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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvärderingsmodeller vid offentlig upphandling : En granskning av förekommande modeller och möjlighet till ett enhetligt val av en modell

Adjoudani, Soheil January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att behandla utvärderingsfasen inom offentliga upphandlingar och mer specifikt från ett leverantörsperspektiv. Offentliga upphandlingar utförs för att få bra kvalitet till ett lågt pris. De kan utföras genom lägsta pris eller ekonomiskt mest fördelaktiga anbud. Genom begärda avslutade upphandlingar kunde modeller som använts identifieras ända ner till dess korresponderande matematiska modell. Poängvägningsmodeller anses inte konsistenta på grund av att de påverkas av irrelevanta variabler likaså den relativa kvalitetsvärderingsmodellen i teorin. Detta betyder att icke intressanta anbud påverkar utfallet för de andra anbuden. Studien visade att det med fördel går att välja den relativa kvalitetsvärderingsmodellen över poängvägningsmodellerna då den inte lider av problemet med irrelevanta variabler. Genom analys likställs den relativa kvalitetsvägningsmetoden med den mer resurskrävande kvalitetsvägningsmetoden som använder sig av absolut påslag/avdrag. Analys visade att rangordningen av anbuden inte förändrades. Genom en känslighetsanalys visades att viktningen för kvalitet och pris från poängvägningsmetoden inte spelade någon roll i den relativa kvalitetsvärderingsmodellen, även detta till fördel då den många gånger godtyckligt sätts av upphandlaren. / The purpose of this study was to address the evaluation phase within the area of public procurement and more specifically, from a supplier perspective. Public procurement is carried out in order to get good quality at a low price. The procurement can be performed by the lowest price or by the most economically advantageous tender. Previously concluded contracts were requested and the evaluation model that they used was identified and also it’s corresponding mathematical model. The score-weighted models were not consistent because they depended on irrelevant variables, as did the relative quality-weighted model in theory. This means that non-competitive tender affects the outcome of the other tenders. The study showed that it is more beneficial to choose the relative quality-weighted model over the score-weighting model, as it does not suffer from the irrelevant variable situation. The relative quality-weighted model is equivalent to the more superior quality-weighted model with discrete premium/discounts. This is the case as the ranking of the tenderers bids were the same in the two models. Furthermore, it was shown through a sensitivity analysis, that the weighting for the quality and the price from the score-weighted model played no role in the relative quality-weighted model; this is also an advantage as the purchaser often arbitrarily sets it.

Möjligheter och hinder för ämnesintegration : En studie av karaktärsämneslärares uppfattning av ämnesintegration på Industriprogrammet

Andersson, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Ämnesintegration är ett sätt att organisera undervisning för att eleven ska se det som förmedlas i ett större perspektiv, i syfte att skapa en helhetssyn på kunskaper, i ett effektivare lärande. Meningen är att elevernas motivation ska öka liksom måluppfyllnaden för undervisningen. Studien har för avsikt att undersöka hur karaktärsämneslärare på Industriprogrammet uppfattar ämnesintegration. Det som undersöks är vilka möjligheter och hinder för ämnesintegration karaktärsämneslärarna uppfattar genom kvalitativa intervjuer med 6st karaktärsämneslärare på Industriprogrammet. Undersökningen kompletteras också med en jämförelse av kärnämneslärares uppfattning om infärgning i en annan studie. Resultaten visar att karaktärsämneslärarna uppfattar fler möjligheter än hinder och har hittat sätt att övervinna hindren för att jobba ämnesintegrerat. Möjligheterna beskrivs som ökande motivation hos eleverna, snabbare inlärning och helhetssyn på kunskaperna. Hindren beskrivs som kunskapssyn, brist på kommunikation och tid. Lösningarna beskrivs som att ta initiativ, skapa gemensam tid och tydliga och enkla mål. / A correlated curriculum is a way to give the subject relevance in a wider context to strengthen the pupils’ education.  The idea is that students' motivation will increase for their studies, as the goals to aim for. This study intends to find out vocational teachers perception of a correlated curriculum within the Industrial programme. The studies of opportunities and obstacles of a correlated curriculum are made through qualitative interviews with six vocational teachers within the Industrial programme. The study compares vocational teachers understanding of a correlated curriculum with the perceptions of core subject teachers of another study. The results show that vocational teachers perceive more opportunities than obstacles and have found ways to overcome barriers to integrated working substance. The possibilities are described as increasing motivation, accelerated learning and a holistic approach to knowledge. The obstacles are described as approach to knowledge, lack of communication and time. The solutions are described as taking the initiative, creating common time, clear and simple goals.

