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Modelagem sedimentar de sistemas deltaicos altamente eficientes: aplicação para o preenchimento sedimentar do terciário superior da bacia de Bengala, porção nordeste da Índia / High efficient deltaic system modeling: application for upper tertiary basin fill history of Bengal basin, Northeast IndiaMarlon Santos Delai 15 September 2011 (has links)
A bacia de Bengala, localizada a Nordeste da Índia tem uma história evolutiva extraordinária, diretamente controlada bela fragmentação do Gondwana. O início da formação desta bacia é considerada como sendo relacionada ao final do evento da quebra, datado em 126 Ma quando a Índia separou do continente Antártico e da Austrália. Desde então, a placa continental Indiana viajou do pólo sul a uma velocidade muito rápida (16 cm/a) chocando-se com o hemisfério norte e fundindo-se com a Placa Eurasiana. Durante a viagem passou por cima de um hot spot, onde hoje estão localizadas as ilhas Seicheles, resultando em um dos maiores derrames de lava basáltica do mundo, conhecido como Deccan Trap. Na região onde a bacia de Bengala foi formada, não houve aporte significativo de sedimentos siliciclásticos, resultando na deposição de uma espessa plataforma carbonática do Cretáceo tardio ao Eoceno. Após este período, devido a colisão com algumas microplacas e a amalgamação com a Placa Eurasiana, um grande volume sedimentar siliciclástico foi introduzido para a bacia, associado também ao soerguimento da cadeia de montanhas dos Himalaias. Atualmente, a Bacia de Bengala possui mais de 25 km de sedimentos, coletados neste depocentro principal. Nesta dissertação foram aplicados conceitos básicos de sismoestratigrafia na interpretação de algumas linhas regionais. As linhas sísmicas utilizadas foram adquiridas recentemente por programa sísmico especial, o qual permitiu o imageamento sísmico a mais de 35km dentro da litosfera (crosta continental e transicional). O dado permitiu interpretar eventos tectônicos, como a presença dos Seawards Dipping Reflectors (SDR) na crosta transicional, coberto por sedimentos da Bacia de Bengala. Além da interpretação sísmica amarrada a alguns poços de controle, o programa de modelagem sedimentar Beicip Franlab Dionisos, foi utilizado para modelar a história de preenchimento da bacia para um período de 5,2 Ma. O nível relativo do nível do mar e a taxa de aporte sedimentar foram os pontos chaves considerados no modelo.
Através da utilização dos dados sísmicos, foi possível reconhecer dez quebras de plataformas principais, as quais foram utilizadas no modelo, amarrados aos seus respectivos tempos geológico, provenientes dos dados dos poços do Plioceno ao Holoceno. O resultado do modelo mostrou que a primeira metade modelada pode ser considerada como um sistema deposicional retrogradacional, com algum picos transgressivos. Este sistema muda drasticamente para um sistema progradacional, o qual atuou até o Holoceno. A seção modelada também mostra que no período considerado o total de volume depositado foi em torno de 2,1 x 106 km3, equivalente a 9,41 x 1014 km3/Ma. / The Bengal Basin in Northeast India has a remarkable evolution history directly controled by the Gondwana fragmentation. The Beginning of this basin is considered related to the final break up event, dated as 126 Ma when India finally became separeted from Antarctica and Australia Continents. Since then, the India Continental Plate traveled from the South pole at very fast rate (16 cm/y) reaching the nortern hemisphere and merging with Eurasia Plate. During the travel it passed over a hot spot, located where is today Seychelles Island, resulting in one of the biggest basalt leakage, know as Deccan Trap. In the area where the Bengal Basin was formed during the travel there wasnt any supply of siliciclastics, resulting in the deposition of a very thick section of carbonate platforms from Late Cretaceous to Eocene. After this period, due to the collision with same microplates and the amalgamation with Eurasia Plate a huge siliciclastic supply was introduced in the basin, associated with rising of the Himalayas Mountains. Therefore, the Belgal Basin today has more than 25 km of sediments, collected in its main depocenter. In this dissertation it was applied to the basic concepts of seismostratigraphy in the interpretation of some regional lines. These seismic lines were acquired recently by a special survey program that allowed having good quality data until more than 35 km in the lithosphere (continental and transitional crust). The data permitted to interpret tectonic events such as the presence of Seawards Dipping Reflectors (SDR) in the transitional crust, covered by the Bengal Basin sediments. Besides the seismic interpretation tied to some well data, it was used in the dissertation a Beicip Franlab Software, known as Dionisos, to model and develop a basin fill history. The eustatic relative sea level flutuations and sediment rate of sediment influx are the key points to be considered in the model. Using the seismic data it was possible to recognize ten main platform breakes than were used in the model, tied to a geological time frame provided by the well data interpretation, from Pliocene to Holocene. The output of the model shown that a first half of the considered time predominated a major retrogradational system, with some minor trangression peaks. This changed to a very strong progradational system that is acting until the Holocene. The section modeled also shows a total of sediments deposited in the period considered was about 2,1 x106 km3 equivalent to a 9,41 x 1014 km3/Ma.
