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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etablierung der Organotypischen Hirnschnitt-Kokultur als Tumor-Invasionsmodell / Organotypic brain slice coculture as a model for tumor invasion

Lohaus, Raphaela 25 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Skirstymo baltymo GAB1 svarba epidermio augimo veiksnio receptoriaus signalo perdavimui / The role of docking protein GAB1 in epidermal growth factor receptor signaling

Aksamitienė, Edita 30 January 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas nustatyti skirstymo baltymo GAB1 ryšį su anti-apoptoziniu PI3K/Akt bei mitogeniniu Ras/MAPK signalo perdavimo keliais ir įvertinti GAB1 įtaką šių kelių sąveikai EGFR signalo perdavimo tinkle. Darbo uždaviniai: įvertinti epitelinių ląstelių endogeninio GAB1 veiksmingumą EGF signalo perdavimo metu; nustatyti sąveikos pobūdį tarp PI3K/Akt ir Ras/MAPK kelių EGF signalo metu; kiekybiškai įvertinti GAB1 svarbą EGF signalo perdavimui per PI3K/Akt ir Ras/MAPK kelių in vivo, rezultatus lyginant su matematinio modelio prognozėmis in silico; nustatyti GAB1 veiksmingumo ir jo reguliacijos grįžtamaisiais ryšiais įtaką PI3K-MAPK sąveikos stiprumui priklausomai nuo EGF dozės ir laiko; ištirti GAB1 svarbą EGFR ir insulino receptoriaus signalo perdavimo tinklų sąveikai; modifikuoti Westerno pernašos metodą palyginamajai kiekybinei ir kokybinei baltymų analizei. Darbo išvados: stimuliavus EGFR, skirstymo baltymas GAB1 tampa veiksmingu; EGF lemia reciprokinę PI3K/Akt ir Ras/MAPK signalo perdavimo kelių sąveiką per GAB1; GAB1 yra pagrindinis teigiamo atgalinio ryšio elementas PI3K kelyje, padedąs pagreitinti, stiprinti ir išlaikyti MEK/ERK kinazių atsaką; PI3K-MAPK sąveikos stiprumas kinta laike ir yra atvirkščiai proporcingas EGF signalo stiprumui; GAB1 reikalingas sinergistiškai stiprinti insulinu ir mažomis EGF dozėmis stimuliuojamų ląstelių Ras/MAPK atsaką; sukurtas „Multi-juostelių“ imunopernašos metodas yra tinkamas palyginamajai kiekybinei ir kokybinei baltymų analizei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the thesis was to determine a connection of endogenous docking protein GAB1 with anti-apoptotic PI3/Akt and Ras/MAPK signaling pathways and to estimate GAB1 contribution to their crosstalk in EGFR signaling network. The tasks: to evaluate GAB1 efficacy upon EGFR stimulation; to examine the nature of crosstalk between PI3K/Akt and Ras/MAPK pathways; to evaluate the contribution of GAB1 to EGF signaling via PI3K/Akt and Ras/MAPK pathways in vivo comparing the results with prognosis in silico; to estimate the EGF dose- and time-dependent impact of GAB1 efficacy and its feedback regulation on the strength of PI3K-MAPK interaction; to investigate the role of GAB1 for crosstalk of EGFR and insulin receptor signaling networks; to modify Western blotting procedure for comparative quantitative and qualitative protein analysis. The conclusions: the docking protein GAB1 is functional upon EGFR stimulation; PI3K/Akt and Ras/MAPK signaling pathways crosstalk reciprocally via GAB1 in response to EGF; GAB1 is major positive feedback element in PI3K pathway amplifying and sustaining MEK/ERK response to EGF; the strength of PI3K-MAPK interaction depends on time and is inversely proportional to EGF signal strength; GAB1 is required to synergistically potentate the Ras/MAPK response to tandem cell treatment with insulin and low EGF doses; the developed Multistrip immunoblotting method is suitable for comparative quantitative and qualitative protein analysis. In comparison with a... [to full text]