Perception och produktion av svenskt uttal hos andraspråksinlärare. : En studie kring hur utländsk brytning uppfattas av vuxna som läser svenska som andraspråk. / Perception and production of Swedish pronunciation in second language learners. : A study about how foreign accent is perceived by persons who learn Swedish as a second language.

Björhn, Sofia, Frederiksen, Fanny January 2012 (has links)
Det förekommer mycket forskning kring brytning hos andraspråksinlärare. Många studier använder sig av modersmålstalare som har skattat brytning hos andraspråksinlärare på en Likert-skala (Jesney, 2004). Ett mål med föreliggande studie var att bidra till en ökad insikt om och hur personer med svenska som andraspråk uppfattar utländsk brytning i svenska på samma sätt som en modersmålstalare gör och om det fanns något samband mellan förmågan att uppfatta brytning och förmågan att utrycka sig på svenska.  Djupare analyser gjordes av perception och produktion hos andraspråksinlärare. Designen på studien bestod av tre grupper och omfattade 42 deltagare som representerade 15 språk . Två av grupperna innehöll andraspråksinlärare och den tredje gruppen bestod av modersmålstalare. Samtliga andraspråksinlärare studerade eller hade studerat svenska som andraspråk vid ett universitet eller SFI. Alla deltagare med svenska som andra språk spelades in, när de uttalade ett antal meningar samt beskrev två bilder. Andraspråksinlärarna i den första gruppen och modersmålstalarna i den tredje gruppen fick sedan skatta brytning utifrån det inspelade materialet. Skattningarna utfördes på en 8-gradig Likert-skala där 1 stod för ”ingen brytning” och 8 för ”mycket stark brytning”. Det utfördes även en intervju för att kartlägga olika språkliga och sociala bakgrundsfaktorer hos andraspråksinlärarna i den första gruppen. Under intervjun fick andraspråksinlärarna även göra en självskattning av sin egen brytning. Resultaten visade att andraspråksinlärarna skattade både sin egen och andra andraspråksinlärares brytning högre än modersmålstalarna. Det fanns även tendenser till samband mellan brytningsgrad i det egna uttalet och likhet i skattning av brytning jämfört med modersmålstalare. Resultaten visade också att andraspråksinlärarna och modersmålstalarna i viss mån uppfattade olika fenomen i svenska språket som brytning. Det märktes tydligast då accenter förekom i meningarna vilket andraspråksinlärarna tycktes vara känsliga för i skattning av brytning. Slutsatsen av föreliggande studie är att olika faktorer i svenska språket ger upphov till grad av uppfattad brytning och att andraspråksinlärare och modersmålstalare delvis uppfattar brytning på olika sätt. / The results showed that the second language learners were more critical in their ratings of foreign accent of other second language learners than the native speakers. The results also indicated a correlation between native-like rating of foreign accent and the rating of one’s own perceived foreign accent among the second language learners.  Correlations between gender and native-like rating and correlation between friendship with native speakers and native-like rating showed no significant results. Second language learners and native speakers perceived different factors in Swedish as foreign accent. This was most distinct when word stress occurred in the sentences, which the second language learners appeared to be more sensitive to in perceived foreign accent rating than the native Swedish speakers. The conclusion of this study is that a variety of factors in Swedish affect perceived foreign accent and that second language learners and native speakers of Swedish to some extent perceive foreign accent in similar ways, and to some extent deviate from each other.

An exploratory study of integration mechanisms in Open Innovation Projects within inter-organizational networks: private companies and universities

Ramirez Portilla, Andres, Novokmet, Paula January 2010 (has links)
It is visible in the innovation literature the tendency to evolve the innovation process into a moreopen and flexible model where innovators of all types can interact freely. This fairly recentparadigm known as Open Innovation is a phenomenon with still a considerable amount of opengaps and challenges. Therefore the question of how integration is achieved between differenttypes of outside innovators remains unanswered. Many organizations, some in more extent thanothers, are already applying Open Innovation within networks; however there is still not a clearunderstanding or a formal theory that describes the mechanisms that can help integrate theinnovation activities with other actors. To address this challenge, we conducted an exploratorystudy in 7 different organizations representing two types of innovators (private firms andacademic institutions) and a nexus agency that acts as an integrator between them. The first partof the results consist of an extensive list of 27 integration mechanisms applicable in openinnovation projects later categorized in 5 new main categories for their practical study anddiscussion. More abstractly, as relationships between these integration mechanisms and interorganizationalnetworks have not been analyzed yet, we want to propose a framework that canprovide an initial notion of their role and interaction in Open Innovation Projects. Thisframework is valuable to consider the applicability of the proposed integration mechanismscategories in different OI settings and supports the understanding of how the harmonization ofOI efforts occurs with different types of innovators. Having a framework of this typeconsiderably extends the understanding of integration in the Open Innovation field and providesas well a guide for organizations to identify how to integrate open innovation efforts.

