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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Résines thermodurcissables et nanocomposites époxydes renouvelables à base de furanne pour les applications de revêtement / Renewable furan-derived epoxy thermosets and nanocomposites for coating applications

Marotta, Angela 25 January 2019 (has links)
La recherche scientifique concernant les polymères biosourcés augmente rapidement pendant les dernières années, poussée par des croissantes préoccupations écologiques et économiques, ainsi que par l'incertitude sur la disponibilité future de ressources pétrochimiques limitées. Durabilité est un mot-clé de ce processus. Dans ce cadre, des produits respectueux de l'environnement, y compris des molécules et des additifs eco-compatibles, sont maintenant recherchés pour remplacer les polymères à base de pétrole par ceux dérivés de matières premières naturelles.Les résines époxydes sont des polymères thermodurcissables très polyvalents, extrêmement résistants à la corrosion, à l'humidité et aux produits chimiques, avec une bonne force d'adhérence à la plupart des matériaux et un faible retrait lors du durcissement. En raison de leurs températures de transition vitreuse élevées et de leur excellente résistance mécanique, les résines époxydes sont largement utilisées dans une large gamme d'applications, telles que l'électronique, les adhésifs structuraux, les composites pour l'aérospatiale et les revêtements protecteurs.Actuellement, plus des deux tiers des résines époxydes sont à base de diglycidyl éther de Bisphénol A. Dans cette industrie, la tendance à remplacer les matériaux dérivés du pétrole par des matériaux biosourcés est également liée à la nécessité de remplacer le bisphénol A (BPA), une molécule controversée, reconnu comme un perturbateur endocrinien et une substance reprotoxique. En particulier en application comme revêtement, l'utilisation de BPA présente un risque pour les utilisateurs d'aliments et de boissons conditionnés dans des récipients traités avec des résines époxydes. Les effets de la contamination du corps humain causée par le BPA sont le diabète, maladies cardiovasculaires, modification des enzymes hépatiques et les lésions de l'appareil reproducteur. Pour ces raisons, cette molécule a été interdite dans de nombreux pays pour la fabrication de produits pour enfants, ainsi qu'en France et au Canada de tous les matériaux en contact direct avec les aliments. La nécessité de développer de nouvelles résines époxy est donc urgente.Les molécules bio-dérivées développées depuis maintenant présentent des structures chimiques les plus diverses, chacune d’elles produisant des propriétés différentes des polymères finaux. Les caractéristiques particulières des résines époxydes sont liées à la structure aromatique de ses composants. Les molécules aromatiques présentes dans les matières premières naturelles proviennent principalement de la lignine, un des principaux constituants des parois cellulaires naturelles. Cependant, pour extraire des fragments aromatiques de la lignine, des procédés difficiles et consommateurs d’énergie sont nécessaires. Un substitut précieux des molécules aromatiques, facilement récupérables du glucose, sont les molécules furaniques ; leur validité a été étayée par plusieurs études.