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Modulateurs du transport vésiculaire du glutamate : développement d’outils pharmacologiques et de diagnostic pour la maladie d’Alzheimer / Modulators of vesicular glutamate transporters : development of pharmacological and diagnostic tools for Alzheimer's diseaseFavre-Besse, Franck-Cyril 13 December 2012 (has links)
Les transporteurs vésiculaires du glutamate (VGLUTs) sont impliqués dans la recapture du glutamate du cytosol vers les vésicules présynaptiques. Depuis leurs caractérisations récentes en 2000, leurs implications dans plusieurs maladies neurodégénératives ont été démontrées. Ils jouent ainsi un rôle primordial dans la transmission nerveuse glutamatergique. Deux colorants naturels, le Rose Bengale et le Bleu Trypan, restent les meilleurs inhibiteurs connus à ce jour, avec respectivement des CI50 de 25 et 50 nM. Dans un premier temps, nous avons conçu et optimisé une série d’analogues basée sur le synthon Rose Bengale (inhibiteur non-compétitif). Ce travail a notamment permis de mettre en évidence l’effet des formes tautomères (quinone et lactone) sur l’inhibition des VGLUTs. Ainsi la forme quinonique, présente à pH physiologique, a été confirmée comme étant la seule capable de bloquer la recapture du glutamate. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la famille du Bleu Trypan (inhibiteur compétitif) et nous avons déterminé la structure minimale active avec l’objectif de rendre ces molécules plus « drug-like ». En effet, l’intérêt de ce projet est de développer de petites structures aisément radiomarquables pour une utilisation dans un contexte physio-pathologique. / Vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) are involved in the recapture and storage of glutamate from cytol to secretory synaptic vesicules. Since their recent characterization in 2000, their implication in several neurodegenerative disorders have been demonstrated. They play a crucial role in glutamatergic neurotransmission. Natural dyes, such as Rose Bengal and Tryptan Blue are the best known inhibitors with IC50 values of 25 and 50 nM, respectively. Firstly, we designed and optimized a series of analogues based on the synthon Rose Bengal (non-competitive inhibitor). This work has especially enabled to highlight the effect of tautomeric forms (quinone and lactone) on the inhibition of VGLUTs. Thus, the quinone form, present at physiological pH, was confirmed as the only able to block the reuptake of glutamate. Secondly, we have been interested in the family of Trypan Blue (competitive inhibitor) and we determined the minimal active structure in order to render these molecules more "drug-like". Indeed, the interest of this project is to develop small structures easily radiomarquable to use in a physiopathological context.