Sveikatos priežiūros organizavimas internatinėse mokyklose / Healthcare service organizing in boarding schools of Vilnius city

Varvuolienė, Rasa 14 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: to survey pupils’ opinion regarding healthcare service organizing in boarding schools of Vilnius city. Objectives: to evaluate healthcare service organizing, to evaluate factors haveing influence in the relations between doctors and children; to compare health care service organizing between boarding schools of Vilnius city. Methods: a sample anonymous survey of 193 pupils aged between 10 and 18 was conducted. Results were compared between two surveyed boarding schools. SPSS statistics software (SPSS 10.0) was used to measure the statistical significance of the results. Results: School nurses play an important role in health care organizing within schools. Almost a half of pupils reported to have been registered with a doctor by school nurses. 84 % of younger pupils stated that nurses accompany them to the health centers. More than a half of pupils surveyed (53.9 %) indicated that average waiting time in health centre, prior to being admitted to the consulting-room, was between 10 to 20 minutes. The majority of pupils asserted that doctors have not provided them with accurate information regarding their health status; only 51 % of them believe that doctors would keep information about their health status in secret. Only 1 of ten children remarked, that doctor wasn’t attentive to him. Conclusions: Sufficient attention has been paid to the healthcare organization in Vilnius boarding schools, healthcare services have been provided in time, unfortunately... [to full text]

Organizacinio klimato ir darbinio streso sąveikos diagnostinis tyrimas:laisvės atėmimo įstaigų atvejis / Diagnostical research of interaction between organizational climate and work-related stress: a case of imprisonment houses

Lementauskaitė, Kristina, Bimbirytė, Neringa 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame magistriniame darbe išanalizuota įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių organizacinio klimato ir darbinio streso teorinės sąsajos, bei atlikti tyrimai dvejose statutinėse organizacijose. Tyrimui atlikti buvo pasitelkta du standartizuoti testai: prof. G. Merkio mokslinės grupės sukurtas „Organizacijos klimato krizės“ ir Lietuvoje iki šiol nenaudotas „Darbinio streso“ testas, kurie atskleidė Pataisos namų X ir Tardymo izoliatoriaus Y darbinio streso ir organizacinio klimato būklę. Pateikiamos išvados, diskusijos ir literatūros sąrašas. Išanalizavus tyrimo duomenis, dalinai pasitvirtimo magistriniame darbe iškelta hipotez�� - „Laivės atėmimo įstaigose susiklostęs organizacinis klimatas yra nepalankus, aukštas darbuotojų patiriamas streso lygis, todėl reikalauja vadybinės intervencijos“. Norint tiksliai išanalizuoti organizacinį klimatą bei darbinio streso priežastis, rekomenduotina atlikti kokybinio testo analizę. / In this master degree work there is analyzed the theoretical connection between organizational climate and working stress, and done research in two statutional organizations. Two standardized tests were used for making a research: „Crysis of Organizational Climate“ founded by prof. G.Merkys scientific group and test of „Working Stress“ which was not used in Lithuania up to now. These tests have showed the condition of working stress and organizational climate in Penitentiary X and Interrogation Facility Y. At the end of the work conclusions, discussions and list of literature are presented. Data analysis has showed that hypotesis – „ Organizational climate in the imprisonment institutions is unfavourable, the level of stress experienced by employees is high, therefore managerial intervention is necessary“- formulated in this master degree work was confirmed partially. In order to make a precise analysis of causes of organizational climate and working stress it is recommended to do analysis of quality test.