À la lumière de ce qui précède, les travaux présentés ici sont focalisés sur la production de résines époxyde à base de furane comme substitut potentiel de DGEBA dans l’industrie du revêtement de boîtes de conserve. Le cycle complet du matériau a été étudié : des synthèses de monomères époxydes furaniques ont été proposées, puis des thermodurcis époxydes ont été obtenus et caractérisés à la fois dans leurs propriétés chimiques et physiques (étude de la cinétique de durcissement, des propriétés mécaniques et thermiques). En outre, l’application des matériaux thermodurcissables époxydes proposés comme revêtement interne des boîtes de conserve a été testée. / Research on bio-based polymers is rapidly increasing in last years, pushed by growing environmental and economic concerns, as well as by the uncertainty about future availability of finite petrochemical resources. Sustainability is a keyword in this process. In this frame, products that are respectful towards the environment, including eco-compatible building blocks and additives, are now researched to replace petroleum-based polymers with those derived from naturally occurring feedstocks. Epoxy resins are very versatile thermosetting polymers, extremely resistant to corrosion, moisture and chemicals, with good adhesive strength toward most materials (wettability) and low shrinkage upon curing. Due to their high glass transition temperatures and excellent mechanical strength, epoxy resins are widely employed in a broad range of applications, such as electronics, structural adhesives, aerospace composites and protective coatings. More than two-thirds of epoxy resins nowadays are based on diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A. In this industry the trend to replace petrol-derived materials with bio-based ones is related also to the necessity to substitute the Bisphenol A (BPA), a controversial building block recognized as an endocrine disrupter and reprotoxic substance. In particular in application as coating, the use of BPA results in hazard for customers of food and beverage products packed into containers treated with epoxy resins. The effects of human body contamination caused by BPA are diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, altered liver enzymes and reproductive apparatus damages. For these reasons, this molecule has been banned in many countries for the manufacturing of child products, and in France and Canada from all the materials in direct contact with food. The necessity to develop new epoxy resins results therefore urgent.Bio-derived molecules since now developed show the most various chemical structure, each of them producing different properties of final polymers. Peculiar characteristic shown by epoxy resins are related to the aromatic structure of its components. Aromatic molecules present in natural feedstock are mainly derived from lignin, one of the principal constituents of natural cell walls. However, to extract aromatic moieties from lignin, difficult and energy consuming processes are required. A valuable replacement of aromatic molecules, easily recoverable from glucose, are furanic molecules; their validity has been supported by several studies. In the light of the above, the work here presented is focused on production of furanic bio-based epoxy resins as potential substitute of DGEBA in can coating industry. The complete cycle of the material has been studied: the synthesis of furanic epoxy monomers and epoxy thermosets, the characterization of their chemical and physical properties (study of curing kinetics, mechanical and thermal properties). Furthermore, the application of bio-based epoxy thermosets as cans internal lining has been evaluated. Experimental results demonstrated that the obtained resins have good potential to be proposed as good alternatives to the traditional BPA-containing epoxy resins.