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Rôle des facteurs de contrôle sur l'architecture et le fonctionnement sédimentaire des systèmes turbiditiques de l'océan Indien au cours du Cénozoïque : exemple des systèmes Rovuma-Rufiji et Gange-Brahmapoutre / Forcings on architecture and sedimentary activity of turbidite systems in the Indian Ocean during Cenozoic : example of Rovuma-Rufiji and Ganges-Brahmaputra systemsFournier, Léa 13 December 2016 (has links)
Le Cénozoïque est marqué par une instabilité climatique et l’accélération des surrections continentales. Ces phénomènes engendrent une augmentation de la production sédimentaire, transférée par les fleuves vers le domaine marin profond. Les façades nord et ouest de l’océan Indien voient se mettre en place quatre des plus grands systèmes sédimentaires au monde : le Gange-Brahmapoutre, l’Indus, le Zambèze et le système tanzanien. Ce travail vise à comprendre les forçages agissant sur la sédimentation et l’architecture de deux des principaux systèmes turbiditiques de l’océan Indien (système tanzanien et du Gange-Brahmapoutre), pour ensuite les comparer avec leurs plus proches voisins (respectivement le Zambèze et l’Indus). Nos principaux résultats, basés sur une approche multiproxy dans les deux zones, mettent en évidence plusieurs points : (1) l’évolution tectono-sédimentaire de la marge tanzanienne au cours du Cénozoïque a mené au développement d’un système turbiditique majeur et atypique, dont la morphologie moderne atteste de l’importance de l’activité tectonique sur sa construction ; (2) le système du Gange-Brahmapoutre enregistre une activité sédimentaire polyphasée, en lien principalement avec les variations du niveau marin. Ce système est capable d’enregistrer les variations de nombreux forçages, influençant à la fois les bassins versants et le domaine marin. Le fonctionnement sédimentaire et l’architecture des systèmes turbiditiques ont révélé une grande diversité selon le contexte géodynamique et physiographique des façades étudiées. La nécessité d’intégrer l’ensemble des forçages (agissant depuis le bassin versant jusque dans le domaine marin profond) dans l’étude de l’activité sédimentaire d’un système turbiditique apparait essentielle de nos jours. / Cenozoic is marked by climatic instability and accelerating continental uplifts. Increasing sediment yield is generated, buffered and transferred by river to the deep sea. Four of the major turbidite systems in the world are located on the northern and the western margins of the Indian Ocean: the Ganges-Brahmaputra, the Indus, the Zambezi and the Tanzanian systems. This work aims to understand forcings affecting sedimentation and morphology of two main turbidite systems (Tanzanian system and Ganges-Brahmaputra system) and results have been compared with their nearest neighbors (respectively Zambezi and Indus). Based on a multiproxies approach in both area, our main results are as follows: (1) during Cenozoic, tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Tanzania margin led to the development of an atypical turbidite system wherein morphology attest of a strong structural control; (2) the Ganges-Brahmaputra system has a sedimentary activity mainly forced by sea level variations. This turbidite system records variations in many forcings impacting sedimentation from the catchment to the deep sea. Turbidite system activity and architecture revealed a strong variability mainly linked to the geodynamic and physiographic context of each studied margin. It appears necessary to integrate all forcings (affecting both the catchment and the deep sea) in the study and the understanding of sedimentary activity in a turbidite system.
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Passer outre la barrière culturelle : comment les Britanniques se renseignent sur les populations du Canada et de l’Inde, 1757-1774Gervais, Émy 08 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous comparons l’expérience des Britanniques dans deux territoires qui intègrent l’empire britannique après la guerre de Sept Ans. Nous proposons une comparaison de deux régions du globe aux traits contrastés, le Canada et le Bengale, en posant la question : comment les Britanniques se renseignent-ils sur les populations de ces territoires récemment acquis? Notre étude s’inscrit dans plusieurs courants historiographiques qui proposent une relecture de l’histoire de la Grande-Bretagne et de ses colonies, ce qui est le sujet de notre premier chapitre. Dans le second, nous explorons l’après-conquête au Canada. Après avoir mené à bien leur conquête (en 1759-60), les Britanniques en viennent à vouloir administrer les populations qui y habitent. Pour cela, le gouvernement britannique implante un nouveau régime politique jugé adapté aux conditions canadiennes, sans s’encombrer d’une assemblée. Dans la vallée laurentienne, les administrateurs coloniaux doivent toutefois composer avec une population majoritairement d’origine française de confession catholique, ce qui les a menés à modifier le régime dix ans plus tard. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la présence britannique au Bengale après la bataille de Plassey de 1757. Dans cette région, c’est par l’entremise de l’East India Company (EIC) que les Britanniques acquièrent une influence sur les pouvoirs locaux, ce qui leur permet d’administrer par l’intermédiaire des gouverneurs de l’Empire moghol (les nababs). Cependant, les différences culturelles étaient bien plus importantes qu’avec la population canadienne d’origine européenne. La population de l’Inde du nord de l’époque est majoritairement de confession hindoue ou musulmane, et emploie le perse comme langue administrative. Grâce à notre lecture de la correspondance officielle, entre les administrateurs coloniaux et le gouvernement métropolitain pour le Canada, et entre les agents de la compagnie et ses directeurs pour le Bengale, nous affirmons que dans les deux situations, les Britanniques tentent de se renseigner. Cependant, d’importantes différences de nature institutionnelle et culturelle singularisent les types d’information recherchés ainsi que les démarches de collecte de l’information. Les résultats de nos recherches convergent finalement en un point : la quête d’information passe par toute une gamme d’intermédiaires locaux.
