Spelling suggestions: "subject:"beliefs propagation""
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Sparse graph codes on a multi-dimensional WCDMA platformVlok, Jacobus David 04 July 2007 (has links)
Digital technology has made complex signal processing possible in communication systems and greatly improved the performance and quality of most modern telecommunication systems. The telecommunication industry and specifically mobile wireless telephone and computer networks have shown phenomenal growth in both the number of subscribers and emerging services, resulting in rapid consumption of common resources of which the electromagnetic spectrum is the most important. Technological advances and research in digital communication are necessary to satisfy the growing demand, to fuel the demand and to exploit all the possibilities and business opportunities. Efficient management and distribution of resources facilitated by state-of-the-art algorithms are indispensable in modern communication networks. The challenge in communication system design is to construct a system that can accurately reproduce the transmitted source message at the receiver. The channel connecting the transmitter and receiver introduces detrimental effects and limits the reliability and speed of information transfer between the source and destination. Typical channel effects encountered in mobile wireless communication systems include path loss between the transmitter and receiver, noise caused by the environment and electronics in the system, and fading caused by multiple paths and movement in the communication channel. In multiple access systems, different users cause interference in each other’s signals and adversely affect the system performance. To ensure reliable communication, methods to overcome channel effects must be devised and implemented in the system. Techniques used to improve system performance and capacity include temporal, frequency, polarisation and spatial diversity. This dissertation is concerned mainly with temporal or time diversity. Channel coding is a temporal diversity scheme and aims to improve the system error performance by adding structured redundancy to the transmitted message. The receiver exploits the redundancy to infer with greater accuracy which message was transmitted, compared with uncoded systems. Sparse graph codes are channel codes represented as sparse probabilistic graphical models which originated in artificial intelligence theory. These channel codes are described as factor graph structures with bit nodes, representing the transmitted codeword bits, and bit-constrained or check nodes. Each constraint involves only a small number of code bits, resulting in a sparse factor graph with far fewer connections between bit and check nodes than the maximum number of possible connections. Sparse graph codes are iteratively decoded using message passing or belief propagation algorithms. Three classes of iteratively decodable channel codes are considered in this study, including low-density parity-check (LDPC), Turbo and repeat-accumulate (RA) codes. The modulation platform presented in this dissertation is a spectrally efficient wideband system employing orthogonal complex spreading sequences (CSSs) to spread information sequences over a wider frequency band in multiple modulation dimensions. Special features of these spreading sequences include their constant envelopes and power output, providing communication range or device battery life advantages. This study shows that multiple layer modulation (MLM) can be used to transmit parallel data streams with improved spectral efficiency compared with single-layer modulation, providing data throughput rates proportional to the number of modulation layers at performances equivalent to single-layer modulation. Alternatively, multiple modulation layers can be used to transmit coded information to achieve improved error performance at throughput rates equivalent to a single layer system / Dissertation (MEng (Electronic Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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Fountain codes and their typical application in wireless standards like edgeGrobler, Trienko Lups 26 January 2009 (has links)
One of the most important technologies used in modern communication systems is channel coding. Channel coding dates back to a paper published by Shannon in 1948 [1] entitled “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”. The basic idea behind channel coding is to send redundant information (parity) together with a message to make the transmission more error resistant. There are different types of codes that can be used to generate the parity required, including block, convolutional and concatenated codes. A special subclass of codes consisting of the codes mentioned in the previous paragraph, is sparse graph codes. The structure of sparse graph codes can be depicted via a graphical representation: the factor graph which has sparse connections between its elements. Codes belonging to this subclass include Low-Density-Parity-Check (LDPC) codes, Repeat Accumulate (RA), Turbo and fountain codes. These codes can be decoded by using the belief propagation algorithm, an iterative algorithm where probabilistic information is passed to the nodes of the graph. This dissertation focuses on noisy decoding of fountain codes using belief propagation decoding. Fountain codes were originally developed for erasure channels, but since any factor graph can be decoded using belief propagation, noisy decoding of fountain codes can easily be accomplished. Three fountain codes namely Tornado, Luby Transform (LT) and Raptor codes were investigated during this dissertation. The following results were obtained: <ol> <li>The Tornado graph structure is unsuitable for noisy decoding since the code structure protects the first layer of parity instead of the original message bits (a Tornado graph consists of more than one layer).