Propriétés physiques du poly(éthylène 2,5-furandicarboxylate) / On the physical properties of poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)

Van Berkel, Jesper Gabriël 02 July 2018 (has links)
Aujourd’hui les matériaux plastiques sont indissociables de notre quotidien, tandis que leur fabrication dépend des ressources pétrolières qui ne sont pas durables sur le long terme. Dans l’idée de produire des nouveaux intermédiaires pour matériaux à partir de matière première renouvelable, les dérivés furaniques sont des candidats de choix puisqu’ils sont facilement synthétisables à partir des sucres constitutifs de la biomasse végétale. Le poly(éthylène-2,5-furandicarboxylate) ou PEF est l’un des plastiques qui peut être fabriqué à partir du diacide 2,5-furandicaboxylique (FDCA). Il peut être produit selon des procédés similaires au poly(éthylène téréphtalate) (PET), son homologue petro-sourcé, mais a récemment fait l’objet d’une attention grandissante, notamment pour sa perméabilité aux gaz plus basse et son module mécanique et sa température de transition vitreuse plus élevées. Ces caractéristiques rendent le PEF particulièrement intéressant pour la fabrication de matériaux d’emballage, en particulier dans l’alimentaire. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous étudions la cristallisation du PEF, aspect particulièrement important pour la production et la manipulation des granulés de plastique, ainsi que pour la transparence et les propriétés thermiques requises par les applications finales, et ce, en fonction de la masse moléculaire et du type de catalyseur utilisé. L’application de certains modèles mathématiques a permis de décrire à la fois la cinétique de cristallisation du PEF en mode isotherme et non isotherme du PEF. Cette cristallisation est généralement plus lente que celle du PET. La cristallisation du PEF à partir de l’état vitreux a montré des résultats atypiques qui ont été modélisés avec succès à l’aide de modèles non-conventionnels et de la méthode isoconversionnelle. Les différences ont été expliquées par la nucléation qui peut se produire à température relativement basse. Cette nucléation à basse température a notamment été exploitée judicieusement pour accélérer la cristallisation froide. La deuxième partie de ce travail concerne le comportement thermomécanique du PEF, important notamment pour les procédés de mise en forme et les applications finales. La température de transition vitreuse du PEF, pourtant plus élevée que celle du PET, n’a pas montré d’augmentation particulière avec la cristallinité ce qui a été attribuée à une réduction de la mobilité de la chaîne compensée par une augmentation du volume libre. Le faible taux d’enchevêtrement des chaînes de PEF pourrait s'expliquer par la réduction des dimensions de la chaîne non perturbée, ce qui est peut être directement lié à la diminution de la taille du monomère FDCA en comparaison avec celle de l’acide p-téréphtalique. Aucune restriction d’origine conformationnelle n'a été trouvée ce qui implique, que la réduction de la mobilité doit être principalement intermoléculaire. Pour des PEF de masses molaires diverses ou élaborés à partir de différents catalyseurs, une dépendance plus importante de la viscosité avec la température et la vitesse de déformation est constatée. Ce comportement qui peut être décrit mathématiquement peut également être expliqué par une diminution de la densité d’enchevêtrement des chaînes. Les propriétés mécaniques des phases amorphes et leurs dépendances avec la vitesse de déformation indiquent un faible réseau d'enchevêtrement du PEF par rapport au PET, bien que la réduction de la mobilité intrinsèque de la chaine de PEF puisse également jouer un rôle. L'orientation biaxiale du PEF dans l’état caoutchoutique a été étudiée en comparaison avec celle du PET, ce qui s’avère pertinent pour la production de films et de bouteilles. Les résultats ont montré que des taux d’étirage plus élevés sont nécessaires dans le cas du PEF pour atteindre le même durcissement structural. / Plastics have become an integral part of our lives, while the petrochemical feedstocks used to make them are not sustainable on the long term. In pursuit of production processes starting from renewable feedstocks, furanics were found to form quite readily from abundant plant-based carbohydrates and to bring new functionality as intermediates. Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) or PEF is one of the plastics that can be made through 2,5-furandicaboxylic acid (FDCA) as an intermediate. It can be produced analogously to the ubiquitous material Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) but has only recently been gaining more attention including the finding that it has greatly reduced gas permeability and a higher modulus and glass transition temperature, rendering it interesting as a packaging material. In the first part of this work we study the crystallization behavior of PEF, relevant for production and handling of pellets as well as transparency and thermal properties in end-use applications, as a function of molecular weight and the type of catalyst used. Mathematical models were found that describe both isothermal crystallization kinetics and non-isothermal kinetics for PEF, which is generally slower than PET. PEF crystallization from the glass found to be atypical and was modeled using unconventional models and the isoconversional approach. The origin of this behavior was found to be nucleation at low temperatures, which can be influenced to accelerate its crystallization. The second part of this work relates to the thermomechanical behavior of PEF, relevant for its processing and application in particular. The higher glass transition temperature was found to not increase as much by crystallinity as PET, and could be attributed to a reduced chain mobility compensated by increased free volume. The loose entanglement of PEF could be explained by reduced unperturbed chain dimensions following quite directly from the reduced bond length of FDCA. No significant conformational restictions were found, thus any mobility reduction should be intermolecular. A higher temperature and strain rate dependence of the melt viscosity was found for PEF across various molecular weights and catalyst types, which was described mathematically and can also be explained by a more loosely entangled network. The amorphous mechanical properties and higher strain rate dependence at room temperature also point to a low entanglement network although mobility reduction may also play a role. Biaxial orientation of PEF in the rubbery state, relevant for producing films and bottles, showed that higher draw ratios are needed than for PET until molecular orientation is maximized and strain hardening begins. However, it was found that upon using higher stretch ratios, oriented PEF can exhibit increased strength and Tg compared to oriented PET and further reduced gas permeability.

