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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avsättningar som verktyg vid target beating : manipulerar svenska företag resultat för att nå mål?

Hagman, Johannes, Thunander, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Företagsledningar har incitament att manipulera resultat för att belönas internt eller av marknaden. Då resultatmanipulation utförs för att nå specifika mål kallas detta target beating. Resultatmanipulation, eller target beating, kan utföras genom diskretionära periodiseringar där avsättningar ligger inom ramen för att kunna påverka resultatet. Denna studie utreder dels om indikationer på target beating förekommer bland svenska börsnoterade företag, dels om ett samband finns mellan företagen med indikationer och årliga förändringar i avsättningsposter. Vi finner indikationer på att target beating förekommer bland svenska börsnoterade företag, och bland de företag där sannolikheten är störst att target beating används, finns även indikationer på att avsättningar används som medel för att nå målet. Storleken på avsättningsförändringarna i sig påvisar dock inget samband med target beating, men vi upptäcker däremot potential för två andra oväntade samband.

Venöse Revaskularisation bei Vorliegen einer Mikro- und Makroangiopathie / Venous revascularisation in a model of cardiac microangiopathy and macroangiopathy

Schiller, Julia Virginie 23 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die venöse Revaskularisation bei Vorliegen einer Mikro- und Makroangiopathie untersucht. Die Zielgruppe dieser Methodik sind Patienten, die aus kardiologischer und herzchirurgischer Sicht austherapiert sind, für die weder ein Stent noch eine konventionelle Bypassoperation in Frage kommt. Das betrifft Patienten mit disseziierten Gefäßen, mit schwerer diffuser koronarer Herzerkrankung oder small vessel disease. Für diese Patienten ist derzeit keine optimale Therapie vorhanden. Es handelt sich somit um eine ultima ratio-Therapie. Zur Prüfung der Effektivität der Methode bei beschriebenem Krankheitsbild wurde in Minipigs eine Mikroangiopathie durch Injektion von Mikrosphären (Durchmesser 100µm) in den linken Hauptstamm erzeugt. Nach 7 Wochen Krankheitsentwicklung der Mirkoangiopahtie wurde eine hochgradige Stenose des Ramus interventricularis anterior (RIVA) hervorgerufen, welches die Makroangiopathie simulieren sollte. Anschließend wurden die Tiere der Therapiegruppe mit einem Bypass von der Arteria mammaria auf die Begleitvene des RIVA versorgt. Dabei wurde die Begleitvene proximal der Anastomose ligiert. Die Kontrollgruppe blieb ohne Therapie. Die Stenose und der Bypass wurden angiographisch dargestellt. Nach 17 Wochen wurde bei allen Tieren eine Herzkatheteruntersuchung durchgeführt, um die Stenose und den Bypass zu beurteilen. Als Maß für die Herzleistung wurde zu allen 3 Versuchsteilen die Ejektionsfraktion bestimmt. Anhand der Ejektionsfraktion konnte die Überlegenheit der venösen Revaskularisation als Therapie gezeigt werden. 7 Wochen nach Injektion der Mikrosphären fielen die Werte der Ejektionsfraktion beider Gruppen ab. Nach 17 Wochen nahm die Ejektionfraktion der Therapiegruppe, die in der Zwischenzeit mit einem Bypass versorgt wurden, wieder deutlich zu und die der Kontrollgrupppe sank weiter ab. Zusätzlich wurden die entnommenen Herzen histologisch untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich ein Umbau des Gefäßsystems im Bereich der angeschlossenen Vene. / Objective: Many patients with significant arterioclerosis of the heart cannot benefit from a coronary artery bypass and other methods because they have macroangiopathy combined with microangiopathy. We evaluated the efficiency of venous revascularization in minipigs with macroangiopathy combined with microangiopathy in a chronic model of 3 months. Histological analysis of arterial and venous vessels of the heart was conducted. Methods: In left anterior descending artery (LAD) microspheres (diameter 100µm) were injected in 24 minipigs (12 control group, 12 therapy group). 7 weeks later a stenosis of the LAD was performed in both groups with an average of 84,6 ± 4,3%. In therapy group left internal thoracic artery was anastomosed to the concomitant vein of the LAD in beating heart surgery. The flow of bypass was proved in angiography and the flow rate was measured by ultrasound. 10 weeks later bypass of therapy group and stenosis of both groups were verified in angiography. At the beginning of every part of the experiment the ejection fraction in both groups was evaluated with echocardiography. Hemodynamic monitoring was performed throughout the experiment. In histological analysis arterial and venous vessels in left atrium, right atrium, septum and area of anastomosis were evaluated in the thickness of wall and area of lumen. Results: In ejection fraction a significant difference between control and therapy group was seen. After performing the bypass, the ejection fraction in therapy group increased, while it decreased in control group in the same period of time of 10 weeks. In the histological analysis a non-classifiable type of vessel was found only in the area of the anastomosis. The vessel had a a large area of lumen and a thick wall due to media hyperplasia. Conclusion: Venous revascularization of the concomitant vein of the LAD via bypass of the left thoracic artery in a chronic model improves cardiac funcion and is therefore an effective method when having microangiopathy and macroangiopathy combined. The non-classifiable type of vessel are most likely arterialized veins which underwent a structural change of the wall due to the arterial blood pressure.