Dans le dernier chapitre, après avoir exploré les « ordres informationnels » mis en œuvre ou adaptés par les Britanniques dans les deux contextes coloniaux, l’étude s’intéresse à l’information coloniale telle qu’elle est reçue et mise en forme en métropole. À cette fin, les efforts des officiels et parlementaires pour se renseigner sur les conditions coloniales lors de l’ébauche de deux lois, l’Acte de Québec (1774) et le Regulating Act (1773) sont mis en lumière grâce à une lecture des débats parlementaires. Finalement, pour s’informer sur le Canada, les membres du gouvernement britannique misent beaucoup sur l’aide des administrateurs coloniaux ayant séjourné dans la colonie, alors que sur l’Inde ils s’appuient davantage sur une source documentaire, soit les livres de l’EIC, révélant ainsi un autre contraste entre les deux situations à l’étude. / This study compares methods of information gathering in two territories that became part of the British Empire after the Seven Years’ War. We bring these two extremely different regions into the same frame by asking: how did the British gather information about the populations of Canada and Bengal? Our study is part of several historiographical currents that offer a rereading of the history of Great Britain and its colonies, which is the subject of our first chapter. In the next chapter, we explore the post-conquest era in Canada. After the conquest of this territory (1759-1760), British authorities faced the task of administering the Canadian population. At first, they tried to implement a new governmental regime deemed suitable for the Canadian context. However, since the majority of the population they governed was of different religious denomination (Catholics) and of French origin, they had to modify the regime ten years later. In the third chapter, we look at the British presence in Bengal after the battle of Plassey in 1757. The British, through the East India Company, acquired a certain influence over local authorities, which allowed them to govern indirectly via the Mogul Empire’s governors, the nabobs. Nevertheless, cultural differences were much more significant than with the Canadian population of European origin: the Mogul Empire was a Muslim polity, with a Persian administration, and much of the population was Hindu. From our reading of the official correspondence, between the colonial administrators and the metropolitan government in the first case, and between the agents of the company and its directors in the second, we affirm that in both situations the British tried to gather more information. However, important institutional and cultural differences distinguish the types of information sought as well as the approaches to collecting information. The results of our research ultimately converge on one point: the search for information passed through a whole range of local intermediaries.
In the last chapter, after having explored the “information order” implemented or adapted by the British in each colonial context, the study considers how colonial information was received and shaped by the metropolitan authorities. To this end, the efforts of officials and parliamentarians to learn about colonial conditions during the drafting of two laws, the Quebec Act (1774) and the Regulating Act (1773) are highlighted through a reading of the Parliamentary debates. Here also, many differences are visible. To become informed about Canada, British authorities relied heavily on the help of the colonial administrators who stayed in Canada after the regime change. However, in the Indian case, they depended mostly on documentary sources, namely the books of the EIC.