Optoelectronic Applications For Bio-Based Materials

McMaster, Michael S. 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Durability characteristics of asphalt mixtures containing bioditives

Hufft, Amanda 13 December 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on determining the durability characteristics of asphalt mixtures containing bio-based additives for the purpose of more effective use of recycled materials. Fifty mixtures were evaluated by Cantabro Mass Loss testing in their virgin state, after 1 year of field aging, and after laboratory conditioning to determine the effectiveness of bioditives in dense graded asphalt and sand asphalt mixtures. Key findings from this work demonstrated that considerable amounts of recycled asphalt shingles (i.e. 5% of the total mixture) significantly affect the brittleness of dense graded asphalt mixtures when used in conjunction with reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). Furthermore, brittleness was not improved with the use of bioditives at high dosages (e.g. greater than 7.5% of the total binder content), but was improved in some cases at lower dosage rates (e.g. 2.5-5%). Additional testing of similar mixtures and bioditives evaluated in this thesis are recommended.

Bio-based water/dirt repellant wood coating / Biobaserad vatten/smutsavstötande ytbehandling för trä

Jönsson, Ingrid January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla en helt bio-baserad vatten- och smutsavstötande ytbehandling för trä med ambitionen att ersätta en icke bio-baserad referens produkt på marknaden. Flera emulsioner med oljor och vaxer har framställts och analyserats utefter emulsionernas stabilitet och kvalitet. Flera av dessa emulsioners vattenabsorption, kontaktvinkel, pH värde vid ytan och åldrande i utomhusmiljö testades också efter att olika typer av trä behandlats med formuleringarna. En del av formuleringarna verkade ge liknande vattenabsorption som referensen på de olika typerna av trä med undantag för trä typ 4 där de bio-baserade formuleringarna presterade bättre än referensen. Vidare bildade även de bio-baserade formuleringarna en mindre gul och sträv yta jämfört med referensen och de genomgick dessutom en mindre fysisk förändring efter placering utomhus. Dock var stabiliteten för de bio-baserade emulsionerna sämre än för referensen. Dessutom resulterade de bio-baserade formuleringarna till en mindre pH sänkning på trä typ 3 med alkaliskt. / The aim of this thesis project was to develop a fully bio-based water and dirt repellent wood coating with the ambition to replace the current non-bio-based reference product on the market. Several wax and oil emulsions were made and analyzed in terms of emulsion quality and stability. Several formulations were also tested on different types of wood in terms of water absorption, weathering, surface pH and contact angle. Some formulations seam to give similar water absorption as the reference, the not bio-based product and performs similar on different types of wood with an exception on Wood type 4 where the bio-based formulations performs better than the current reference product. Secondly the bio-based formulations form a less yellow and rough coating compared to the current reference product. According to the weathering test the bio-based formulations seams to perform better. However, the stability of the bio-based formulation is not as good as the current reference product. Also, the developed bio-based conceptual formulations exhibited limited pH lowering on Wood type 3 with alkaline pH.

Copolyesters and Terpolyesters of Polyethylene Terephthalate with Renewably Sourced Comonomers for Packaging Application