The Sino-Japanese Dispute over the Diaoyu Islands and Taiwan¡¦s Strategy: A Case Study of the Minjin 5179 Incident

Lu, Hsing-Shuo 06 September 2012 (has links)
Dispute over the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands) implicates peace in East Asia. These islands were under Chinese control for five hundred years in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and were used as sailing coordinates for imperial Chinese missions to the ancient Ryūkyū Kingdom and as part of national defense. Under the control of the Qing Dynasty, the Diaoyu Islands were affiliated with Taiwan. In 1894, the Qing was defeated by Japanese in the Sino-Japanese War and was forced to secede Taiwan and its surrounding islands to Japan in 1985. After World War II, the Diaoyu islands were under the United States¡¦ occupation. In 1972, the United States reverted administrative control over these islands to Japan. The Diaoyu Islands have so far been separated from the Chinese rule for over a century. Due to the intervention of the United States, the Diaoyu Islands were not returned to China or Taiwan after the defeat of Japan in 1945. In the 21st Century, as the resources on earth are gradually depleted, the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands has become a ferocious competition among China, Japan, and Taiwan due to its rich ocean resources. At present, the islands are under de facto control by Japan; resolution of the problem has troubled Taiwan, China, and Japan. On September 7, 2010, ¡§Minjin Fishing Boat No. 5179¡¨ collided with Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats. This thesis uses this incident as a case to study the Sino-Japanese conflict on the Diaoyu Islands.

Construction Of The Republic In City Space: From Political Ideal To Planning Principles

Karakaya, Emel 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
After the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, urban planning was one of the main instruments for the development of national economy. In this respect, urban plans for numerous cities and towns were prepared between 1923 and 1940 in Turkey. This thesis reveals the reflections of Republican ideology to urban planning principles. The aims of this study are to clarify the political concepts that were active in the Early Republican Period, translation of political concepts to spatial context and to reveal the relation between urban planning experiences and political ideology between 1923 and 1940 in the Republic of Turkey. For this reason, this thesis study examines the construction of Republican ideology in city space via urban planning. The construction of the Republican Revolution in city space is examined in terms of planning practices and evolution of urbanism. The examples of cities planned at that period are evaluated in the context of political ideals and planning principles that were operative in urban planning between 1923 and 1940 in Turkey.

Pratiche di sostenibilità ambientale e sociale: il caso di Santiago del Cile / Environmental and Social Sustainability Practices. Santiago, Chile, Case Study

BERETTA, ILARIA 02 March 2007 (has links)
Il lavoro prende parte al dibattito scientifico su quali siano le più corrette modalità di attuazione del concetto di "sviluppo sostenibile". Attraverso l'applicazione dell'approccio coevolutivo allo studio condotto a Santiago del Cile, abbiamo cercato di rispondere alle seguenti domande: 1) Quali sono i problemi ambientali locali e quali le relative ripercussioni sociali? 2) Quali sono gli strumenti a disposizione delle municipalità locali per risolverli? 3) Quali strumenti vengono realmente impiegati e quali le ripercussioni sociali del loro utilizzo? / The work takes part in the scientific debate about the most correct ways to affect the sustainable development concept. Through the coevolutive approach application to Santiago case (Chile) we tried to answer following questions: 1) what are local environmental problems and what are their social repercussions? 2) What are instruments in the local municipalities hands in order to resolve them? 3) Which instruments are really employed and what are social repercussions from their use?