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Quaternary Indian and East Asian monsoon reconstructions and their impacts on weathering and sediment transport to the ocean / Reconstructions Quaternaire des moussons indienne et Est-asiatique et de leurs impacts sur l’altération et les transferts sédimentaires en merYu, Zhaojie 05 July 2017 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de restituer l'évolution passée des moussons asiatiques au cours du Quaternaire et d’en évaluer leurs impacts sur l’érosion continentale et les transferts sédimentaires terre-mer, à partir de l’étude de carottes marines collectées dans la Baie du Bengale, l'ouest de la mer des Philippines et la mer d'Arabie. La stratégie scientifique mise en œuvre implique des analyses minéralogiques (argiles), sédimentologiques (granulométrie laser) et géochimiques (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr et εNd) afin de restituer les zones sources sédimentaires, les conditions d’érosion et de transfert sédimentaires à l’océan. Les analyses de la concentration en élément des terres rares et des valeurs de l’εNd ont également été faites sur des échantillons d’eau de mer et de foraminifères collectés dans la Baie du Bengale afin de contraindre l’utilisation de ce traceur dans un contexte de très forts changements saisonniers de débit des fleuves Himalayens. Cette stratégie nous a permis, entre autre, de restituer les précipitations de mousson du domaine ouest tropical Pacific au cours du Quaternaire et d’établir un lien avec l’évolution à long terme de la dynamique de circulation méridienne de type ENSO. Nous avons également apporté de nouvelles contraintes sur l’utilisation du traceur εNd dans les foraminifères de la Baie du Bengale en vue d’en restituer la dynamique passée de l’érosion himalayenne. / The main objective of this PhD study is to reconstruct the evolution of the Asian monsoons during the Quaternary and their impacts on the continental erosion and sedimentary transfers from land to sea by the investigation of sediments cores collected in the Northern Bay of Bengal, the western Philippines Sea and the Arabian Sea. The implemented scientific strategy involves mineralogical (clay size fraction), sedimentological (grain-size laser) and geochemical (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr and εNd) analyses in order to establish sedimentary sources, conditions of erosion and transfer of sediments to the Ocean. The analyses of the concentration of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and εNd were also made on seawater and foraminifera samples to better constrain the εNd as a proxy of weathering in a context of strong seasonal variations of sediment discharges by Himalayan rivers. Clay mineralogy and laser grain-size analyses have been conducted on sediments from core MD06-3050 collected on the Benham Rise (Philippines Sea). Siliciclastic grain-size results indicate variations of the relative proportion of three grain-size sub-populations corresponding to eolian dusts (EM2 about 9-11 μm) and Luzon rivers inputs (EM1 about 2-5 μm and EM3 about 19-25 μm). The long-term evolutions of the EM1/EM2 and smectite/(illite+chlorite) ratios permit to reconstruct variations of the contribution of detrital material deriving from the volcanic arc of Luzon and rainfall intensity of this tropical region. At long time scale, periods of intensification of monsoon rainfall on Luzon are associated to a reduction of precipitation on central China. These periods are also associated to an increase of the zonal gradient of sea surface temperatures on the equatorial Pacific Ocean suggesting a strengthening of El Niña conditions. These results highlight for the first time a strong role of the dynamics of the meridian circulation of ENSO on the long-term changes of rainfall of the tropical western Pacific during the Quaternary. In the Arabian Sea, clay mineralogy, siliciclastic grain-size, ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratio and εNd were analysed on Quaternary sediments of the IODP site U1457. Our results suggest a change in the relative proportions of sediments from the Deccan Trapps (smectite) and the Indus river (mainly illite and chlorite). Variability of sedimentary sources and sediment transport (turbidites activity) to the Indus Fan have been reconstructed and attributed to monsoon rainfall and the sea level variations. The concentrations of REE combined with εNd were analysed on seawater samples collected in June 2012 along a North-South cross section in the Bay of Bengal. We highlighted from normalized REE patterns that the contributions of dissolved REE from the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system was the main source of the dissolved REE of surface waters of the Bay of Bengal, whereas the desorption of lithogenic particles dominate the dissolved REE of the intermediate and deep waters masses. We then revalued the residence time of the dissolved REE in the Bay of Bengal. A comparison of εNd, obtained just before the increase of the Ganges-Brahmaputra river discharge inferred by Indian monsoon rainfall, with the results obtained by Singh and al. (2012) for seawater samples collected after the peak of river discharge, allowed us to highlight for the first time a seasonal variability of seawater εNd of the Bay of Bengal. εNd have been analysed on planktonic foraminiferas of core MD77-176 located at 1375 m water depth to reconstruct for the first time the seawater εNd record of the intermediate waters masses of northern Bay of Bengal for the last 27 kyr. This new seawater εNd record of the Northern Bay of Bengal give us new constrain for this proxy already used to reconstruct past changes of the Himalayan weathering.