Joshi, Anup S. 05 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Yue Zheng (11772509) 04 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Surfactant is a type of surface-active molecule with wide industrial applications, such as personal care products, antibacterial products, surface modification, etc. Due to environmental concerns, biobased surfactants derived from renewable sources are of great interest. In the first part of this work, biobased quaternary ammonium (QA) amphiphiles are synthesized from soybean oil via a two-step reaction. For example, fatty acid amides (FAAms) were first synthesized through direct amidation of soybean oil. The FAAms exhibited different liquid-solid phase transition behavior depending on their saturation and chain length. A general trend of increasing enthalpy of fusion, narrower phase transition temperature range, higher melting temperature, and better thermal stability was observed with increasing chain length and saturation. Overall, fifteen green, organic PCMs were synthesized with the comparable latent heat of fusion to petroleum based PCMs. </p> <p>Biobased QA surfactants were successfully synthesized with comparable surface activity to cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (C16TAB) by alkylating FAAms into quaternary ammonium (QA) compounds.  The water solubility of long-chain (C18) QA surfactants was improved by introducing two or more QA groups in the headgroup, or unsaturation in the tail group. All the surfactants exhibited positive charge with high stability against varying pH. Surfactants derived from fully hydrogenated soybean oil (FHS) and diethylenetriamine (DETA) showed lower critical micelle concentration (CMC) and surface tension in water (SFT) than C16TAB. All the other five surfactants had surface activity comparable to C16TAB and C12TAB. These biobased surfactants are potential alternatives to commercial petroleum-derived QA surfactants. </p> <p>The second part of this work is devoted to understanding the effect of mixed surfactant composition on emulsion stability, and formation is beneficial for optimizing the wastewater treatment process. Emulsion behavior in a saline environment was studied with mixed anionic and nonionic surfactants: sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and Triton X-100. It was found 500 ppm total surfactant concentration was sufficient to stabilize 5 wt. % mineral oil against coalescence, regardless of the surfactant ratio. Compared to Triton X-100-rich emulsions, SLES-rich ones had higher stability against flocculation and creaming. SLES-rich emulsions had twice as much remnant oil in the subnatant as Triton X-100-rich samples, which is undesirable in wastewater treatments. The relation between spontaneous emulsion behavior and the HLD model was studied with SLES-Span-80 surfactant mixtures. The influence of salinity, oil type, and surfactant composition was investigated. Spontaneous emulsification could only be observed when the systems have HLD values close to 0 (-0.96 ~ 1.04). A combined effect of bicontinuous-phase formation and ultra-low interfacial tension led to spontaneous emulsification. This work proposes a practical approach to predict emulsion compositions that result in spontaneous emulsification.</p>


Lu, Guanhua 24 November 2023 (has links)
Silicone stands as an indispensable material for numerous applications; however, its high energy-cost synthesis poses significant environmental challenges. To address these concerns, bio-based silicone has gained considerable attention, showcasing its potential to dilute energy density while offering inherent functional benefits. Despite promising prospects, existing incorporation methods often involve protecting groups, rare metal catalysts, and multistep synthesis, which contradict green chemistry principles. The aza- Michael reaction emerges as a superior choice due to its high atom economy and mild reaction conditions. However, it still suffers from prolonged reaction times, hindering its overall efficiency and sustainability. This thesis utilizes self-activated beta-hydroxy acrylates to greatly enhance aza-Michael kinetics, achieving a 3-fold rate enhancement in solvent-free silicone synthesis. This fast aza-Michael reaction acts as the platform for the incorporation of Vitamin C and amino acids into silicone materials. Vitamin C-modified silicone demonstrates the potential for controlled antioxidant activity release, while amino acid-functionalized silicones are synthesized using choline amino acid ionic liquids, presenting a protecting-group-free and solvent-free synthesis method. Moreover, the synthesized choline amino acid-functional polymers and elastomers are investigated for their dielectric properties revealing promising potential for dielectric elastomer actuator applications. These innovative methods offer green alternatives for incorporating hydrophilic biomolecules into hydrophobic silicone systems, providing new functionalities that address both environmental and functional requirements. / Thesis / Doctor of Science (PhD)