</li> <li> The successful decoding of systematic LT codes were verified.</li> <li>A systematic Raptor code was introduced and successfully decoded. The simulation results show that the Raptor graph structure can improve on its constituent codes (a Raptor code consists of more than one code).</li></ol> Lastly an LT code was used to replace the convolutional incremental redundancy scheme used by the 2G mobile standard Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE). The results show that a fountain incremental redundancy scheme outperforms a convolutional approach if the frame lengths are long enough. For the EDGE platform the results also showed that the fountain incremental redundancy scheme outperforms the convolutional approach after the second transmission is received. Although EDGE is an older technology, it still remains a good platform for testing different incremental redundancy schemes, since it was one of the first platforms to use incremental redundancy. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / unrestricted
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Generalized belief propagation based TDMR detector and decoderMatcha, Chaitanya Kumar, Bahrami, Mohsen, Roy, Shounak, Srinivasa, Shayan Garani, Vasic, Bane 07 1900 (has links)
Two dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR) achieves high areal densities by reducing the size of a bit comparable to the size of the magnetic grains resulting in two dimensional (2D) inter symbol interference (ISI) and very high media noise. Therefore, it is critical to handle the media noise along with the 2D ISI detection. In this paper, we tune the generalized belief propagation (GBP) algorithm to handle the media noise seen in TDMR. We also provide an intuition into the nature of hard decisions provided by the GBP algorithm. The performance of the GBP algorithm is evaluated over a Voronoi based TDMR channel model where the soft outputs from the GBP algorithm are used by a belief propagation (BP) algorithm to decode low-density parity check (LDPC) codes.
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Modélisation probabiliste et inférence par l'algorithme Belief PropagationMartin, Victorin 23 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
On s'intéresse à la construction et l'estimation - à partir d'observations incomplètes - de modèles de variables aléatoires à valeurs réelles sur un graphe. Ces modèles doivent être adaptés à un problème de régression non standard où l'identité des variables observées (et donc celle des variables à prédire) varie d'une instance à l'autre. La nature du problème et des données disponibles nous conduit à modéliser le réseau sous la forme d'un champ markovien aléatoire, choix justifié par le principe de maximisation d'entropie de Jaynes. L'outil de prédiction choisi dans ces travaux est l'algorithme Belief Propagation - dans sa version classique ou gaussienne - dont la simplicité et l'efficacité permettent son utilisation sur des réseaux de grande taille. Après avoir fourni un nouveau résultat sur la stabilité locale des points fixes de l'algorithme, on étudie une approche fondée sur un modèle d'Ising latent où les dépendances entre variables réelles sont encodées à travers un réseau de variables binaires. Pour cela, on propose une définition de ces variables basée sur les fonctions de répartition des variables réelles associées. Pour l'étape de prédiction, il est nécessaire de modifier l'algorithme Belief Propagation pour imposer des contraintes de type bayésiennes sur les distributions marginales des variables binaires. L'estimation des paramètres du modèle peut aisément se faire à partir d'observations de paires. Cette approche est en fait une manière de résoudre le problème de régression en travaillant sur les quantiles. D'autre part, on propose un algorithme glouton d'estimation de la structure et des paramètres d'un champ markovien gaussien, basé sur l'algorithme Iterative Proportional Scaling. Cet algorithme produit à chaque itération un nouveau modèle dont la vraisemblance, ou une approximation de celle-ci dans le cas d'observations incomplètes, est supérieure à celle du modèle précédent. Cet algorithme fonctionnant par perturbation locale, il est possible d'imposer des contraintes spectrales assurant une meilleure compatibilité des modèles obtenus avec la version gaussienne de Belief Propagation. Les performances des différentes approches sont illustrées par des expérimentations numériques sur des données synthétiques.