Shortening cardioplegic arrest time in patients undergoing combined valvular and coronary surgery : a multicentre randomized controlled trial (the SCAT trial)

Capoun, Radek January 2014 (has links)
Background: Combined valvular and coronary artery bypass grafting (CAB G) surgery requires a long period of cardioplegic arrest (CA) that predisposes the heart to ischaemiareperfusion injury, low cardiac output syndrome, reperfusion dysrhythmias, inhospital mortality and increased costs. Procedures that can reduce the duration of CA would be expected to reduce intraoperative and postoperative complications. Mehods: Adults undergoing combined valvular and CABG surgery were randomized to either coronary surgery performed on the beating heart with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) support followed by CA for the valvular procedure (hybrid group) or surgery with both procedures carried out under CA (conventional group). The primary outcome was a composite of in-hospital death, postoperative myocardial infarction, cardiac dysrhythmias, requirements for cardiac pacing for more than 12 hours and/or inotropic support for more than 12 hours postoperativeiy. Results: One hundred and sixty patients (80 hybrid, 80 conventional) were randomized between March 2008 and July 2012. Mean age was 66.5 years and 74% were male. Valvular procedures included aortic (61.8%) and mitral (33.1%) alone or in combination (5.l %). The primary outcome occurred in 64/80 of the conventional group patients and 67/80 of the hybrid group patients (odds ratio 1.24, 95% Cl 0.54 to 2.86, p=0.61). The CA time was, on average, 16% shorter in the hybrid group (median 98 minutes vs. 89 minutes, geometric mean ration (GMR) 0.84, 95% Cl 0.77 to 0.93 , p=0.0004), but the overall duration of CPB was on average 7% longer in the hybrid group (GMR 1.07, 95% Cl 0.98 to 1.16, p=0.12). Cardiac troponin T plasma concentrations and levels of metabolites measured in heart biopsies were similar between the two treatment groups. Conclusion: The hybrid technique reduced the CA time, but this did not result in a significant reduction in the frequency of the primary outcome. In this trial the clinical outcomes and the extent of the myocardial injury were similar between the two surgical methods.

Quasi-elastic light scattering from macromolecules and dense binary gases.

Veldkamp, Wilfrid Bernard January 1976 (has links)
Thesis. 1976. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / Microfiche copy available in Archives and Engineering. / Vita. / Includes bibliographical references. / Ph.D.

Étude de la fonction de la protéine Bug22p dans différents organismes / Study of Bug22p protein in different organisms