Synthesis and characterization of lactic acid-based elastomers

Makhdoumi, Afsaneh January 2023 (has links)
Synthesized polymer from bio-based and renewable resources reported as an attractive substitution for fossil-fuel based polymers. Therefore, this work has focused on using sustainable material for production of elastomers to reduce the environmental impact of fossil-based elastomers and overcome the shortage of non-renewable fuels. In this research (as thesis work) bio-based elastomers (resins synthesized by reacting of lactic acid with 1,4-butanediol in presence of toluene and methanesulfonic acid as solvent and catalyst, respectively. To trace the reaction, the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer was used for structural characterization of the products. Furthermore, the degree of reaction followed by measuring of the acid value using alkali titration method. To achieve the desirable results, both condensed resins were reacted with caprolactone for ring opening polymerization. The produced resins were finally functionalized using methacrylic anhydride and the structures and thermal properties of the produced resin were characterized using FT-IR, DSC and TGA. In addition, the viscoelastic properties of the resins were investigated using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA); and elasticity and viscosity of the elastomers measured using tensile testing machine and viscometer, respectively. The important result such as viscosity showed the resin with chain length n= 5 had higher viscosity when compared to the resin chain length n=3. This makes the resin (n=5) suitable for applications that need high viscosities. The resin with chain length n=3 had lower viscosity that is suitable for processing at room temperature. Furthermore, the tensile strength results show maximum elongation for resin with chain length n=3 is almost double compared to resin with chain length n=5. The results showed that these bio-based resins are compatible with petrochemical-based resins, due to desirable rubbery properties, melting temperature, also acceptable viscosity, and other good mechanical properties as will be mentioned below.

Environmental sources and treatment strategies of organic micropollutants

Wu, Yichen January 2022 (has links)
Organic micropollutants (OMPs) in climate change affected natural environment such as wetlands, and engineered systems have brought serious concerns for water security and public health. These issues have increased the demand for better managing water resources and developing effective technologies for aqueous micropollutants removal. This thesis investigated these subjects through the following five sub-research projects. First, boreal peatland was used as a case study for understanding how peatland fires and droughts impacts peatland resilience. Laboratory results suggested that heating and moisture condition, coupled with peat organic hydrophobic transformations, influence peat soil hydrophobicity and the resultant water-extractable pollutant leaching, which potentially threatens peatland downstream receiving waters such as potable waters by high organic loads. Further, post-fire peat chemistry and their mechanistic relationships to leached pollutants (total organic carbon (TOC), nutrients and phenols) were elucidated through a laboratory leaching study. Increased contaminant loading was observed in post-heated peat leachates, suggesting negative effects to water treatment efficiency and an increase of treatment costs to surface waters as potable water source. Next, peat soils damaged from extreme fires and droughts were upcycled for producing high surface area, value-added porous carbons based on a rapid, facile chemical activation approach. This application had the simultaneous benefit of peatland ecological restoration, protecting downstream communities from heavy run-off, and using the sustainable damaged peats for effective environmental remediation though adsorption. Moreover, a critical review of nano-enabled composite membranes for OMP removal (size-exclusion, adsorption, charge interaction, and photo- and electro-catalysis) and their respective benefits and limitations were discussed. This work brought new perspectives for next-generation nanocomposite membranes for OMP removal. Finally, a novel, hyperbranched polyethylenimine (HPEI) crosslinked iron doped reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanocomposite membrane was synthesized for process-intensified flow-through separation of phenolic micropollutants. Mechanisms and separation performance to phenolic micropollutant and azo dyes were investigated. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Climate change, industrial manufacture, and population growth have been exacerbating the global water stress. Organic micropollutants (OMPs) are potentially toxic, persistent and can exist even at trace levels, which have been increasingly discovered and identified in natural and built systems. In this research, environmental chemistry of climate-change impacted boreal peatland soils, and their mechanistic relationships to peat soil hydrophobicity, organic substance transformations, micropollutant leaching, and impacts to downstream potable water quality was investigated as a case study. Two different innovative water treatment strategies were developed for restoring peatland resilience and enhancing water resource sustainability including treating peatland phenolic micropollutants. The first approach converted shallow layer wildfire- and drought- damaged peats into value-added porous carbons for adsorption. The second approach synthesized a novel reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanocomposite membrane for process-intensified flow-through separation. These solutions provide novel insights for source water protection and wastewater treatment in adaption to climate change.

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