety of socially relevant issues.

Baskičtina v denní komunikaci mladých lidí / Basque language in daily communication of young people

Nižnanská, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Thesis "Basque in the daily communication of young people," discusses the factors that have an impact on an use of Basque in common life. This work describes briefly the Basque region of geographic and historic perspective. The work also outlines nationalist theory and language planning. The main objective is to get as close to the practical influence on today's generation of young people who could choose education in Basque and whether there is a link with the ability to speak Basque and identity designing Basque / Euskalduna.

Sekuritizace terorismu: Vývoj debat o detenčních opatřeních ve Velké Británii a Španělsku / The Securitization of Terrorism: The Evolution of Debate on Detention Measures in the United Kingdom and in Spain

Vrubel, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theme of counter-terrorism legislation in two West European countries, namely in the United Kingdom and in Spain. Specifically I focus on the topic of detention measures (particularly on the specifics of the means of detention of suspects of terrorism) and on the attempts of their toughening in both of the states named above. On the present issue I apply the theory of securitization, through which I examine the debate on toughening the detention measures, which occurred in both of these countries. The text of the thesis comprises of two long historical chapters and a comparative final one. The first two chapters deal with the complicated development of terrorist threats and counter-terrorist reaction with a special focus on detention measures. The main goal is to introduce the extensive matter of counter-terrorist legislation and to integrate the principal topic in a broader context. The final chapter consists of several shorter parts, which allow the comparison of distinct attitudes of both states. After 9/11 both the United Kingdom and Spain chose different strategies how to deal with the threat of terrorism legislatively and how to toughen the measures examined. The main research question is how the securitization of terrorism in the United Kingdom and in Spain differed...

Baskičtina v denní komunikaci mladých lidí / Basque language in daily communication of young people

Nižnanská, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of peace movements on a society immersed in conflict. An analysis of the framing processes of the Basque peace movement.

Anton, Egoitz G. January 2011 (has links)
The Basque conflict has waged since the 1950s in its current form. However, with the arrival of democracy 36 years ago, the Basque Country has been the scene of an intense peace mobilization, dominated by two peace organizations: Gesto por la Paz, a group of community organizations that mobilize to publicly reject political violence, and Lokarri/Elkarri, an organization that includes a conflict resolution proposal based on dialogue between conflicting parties. While there is some literature on these organizations, none has analysed their extraordinary impact on Basque society. This research explores how the Basque peace movement has impacted on the social and political culture of the Basque conflict. It seeks to understand the nature of this impact and to determine the channels and methods by which it was achieved, using frame analysis. Three interlinked questions serve to guide the research, asking first if there is a Basque Peace Frame and if it could be considered a master frame, how this Basque Peace Frame has evolved, and, finally, how the Basque Peace Frame has impacted on other Basque Civil Society Organizations related to the conflict. This qualitative research spans the period between the March 2006 declaration of ceasefire by ETA and the end of fieldwork for this research in September 2008. The research includes 18 in depth interviews, written media, and analysis of seven notable Basque social organizations related to the conflict, in addition to the two peace organizations mentioned above. The research found the impact of the Basque peace movement in the Basque Country is significant and rich. The Basque Peace Frame developed based on the rejection of the use of violence as a political tool and identifies that violence as the main barrier to achieving an inclusive conflict resolution. The Basque peace movement organizations developed a specific kind of mobilization to enforce the Basque Peace Frame based on silent and symbolic acts. The objective was to counter the former dynamics of mobilization that were contentious and directed to promote Basque national rights. The Basque Peace Frame proposed a change in the way the political collective identity was constructed in the Basque Country, showing that an association between nationalism and violence is not obligatory. The Basque Peace Frame has evolved and spread between social organizations in the Basque Country, using sympathetic identity networks as the main channel of frame diffusion. Even organizations that did not reject the use of contentious methods of protest are now questioning the use of violence, signifying exciting prospects for the future of non-violent political action in the Basque Country. / La Fundacion La Caixa. Consejeria de Educación Universidades e Investigación of the Basque Country Government.

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