Laligné, Chloé 29 September 2011 (has links)
Les cils sont des organites très conservés au cours de l’évolution des eucaryotes et présents à la surface de presque tous les types cellulaires. Ils sont constitués d’une structure microtubulaire, l’axonème, entourée d’une membrane en continuité avec la membrane plasmique. Ils sont nucléés par un corps basal, centriole ancré à la surface cellulaire. Grâce aux nombreux récepteurs qu’ils concentrent à leur membrane, tous les cils sont des senseurs de leur environnement. Ils peuvent aussi être motiles et assurer, par leur battement coordonné, le déplacement relatif de la cellule et du fluide environnant. Tandis que cil et structure centriolaire, hérités du premier eucaryote, ont été perdus par certains champignons et par les plantes supérieures, certains gènes codant des protéines ciliaires et centriolaires sont pourtant retrouvés dans le génome de ces espèces. Cette conservation de protéines sans l’organite suggère soit que ces protéines interviennent dans un même processus moléculaire utilisé dans plusieurs organites, soit qu’elles jouent des rôles dans des processus moléculaires distincts via leur interaction avec différents types de partenaires.J’ai choisi d’étudier l’une de ces protéines ciliaires et centriolaires, Bug22p, hautement conservée en séquence protéique entre l'homme et la paramécie, mais également présente chez les plantes supérieures. J’ai mené cette étude principalement sur la paramécie, système modèle pour la biogénèse des corps basaux et des cils, mais aussi sur des cellules de mammifère et de végétaux supérieurs. Si Bug22p est impliquée dans la détermination du battement ciliaire chez la paramécie, elle se localise également dans des cils immotiles de cellules de mammifère suggérant que son activité ciliaire n’est pas réduite à cette seule fonction. Des expériences d’inactivation génique suggèrent par ailleurs un lien entre l’activité de Bug22p et la polyglycylation. Sa surexpression dans les cellules de mammifère en culture entraîne l’apparition d’extensions cellulaires et une augmentation des réseaux de tubulines acétylées probablement associées à une stabilisation des microtubules. L'ensemble de mes résultats suggère donc un rôle de Bug22p dans la régulation de modifications post-traductionnelles. En plus d’être présente dans les structures ciliaires, Bug22p se localise aussi bien dans les noyaux de la paramécie que dans ceux des cellules humaines et des plantes supérieures Arabidopsis et Nicotiana. Ces observations ouvrent un nouveau champ d’études. En effet, si l’on sait que les tubulines ciliaires sont soumises à différentes modifications post-traductionnelles telles que polyglycylation ou acétylation, ce type de modifications touchent également des protéines nucléaires régulant ainsi le trafic de protéines nucléaires ou l’expression génique. Nous pouvons donc avancer l’hypothèse selon laquelle Bug22p agirait sur la régulation de ces modifications dans le cil et dans le noyau. Il serait donc intéressant de caractériser les modifications post-traductionnelles chez les plantes supérieures afin de vérifier une possible implication de Bug22p dans leur régulation et donc comprendre les raisons de sa conservation chez les végétaux. / Cilia, organelles that have been conserved throughout the evolution of eukaryotes, are found at the surface of most cell types. They are composed of a microtubular structure, the axoneme, surrounded by a membrane continuous to the plasma membrane. Cilia are nucleated by basal body, which is a centriole anchored to the cell surface. Cilia are environmental sensors concentrated in the ciliary membrane. Cilia can be motile and ensure the relative movement of the cell with respect to the surrounding fluid by their coordinated beating. While cilia and centriolar structures inherited from the first eukaryote have been lost by certain fungi and higher plants, certain genes encoding ciliary and centriolar proteins are found in the genomes of organisms lacking these structures. The conservation of these proteins without organelle suggests that these proteins are involved in the same molecular process into different organelles or proteins are involved into different processes through some interactions with different partners.I chose to study the ciliary and centriolar protein, Bug22p, highly conserved between human and Paramecium proteins sequences, and also present in higher plants. My work addressed this study primarily on Paramecium, a model system for biogenesis of basal bodies and cilia, and I also pursued investigation of mammalian cells and higher plants. I was able to show that Bug22p is necessary for efficient Paramecium ciliary beating, but I also localized in the immotile cilia of mammalian cells suggesting that Bug22p is not only restricted to the motile ciliary function. By knockdown experiments in Paramecium, I obtained evidence that Bug22p is involved in polyglycylation. Bug22p overexpression in mammalian cells led to the appearance of cell extensions and increased acetylated tubulin networks consistent with microtubule stabilization. My results suggest that Bug22p may regulate post-translational proteins modifications.Bug22p is also localized in the nuclei of Paramecium, human and higher plants such as Arabidopsis and Nicotiana. These observations open a new field of study. The axoneme microtubules are highly modified by post-translational modifications such as acetylation and polyglycylation; we know that in the nucleus, theses modifications are involved in the control of nuclear trafficking of some proteins and the regulation of gene expression. We can therefore speculate that Bug22p acts on the regulation of these changes in the cilium and in the nucleus. Finally, it would be interesting to characterize the post-translational modifications in higher plants to verify the possible involvement of Bug22p in their regulation and thus understand the meaning of its conservation in higher plants lacking cilia.