Heidegger's theft of faith : a campaign to suspend radical theology

Weidler, Markus Mikula 05 May 2015 (has links)
In this inquiry I pursue two tasks. First, I locate the roots of Heidegger's philosophical project historically within a specific theological discourse bent on redefining the relation between religion and politics. Heidegger's main, if covert, intent was to combat the egalitarian, pluralistic impulses carried by a tradition of critical Christology, which leads from F.W.J. Schelling's (1775-1854) Philosophy of Revelation to the work of the radical theologian-philosopher Paul Tillich (1886-1965). These egalitarian impulses spring from a broadened understanding of religious community as a material communication community unified through the use of shared symbols into a community of understanding, knowledge, and interests. The theoretical expansion and deepening of such a communication model, I detect in the writings of the renegade Neogrammarian, Hermann Paul, here considered in light of the "neo-Idealist" initiative of one of Paul's most prominent critics, the Romanist Karl Vossler. Prior to the advanced theological exposition of symbolically mediated communication, in works such as Tillich's book Dynamics of Faith (2001; Engl. orig.1957), the Neogrammarian movement in language studies, I argue, holds the key to accessing the cloaked Christological subtext of Heidegger's thought. Second, after thus locating Heidegger's philosophical agenda within its intellectual-historical context, I expose how Heidegger manipulates philosophical rhetoric to achieve the suspension of Schelling's theological legacy. My analysis of Heidegger's rhetorical behavior is focused on his Letter on Humanism (written 1946, published 1949), a text very overt in both its philosophical biases and its politics. The Humanismusbrief comes the closest to revealing Heidegger's own self-positioning within his generation. The work's conclusion provides a brief look ahead, or Ausblick, to indicate the main features of how these findings about the Letter can be brought to bear on Heidegger's masterpiece fragment, Being and Time. Through this approach, Heidegger's inherently political philosophy gains a much clearer profile in the context of its formative phase in the waning days of the Weimar Republic and opens a new perspective on later attempts by its author to "re-apply" his philosophical program to the cultural situation of postwar Germany, as well as to the ethical-epistemological problems remaining after twelve years of German isolationism. / text

The Rhythm of Storytelling as Invitation: A Whiteheadian Interpretation of "The Wood between the Worlds'

2015 August 1900 (has links)
ABSTRACT Imaginative storytelling offered as an invitation to learning dovetails with the notion of Romance in cyclical, organic learning. It is upon the theme of rhythmic storytelling and its relationship to Alfred North Whitehead’s cycle of Romance/Freedom of “The Wood between the Worlds” that I concentrate in this thesis. The thesis proceeds in four chapters to facilitate such understanding. Chapter One reawakens the childlike wonder of the stories my father related to me when I was young; my personal academic trajectory traces out the Whiteheadian pattern of the overlapping tri-cycle of Romance/Freedom, Precision/Self-Discipline, and Generalization/Freedom. Chapter Two introduces the enchanted Narnian “Wood between the Worlds” envisioned by Clive Staples Lewis with reference to the literary and sensory forests I have known. Chapter Three presents the Voices of the Children from my Grade Two class over a period of one year, based upon my memories and personal anecdotal notes of their stories as well as their creative use of storytelling. I also explore Antonio Machón’s consideration of children’s drawings as storytelling. In conclusion, Chapter Four describes my journeys with First Nations pilot programs Math Warriors (Saskatoon Catholic School Board) and Indigenous Knowledge in Science (Saskatoon Public School Board), leading me to better appreciate Indigenous educational philosophy. In the process I consider insights shared by Verna Kirkness (Cree), Jo-ann Archibald (Stó:lö and Coast Salish), and others. Finally, I interpret “The Wood between the Worlds” from a Whiteheadian perspective, reflecting upon contrasts and commonalities Whitehead may share with Aboriginal thought.

Att se utsatta elever : Tre skolkuratorers perspektiv på hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Seeing exposed students : Three school-concelor´s perspectives of honour-related violence and oppression

Eriksson, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med tre skolkuratorer. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Hedersproblematiken har sina rötter i kollektivets dominans över individen, patriarkala mönster och kulturkrock. Skolan har ett stort ansvar att se de utsatta eleverna, men det råder skilda meningar om vilka som utsätts. Vanligtvis ses flickor som offer för fäders och bröders våld i familjerna, men skolkuratorernas erfarenheter visar att alla individer i familjer där hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck existerar tycks i varierande grad vara delaktiga i våldet, och att även pojkarna kan vara offer. / This thesis in Social Anthropology is based on interviews with three school-councelors. It´s about their experiences and perceptions of honour-related violence and oppression. Honour-problemacy has it´s roots in the dominance of the collective over the individual, patriarchal patterns and collision between cultures. The school has a large responsibility to see the exposed students, but there are different opinions on who are the exposed. Normally, girls are seen as the victims of the violence of the father and brothers in their families, but the experiences of school-councelors show that all individuals in families where honour-related violence and oppression exists, seems to be perticipants in the violence, and that the boys also can be the victims.

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