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Modern Stereo Correspondence Algorithms : Investigation and EvaluationOlofsson, Anders January 2010 (has links)
Many different approaches have been taken towards solving the stereo correspondence problem and great progress has been made within the field during the last decade. This is mainly thanks to newly evolved global optimization techniques and better ways to compute pixel dissimilarity between views. The most successful algorithms are based on approaches that explicitly model smoothness assumptions made about the physical world, with image segmentation and plane fitting being two frequently used techniques. Within the project, a survey of state of the art stereo algorithms was conducted and the theory behind them is explained. Techniques found interesting were implemented for experimental trials and an algorithm aiming to achieve state of the art performance was implemented and evaluated. For several cases, state of the art performance was reached. To keep down the computational complexity, an algorithm relying on local winner-take-all optimization, image segmentation and plane fitting was compared against minimizing a global energy function formulated on pixel level. Experiments show that the local approach in several cases can match the global approach, but that problems sometimes arise – especially when large areas that lack texture are present. Such problematic areas are better handled by the explicit modeling of smoothness in global energy minimization. Lastly, disparity estimation for image sequences was explored and some ideas on how to use temporal information were implemented and tried. The ideas mainly relied on motion detection to determine parts that are static in a sequence of frames. Stereo correspondence for sequences is a rather new research field, and there is still a lot of work to be made.
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Spectral inference methods on sparse graphs : theory and applications / Méthodes spectrales d'inférence sur des graphes parcimonieux : théorie et applicationsSaade, Alaa 03 October 2016 (has links)
Face au déluge actuel de données principalement non structurées, les graphes ont démontré, dans une variété de domaines scientifiques, leur importance croissante comme language abstrait pour décrire des interactions complexes entre des objets complexes. L’un des principaux défis posés par l’étude de ces réseaux est l’inférence de propriétés macroscopiques à grande échelle, affectant un grand nombre d’objets ou d’agents, sur la seule base des interactions microscopiquesqu’entretiennent leurs constituants élémentaires. La physique statistique, créée précisément dans le but d’obtenir les lois macroscopiques de la thermodynamique à partir d’un modèle idéal de particules en interaction, fournit une intuition décisive dans l’étude des réseaux complexes.Dans cette thèse, nous utilisons des méthodes issues de la physique statistique des systèmes désordonnés pour mettre au point et analyser de nouveaux algorithmes d’inférence sur les graphes. Nous nous concentrons sur les méthodes spectrales, utilisant certains vecteurs propres de matrices bien choisies, et sur les graphes parcimonieux, qui contiennent une faible quantité d’information. Nous développons une théorie originale de l’inférence spectrale, fondée sur une relaxation de l’optimisation de certaines énergies libres en champ moyen. Notre approche est donc entièrement probabiliste, et diffère considérablement des motivations plus classiques fondées sur l’optimisation d’une fonction de coût. Nous illustrons l’efficacité de notre approchesur différents problèmes, dont la détection de communautés, la classification non supervisée à partir de similarités mesurées aléatoirement, et la complétion de matrices. / In an era of unprecedented deluge of (mostly unstructured) data, graphs are proving more and more useful, across the sciences, as a flexible abstraction to capture complex relationships between complex objects. One of the main challenges arising in the study of such networks is the inference of macroscopic, large-scale properties affecting a large number of objects, based solely on he microscopic interactions between their elementary constituents. Statistical physics, precisely created to recover the macroscopic laws of thermodynamics from an idealized model of interacting particles, provides significant insight to tackle such complex networks.In this dissertation, we use methods derived from the statistical physics of disordered systems to design and study new algorithms for inference on graphs. Our focus is on spectral methods, based on certain eigenvectors of carefully chosen matrices, and sparse graphs, containing only a small amount of information. We develop an original theory of spectral inference based on a relaxation of various meanfield free energy optimizations. Our approach is therefore fully probabilistic, and contrasts with more traditional motivations based on the optimization of a cost function. We illustrate the efficiency of our approach on various problems, including community detection, randomized similarity-based clustering, and matrix completion.