A study of the relation between sheet strength and fiber surface conditions

Dixson, Henry Philip 01 January 1939 (has links)
No description available.

The role of the hydroxyl groups of cellulose and pentosans in the water-binding phenomenon in the beating process

Aiken, William H. (William Hamblen) 01 January 1942 (has links)
No description available.

Attitudes Toward Marital Violence: Individual And Situational Factors

Ulu, Sinan 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between factors that are inherent in the perceiver, inherent in the situation / attitudes toward marital violence, attributions of blame in a violent incident, and judgments on what the victim should do after a violent incident. Attitudes are assessed via three beliefs that the violence can be justified, the husband is not responsible from the violence, and the blame of the violence can be attributed to the wife. Factors inherent in the perceiver (named individual factors), which are thought to be important, were defined as patriarchal and traditional beliefs about marriage and the family, hostile and benevolent sexism, beliefs about normative approval of violence, and gender. Factors inherent in the situation (named situational factors) were existence of (perceived) provocation in a violent incident, severity of the violence, and employment status of the wife and the husband. 327 METU students (176 female, 151 male) had filled out a questionnaire, in which a violent episode between a husband and a wife was described. The scenario contained manipulations on the situational factors. Other constructs were assessed via Likert type scales. Analyses revealed that the sample had held negative views of marital violence, but tend to disagree with immediate precautions like calling the police after a violent episode. Both situational and societal factors had differential effects on the dependent measures, patriarchy and hostile sexism was found to be especially related with the beliefs about wife beating whereas severity and provocation was strongly related with the attributions of blame. Existence of children had decreased the agreement with reactions that would end up the marriage. Suggestions for future research, and limitations of the study are discussed in addition to the findings.

Efeitos das correlações inter-átomos adsorvidos na densidade de estados do grafeno / Effect of inter-adatoms correlations on the local density of states of graphene

Guessi, Luiz Henrique Bugatti [UNESP] 18 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LUIZ HENRIQUE BUGATTI GUESSI null (lhbguessi@gmail.com) on 2016-03-05T22:01:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Final_full_Luiz_Henrique_Guessi.pdf: 8393900 bytes, checksum: 733e3b310e036a5d66ec11c8c11f985e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-03-07T18:18:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 guessi_lhb_me_rcla.pdf: 8393900 bytes, checksum: 733e3b310e036a5d66ec11c8c11f985e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-07T18:18:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 guessi_lhb_me_rcla.pdf: 8393900 bytes, checksum: 733e3b310e036a5d66ec11c8c11f985e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Foi discutido teoricamente a Densidade Local de Estados (LDOS) de uma folha de grafeno hospedando duas impurezas distantes localizadas no centro da célula hexagonal. Ao acoplar lateralmente a ponta do Microcópio de Varredura por Tunelamento (STM) sobre o átomo de carbono, dois novos notáveis efeitos foram detectados: i) uma estrutura de multiníveis na LDOS e ii) padrões de batimentos na LDOS induzida. Também foram mostrados que ambos os fenômenos ocorrem próximos aos pontos de Dirac e são altamente anisotrópicos. Além disso, foram propostos experimentos de condutância empregando o STM como uma sonda para a observação de tais manifestações exóticas na LDOS do grafeno induzida pela correlação entre as impurezas. / We discuss theoretically the Local Density of States (LDOS) of a graphene sheet hosting two distant adatoms located at the center of the hexagonal cells. By putting laterally a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) tip over a carbon atom, two remarkable novel effects can be detected: i) a multilevel structure in the LDOS and ii) beating patterns in the induced LDOS. We show that both phenomena occur nearby the Dirac points and are highly anisotropic. Furthermore, we propose conductance experiments employing STM as a probe for the observation of such exotic manifestations in the LDOS of graphene induced by inter-adatoms correlations.