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Morality, Modernity, and the Indigenization of the Victorian Novel in Bengali Literatureand CinemaChatterjee, Sayan 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Millennial-scale variations of the intermediate water circulation in the Indian Ocean since the last glacial period inferred from assemblages and geochemistry of benthic foraminifera. / Variations à l’échelle millénaire de la circulation intermédiaire dans l’océan Indien depuis la dernière période glaciaire reconstruites d’après les assemblages et la géochimie des foraminifères benthiques.Ma, Ruifang 10 July 2019 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de reconstituer l'évolution de la circulation intermédiaire depuis la dernière période glaciaire à partir de carottes de sédiments marins prélevées dans le golfe du Bengale GB, la Mer d’Arabie MA et l’océan Indien équatorial oriental OIEO. La stratégie scientifique mise en œuvre inclut l’étude des assemblages et de la géochimie des foraminifères benthiques, afin de reconstruire les changements de source et de ventilation des masses d’eau. Les résultats obtenus dans le GB ont permis de restituer les changements hydrologiques à profondeur intermédiaire à haute résolution temporelle au cours des derniers 40 ka. Les enregistrements témoignent de changements dans la source des masses d’eau, entre l’Océan austral avec les eaux antarctiques intermédiaires AAIW et les eaux Nord Atlantique NADW, à l’échelle glaciaire-interglaciaire mais aussi lors des événements millénaires. Ce travail a aussi permis de fournir les premiers enregistrements à haute résolution temporelle des rapports élémentaires des foraminifères benthiques (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca et Li/Ca) dans le GB et en MA. Ces résultats permettent notamment de mieux contraindre la pénétration des AAIW vers le nord depuis la dernière période glaciaire. La reconstruction de la concentration en ion carbonate permet également de discuter des relations entre les variations de la circulation intermédiaire et les changements profonds du cycle du Carbone à l’échelle globale, notamment via les échanges se produisant dans l’Océan Austral. Nous avons également fourni dans ce travail les premiers enregistrements de Cd/Ca et de Ba/Ca continus et à haute résolution dans le nord de l’océan Indien, pour reconstituer les modifications passées de la teneur en éléments nutritifs. Les enregistrements géochimiques dans l’OIEO témoignent de profonds changements des propriétés des masses d'eau intermédiaires, associées aux changements de circulation. / The main objective of this study was to reconstruct the evolution of the intermediate water circulation since the last glacial period by the investigation of marine cores collected from the Bay of Bengal (BoB), Arabian Sea (AS) and Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO). The scientific strategy involves benthic foraminiferal assemblages and geochemical proxies to better constrain past changes in the source and ventilation of water masses. Records from the BoB allowed reconstructing hydrological changes at intermediate depth over the last 40 cal kyr. The records highlight changes in the source of water masses, with a balance between the contribution of southern Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) versus North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) at glacial-interglacial timescale as well as during millennial events. This work also provided the first high-resolution benthic foraminifera elemental ratio records (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca and Li/Ca) from the BoB and the AS. These records especially help to better constrain the northward penetration of AAIW over the last glacial period. The reconstruction of the carbonate ion concentration allowed to discuss the relationships between the intermediate water circulation and deep changes in the global Carbon cycle, with a special interest for the Southern Ocean. This work also provides the first continuous and high-resolution benthic Cd/Ca and Ba/Ca records in the northern Indian Ocean, could reconstruct past changes in the nutrient content. Geochemical records from the EEIO exhibit strong changes in the chemical properties of the intermediate water masses, related to global circulation changes in the area.