Tarpukario spaudos Šiauliuose raida: „Momentas“, „Mūsų momentas“, „Įdomus mūsų momentas“ / The development of the interwar printing in Siauliai: "Momentas", „Mūsų momentas", "Įdomus mūsų momentas“

Brašiškienė, Deimantė 03 September 2010 (has links)
Tarpukariu (1918–1940 m.) Lietuvos vyriausybė labai pradėjo rūpintis kultūra ir švietimu, o tai lėmė periodinės spaudos suklestėjimą, ypač laikraščių ir savaitraščių. 1928–1940 m. Šiauliuose buvo leidžiami bulvarinio pobūdžio savaitraščiai „Momentas“ (1928–1930), kurio vyriausiasis redaktorius buvo Jurgis Janulaitis, „Mūsų momentas“ (1930–1933) ir „Įdomus mūsų momentas“ (1933–1940), kurių vyriausiasis redaktorius buvo Bronius Buišas. Šie leidiniai ir yra darbo tyrimo objektas. Savaitraščiai buvo tiriami naudojant aprašymo, interpretacinį ir lyginamąjį metodus. Ištirti šie minėtų leidinių numeriai: „Momento“ (1928 m. 1–25; 1929 m. 1, 3–7, 13, 29, 41, 43; 1930 m. 1numeriai), „Mūsų momento“ (1930 m. 1–25, 35; 1932 m. 42–51 numeriai), „Įdomaus mūsų momento“ (1933 m. 9, 16, 25–30; 1934 m. 3–13, 42, 43, 51; 1935 m. 2, 16; 1936 m. 15, 28; 1937 m. 35; 1938 m. 5, 29; 1939 m. 41; 1940 m. 1 numeriai). Tai buvo bulvarinės spaudos periodiniai leidiniai, kuriuose daugiausia vietos užėmė kriminalų, aferų, sensacijų, žymių žmonių asmeninio gyvenimo aprašymai. Taip pat savaitraščiuose publikuota straipsnių apie svarbesnius Lietuvos ir pasaulio kultūrinius įvykius ir renginius. Savaitraščiai „Momentas“, „Mūsų momentas“, „Įdomus mūsų momentas“ turėjo nuolatines rubrikas, kuriose buvo spausdinama panašaus turinio informacija. „Momentas“ turėjo šias rubrikas: „Kronika“, „Juokų“ skiltis, „Įvairenybės“, „Gyvenamųjų dienų apžvalga“. „Mūsų momente“ publikuotos rubrikos: „Juokų“ skiltis, „Sportas“... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Between the wars (1918–1940) Lithuanian Government was taking more care of culture and education, which led to periodical prospering, especially of newspapers and weekly. In 1928–1940 gutter weekly “Momentas” (1928–1930), chief editor Jurgis Janulaitis, “Mūsų momentas” (1930–1933) and “Įdomus mūsų momentas” (1933–1940) chief editor Bronius Buišas were published. These publications are subject of this paper. The weekly were analysed using description, interpretation and comparative methods. Listed issues were analysed. They were gutter periodicals, where most place was taken by criminal news, affair, sensation, famous people personal life descriptions. They also publicised articles about significant Lithuanian and world cultural events. The weekly “Momentas”, “Mūsų momentas”, “Įdomus mūsų momentas” had permanent columns with similar information. “Momentas”: Chronicle, Jokes, Various, Review of living days, “Mūsų momentas”: Jokes, Sports, “Įdomus mūsų momentas” included new columns Here and abroad, For free hour, Our scout corner, News for women. The weekly were regional periodicals: most articles were about Šiauliai city and regional events, actualities, news. Readers also were offered news from Lithuania and the world, but not so abundantly. Gutter weekly “Momentas”, “Mūsų momentas”, “Įdomus mūsų momentas” publicized literal creations as well. Mostly it was popular beletristics: satires (Cingu-Lingas “Ko trūksta Šiauliams”), sentimental low artistic level poems, criminal... [to full text]

Poggendorfo iliuzijos stiprumo ir akių dominavimo įvertinimas / The strenth of Poggendorff illusion and the evaluation of the dominance of the eyes