Etude expérimentale des oscillations de plasma dans des transistors à effet de champ excitées optiquement / Experimental study of plasma oscillations in field effect transistors optically excited

Nouvel, Philippe 25 November 2011 (has links)
Le domaine térahertz est une région du spectre électromagnétique comprise entre 300 GHz et 30 THz. Elle représente un fort intérêt pour la communauté scientifique pour plusieurs raisons : la radiation térahertz possède en effet un potentiel de télécommunication à très haut débit important, elle constitue un moyen d'investigation efficace et non destructif pour différents types d'éléments et composés, minéraux ou organiques et elle représente une importance cruciale pour les astronomes qui estime que 98 % des photons émis par le Big Bang se trouvent dans ce domaine de fréquences. Malheureusement, à l'heure actuelle, le manque de sources et détecteurs facilement exploitables, intégrables et fonctionnant à température ambiante ne permet pas l'utilisation du domaine térahertz à grande échelle. Un nouveau phénomène physique exploitable tel que les oscillations d'ondes de plasma dans les nanotransistors représente une piste prometteuse pour combler ce manque. Ce phénomène étudié de manière analytique dans le milieu des années 1990, a donné lieu à un modèle qui reste très loin de la réalité physique et des conditions expérimentales. Des expériences récentes effectuées à température ambiante ont permis de montrer la possibilité d'exciter des oscillations d'ondes de plasma à l'intérieur d'un canal de HEMT par une radiation THz directe. Ce travail se propose de réaliser une étude systématique des transistors sous excitation effectuée par battement optique térahertz. Ceci afin de mieux comprendre et exploiter les ondes de plasma dans les nanotransistors à effet de champ. Cela nous a conduit à étudier l'effet des paramètres géométriques et physiques du transistor comme les longueurs de grille, les longueurs des cap-layers, la tension de drain et la tension de grille. En parallèle à ce travail expérimental un modèle hydrodynamique pseudo-2D était utilisé pour confronter l'ensemble des résultats pour une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes physiques. Ce travail a permis d'accéder à une compréhension et une description fines du phénomène d'excitation des ondes de plasma. ceci a permis d'initier l'étude de nouveaux dispositifs tel que un émetteur à base d'un transistor HEMT assisté par battement optique et la réalisation d'un mélangeur hétérodyne d'une radiation térahertz transposé par un battement optique en une fréquence intermédiaire plus basse et facilement exploitable. / The terahertz range covers the electromagnetic spectrum for frequencies between 300 GHz and 30 THz. It presents a strong interest in the scientific community for several reasons: Terahertz carriers allow for high-speed free-space telecommunications; Terahertz radiations can be used for efficient and non-destructive characterization of various components and materials (minerals or organic); Terahertz detection is of major interest for astronomers as 98 % of photons emitted since the Big Bang are in this frequency domain. Unfortunately, the lack of adequate sources and detectors, i.e. room-temperature-operating, low-cost and integrated, strongly limits the use of terahertz radiations for the above-mentioned applications. A new physical phenomenon called plasma waves in nanotransistors is very promising for the realization of terahertz sources and detectors. This new phenomenon was proposed in the mid-1990s on the basis of analytical calculations, although the model was rather simplified and it did not take into account the actual experimental conditions. Recent experiments performed at low and room temperature demonstrated the feasibility to excite plasma waves in the channel of a high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT), using a THz-radiation excitation.This work presents a different way to excite this plasma wave by using an optical beating excitation. A systematic study of nanometric transistors under optical excitation to better understand and exploit plasma waves is carried on. The effects of geometrical parameters such as transistor gate length or cap-layer length are investigated. The dependence of the plasma waves on different electrical parameters such as drain voltage and gate voltage is also presented. Along with this experimental work, a pseudo-two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulator was developed to analyze the physical processes in the transistors on a more rigorous theoretical basis than the simplified analytical model. As a result of this joint experimental and theoretical investigation, we achieved a better understanding and an accurate description of the complex mechanism of plasma waves excited in field-effect transistors. Finally, we propose new structures to be used, from one hand, as a monochromatic terahertz source based on a HEMT excited by an optical beating, and,from the other hand, a spectrally-resolved heterodyne detector based on the mixing between the terahertz radiation to be analyzed and an optical beating used as a tunable local oscillator.

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