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Duas abordagens para casamento de padrões de pontos usando relações espaciais e casamento entre grafos / Two approaches for point set matching using spatial relations for graph matchingNoma, Alexandre 07 July 2010 (has links)
Casamento de padrões de pontos é um problema fundamental em reconhecimento de padrões. O objetivo é encontrar uma correspondência entre dois conjuntos de pontos, associados a características relevantes de objetos ou entidades, mapeando os pontos de um conjunto no outro. Este problema está associado a muitas aplicações, como por exemplo, reconhecimento de objetos baseado em modelos, imagens estéreo, registro de imagens, biometria, entre outros. Para encontrar um mapeamento, os objetos são codificados por representações abstratas, codificando as características relevantes consideradas na comparação entre pares de objetos. Neste trabalho, objetos são representados por grafos, codificando tanto as características `locais\' quanto as relações espaciais entre estas características. A comparação entre objetos é guiada por uma formulação de atribuição quadrática, que é um problema NP-difícil. Para estimar uma solução, duas técnicas de casamento entre grafos são propostas: uma baseada em grafos auxiliares, chamados de grafos deformados; e outra baseada em representações `esparsas\', campos aleatórios de Markov e propagação de crenças. Devido as suas respectivas limitações, as abordagens são adequadas para situações específicas, conforme mostrado neste documento. Resultados envolvendo as duas abordagens são ilustrados em quatro importantes aplicações: casamento de imagens de gel eletroforese 2D, segmentação interativa de imagens naturais, casamento de formas, e colorização assistida por computador. / Point set matching is a fundamental problem in pattern recognition. The goal is to match two sets of points, associated to relevant features of objects or entities, by finding a mapping, or a correspondence, from one set to another set of points. This issue arises in many applications, e.g. model-based object recognition, stereo matching, image registration, biometrics, among others. In order to find a mapping, the objects can be encoded by abstract representations, carrying relevant features which are taken into account to compare pairs of objects. In this work, graphs are adopted to represent the objects, encoding their `local\' features and the spatial relations between these features. The comparison of two given objects is guided by a quadratic assignment formulation, which is NP-hard. In order to estimate the optimal solution, two approximations techniques, via graph matching, are proposed: one is based on auxiliary graphs, called deformed graphs; the other is based on `sparse\' representations, Markov random fields and belief propagation. Due to their respective limitations, each approach is more suitable to each specific situation, as shown in this document. The quality of the two approaches is illustrated on four important applications: 2D electrophoresis gel matching, interactive natural image segmentation, shape matching, and computer-assisted colorization.
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Duas abordagens para casamento de padrões de pontos usando relações espaciais e casamento entre grafos / Two approaches for point set matching using spatial relations for graph matchingAlexandre Noma 07 July 2010 (has links)
Casamento de padrões de pontos é um problema fundamental em reconhecimento de padrões. O objetivo é encontrar uma correspondência entre dois conjuntos de pontos, associados a características relevantes de objetos ou entidades, mapeando os pontos de um conjunto no outro. Este problema está associado a muitas aplicações, como por exemplo, reconhecimento de objetos baseado em modelos, imagens estéreo, registro de imagens, biometria, entre outros. Para encontrar um mapeamento, os objetos são codificados por representações abstratas, codificando as características relevantes consideradas na comparação entre pares de objetos. Neste trabalho, objetos são representados por grafos, codificando tanto as características `locais\' quanto as relações espaciais entre estas características. A comparação entre objetos é guiada por uma formulação de atribuição quadrática, que é um problema NP-difícil. Para estimar uma solução, duas técnicas de casamento entre grafos são propostas: uma baseada em grafos auxiliares, chamados de grafos deformados; e outra baseada em representações `esparsas\', campos aleatórios de Markov e propagação de crenças. Devido as suas respectivas limitações, as abordagens são adequadas para situações específicas, conforme mostrado neste documento. Resultados envolvendo as duas abordagens são ilustrados em quatro importantes aplicações: casamento de imagens de gel eletroforese 2D, segmentação interativa de imagens naturais, casamento de formas, e colorização assistida por computador. / Point set matching is a fundamental problem in pattern recognition. The goal is to match two sets of points, associated to relevant features of objects or entities, by finding a mapping, or a correspondence, from one set to another set of points. This issue arises in many applications, e.g. model-based object recognition, stereo matching, image registration, biometrics, among others. In order to find a mapping, the objects can be encoded by abstract representations, carrying relevant features which are taken into account to compare pairs of objects. In this work, graphs are adopted to represent the objects, encoding their `local\' features and the spatial relations between these features. The comparison of two given objects is guided by a quadratic assignment formulation, which is NP-hard. In order to estimate the optimal solution, two approximations techniques, via graph matching, are proposed: one is based on auxiliary graphs, called deformed graphs; the other is based on `sparse\' representations, Markov random fields and belief propagation. Due to their respective limitations, each approach is more suitable to each specific situation, as shown in this document. The quality of the two approaches is illustrated on four important applications: 2D electrophoresis gel matching, interactive natural image segmentation, shape matching, and computer-assisted colorization.
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