Medvedskienė, Violeta 12 July 2011 (has links)
Poggendorfo iliuzijos stiprumas didėja mažinant kampą tarp pasvirųjų ir vertikalių tiesių ir didinant atstumą tarp vertikalių tiesių. Poggendorfo iliuzijos stiprumas mažinant kampą tarp pasvirųjų ir vertikalių tiesių (išskyrus 5°) ir atstumą tarp vertikalių statistiškai reikšmingai (p-reikšmė 0,000-0,006) susijęs. Remiantis visais Poggendorfo iliuzijos stiprumo rezultatais tiriamuosius pagal akies dominavimą galima suskirstyti 61,7% tikslumu. Tiriamųjų akies dominavimo klasifikavimas pagal Poggendorfo iliuzijos stiprumą keičiant kampą tarp pasvirųjų ir vertikalių tiesių galimas 48,0% tikslumu. Tiriamųjų akies dominavimo klasifikavimas pagal Poggendorfo iliuzijos stiprumą keičiant atstumą tarp vertikalių tiesių galimas 49,0% tikslumu. Pagal visus Poggendorfo iliuzijos matavimus kairės ir dešinės akies dominavimą (neįtraukiant tiriamųjų, kurių abi akys dominuojančios) galima numatyti 88,9% (kairės akies dominavimą galima numatyti 87,5%, dešinės – 89,7%) tikslumu. / There are many research on visual perception illusions but still there are many questions how visual system create illusory perception. There is no only theory and only mechanism which could explain the basic depth illusions. There is presumption that different illusions determine by different factors, which ones could be related with the structure of the eye and the neural interactions in retina, other ones – with superior level – the processing of cognitive information. The Poggendorff illusion is not the exception. The goal of this work is to explore the strenth of Poggendorff illusion while changing the angle between sloping and vertical lines and the distance between vertical lines, and its relation with the dominance of the eye. The tasks: 1. To measure the strength of Poggendorff illusion while changing the angle between sloping and vertical lines. 2. To measure the strength of Poggendorff illusion while changing the distance between vertical lines. 3. To explore the relation between the strength of Poggendorff illusion while changing the angle between sloping and vertical lines and the distance between vertical lines. 4. To compare the strength of Poggendorff illusion between left and right dominant eye having subjects. The Poggendorff illusion was given by the computer-based program. The subjects have to find the continuation of the sloping line while changing the angle between sloping and vertical lines and the distance between vertical lines. 135 subjets (17 men... [to full text]

Garbingo ir negarbingo krepšininkių ir trenerių elgesio rungtynių metu raiška / Expression of Fair and Unfair Behaviors in Female Basketball Players and Coaches During the Basketball Match