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The Role Of The Mother-Goddess Cult In The Religious COnsciousness of BengalLahiri, Sushil 09 1900 (has links)
No Abstract Included / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)
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<strong>Platforms for Molecular Mechanisms and Improvement in Subcutaneous Injection of Biotherapeutics</strong>Mazin H Hakim (16657281) 03 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Biotherapeutics, such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), represent a primary mechanism for treatment of human disease, and there has been a steady increase in Food and Drug Administration approvals since the first one in 1982. Subcutaneous (SC) injection of protein-based therapeutics is a convenient and clinically established drug delivery method that increases the convenience and reduces cost compared to other delivery methods. However, progress is needed to optimize bioavailability via this route. This dissertation describes the methods for evaluation of mass transport of high molecular weight proteins, such as mAbs, following SC injection using <em>in vitro</em> and <em>ex vivo</em> modeling developed to describe the factors relevant for optimal distribution prior to uptake into systemic circulation. The first chapter describes a novel collagen and hyaluronic acid (HA) based hydrogel for investigation of macromolecule transport based on the physiochemical properties of the diffusing molecule and the tissue matrix. This initial study demonstrated that, in collagen alone, collagen combined with HA, and HA alone, the molecules demonstrated different transport paradigms dependent primarily on molecule size, matrix viscosity, and electrostatic charge, respectively. This showed that the local tissue heterogeneity and therapeutic properties could be determining factors for molecule transport and bioavailability. The second, third, and fourth chapters describe two novel platforms for the investigation of injection plume formation in SC tissue utilizing three-dimensional X-ray tomography. Injection plume analysis has been studied comprehensively in the context of insulin transport using co-injection of radiopaque dyes to track the protein distribution. However high molecular weight therapeutics have vastly different physiochemical properties than insulin and are injected under different rates, concentrations, volumes, and viscosities due to dosing considerations. To address the gap mAb distribution, we first developed a novel protein conjugated to an x-ray contrast agent to directly track injection plume formation and investigated the effects of injection rate and tissue location through injections into ex vivo porcine tissue, described in chapters three and four. Ex vivo tissue analysis showed that the rate did not influence the distribution, however, plume volume was lower in porcine belly compared to neck tissue. Whereas porcine tissue is an excellent model to represent the structural features of human injection, the large heterogeneity between animal subjects and collected samples is a disadvantage. Therefore, the fourth chapter describes the fabrication of a gelatin hydrogel-based injection platform representing the dermal and subcutaneous tissue layers for controlled injection plume analysis. In summary, all three models represent useful platforms for the assessment of macromolecular mass transport, pharmaceutical autoinjector performance, as well as the potential impact of tissue properties and intersubject heterogeneity on plume formation. Overall, the findings in these studies might better inform drug designers and clinicians on how to most optimally engineer an injection to deliver the most efficient patient outcomes through better dosing and increased cost savings. </p>
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Unlikely bedfellows? : the media and government relations in West Bengal (1977-2011)Lahiri, Indrani January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between the Communist Party of India (Marxist)-led Left Front Government and the media in the provincial state of West Bengal, India, during the thirty four years (1977-2011) period when the party was in government. The main aim of the thesis is to investigate the relation between the CPI (M) led Left Front Government and the media in West Bengal (1977-2011), the role of the media in stabilising or destabilising the Left Front Government, the impact of neoliberalism on the Left Front Government and their relation with the media, the role of the media in communicating developmental policies of the LFG to the public and finally the role which the mainstream and the party controlled media played in the public sphere. These questions are addressed through document research of CPI (M)’s congress and conference reports, manifestos, press releases, pamphlets, leaflets, booklets; and interviews with the CPI (M) leadership and the Editors and Bureau Chiefs of the key newspapers and television channels in West Bengal. The findings are contextualised within a broader discussion of the political and historical transitions India and West Bengal have gone through in this period (chapter 4). This is the first study looking at the relationship between the media and the CPI (M) led Left Front Government over a period of thirty four years (1977-2011). The thesis finds that neoliberalism in India had considerable effects on the CPI (M), the media and their relationship. The research finds a continuous effort from the mainstream and the party-controlled media to dominate the public sphere leading debates in order to seek some form of political consensus in order to govern. The media in West Bengal were politically divided between the left and the opposition. The research finds that this generated a market for political advertisements and political news contributing to a politically polarised media market in West Bengal that assisted in generating revenue for the media. The findings also suggest that the media contributed to rather than played a determining role in destabilising the Left Front Government. Finally the research finds that the CPI (M) had an arduous relation with the media since 1977 when the party decided to participate in the parliamentary democracy. The LFG and the mainstream media entered into an antagonistic relationship post 1991 contributing to a politically polarised media market in West Bengal.
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