Mankutė, Goda 13 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektu pasirinktas krepšininkių ir trenerių garbingas ir negarbingas elgesys rungtynių metu. Tyrimu buvo siekta išsiaiškinti garbingo ir negarbingo krepšininkių ir trenerių elgesio rungtynių metu raišką. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo išsikelti tokie uždaviniai: išsiaiškinti krepšininkių garbingo ir negarbingo elgesio rungtynių metu raišką pagal amžių; išsiaiškinti krepšininkių garbingo ir negarbingo elgesio rungtynių metu raišką pagal rungtynių eigą; išsiaiškinti krepšininkių garbingo ir negarbingo elgesio rungtynių metu raišką pagal galutinį rezultatą; išsiaiškinti trenerių garbingo ir negarbingo elgesio rungtynių metu raišką bei jo tarpusavio ryšį su krepšininkių elgesiu. Tyrime buvo išsikeltos keturios hipotezės: H1 – jaunesnėms krepšininkėms, lyginant jas su vyresnėmis, būdingesnis garbingas elgesys rungtynių metu; H2 – antroje rungtynių dalyje daugiau pasireiškia krepšininkių negarbingas elgesys; H3 – kuo rezultatas lygesnis, tuo mažiau pastebima pagarbos varžovei ir daugiau prieštaravimų teisėjo sprendimams; H4 – negarbingas trenerių elgesys bus susijęs su krepšininkių negarbingu elgesiu. Rungtynių metu buvo fiksuojamas krepšininkių ir trenerių garbingas ir negarbingas elgesys stebėjimo protokole. Stebėjimas atliktas stebint Lietuvos moksleivių krepšinio lygos rungtynes. Tyrime dalyvavo 14-17 metų amžiaus merginos, žaidžiančios krepšinį. Stebėjime dalyvavo 23 komandos. Buvo atliktas 40 rungtynių stebėjimas. Stebėjimas atskleidė, kad rungtynių metu dominuoja... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the paper is behavior in female basketball players and coaches during the basketball match. The purpose of this study is to define the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in female basketball players and coaches during the basketball match. In order to execute a purpose of this study, the following objectives were set: to find out the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in female basketball players during the basketball match according to basketball players’ age; to find out the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in female basketball players during the basketball match according to its development; to find out the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in female basketball players during the basketball match according to the final outcome; to find out the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in coaches and to find out the relationship between behaviors of coaches and basketball players. This research was focused on four hypotheses: H1 – younger basketball players demonstrate more fair behaviors during the basketball match; H2 – there are more common unfair basketball players’ behaviors during the second part of the match; H3 – the more equal the result is, the less respect towards the competitor and referee’s solutions is noticed; H4 – unfair coaches’ behaviors are related to unfair basketball players’ behaviors. Observed fair and unfair behaviors in basketball players and coaches were measured by recording their frequency in observation... [to full text]

"The participation of God himself" : law and mediation in the thought of Richard Hooker

Irish, Charles W. January 2002 (has links)
This study focuses on the relationship between Hooker's doctrine of law and his concept of "participation," which is an important feature of his sacramental doctrine. In The Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie (V.50--67), Richard Hooker discusses the saving work of Christ and man's participation in him through faith and the sacraments. How does Hooker understand participation in God? Hooker speaks of the Atonement, Justification and sacraments in the vocabulary of the magisterial Reform, but (perhaps uniquely) understands the same doctrines within the framework of law, the instrument by which God orders his creation. Hooker defines law in terms of Aristotelian causes to describe a process of participation: the causes that inform the natures, operations and ends of creatures accomplish a hierarchical process of emanation of being from God and return to God. Law therefore mediates between God and creation. Creatures participate in God through the natural law, but after the fall, man's participation is restored through the divine law. Hooker's account of the Incarnation and Atonement, justification through faith, and sacramental participation---the main features of the divine law---therefore takes into account the idea of law. Hooker's treatment of participation, then, is based on categories in classical physics, and his doctrine of law influences his treatment of specific theological loci.

A case for mother tongue education?

Desai, Zubeida Khatoom January 2012 (has links)
<p>The question as to which language should be used as a medium of instruction in schools in multilingual societies is a controversial one. In South Africa, the question is often posed in binary terms: Should the medium of instruction be a familiar local language such as Xhosa or a language of wider communication like English? This study is an attempt to answer the above question. The study profiled the writing abilities of Grade 4 and Grade 7 pupils at Themba Primary, a school located in Khayelitsha in the Western Cape, in both their mother tongue, Xhosa, and in English, their official medium of instruction at school since Grade 4. Three written tasks, which consisted of a narrative piece of writing, a reading comprehension exercise, and an expository piece of writing, were administered to the pupils in English and Xhosa. The purpose of the exercise was to examine some of the implications for educational language policy of the differences in performance in the two languages. All the tasks were authentic, in that they were based on aspects of the pupils&rsquo / curriculum and written in the formal academic language pupils were expected to be exposed to in their respective grades. All the tasks were graded systematically under controlled conditions.</p>

Quel est le niveau hiérarchique des premières catégories apprises ? : une analyse des facteurs chevauchement inter catégories et redondance intra catégorie

Girard, Jade January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

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